Wisconsin. Department of Public Instruction. Division for Management and Budget: Federal Program Files, 1965, 1972-1980

Contents List

Container Title
Part 1 (1987/001): Original Collection, 1982-1986
Physical Description: 21.0 cubic feet (21 records center cartons) 
Scope and Content Note: Subject files, 1982-1986, of Policy Director Harold Bergan. Records consist of reports, correspondence, meeting materials, newspaper clippings, legislative bill drafts, and other records on companies, state agencies, states other than Wisconsin, foreign countries, councils, commissions, organizations, and a vast variety of policy-related issues. Subject files are organized alphabetically. Also included are some files similar in nature to those mentioned above that were categorized as "miscellaneous" upon receipt, along with unorganized correspondence, the majority of which are letters received by Governor Earl and Bergan from individuals and organizations, with copies of replies.
Subject files, 1982-1986
Box   1
Folder   1
Acid Deposition Review Committee
Box   1
Folder   2
Acid rain
Box   1
Folder   3
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Box   1
Folder   4
Administration, Department of
Box   1
Folder   5
Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)
Box   1
Folder   6
Affirmative action
Box   1
Folder   7
Agricultural policy development
Box   1
Folder   8
Agriculture, Governor's Commission on
Box   1
Folder   9
Agriculture, Governor's Conference on
Box   1
Folder   10
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Department of
Box   1
Folder   11
Agriculture, U.S. Department of
Box   1
Folder   12
Agriculture Working Group, Governor's
Box   1
Folder   13
Agridata Resources Inc.
Box   1
Folder   14
Air quality
Box   1
Folder   15
Box   1
Folder   16
Box   1
Folder   17
Alcohol production
Box   1
Folder   18
Box   1
Folder   19
Alexander Grant study, general manufacturing business climates
Box   1
Folder   20-21
Allis Chalmers
Box   1
Folder   22
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
Box   1
Folder   23
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
Box   1
Folder   24-25
American Motors Corporation
Box   1
Folder   26
American Rule
Box   1
Folder   27-28
American Players Theatre
Box   1
Folder   29
Box   1
Folder   30
Amnesty International
Box   1
Folder   31
Animal waste rules
Box   1
Folder   32
Box   1
Folder   33
Arms control
Box   2
Folder   1
Army Corps of Engineers
Box   2
Folder   2
Box   2
Folder   3
Artificial reef
Box   2
Folder   4
Arts Board, Wisconsin
Box   2
Folder   5
Aspin, Les, Committee on Armed Services
Box   2
Folder   6
Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators
Box   2
Folder   7
Box   2
Folder   8
Audit functions
Box   2
Folder   9
Auto imports
Box   2
Folder   10
Badger State Games
Box   2
Folder   11
Box   2
Folder   12
Banking Commission
Box   2
Folder   13
Barron animal health lab
Box   2
Folder   14
Bartels, John and Associates
Box   2
Folder   15
Bear hunting
Box   2
Folder   16
Box   2
Folder   17
Better Government Association (BGA)
Box   2
Folder   18
Binding arbitration
Box   2
Folder   19-22
Box   2
Folder   23
Bipartisan budget appeal
Box   2
Folder   24
Blaney Institute
Box   2
Folder   25
Bombardier Corporation
Box   2
Folder   26
Bond ratings
Box   2
Folder   27
Box   2
Folder   28
Bottle Bill
Box   2
Folder   29-30
Boundary review
Box   2
Folder   31
Box   2
Folder   32
Bradley Center Sports and Entertainment Corporation
Box   2
Folder   33
Bradley Foundation
Box   2
Folder   34
Brain trauma victims
Box   2
Folder   35
Brogan, John
Box   2
Folder   36-38
Box   2
Folder   39
Building Commission
Box   2
Folder   40
Business climate study
Box   2
Folder   41
Business Labor Council
Box   2
Folder   42
Business contacts
Box   2
Folder   43
Business Journal
Box   2
Folder   44
Campaign finance
Box   2
Folder   45
Box   2
Folder   46
Campaign finance reform
Box   2
Folder   47
Canadian consulate
Box   2
Folder   48
Canadian hydro-electric power
Box   2
Folder   49
Capital investment
Box   2
Folder   50
Carley Management Company
Box   2
Folder   51
Box   3
Folder   1-2
Case International Harvester (IH)
Box   3
Folder   3
Cash flow
Box   3
Folder   4
Cause or exacerbate
Box   3
Folder   5-6
Center for International Business
Box   3
Folder   7
Center for the Great Lakes
Box   3
Folder   8
Center for Public Policy
Box   3
Folder   9
Chang v. Hyer
Box   3
Folder   10
Chapter 220 program, inter-district student transfers
Box   3
Folder   11
Cheese whey alcohol
Box   3
Folder   12
Box   3
Folder   13
Child abuse
Box   3
Folder   14
Child support
Box   3
Folder   15
Box   3
Folder   16
Box   3
Folder   17
“Choices” video presentation
Box   3
Folder   18
Cigarette taxes
Box   3
Folder   19
Citizens for a Better Environment
Box   3
Folder   20
Citizens for Wisconsin's Future
Box   3
Folder   21
Citizens' Utility Board
Box   3
Folder   22
Civil defense
Box   3
Folder   23
Civil service
Box   3
Folder   24
Class I price differentials
Box   3
Folder   25
Clean Air Act
Box   3
Folder   26
Clean Water Act
Box   3
Folder   27
Box   3
Folder   28
Coastal management
Box   3
Folder   29
Collective bargaining
Box   3
Folder   30
Box   3
Folder   31
Columbia Hospital
Box   3
Folder   32
Combined sewer overflow
Box   3
Folder   33
Commerce, U.S. Department of
Box   3
Folder   34
Committee for the Future of America
Box   3
Folder   35
Committee for Tony Earl
Box   3
Folder   36
Community Action Program (CAP) agencies
Box   3
Folder   37
Community development
Box   3
Folder   38
Community Housing Alternatives Program
Box   3
Folder   39
Comparable worth
Box   3
Folder   40
Competency testing
Box   3
Folder   41
Competitive Wisconsin Inc.
Box   3
Folder   42
Computer security
Box   3
Folder   43
Computer technology
Box   3
Folder   44
Conduits, etc.
Box   3
Folder   45
Congressional campaign check-off
Box   3
Folder   46
Box   3
Folder   47
Conservation tillage
Box   3
Folder   48
Conservation Work Projects Board
Box   3
Folder   49
Consultants, private
Box   3
Folder   50
Conta, Dennis, Conta and Associates
Box   3
Folder   51
Cooperative Development Council
Box   3
Folder   52
Corporate takeover
Box   3
Folder   53
Corporate taxes
Box   3
Folder   54
Corrections, Department of
Box   4
Folder   1
Council of State Governments
Box   4
Folder   2
Council of State Planning Agencies
Box   4
Folder   3
County home rule
Box   4
Folder   4
Court computerization
Box   4
Folder   5
Credit deregulation
Box   4
Folder   6-8
Credit unions
Box   4
Folder   9
State Employees Credit Union
Box   4
Folder   10
Creekwood Farms
Box   4
Folder   11
Box   4
Folder   12
Criminal justice
Box   4
Folder   13
Dairy policy
Box   4
Folder   14
Dairy Task Force
Box   4
Folder   15
Dane County
Box   4
Folder   16
Day care, adult
Box   4
Folder   17
Dayton Hudson Corporation
Box   4
Folder   18
Debt management
Box   4
Folder   19
Box   4
Folder   20
Defense spending
Box   4
Folder   21
Box   4
Folder   22
Box   4
Folder   23
Box   4
Folder   24
Box   4
Folder   25
Democratic Governors Association
Box   4
Folder   26
Democratic National Committee
Box   4
Folder   27
Democratic Party
Box   4
Folder   28-29
Democratic Policy Commission
Box   4
Folder   30
Box   4
Folder   31
Box   4
Folder   32
Deposit insurance
Box   4
Folder   33
Deposit legislation, mandatory
Box   4
Folder   34
Deregulation, transportation
Box   4
Folder   35
Determinate sentencing
Box   4
Folder   36
Deutz-Allis Corporation
Box   4
Folder   37-38
Development, Department of
Box   4
Folder   39
Box   4
Folder   40
Displaced workers
Box   4
Folder   41
Dispute resolution
Box   4
Folder   42
Box   4
Folder   43
Dixon, Bill, Commissioner of Banking
Box   4
Folder   44
Drexel Burnham Lambert
Box   4
Folder   45
Drinking age
Box   4
Folder   46
Drinking reciprocity
Box   4
Folder   47
Box   4
Folder   48
Box   4
Folder   49
Duluth enterprise zone
Box   4
Folder   50
Eagle Valley Environmentalists Advisory Board
Box   4
Folder   51
Early retirement
Box   4
Folder   52
Earned income tax credit
Box   5
Folder   1
Economic Advisors, Governor's Council on
Box   5
Folder   2
Economic opportunity
Box   5
Folder   3
Box   5
Folder   4
Box   5
Folder   5
Box   5
Folder   6
Educational Communications Board
Box   5
Folder   7
Educational reciprocity
Box   5
Folder   8
Effective schools
Box   5
Folder   9
Box   5
Folder   10
Election laws
Box   5
Folder   11
ELF (Extremely Low Frequency), Project
Box   5
Folder   12
Emergency Government, Division of
Box   5
Folder   13
Employee Trust Funds, Department of
Box   5
Folder   14
Employee ownership
Box   5
Folder   15
Box   5
Folder   16
Employment Relations, Department of
Box   5
Folder   17
Box   5
Folder   18
Energy overcharge
Box   5
Folder   19
Enterprise zones
Box   5
Folder   20
Box   5
Folder   21
Entrepreneurial training, Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations
Box   5
Folder   22
Box   5
Folder   23
Environmental assessments
Box   5
Folder   24
Environmental Decade
Box   5
Folder   25
Environmental Policy Act Coordinating Committee
Box   5
Folder   26
Environmental Protection Agency
Box   5
Folder   27
Equal Rights Amendment
Box   5
Folder   28
Box   5
Folder   29
Box   5
Folder   30
Ethics Board
Box   5
Folder   31
Ethylene dibromide (EDB)
Box   5
Folder   32
Executive Office
Box   5
Folder   33
Executive pay
Box   5
Folder   34
Exercise program, State
Box   5
Folder   35
Box   5
Folder   36
Box   5
Folder   37
Export trading companies
Box   5
Folder   38
Box   6
Folder   1
Fair dealership law
Box   6
Folder   2
Box   6
Folder   3
Farm advocate
Box   6
Folder   4
Farm bill
Box   6
Folder   5
Farm credit
Box   6
Folder   6-8
Federal budget
Box   6
Folder   9
Federal grant review system
Box   6
Folder   10
Federal issues
Box   6
Folder   11
Federal Issues Group
Box   6
Folder   12
Federal lands
Box   6
Folder   13
Federal spending, Wisconsin
Box   6
Folder   14
Federal-State relations
Box   6
Folder   15-16
Federal taxes
Box   6
Folder   17
Box   6
Folder   18-19
Fiber optics
Box   6
Folder   20
Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA)
Box   6
Folder   21
Fire dues
Box   6
Folder   22
Box   6
Folder   23
Box   6
Folder   24
Fiscal estimates
Box   6
Folder   25
Fishing reciprocity
Box   6
Folder   26
Flat taxes
Box   6
Folder   27
Flood plain/shoreline management
Box   6
Folder   28
Box   6
Folder   29
Food and Drug Administration
Box   6
Folder   30
Food producing/processing
Box   6
Folder   31
Box   6
Folder   32
Foreign imports
Box   6
Folder   33
Foreign trade office
Box   6
Folder   34
Forest productivity
Box   6
Folder   35
Fort Howard Paper Company
Box   6
Folder   36-37
Forward Wisconsin
Box   7
Folder   1
Forward Wisconsin (continued)
Box   7
Folder   2
Freddie Mac
Box   7
Folder   3
Box   7
Folder   4
Gas tax
Box   7
Folder   5
Gay rights
Box   7
Folder   6
General Electric
Box   7
Folder   7
General Motors
Box   7
Folder   8
General relief
Box   7
Folder   9
German trade office
Box   7
Folder   10
Box   7
Folder   11
Government operations
Box   7
Folder   12
