Wisconsin. Division of Tourism: Audio-Visual Promotion Files, 1964-2000

Container Title
Series 2418
Part 1 (Series 2418): Original Collection, 1959-1990
Box   1
Folder   1
ACIR, 1970-1984
Box   1
Folder   2
Accounting Advisory Committee, 1981-1982
Box   1
Folder   3
Adjusted gross income, 1976-1979
Box   1
Folder   4
Administration, Department of, 1980-1982
Box   1
Folder   5
Administrative Rules, 1976-1979
Box   1
Folder   6
Aidable revenues, 1977-1984
Box   1
Folder   7
Agriculture/Farming, 1985
Box   1
Folder   8
Airline taxation, 1980-1982
Box   1
Folder   9
Alcoholic beverage laws, 1971-1973
Box   1
Folder   10
Alliance of Cities, 1977-1981
Box   1
Folder   11
Annual economic report, 1972-1975
Box   1
Folder   12
Annual fiscal report (Department of Administration (DOA)), 1977-1979
Box   1
Folder   13
Annual review, 1974-1975
Box   1
Folder   14
Annual review, shared revenue, 1980
Box   1
Folder   15
Annual review, review vetoes, 1980
Box   1
Folder   16
Appleton study (Fox River mall), 1981
Box   1
Folder   17
Assembly Revenue Committee, Through 1979
Box   1
Folder   18
Assembly/Senate tax package, 1979
Box   1
Folder   19
Assessor aid formula, 1971-1976
Box   1
Folder   20
Biennial reports, 1971-1975
Box   1
Folder   21
Bingo, to 1979
Box   1
Folder   22
Border tax issues, to 1979
Box   1
Folder   23
Box   1
Folder   24
Box   1
Folder   25
County briefing materials
Box   1
Folder   26
DOR policy items
Box   1
Folder   27
Fiscal policy
Box   1
Folder   28
General materials
Box   2
Folder   1
Annual review bill
Box   2
Folder   2-3
Annual Review Bill-Policy issues
Box   2
Folder   4-5
Budget proposals
Box   2
Folder   6-7
Policy papers
Box   2
Folder   8-9
Trailer bill (SB 578)
Box   2
Folder   10-11
Box   2
Folder   12-13
Box   2
Folder   14
Annual review issue papers
Box   2
Folder   15-16
Budget issue books
Box   2
Folder   17
Policy issues
Box   2
Folder   18
Policy issues, Numbered Series, 1-6
Box   3
Folder   1-2
Policy issues, Numbered Series, 7-11
Box   3
Folder   3
Policy Development
Box   3
Folder   4
Assembly Amendments to SB 79
Box   3
Folder   5
Senate Amendments to SB 79
Box   3
Folder   6
Senate Action
Box   3
Folder   7-8
Review bill, DOR proposals
Box   3
Folder   9
Review bill
Box   3
Folder   10
Review bill, Memoranda
Box   3
Folder   11-13
Reports of LFB on AB 1180
Box   3
Folder   14
Review bill, Joint Finance
Box   3
Folder   15
Review bill, Vetoes
Box   3
Folder   16-17
Box   3
Folder   18-19
Budget development
Box   3
Folder   20-21
DOR proposals
Box   4
Folder   1-2
Action on AB 66
Box   4
Folder   3
Joint finance
Box   4
Folder   4-6
Box   4
Folder   7
Trailer proposals
Box   4
Folder   8-11
Trailer/Adjustment bill
Box   4
Folder   12
Shortfall reduction
Box   4
Folder   13
General file
Box   4
Folder   14-18
Disordered files
Box   5
Folder   1-7
Volumes 1-VII
Box   5
Folder   8
Box   5
Folder   9-12
LFB memoranda
Box   27
Folder   3
LFB memoranda, continued
Box   5
Folder   13-15
DOR proposals
Box   5
Folder   16-19
Box   6
Folder   1-2
Miscellany, continued
Box   27
Folder   1-2
Miscellany, continued
Box   6
Folder   3
Revenue memoranda
Box   6
Folder   4
Technical corrections
Box   6
Folder   5-6
Veto candidates
Box   27
Folder   4
Veto candidates, continued
Box   6
Folder   7
Business development, 1972-1975
Box   6
Folder   8
Business relationship, 1975-1977
Box   6
