Old World Wisconsin Records, 1967-2011

Container Title
Part 1 (2002/136): Original Collection, 1987-2000
Physical Description: 20.8 c.f. (20 record center cartons and 2 archives boxes) 
Scope and Content Note: Well covered topics include economic development, the environment, gaming and Native American issues, health care, taxes, transportation, and welfare reform and W-2. Some files relate to Thompson's involvement with the Export-Import Bank, international trade agreements, and the National Governors Association. Additionally, files relate to special committees such as the Blue Ribbon Commission on Year 2000 Preparedness (Y2K), the Council on Workforce Development, the Glass Ceiling Commission, the Governor's Advisory Task Force on Education and Learning, the Governor's Blue Ribbon Commission on Mental Health, the Governor's Blue Ribbon Commission on Twentieth Century Jobs, the Governor's Commission on Family and Children, and the Task Force on Financial Competitiveness.
Annette Cruz
Note: Health care, policy director.
Box   1
AIDS, 1998
Box   1
Achieve Inc., 1999
Box   1
Adoption Laws, Special Committee on, draft legislation, 1997
Box   1
Aging Groups, Coalition of Wisconsin (CWAG), 1995-1997
Box   1
Alcohol and drug abuse, 1998
Box   1
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council, 1995
Box   1
Bel Aire Nursing Home, 1998
Box   1
Birth defects surveillance
Box   1
Cash grants versus wages for W-2, 1997
Box   1
Child care information
Box   1
Child custody law, 1999
Box   1
Children First program, 1995
Box   1
Child support enforcement, 1997
Box   1
Child support provisions of budget, 1997-1998
Box   1
Children's Trust Fund, 1997
Box   1
Developmentally Disabled, Council on, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 1998
Box   1
Disabled Housing Initiative, 1999
Box   1
Domestic abuse media campaign, 1997
Box   1
E-commerce, 2000
Box   1
Education, general
Box   1
Education Commission of the States, 1999
Box   1
Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT), 1996-1999
Box   1
Export-Import Bank Advisory Committee, 1998-2000
Box   1
Fair Labor Standards Act, 1997
Box   1
Family care, 1999-2000
Box   1
Family planning, 1999
Box   1
Family technology resource centers, 1997-1998
Box   1
Food stamps, 1997
Box   1
48 hour maternity stays, 1995
Box   1
Good Samaritan project, 1997-1998
Box   1
Health Insurance Risk-Sharing Plan (HIRSP)
Box   1
Head Start, 1997-1998
Box   1
Health care data, 1996 (Senate bill 369) and 1999 (Senate bill 315)
Box   1
Horatio Alger Foundation, 1998-2000
Box   1
Box   1
Insurance, child coverage, 1997
Box   1
Insurance portability (Kennedy-Kassebaum bill), 1996
Box   1
Inter-American Dialogue, 2000
Box   1
Legislative, miscellaneous, 1998
Box   1
Long-term care, 1992-1997
Box   1
Medicaid (nursing homes and personal care), 1996-2000
Medical assistance
Box   1
School survey, 1999
Box   1
Waiver savings, 1997
Mental Health, Governor's Blue Ribbon Commission on, 1996-1997
Box   2
Box   2
Proposal, 1994-1995
Box   2
Meeting materials and report drafts
Box   2
Meta House, 1997
Box   2
Milwaukee Children's Services
Box   2
Milwaukee County Child Welfare, 1997-1998
Box   2
Milwaukee Healthy Women and Infants Project, 1997-1998
Box   2
Milwaukee Minority Internship program (Department of Natural Resources), 1993
Milwaukee Public Schools
Box   2
After school program, 1998
Box   2
Kids' health, 1997-1998
Box   2
Milwaukee Social Development Commission, 1996-1997
Box   2
Miscellaneous memoranda, 1998
Box   2
National Governors Association (NGA)
Box   2
Center for Best Practices, 1998-1999
Box   2
Medicaid and children's health
Box   2
Executive Committee meeting, 1998 November
Box   2
Summer annual meeting, 1999
Box   2
New Hope Project, 1995
Box   2
Northwest Wisconsin's Concentrated Employment Program
Box   2
Nursing home background checks, 1997
Box   2
Nursing home issues in budget, 1997-1999
Box   2
Nursing homes, 1994-1995
Box   2
“1% for Prevention,” 1998
Box   2
Open records requests, 2000
Box   2
Operation Fresh Start, 1999
Box   2
Opportunities Industrialization Center
Box   2
Partnership for Full Employment, 1996
Box   2
Performance evaluation status reports, 1999
Box   2
Peterson, Bonnie, case file
Box   2
Peterson health care, 1997
Box   2
Primary care doctors, 1994
Box   2
Primary health care, 1995-1997
Box   2
Racine County workforce development, 1998
Box   2
Republican Governors Association, 1999-2000
Box   2
SOS Children's Villages of Milwaukee, 1996-1997
Box   2
SSI, immigrants, children, 1997
Box   2
Saint Colletta's, 1997
Box   2
Safe and Sound, 1997
Box   2
16th Street clinic (Milwaukee), 1997-1998
Box   2
Small employer insurance pool, 1997-1998
State Governments, Council on
Box   2
Box   2
Innovations award, 1998-1999
Box   2
Meetings, 1998-1999
Box   2
State Medical Society
Box   2
Tobacco Control Board
Box   2
Tobacco settlement
Box   3
Urban Institute, 1997
Box   3
Venture capital, 1999
Box   3
Ventilator/non-ventilator patients, 2000
Box   3
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, 1998
Box   3
Vocational Rehabilitation review article, 1997
Wisconsin Works (W-2)
Box   3
Child care, 1998
Box   3
Education and training
Box   3
Foster care
Box   3
Health-medical assistance, Client Assistance for Re-employment and Economic Support (CARES)
Box   3
Box   3
Wisconsin Health Information Network (WHIN)
Box   3
Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) home loans
Box   3
Welfare reform in other states
Box   3
Wisconsin Right to Life, 1995-1996
Women's health care
Box   3
Conference, 1997-1998
Box   3
Women's Health Care Foundation, 1997-1999
Box   3
Women's health care initiative
Box   3
National Governors Association (NGA) spouses
Box   3
Workforce Development boards
Box   3
Workforce Initiative, 1998-1999
Box   3
Year 2000 (Y2K), 1999
Box   3
Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA)
Lisa Davidson
Scope and Content Note: Primarily incoming budget letters, 1999.