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings budget reform plan
Box   7
Folder   13
Grant Thornton
Box   7
Folder   14
Box   7
Folder   15
Great Lakes
Box   7
Folder   16
Great Lakes Commission
Box   7
Folder   17
Great Lakes Compact Commission
Box   7
Folder   18
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council
Box   7
Folder   19
Great River Road
Box   7
Folder   20
Greater Milwaukee Committee
Box   7
Folder   21
Green Bay
Box   7
Folder   22
Gross Receipts Tax
Box   7
Folder   23
Box   7
Folder   24
Group hunting
Box   7
Folder   25
Hamilton Industries
Box   7
Folder   26
Box   7
Folder   27
Hardwood export
Box   7
Folder   28
Box   7
Folder   29
Hazardous waste disposal
Box   7
Folder   30
Health care costs
Box   7
Folder   31
Health Facilities Authority
Box   7
Folder   32
Health insurance
Box   7
Folder   33
Health insurance for the unemployed
Box   7
Folder   34
Health maintenance organizations (HMOs)
Box   7
Folder   35
Health and Social Services, Department of
Box   7
Folder   36
Helpful people
Box   7
Folder   37
High speed train
Box   7
Folder   38
High tech
Box   7
Folder   39
Higher education
Box   7
Folder   40
Higher Educational Aids Board (HEAB)
Box   7
Folder   41
HOME mortgage loan program
Box   7
Folder   42
Box   7
Folder   43
Box   7
Folder   44
Hospital Rate-Setting Commission
Box   8
Folder   1
Box   8
Folder   2
Housing cooperatives
Box   8
Folder   3
Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of
Box   8
Folder   4
Human services
Box   8
Folder   5
Ice Age Trail
Box   8
Folder   6
Box   8
Folder   7
Inaugural addresses, former Governors
Box   8
Folder   8
Income taxes
Box   8
Folder   9
Independent Business Association of Wisconsin
Box   8
Folder   10
Box   8
Folder   11
Box   8
Folder   12
Box   8
Folder   13
Industrial development bonds
Box   8
Folder   14
Industrial policies
Box   8
Folder   15
Industrial revenue bonds
Box   8
Folder   16
Industry, Labor and Human Relations, Department of
Box   8
Folder   17
Box   8
Folder   18
Inheritance tax
Box   8
Folder   19
Box   8
Folder   20
Insurance Commission
Box   8
Folder   21
Insurance equality
Box   8
Folder   22
Intergovernmental relations
Box   8
Folder   23
International Joint Commission
Box   8
Folder   24-27
Interstate banking
Box   8
Folder   28
Interior, U.S. Department of
Box   8
Folder   29
International trade
Box   8
Folder   30
Governor's Advisory Committee on International Trade
Box   8
Folder   31
Invest in Wisconsin Fund
Box   8
Folder   32
Investment Board
Box   8
Folder   33
Box   8
Folder   34
Jacobs, Jane, “The Dynamic of Decline”
Box   8
Folder   35
Box   9
Folder   1
Box   9
Folder   2
Jobs Tax Credit
Box   9
Folder   3
Jobs with Peace
Box   9
Folder   4
Johnson Controls
Box   9
Folder   5
Joyce Foundation
Box   9
Folder   6
Judicial pay
Box   9
Folder   7
Justice, Department of
Box   9
Folder   8
Juvenile code
Box   9
Folder   9
Box   9
Folder   10
Kasten, Senator Robert W., Jr.
Box   9
Folder   11
Kastenmeier, Representative Robert W.
Box   9
Folder   12
Kendall, Leon, Mortgage Guarantee Insurance Corporation
Box   9
Folder   13
Kennedy, Senator Edward
Box   9
Folder   14
Box   9
Folder   15
Box   9
Folder   16
Box   9
Folder   17
Box   9
Folder   18
Koch Industries
Box   9
Folder   19
Kohler Company
Box   9
Folder   20
Kraus, Bill
Box   9
Folder   21
La Crosse
Box   9
Folder   22
Labor, U.S. Department of
Box   9
Folder   23
Labor-management relations
Box   9
Folder   24
Lake management
Box   9
Folder   25
Lake Superior District Power Company
Box   9
Folder   26
Land and Water Conservation Program
Box   9
Folder   27
Land condominiums
Box   9
Folder   28
Land Management, Bureau of
Box   9
Folder   29-30
Box   9
Folder   31
Box   9
Folder   32-33
League of Wisconsin Municipalities
Box   9
Folder   34
Legal Action of Wisconsin
Box   9
Folder   35
Legislative Council, studies
Box   9
Folder   36
Legislative Organization, Joint Committee on
Box   9
Folder   37
Legislative per diem
Box   9
Folder   38
Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb Inc.
Box   9
Folder   39
Liquor tax
Box   9
Folder   40
Lobby law reform
Box   9
Folder   41
Lobbyists, Association of Wisconsin
Box   9
Folder   42
Local government finance
Box   9
Folder   43
Local government reporting
Box   9
Folder   44
Local measured service
Box   9
Folder   45
Long-term planning
Box   9
Folder   46
Los Angeles Group
Box   9
Folder   47
Box   9
Folder   48
Low Income Energy Assistance Program
Box   9
Folder   49
Madison, City of
Box   9
Folder   50
Madison General Hospital
Box   9
Folder   51
Madison Institute
Box   9
Folder   52
Box   9
Folder   53
Managed Forest Act
Box   9
Folder   54
Box   9
Folder   55
Mandated benefits
Box   9
Folder   56
Manitoba hydro-electric
Box   9
Folder   57
Box   9
Folder   58
Manufactured housing
Box   9
Folder   59
Marine Corporation
Box   9
Folder   60
Marital property
Box   9
Folder   61
Marketing Wisconsin Task Force
Box   9
Folder   62
Marquette Electronics
Box   9
Folder   63
Marshfield sewer ban
Box   9
Folder   64
Box   9
Folder   65
Box   9
Folder   66
Massey-Ferguson Company
Box   9
Folder   67
McAvoy, Peter, memos
Box   9
Folder   68
Box   9
Folder   69
Medical Assistance
Box   9
Folder   70
Medical Assistance Advisory Committee
Box   9
Folder   71
Medical College of Wisconsin
Box   9
Folder   72
Medical education
Box   9
Folder   73
Box   9
Folder   74
Menomonee County Study Committee
Box   9
Folder   75
Mentally Ill, Alliance for
Box   9
Folder   76
Messinger initiatives
Box   9
Folder   77
Box   9
Folder   78
Mid-America Economic Development Council
Box   9
Folder   79
Midwest-Japan Association
Box   9
Folder   80
Military spending
Box   9
Folder   81
Milk market orders
Box   9
Folder   28
Milk tax
Box   9
Folder   83
Miller Brewing Company
Box   10
Folder   1
Box   10
Folder   2
Milwaukee Area Technical College
Box   10
Folder   3
Milwaukee Center for New High Growth (Innovative) Businesses
Box   10
Folder   4
Non-point pollution
Box   10
Folder   5
Box   10
Folder   6
Minimum tax
Box   10
Folder   7
Box   10
Folder   8
Box   10
Folder   9
Minnesota-Wisconsin Boundary Area Commission
Box   10
Folder   10
Minority business
Box   10
Folder   11
Mishicot point source pollution abatement
Box   10
Folder   12
Mississippi River Parkway Commission
Box   10
Folder   13
Box   10
Folder   14
Mobile homes
Box   10
Folder   15
Mondale, Walter F.
Box   10
Folder   16
Monetary policy
Box   10
Folder   17
Box   10
Folder   18
Moody, Representative Jim
Box   10
Folder   19
Mortgage foreclosure
Box   10
Folder   20
Mortgage interest deduction
Box   10
Folder   21
Mortgage participation certificates
Box   10
Folder   22
Mortgage revenue bonds
Box   10
Folder   23
Morrison and Associates
Box   10
Folder   24
Mulholland, Dan
Box   10
Folder   25
Municipal finance
Box   10
Folder   26
Municipal policy
Box   10
Folder   27
Municipal utilities
Box   10
Folder   28
MX missile
Box   10
Folder   29
National Center for Policy Alternatives
Box   10
Folder   30
National Cooperative Business Foundation
Box   10
Folder   31
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs
Box   10
Folder   32
National Federation of Independent Businesses
Box   10
Folder   33
National Nonpoint Source Institute
Box   10
Folder   34
Natural area match grant proposal
Box   10
Folder   35
Natural gas
Box   10
Folder   36
Natural Resources, Department of
Box   10
Folder   37
Box   10
Folder   38
Nationwide reports
Box   10
Folder   39
Nature Conservancy
Box   10
Folder   40
Box   10
Folder   41
Neighborhood revitalization
Box   11
Folder   1
New Jersey
Box   11
Folder   2
New York
Box   11
Folder   3
Newspaper clippings
Box   11
Folder   4
Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) System
Box   11
Folder   5
Box   11
Folder   6
Nichols, Don, University of Wisconsin, Department of Economics
Box   11
Folder   7
Non-point source pollution
Box   11
Folder   8
Non-statutory committees
Box   11
Folder   9
North American weapons
Box   11
Folder   10
North Carolina
Box   11
Folder   11
North Dakota
Box   11
Folder   12
Northern States Power Company
Box   11
Folder   13
Northeast-Midwest Coalition
Box   11
Folder   14
Northwest Side Community Alliance, Milwaukee
Box   11
Folder   15
Nuclear arms
Box   11
Folder   16
Nuclear free zones
Box   11
Folder   17
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Box   11
Folder   18
Nuclear waste
Box   11
Folder   19
Nursing homes
Box   11
Folder   20
Obey, Representative Dave
Box   11
Folder   21
Ocean incineration
Box   11
Folder   22
Box   11
Folder   23
Ohmeda (Ohio Medical)
Box   11
Folder   24
Oil and gas exploration
Box   11
Folder   25
Oil companies
Box   11
Folder   26
Oil overcharge
Box   11
Folder   27
Omnibus conservation
Box   11
Folder   28
Oneida Tribe
Box   11
Folder   29
On-shore oil and gas leasing program
Box   11
Folder   30
Open records
Box   11
Folder   31
Operating notes
Box   11
Folder   32
Organized crime
Box   11
Folder   33
Box   11
Folder   34
Paramilitary training
Box   11
Folder   35
Parker Pen Company
Box   11
Folder   36
Pay plan
Box   11
Folder   37
Box   11
Folder   38
Payment in lieu of taxes
Box   11
Folder   39
Peace Academy
Box   11
Folder   40
Box   11
Folder   41
Box   11
Folder   42
Permanent tax increase
Box   11
Folder   43
Permit Information Center (Department of Development)
Box   11
Folder   44
Box   11
Folder   45
Personnel Commission
Box   11
Folder   46
Box   11
Folder   47
Peterson, Jacobs and Company
Box   11
Folder   48
Phantom taxes
Box   11
Folder   49
Box   11
Folder   50
Physician income
Box   11
Folder   51
Planned Parenthood
Box   11
Folder   52
Box   11
Folder   53
Planning Office
Box   11
Folder   54
Plant closings
Box   11
Folder   55
Political action committees
Box   11
Folder   56
Box   11
Folder   57
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, National (NPDES)
Box   11
Folder   58
Portage flood control project
Box   11
Folder   59
Box   11
Folder   60
Positive Youth Development Initiative
Box   11
Folder   61
Posse Comitatus
Box   11
Folder   62
Post-moratorium planning system
Box   11
Folder   63
Potable whey alcohol
Box   11
Folder   64
Box   11
Folder   65
Preferred provider organizations (PPOs)
Box   11
Folder   66
Presidential speeches
Box   11
Folder   67
Press, national
Box   11
Folder   68
Box   11
Folder   69
Box   11
Folder   70
Private sewer system program
Box   11
Folder   71
Box   11
Folder   72
Property taxes
Box   11
Folder   73
Property tax deferral program
Box   11
Folder   74
Property tax network
Box   11
Folder   75
Prospecting trips
Box   11
Folder   76
Proxmire, Senator William
Box   11
Folder   77
Public affairs programs, universities
Box   11
Folder   78
Public Defender
Box   12
Folder   1
Public expenditure survey
Box   12
Folder   2
Public health
Box   12
Folder   3
Public Instruction, Department of
Box   12
Folder   4
Public records
Box   12
Folder   5
Public Representation, Center for
Box   12
Folder   6
Public Service Commission
Box   12
Folder   7
Public service jobs
Box   12
Folder   8
Quad/Graphics Inc.
