Wisconsin. Division of Tourism: Audio-Visual Promotion Files, 1964-2000

Container Title
Series: Subject Files
Box   201
Folder   1-3
AFDC (HSS), 1971-1975
Box   201
Folder   4
AIM, 1974
Box   201
Folder   5-9
Box   201
Folder   7-8
Box   201
Folder   10-12
Supreme Court ruling, 1973
Box   201
Folder   13-15
Box   201
Folder   16
Absentee voters, 1971
Box   201
Folder   17
Adamany, David, 1974-1975
Box   201
Folder   18
Adoption fees, 1975
Box   201
Folder   19
Age of majority, 1977-1978
Box   201
Folder   20
Alaskan pipeline, 1976
Alexian Brothers
Box   201
Folder   21-22
Box   201
Folder   23
Box   201
Folder   24
Box   201
Folder   25-28
Constituent letters
Box   201
Folder   29
Press releases
Box   201
Folder   30
Working papers
Box   202
Folder   1
Amtrak, 1972
Box   202
Folder   2
American Institute For Public Service, 1976
Box   202
Folder   3
American Red Cross, 1975
Box   202
Folder   4
Anniversary of Wisconsin, (125th)
Box   202
Folder   5
Antiwar referendum, 1971
Box   202
Folder   6
Apostle Islands, 1974-1975
Box   202
Folder   7
Apprenticeships (DILHR)
Box   202
Folder   7A
Armstrong, Karleton
Box   202
Folder   8
Attorney's bargaining unit
Box   202
Folder   9
Awards and promotions, 1972-1973
Box   202
Folder   10
Auto license fee, 1975
Box   202
Folder   11
Bay Lake Regional Planning Commission, 1972-1974
Box   202
Folder   12
Bear hunting, 1977-1978
Box   202
Folder   13-16
Bicentennial Commission, 1972-1976
Box   202
Folder   17
Bingo, 1973-1974
Box   202
Folder   18
Blue Cross Hospital Rate Review Board, 1972-1973
Box   202
Folder   19
Boating, 1971-1976
Box   202
Folder   20
Bow hunting, 1975
Box   202
Folder   21
Boy Scouts
Box   202
Folder   22
Beef shortage, 1973
Box   202
Folder   23
Brey efficiency improvements
Box   202
Folder   24
Browndale, 1972
Box   202
Folder   25
Buffo Study
Box   202
Folder   26
Busing, 1976
Box   202
Folder   27
Cabinet government, 1975
Box   202
Folder   28
Cable communication
Box   202
Folder   29
Campaign promises log, 1971
Box   202
Folder   30
Capital punishment, 1975-1977
Box   202
Folder   31
Cash flow problem, 1976
Box   202
Folder   32
Categorical aid for local school districts, 1975
Box   202
Folder   33-34
Cattle killings, 1974
Box   202
Folder   35
Caucuses, 1974
Box   202
Folder   36
Census, 1971
Box   202
Folder   37
Center for Public Representation (JS File)
Box   202
Folder   38
Box   202
Folder   39-40
Chicanos, 1971-1972
Box   202
Folder   41
Child Advocacy Council, 1971
Box   202
Folder   42
Box   202
Folder   43
Children and youth awards, 1974-1975, 1977
Box   202
Folder   44
Chippewa Flowage, 1971
Chiropractic Insurance
Box   202
Folder   45
General Correspondence, 1971-1972
Box   202
Folder   46
SB 202 and SB 203, 1972
Box   203
Folder   1
Cigarette tax, 1975-1976
Box   203
Folder   1A
Cigarette sales to minors, 1976
Box   203
Folder   2
Citizen suggestions for government, 1970-1971
Box   203
Folder   3
Citizen interest form letters 101
Box   203
Folder   4
Citizen suggestions
Box   203
Folder   5
Citizen's aide
Box   203
Folder   6
Citizens' Government Research Bureau, 1970-1971
Box   203
Folder   7
Civil Air Patrol, 1972-1973
Box   203
Folder   8
Civil emergencies, 1971
Box   203
Folder   9
Civil service reform
Box   203
Folder   10
Commercial fishing, 1973
