Wisconsin. Governor (1987-2001: Thompson): Constituent Correspondence, 1987-2001

Container Title
Series 1779
Part 4 (Series 1779, Audio 1658A, VCA 267): Grants File, 1973-1977
Physical Description: 10.0 cubic feet (25 archives boxes), 4 audio recordings, and 1 videorecording 
Arrangement of the Materials: By categories.
Access Restrictions: The Wisconsin Historical Society does not have equipment to play film VCA 267.
Scope and Content Note

To celebrate the Bicentennial, the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration granted funds to the state of Wisconsin through the Wisconsin American Revolution Bicentennial Commission on six separate occasions to regrant to Wisconsin community organizations on a 50% matching basis. Awards were comprised of money appropriate by congressional action or of non-appropriated money derived from medal sales and donations. Each of these fund awards was designated a grant cycle, the amount awarded varying with each cycle. Funding was granted in the following cycles and amounts:


The WARBC was given full autonomy in regranting the funds within the framework of the ARBA grant guidelines and within one of three thematic areas: Heritage '76, Horizons '76, or Festival USA. Each cycle had a separate set of federal guidelines. On each occasion when the WARBC was notified by the ARBA of the fund awards to the states, a press release was distributed to all state newspapers announcing the availability of funds for regrant purposes. The announcement was also published in the WARBC newsletter, The Wisconsin Ledger. Application forms, accompanied by WARBC grant guidelines, were available upon request. A deadline for submission of grant applications was set for each cycle.

The professional staff of the WARBC reviewed the grant applications, choosing those which they felt most closely met WARBC requirements without exceeding the amount of money available for regrant. These applications were presented to the Executive Committee of the WARBC for their suggestions and revisions, then to the full Commission, which gave final state approval to all grants. Grants were approved at the following meetings: 1973 cycle-July 27, 1973; 1974 cycle-January 31, 1975; 1975 cycle-May 28, 1975; FY1976 cycle-November 21, 1975; CY1976 cycle-April 23, 1976; 1977 cycle-September 15, 1976. Occasionally, following ARBA approval, the proposals were rewritten or amended by the WARBC grants administrator.

Before a grant could be funded, it also had to be approved by two federal offices. Wisconsin was located in federal region 5, with the regional office located in Chicago. This office was charged with reviewing grant applications to insure compliance with ARBA requirements. After the Chicago office approved an application, they sent it to the ARBA office in Washington, D.C. for final approval. Each grant applicant received a letter from the WARBC with notification of the acceptance or rejection of the grant proposal. Since the WARBC was awarded funds from the ARBA, the WARBC is referred to as the grantee; each applicant to whom the WARBC awarded funds was designated the subgrantee. In late 1976 the regional office began to close down operations, and from November 1, 1976 on, all grant matters were conducted directly with Washington.

The final grant cycle of $17,000 was not open to applications. The full WARBC passed a resolution at its last meeting on September 15, 1976 stating that any additional funds from the ARBA would be awarded to the State Historical Society for Old World Wisconsin, the state's major bicentennial project.

Series 1779 consists of federal and state grant guidelines; accepted and rejected grant applications, with supporting and follow-up documentation of the local celebration; “mini-grant” awards; correspondence; and related information.

Accepted grant files consist of grant applications, correspondence, progress reports, final financial and project evaluation reports, internal WARBC correspondence and memoranda regarding grants, and often procedural forms, such as quarterly requests for advance of funds or reimbursement, letters of transmittals of funds, requests for extension of time to file reports, and related correspondence, as well as follow-up documentation of the local celebration, usually comprised of programs, newspaper clippings, and photographs. The accepted grant files are arranged by grant cycle and thereunder by a number assigned in sequence by the ARBA to all approved projects. Apparently the FY1976 cycle grants were numbered before the 1975 cycle grants, causing the numbers to be out of sequence. The federal project numbers are not continuous; missing numbers were assigned to grant projects from other states.