Folder   9
Business relief, 1972-1975
Box   6
Folder   10
Business taxes, 1974-1983
Box   6
Folder   11
CPAs, 1975-1978
Box   6
Folder   12
CETA, 1977-1978
Box   6
Folder   13
California Proposition 13, 1978
Box   6
Folder   14
Campaign financing, 1973-1978
Box   6
Folder   15
Capital flow, 1976-1984
Box   6
Folder   16
Capital formation, 1976-1977
Box   6
Folder   17-18
Capital gains, 1977-1984
Box   6
Folder   19
Chamber of Commerce, 1972-1975
Box   27
Folder   5-8
Chapter 125 revision, 1989-1990
Box   6
Folder   20
Christensen Associates, 1983-1986
Box   6
Folder   21
Cigarette taxes, 1974-1975
Box   6
Folder   22
Cities (financial emergencies), 1975
Box   6
Folder   23
Clerical survey, 1978
Box   6
Folder   24
Clean water program, 1978
Box   6
Folder   25
Closed Presidential primary, 1975
Box   6
Folder   26
Coal strike impacts, 1978
Box   6
Folder   27
Competitive Wisconsin, 1982-1983
Box   6
Folder   28
Congressional Budget Act, 1975
Box   6
Folder   29
Consumer Price Index, 1978
Box   6
Folder   30
Consumption Base Tax, 1978
Box   6
Folder   31
Corporate accounting, 1975
Corporate income tax
Box   6
Folder   32-33
Box   7
Folder   1
Box   7
Folder   2
Corporate tax climate, 1972-1979
Box   7
Folder   3
Corporate tax seminar, 1978
Corporate tax study of 19 states, 1989-1990
Box   27
Folder   9-10
Box   29
Printout for six corporations
Box   7
Folder   4
Corporations, Subchapter S
Box   7
Folder   5
County Boards Association, 1978-1984
Box   7
Folder   6
County clerks, 1977-1978
Box   7
Folder   7
County sales tax, 1984-1985
Box   7
Folder   8-9
DOD, 1973-1983
Box   7
Folder   10
DRI, 1978-1984
Box   7
Folder   11
Data base dictionary, 1977-1978
Box   7
Folder   12-14
Data processing, 1972-1983
Box   7
Folder   15
Approvals, 1977-1979
Box   7
Folder   16
Five year information system
Box   7
Folder   17
Status meetings, 1979
Box   7
Folder   18
Deductions, 1976-1985
Box   7
Folder   19
Deferred compensation plan
Box   7
Folder   20
Deming study, 1984-1985
Box   7
Folder   21
Depreciation, 1981-1985
Box   7
Folder   22
Distressed areas, 1978
Box   7
Folder   23
Dreyfus tax proposal, 1978-1979
Box   8
Folder   1
Earned Income tax credit, 1979-1983
Box   8
Folder   2
Econometric Energy Model, 1978
Box   8
Folder   3-6
Econometric Model, 1975-1984
Box   8
Folder   7
Contractual, 1975-1977
Box   8
Folder   8
First solution, 1976
Box   8
Folder   9
RPC work, 1979-1980
Box   8
Folder   10
WISMOD tech notes, 1980-1981
Economic development
Box   8
Folder   11-12
Box   9
Folder   1-2
Box   9
Folder   3-5
Economic Development Coordinating Committee, 1975-1978
Box   9
Folder   6-7
Agriculture subcommittee, 1977-1978
Box   9
Folder   8
Mining, 1976-1977
Box   9
Folder   9
Economic outlook, 1975-1978
Box   9
Folder   10
Economic Outlook Conference, 1977
Box   9
Folder   11
Edmonton Conference on Northern Regions, 1979
Box   9
Folder   12
Education tax credits, 1971-1980
Box   9
Folder   13
Elderly profile study
Box   9
Folder   14
Elderly report, 1985
Box   9
Folder   15
Electricity pricing in Wisconsin
Box   9
Folder   16
Employee stock option plans, 1982-1985
Box   9
Folder   17
Employment, 1972-1985
Box   27
Folder   11
Employment forecasting model, Miscellaneous material
Box   9
Folder   18-19
Energy, 1974-1980
Box   27
Folder   12-19
Enterprise zones, 1987-1990
Box   9
Folder   20-21
Equalization, 1972-1979, n.d.
