Wisconsin. Department of Regulation and Licensing: Private Detectives Disciplinary Files, 1974-1998, 2001-2009

Container Title
Part 20 (1992/119): Additions, 1976-1986
Physical Description: 60.8 cubic feet (59 records center cartons and 6 archives boxes) 
Scope and Content Note: Administrative subject files, 1976-1986, of the Division of Community Services. Included are correspondence, reports, meeting materials, and budget records. Subjects covered include child support, day care, and subjects related to alcohol, drug abuse and mental health. Records are arranged by year of file closure and alphabetically thereunder. Also included are files pertaining to a basic needs study conducted by the Department of Health and Social Services and the Institute for Research on Poverty with funding from the Social Security Administration. The study, which ran from 1981 to 1982, was designed to investigate what the basic needs of households in Wisconsin were, and to what extent national statistics could be used to measure them. Additionally, this accession includes subject files from the Bureau of Long Term Support, a bureau within the Division of Community Services, focusing on community based programs and services for adults with disabilities.
Box   1
Box   1
Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health (ADAMH)
Box   1
Box   1
Adolescent pregnancy
Box   1
Box   1
Box   1
Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)
Box   2
Affirmative action/Civil rights
Box   2
Box   2
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
Box   2
Alcohol/Drug abuse
Box   2
Alcohol/Drug Abuse Policy Group
Box   2
Box   2
American Public Welfare Association
Box   2
Area Administration
Box   2
Area agencies on aging
Box   2
Box   3
Box   3
Blind, Council on
Box   3
Block grants
Box   3
Board on Aging and Long-Term Care
Box   3
Brain trauma
Box   3
Bureau of Social Security Disability Insurance (BSSDI)
Box   3
Box   3
Bureau of Community Programs
Box   3
Bureau of Economic Assistance
Box   3
Bureau of Human Resources
Box   3
Bureau of Long Term Support
Box   3
Capacity building funds
Box   3
Career executive employment
Box   3
Community Based Residential Facilities (CBRF)
Box   4
Challenge Center
Box   4
Child abuse and neglect
Box   4
Child adolescent mental health
Box   4
Child caring institutions
Box   59-62
Child support
Box   5
Child support (continued)
Box   5
Child Welfare League of America
Box   5
Child welfare services
Box   5
Child Welfare Advisory Committee
Box   5
Children's services
Box   5
Chronically mentally ill
Box   5
Citizens Council
Box   5
Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Community action agencies
Box   5
Community aids
Box   5
Community Integration Program (CIP)
Box   5
Community Options Program (COP)
Box   6
Community services block grant
Box   6
Community Support Program (CSP)
Box   6
Community reporting network
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Controlled Substances Board
Box   7
Control Office Project Experience (COPE)
Box   7
Corrections/51 Board services
Box   7
Council of Councils
Box   7
Council on Criminal Justice
Box   7
County personnel issues
Box   7
County-tribal aging units
Box   7
Criminal justice system
Box   7
Data/word processing
Box   7
Day care
Box   8
Day care (continued)
Box   8
Day treatment
Box   8
Division of Community Services (DCS)
Box   8
Developmental disabilities (DD)
Box   8
Developmental Disabilities Council
Box   9
Deaf/hearing impaired
Box   9
Box   9
Delegation of authority
Box   9
Dental services
Box   9
Department of Employment Relations
Box   9
Department of Health and Human Services
Box   9
Department of Health and Social Services
Box   9
Department of Industry, Labor, and Human Relations
Box   9
Department of Public Instruction
Box   9
Developmental disabilities
Box   9
Developmentally disabled
Box   9
Direct services
Box   10
Box   10
Discharge/conditional leave
Box   10
Division of Community Services
Box   10
Division of Corrections
Box   10
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Box   10
Domestic abuse
Box   10
Domestic Abuse Council
Box   10
Education services
Box   10
Elderly abuse
Box   10
Elderly nutrition
Box   10
Emergency food and shelter
Box   10
Emergency human services
Box   10
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Box   10
Employment Task Force
Box   10
Energy conservation plan
Box   10
Estate funds
Box   10
Executive staff
Box   10
Facilities for developmentally disabled
Box   10
Family planning
Box   10
Family support program
Box   11
Family support program (continued)
Box   11
Federal child welfare funds
Box   11
Federal issues/legislation/rules