Rejected grant files consist of applications, often supporting documents describing the proposed celebration, notes in the executive director's handwriting or sometimes that of the grants administrator giving reasons why the proposal was unacceptable, correspondence, and a copy of the letter of rejection. These files are arranged by cycle and thereunder in the following order: 1973 cycle, by numbers assigned only to the rejected grant proposals; 1974 and 1975 cycles, by numbers assigned by the WARBC grants administrator when the applications were submitted to the WARBC office. Missing numbers represent accepted proposals which were later assigned federal numbers. FY1976 and CY1976 cycles are arranged by numbers assigned based on an alphabetized list of applications by community of origin.

At its meeting on July 24, 1975, the Festivals Committee urged the WARBC to set aside $10,000 from the next grant competition to support dramatic or musical performances and other community celebrations within the Festivals USA theme of the Bicentennial. Project Outreach was approved by the WARBC at its meeting on September 5, 1975. Mini-grants were awarded by the Festivals Committee in amounts up to $150 with priority being given to small communities under 7,600 in population, especially those which had not already received WARBC funds, and to officially designated or recognized bicentennial communities. Applicants were required to match the mini-grants with cash or with documented donated services or materials. Arranged by accepted or rejected status and then alphabetically by community, the mini-grants files contain applications, acceptance forms, correspondence, programs, final reports, newspaper clippings, and photographs.

The series also includes federal grant guidelines for each grant cycle as well as applicable federal laws and guidelines regarding environmental impact and historic preservation requirements; WARBC grant guidelines for each cycle; WARBC general grants information, including forms, files on the development of forms, press releases and mailings announcing the availability of money for regranting, evaluations of proposals and recommendations for their acceptance or rejection, and reports on the status of funded grant projects. Correspondence, consisting of requests for grant applications from the WARBC, is arranged chronologically by date of the last WARBC letter and illustrates the wide range of projects proposed to the WARBC for funding. There is also correspondence from the national office to the WARBC often clarifying federal procedures, providing suggestions for improving administration, and giving the status of Wisconsin grants; correspondence from the regional office in Chicago to the WARBC detailing deficiencies in specific grant applications which required amendment before final federal approval; and WARBC correspondence to the regional and national offices with inquiries about federal requirements and status of Wisconsin grants.