Box   9
Folder   22
Excise taxes, 1980-1985
Exemption reports
Box   9
Folder   23-24
Box   10
Folder   1
Box   10
Folder   2-3
Exemptions, 1974-1985
Box   10
Folder   4-7
Farmland Preservation, 1976-1985
Box   10
Folder   8
Federal aids, 1972-1974
Box   10
Folder   9
Federal budget, 1976-1977
Box   10
Folder   10-12
Federal government, Miscellaneous, 1972-1984
Box   10
Folder   13
Federal law changes, 1976-1983
Box   10
Folder   14-15
Federal revenue sharing, 1972-1984
Box   10
Folder   16
Federal tax proposal, 1975-1976
Box   10
Folder   17
Federal tax plan, 1985
Box   10
Folder   18
Federal tax reform, 1984-1985
Federalization of income tax
Box   10
Folder   19
Box   28
Folder   1
Box   10
Folder   20
Fiscal estimates, 1976-1983
Box   10
Folder   21
Fiscal federalism, 1976
Box   10
Folder   22
Fiscal needs indicators, 1977
Box   10
Folder   23
Fiscal policy highlights, 1979
Box   10
Folder   24
Foreign source income, 1980-1983
Box   10
Folder   25
Forest taxation, 1981-1983
Box   10
Folder   26
Forest Productivity, Governor's Council on
Box   10
Folder   27
Full disclosure, 1979-1985
Box   10
Folder   28
General correspondence (Out of office), 1984-1986
Box   11
Folder   1
General Fund collections, 1975-1982
Box   11
Folder   2
General Fund condition, 1979-1980
Box   11
Folder   3
General purpose revenues, 1971-1984
Box   11
Folder   4
Goals of DOR, by division, 1981
Box   11
Folder   5
Box   11
Folder   6
Health care cost containment
Health insurance
Box   11
Folder   7
Box   28
Folder   21
(AB 476), 1989
Box   11
Folder   8
Hog fuel boilers
Box   11
Folder   9
Home equity conversion project
Box   11
Folder   10
Homeowner Improvement tax credit, 1977-1979
Box   11
Folder   11-15
Homestead, 1971-1986
Box   11
Folder   16
Household income, 1977
Box   11
Folder   17
Housing, 1976-1981
Box   11
Folder   18
IRS, 1978
Box   11
Folder   19
Income averaging
Box   11
Folder   20
Income figures, Distribution and general, 1979
Box   11
Folder   21
Income, Per capita
Box   11
Folder   22
Income, Personal, 1980-1985
Income tax
Box   11
Folder   23-26
General, 1971-1983
Box   12
Folder   1
Examination of Desirability of a Local Income Tax, 1977
Box   12
Folder   2
Joint returns, 1979-1982
Box   12
Folder   3
Local, 1976
Box   12
Folder   4
Per Capita, 1975
Box   12
Folder   5
Personal, 1973-1977
Box   12
Folder   6-7
Piggybacking, 1978-1980
Box   12
Folder   8
Progressivity, 1976-1984
Box   12
Folder   9-11
Simplification, 1977-1978, 1980-1982
Box   12
Folder   12
Surtax, 1983-1984
Box   12
Folder   13
Systems study, 1980
Box   12
Folder   14
Independent Business Association of Wisconsin, 1975
Box   12
Folder   15-16
Indexing, 1976-1978, 1980-1983
Box   12
Folder   17
Inflation, 1977-1979
Box   12
Folder   18-20
Inheritance and Gift Taxes, 1973-1983
Box   12
Folder   21-22
Insurance company taxes, 1975-1978, 1980-1983
Box   12
Folder   23
Interest and dividends, 1981
Box   12
Folder   24
Interest rates, 1979-1981
Box   12
Folder   25
Issue narratives, 1976
Box   12
Folder   26
Jobs Tax Credit, 1978-1983
Box   12
Folder   27-28
Joint Finance Committee, 1975, 1980-1983
Box   12
Folder   29
Kasten Tax Paper, 1978
Box   12
Folder   30
Krause, Property Tax Relief Plan, 1980
Box   12