Box   203
Folder   11
Common Cause, 1973-1975
Box   203
Folder   12
Community training and development, 1971
Box   203
Folder   13
Community Action agencies (DLAD), 1974-1975
Box   203
Folder   14
Community Development Services Bureau, 1972-1975
Box   203
Folder   15
Community Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Program, 1973-1974
Box   203
Folder   16
Comprehensive planning
Box   203
Folder   17-18
Box   203
Folder   19
Contingency Fund, 1977
Box   203
Folder   20
Conservation, 1970-1972
Box   203
Folder   21
Consumer affairs and protection, 1971
Box   203
Folder   22
Contraceptives, 1973
Box   203
Folder   23
Corporate taxes, 1975
Box   203
Folder   24-25
Cost control limits/Statewide testing
Box   203
Folder   26
Cost cutting measures of private industry, 1975
Box   203
Folder   27
Cost of living
Box   203
Folder   28
Council of State Governments, 1971-1977
Box   203
Folder   29
Counties, 1972
Box   203
Folder   30
County educational institutions, 1971
Box   203
Folder   31
County jails, 1973-1974
Box   203
Folder   32
Criminal justice, 1977-1978
Box   203
Folder   33
Cruelty to animals
Box   203
Folder   34
Dairy industry trade balance
Box   203
Folder   35
Davis - Bacon Act, 1971
Box   203
Folder   36
Day care centers, 1973
Box   203
Folder   37
Day care regulation, 1976
Box   203
Folder   38
Democratic Governors Conference
Box   203
Folder   39
Democratic Convention (Williamson file), 1976
Box   203
Folder   40
Democratic Party, 1977
Box   203
Folder   41
Developmental Disabilities Act, 1971
Box   203
Folder   42
Divorce reform, 1977-1978
Box   203
Folder   43-44
Double bottom trucks, 1972-1974
Box   203
Folder   45
Drinking age, 1977-1978
Box   204
Folder   1
Drought emergency, 1976-1977
Box   204
Folder   2-5
Drugs and alcoholism (HSS), 1971-1977
Box   204
Folder   6
Eagle Lake, 1972
Box   204
Folder   7
Ecology and environment, 1970-1971
Box   204
Folder   8
Ecology, 1972
Box   204
Folder   9
Economic Advisors, Council of, 1971
Box   204
Folder   10
Economic Development (DLAD), 1971
Box   204
Folder   11
Economic development and commerce, 1971-1972
Box   204
Folder   12
Economic Development, Governor's Commission on
Box   204
Folder   13
Economic Development, Governor's Conference on, 1976
Box   204
Folder   14
Economy, Impact on Wisconsin, 1975
Box   204
Folder   15
Box   204
Folder   16
Educational aids to private schools, 1971
Box   204
Folder   17
Educational aids to students and minorities, 1971
Box   204
Folder   18
Education Budget and collective bargaining, 1975
Box   204
Folder   19
Edgewater Township election, 1973-1974
Box   204
Folder   20
Elderly benefits, 1975-1977
Box   204
Folder   21-22
Emergency letters
Box   204
Folder   23
Energy, 1977-1978
Box   204
Folder   24
Energy conservation, 1977-1978
Box   204
Folder   25-27
Energy crisis (DLAD), 1972-1974
Box   204
Folder   28
Energy report
Environmental protection
Box   204
Folder   29-30
Box   205
Folder   1-2
Box   205
Folder   3
Epilepsy, 1976
Box   205
Folder   4
Equal Rights Amendment, 1972
Box   205
Folder   5
Equal Rights Council
Box   205
Folder   6
European industry trip, 1971
Box   205
Folder   7
European trade tour
Box   205
Folder   8-9
Executive Information Reporting System, 1972-1973
Box   205
Folder   10
Executive Information