Series: General Grants Files
Box   1
Folder   1
ARBA Grant Guidelines, FY1976 and CY1976 Cycles, 1973-1975
Box   1
Folder   2
Federal Circulars, 1971, 1974, 1976
Box   1
Folder   3
Federal Laws and Guidelines regarding Environmental Impact and Historic Preservation, 1973-1975
Box   1
Folder   4
WARBC Guidelines, Applications, and Instructions, FY1976 and CY1976 Cycles, 1973-1975
WARBC General Grants Information
Box   1
Folder   5
Sample forms
Box   1
Folder   6
Press releases and mailings relating to Grant Cycles, 1973-1976
Box   1
Folder   7
Creating a Grant Application, 1973
Box   1
Folder   8
Establishing Grant Award Criteria, 1973
Box   1
Folder   9
Applications, Approvals, Drafts for Rejection/Acceptance Letter, 1973 Cycle
Box   1
Folder   10
Creating a Better Grant Application, 1973
Box   1
Folder   11
Status of Grants for 1973 Cycle
Box   1
Folder   12
Grant Evaluations and Recommendations, 1974 Cycle
Box   1
Folder   13
Status of Grants for 1974 Cycle
Box   1
Folder   14
Grant Evaluations and Recommendations, 1975 Cycle
Box   1
Folder   15
Applications Received, FY1976 Cycle
Box   1
Folder   16
Applications Received, Rejection/Acceptance Letter, Status of Grants, CY1976 Cycle
Requests for Grant Applications from WARBC
Box   1
Folder   17-20
1973 Cycle-1975 Cycle
Box   2
Folder   1-2
FY1976 Cycle-CY1976 Cycle
National Office to WARBC
Box   2
Folder   3-5
Box   2
Folder   6
Grants to States, 1973-FY1976 Cycle and CY1976 Cycle
Box   2
Folder   7
Regional Office to WARBC, 1975-1976
Box   2
Folder   8
WARBC to National and Regional Offices, 1974-1976
Series: Accepted Grants
1973 Non-Appropriated Matching Grants, $40,000
Box   2
Folder   9
Project no. 30-1PM-73: University of Wisconsin-Extension Arts, Loganville History Film
Box   2
Folder   10
Project no. 30-2PM-73: Madison, Restoration of Klauber Hall (Old Synagogue)
Box   2
Folder   11
Project no. 30-3PM-73: Milwaukee County Historical Society, Traveling Bicentennial Exhibit
Box   2
Folder   12
Project no. 30-4PM-73: Gateway Region Vocational Technical Institute, Education Wall Hanging
Box   2
Folder   13
Project no. 30-5PM-73: Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Council, Library and Museum project
Box   3
Folder   1
Project no. 30-6PM-73: Milwaukee Symphony Women's League, Robert Moevs Composes “Main Travelled Roads”
Box   3
Folder   2
Project no. 30-7PM-73: Wisconsin People's History Project, Wisconsin History Calendar
Box   3
Folder   3
Project no. 30-8PM-73: Historic Walker's Point, Restoration of Henry Fischedick Building
Box   3
Folder   4
Project no. 30-9PM-73: Sheboygan, Development of Fountain Park
Box   3
Folder   5
Project no. 30-10PM-73: Alverno College, Seminar Program “The American Experience”
Box   3
Folder   6
Project no. 30-11PM-73: Educational Communications Board, The American Town: A Self Portrait
Box   3
Folder   7
Project no. 30-12PM-73: Mabel Tainter Literary, Library, and Educational Society of Menomonie, Theatre Museum of the Gay Nineties
Box   3
Folder   8
Project no. 30-13PM-73: University of Wisconsin-Superior, Spirit of '76 lecture series
Box   4
Folder   1
Project no. 30-14PM-73: Old World Wisconsin, Historic sites and construction
1974 Non-Appropriated Matching Grants, $40,000
Box   4
Folder   2
Project no. 76-19-1245: Polk County Historical Society, Historic Museum Expansion
Box   4
Folder   3
Project no. 76-19-1246: Sauk County Natural Beauty Council, Replanting and Restoring Historic Indian sites
Box   4
Folder   4
Project no. 76-19-1251: League of American Wheelmen, Brochure on Ice Age Park Biking and Hiking Trail
Box   4
Folder   5
Project no. 76-19-1252: Preservation-Racine, Walking Tour Guidebook
Box   4
Folder   6
Project no. 76-19-1253: Beloit Area Bicentennial Committee, Oral History Project
Box   4
Folder   7
Project no. 76-19-1254: Burnette County Historical Society, Historical Displays
Box   4
Folder   8
Project no. 76-19-1255: Delavan Bicentennial Commission, Delavan Bicentennial Calendar
Box   4
Folder   9
Project no. 76-19-1256: Marinette Area Chamber of Commerce, Publication of Marinette Heritage Walk
Box   4
Folder   10