Box   3
Box   3
Alcohol and other Drug Abuse (AODA)
Box   3
Alzheimer's Disease
Box   3
Arts funding, 1998-1999
Box   3
Athletic training
Box   3
Birth certificate change
Box   3
Birth monitoring
Box   3
Child custody
Box   3
Community aids
Box   3
Family planning
Box   3
Food stamps
Box   3
General health issues
Box   3
Home care workers
Box   3
Life span respite care
Box   3
Medical assistance (dental)
Box   3
Motor vehicle stop information
Box   3
Nursing home wage pass through
Box   3
Obstetrics and gynecology direct access
Box   3
Prevailing wage legislation
Box   3
School boards
Box   3
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), 1999
Box   3
Tobacco education
Box   3
Uninsured, federal grant for, 1999-2000
Box   4
Vetoes, miscellaneous
Box   4
Box   4
Wisconsin Heritage Trust
Box   4
Wisconsin Humanities Council
William Esbeck
Box   4
ABS (American Breeders Service) Global Inc., 1997
Box   4
Accudyne, local 95, Janesville
Box   4
Allison, Bruce, visa, 1997
Box   4
Ameritech, Public Service Commission, 1996
Box   4
Area code split, 1996
Box   4
Arts Board audit, 1997
Box   4
Bayfield School, 2000
Box   4
Best friends invitation
Box   4
Carter Associates, 1999
Box   4
Child support (Malcolm Hatfield), 1997
Box   4
Commerce, miscellaneous, 1996
Box   4
Diehl, Tommy, proposal, regarding tourism districts, 1997
Box   4
Digger's Hotline legislation, 1995
Box   4
Duesenberg, air bag exemption, 1996
Box   4
East Bay Inc. (Wausau), 1996
Box   4
East Bridge (Sykora district), 1997
Box   4
Economic summit, 1996
Box   4
Enterprise Development, Corporation for, Wisconsin study, 1997
Box   4
Fast track federal negotiating authority, 1997
Box   4
Federal Transit Administration certification letter, 1996
Box   4
Fischer-Guex, Laura, case, 1994
Box   4
Forward Wisconsin, 1991-1996
Box   4
German trip (Wisconsin Counties Association), 1997
Box   4
German reciprocity (driver's licenses), 1997
Box   4
Joint Finance Committee grant review, 1996
Box   4
Klusman, regarding railroad crossing in Grand Chute, 1996
Box   4
Hazardous waste award, 1996
Box   4
Highway 12 at Baraboo (Brancel), 1996
Box   4
Highway 81 at Beloit, 1996
Box   4
Highway 82 at Mauston, 1996
Box   4
Highway Safety, Council on, 1996
Box   4
Housing (Assembly bill 384), 1996
Box   4
International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA), Michigan, 1996
Box   4
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) reauthorization, 1997
Box   4
Japan air talks, 1996
Box   4
Kikkoman, 1996
Box   4
Correspondence, miscellaneous, 1994-1997
Box   4
Low Income Energy Assistance Oil Overcharge Plan, 1996
Box   4
Low income plans (Wexford Ridge, Madison; Southfield Townhouses, Manitowoc; Horicon Heights, Horicon; and Clark Garden, Mayville)
Box   4
Lyndon Station, 1997
Box   4
Marquette meeting with Father Wild, 1997
Box   4
Meetings on Thompson's behalf, 1996
Box   4
Mellows, John (Charter Manufacturing Company), 1996
Box   4
Memoranda Thompson has seen, 1996
Box   4
Memoranda of understanding/Bruce Davis technology transfer, 1997
Box   4
Midwest-Asia Aviation Coalition, 1998
Box   4
Midwest Governors Conference, 1997
Box   4
Electricity restructuring
Box   4
Midwestern Higher Education Commission, meeting, 1994
Box   4
Box   4
Monahan, Kevin, case, 1996
Box   4
Moving state government, Green Bay, 1996
Box   4
National Policy Forum, 1995
Box   4
National Railroad Museum, 1996
Box   4
Ocean Manufacturing Inc., 1996
Box   4
Public Service Commission, 1995-1997
Box   4
Reliability issue
Box   4
Pabst, 1995
Box   4
Pay telephone (Ameritech), 1997
Box   4
Peterson Shipbuilding, 1995
Box   4
Plastech Corporation (Amery), 1997
Box   4
Privatization, 1996
Box   4
QVC taping, 1996
Box   4
Railroad safety, 1995
Box   4
R&L Spring Company (proposed Lake Geneva plant), 1996
Box   4