Box   205
Folder   11
Faculty salaries, UW System, 1975
Box   205
Folder   12
Farm leaders, 1972-1973
Box   205
Folder   13
Farm workers boycotts, 1973-1974
Box   205
Folder   14
Federal assistance, 1971
Box   205
Folder   15
Federal budget (Impact on Wisconsin), 1972-1977
Box   205
Folder   16
Federal funds impoundment, 1973-1974
Box   205
Folder   17
Federal legislation, 1971-1977
Box   205
Folder   18
Federation of Community Independent Schools, 1971
Box   205
Folder   19
Ferguson, Rufus
Box   205
Folder   20
Ferry services
Box   205
Folder   21
55 mph speed limit
Box   205
Folder   22
Financial aid for released offenders
Box   205
Folder   23
Firefighters certification, 1971
Box   205
Folder   24
Food stamps
Box   205
Folder   25
Foreign medical schools transfer, 1976
Box   205
Folder   26
Fox Valley Council of Government
Box   205
Folder   27
Franchise law, 1973
Box   205
Folder   28
Free care law for TB, 1973
Box   205
Folder   29
Freedom House, 1972
Box   205
Folder   30
French Beaver Creek Watershed project, 1972
Box   205
Folder   31
Gambling, 1973
Box   205
Folder   32
Gasoline allocation to Wisconsin, 1974
Box   205
Folder   33-34
Gasoline taxes, 1973-1975
Box   205
Folder   35
German Minister (Stoltenberg) visit, 1976
Box   205
Folder   36
Government spending, 1975
Box   205
Folder   37
Governor's Mansion
Governor's "signature letters"
Box   205
Folder   38
Box   206
Folder   1
Box   206
Folder   2
Great Lakes Governors Caucus, 1973-1976
Box   206
Folder   3
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Commission, 1971-1972
Box   206
Folder   4
Green Bay Dike (Operation Foresight), 1972-1973
Box   206
Folder   5
Green Thumb: Green Light
Box   206
Folder   6-7
Gun Control
Box   206
Folder   8
Opposition, 1972
Box   206
Folder   9-12
AB 124, AB 698, SB 185
Box   206
Folder   13
Box   206
Folder   14
Health care, 1971
Box   206
Folder   15
Health insurance increases, 1975-1976
Box   206
Folder   16
Helmet law for motorcycles, 1977
Box   206
Folder   17
Hemophilia, 1975-1976
Box   206
Folder   18
Hesse (Sister state)
Box   206
Folder   19
High school closings, 1973-1974
Box   206
Folder   20
Highway 16
Box   206
Folder   21
Highway 18-151, 1975-1976
Box   206
Folder   22
Highway 26 Bypass
Box   206
Folder   23
Highway 45 improvements, 1977
Box   206
Folder   24
Highway 131, 1972
Box   206
Folder   25
Highway safety, 1971-1973
Box   206
Folder   25A
Hispanic community, 1974, 1977
Box   206
Folder   26
Home heating fuel tax exemption, 1975-1976
Box   206
Folder   27
Homestead Tax Relief and Food Stamps, 1977
Box   206
Folder   28
Box   206
Folder   29
Honor scholarships, 1972
Box   206
Folder   30
Horicon National Wildlife Refuge, 1972
Box   206
Folder   31
Hortonville teacher strike, 1974
Box   207
Folder   1
Housing, 1971
Box   207
Folder   2
Human Resource Administration proposal
Box   207
Folder   3-8
Hunting and Fishing, Increase in rates for non-residents, 1973
Box   207
Folder   9-16
I-43, 1975-1976
Box   207
Folder   17
I-57, 1971-1972
Box   207
Folder   18
I-90 and I-94
Box   207
Folder   19
Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Board, 1971-1972
Box   207
Folder   20
Illinois-Wisconsin reciprocity agreement, 1973-1974
Box   207
Folder   21
Income taxes, 1975
Box   208
Folder   1-6