Project no. 76-19-1257: Milwaukee Inner City Arts Council/Jack & Jill, Black Heritage Pageant
Box   5
Folder   1
Project no. 76-19-1258: Chippewa Valley Historical Museum, Eau Claire Oral History
Box   5
Folder   2
Project no. 76-19-1259: Milwaukee American Revolution Bicentennial Commission, Downtown Walking Tour Booklet
Box   5
Folder   3
Project no. 76-19-1260: Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, Summer Playground Production on Milwaukee's History
Box   5
Folder   4
Project no. 76-19-1261: Sheboygan's Mead Library, “America's Birthday Party” Children's program
Box   5
Folder   5
Project no. 76-19-1262: Wisconsin Federation of Women's Clubs, Citizen Information/Involvement Centers
Box   5
Folder   6
Project no. 76-19-1263: University of Wisconsin-Superior, Bicentennial Summer Theatre Tour
The Great Lakes Alive and on Stage, an Original Children's Musical
Series 1779
Box   5
Folder   7
Project no. 76-19-1264: Folklore Village Farm Inc., Folk Festival Workshop
Box   5
Folder   8
Project no. 76-19-1265: Wisconsin Environmental Education Council, Oral History
Box   5
Folder   9
Project no. 76-19-1417: Fond du Lac, Bell Tower Restoration
Box   5
Folder   10
Project no. 76-19-1427: Wisconsin Council Knights of Columbus, Relocation and Restoration of St. Peter's Cathedral to Old World Wisconsin
1975 Appropriated Matching Grants, $200,000
Box   5
Folder   11
Project no. 76-19-3632: Wisconsin Feminist Project Fund Inc., Women's Film Festival (Cancelled)
Box   5
Folder   12
Project no. 76-19-3633: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Research and Exhibits for Old World Wisconsin
Box   5
Folder   13
Project no. 76-19-3634: University of Wisconsin Extension Arts, Senior Citizens American Heritage Publication
Box   6
Folder   1
Project no. 76-19-3635: University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Belgian/American project
Box   6
Folder   2
Project no. 76-19-3636: Kenosha County, Oral History
Box   6
Folder   3
Project no. 76-19-3637: Black River Falls, Hiking Trail and History Plaques
Box   6
Folder   4
Project no. 76-19-3638: University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Crossman Supergraphic
Box   6
Folder   5
Project no. 76-19-3639: Mineral Point Bicentennial Committee, Apprenticeship Training in the Old Crafts
Box   6
Folder   6
Project no. 76-19-3640: Cross Plains, Pictorial Heritage
Box   6
Folder   7
Project no. 76-19-3641: Janesville, Oral History
Box   6
Folder   8
Project no. 76-19-3642: Green Bay Symphony, American Heritage of Music
Box   6
Folder   9
Project no. 76-19-3644: Ballet Madison, Bicentennial Project (Cancelled)
Box   6
Folder   10
Project no. 76-19-3927: Stevens Point Schools, Polish Oral Traditions
Box   6
Folder   11
Project no. 76-19-3935: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Ethni-City
Box   6
Folder   12
Project no. 76-19-3936: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Children's Drawing Contest
Box   7
Folder   1
Project no. 76-19-3937: University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, “River City” film
Box   7
Folder   2
Project no. 76-19-3938: Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestras, Period Music Concert
Box   7
Folder   3
Project no. 76-19-3957: University of Wisconsin-Madison, American Revolution Public Forum
Box   7
Folder   4
Project no. 76-19-3958: Kenosha County, Historical Slides
Box   7
Folder   5
Project no. 76-19-3970: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Book of Folk Songs
Box   7
Folder   6
Project no. 76-19-4000: Spanish American Organization, Spanish Cultural/Instructional Center
Box   7
Folder   7
Project no. 76-19-4021: Council for the Spanish Speaking, Facade Restoration of Telephone Building
Box   7
Folder   8
Project no. 76-19-4022: Wisconsin Tribal Women Inc., Wisconsin Tribal Women Today
Box   7
Folder   9
Project no. 76-19-4023: St. Mark A.M.E., Contributions of Black Americans
Box   7
Folder   10
Project no. 76-19-4024: Marathon County, Oral/Written History
Box   7
Folder   11
Project no. 76-19-4025: Milwaukee Public Schools, Bicentennial Outreach
Box   8
Folder   1
Project no. 76-19-4054: Ko-Thi Dance Company, Bicentennial Schools and College Tour