Box   12
Folder   9
Box   12
Folder   10
Rate Review Program, Wisconsin Hospital
Box   12
Folder   11
Rawhide Boys Ranch
Box   12
Folder   12
Reagan, Ronald
Box   12
Folder   13
Real estate
Box   12
Folder   14
Box   12
Folder   15
Reciprocity, Wisconsin/Minnesota
Box   12
Folder   16
Regional Development, Governor's Council on
Box   12
Folder   17
Regional Governors' organizations
Box   12
Folder   18
Regulation and Licensing, Department of
Box   12
Folder   19
Regulatory policy
Box   12
Folder   20
Box   12
Folder   21
Relief to Needy Indian Persons
Box   12
Folder   22
Renewable resources
Box   12
Folder   23
Republican Party
Box   12
Folder   24
Reserve mining project
Box   12
Folder   25
Resource recovery
Box   12
Folder   26
Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
Box   12
Folder   27
Box   12
Folder   28
Revenue, Department of
Box   12
Folder   29
Revenue estimates
Box   12
Folder   30
Revenue sharing formulas
Box   12
Folder   31
Review of Administrative Rules, Joint Committee for
Box   12
Folder   32
Box   12
Folder   33
Right to farm
Box   12
Folder   34
Rockwell International
Box   12
Folder   35
Rural development
Box   12
Folder   36
Rural hospitals
Box   12
Folder   37
St. Lawrence Seaway
Box   12
Folder   38
Box   12
Folder   39
Sales tax
Box   12
Folder   40
Saturn Corporation
Box   12
Folder   41
Savings and Loan, Office of the Commissioner of
Box   12
Folder   42
Saudi Arabia
Box   12
Folder   43
Schneider Trucking
Box   12
Folder   44
School aid
Box   12
Folder   45
Sea Grant
Box   12
Folder   46
Secretary of State
Box   12
Folder   47
Securities, Office of the Commissioner of
Box   12
Folder   48
Security First National Bank
Box   12
Folder   49
Seed capital
Box   12
Folder   50
Box   12
Folder   51
Sentencing Commission
Box   12
Folder   52
Box   12
Folder   53
Severance taxes
Box   12
Folder   54
Shared revenue
Box   12
Folder   55
Sheboygan River project
Box   12
Folder   56
Shoe imports
Box   12
Folder   57
Single audit
Box   12
Folder   58
Small businesses
Box   12
Folder   59
Small Business Administration
Box   12
Folder   60
Small Business Development Center
Box   12
Folder   61
Social policy
Box   12
Folder   62
Social Security
Box   13
Folder   1
Soil conservation
Box   13
Folder   2
Soil erosion
Box   13
Folder   3
Soldiers Grove
Box   13
Folder   4
Solid waste
Box   13
Folder   5
Solid Waste Recycling Authority
Box   13
Folder   6-7
South Africa
Box   13
Folder   8
South Carolina
Box   13
Folder   9
South Dakota
Box   13
Folder   10
Special elections
Box   13
Folder   11
Special session, 1982 January
Box   13
Folder   12-13
Box   13
Folder   14
Speed Queen, Ripon
Box   13
Folder   15
Sprinkler systems
Box   13
Folder   16
Stabilization fund
Box   13
Folder   17
State debt
Box   13
Folder   18
State employees
Box   13
Folder   19
State Historical Society
Box   13
Folder   20
Circus World Museum
Box   13
Folder   21
State housing plan
Box   13
Folder   22
State/local finance
Box   13
Folder   23
State parks
Box   13
Folder   24
State senior managers
Box   13
Folder   25
State spending
Box   13
Folder   26
Statutory language
Box   13
Folder   27
Steege, Ted
Box   13
Folder   28
Box   13
Folder   29
Strategic Development Commission
Box   13
Folder   30
Box   13
Folder   31
Superconducting super accelerator
Box   13
Folder   32
Box   13
Folder   33
Box   13
Folder   34
Surplus commodities
Box   13
Folder   35
Box   13
Folder   36
Box   13
Folder   37
Tax amnesty
Box   13
Folder   38
Tax Appeals Commission
Box   13
Folder   39
Tax bill, 1986
Box   13
Folder   40
Tax deductibility, state and local
Box   13
Folder   41
Tax exempt bonds
Box   13
Folder   42
Tax expenditures
Box   13
Folder   43
Tax increases, other states
Box   13
Folder   44
Tax incremental financing (TIF)
Box   13
Folder   45
Tax policy
Box   14
Folder   1
Tax reform
Box   14
Folder   2
Teachers' unions
Box   14
Folder   3
Box   14
Folder   4
Technology Development Fund
Box   14
Folder   5
Technology Transfer Advisory Board
Box   14
Folder   6
Teflon-coated bullets
Box   14
Folder   7
Box   14
Folder   8
Box   14
Folder   9
Box   14
Folder   10
Thompson, Tommy
Box   14
Folder   11
Timber imports
Box   14
Folder   12
TOLD Development Company
Box   14
Folder   13
Tourism, Division of
Box   14
Folder   14
Toxic waste
Box   14
Folder   15
Box   14
Folder   16
Trade Expansion Act
Box   14
Folder   17
Trade missions
Box   14
Folder   18
Trane Company
Box   14
Folder   19
Transportation, Department of
Box   14
Folder   20
Transportation aids
Box   14
Folder   21
Treasury, U.S. Secretary of
Box   14
Folder   22-24
Tri-State Homes
Box   14
Folder   25
Truck strike
Box   14
Folder   26
Box   14
Folder   27
Unemployment compensation
Box   14
Folder   28
Uniform Administration of State Financial Aid, Governor's Task Force on
Box   14
Folder   29
Unitary tax
Box   14
Folder   30
United Auto Workers Union
Box   14
Folder   31
United Council of University of Wisconsin Student Governments
Box   14
Folder   32
United Nations, Governor's Commission on
Box   14
Folder   33
United States-Japan Business Conference
University of Wisconsin
Box   14
Folder   34-36
University of Wisconsin System
Box   14
Folder   37
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Box   14
Folder   38
Golf course
Box   15
Folder   1
School of Business
Box   15
Folder   2
Upper Mississippi River Basin Association
Box   15
Folder   3
Upper Mississippi River master plan
Box   15
Folder   4
Usury charges
Box   15
Folder   5
Box   15
Folder   6
Utility holding companies
Box   15
Folder   7
Utility tax
Box   15
Folder   8
Variable annuity retirement plan
Box   15
Folder   9
Venture capital
Box   15
Folder   10
Box   15
Folder   11
Veterans Affairs, Department of
Box   15
Folder   12
Veterinary school
Box   15
Folder   13
Veto power
Box   15
Folder   14
Victims of crime
Box   15
Folder   15
Virgin Islands
Box   15
Folder   16
Box   15
Folder   17
Vocational, Technical and Adult Education, Wisconsin Board of (VTAE)
Box   15
Folder   18
Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of
Box   15
Folder   19
Voluntary restraint
Box   15
Folder   20
Voter registration in State agencies
Box   15
Folder   21
Voter statistics
Box   15
Folder   22
Warehouse Keepers and Grain Dealers Security Act
Box   15
Folder   23
Box   15
Folder   24-25
Washington, D.C. office
Box   15
Folder   26
Wasteload allocations
Box   15
Folder   27
Box   15
Folder   28
Water diversion
Box   15
Folder   29
Water resources
Box   15
Folder   30
Waupun Correctional Institution
Box   15
Folder   31
Wausau Metropolitan Sewerage District
Box   15
Folder   32
Box   15
Folder   33
Box   15
Folder   34
Box   15
Folder   35
Box   15
Folder   36
Wildlife damage
Box   15
Folder   37
Wind Point Partners
Box   15
Folder   38
Winter assistance
Box   15
Folder   39
Winter navigation
Box   15
Folder   40
Wisconsin Action Coalition
Box   15
Folder   41
Wisconsin Association of Homes for the Aging
Box   15
Folder   42
Wisconsin Association of Manufacturers and Commerce
Box   15
Folder   43
Wisconsin Association of School Administrators
Box   15
Folder   44
Wisconsin Association of School Boards
Box   16
Folder   1
Wisconsin Automobile and Truck Dealers Association
Box   16
Folder   2
Wisconsin Bell
Box   16
Folder   3
Wisconsin Business magazine
Box   16
Folder   4
Wisconsin Center for Public Policy
Box   16
Folder   5
Wisconsin Community Economic Development Summit
Box   16
Folder   6
Wisconsin Conservation Congress
Box   16
Folder   7
Wisconsin Conservation Corps
Box   16
Folder   8
Wisconsin Coordinating Council on Nicaragua
Box   16
Folder   9
Wisconsin Council on Criminal Justice
Box   16
Folder   10
Wisconsin Council of Regional Planning Organizations
Box   16
Folder   11
Wisconsin Counties Association
Box   16
Folder   12
Wisconsin development bonds
Box   16
Folder   13
Wisconsin Difference Coalition
Box   16
Folder   14
Wisconsin Economic Development Association
Box   16
Folder   15
Wisconsin Education Association Council
Box   16
Folder   16
Wisconsin Electric Power Company
Box   16
Folder   17
Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission
Box   16
Folder   18
Wisconsin Energy Coalition
Box   16
Folder   19
Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation
Box   16
Folder   20
Wisconsin Farm-City Council
Box   16
Folder   21
Wisconsin Farm Unity Alliance
Box   16
Folder   22
Wisconsin Farmers Union
Box   16
Folder   23
Wisconsin Federation of Cooperatives
Box   16
Folder   24
Wisconsin Federation of Teachers
Box   16
Folder   25
Wisconsin Finance Authority
Box   16
Folder   26
Wisconsin for Research
Box   16
Folder   27
Wisconsin Health Facilities Authority
Box   16
Folder   28
Wisconsin Higher Education Corporation
Box   16
Folder   29
Wisconsin history
Box   16
Folder   30
Wisconsin Independent Businessmen Inc.