Folder   31
Land, General, 1974-1977
Box   12
Folder   32
Law Revision Bill, 1980
Box   12
Folder   33
League of Wisconsin Municipalities, 1978-1983
Box   12
Folder   34
League of Women Voters speech (Milbourne), 1978
Box   12
Folder   35
General correspondence, 1980-1985
Box   12
Folder   36
Non-budget, 1976-1979
Box   12
Folder   37
Procedures, 1975-1979
Box   12
Folder   38
Remedial, 1976-1979
Box   12
Folder   39
Legislative bill analyses, 1975-1979
Box   12
Folder   40
Legislative contracts, 1979
Levy limits
Box   13
Folder   1-7
General correspondence, 1972-1979, 1981-1982
Box   13
Folder   8
Newsclippings, 1977
Box   13
Folder   9
River Falls problem
Box   13
Folder   10
Line A Stock proposal, 1976-1978
Box   13
Folder   11
Little People's Tax Advisory Committee, 1975
Box   13
Folder   12
Lobbying, 1976-1982
Box   13
Folder   13
Local Affairs and Development, Department of, 1977-1979
Box   13
Folder   14
Local data, 1967-1973
Box   13
Folder   15
Local finance background information, 1973
Box   13
Folder   16
Local Financial Assistance Bureau, 1976-1979
Local Government
Box   13
Folder   17-18
General Correspondence, 1975-1979, 1981-1983
Box   13
Folder   19
Box   13
Folder   20
Finance strategy, 1973-1974
Box   13
Folder   21
Investments, 1975
Box   13
Folder   22-23
Municipal debt, 1981-1984
Box   13
Folder   24
Surpluses, 1979-1980
Box   13
Folder   25
Low Income allowance proposal, 1977
Box   13
Folder   26
Lump sum distributions
[M & E], Machinery and Equipment
Box   14
Folder   1-2
General, 1974-1979
Box   14
Folder   3-9
Study Committee, 1974
Box   14
Folder   10
Madison, 1977-1980
Box   14
Folder   11
Management Improvement Fund, 1977
Box   14
Folder   12-13
Mandates, 1976-1978, 1981
Box   14
Folder   14
General, 1980-1982
Box   14
Folder   15
Employment, 1977-1979
Box   14
Folder   16
Marital Economic Reform, 1980-1985
Box   14
Folder   17
Menominee County Restoration, 1973-1980
Box   14
Folder   18
Michigan's Single Business Tax, 1976-1978
Box   14
Folder   19
Midwest Tax Administrators and Business Representatives, 1973-1979
Box   14
Folder   20
Migration of taxpayers, 1980-1983
Box   14
Folder   21
Mill rate, 1976-1977
Milwaukee, City of
Box   14
Folder   22-24
General, 1976-1983
Box   14
Folder   25
Association of Commerce, 1972-1974
Box   14
Folder   26
County sales tax, 1981
Box   15
Folder   1
Sewer task force, 1980-1985
Box   15
Folder   2
Mineral rights study, 1977-1978
Box   15
Folder   3
Minimum Tax, 1981-1985
Box   15
Folder   4-9
General, 1974-1983
Box   15
Folder   10
Governor's Conference, 1978
Box   15
Folder   11-12
Mining Impact Board, 1977-1980
Box   16
Folder   1
Mining impact study, 1976-1978
Box   16
Folder   2
Legislative Council Committee, 1976-1979
Box   16
Folder   3
Reclamation, 1976-1977
Box   16
Folder   4
Tax Rules, 1981-1982
Box   16
Folder   5-6
General, 1977-1982
Box   16
Folder   7
Minnesota/Wisconsin Task Force, 1978
Box   16
Folder   8-9
Miscellaneous correspondence, 1977-1984
Box   16
Folder   10-11
Mobile Homes, 1976-1983
Box   16
Folder   12
Motor carriers, 1981-1983
Box   16
Folder   13
Motor fuel, 1972-1979
Box   16
Folder   14
Motor vehicles, 1975
Municipal topics
Box   16
Folder   15
Bonds, 1976
Box   16