Box   8
Folder   2
Project no. 76-19-4055: Folklore Village Farm, Bicentennial Heritage Projects
Box   8
Folder   3
Project no. 76-19-4058: University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Bicentennial Lecture Series
Box   8
Folder   4
Project no. 76-19-4059: Milwaukee Performing Arts Center, Mexican-American Mural (Cancelled)
Box   8
Folder   5
Project no. 76-19-4115: Waukesha, Restoration of Silurian Spring House
Box   8
Folder   6
Project no. 76-19-4116: Fond du Lac County AFL-CIO, Wisconsin Progressive Party Birthplace
Box   8
Folder   7
Project no. 76-19-4143: University of Wisconsin-Madison School for Workers, History of the Labor Movement Publication
Box   8
Folder   8
Project no. 76-19-4184: Ice Age Park and Trail Foundation, Ice Age Hiking Trail
Box   8
Folder   9
Project no. 76-19-4210: Wisconsin Academy, Festival '76
Box   9
Folder   1
Project no. 76-19-4210: Wisconsin Academy, Festival '76, Final Report
Box   9
Folder   2
Project no. 76-19-4211: Mineral Point, Cemetery Restoration
Box   9
Folder   3
Project no. 76-19-4212: Milwaukee Performing Arts Center, Black Arts Festival
Box   9
Folder   4
Project no. 76-19-4340 Luke Stoughton Society, Restoration of Luke Stoughton House
Box   9
Folder   5
Project no. 76-19-4341: Milwaukee County Historical Society, Restoration of Jeremiah Curtin House
Box   9
Folder   6
Project no. 76-19-4477: Wisconsin Children's Theatre, 1976 Tour
Box   9
Folder   7
Project no. 76-19-4730: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, American Heritage Festival
Box   9
Folder   8
Project no. 76-19-5003: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, “Return of the Spirit” Rock Opera
Box   9
Folder   9
Project no. 76-19-5243: Historic Blooming Grove Historical Society Inc., Dean House Restoration
Box   10
Folder   1
Project no. 76-19-5386: Town of Oregon ARBC, Bicentennial Park
Box   10
Folder   2
Project no. 76-19-5387: Milwaukee Performing Arts Center, Latino Community Festival
Box   10
Folder   3
Project no. 76-19-5425: Educational Communications Board, Changing Roles of Government
Box   10
Folder   4
Project no. 76-19-5649: Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council, Present/Future State Services as they Apply to Native Americans
Box   10
Folder   5
Project no. 76-19-5732: Ashland-Bayfield County Bicentennial Committee, Radisson Groselliers Historical Site
Box   10
Folder   6
Project no. 76-19-5971: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Old World Wisconsin Essential Equipment
Fiscal Year 1976 Non-Appropriated Matching Grants, $40,000
Box   10
Folder   7
Project no. 76-19-2106: Brown County ARBC, Bicentennial Dispatch publication
Box   10
Folder   8
Project no. 76-19-2107: Milwaukee Board of Jewish Education, Jewish Heritage Research project
VCA 267
From Oppression to Freedom
Access Restrictions: The WHS does not have equipment to view this film.
Series 1779
Box   10
Folder   9
Project no. 76-19-2191: Oneida, Oneida Nation Historical Archive
Box   10
Folder   10
Project no. 76-19-2271: Head of the Lakes Maritime Society, Audio-Visual Presentation on Shipping History
Box   10
Folder   11
Project no. 76-19-2272: Northland College, “Voyageurs” Musical Bicentennial Tour
Songs from the Fur Trade Era
Series 1779
Box   11
Folder   1
Project no. 76-19-2273: Milwaukee Public Museum, European Arts and Crafts Festival
Box   11
Folder   2
Project no. 76-19-2444: St. Croix County, Traveling Chorus
Box   11
Folder   3
Project no. 76-19-2452: Fort Atkinson, Bicentennial Park
Box   11
Folder   4
Project no. 76-19-2468: Richland Museum Ltd., Frank Lloyd Wright Theatre project
Box   11
Folder   5
Project no. 76-19-2469: Winnebago Conservation Club, Glatz Historic Site and Natural Conservancy
Box   11
Folder   6
Project no. 76-19-2470: Iowa County, Governor Dodge play
Box   11
Folder   7
Project no. 76-19-2471: Dane County Bicentennial Committee, Prairie Heritage
Box   11
Folder   8
Project no. 76-19-2472: Shawano County ARBC, Library Outreach project
Box   11
Folder   9
Project no. 76-19-2473: Monroe Arts and Activities Center, Oral History and Art Competition