Box   16
Folder   31
Wisconsin Merchants Federation
Box   16
Folder   32
Wisconsin-Nicaragua partners
Box   16
Folder   33
Wisconsin Power and Light Company
Box   16
Folder   34
Wisconsin Realtors Association
Box   16
Folder   35
Wisconsin Reports
Box   16
Folder   36
Wisconsin Retired Teachers Association
Box   16
Folder   37
Wisconsin Retirement Fund
Box   16
Folder   38
Wisconsin Rural Leadership Program
Box   16
Folder   39
Wisconsin State Employees Union
Box   16
Folder   40
Wisconsin State Property Tax Relief Program
Box   16
Folder   41
Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance newsletters
Box   16
Folder   42
Wisconsin Taxpayers Conference
Box   16
Folder   43
Wisconsin Telephone Company
Box   16
Folder   44
Wisconsin Utilities Association
Box   16
Folder   45
Wisconsin Venture Group
Box   16
Folder   46
Wisconsin Water Well Association
Box   16
Folder   47
Wisconsin Wildlife Federation
Box   16
Folder   48
Wisconsin Young Democrats
Box   16
Folder   49-50
World Trade Center (Milwaukee)
Box   16
Folder   51
Women's Council
Box   16
Folder   52
Wood products
Box   16
Folder   53
Work relief
Box   16
Folder   54
Youth employment
Box   16
Folder   55
Youth Policy and Law Center Inc.
Miscellaneous files
Box   16
Folder   56
Minimum markup law
Box   16
Folder   57
Veto requests
Box   17
Folder   1-2
Veto requests (continued)
Box   17
Folder   3
Box   17
Folder   4
American Colossus Corporation
Box   17
Folder   5
ARCO Metals Company
Box   17
Folder   6
Budget, 1983-1985
Box   17
Folder   7
Business incentives
Box   17
Folder   8
Children's code
Box   17
Folder   9
Citizens' Governmental Research Bureau
Box   17
Folder   10
Cochran, Tom, Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb
Box   17
Folder   11
Compensation Study Committee
Box   17
Folder   12
Community-based residential facilities
Box   17
Folder   13
American Mensa United
Box   17
Folder   14
Dane County Public Affairs Council
Box   17
Folder   15
Ethics Board-Judicial Commission merger
Federal legislation
Box   17
Folder   16
Box   17
Folder   17
Box   17
Folder   18
Box   17
Folder   19
Fitness and Health Enhancement, Governor's Council on
Box   17
Folder   20
Physical Activity and Sports for Fitness, Governor's Council on
Box   17
Folder   21-23
Cash flow
Box   17
Folder   24
Falls Road bridge project
Box   17
Folder   25
Highway 16
Box   17
Folder   26
Highway 18-151
Box   17
Folder   27
Highway 23
Box   17
Folder   28
Highway 45
Box   17
Folder   29
Highway 51
Box   17
Folder   30
Highway 53
Box   17
Folder   31
Indexed gas tax
Box   17
Folder   32
Mequon Road
Box   17
Folder   33
Revenue bonding
Box   17
Folder   34
Toll roads
Box   17
Folder   35
Alexander Field
Box   17
Folder   36
Transportation Projects Commission
Box   17
Folder   37
Transportation aids
Box   17
Folder   38
Correspondence, 1983-1984
Special sessions
Box   17
Folder   39-41
Senate Bills 1-3, 1985 March
Box   17
Folder   42
Correspondence, 1986
Box   17
Folder   43
Property taxes
Box   17
Folder   44
Automated Transportation Systems Inc.
Box   17
Folder   45-46
Midwest Technology Development Institute
Box   17
Folder   47
Governor's Conference on Agriculture, 1985
Box   17
Folder   48
Box   17
Folder   49
Convention speech
Box   17
Folder   50
Hospital rate setting
Box   17
Folder   51
Flood hazard
Box   17
Folder   52
Box   17
Folder   53
Grant, Alexander, ESM Government Securities
Box   18
Folder   1
1985-1987 overview
Box   18
Folder   2
Box   18
Folder   3
Box   18
Folder   4
Holding companies
Box   18
Folder   5
Box   18
Folder   6
Box   18
Folder   7
Box   18
Folder   8
Utility diversification
Box   18
Folder   9
Wisconsin Power and Light Company
Box   18
Folder   10
Wisconsin Nurses Association meeting, 1986 March
Box   18
Folder   11
Box   18
Folder   12
City of Marshfield, sewage treatment
Box   18
Folder   13
Speech, budget
Box   18
Folder   14
Washington, D.C. office
Box   18
Folder   15
University of Wisconsin flexibility
Box   18
Folder   16
Executive order, bonding
Box   18
Folder   17
Governor's Forum, Milwaukee, 1986 June
Box   18
Folder   18
Vocational, Technical, and Adult Education (VTAE) meeting, 1986 July
Box   18
Folder   19
Miscellaneous correspondence, 1983-1984
Box   18
Folder   20
Unemployment compensation
Box   18
Folder   21
Box   18
Folder   22
Wisconsin Rapids groundwater problem
Box   18
Folder   23-28
Correspondence, miscellaneous
Box   19
Folder   1-15
Correspondence, miscellaneous (continued)
Box   20
Folder   1-15
Correspondence, miscellaneous (continued)
Box   21
Folder   1-14
Correspondence, miscellaneous (continued)
Part 2 (1987/026): Additions, 1985-1986
Physical Description: 2.2 cubic feet (2 records center cartons and 1 archives box) 
Scope and Content Note: Records, 1985-1986, of policy advisor Al Fish, legislative liaison Don Schott, and advisor Mitch Metz. Fish's records include files on agriculture, including a farm bill from 1986, farm credit restructuring, soil conservation, and other issues; records on transportation, especially plans for specific road and highway projects, many of which were in the Milwaukee area; and records on low-level radioactive waste and acid rain. Schott's records, 1983-1985, relate to the shipment of nuclear waste. Metz's material, 1985-1986, relates to agriculture and is similar to the records created by Al Fish.
Al Fish, Policy Advisor, 1985-1986
Box   1
Folder   1
Box   1
Folder   2-3
Farm Bill
Box   1
Folder   4-6
Farm credit restructuring
Box   1
Folder   7
Downer cattle
Box   1
Folder   8-9
Soil conservation
Box   1
Folder   10
Uniform Commercial Code filing
Box   1
Folder   11
Credit Relief Outreach Program (CROP)
Box   1
Folder   12
Dahl, Lawrence
Box   1
Folder   13
Muzzy, Dennis, River Falls
Box   1
Folder   14
Governor's Conference on Agriculture, 1987 March 17
Box   1
Folder   15
Dairy Task Force
Box   1
Folder   16
Federation of Cooperatives
Box   1
Folder   17
Farmers Union Milk Marketing Cooperative
Box   1
Folder   18
Farm credit system
Box   1
Folder   19
Meat inspectors, Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
Box   1
Folder   20
Rural Development Center
Box   1
Folder   21
University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Dairy Research
Box   1
Folder   22
Whole herd buyout
Box   1
Folder   23
Special session record
Box   1
Folder   24
Farm correspondence
Box   1
Folder   25
Temporary foreclosure moratorium
Box   1
Folder   26
Soil Conservation Service, Pepin County soil erosion program
Box   1
Folder   27
Farm summary
Box   1
Folder   28
Intertrade Corporation
Box   1
Folder   29
Box   1
Folder   30
Wisconsin Land Records Committee
Box   1
Folder   31
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
Box   1
Folder   32
Groundwater Coordinating Council
Box   1
Folder   33
Dairy supply management
Box   1
Folder   34
Speeches, reports, newspaper clippings
Box   1
Folder   35-36
Avalon Road, Rock County
Box   1
Folder   37
Janesville-Beloit intersection
Box   1
Folder   38
License plates
Box   1
Folder   39
State tax on social security
Box   1
Folder   40
New arterials program
Box   1
Folder   41
Milwaukee lake arterial
Box   1
Folder   42
Cross-lake/Lake Michigan ferry
Box   1
Folder   43
Madeline Island county trunk highway H
Box   1
Folder   44
Silver Spring Drive/I-43 interchange
Box   1
Folder   45
Amery airport
Box   1
Folder   46
Major projects requests
Box   1
Folder   47
Cassville ferry
Box   1
Folder   48
Highway safety statistics
Box   1
Folder   49
Urban rail
Box   1
Folder   50
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) mileage standouts
Box   1
Folder   51
Fiber optics
Box   1
Folder   52
I-94 Milwaukee rehabilitation
Box   1
Folder   53
107th Street/Highway 100, Milwaukee
Box   1
Folder   54
Milwaukee lakefront project
Box   1
Folder   55
Park East freeway, Milwaukee County
Box   1
Folder   56
Box   1
Folder   57
Kenosha marina
Box   1
Folder   58
Soo Line
Box   1
Folder   59-60
Redistribution of Federal mass transit aid
Box   2
Folder   1
Senate Bill 90, 1985
Box   2
Folder   2
Blacktop/concrete balance
Box   2
Folder   3
Falk Corporation/Flender Gear, Water Street bridge, Milwaukee
Box   2
Folder   4
Box   2
Folder   5
CMC Real Estate Corporation rail agreements
Box   2
Folder   6
Box   2
Folder   7
Budget cutting incentives
Box   2
Folder   8
Box   2
Folder   9
1985 Act 337 repairs
Box   2
Folder   10
Department of Transportation budget, 1987-1989
Box   2
Folder   11
Department of Transportation/Department of Natural Resources
Box   2
Folder   12
Ridgeview, La Crosse, Chicago and North Western spur abandonment
Nuclear waste/pollution
Box   2
Folder   13-16
Low-level radioactive waste
Box   2
Folder   17-18
Acid rain/sulfur dioxide reduction
Box   2
Folder   19
Policy reports
Don Schott, Legislative Liaison, 1983-1985
Nuclear waste shipments
Box   2
Folder   20
Box   2
Folder   21
Wisconsin Electric Power Company
Box   2
Folder   22
Northern States Power Company
Box   2
Folder   23
Mitch Metz (aide to Earl), 1985-1986
Box   2
Folder   24
Box   2
Folder   25
Budget briefings
Box   2
Folder   26
Regenerative agriculture
Box   2
Folder   27
Hay notes
Box   2
Folder   28
Interagency workgroup and resultant efforts
Box   2
Folder   29
Milk price differentials
Box   2
Folder   30
Creekwood Farms
Box   2
Folder   31
Farm credit restructuring
Box   2
Folder   32
Farm Policy Reform Act
Box   2
Folder   33
Box   2
Folder   34
Dairy Task Force
Box   3
Folder   1
Foreclosure moratorium
Box   3
Folder   2
Facts, regarding Wisconsin agriculture
Box   3
Folder   3
Property values and assessment
Box   3
Folder   4
Rural economic development meeting, 1986 September
Box   3
Folder   5
Federal emergency requests
Box   3
Folder   6
Governor's Commission on Agriculture
Box   3
Folder   7
Adjaye, Kwamena Essiffie, National Business and Finance Consultants
Part 3 (1987/027): Additions, 1983-1986
Physical Description: 0.8 cubic feet (2 archives boxes) 
Scope and Content Note: Records of Roberta Gassman, policy advisor on women's issues. Included are speeches and correspondence, 1983-1986. Much of the materials from this office were transferred to the Women's Council.