Red Cliff/Department of Transportation (DOT) 13.10 agreement, 1996
Box   4
Rockets for Schools program, 1996
Box   4
Russell, Chuck (symbols and counterfeit documents), 1996
Box   4
Shariff appointment to Agency for International Development, 1998
Box   4
Silicon Graphics, 1997
Box   4
State Fair park and ride, 1996
Box   5
Trans 117, emergency rule, occupational drivers licenses, 1996
Box   5
Taliesin Preservation Commission, 1995-2000
Box   5
Transportation, 1995-1996
Box   5
Transportation budget, 1997
Box   5
Transportation Finance Study Committee, 1996
Box   4
Transportation Projects Commission (DOT), bonding, 1996
Box   5
Transportation Projects Commission (DOT), 1996
Box   5
Twenty-First Century Jobs, Governor's Blue Ribbon Commission on, 1996
Box   5
Union Pacific, 1997
Box   5
Viking Voyageur pipeline, 1997
Box   5
Box   5
Wisconsin Power and Light merger support, 1997
Box   5
Warner Cable, 1996
Box   5
Water logged lumber, 1996
Box   5
Wisconsin Central Railroad, 1997
Box   5
Wisconsin Outdoor Advertising Association, 1996
Box   5
Wisconsin World Trade Conference, 1997
Box   5
Yucca Mountain Clinton letter, 1996
Box   5
Tom Fonfara, Education Goals Committee (legislative liaison), 1992
Patrick Goss
Box   5
ANR Pipeline Company, 1991-1993
Box   5
Advanced Telecommunications Foundation, 1994
Box   5
Amtrak Midwest rail corridor, 1993
Box   5
Bucyrus-Erie Company, 1995
Box   5
Busse Inc., 1995
Box   5
Cardinal IG expansion in Portage, 1994
Box   5
Cargill Inc., 1994
Box   5
Cargo preference laws, 1995
Box   5
Chrysler, 1995
Box   5
Cigarette taxes, 1997
Box   5
Co-generation project, 1993
Box   5
Fromageries Bel Inc., 1994
Box   5
Dairy legislation, 1995
Box   5
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (U.S.) Office, 1995
Box   5
Federal telecommunications legislation, 1995
Box   5
Global Technology Systems, 1992
Box   5
Governor's Advisory Committee on International Trade (GACIT), 1995
Box   5
Harley Davidson (Bando McGlocklin project), 1995
Box   5
Heileman Brewing Company, 1993-1995
Box   5
Highway 12, 1995
Box   5
Highway 29 at Curtis Corners, 1996
Box   5
International trade agreement, 1990-1994
Box   5
J.I. Case, 1993
Box   5
Jerome Foods, 1994
Box   5
Johnson Controls, 1994
Box   5
Kimberly Clark, 1995
Box   5
King Home, 1995
Box   5
Correspondence, miscellaneous, 1993-1994
Box   5
Niagara Paper, 1994
Box   5
Outboard Marine Corporation, 1993
Box   5
Public Service Commission legislative update, 1993
Box   5
Perry Printing, 1993
Box   5
Peterson Builders Inc., 1992-1994
Box   5
Quad/Graphics Inc., 1994-1995
Box   5
Railroad Commission, 1994
Box   5
Repap Enterprises, 1993-1994
Box   5
Ringier America Inc., 1993
Box   5
Schneider Communications, 1995
Box   5
Small Business conference, 1995
Box   5
Staff retreat on reinventing government, 1993
Box   5
Supercomputing Systems Inc., 1993
Box   5
Target distribution center, 1993
Box   6
United States Trade Representatives, Intergovernmental Policy Advisory Committee, 1992-1994
Box   6
WHEDA, 1995
Box   6
Ward Papers dam, 1994
Box   6
Wisconsin Superhighway Coalition, 1994
Box   6
Woodward Governor Company, 1993
Mark Grapentine
Box   6
Civil service reform
Box   6
Disaster updates, 2000
Box   6
Drug re-entry, 1999
Box   6
Employee Assistance program, 1999
Box   6
Faith Works, 2000
Box   6
Fiscal estimates, 1999
Box   6
Miscellaneous, 1998-1999
Box   6
National Guard, 2000
Box   6
Parole Commission, 2000
Box   6
Prairie du Chien Correctional Facility, 1999
Box   6
Prison, miscellaneous, 2000
Box   6
Prison literacy, 2000
Box   6
U.S.S. Wisconsin, 1999
Box   6
University of Wisconsin pay, 1999
Box   6
Veterans' benefits, 1999
Box   6
Veterans' funeral honors, 1999
Box   6
World Trade Organization, China, 2000
Connie Hagen
Note: Deputy policy director, legislative liaison.