Box   11
Federal legislation
Box   11
Federal regulations
Box   11
Federal Reporting Committee
Box   11
Federal workplans
Box   11
Fees and rates
Box   11
Box   11
Fiscal management system
Box   11
Fiscal Monitoring Committee
Box   12
Fiscal reports
Box   12
Flex time
Box   12
Food service
Box   12
Food stamps
Box   12
Forensic services
Box   12
Foster care
Box   13
Foster care (continued)
Box   13
Foster grandparents program
Box   13
Box   13
General relief
Box   13
Grant diversion
Box   13
Group homes
Box   13
Box   13
Handicapped employment
Box   13
Box   13
Box   13
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
Box   14
Health Maintenance Organization (continued)
Box   14
Health Policy Council
Box   14
Health systems agencies
Box   14
Home equity conversion
Box   14
Homeless shelter
Box   14
Homemaker services
Box   14
Homestead tax credit
Box   14
Box   14
Human resources development
Box   14
Human services
Box   15
Human Services Classification Project
Box   15
Income maintenance
Box   15
Income maintenance contract
Box   15
Independent living
Box   16
Indian services
Box   16
Box   16
Information systems
Box   17
Information systems (continued)
Box   17
In-home services
Box   17
Inpatient services
Box   17
Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP)
Box   17
Box   17
Inter-agency agreements
Box   17
Intermediate care facilities
Box   17
Interstate compact
Box   17
Intoxicated driver
Box   17
Jewish Vocational Service
Box   17
Jobs bill
Box   17
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA)
Box   17
Joint Finance Committee
Box   17
Juvenile court services
Box   17
Juvenile Detention Diversion Project
Box   17
Juvenile offenders/services
Box   18
Juvenile offenders/services (continued)
Box   18
Juvenile restitution
Box   18
Juvenile services
Box   18
Labor relations
Box   18
Laundry services
Box   18
Legal opinions
Box   18
Box   18
Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB)
Box   18
Legislative Council
Box   18
Library services
Box   18
Box   19
Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
Box   19
Limited term employees (LTEs)
Box   19
Long term support
Box   19
Madison Opportunity Center
Box   19
Box   19
Box   20
Medical Assistance
Box   21
Medical Assistance (continued)
Box   21
Medical support liability
Box   21
Mental health
Box   21
Mental Health Advisory Council
Box   21
Mental health services, elderly
Box   21
Methadone treatment
Box   21
Migrant services
Box   21
Migrant Services Advisory Committee
Box   21
Minority services
Box   21
Monitoring/quality assurance
Box   21
Monthly directors meeting
Box   21
Monthly reporting/retro budgeting
Box   21
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD)
Box   22
National Council on the Aging
Box   22
National Governors Conference
Box   22
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
Box   22
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Box   22
National Institute on Mental Health (NIMH)
Box   22
Network Policy Committee
Box   22
Box   22
Nursing homes
Box   23
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Box   23
Office of Human Development Services
Box   23
Office of Management Information
Box   23
Office/capital equipment and supplies
Box   23
Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules
Box   23
Office of Child Support
Box   23
Office of Information Systems
Box   23
Older Americans Act
Box   23
Box   23
Patient rights
Box   23
Box   23
Physical disabilities
Box   23
Box   24
Protective services
Box   24
Public participation/information
Box   24
Purchase of services
Box   24
Purchase orders and requisitions
Box   24
Box   24
Quality control
Box   24
Records/forms management
Box   24
Box   24
Refugee assistance program
Box   24
Regional offices
Box   24
Rehabilitation facilities of Wisconsin
Box   24
Relief to needy Indian persons
Box   25
Relief to needy Indian persons (continued)
Box   25
Reporting burden reduction
Box   25
Research and evaluation
Box   25
Box   25
Respite care
Box   25
Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)/Senior Companion Program (SCP)
Box   25
Senior centers
Box   25
Senior citizens services
Box   25
Senior community service employment
Box   25
Senior energy aids
Box   25
Services to the elderly
Box   25
Shelter care
Box   25
Social Security Administration
Box   25
Social Services block grant
Box   25
Box   25
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Box   26
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) (continued)
Box   26
State Advisory Council on Aging
Box   26
State/county contract
Box   26
State/county role definition
Box   26
Supplementation meeting