Indian Affairs, 1971-1977
Box   208
Folder   7
Indian Commission
Box   208
Folder   8
Industrial safety, 1971-1972
Box   208
Folder   9
Box   208
Folder   10-11
Inverted rate schedule, 1972
Box   208
Folder   12
Iola Hospital, 1976
Box   208
Folder   13
Iowa County, 1972-1973
Box   208
Folder   14
Israel Bond Committee
Box   208
Folder   15-16
Japanese governors' visit to Wisconsin, 1973
Box   208
Folder   17
Jefferson County judgeship
Box   208
Folder   18
Job opportunities
Box   208
Folder   19
Joint Economic Committee hearing, 1971
Box   208
Folder   20
Joint Finance Committee, 1975-1976
Box   208
Folder   21
Judicial Organization, Citizens Committee on
Box   208
Folder   22
Judicial reform, 1971
Box   208
Folder   23
Judicial salaries, 1973
Box   208
Folder   24
Kewaskum Joint School District No. 2
Kickapoo Dam
Box   208
Folder   25
DNR, 1972
Box   208
Folder   26
General information, 1971
Box   208
Folder   27-30
Correspondence against, 1971
Box   208
Folder   31
Correspondence for, 1971
Box   209
Folder   1-5
Correspondence for, 1971-1976
Box   209
Folder   6
Correspondence review, 1971
Box   209
Folder   7
Federal Corps Engineers, 1971
Box   209
Folder   8-9
Intensive review, 1970-1971
Box   209
Folder   10
Master file, 1970-1971
Box   209
Folder   11-13
Correspondence, 1973-1976
Box   209
Folder   14
Project, 1977
Box   209
Folder   15
K-8 School District Equality, 1977-1978
Box   209
Folder   16
King, Warren and Associates, 1973
Box   209
Folder   17
Kimball Bill, 1971
Box   209
Folder   18
Kirst - Indonesian contact, 1976
Box   209
Folder   19
Labor leaders, 1972-1976
Box   209
Folder   20
Lac Courte Oreilles, 1971-1972
Box   210
Folder   1
Lake Sinissippi - Buffalo Lake, 1974
Box   210
Folder   2
Lake Superior, 1971
Box   210
Folder   3
Lakehead Pipeline, 1975
Box   210
Folder   4
Land use policy, 1972-1976
Box   210
Folder   5
Landfills, 1974-1975
Box   210
Folder   6
Law and order, 1970-1971
Box   210
Folder   7
Law clerks prison miscellany, 1971-1974
Box   210
Folder   8
Lazy Eye Task Force, 1976
Box   210
Folder   9
Legislation, 1972
Box   210
Folder   10
Legislation salaries, 1975-1976
Box   210
Folder   11
Legislative summary, 1971
Box   210
Folder   12
Levy limitation, 1973
Box   210
Folder   13
Levy limits, 1975
Box   210
Folder   14
Line veto - SB 98 and 199, 1977-1978
Box   210
Folder   15-16
Liquor licenses - Beer Bars, 1972
Box   210
Folder   17
Lottery, 1974-1977
Box   210
Folder   18
“Lucey's Raiders,” 1972
MacDonald, James Investigation Committee (Special Counsel)
Box   210
Folder   19-20
Correspondence, 1974-1976
Box   210
Folder   21-23
Reports, 1975
Box   210
Folder   24
Statements, 1974
Box   210
Folder   25
Machinery and Equipment correspondence, 1975
Box   210
Folder   26-27
Madison, 1971-1977
Box   210
Folder   28
Madison Gas and Electric, 1975
Box   210
Folder   29
Madison teacher strike, 1976
Box   210
Folder   30
Mail log, 1973
Box   210
Folder   31
Malpractice insurance, 1975
Box   210
Folder   32
Management fellows program, 1974-1976
Box   210
Folder   33
Marijuana decriminalization, 1975-1977
Box   210
Folder   34
Marinette County district attorney, 1977
Box   211
Folder   1
Marquette University, 1970-1976
Box   211
Folder   2
Mass transportation, 1975-1976
Box   211
Folder   3
Mass mail, 1973