Box   1
Speeches and correspondence, 1983-1984 June
Box   2
Correspondence, 1984 July-1986
Part 4 (1987/028): Additions, 1983-1986
Physical Description: 6.2 cubic feet (6 records center cartons and 1 archives box) 
Scope and Content Note: Records, 1983-1986, of Paul DeMain, Advisor on Indian Affairs. Subject files include records on burial grounds, the group Equal Rights for Everyone, law enforcement, legal issues, the Relief to Needy Indian Persons program, spearfishing, the court case Lac Courte Oreilles v. Voigt concerning Chippewa (Ojibwe) Indian off-reservation hunting and fishing rights, and other issues. Subject files also include records on various associations and organizations. There are also records on individual state agencies, boards and committees; policy files, including files on individual Native American tribes in Wisconsin; records on alcohol and other drug abuse as it relates to Native Americans; and some reports, grant applications and correspondence concerning economic development.
Subject files
Box   1
Folder   1
Anderson, David
Box   1
Folder   2
Ameen, Dr. Syed
Box   1
Folder   3
Banks, Dennis
Box   1
Folder   4
Box   1
Folder   5
Box   1
Folder   6
Block grants
Box   1
Folder   7
Blonien, Timothy
Box   1
Folder   8
Blue Dog, Kurt V., Attorney
Box   1
Folder   9
Box   1
Folder   10
Burial grounds
Box   1
Folder   11
Census data
Box   1
Folder   12
Child abuse
Box   1
Folder   13-14
Cigarette tax
Box   1
Folder   15
Collett, Rick, Chemical Procurement Inc.
Box   1
Folder   16
Commission on State-Tribal Relations
Box   1
Folder   17
Connors, Charles
Box   1
Folder   18
Crow, Robert
Box   1
Folder   19
Definition of American Indian
Box   1
Folder   20-21
Democratic party
Box   1
Folder   22
Disabilities, Coalition for Minority Citizens with
Box   1
Folder   23
Box   1
Folder   24
Economic development
Box   1
Folder   25
Environmental Protection Agency
Box   1
Folder   26-27
Equal Rights for Everyone Inc.
Box   1
Folder   28
Executive Office staff
Box   1
Folder   29
Box   1
Folder   30
First American Human Services
Box   1
Folder   31
Box   1
Folder   32
Gaming laws
Box   1
Folder   33
Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission
Box   1
Folder   34-36
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council
Box   1
Folder   37
Green Bay Press Gazette
Box   1
Folder   38
Higher education
Box   1
Folder   39
Housing Trust Fund
Box   1
Folder   40
Human facilitator
Box   1
Folder   41
Hydro-electric project
Box   2
Folder   1
Impact aids, Public Law 81-874
Box   2
Folder   2
Indian child welfare
Box   2
Folder   3
Indian Health Service, National Indian Health Board Health Reporter
Box   2
Folder   4
Indian Student Assistance Program
Box   2
Folder   5
Indian News Notes newsletter
Box   2
Folder   6
Indian Political Action Committee
Box   2
Folder   7
Indirect costs
Box   2
Folder   8
Inter-State Indian Council
Box   2
Folder   9
Isham, Tom
Box   2
Folder   10
Jackson, Jesse
Box   2
Folder   11
Jackson County sheriffs
Box   2
Folder   12
Judicare, tribal alert memorandums
Box   2
Folder   13
Labor force/unemployment
Box   2
Folder   14
Lakeland Area Task Force
Box   2
Folder   15-16
Law enforcement
Box   2
Folder   17
Legal issues
Box   2
Folder   18
Libraries (tribal)
Box   2
Folder   19
Little George, Ken
Box   2
Folder   20
Littlewolf Knight, Bob and Rose
Box   2
Folder   21
Long Island
Box   2
Folder   22
Longest run
Box   2
Folder   23
Madeline Island, Indian cemetery
Box   2
Folder   24
Mental health
Box   2
Folder   25
Indian fishing, treaty case
Box   2
Folder   26
Milwaukee Indian school
Box   2
Folder   27
Menominee, Town of/County of
Box   2
Folder   28
Mining rules/impacts
Box   2
Folder   29
Minority Business Council, Governor's
Box   2
Folder   30
Box   2
Folder   31-32
National Congress of American Indians
Box   2
Folder   33
Native American Church of North America
Box   2
Folder   34
News media lists
Box   2
Folder   35-36
Newspaper clippings
Box   2
Folder   37
Nicaragua, Wisconsin Coordinating Council on
Box   2
Folder   38-39
Policy statement/speech
Box   3
Folder   1
Open Records Law
Box   3
Folder   2
Poverty statistics
Box   3
Folder   3
Box   3
Folder   4
Prueher, Robert, Wisconsin Test Drilling Inc.
Box   3
Folder   5
Pyawasit, Irene
Box   3
Folder   6
Racism, Ad Hoc Commission on
Box   3
Folder   7
Box   3
Folder   8
Radioactive Waste Review Board
Box   3
Folder   9
Box   3
Folder   10
Relief to Needy Indian Persons (RNIP)
Box   3
Folder   11
Sawyer County
Box   3
Folder   12
Sharlow, Allerd
Box   3
Folder   13
Small Business Development Center
Box   3
Folder   14
Box   3
Folder   15
Subsistence hunting and fishing
Box   3
Folder   16
Surface Transportation Act
Box   3
Folder   17-18
Box   3
Folder   19
Thunder, Fay
Box   3
Folder   20
Timme, Henry, Timme Contractors Inc.
Box   3
Folder   21
Tobin, Tom
Box   3
Folder   22
Tribal/Community Relations Commission
University of Wisconsin
Box   3
Folder   23
Box   3
Folder   24
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Box   3
Folder   25
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Box   3
Folder   26
Minorities, Department of Public Instruction recommendations
Box   3
Folder   27
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Box   3
Folder   28
Veterans Affairs, Department of
Voigt case
Note: Lac Courte Oreilles v. Voigt, Chippewa (Ojibwe) Indian off-reservation hunting and fishing rights.
Box   3
Folder   29-30
General, 1985-1986
Box   3
Folder   31-33
Newspaper clippings
Box   3
Folder   34
Journal articles
Box   3
Folder   35
Fact sheets
Box   3
Folder   36-38
Memos, 1983-1985
Box   3
Folder   39
Department of Justice
Box   3
Folder   40
Department of Natural Resources
Box   3
Folder   41
Lac Courte Oreilles Tribe
Box   4
Folder   1
Citizen letters/replies
Box   4
Folder   2
U.S. House of Representatives and Senate
Box   4
Folder   3
Off-reservation open water fishing code, 1984
Box   4
Folder   4
Chippewa (Ojibwe) treaties, 1829, 1833
Box   4
Folder   5
Box   4
Folder   6
Effects of hunting, fishing and trapping
Box   4
Folder   7
Box   4
Folder   8
Box   4
Folder   9
Equal Rights for Everyone
Box   4
Folder   10
Water diversion bill
Box   4
Folder   11
Waupun Indian Council
Box   4
Folder   12
Box   4
Folder   13
Wisconsin Counties Association
Box   4
Folder   14
Wisconsin Difference Coalition
Box   4
Folder   15
Wisconsin Indian Education Association
Box   4
Folder   16
Wisconsin Indian Resource Council
Box   4
Folder   17
Wisconsin Indians
Box   4
Folder   18
Wisconsin Native American Students Association
Box   4
Folder   19
Women's Council
Box   4
Folder   20
Worker's compensation
Box   4
Folder   21
Young, Nancie
Box   4
Folder   22
Youth restitution program
State agencies, boards and committees
Box   4
Folder   23
Affirmative Action, Division of
Box   4
Folder   24-25
American Indian Study Committee
Box   4
Folder   26
Budget bill, 1985-1987
Box   4
Folder   27
Box   4
Folder   28
Crow, Robert Verdell
Box   4
Folder   29
Development, Department of
Box   4
Folder   30
Box   4
Folder   31
Education, U.S. Department of, definition of Indian status
Box   4
Folder   32
Elderly/aging programs
Box   4
Folder   33-34
Employment Relations, Department of
Box   4
Folder   35
Environmental Protection Agency
Box   4
Folder   36
Equal Rights Council
Box   4
Folder   37-38
Governor's Committee on Minority Business
Box   4
Folder   39
Governor's Employment and Training Office
Box   4
Folder   40
Health and Social Services, Department of
Box   4
Folder   41
Human facilitator program
Box   4
Folder   42
Indian Aids Project
Box   4
Folder   43
Indian Health Service
Box   4
Folder   44
Intergovernmental Affairs, Office of, U.S. Department of Commerce
Box   4
Folder   45-46
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA)
Box   4
Folder   47
Joint Finance Committee
Box   5
Folder   1
Language and Culture Education Board, American Indian
Box   5
Folder   2
Minority business development
Box   5
Folder   3
Native American Study Committee
Box   5
Folder   4-5
Natural Resources, Department of
Box   5
Folder   6
Women's Council
Policy files
Box   5
Folder   7
Address file
Box   5
Folder   8
Box   5
Folder   9-12
Box   5
Folder   13
Box   5
Folder   14
Memos to Earl, 1985-1986
Box   5
Folder   15
Tribal alert mailings
Tribal files
Box   5
Folder   16
Bad River Band of Chippewa Indians
Box   5
Folder   17
Box   5
Folder   18
Forest County Potawatomi
Box   5
Folder   19
Lac Courte Oreilles
Box   5
Folder   20
Lac du Flambeau
Box   5
Folder   21
Menominee Nation
Box   6
Folder   1
Oneida Nation
Box   6
Folder   2
Red Cliff Band of Chippewa Indians
Box   6
Folder   3-4
Sokaogon Chippewa Community (Mole Lake)
Box   6
Folder   5
St. Croix Band of Chippewa Indians
Box   6
Folder   6
Stockbridge-Munsee Tribe
Box   6
Folder   7
Winnebago (Ho-Chunk) Tribe
Alcohol and other drug abuse
Box   6
Folder   8
Box   6
Folder   9
Asset conversion
Box   6
Folder   10
Block grants
Box   6
Folder   11
Beer tax
Box   6
Folder   12
Blood alcohol
Box   6
Folder   13
Border hopping
Box   6
Folder   14
Butyl nitrite
Box   6
Folder   15
Certification Board, Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
Box   6
Folder   16
Citizens Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
Box   6
Folder   17
Box   6
Folder   18
Controlled Substances Board
Box   6
Folder   19
Box   6
Folder   20
Box   6
Folder   21
Counselors Alliance on Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and Associated Problems Inc.