Folder   16
Electric companies, 1977
Box   16
Folder   17
General, 1974-1977
Box   16
Folder   18
Data, 1972-1975
Box   16
Folder   19
Surplus report, 1980
Box   16
Folder   20
NASBO, National Association of State Budget Officers, 1983-1986
Box   16
Folder   21-22
NATA, National Association of Tax Administrators, 1976-1983
Box   16
Folder   23
National Cash Register, 1981-1983
Box   16
Folder   24
National Governor's Conference, 1974-1981
Box   16
Folder   25
National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America, 1980-1982
Box   16
Folder   26
National Urban Policy, 1978, 1981-1983
Box   16
Folder   27
Native American Study Committee, Technical Advisory Committee, 1976-1977
Box   16
Folder   28
Negative Aids, 1975-1976
Box   16
Folder   29
Negative Income Tax, 1976-1977
Box   16
Folder   30
New Hampshire/Vermont study, 1976
Box   16
Folder   31
New incorporations, 1974
Box   16
Folder   32
Newspaper visits, 1973
Box   16
Folder   33
Nursing Home Exemption, 1976-1977
Box   17
Folder   1
Occupational taxes, 1975-1978
Box   17
Folder   2
Oil companies, 1981-1983
Box   17
Folder   3
Operating budget, 1976-1983
Box   17
Folder   4
Out-Migration of taxpayers, 1977-1979
Box   17
Folder   5
Pitts Project, 1975-1978
Box   17
Folder   6-15
Policy Issue Papers, 1975-1982
Box   18
Folder   1
Policy newsletter, 1977
Box   18
Folder   2-3
Population estimates and figures, 1973-1975, 1980-1983
Box   18
Folder   4
Poverty Line, Definition, 1977
Box   18
Folder   5
Power equalization, 1974
Box   18
Folder   6
Press, 1973-1980
Box   18
Folder   7
Privacy bill, 1976
Box   18
Folder   8
Productivity, 1975-1978
Box   18
Folder   9-11
Property Assessment Reform, 1972-1983
Property Tax
Box   18
Folder   12
Data, 1972-1979
Box   18
Folder   13-14
Deferral program, 1980-1982, 1985
Box   18
Folder   15
Equalization, 1972-1979
Box   18
Folder   16
Exemption report, 1980-1982
Box   18
Folder   17
GPTR, 1975-1978
Box   18
Folder   18-25
General, 1972-1985
Box   19
Folder   1
Moody/Bear Proposal
Box   19
Folder   2-4
Personal Property Tax Relief [PPTR], 1971-1979
Box   19
Folder   5-6
Rent Credit, 1978-1982
Box   19
Folder   7
Prospectus (DOR), 1974
Box   19
Folder   8-9
Public Expenditure Survey, 1972, 1979-1984
Box   19
Folder   10
Public Utility Tax Distribution Committee, 1974
Box   19
Folder   11
Publications, 1976-1977
Box   19
Folder   12
Quarterly reports, 1973-1976
Box   19
Folder   13
Rail Problems, Subcommittee on, 1981-1984
Box   19
Folder   14-15
Rankings, 1972-1979
Box   19
Folder   16
Rapid Analysis Fiscal Tool, 1973
Box   19
Folder   17
Reciprocity, 1957-1978
Box   28
Folder   3
Recycling bill, 1989-1990
Box   19
Folder   18
Reinvestment Mortgage program, 1978
Box   19
Folder   19
Reorganization of the division, 1974-1979
Box   19
Folder   20-21
Research agendas, 1976-1983
Box   19
Folder   22-23
Research projects, 1980-1983, 1985-1986
Box   19
Folder   24
Retirement, 1982-1983
Box   19
Folder   25
Reuss proposal regarding municipal bonds, 1976
Revenue Bill
Box   19
Folder   26
Box   20
Folder   1
Box   20
Folder   2
Revenue bonds, 1973-1981
Box   20
Folder   3-5
Revenue estimates, 1972-1975
Box   20
Folder   6-7
Revenue sources, 1970-1977
Box   20
Folder   8