Box   211
Folder   4
Maternity leave, 1972
Box   211
Folder   5
Meat packers strike, 1975
Box   211
Folder   6
Meat inspection, 1973
Box   211
Folder   7
Medicaid, 1972
Box   211
Folder   8
Medical assistants (AB 707 and SB 255), 1971
Box   211
Folder   9-10
Medical College (Madison), 1972-1976
Box   211
Folder   11
Sheriff Fish, 1976
Box   211
Folder   12
Indian minorities, 1971
Box   211
Folder   13-14
Restoration, 1973-1975
Box   211
Folder   15-20
Merger - Budget 414
Box   211
Folder   21
Metropolitan Sewerage Commission Development, 1976
Box   211
Folder   22
Midwestern Govenors Conference, 1972-1976
Box   211
Folder   23-25
Migrants, 1972-1977
Box   211
Folder   26
Military leave, 1975
Box   211
Folder   27
Box   212
Folder   1-4
City, 1971-1977
Box   212
Folder   5-7
County, 1971-1977
Box   212
Folder   8
Employees strike, 1973
Box   212
Folder   9
County (CCJ), 1972-1973
Box   212
Folder   10
Indians - Coastguard station occupation, 1971
Box   212
Folder   11
Expressway Commission, 1971-1976
Box   212
Folder   12
Health and social services, 1972
Box   212
Folder   13
Social development, 1972
Box   212
Folder   14
Transportation and housing, 1971
Box   212
Folder   15
Urban observatory, 1970-1971
Box   212
Folder   16
Minimum standard for state aid, 1975
Box   212
Folder   17
Wisconsin Boundary Area Commission, 1977
Box   212
Folder   18
Wisconsin Compact (Reciprocity), 1973-1975
Box   212
Folder   19
Minorities' problems, 1971-1972
Box   212
Folder   20
Mobile homes, 1972-1973
Box   212
Folder   21
Moon rock, 1974
Box   212
Folder   22
Municipal boundaries and problems (AB 64 and SB 364), 1971
Box   212
Folder   23
Municipal employees, 1970-1971
Box   212
Folder   24
NAACP, 1970-1976
Box   212
Folder   25
NFIB survey, 1971-1974
National Governors Conference
Box   212
Folder   26-28
Box   212
Folder   29
Title Five Council, 1973
Box   213
Folder   1
Box   213
Folder   2
“What's New in Wisconsin” packet, 1974
Box   213
Folder   3
Box   213
Folder   4
Highway financing query, 1975
Box   213
Folder   5
Box   213
Folder   6
Management and Fiscal Affairs Committee, 1975-1976
Box   213
Folder   7
National Growth Policy Processes, Advisory Committee on, 1976
Box   213
Folder   8
National Health Insurance, Committee for, 1974
Box   213
Folder   9
National Safety Council, 1971
Box   213
Folder   10
National Youth Science Camp, 1974-1976
Box   213
Folder   11
Native American programs of state agencies, 1973
Box   213
Folder   12-13
Native American Project (Equal Rights Council), 1974
Box   213
Folder   14
Native American proposals, 1973-1974
Box   213
Folder   15
Nativity pageant, 1977
Box   213
Folder   16
Nazi Party, 1975-1976
Box   213
Folder   17-18
Negative aid payments to school districts, 1975
Box   213
Folder   19
Negative aids lawsuit, 1976
Box   213
Folder   20
New product award, 1972-1974
Box   213
Folder   21-23
Nicaragua, 1971-1974
Box   213
Folder   24
Nicolet College and Technical Institute, 1974-1975
Box   213
Folder   25
No fault insurance, 1975
Box   213
Folder   26
Noise pollution, 1972
Box   213
Folder   27
Northern Environmental Council, 1971
Box   213
Folder   28
Northwest Airlines strike, 1972
Box   213
Folder   29
Northwest Area wide Comprehensive Health Planning Organization, 1972
Box   213
Folder   30-32