Box   6
Folder   22
Box   6
Folder   23
Department of Public Instruction
Box   6
Folder   24
Dram shop
Box   6
Folder   25
Drinking age
Box   6
Folder   26
Drunk driving/warning labels
Box   6
Folder   27
Employee Assistance Program
Box   6
Folder   28
51 boards (sections 51.42 and 51.437, Wisconsin Statutes)
Box   6
Folder   29
Herb, Hubert
Box   6
Folder   30
Health maintenance organizations (HMOs)
Health and Social Services, Department of
Box   6
Folder   31
Initiatives and policy issues
Box   6
Folder   32
Office of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
Box   6
Folder   33
Insurance coverage
Box   6
Folder   34
Intoxicated driver program
Box   6
Folder   35-36
Box   6
Folder   37
Letters/responses, general
Box   6
Folder   38
Minorities and Poor, Committee on
Box   6
Folder   39
Minority need study
Box   6
Folder   40
Newspaper clippings
Box   6
Folder   41
Policy positions
Box   6
Folder   42
Policy statement
Box   6
Folder   43
Box   6
Folder   44-45
State Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
Box   6
Folder   46
State statutes
Box   6
Folder   47
Box   6
Folder   48
Student education, Chapter 331 funding
Box   6
Folder   49
Teacher training
Box   6
Folder   50
Wisconsin Association on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
Economic development materials
Box   7
Folder   1
Reservation development program reports, 1971
Box   7
Folder   2
Report on Native American economic development, Governor's Manpower Office, 1977 September
Box   7
Folder   3
Correspondence, miscellaneous, 1968-1973
Box   7
Folder   4
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council Economic Development Administration planning grant application, 1984
Box   7
Folder   5
Lac du Flambeau Head Start Program project proposal, 1983-1984
Part 5 (1987/029): Additions, 1980-1984
Physical Description: 1.8 cubic feet (1 records center carton and 2 archives boxes) 
Scope and Content Note: Subject files, 1980-1984 (mostly 1983), of Lauri Wynn, Policy Advisor on Black Issues. Included are meeting minutes and agendas, correspondence, and information on members of the Governor's Black Advisory Council; reports and correspondence on corrections, including letters from inmates and records on specific correctional institutions in Wisconsin; general correspondence; and records on legislation, associations, and other minority-related issues.
Box   1
Folder   1
ABC (A Better Chance) Program
Box   1
Folder   2
Affirmative action
Box   1
Folder   3
American Society for Public Administration
Box   1
Folder   4
Black Advisory Council, 1980-1982
Box   1
Folder   5-6
Correspondence/general information
Box   1
Folder   7
Meeting minutes and agendas
Box   1
Folder   8
Box   1
Folder   9
Brown, Anthony L.
Box   1
Folder   10
Coleman, Dorothy
Box   1
Folder   11
Hollmon, Ralph
Box   1
Folder   12
Jackson, Laverne
Box   1
Folder   13
McCurry, Joseph
Box   1
Folder   14
Pasha, Larry
Box   1
Folder   15
Prude, Regina M.
Box   1
Folder   16
Sias, Thelma
Box   1
Folder   17
Thomas, Lee André
Box   1
Folder   18
Black Women's Network
Box   1
Folder   19
Box   1
Folder   20
Carthan, Eddie James
Box   1
Folder   21
Civil rights
Box   1
Folder   22
Communications Era Task Force
Box   1
Folder   23
Constitution, Milwaukee Afro-American Council
Box   1
Folder   24-25
Box   1
Folder   26
Hospital information
Box   1
Folder   27
Fox Lake Correctional Institution
Box   1
Folder   28
Green Bay Correctional Institution
Box   1
Folder   29
Taycheedah Correctional Institution
Box   1
Folder   30
Waupun Correctional Institution
Box   1
Folder   31-32
Correspondence, 1983-1984
Departments (State)
Box   1
Folder   33
Development, Department of
Box   1
Folder   34
Employment Relations, Department of
Box   1
Folder   35
Health and Social Services, Department of
Box   1
Folder   36
Industry, Labor and Human Relations, Department of
Box   1
Folder   37
Natural Resources, Department of
Box   1
Folder   38
Revenue, Department of
Box   1
Folder   39
Transportation, Department of
Box   1
Folder   40
Ebony Family Inc.
Box   1
Folder   41
Executive orders
Box   1
Folder   42
Inmate letters
Box   1
Folder   43
Invitations, 1983-1984
Box   1
Folder   44
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA)
Box   2
Folder   1
Jobs bill
Box   2
Folder   2
Box   2
Folder   3
Box   2
Folder   4
Mailing list
Box   2
Folder   5
Box   2
Folder   6
Milwaukee Community Pride
Box   2
Folder   7
Minority business
Box   2
Folder   8
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Box   2
Folder   9
National Association for Black Veterans
Box   2
Folder   10
National Education Association
Box   2
Folder   11
Newspaper clippings
Box   2
Folder   12
Office, in-house
Box   2
Folder   13
Open Records Law
Box   2
Folder   14
Box   2
Folder   15
Box   2
Folder   16
Press releases
Box   2
Folder   17
Box   2
Folder   18
SEARCH Group Inc.
Box   3
Folder   1
Speeches, 1983-1984
Box   3
Folder   2
Surface Transportation Assistance Act
Box   3
Folder   3
Twentieth Anniversary Mobilization
Box   3
Folder   4
United Black Community Council
Box   3
Folder   5
University of Wisconsin System
Box   3
Folder   6
Urban League, Madison
Box   3
Folder   7
Wisconsin Council on Criminal Justice
Box   3
Folder   8
Youth employment
Box   3
Folder   9
Youth gangs
Part 6 (1987/030): Additions, 1983-1986
Physical Description: 1.0 cubic foot (1 records center carton) 
Scope and Content Note: Records of Peg Davey, policy advisor on the State Historical Society and the Department of Regulation and Licensing. Records include correspondence, subject files, and legislative files, 1983-1986.
Part 7 (1987/031): Additions, 1985-1986
Physical Description: 1.0 cubic foot (1 records center carton) 
Scope and Content Note: Subject files, 1985-1986, of Al Fish, who advised Governor Earl in matters of finance and budget. Included are reports, correspondence, bill drafts, and newspaper clippings on farm financing, the state budget, property taxes, the drinking age, and other issues.
Part 8 (1987/033): Additions, 1983-1986
Physical Description: 10.4 cubic feet (10 records center cartons and 1 archives box) 
Scope and Content Note: Records, 1983-1986, of Sherman Stock, Director of Intergovernmental Relations. Included are a large run of subject files, with the most heavily documented subjects including the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), the City of Milwaukee, the needy, railroads, and individual federal government departments. Also included are records on military affairs, especially records on Agent Orange and organizations and issues relating to veterans; emergency government, especially requests for emergency/disaster assistance made to the federal government; the American Motors Corporation plant in Kenosha, Wisconsin; and the management of the Fox River.
Subject files
Box   1
Folder   1
A-95 review (federal grant applications)
Box   1
Folder   2
Acid rain
Box   1
Folder   3
ACTION (volunteer agency)
Box   1
Folder   4
Administration, Department of
Box   1
Folder   5
Box   1
Folder   6
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Department of
Box   1
Folder   7
Apostle Islands national lakeshore
Box   1
Folder   8
Box   1
Folder   9
Award nominations, requests
Box   1
Folder   10
Banking, Commissioner of
Box   1
Folder   11
Bhala, “Dr.”
Box   1
Folder   12
Bruno, Gary
Box   1
Folder   13
Center for Public Representation
Box   1
Folder   14
Central America
Box   1
Folder   15
Box   1
Folder   16
Commodities program, Department of Health and Social Services/U.S. Department of Agriculture
Box   1
Folder   17
Box   1
Folder   18
Dane County
Box   1
Folder   19
Davis-Bacon, wage rates
Box   1
Folder   20
Democratic Task Force on Job Training
Box   1
Folder   21
Development, Department of
Box   1
Folder   22
Box   1
Folder   23
Box   1
Folder   24
Emergency medical services
Box   1
Folder   25
Employment programs
Box   1
Folder   26
Employment Relations, Department of
Box   1
Folder   27
Employment Security System
Box   1
Folder   28
Box   1
Folder   29
Box   1
Folder   30
Ethics Board
Box   1
Folder   31-32
Executive orders
Box   1
Folder   33
Fair Labor Standards Act
Box   1
Folder   34
Foreign policy
Box   1
Folder   35
Forest Service, U.S.
Box   1
Folder   36
Fox Cities
Box   1
Folder   37
Franklin, City of, property taxes
Box   1
Folder   38
Franklin, Town of (Manitowoc County)
Box   1
Folder   39
Gaillard dredge
Box   1
Folder   40
Gallo, Vincent P., III
Box   1
Folder   41
Gaster, Douglas
Box   1
Folder   42
Golf tournament, 1986 June
Box   1
Folder   43
Grand Chute
Box   1
Folder   44
Health and Social Services, Department of
Box   1
Folder   45
Historic preservation
Box   1
Folder   46
Homeless and hungry conference, 1985 March
Box   1
Folder   47
Hough, Merrill
Box   1
Folder   48
Box   1
Folder   49
Hydro-electric power
Box   1
Folder   50
Industry, Labor and Human Relations, Department of
Box   1
Folder   51
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA)
Box   1
Folder   52
Employment and training
Box   2
Folder   1
Governor's Employment and Training Office (GETO)
Box   2
Folder   2
Box   2
Folder   3
Conflict of interest question
Box   2
Folder   4
Box   2
Folder   5
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA)
Box   2
Folder   6
Box   2
Folder   7
Box   2
Folder   8
Governor's coordination and special services plan
Box   2
Folder   9
Incentive funds
Box   2
Folder   10
Box   2
Folder   11
Private Industry Council/service delivery areas/local elected officials
Box   2
Folder   12
Human Resource Specialists Inc.