Box   6
Medicare, 1995
Box   6
Physical Disabilities, Council on, corrections
Box   6
W-2 waivers, 1996
Box   6
Scott Jensen (Chief of Staff), miscellaneous, 1991
David Kluesner
Box   6
rBST (recombinant bovine somatotropin) memos, 1995
Box   6
Clean air meeting, 1991
Christopher LaRowe
Box   6
Amtrak, 1998-1999
Box   6
Commerce, 1999-2000
Box   6
Job application and vita, circa 1996
Box   6
Box   6
Oshkosh Trucking, 2000
Box   6
Public Service Commission, 1998-2000
Box   6
Box   6
Highway 12
Box   6
Memos, 1999
Box   6
Midwest Regional Rail Initiative
Box   6
WHEDA, 1999-2000
William McCoshen (Chief of Staff, policy director)
Box   7
Bahr, Gary, Stop Taxes on Property (STOP), 1994
Box   7
Berg, Rick
Box   7
Bjorklund, Richard, 1994
Box   7
Community Options Program (COP) slots, 1994
Box   7
Coastal Corporation, 1994
Box   7
Constitutional officers pay, 1989-1990
Box   7
Council of State Governments, 1994
Box   7
Executive Office budget, 1994
Box   7
Federal health care, 1994
Box   7
Grosenheider, Terry, 1994
Box   7
Japan-America conference, 1994
Box   7
Johnson, Butch, 1994
Box   7
Kraemer, Matt
Box   7
Kunicki, Walter, 1995
Box   7
Legislative correspondence, 1994
Box   7
Letters, 1993-1994
Box   7
Levitan, Stu, 1994
Box   7
Litscher, Jon, 1993-1994
Box   7
Manhattan Institute, 1993
Box   7
Marquette University, 1993
Box   7
Murphy, Francis, 1994
Box   7
“No reply necessary” letters, 1994
Box   7
Open records law and Governor's calendar opinions, 1994
Box   7
Organ procurement meetings
Box   7
Outgoing letters of William McCoshen, 1994
Box   7
Pace Inc., 1994
Box   7
Parole (abolish), 1993-1994
Box   7
Press office job description
Box   7
Prison expansion
Box   7
Property tax relief, 1993
Box   7
Staff memos, Chief of Staff
Box   7
State and Local Relations, Council on, 1993
Box   7
Sullivan, Michael, 1993
Box   7
Superior Memorial Hospital, 1994
Box   7
Tanaka, Masao, contract
Box   7
Target center, 1994
Box   7
Tavern League of Wisconsin, 1994
Box   7
Teaching factories, 1994
Box   7
Box   7
WJM (William J. McCoshen) property tax remarks, 1994
Box   7
Women's athletics
Erica Mair (St. Angel)
Box   7
Badger care, 1999
Box   7
Care giver background checks, 1999
Box   7
Compulsory School Attendance Age, Governor's Task Force on
Box   7
Credit repair scams, 1999
Box   7
Education budget, 1998-1999
Box   7
Family care, 1999-2000
Box   7
Fatherhood Initiative, 1999
Box   7
Federally qualified health care centers, 1999
Box   7
Foster care recruitment, 1999
Box   7
Glass Ceiling Commission, 1999-2000
Box   7
Home ownership for people with disabilities
Box   7
Inter-governmental transfer program
Box   7
Marquette University Dental School, 1998
Medical assistance
Box   7
School-based aid
Box   7
Reimbursement rates for non-ventilator adults, 2000
Box   7
Medicare/Choice, 1999
Box   7
Medicare lawsuit, 1999
Box   7
Memoranda, 1999-2000
Box   7
Milwaukee child welfare, 2000
Box   7
Box   7
National Community Service Board
Box   7
National Governors Association (prescription drugs proposal), 2000
Box   7
One percent for prevention (truth in sentencing bill), 1999
Box   7
Organ transplant, 1999
Box   7
Overture Foundation, 1998-2000
Box   7
Patient Bill of Rights, 2000
Box   7
Box   7
Prior authorization for Medicaid services, 2000
Box   7
Public assistance burials
Box   7
Regulation and Licensing examination fee, 1999
Box   7
Safe and Sound
Box   7
Small Employee Health Insurance Purchasing Alliance, 1999
Box   7
Substance abuse services, 1999
Box   7
Supplemental hospital fund
Box   7
Surrogate decision making for terminal patients, 1999
Box   7
Box   7
Waiver, 1998
Box   7
Women, Infants and Children (WIC), 1999
Box   7
Wage liens, 1999
Box   7
Wisconsin Medicaid Evaluation and Decision Support (MEDS) project, 1999
Box   7
Wisconsin Women's Council, 1999
Box   7
Workforce Investment, Council on, 1999
Box   7
Women's right to know, 1999
Buck Martin (Native Americans)
Box   8
American Indian Enterprises Inc., 1989
Box   8
Correspondence, 1987
Box   8
Correspondence, incoming, 1988-1989
Box   8
Indian Health Services, planning and objectives, 1990
Box   8
Great Lakes Commission, 1987
Box   8
Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, 1989
Box   8
Intergovernmental relations conference, 1990
Box   8
Legend Lake Property Owners Association, 1990
Box   8
Milwaukee Area American Indian Manpower Council
Box   8
Milwaukee Indian health centers
Box   8
State/tribal relations conference, 1988-1990
Box   8
Stockbridge-Munsee, 1987-1991
Box   8
Waupun Indian Council