Nuclear power, 1973-1976
Box   214
Folder   1
Nursing, 1971
Box   214
Folder   2-7
Nursing home, 1971-1977
Box   214
Folder   8
Personal allowances, 1976
Box   214
Folder   9
Octagon House, 1973-1975
Box   214
Folder   10
Offender rehabilitation
Box   214
Folder   11
Olympics, 1976
Box   214
Folder   12
Oneida Street Bridge (Appleton), 1977
Box   214
Folder   13
Open meeting law, 1975
Box   214
Folder   14
Open primary, 1975-1976
Box   214
Folder   14A
Oregon School for Girls food problem, 1974
Box   214
Folder   15
PCBs, 1971, 1975
Box   214
Folder   16
POWs, 1972-1973
Box   214
Folder   17
Packerland strike, 1973-1976
Box   214
Folder   18
Pageants, 1975-1976
Box   214
Folder   19
Parochial schools, 1973-1977
Box   214
Folder   20
Parole law, 1971-1974
Box   214
Folder   21-23
Partners of the Americas, 1971-1973
Box   214
Folder   23A
Peace Corps
Box   214
Folder   24
Per diem, 1971
Box   214
Folder   25
Perinatal center, 1973
Box   214
Folder   26
Personal property tax, 1977
Box   214
Folder   27
Petitions (various topics), 1971-1976
Pharmacists rate freeze, 1976
Box   214
Folder   28
Part I
Box   215
Folder   1
Part II
Box   215
Folder   2
Phosphate detergents, 1971
Box   215
Folder   3
[unused number]
Box   215
Folder   4
Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant, 1972
Box   215
Folder   5
Pollution, 1970-1971
Box   215
Folder   6
Pollution abatement by state agencies, 1971
Box   215
Folder   7
Pornography, 1972-1973
Box   215
Folder   8
Port Authority, 1972
Box   215
Folder   9
Power equalization, Property taxes
Box   215
Folder   10
Power plants, 1973
Box   215
Folder   11
Prairie Lake, 1972-1973
Box   215
Folder   12
President's economic program (freeze), 1971-1972
Box   215
Folder   13
Prison reform, 1973
Box   215
Folder   14-15
Probate reform, 1971-1973
Box   215
Folder   16
Proclamations (sample), 1976
Box   215
Folder   17
Productivity, 1971-1972
Box   215
Folder   18-19
Productivity conference, 1973-1974
Box   215
Folder   20
Productivity reports, 1972-1973
Box   215
Folder   21
Project Crossroads (Rhinelander), 1972, undated
Box   215
Folder   22
Project Mainstream, 1975
Box   215
Folder   23
Project Phoenix, undated
Box   215
Folder   24
Project Sanguine, 1971-1975
Box   215
Folder   25
Property taxes, 1972-1973
Box   215
Folder   26
Property taxes control, 1975
Box   215
Folder   27
Public Assistance System form letter, 1975
Box   215
Folder   28
Public employees, 1971-1977
Box   215
Folder   29
Salaries, 1977
Box   215
Folder   30
Unions, 1976-1977
Box   215
Folder   31
Public Expenditure Survey, 1975-1977
Box   215
Folder   32
Public Service careers, 1972, undated
Box   215
Folder   33
Questionnaires, 1972-1973
Box   215
Folder   34
Racine Community Center for Men, 1974
Box   215
Folder   35
Racine County Court, 1975
Box   215
Folder   36
Racine Pre-release Center
Box   215
Folder   37
Racine Teacher Strike, 1972
Box   215
Folder   38
Box   216
Folder   1-2
Box   216
Folder   2A
Raspiller, Gerald, Case
Box   216
Folder   3
Reciprocal tax agreements
Box   216
Folder   4
Recycling legislation, 1971-1977
Box   216
Folder   5
Redistricting, 1970-1971
Box   216
Folder   6
Redlining, 1974
Box   216
Folder   7
Reference and Loan services, 1977
Box   216
Folder   8-9
Regional planning, 1971-1976
Box   216