Rosner Model, State and Local Aids, 1977
Box   20
Folder   9
Rural electric cooperatives, 1972
Box   20
Folder   10
Safe Harboring Leasing, 1981-1982
Sales Tax
Box   20
Folder   11-17
General, 1962-1985
Box   20
Folder   18
Retailers' discount, 1979-1981
Box   20
Folder   19
Sanitary and special districts, 1977
Box   20
Folder   20
Saturn Project, 1985
Box   20
Folder   21-24
School aids, 1972-1987
Box   20
Folder   25
School Board Association Legislative Committee, 1981
School districts
Box   20
Folder   26
Full value, 1973-1977
Box   20
Folder   27
Statistics, 1975-1988
Box   20
Folder   28
Finance, 1973-1976
Box   20
Folder   29
School property tax relief, 1980, 1988
Box   20
Folder   30
Schools, 1976
Box   20
Folder   31
Seniors, Tax option, 1980
Box   20
Folder   32
Services to state institutions, 1974
Box   20
Folder   33
Shaffer's study, industrial development, 1977
Shared revenue
Box   21
Folder   1-12
General, 1971-1988
Box   21
Folder   13
Seminar, 1982-1983
Box   21
Folder   14
Study, 1980
Box   21
Folder   15
Treatment of counties, 1980-1981
Shared Taxes
Box   21
Folder   16
General, 1975
Box   22
Folder   1
Accounting, 1976
Box   22
Folder   2
Box   22
Folder   3
Other shared taxes, 1973-1976
Box   22
Folder   4-5
Proposal changes, 1973-1977
Box   22
Folder   6
Sloan Grant, 1975
Small business
Box   22
Folder   7
General, 1976-1980
Box   22
Folder   8
Stock, 1986-1988
Box   22
Folder   9
Social Security, 1976-1985
Box   22
Folder   10
Solar energy, 1976-1977
Box   22
Folder   11
Space, 1976
Box   22
Folder   12
Special districts, 1976-1977
Box   22
Folder   13
Speeches, 1980-1985
Box   22
Folder   14
Spending limits, 1976-1979
Box   22
Folder   15
Standard Deduction, 1975
Box   22
Folder   16
State Accounting Project, 1982-1983
Box   22
Folder   17
State Aid Model, 1976-1979
State Aids
Box   22
Folder   18-20
General, 1976-1986
Box   22
Folder   21
Snow removal, 1979
Box   22
Folder   22
State and local bonds, 1977-1978, 1983
Box   22
Folder   23
State Audit standard, 1974
Box   22
Folder   24
State/Local relations, 1977-1980
Box   22
Folder   25
State-of-the-State Message, 1977
Box   22
Folder   26
Strand's Unit, 1975
Box   22
Folder   27
Strategic Development Commission, 1984-1985
Box   22
Folder   28
Sum-sufficient estimates, 1986-1988
Box   22
Folder   29
Supply-side economics, 1980-1981
Box   22
Folder   30-34
TIF (Tax Incremental Financing), 1973-1988
Box   22
Folder   35
Tax alternatives, 1974-1975
Tax base
Box   22
Folder   36
General, 1974-1978
Box   22
Folder   37
Multipliers, 1978
Tax burden
Box   22
Folder   38
General, 1977
Box   23
Folder   1
Seminar, 1977
Box   23
Folder   2
General, 1977-1981
Box   23
Folder   3
Administration, 1977-1981
Box   23
Folder   4
Budget, 1977-1978
Box   23
Folder   5
For Families, 1976-1979
Box   23
Folder   6
Grant proposals, 1978-1979
Box   23
Folder   7
Property tax sample, 1977-1978
Box   23
Folder   8-9
Theory notes, 1977-1978
Subcommittee of the Continuing Revenue Committee
Box   23
Folder   10
General, 1959-1960
Box   23
Folder   11
Distribution, 1959-1960
Box   23
Folder   12
Minutes, 1959-1960
Box   23
Folder   13-15
Policy Papers, 1959-1960
Box   23
Folder   16
Tax burdens, 1975-1985
Box   23
Folder   17