Box   8
Wisconsin Winnebago Business Committee, 1988-1990
John Matthews (Chief of Staff)
Box   8
Badger Care, 1997
Box   8
Baldridge Award, 1997
Box   8
Book (proposed book by Thompson), 1995
Box   8
Cabinet positions, 1994-1996
Box   8
Cabinet salaries, 1995-1998
Box   9
Campaign, 1997
Box   9
Central City Initiative, 1998
Box   9
Circuit court automation, 1996
Box   9
Corrections, 1997
Box   9
Corrections Task Force, 1996
Box   9
Washington, D.C. office, 1996-1998
Box   9
Department of Transportation (DOT) issues
Box   9
Department of Workforce Development, 1997-1998
Box   9
Educational summit of NGA, 1995
Box   9
Educational technology
Box   9
Box   9
Environment, 1996
Box   9
Fox River, 1998
Box   9
“Government on the move,” 1996
Box   9
Governor's Cup, 1996
Box   9
Health and Social Services, 1995
Box   9
Health care, 1996, 1998
Indian gaming
Box   9
General, 1997-1998
Box   9
Ho-Chunk compact, 1997-1998
Box   9
Menominee compact, 1997-1998
Box   9
Box   9
Correspondence, miscellaneous, 1997
Box   9
Microsoft and Wisconsin, 1998
Box   9
Miller Park, 1995-1998
Box   9
Miscellaneous, 1995
Box   9
NGA, 1996-1997
Box   9
Northwest Regional Planning Commission
Box   9
Public Service Commission, 1997-1998
Box   9
Pettit National Ice Center, 1994
Box   9
Polling information, 1996
Box   9
Property taxes, 1995-1997
Box   9
Republican Governors Association, 1996-1998
Box   9
Revenue, 1997
Box   9
Sesquicentennial, 1996
Box   9
School aids, 1996
Box   9
School Choice, 1995-1998
Box   9
State and Local Relations, Council on, 1996
Box   9
University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1997
Box   9
University of Wisconsin Extension
Box   9
Union Pacific, 1995-1996
Box   9
Utilities, 1998
Box   9
W-2, 1995-1997
Box   10
WHEDA, 1995-1996
Box   10
Wisconsin Leadership Institute, 1996
Box   10
Women, 1998
Box   10
Christopher Mohrman, miscellaneous memoranda
Thuy Morzenti
Box   8
Associated Building Contractors, 1998
Box   8
Baird speech by Thompson
Box   8
Barker's Island exemption, 1998
Box   8
Campaign finance reform (with Tim Haering), 1997
Box   8
Cigarette taxes, 1997
Box   8
Civil service reform, 1996
Box   8
Department of Financial Institutions, 1998
Box   8
Department of Revenue information, 1997
Box   8
Election process (with Tim Haering), 1997
Box   8
Election rules, 1997
Box   8
Employee contracts
Box   8
Farm taxes
Box   8
Franchise tax, 1997
Box   8
House resolution 979, 1998
Box   8
Hanson, Doris (taxes), 1997
Box   8
Illinois reciprocity, 1997
Box   8
Income taxes (paper by Andrew Reschovsky), 1997
Box   8
Income tax research (intern project)
Box   8
Internal Revenue update, 1997
Box   8
Internet taxes, 1998
Box   8
Kiplinger's, 1998
Box   8
Land use assessment, 1995
Box   8
Lottery audit and tax credit, 1997
Box   8
Lottery reports, 1996-1997
Box   8
Malcolm Baldridge award, 1997
Box   8
Menominee County audit, 1997
Box   8
Michigan taxes, 1997
Box   8
Minimum wage, 1996-1997
Box   8
Box   8
Motor fuel tax, 1997
Box   8
Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Act (PECFA) veto, 1997
Box   8
Prepaid home phone cards, 1997
Box   8
Property tax relief, 1997
Box   8
Special Investment Performance Dividend settlement
Box   8
State of Wisconsin Investment Board information, 1998
Box   8
Securities litigation reform letter (Republican Governors Association), 1998
Box   8
Tax amnesty information, 1998
Box   8
Tax memos, 1997
Box   8
Tax vetoes, 1996
Box   8
Taxes, Thompson versus Garvey, 1998
Box   8
Unemployment and workers compensation, 1997
Box   8
Varco Pruden tax exemption, 1997
Box   10
Delora Newton, President's Summit for America's Future, 1997
Box   10
Melanie Ohnstead, Samp Family adoption case, 1992
Pat Osbourne
Box   10
Biotechnology, 1988
Box   10
Farm Credit Service, 1987
Box   10
Long-term waste disposal, 1989
Scott Peterson
Box   10
Brewers Stadium, 1994-1995
Box   10
Gun trailer bill, 1996
Box   10
Tavern League, 1995
Elizabeth Poling (health care)
Box   10
Sheik A. Bacchus (Milwaukee Health Services Inc.), 1997
Box   10
Children, 1998
Box   10
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, 1997-1998
Box   10
Department of Workforce Development, 1998-1999
Box   10
Defibrillation (Assembly bill 239), 1999
Box   10
Domestic violence, 1999
Box   10
Forward Service Corporation, 1997
Box   10
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council, 1997
Box   10
HIRSP, 1999
Box   10
Health care duplication fee, 1999
Box   10
Homeless issues, 1997
Box   10
Homeless task force, 1997
Box   10