Box   2
Folder   13
Private Sector Employment Corporation (PRISEC)
Box   2
Folder   14-15
Program plans
Box   2
Folder   16-17
Box   2
Folder   18
State Job Training Coordinating Council
Box   3
Folder   1
State Job Training Coordinating Council (continued)
Box   3
Folder   2-4
Summer youth program
Box   3
Folder   5
Title III, dislocated worker program
Box   3
Folder   6
Southeastern Wisconsin
Box   3
Folder   7
Major dislocation of workers
Box   3
Folder   8
Relocation Assistance Program
Box   3
Folder   9
Wisconsin Counties Association
Box   3
Folder   10
Job Service
Jobs, reports
Box   3
Folder   11
Biennial budget directions for Wisconsin's employment and training system, 1986 June
Box   3
Folder   12
“Looking to 1990 and Beyond: A Wisconsin Employment and Training Initiative,” 1986 June
Box   3
Folder   13
Private Sector Employment Corporation
Box   3
Folder   14
Sheet metal joint apprenticeship
Box   3
Folder   15
Unemployment/worker's compensation
Box   3
Folder   16
U.S. Department of Labor/Social Security agreement
Box   3
Folder   17
Wagner-Peyser Act
Box   3
Folder   18-19
Welfare/welfare reform
Box   3
Folder   20
Working with Wisconsin
Box   3
Folder   21
Injured Hispanic workers
Box   3
Folder   22
Intergovernmental relations
Box   3
Folder   23
International relations
Box   3
Folder   24
Interstate Commerce Commission
Box   3
Folder   25
Job Corps center, Blackwell, Wisconsin
Box   3
Folder   26-28
Kenosha, harbor
Box   3
Folder   29
Report on claim of the City of Kenosha against the Federal Government arising out of the Corp of Engineers' design and operation of a confined dredge disposal facility in Kenosha Harbor
Box   3
Folder   30
Labor surplus areas
Box   3
Folder   31
Labor unions
Box   3
Folder   32
La Crosse
Box   3
Folder   33
Land value taxation
Box   3
Folder   34
Box   3
Folder   35
Madison, City of
Box   3
Folder   36
Management and Budget, Office of
Box   3
Folder   37
Menominee County Study Committee
Box   4
Folder   1
Box   4
Folder   2
Box   4
Folder   3
Meeting minutes
Box   4
Folder   4
Report, Legislative Council
Box   4
Folder   5
Resolution/draft executive order
Box   4
Folder   6
Task force
Box   4
Folder   7
Menominee Indians, Exxon
Box   4
Folder   8
Milani, H.
Box   4
Folder   9
Box   4
Folder   10
Box   4
Folder   11
Bradley Center
Box   4
Folder   12-13
Senior citizen services
Box   4
Folder   14
Sewerage District, Milwaukee Metropolitan
Box   4
Folder   15
Tax assessments
Box   4
Folder   16
Youth aids
Box   4
Folder   17
Box   4
Folder   18
Minnesota-Wisconsin Boundary Area Commission
Box   4
Folder   19
Minority issues
Box   4
Folder   20
Mississippi Flyway Council
Box   4
Folder   21
Mississippi River
Box   4
Folder   22
Veterans Museum, Madison
Box   4
Folder   23
Civil War Museum, Capitol Building, Madison
Box   4
Folder   24
National Association of Counties
Box   4
Folder   25
National Governors Association
Box   4
Folder   26
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Box   4
Folder   27
Natural Resources Board
Box   4
Folder   28
Newspaper clippings
Box   4
Folder   29
Box   4
Folder   30
Box   4
Folder   31
Box   4
Folder   32
Box   4
Folder   33
Box   4
Folder   34
Box   4
Folder   35
Box   5
Folder   1-2
Task force
Box   5
Folder   3
New product award, 1986 Governor's conference
Box   5
Folder   4
Newman, Katherine, People for County-Wide Library Service
Box   5
Folder   5
Box   5
Folder   6
Northern Ireland
Box   5
Folder   7
Northwest Community Alliance
Box   5
Folder   8
Nuclear freeze
Box   5
Folder   9
Nuclear power, waste, etc.
Box   5
Folder   10
Nuclear shipments
Box   5
Folder   11
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Box   5
Folder   12
Oil and gas exploration
Box   5
Folder   13
Oil drilling and mining, Great Lakes
Box   5
Folder   14
Older adults/individuals
Box   5
Folder   15
Paper industry
Box   5
Folder   16
Park of Peace, Oslo, Norway
Box   5
Folder   17
Partners of the Americas
Payment-in-kind program
Box   5
Folder   18
Counties not qualified
Box   5
Folder   19
Disaster relief
Box   5
Folder   20
Qualified counties
Box   5
Folder   21
Payment in lieu of taxes program
Box   5
Folder   22
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Box   5
Folder   23
Box   5
Folder   24
Box   5
Folder   25
Posse Comitatus
Box   5
Folder   26
Box   5
Folder   27
Box   5
Folder   28
Newspaper clippings
Box   5
Folder   29
Press releases
Box   5
Folder   30
Box   5
Folder   31
Product liability
Box   5
Folder   32
Project ELF (extremely low frequency)
Box   5
Folder   33
Public Defender
Box   5
Folder   34
Public Instruction, Department of
Box   5
Folder   35
Public/private ventures
Box   5
Folder   36
Public Records and Forms Board
Box   5
Folder   37
Public Service Commission
Box   5
Folder   38
Box   5
Folder   39
Racine County, economic development
Box   5
Folder   40
Randall, William, Citizens' Governmental Research Bureau
Box   5
Folder   41
Rand Mobile Home Park
Box   5
Folder   42
Box   5
Folder   43
Burlington Northern
Box   5
Folder   44
Chicago and North Western
Box   5
Folder   45
Conrail Alliance for Morgan Stanley
Box   5
Folder   46
Marinette, Tomahawk and Western Railroad Company
Box   5
Folder   47
National Association of Railroad Passengers
Box   5
Folder   48
Soo Line
Box   5
Folder   49
Reagan, Ronald
Regional planning commissions
Box   5
Folder   50
General information
Box   5
Folder   51
East Central Wisconsin
Box   5
Folder   52
Mississippi River
Box   5
Folder   53
North Central Wisconsin
Box   5
Folder   54
Box   5
Folder   55
Box   5
Folder   56
Box   5
Folder   57
West Central Wisconsin
Box   5
Folder   58
Regulation and Licensing, Department of
Box   5
Folder   59
Residency requirements
Box   5
Folder   60
Box   5
Folder   61
Revenue, Department of
Box   5
Folder   62
Revenue sharing
Box   5
Folder   63
Richland Center
Box   5
Folder   64
Rothenbach, George
Box   5
Folder   65
St. Croix River
Box   5
Folder   66
St. John's Military Academy
Box   6
Folder   1
Schaeffer, Jerry
Box   6
Folder   2
School bus drivers
Box   6
Folder   3
Seat belts
Box   6
Folder   4
Securities, Commissioner of
Box   6
Folder   5
Self-Employment Opportunity Act of 1985
Box   6
Folder   6-7
Sheboygan harbor and river/dredge spoil project
Box   6
Folder   8
Small business
Box   6
Folder   9
Box   6
Folder   10
Small Business Administration
Box   6
Folder   11
South Africa
Box   6
Folder   12
State Fair Park Board
Box   6
Folder   13
State-federal fiscal relations
Box   6
Folder   14
State-local fiscal relations
Box   6
Folder   15
Box   6
Folder   16
Stevens Point, Woodward Governor Inc.
Box   6
Folder   17
Street trades law
Box   6
Folder   18
Box   6
Folder   19
Property tax bill, 1985
Box   6
Folder   20
Box   6
Folder   21
Box   6
Folder   22
Box   6
Folder   23
Box   6
Folder   24
Transportation, Department of
Box   6
Folder   25
Trust Fund, Employee
United States departments
Box   6
Folder   26
Box   6
Folder   27
Box   6
Folder   28
Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan
Box   6
Folder   29
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Box   6
Folder   30
Portage, Wisconsin
Box   6
Folder   31
Upper Mississippi River
Box   6
Folder   32
Box   6
Folder   33
Environmental Protection Agency
Box   6
Folder   34
Health and Social Services
Box   6
Folder   35
Housing and Urban Development
Box   6
Folder   36
Box   6
Folder   37
Box   6
Folder   38
Box   6
Folder   39
Box   6
Folder   40
Miscellaneous correspondence
Box   6
Folder   41
University of Wisconsin
Box   6
Folder   42
Upper Mississippi River Basin Association
Box   6
Folder   43
Upper Mississippi Waterway Association
Box   6
Folder   44
Water diversion
Box   6
Folder   45
Water quality
Box   6
Folder   46
Chippewa Falls
Box   6
Folder   47
Water resources
Box   7
Folder   1
Wausau, wastewater treatment plant
Box   7
Folder   2
Waterways Commission, Wisconsin
Box   7
Folder   3
Box   7
Folder   4
Wisconsin Alliance of Cities
Box   7
Folder   5
Wisconsin Association of Manufacturers and Commerce
Box   7
Folder   6
Wisconsin Conservation Corps
Box   7
Folder   7
Wisconsin Counties Association
Box   7
Folder   8
Wisconsin League of Financial Institutions
Box   7
Folder   9
Wisconsin Private Sector Initiative Program
Military affairs
Agent Orange
Box   7
Folder   10-14
Box   7
Folder   15-16
Box   7
Folder   17
Vietnam veteran mortality study
Box   7
Folder   18
American Legion
Box   7
Folder   19
Armed Forces
Box   7
Folder   20
County Veterans service officers
Box   7
Folder   21
DeVorse, Robert K., Wisconsin Air National Guard
Box   7
Folder   22
Direct home loans
Box   7
Folder   23
Disabled veterans
Box   7
Folder   24
Emergency Veterans Job Training Act
Box   7
Folder   25
Ex-Prisoners of War Inc., American
Box   7
Folder   26
Fort McCoy
Box   7
Folder   27
Proposed hazardous waste site, 1986
Box   7
Folder   28
Freedman, Marvin J.
Box   7
Folder   29
Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center (GRECC)
Box   7
Folder   30
Box   7
Folder   31
King, Town of, Wisconsin Veterans Home
Box   7
Folder   32
Centennial Committee
Box   8
Folder   1
Working Group
Box   8
Folder   2
Military Affairs, Department of
Box   8
Folder   3
Adjutant General appointment
Box   8
Folder   4-5
Box   8
Folder   6
Panama exercise
Box   8
Folder   7
Military band units
Box   8
Folder   8
National Association for Black Veterans
National Guard
Box   8
Folder   9
Central America
Box   8
Folder   10
Box   8
Folder   11
Dress codes
Box   8
Folder   12
Employer support
Box   8
Folder   13
Box   8
Folder   14
Box   8
Folder   15
Park, Camp Randall
Box   8
Folder   16-17
Prisoner of War/Missing in Action (POW/MIA)
Box   8
Folder   18
Prosser, David, Assembly Bill 1115, 1983
Box   8
Folder   19
Red Arrow Club of Milwaukee
Box   8
Folder   20
Selective service
Box   8
Folder   21
Veteran Housing and Work Transitional Program
Veterans Administration
Box   8
Folder   22-25
Box   8
Folder   26
Medical Center, Madison
Box   8
Folder   27
Medical Center, Milwaukee
Box   8
Folder   28
Regional office, Wood, Wisconsin
Box   8
Folder   29
Satellite medical clinic
Veterans Affairs, Department of
Box   8
Folder   30
Box   8
Folder   31
Legislative bulletins
Box   8
Folder   32-33
Box   8
Folder   34
Veterans mortgage loan program restructuring
Box   8
Folder   35
New Department Secretary
Box   8
Folder   36
Veterans Appreciation Week, 1983 November
Box   8
Folder   37
Veterans Board appointment
Box   8
Folder   38
Veterans Cabinet post
Box   8
Folder   39
Veterans correspondence
Box   8
Folder   40
Allen, Charles E.
Box   8
Folder   41
Basford, William
Box   8
Folder   42
Bonno, Lan
Box   8
Folder   43
Borth, Todd
Box   8
Folder   44
Gieschen, Madeline J.
Box   8
Folder   45
Hammer, David W.
Box   8
Folder   46
Mueller, Richard A.
Box   8
Folder   47
O'Brien, Mark S.
Box   8
Folder   48
Roessel, Robert
Box   8
Folder   49
Shultis, Robert G.