Box   26
Supportive home care
Box   26
Technical assistance
Box   26
Testimony, state/federal
Box   26
Time studies
Box   26
Box   26
Transportation, elderly/handicapped
Box   27
Box   27
Unemployment/worker's compensation
Box   27
Unified Board
Box   27
Visually impaired
Box   27
Vocational Rehabilitation
Box   27
Vocational Task Force
Box   27
Volunteer services
Box   27
Wisconsin Association of Community Human Services Program (WACHSP)
Box   27
Box   27
Box   28
Weatherization (continued)
Box   28
Welfare enumeration
Box   28
Welfare migration
Box   28
Wisconsin Employment Opportunities Program (WEOP)
Box   28
Wisconsin Alcohol/Drug Counselor Certification Board
Box   28
Wisconsin Association of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA)
Box   28
Wisconsin Counties Association
Box   28
Wisconsin Early Childhood Association
Box   28
Wisconsin Social Services Association
Box   28
Wisconsin Social Services Board Members/Directors Association
Box   28
Wisconsin Women's Council
Box   28
Work Experience Program (WEP)
Box   28
Work plans
Box   29
Work plans (continued)
Box   29
Youth aids
Box   29
Youth development
Box   30
Box   30
Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health (ADAMH) block grant
Box   30
ADAMH Advisory Committee
Box   30
Administrative rules/codes
Box   30
Adolescent pregnancy
Box   30
Box   30
Alcohol and Drug Problems Association of North America (ADPANA)
Box   30
Adult family care
Box   30
Box   30
Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), 1981-1982
Box   57
Box   31
Affirmative action/Civil rights
Box   31
Box   31
Box   31
Alcohol/drug abuse
Box   31
Alcohol/Drug Abuse Policy Group
Box   31
Box   32
American Public Welfare Association
Box   32
Area administrators
Box   32
Box   32
Biennial budget
Box   33
Biennial budget (continued)
Box   33
Biennial reports
Box   33
Box   33
Blind, Council on
Box   33
Block grants
Box   33
Board on Aging and Long-term Care
Box   33
Brain trauma
Box   34
Box   34
Box   34
Budget reductions
Box   34
Bureau of Community Programs
Box   34
Bureau of Economic Assistance
Box   34
Bureau of Human Resources
Box   34
Bureau of Long Term Support
Box   34
Capacity building funds
Box   34
Career executive employment
Box   34
Community Based Residential Facilities (CBRF)
Box   35
Community Based Residential Facilities (CBRF) (continued)
Box   35
Child abuse and neglect
Box   35
Child adolescent mental health
Box   35
Child care regulatory reform
Box   35
Child caring institutions
Box   35
Child support
Box   36
Child support (continued)
Box   40
Child support (continued)
Box   36
Child support data system
Box   36
Child Welfare League of America
Box   36
Child welfare services
Box   36
Children's services
Box   36
Chronic alcoholism
Box   37
Chronically mentally ill
Box   37
Citizens Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
Box   37
Client rights
Box   37
Box   37
Box   37
Box   37
Community action agencies
Box   37
Community aids
Box   57
Community Aids Study, 1983
Box   37
Community Integration Program
Box   37
Community Options Program
Box   37
Community services block grant
Box   38
Community services block grant (continued)
Box   38
Community Support Program
Box   38
Computer reporting network
Box   38
Box   38
Box   38
Controlled Substances Board
Box   38
Coordinated plan and budget
Box   38
Box   38
Corrections/51 Board services
Box   38
Council of Councils
Box   38
Council on Criminal Justice
Box   38
County personnel issues
Box   38
County-tribal aging units
Box   38
Crime victim/witness assistance
Box   38
Criminal Justice System
Box   39
Data/word processing
Box   39
Day care, audit
Box   39
Day care, child
Box   39
Day treatment
Box   39
Developmental disabilities action plan
Box   39
Developmental Disabilities Council
Box   39
Deaf/hearing impaired
Box   39
Council for the Hearing Impaired
Box   39
Box   39
Delegation of authority
Box   39
Department of Health and Human Services
Box   39
Department of Health and Social Services
Box   41
Developmental disabilities
Box   41
Developmentally Disabled Act
Box   41
Direct services
Box   41
Box   41
Displaced homemakers
Box   41
Division of Community Services
Box   41
Division of Corrections
Box   41
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Box   41
Domestic abuse/Family violence
Box   41
Domestic Abuse Council
Box   41
Education services
Box   41
Elderly abuse
Box   41
Elderly nutrition
Box   41
Electronic benefits transfer
Box   41
Emergency food and shelter
Box   41
Emergency human services
Box   41
Employee Assistance Program
Box   41
Employment Policy Group
Box   41
Employment Task Force, Department of Health and Social Services