Knowles (Governor Tony), Welfare reform letter, 1997
Box   10
Box   10
Box   10
Performance review
Box   10
Physician assistants, 1997
Box   10
Same sex marriage, 1997
Box   10
Special needs adoptions, 1999
Box   10
Veterans' homeownership assistance, 1998
Box   10
Vocational rehabilitation counselors, 1999
Box   10
Box   10
Budget issues, 1997
Box   10
Right of first selection
Box   10
Workforce Excellence, Council and forums, 1997
Box   10
Workforce Investment Act, 1998-1999
Bill Reid
Box   10
Assisted living, 1996
Box   10
Community Options program, 1995
Box   10
Families and Schools Together (FAST)
Box   10
Flood assistance, 1995-1996
Box   10
Health and Social Services budget issues, 1995-1997
Box   10
Memos, 1996
Box   10
Organ donors, 1995-1996
Box   10
Spousal impoverishment, 1992
Box   10
U.S.S. Wisconsin, 1995
Jeff Schoepke
Box   10
Asbestos, 1998
Box   10
Badger Army Ammunition Plant, 1997-2000
Box   10
Coal ash letter to Carol Browner, 2000
Box   10
Department of Natural Resources (DNR), 1995-1996
Box   10
Dove hunting, 1999-2000
Box   10
Heartland Fisheries Inc., of Door County, 1996
Box   10
Reformulated gasoline, 2000
Box   10
Washington Island ferry, 1998-1999
Box   10
Yellow perch, 1997
Stephanie Smith
Box   11
Intergovernmental Policy Advisory Committee (IGPAC) to the President and U.S. trade representatives on North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 1992
Box   11
Life-long learning
Chris Spooner (environment and legislative liaison)
Box   11
Air, 1995-1998
Box   11
Bavaria, memorandum of understanding, 1999
Box   11
Box   11
Clean Air Act, inspection and maintenance program, 1995-1996
Box   11
Commercial fishing restriction, 1994-1997
Box   11
Box   11
Drainage ditches, 1997-1998
Box   11
Elk, 1995
Box   11
Fish stocking, 1997
Box   11
Forestry, 1999-2000
Box   11
Friends of Sheboygan (Harbor Centre development project), 2000
Box   11
Future of hunting and fishing team
Box   11
Gaming, 1996-1997
Box   11
Governor's duck hunt, 1996
Box   11
Great Lakes, 1996
Box   11
Hunting and fishing licenses fees, 1996-1997
Box   11
Illinois diversion of Lake Michigan water, 1996
Box   11
Keep America Beautiful, 1997
Box   11
Lac du Flambeau Chippewa agreement, 1996
Box   11
Lake Michigan trawlers (smelt fishing), 1992-1998
Box   11
Menominee water quality
Box   11
Midwestern governors, 1995
Box   11
Milwaukee County grounds, 1997
Box   11
Mining, 1996-1998
Box   12
Mississippi River, 1995-1996
Box   12
Ozone standards, 1996-1997
Box   12
Ozone transport assessment group, 1997
Box   12
Potawatomi class I air redesignation, 1995-1996
Box   12
Potawatomi clear air, 1994-1995
Box   12
Reformulated gasoline, 1995
Box   12
Small engine manufacturers and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1997
Box   12
Snowmobiles, 1997
Box   12
Spearfishing, 1996
Box   12
Sport fish advisory protocol, 1997
Box   12
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), 1996-1997
Box   12
WHEDA for pork producers, 1997
Box   12
Wisconsin Land Council, 1997
William Steiger (education)
Box   12
Education, 1994-2000
Box   12
Student Achievement Guarantee in Education (SAGE) program, 1998-2000
Box   12
School choice information, 2000
Box   12
School start date, 1998
Box   12
University of Wisconsin budget, 2000
Bob Wood (Chief of Staff)
Box   12
Department of Revenue memoranda, 1995
Box   12
Department of Public Instruction, 1995-1997
Box   12
Flat tax information, 1995
Box   12
Lakeshore Park
Box   12
Milwaukee Public Schools, 1998
Box   13
Public broadcasting, 1999
Box   13
Box   13
Wingspread conference on charter schools, 1996
Bryon Wornson
Box   13
Ceasefire reception, 1998
Box   13
Combined reporting
Box   13
Corrections computers
Box   13
Department of Financial Institutions, 1998-1999
Box   13
Department of Revenue
Box   13
E-commerce, 2000
Box   13
Financial Competitiveness, Task Force on, 2000
Box   13
Habitat for Humanity, 1998
Box   13
“Just cause” protection for liquor dealers, 1999
Box   13
Lottery, 1999
Box   13
Portal planning initiative, 2000
Box   13
Privacy, 1999-2000
Box   13
State of Wisconsin Investment Board, 1999
Box   13
State Building Commission, 1999
Box   13
Streamlined sales tax update, 2000
Box   13
Tax reform, 1998-1999
Box   13
Wisconsin Retirement System, 1998-1999
General files
Box   13
Americans with Disabilities Act initiative, 2000
Box   13
Area Health Education Centers (AHECs), 1993
Box   13
All-terrain vehicle (ATV) trail in Town of Sherman
Box   13
Agency summaries
Physical Description: Unidentified handwritten notes. 