Folder   10
Reserve Mining Company, 1974
Box   216
Folder   11-14
Resolutions with replies, 1974
Box   216
Folder   15
Reuss' dormitory conversion plan, 1973
Box   216
Folder   16-19
Revenue sharing, 1971-1975
Box   216
Folder   20
Rhinelander Oneida Airport, 1975
Box   216
Folder   21
Right to Privacy, 1973
Box   216
Folder   22
Rinser/Thompson staff, 1975
Box   216
Folder   23
Rock River treatment (chemical removal of carp), 1971-1972
Box   216
Folder   24
SSI, 1976
Box   216
Folder   25
St. Lawrence Seaway, 1971
Box   216
Folder   26
Salary increase, 1972
Box   216
Folder   27
Sauk County welfare, 1971
Box   216
Folder   28
School aid formula, 1976
Box   216
Folder   29
School lunch program, 1971-1972, 1975
Box   216
Folder   30
Seat belts, 1973-1974
Box   217
Folder   1
Self-help publications
Box   217
Folder   2-5
Senior citizens, 1977-1978
Box   217
Folder   6-7
Senior citizens expansion, 1977-1978
Box   217
Folder   8
71/2 pupil expenditure, 1977
Box   217
Folder   9
Shared tax information, 1971
Box   217
Folder   10
Shared tax formula, 1975
Box   217
Folder   11
Shared taxes redistribution measure
Box   217
Folder   12
Shawano School District, 1972
Box   217
Folder   13
Shoreline erosion, 1973-1975
Box   217
Folder   14
Sickle Cell Anemia, 1971-1972
Box   217
Folder   15
Simonson, Archie, 1977
Box   217
Folder   16
Small businesses, 1971
Box   217
Folder   17
Small Business Investment Fund, 1971
Box   217
Folder   18-19
Box   217
Folder   20
Box   217
Folder   21
Social Security, 1977-1978
Box   217
Folder   22
Social Security Disability Bureau, 1975
Box   217
Folder   23
Socialist Party of Wisconsin, 1970
Box   217
Folder   24
Solar energy
Box   217
Folder   25
Soviet Union trip, 1975
Box   217
Folder   26
Sparta Game Farm, 1972
Box   217
Folder   27-28
Special Educational Needs Program, 1975-1978
Box   217
Folder   29
Special projects reports, 1971
Box   217
Folder   30
Special Session
Box   217
Folder   31
Square D, 1971-1972
Box   218
Folder   1
Stadium Freeway South, 1977-1978
Box   218
Folder   2-3
State Bar, 1971-1977
Box   218
Folder   4
State Life Insurance Fund, 1973-1974
Box   218
Folder   5
State institutions
Box   218
Folder   6
State Street Capitol Concourse, 1974-1975
Box   218
Folder   7
Stepparent and stepchildren support, 1977-1978
Box   218
Folder   8
Stockbridge-Munsee Tribe
Box   218
Folder   9
Studded tires, 1975-1976
Box   218
Folder   10
Sudan, Visit of President Nimeiri
Summer assessment of government agencies (SAGA)
Box   218
Folder   11-12
Community Development Fund
Box   218
Folder   13
DNR Youth Programs
Box   218
Folder   14
ESEA Title I
Box   218
Folder   15
Mass Transit
Box   218
Folder   16
Supervisors salary
Box   218
Folder   17-18
TAUWF, 1971-1975
Task forces
Box   218
Folder   19-20
Box   218
Folder   21
Summary reports
Box   218
Folder   22
Tax hearings, 1972
Box   218
Folder   23
Taxation research reports
Box   218
Folder   24-25
Box   218
Folder   26
Box   218
Folder   27
Revenue, 1971
Box   218
Folder   28
Taylor County assistance
Box   219
Folder   1
Think Tank, 1974
Box   219
Folder   2
Title I Higher Education Act, 1970
Box   219
Folder   3
Title XIX, 1976
Box   219
Folder   4
Tobacco tax, 1971
Box   219
Folder   5
Tornado, 1974
Box   219
Folder   6
Town hall meetings, 1977
Box   219