Box   42
Box   42
Error reduction
Box   57
Educational Telephone Network (ETN), 1984-1985
Box   57
Evaluation/research development, 1984
Box   42
Fair hearings, 1984
Box   42
Family planning
Box   42
Family support
Box   42
Farm stress
Box   42
Federal issues/legislation
Box   42
Fees and rates
Box   42
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Box   42
Box   42
Fiscal Management System (FMS)
Box   42
Flex time
Box   42
Food stamps
Box   43
Food stamps (continued)
Box   43
Forensic services
Box   43
Foster care
Box   43
Foster Grandparent Program
Box   43
Box   43
General relief
Box   43
Grant diversion
Box   43
Box   43
Group homes
Box   43
Box   43
Handicapped employment
Box   43
Box   43
Box   43
Box   44
HMO (continued)
Box   44
Homeless shelter
Box   44
Homemaker services
Box   44
Box   57
Health and Social Services (HSS) Employment Task Force, 1984
Box   44
Human services
Box   44
Human resources development
Box   44
Human Services Classification Project
Box   44
Human services
Box   44
Income maintenance
Box   44
Income maintenance contract
Box   44
Independent living
Box   44
Indian services
Box   45
Indian services (continued)
Box   45
Information systems
Box   45
Inpatient services
Box   45
Institute for Research on Poverty
Box   57
Institutes/centers, 1984
Box   46
Institutes/centers (continued)
Box   46
Insurance coverage
Box   46
Inter-agency agreements
Box   46
Intermediate care facilities
Box   46
Interstate compact
Box   46
Intoxicated driver
Box   46
IRS issues
Box   46
Jewish Vocational Service
Box   46
Box   46
Joint Finance Committee
Box   46
Juvenile offenders/services
Box   46
Katie Beckett Program
Box   46
Labor relations
Box   46
Legal opinions
Box   46
Box   46
Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB)
Box   46
Legislative Council
Box   47
Box   47
Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
Box   47
Limited term employees
Box   47
Long term support
Box   47
Madison Opportunity Center (MOC)
Box   47
Box   48
Management Institute
Box   48
Box   48
Maternal and child health
Box   48
Medical Assistance
Box   57
Medical Assistance (continued)
Box   49
Medical Assistance (continued)
Box   49
Meeting/conference facilities
Box   49
Memoranda of understanding
Box   49
Mental health
Box   49
Mental health services, elderly
Box   49
Methadone treatment
Box   49
Migrant/Hispanic services
Box   49
Minority services
Box   57
Miscellaneous subject files, 1983-1984
Box   49
Monitoring/quality assurance
Box   49
Monthly directors meetings
Box   49
Monthly reporting/retro budgeting
Box   50
National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors
Box   50
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors
Box   50
Network Policy Committee
Box   50
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)/National Institute on Mental Health (NIMH)
Box   50
Nursing homes
Box   50
Office management
Box   50
Office of Child Support
Box   50
Office of Information Systems
Box   50
Older Americans Act
Box   50
Box   50
Box   50
Physical disabilities
Box   51
Box   51
Protective services
Box   51
Public information/publications
Box   51
Purchase of services
Box   51
Purchase orders and requisitions
Box   51
Box   51
Quality control
Box   51
Records/forms management
Box   51
Box   51
Refugee assistance
Box   51
Regional offices
Box   52
Regional offices (continued)
Box   52
Rehabilitation facilities of Wisconsin
Box   52
Reporting burden reduction
Box   52
Representative payee
Box   52
Research and evaluation
Box   57
Research, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), 1982-1983
Box   57
Research, health information designs, AFDC Policy Communication Study, 1980
Box   57
Research, Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP), 1982-1984
Box   58
Research project, Applied Population Laboratory, 1983
Box   52
Box   52
Respite care
Box   52
Relief to needy Indian persons (RNIP)
Box   52
Box   52
Senior centers
Box   52
Senior community services employment
Box   52
Senior energy aids
Box   52
Services to the elderly
Box   52
Shelter care
Box   52
Social Security Administration
Box   58
Social Security numbers, 1981-1986
Box   52
Social services block grant
Box   52
Box   52
Box   52
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Box   52
State/county contract
Box   52
State Medical Society
Box   52
Box   52
Supported employment
Box   53
Supportive home care
Box   53
Surplus commodities
Box   53
Box   53
Technical assistance
Box   54
Termination of parental rights
Box   54
Testimony, state/federal
Box   54
Therapist, activity/occupational therapy
Box   54
Time studies
Box   54