Box   13
Aging, White House conference applications, 1994
Box   13
Agriculture, Native American policy book, 1998
Box   13
Alliance for a Drug Free America, 1992
Box   13
Alliance for Wisconsin Youth, 1999-2000
Box   13
Amicus brief, U.S. v. Honda, 1992
Box   13
Amicus brief example, 2000
Box   13
Amish, Social Security numbers, 1999
Box   13
Appointment letters for “archiving” sample, 1990
Box   13
Army Corps of Engineers, 1991
Box   13
Arnson, David, case, regarding Hudson boat slips, 1993
Box   13
Aspen Institute, 1992-1993
Box   13
rBST, 1994
Box   13
Beginning farmer bonds, 1995
Box   14
Biotechnology (yellow tag file), 1998
Box   14
Bishop Fixture and Millwork assistance, 1996
Box   14
Bond rating review meeting, 1992 February 13
Box   14
Bonding authority of building commission, 1993
Box   14
Bovine tuberculosis, 1995
Box   14
Boys and Girls Clubs initiative, 1998-1999
Box   14
Brewers Stadium, 1994-1997
Box   14
Bucky bandanas (for Wisconsin Sports Authority), 1994
Box   14
Box   14
Budget “hotspots,” 1995-1997
Box   14
Box   14
Budget vetoes, 1997
Box   14
Burke, Kathryn Murray, award, 2000
Box   14
Business women's forum, 1989
Box   14
Community Integration Program (CIP), 1996
Council of State Government (CSC)
Box   14
Schedule, 1999
Box   14
Agenda book, 1999 April 15-18
Box   14
Cap Vest Fund
Box   14
Casino lawsuit (regarding prohibition by Governor), 1991
Box   14
Census statement, 1999
Box   14
Century Capitol Group investment, 1994
Box   14
Champions for Education, 1998
Box   14
Check fraud, 1997
Box   14
Child care (worthy wages for providers)
Box   14
Child support legislation, unidentified notes
Box   14
Childhood excellence centers (for day care), 2000
Box   14
Children's Trust Fund, 1987
Box   14
Chippewa spearfishing briefing book, 1996
Box   14
Cigarette tax, opposition form letter, 1997
Box   14
Clean air non-attainment areas, 1991
Box   14
Commerce Department, 1999-2000
Box   14
Community aids
Box   14
Community health
Box   14
Community youth grants (W-2)
Box   14
Conformity to clean air standards, 2000
Box   14
Conservation and Reinvestment Act, 1998
Box   14
Correctional facilities (consulting engineers proposal), 1995
Box   14
Box   14
From tracking file
Box   14
Corridors, 2000
Box   14
Box   14
Developmental disability center consolidation (Northern Wisconsin Center), 1991, 1998
Box   14
Peter Peshek appointment (merge letters), 1993
Box   14
Policy book of Thompson letters, 1998
Box   14
Department of Revenue, Bob Wood file, 1996-1998
Box   14
DOT, miscellaneous
Box   14
Department of Public Instruction legislation, 1987
Box   15
Department of Veterans Affairs home loans, 1998-1999
Box   15
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Box   15
Desert Storm/Desert Shield
Box   15
Direct marketers, taxation issue
Box   15
District attorney case (tracking file)
Box   15
Doyle-Benson press conference, 1999
Box   15
Drinking water funding, 1998-1999
Box   15
Dry cleaner cleanup fund, 1995-1996
Box   15
Education, federal
Education and Learning, Governor's Advisory Task Force, 1996
Box   15
Box   15
Meeting materials
Box   15
Box   15
Report drafts
Box   15
Governance subcommittee
Box   15
Education tax credit
Box   15
Educational assessment (yellow tag), 1997-2000
Box   15
Educational summit, Presidential, 1989
Box   15
Elroy library grant application
Box   15
Employment and training conference, 2000
Box   15
Energy reliability, 1997-1999
Box   15
Environmental education (merge file), 1998
Box   15
Excellence in Leadership award, 1999
Box   15
Faith Works, Milwaukee Inc., 1999-2000
Box   15
Families and Children, Governor's Commission on, 1995-1996
Box   15
Family medical leave, 1987-1988
Box   15
Family impact seminar
Box   15
Fatherhood Initiative, 1998-1999
Box   15
Federal Credit Union
Box   15
Fond du Lac airport, 1995
Box   15
Forward Wisconsin, 1999
Box   15
Foster child case (Ojibwa), 1995
Box   15
Freedom From Religion versus Thompson (Good Friday holiday), 1995
Box   15
Glass Ceiling Commission
Box   15
Box   15
Award, 1995
Box   15
Governor's Blue Ribbon Commission on Mental Health Care
Box   15
Governor's conference on economic development, 1997
Box   15
Great Lakes Composites Consortium, 1993
Great Lakes Governors, Council of
Box   15
Annual meeting, 1992
Box   15
Executive meeting, 1995 March 24
Box   16
Wisconsin Educational Approval Board, diesel truck driver training, 1989
Box   16
Health and Family Services “success stories,” 1998
Box   16
Box   16
HIRSP, Holderman case, 1992
Box   16
Housing and Urban Development second notice forms for low income housing, 1995
Box   16
Hazardous wastes, 1987-1989
Box   16
Health and Social Services, secretarial appointment, 1995
Box   16
Health insurance (Assembly bill 416), 1997
Box   16
Health line complaints, 1992
Box   16
Helicopters for law enforcement, 1996
Box   16
Historical Society, 1995-2000
Box   16
Highway 12, 1999
Box   16
Hunting and fishing, economic impact, 1991, 1996, undated
Box   16
Indian gaming, 1991-1992
Box   16
Information superhighway legislation support, 1994
Box   16
International trade, NAFTA notes, 1993
Box   16
Invasive monitoring during anesthesia, 1999
Box   16
Israeli bond purchase by Investment Board, 1989
Box   16
Japan office, 1996
Box   16
Judicial salary report, 1999
Box   16
Karner Blue Butterfly, 1998-1999
Box   16
Legislative Fiscal Bureau memoranda prepared for Scott Jensen, 1999
Box   16
La Casa de Esperanza, 1997
Box   16
Lake Como, Friends of, 1998
Box   16
Lakeshore Park
Box   16
Land use legislation letter to Voinovich, 1997