Folder   7
Towns and counties, 1972
Box   219
Folder   8
Trade missions, 1970
Box   219
Folder   9-13
Transportation funding, 1975
Box   219
Folder   14
Transportation policies, 1977
Box   219
Folder   15
Truck weight limitations, 1977
Box   219
Folder   16
Truckers strike, 1974
Box   219
Folder   17-18
Tuition stabilization and reduction proposal, 1974-1975
Box   219
Folder   19
Turtle Lake, 1972
Box   219
Folder   20
Two-digit license plates
Box   219
Folder   21
Uniform Consumer Credit Code
Box   219
Folder   22
Uniform Dangerous Substance Act, 1971
Box   219
Folder   23
Uniform State Districts, 1971
Box   219
Folder   24
Union Grove prison camp, 1976
Box   219
Folder   25
United Nations, 1971-1972
Box   219
Folder   26
U.S. Constitutional amendments, 1972
Box   219
Folder   27
United Way Campaign
Box   219
Folder   28
University campus closing, 1975
Box   219
Folder   29
UW Dormitory rates, 1972
Box   219
Folder   30
Upper Midwest Council
Box   219
Folder   31
Utility rates
Box   219
Folder   32
User fees, 1973-1974
Box   219
Folder   33
Veterans, 1973-1974
Box   219
Folder   34
Vetoes, 1971-1972
Box   219
Folder   35
Vietnam refugees, 1975
Box   219
Folder   36
Vietnam War, 1972
Box   219
Folder   37
Vietnam - PJL Statement, 1972
Box   220
Folder   1
Violence on campus, 1970-1971
Box   220
Folder   2
Vocational rehabilitation, 1973
Box   220
Folder   3
Volunteerism, State Office, 1977
Box   220
Folder   4
Voter registration/education
Box   220
Folder   5
Voting Age, 1970-1971
Box   220
Folder   6
Wages and compensation, 1976
Box   220
Folder   7
Waste disposal
Box   220
Folder   8
Wallace, Jackson letters regarding Presidential primary visit, 1976
Box   220
Folder   9
Walworth County judgeship
Box   220
Folder   10
Washington Alcoholism Services
Box   220
Folder   11
Washington County judgeship
Box   220
Folder   12-14
Watergate, 1973-1974
Box   220
Folder   15
Waubeka Dam
Box   220
Folder   16
Waubanascun, John
Box   220
Folder   17-22
Welfare, 1971-1977
Box   220
Folder   23
White House
Box   220
Folder   24
Wilde River Development, 1972
Box   220
Folder   25-26
Winnebago Mental Health Institute Closing, 1975
Box   220
Folder   27
Wisconsin Air National Guard, 1974
Box   220
Folder   28
Wisconsin Alliances of Cities, 1972
Box   220
Folder   29-30
Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce, 1970-1975
Box   220
Folder   31
Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act, 1973-1976
Box   221
Folder   1
Wisconsin Federation of Coops, 1971-1975
Box   221
Folder   2
Wisconsin Information Service, 1975
Box   221
Folder   3
Wisconsin Management Fellows, 1976
Box   221
Folder   4
Wisconsin Medical Society, 1972
Box   221
Folder   5
Wisconsin-Minnesota conference
Box   221
Folder   6
WSEU, 1977
Box   221
Folder   7
Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance
Box   221
Folder   8
Wisconsin Town Association, 1975
Box   221
Folder   9
Wolf River easement
Box   221
Folder   10-11
Wonderful Wisconsin, 1973-1975
Box   221
Folder   12
Youth Conservation Camps, 1972-1973
Box   221
Folder   13
Youth Employment, 1977
Box   221
Folder   14
Youth Model Legislature
Box   221
Folder   15
Youthful Offenders Study Committee
Box   221
Folder   16
Letters, 1977 July 5
Box   221
Folder   17
All dated, 1977 July 5