Box   54
Transportation, elderly/handicapped
Box   54
Box   55
Unemployment/worker's compensation
Box   55
Unified Board, human services departments
Box   55
Visually impaired
Box   55
Vocational rehabilitation
Box   55
Vocational Task Force
Box   55
Wisconsin Association of Community Human Services Programs (WACHSP)/Wisconsin Social Services Board Members and Directors Association (WSBMDA)
Box   55
Box   55
Box   55
Welfare enumeration
Box   58
Welfare Magnet Study Committee, 1986
Box   55
Welfare migration
Box   56
Welfare reform
Box   56
Wisconsin Employment Opportunities Program (WEOP)
Box   56
Wisconsin Alcoholism and Drug Counselor Certification Board
Box   56
Wisconsin Association of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
Box   56
Wisconsin Counties Association
Box   56
Wisconsin Early Childhood Association
Box   56
Wisconsin Social Services Association
Box   56
Wisconsin Women's Council
Box   56
Work Experience Program (WEP)
Box   56
Work plans
Box   57
Work plans (continued)
Box   57
Youth aids
Box   57
Youth development
Basic needs study
Box   63
Folder   1-3
General, 1976-1986
Box   63
Folder   4
Awards and miscellaneous, 1984
Box   63
Folder   5
Codebook, 1981
Box   63
Folder   6
Committee, Steering, 1979
Box   63
Folder   7
Continuation application, 1981
Box   63
Folder   8
Contracts, 1979
Box   63
Folder   9
Data, 1983
Box   63
Folder   10
Disallowance, 1985
Box   63
Folder   11
Findings, Cole and Kleczewski, 1984
Box   63
Folder   12
Comparative assessment prototypes
Box   63
Folder   13-14
Final report, 1984
Box   63
Folder   15
Meeting, November 23, 1981
Box   63
Folder   16-17
Notebook, 1977-1984
Box   63
Folder   18
Reapplication and historical material, 1980
Box   63
Folder   19
Standards workshops, 1983
Box   63
Folder   20
Wisconsin Income and Spending (WIS) diary, 1981
Bureau of Long Term Support, subject files
Box   64
Folder   1
504, Section, interpreter services
Box   64
Folder   2
Adult abuse
Box   64
Folder   3
Adult family homes
Box   64
Folder   4
Box   64
Folder   5
Administrative order (AO) 1.67, Northern Wisconsin Center
Box   64
Folder   6-8
Budget, 1981-1986
Box   64
Folder   9
Case management
Box   64
Folder   10
Community Based Residential Facilities (CBRF)
Box   64
Folder   11
Community Care Organization (CCO)
Box   64
Folder   12
Community Development Society
Box   64
Folder   13
Certificate of need
Box   64
Folder   14
Community Housing Alternatives Program (CHAP)
Box   64
Folder   15
Citizen advocacy
Box   64
Folder   16
Chronically mentally ill (CMI)
Box   64
Folder   17
Community aids
Box   64
Folder   18
Community Integration Program (CIP) II
Box   64
Folder   19-22
Community Options Program (COP)
Box   64
Folder   23
Coordinated plan and budget (CPB)
Box   64
Folder   24
Client/Services Information System (CSIS)
Box   64
Folder   25
Community services policy (CSP)
Box   64
Folder   26
Day services
Box   64
Folder   27
Developmental disabilities
Box   64
Folder   28
Employer/employee relationships
Box   64
Folder   29
Box   64
Folder   30
Family Support Program
Box   64
Folder   31
Federal grants
Box   64
Folder   32
Foster care
Box   64
Folder   33
General correspondence
Box   64
Folder   34
Gramm-Rudman Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act
Box   64
Folder   35
Box   64
Folder   36
Health Policy Council
Box   64
Folder   37
Box   64
Folder   38
Human services agenda
Box   64
Folder   39
Huntington's Disease
Box   64
Folder   40
Katie Beckett, medical assistance and health reform
Box   64
Folder   41
Long term care pilot
Box   64
Folder   42
Long Term Support Steering Committee
Box   64
Folder   43
Monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
Box   64
Folder   44-45
Medical Assistance (MA)
Box   64
Folder   46
Management Reference Group
Box   64
Folder   47
Medicaid case management
Box   64
Folder   48
Box   64
Folder   49
Nursing homes
Box   64
Folder   50
Office of Program Initiatives (OPI) status reports
Box   64
Folder   51
Box   64
Folder   52
Protective placement
Box   64
Folder   53
Quality assurance
Box   64
Folder   54
Resource Allocation Program (RAP)
Box   64
Folder   55
Respite care projects
Box   64
Folder   56
Simplified bidding
Box   64
Folder   57
Social Services Block Grant (SSBG)
Box   64
Folder   58
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Supplemental Security Income Eligibility (SSI-E)
Box   65
Folder   1
State-county contract
Box   65
Folder   2
Statutory language
Box   65
Folder   3-6
Supportive home care (SHC)
Box   65
Folder   7
Technical assistance (TA)
Box   65
Folder   8
Box   65
Folder   9
Uniform cost sharing system
Box   65
Folder   10
Work plan