Box   16
Lewis, Margaret, 1987
Box   16
Literacy Advisory Council, 1997
Box   16
Loftus' German trip report, 1985
Box   16
Long-term care, 1998
Box   16
Milwaukee Innercity Congregations Allied for Hope (MICAH), 1995
Box   16
Managed care for foster children, 1999
Box   16
Medicaid, 1994, 1996
Box   16
Medical College of Wisconsin, 1996
Box   16
Medical malpractice, 1995
Box   16
Medical waste incinerators, 1991
Box   16
Meigs Field, 1996
Box   16
Mental health parity
Box   16
Mental health services for youth, Robert Wood Johnson site visit, 1989
Box   16
Midwest Express Airlines, 1999
Box   16
Midwest Higher Education Compact
Box   16
Milwaukee First
Box   16
Milwaukee inner city initiative, 1990
Box   16
Milwaukee Public Schools takeover, 1998
Box   16
Milwaukee transportation, 1999
Box   16
Mining, Governor's ad hoc task force, 1987
Box   16
Mining moratorium legislation, 1997
Box   16
Mount Carmel nursing center, 1998
Box   16
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), 1995
Box   16
NGA, seven principles meeting, 1997
Box   16
National balanced budget amendment, 1992
Box   16
National Guard retired technicians tax relief, 1998
Box   17
Northern initiative, 1990-1993
Box   17
Nuclear waste disposal, 1995
Box   17
Nursing home wage pass through, 1999
Box   17
Nursing Study Committee, 1987-1088
Box   17
Office stuff
Box   17
Oneida Business Committee, 1997
Box   17
Organization of Latino Arts, 2000
Public Service Commission
Box   17
Ameritech, 1996-1997
Box   17
Presentation by Eric Schenker, energy consultant, 2000
Box   17
Parks, Eugene, 1998
Box   17
Partnership for a Drug Free America, 1997
Box   17
Pell Lake sanitary district, 1997
Box   17
Perkins vocational and applied technology acts, 1998
Box   17
Petition samples, 1999
Box   17
“Point of service” mandate (budget), 1999
Box   17
Potawatomi bingo expansion, 1997
Box   17
Private employer health care program
Box   17
Professional Development Subcommittee of Governor's Committee on Education, 1996
Box   17
Quest card
Box   17
Racine County budget cuts, 1999
Box   17
Railroad Commission, 1996-1997
Box   17
Retirement legislation, 1987
Box   17
Rice Lake school district, 1994
Box   17
Rubitsky, David, case, 1991
School choice
Box   17
General, 1997-1998
Box   17
Yellow tag file, 1996-2000
Box   17
School finance (yellow tag), 1997-1999
Box   17
School safety (probation and parole), 1995
Box   17
Schools, miscellaneous (yellow tag file)
Box   17
Shaken Baby Alliance, 1999
Box   17
Shared revenue, 1998-1999
Box   17
Skowronski, Eleanore, case, 1992
Box   17
Spearfishing by Potawatomi, 1996
Box   17
Standards and Assessment Subcommittee of Governor's Advisory Task Force on Education and Learning, 1996
Box   17
“State government on the move,” 1987, 1998
Box   17
Stockbridge-Munsee, 1997
Box   17
Sunken ships (international sinking project), 2000
Box   17
Superior/Douglas County child care, 1997
Box   17
“Tax policy - Ideas That Work,” by NGA, 1996
Box   17
Tax (excise) report of Wisconsin Merchants Federation, 1997
Box   17
Box   17
Teach Wisconsin (yellow tag file), 1999
Box   17
Teacher training, 1999
Box   17
Time share in real estate
Box   17
Tobacco settlement, 1998-1999
Box   17
Trade offices, 1990-1995
Box   17
Transportation, miscellaneous
Box   17
Tort reform, 1993-1995
Box   17
Tourism, miscellaneous
Box   17
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), food stamp program error review, 1999
Box   17
University of Wisconsin programs and faculty (yellow tag file)
Box   17
University of Wisconsin System (Legislative Fiscal Bureau memoranda), 1999
Box   17
Unemployment insurance, 2000
Box   17
Universal banking, 1998
Box   17
Uniroyal, local number 19 workers' presentation to Thompson, regarding plant shutdown, 1991
Box   18
Vending machines, tax issues, 1999
Box   18
Veterans preference, 1989-1990
Box   18
Veto papers, 1995
Box   18
Visitation rights of parents who murdered their spouse, 1999
Box   18
Box   18
Domestic abuse
Box   18
Box   18
Counties project
Box   18
Fact binder
Box   18
Box   18
General, 1994-2000
Box   18
Beginning farmer bonds, 1996-1997
Box   18
Bond approvals
Box   18
Washington, D.C. office, 1999
Welfare reform
Box   18
General, 1991
Box   18
Governor's Welfare Reform Commission, 1987
Box   18
Box   18
Welfare to Work Partnership, National Advisory Committee, 1997-1999
Box   18
White House small business conference
Box   18
White House conference on aging, 1994
Box   19
Wisconsin v. EPA
Box   19
Wisconsin Counties Association, 1997
Box   19
Wisconsin Education Initiative, 1998
Box   19
Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law
Box   19
Wisconsin-Minnesota reciprocity agreement, 1995-1997
Box   19
Women's health campaign, 1997
Box   19
Department of Workforce Development, 1998
Y2K, Blue Ribbon Commission on Year 2000 Preparedness
Box   19
Box   19
Box   19
Yellow tag, miscellaneous
Box   19
Youth aids
Box   19
Youth Leadership Academy
Box   19
Miscellaneous and unidentified files
Miscellaneous material, chronological
Box   19
Box   20
Box   21
Box   22
Box   22
Commerce Department, investigation of Verona complaint, 1998
Box   22
Crandon mine, 1994
Box   22
Export-Import Bank, regarding Wisconsin, 1998
Box   22
Families and Children, Commission on, 1996
Box   22
Gathering rights on national forest lands, memorandum of understanding, 1999
Box   22
Great Lakes Governors, environmental management
Box   22
International trade, 1987-1990
Box   22
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) job training program