Tax climate, 1975-1978
Tax collections
Box   23
Folder   18-19
Box   24
Folder   1
Box   24
Folder   2
Tax comparisons, 1987-1988
Box   24
Folder   3
Tax credits, 1987-1988
Box   24
Folder   4
Tax exempt lands, 1984
Box   24
Folder   5
Tax incentives, 1978-1988
Box   24
Folder   6
Tax liability, 1975-1986
Box   24
Folder   7
Tax model study, 1979-1984
Box   24
Folder   8
Tax policy study (DOA), 1980-1982
Box   24
Folder   9
Tax privacy, 1976-1978
Box   24
Folder   10
Tax ranking, 1982
Box   24
Folder   11
Tax rebate proposal, 1977-1978
Tax reform
Box   24
Folder   12-13
General, 1976-1982
Box   24
Folder   14-15
Commission, 1978-1980
Box   24
Folder   16-17
Compromise proposal, 1978-1979
Box   24
Folder   18
Treasury Department, 1978-1979
Tax relief
Box   24
Folder   19
General, 1976-1981
Box   24
Folder   20
Elderly, 1976-1984
Box   24
Folder   21
Handicapped, 1975-1979
Box   24
Folder   22
Tax returns, Data from, 1977
Tax sample
Box   24
Folder   23
Box   25
Folder   1-3
Box   25
Folder   4
Corporate income tax, 1981-1983
Box   25
Folder   5
Individual income tax, 1979
Box   25
Folder   6
Inheritance tax, 1980-1981
Box   25
Folder   7
Projects, 1980-1981
Box   25
Folder   8
Tax structure, 1974-1983
Box   25
Folder   9
Telecommunications taxation, 1984-1985
Box   25
Folder   10-11
Telephone taxes, 1981-1983, 1986-1988
Box   25
Folder   12
Throwback sales, 1988
Box   25
Folder   13
Tourism tax, 1985-1986
Box   25
Folder   14
Training, 1973-1975
Box   25
Folder   15-17
Transportation, Department of, 1974-1975, 1978-1982
Box   25
Folder   18
Travel voucher study, 1973
Box   25
Folder   19
Treasury contract, 1979-1980
Box   25
Folder   20
Tribal government, 1980
Box   25
Folder   21
Unemployment, 1980-1983
Box   25
Folder   22
Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission, 1978
Box   25
Folder   23
Urban development, 1974-1975
Box   25
Folder   24-27
Utility taxes, 1970-1983, 1986-1988
Box   25
Folder   28
Value-Added Tax, 1979-1983
Box   25
Folder   29
Venture capital, 1983-1985
Box   25
Folder   30
Veterinary school revenue study, 1975-1976
Box   25
Folder   31
Voter participation tax credit, 1977
Box   25
Folder   32
WBEA (Wisconsin Business Economics Association), 1972-1975
Box   25
Folder   33
WEPA (Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act), 1975-1977
Box   26
Folder   1-2
Wallace Commission, 1974-1977
Box   26
Folder   3
Washington Conference on Tax Policy, 1977
Box   26
Folder   4
Waste treatment facilities, 1977-1984
Box   26
Folder   9
Wauwautosa Research & Action Committee, 1985-1987
Box   26
Folder   6
Ways and Means tax proposal, 1975
Box   26
Folder   7
Welfare reform, 1977-1981
Box   26
Folder   8
Wetlands, 1978-1985
Box   26
Folder   9
Wheel tax, 1976
Box   26
Folder   10
White Papers, 1977-1981
Box   26
Folder   11
Wisconsin Association of Manufacturers and Commerce, 1976-1977
Box   26
Folder   12
Wisconsin Association of School Boards, 1982-1983
Box   26
Folder   13
Wisconsin Automated Assessment and Tax System, 1980
Box   26
Folder   14
Wisconsin Economic Development Association, 1975
Box   26
Folder   15
Withholding, 1985-1988
Box   26
Folder   16
Withholding tables, 1980-1983
Box   26
Folder   17
Wyngaard correspondence, 1970-1978