Box   8
Folder   50
Smith, William E.
Box   8
Folder   51
Swenson, James A.
Box   8
Folder   52
Veterans Day
Box   8
Folder   53
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Box   9
Folder   1
Box   9
Folder   2
Veterans, general
Box   9
Folder   3
Veterans Home
Box   9
Folder   4
Veterans legislation
Box   9
Folder   5
Veterans, miscellaneous
Box   9
Folder   6-7
Veterans preference
Box   9
Folder   8
Veterans Preference Month
Box   9
Folder   9
Veterans survey, 1986 June
Box   9
Folder   10
Veterans Trust Fund
Box   9
Folder   11
Vets House
Box   9
Folder   12
Vietnam era
Box   9
Folder   13
Vietnam Veterans Against the War
Box   9
Folder   14
Vietnam Veterans of America
Box   9
Folder   15
Vietnam Veterans Civic Council of Wisconsin
Box   9
Folder   16
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Box   9
Folder   17
Vietnam veterans, post-traumatic stress disorders
Box   9
Folder   18
Wisconsin Association of Concerned Veteran Organizations
Box   9
Folder   19
Wisconsin Code of Military Justice
Box   9
Folder   20
Wisconsin State Council of Commanders
Box   9
Folder   21
Wisconsin Veterans Foundation
Box   9
Folder   22
Wisconsin Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Box   9
Folder   23
Women Veterans' Week
Box   9
Folder   24
World War I veterans
Box   9
Folder   25
World War II veterans
Emergency government
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Box   9
Folder   26
Proposed changes to Public Law 93-288, Disaster Relief Act of 1974
Box   9
Folder   27
General correspondence
Box   9
Folder   28
National flood insurance program
Box   9
Folder   29
Emergency Government, Division of, State of Wisconsin
Box   9
Folder   30-36
Emergency/disaster assistance requests, 1983-1986
Automobile industry
Box   9
Folder   37-39
American Motors Corporation (AMC), Kenosha
Box   10
Folder   1-2
American Motors Corporation (AMC), Kenosha (continued)
Box   10
Folder   3
Gateway Technical Institute, AMC re-employment project
Box   11
Folder   1-2
Newspaper clippings
Box   10
Folder   4
Fox River
Box   10
Folder   5-6
Box   10
Folder   7-8
Box   10
Folder   9
Budget, 1985
Box   10
Folder   10
Task force
Box   10
Folder   11
Box   10
Folder   12
Miscellaneous data
Box   10
Folder   13
Motor fuel use
Box   10
Folder   14-17
Box   10
Folder   18
Environmental Protection Agency standards
Box   11
Folder   3
Newspaper clippings
Box   11
Folder   4
Photograph of lock with America mural, undated
Box   10
Folder   19
Final feasibility report for the Fox River
Box   10
Folder   20
Fox River Management Commission
Box   10
Folder   21
Navigation obstructions at Oshkosh
Box   10
Folder   22
Portage canal proposal
Box   10
Folder   23
Fort Howard Paper Company
Part 9 (1987/087): Additions, 1983-1986
Physical Description: 0.8 cubic feet (2 archives boxes) 
Scope and Content Note: Policy files, 1983-1986, of Lynn Haanen regarding health issues, such as nursing homes, public health, homeless, hospitals, and maternal and child health.
Box   1
Folder   1
Aging, Office on
Box   1
Folder   2
Box   1
Folder   3
Box   1
Folder   4
Community-based organizations
Box   1
Folder   5
Community Integration Program
Box   1
Folder   6
Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESAs)
Box   1
Folder   7
Community Options Program
Box   1
Folder   8
Box   1
Folder   9
Emergency 911
Box   1
Folder   10
Emergency shelters
Box   1
Folder   11
Energy assistance
Box   1
Folder   12
Environmental health
Box   1
Folder   13
Equal Rights Amendment
Box   1
Folder   14
Federal budget
Box   1
Folder   15
Governor's Employment and Training Office/Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA)
Box   1
Folder   16
Health insurance pools
Box   1
Folder   17
Health legislation
Box   1
Folder   18
Higher Educational Aids Board
Box   1
Folder   19
Historical Society, State
Box   1
Folder   20
Box   1
Folder   21
Hospital rate setting
Box   1
Folder   22
I SEARCH (Illinois State Enforcement Agencies to Recover Children)
Box   1
Folder   23
Joint custody
Box   1
Folder   24
Legislature/per diem
Box   1
Folder   25
Box   1
Folder   26
Licensed practical nurses
Box   1
Folder   27
Milwaukee youth gangs
Box   1
Folder   28
Nursing homes
Box   1
Folder   29
Box   2
Folder   1-2
Reimbursement Task Force
Box   2
Folder   3
Box   2
Folder   4
Prison sitings
Box   2
Folder   5
Public health
Box   2
Folder   6
Regulation and Licensing, Department of
Box   2
Folder   7
Sexual assault
Box   2
Folder   8
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Box   2
Folder   9
Surplus commodities
Box   2
Folder   10
Teens, birth control, pregnancy, drugs
Box   2
Folder   11
Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
Box   2
Folder   12
Women's Bureau/women's issues
Part 10 (1987/090): Additions, 1983-1986
Physical Description: 2.4 cubic feet (2 records center cartons and 1 archives box) 
Scope and Content Note: Records, 1983-1986, of Nancy Wenzel, Governor Earl's advisor on health and education, consisting of reports and correspondence on a variety of issues, including hospital rate setting, magnetic resonance imaging and other medical technologies, the nursing home reimbursement formula for institutions providing care to Medicaid recipients, prisons, homeless shelters, and the Relief to Needy Indian Persons (RNIP) and Youth Aids programs. Also included are records of the Governor's School Finance Task Force and a University of Wisconsin Faculty Salary Study Committee.
Box   1
Folder   1
Brain trauma
Box   1
Folder   2
County nursing homes
Box   1
Folder   3
Fitness Council
Box   1
Folder   4
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) options
Hospital rate setting
Box   1
Folder   5-6
General, 1983, 1985
Box   1
Folder   7
Bill drafts, 1983
Box   3
Folder   7
Bill drafts, 1983 (continued)
Box   1
Folder   8
Box   1
Folder   9
Innovative medical technology
Box   1
Folder   10
Medical ethics
Box   1
Folder   11
Metten, Harry, Dunn County Health Care Center
Nursing homes
Box   1
Folder   12-13
Nursing home formula, 1983-1984
Box   1
Folder   14
Payment plan, 1985-1986
Box   1
Folder   15
Plum City Care Center
Box   1
Folder   16
Task Force on Nursing Home Reimbursement
Box   1
Folder   17
Patients Compensation Fund
Box   1
Folder   18
Senate Bill 471 (1983), optometrists, pharmacists, dentists, podiatrists
Box   1
Folder   19
Clam Lake
Box   2
Folder   1
Oconto prison proposal
Box   2
Folder   2
Environmental impact
Box   2
Folder   3
Self Help of Wisconsin Inc.
Box   2
Folder   4
Box   2
Folder   5
Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
Health and Social Services, Department of
Box   2
Folder   6
Box   2
Folder   7
General relief
Box   2
Folder   8
Relief to Needy Indian Persons (RNIP)
Box   2
Folder   9
Youth Aids program
Box   2
Folder   10
Probation and parole, Milwaukee County
Box   2
Folder   11
Children's Trust Fund
Box   2
Folder   12
Client assistance
Box   2
Folder   13
Coalition on Wisconsin Aging Groups
Box   2
Folder   14
Community Integration Program
Box   2
Folder   15
Elderly nutrition
Box   2
Folder   16
Foster parent insurance
Box   2
Folder   17
Coalition for Advocacy, state centers
Box   2
Folder   18
Brown Deer
Box   2
Folder   19
College Board
Public Instruction, Department of
Box   2
Folder   20
Wellness in the school worksite conference, 1985 June
Box   2
Folder   21
Foreign language
Box   2
Folder   22
Zero aid
Box   2
Folder   23
Madison schools
Box   2
Folder   24
Math and science
Box   2
Folder   25-26
Milwaukee quality of education study
Box   2
Folder   27-28
Milwaukee Public Schools integration lawsuit
Box   2
Folder   29
School Finance Task Force
Box   2
Folder   30
“Spending, Staffing and Enrollments in Wisconsin's 432 School Districts, 1983-84”
Box   2
Folder   31
Title IV funds, sex and race equity
Box   2
Folder   32
Urban Day issue
Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators
Box   2
Folder   33
Treehaven, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Box   2
Folder   34
Special Services for the Disadvantaged (TRIO) Program
University of Wisconsin
Box   2
Folder   36
Department of Public Instruction-University of Wisconsin minority report
Box   2
Folder   37
Student issues
Box   3
Folder   1-2
University of Wisconsin Task Force
Box   3
Folder   3
Box   3
Folder   4
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee business issues
Vocational, Technical and Adult Education (VTAE)
Box   3
Folder   5
Vocational Education Act Reauthorization
Box   3
Folder   6
Goals, 1986
Part 11 (1987/186): Additions, 1983-1987
Physical Description: 1.4 cubic feet (1 records center carton and 1 archives box) 
Scope and Content Note: Records, 1983-1987, including records from the 1984 legislative floor period and the October 1983 special session, budget material, bill signings, veto requests, and records on transportation, including records of the Transportation Projects Commission, and various reports on specific highway projects.
Box   1
Folder   1
Major decision items, 1985-1987
Box   1
Folder   2-6
Budget, 1983-1987
Box   1
Folder   7
Special session, 1983 October
Box   1
Folder   8-9
Floor period, 1984
Box   1
Folder   10
Bill signings, 1984
Box   1
Folder   11
Veto requests, 1985
Box   1
Folder   12
Schott, Don, bill signings and veto requests, 1983-1984
Box   1
Folder   13-16
Transportation Projects Commission, 1983-1985
Box   1
Folder   17
Wisconsin workshop on the impacts and alternatives of highway salt use, 1984 July 23
Box   1
Folder   18
Wisconsin symposium on land-use impacts of highway projects, 1984 April 9-10
Box   1
Folder   19
Tri-county expressway (Winnebago, Outagamie, Calumet), 1984
Box   1
Folder   20
Highway 11, Janesville bypass, support, 1984
Box   2
Folder   1
Stadium Freeway South demapping study, 1984 June
Box   2
Folder   2
Proposed amendment to the regional transportation plan, 2000, Stadium Freeway South, 1984
Box   2
Folder   3
City of River Falls, four-lane highway, River Falls to Interstate 94, 1984
Box   2
Folder   4
Department of Transportation, six year highway improvement program, 1984-1989, 1983 November 1
Box   2
Folder   5
Secondary land use impacts of transportation projects, 1984 September
Box   2
Folder   6
Portage County, economic development plan, 1984
Box   2
Folder   7-8
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, reorganization/acquisition, 1983
Part 12 (1989/139): Additions, 1983-1985
Physical Description: 1.0 cubic foot (1 records center carton) 
Scope and Content Note: Records of the Minnesota-Wisconsin Dialogue conferences, 1983-1985, at Wingspread (1983); Springhill Center, Wayzata, Minnesota (1984); and La Crosse (1985). Records include agendas, budget files, invitation replies and registration forms, information on planning, and records on follow-up and evaluation.