Box   11
Folder   10
Project no. 76-19-2474: Jackson, Church Repair/Restoration
Box   11
Folder   11
Project no. 76-19-2475: Iron County, Old Flambeau Trail
Box   12
Folder   1
Project no. 76-19-2476: Dunn, Rural America Revisited
Box   12
Folder   2
Project no. 76-19-2629: Milwaukee Community Pride Expo, Community Mix in '76
Calendar Year 1976 Non-Appropriated Matching Grants, $50,000
Box   12
Folder   3
Project no. 76-19-7116: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Old World Wisconsin Horse Jitney Transport System
Box   12
Folder   4
Project no. 76-19-7168: Beloit Area Bicentennial Commission, Photographic Survey
Box   12
Folder   5
Project no. 76-19-7169: Milwaukee ARBC, International Weeks II
Box   12
Folder   6
Project no. 76-19-7170: Milwaukee County Historical Society, Jeremiah Curtin House Visual Interpretive program
Box   12
Folder   7
Project no. 76-19-7171: Wisconsin Women in the Arts, Conference on Wisconsin Women
Box   12
Folder   8
Project no. 76-19-7172: Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council, Chippewa Arts and Crafts Center
Box   12
Folder   9
Project no. 76-19-7173: Polk County Historical Society, Indian and Pioneer Exhibit
Box   12
Folder   10
Project no. 76-19-7328: Milwaukee Performing Arts Center, Wisconsin Women in the Arts Festival
Box   12
Folder   11
Project no. 76-19-7329: Hartford, Local History Room
Box   12
Folder   12
Project no. 76-19-7330: Milwaukee Performing Arts Center, Music in Wisconsin
Box   13
Folder   1
Project no. 76-19-7372: Racine, Arts in the Park “Drum of All Nations”
Box   13
Folder   2
Project no. 76-19-7485: Portage Bicentennial Commission, Myrtle Lintner Spear Historical Museum
1977 Non-Appropriated Matching Grant, $17,000
Box   13
Folder   3
Project no. 76-19-0607: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Old World Wisconsin Historic Preservation Capital Equipment
Series: Rejected Grants
1973 Cycle
Box   13
Folder   4
No. 1: Eau Claire, Chippewa Valley Railroad
Box   13
Folder   5
No. 2: Milwaukee, International Development of State Fair Park
Box   13
Folder   6
No. 3: Milwaukee, International Association of Fairs and Expositions, History Museum
Box   13
Folder   7
No. 4: Eau Claire, Fort Old Abe Revolutionary War Military Unit
Box   13
Folder   8
No. 5: Madison, Freedom House Dramatic Performance
Box   13
Folder   9
No. 6: Menomonie, Wisconsin Youth Coalition
Box   13
Folder   10
No. 7: Beaver Dam, Dodge County Bicentennial Celebration
Box   13
Folder   11
No. 8: Cudahy, Knights of Columbus Pride in America Heritage Survey
Box   13
Folder   12
No. 9: Milwaukee, Goethe House Inc. German Heritage in Wisconsin
Box   13
Folder   13
No. 10: Waubeka, National Flag Day Observance
Box   13
Folder   14
No. 11: Madison, Educational Communications Board Wisconsin Geography Television Series
Box   13
Folder   15
No. 12: Madison, State Historical Society of Wisconsin Old World Wisconsin Ethnic Artifacts Collection Project
Box   13
Folder   16
No. 13: Greenfield, History of Greenfield
Box   13
Folder   17
No. 14: Delafield, Hawk's Inn Restoration
Box   13
Folder   18
No. 15: Madison, Central Madison Committee Restoring a Little Yesterday for Tomorrow
Box   13
Folder   19
No. 16: New York, Performing Arts Repertory Theatre Foundation
Box   13
Folder   20
No. 17: Madison, UW-Extension History project
Box   13
Folder   21
No. 18: Madison, D.A.R. (Withdrawn)
1974 Cycle
Box   13
Folder   22
No. 1: Marquette, 18th-19th Century Plantation of Afro-American Life
Box   13
Folder   23
No. 2: Appleton, Third Century Crafts Project
Box   13
Folder   24
No. 3: Appleton, Research of resident ethnic groups
Box   13
Folder   25
No. 4: Fennimore, Area Bicentennial Committee Celebration
Box   13
Folder   26
No. 5: Milwaukee, Milwaukee County Historical Society Medical Project
Box   13
Folder   27
No. 6: Beloit, Library project
Box   13
Folder   28
No. 8: Wausau, History of Wausau Police Dept.
Box   13
Folder   29
No. 10: Cedarburg, Cedarburg Walking Tour
Box   13
Folder   30
No. 11: Manitiwoc, Rahr Museum 1936 Wisconsin Centennial Art Exhibition (Part II)
Box   13
Folder   31
No. 12: Stetsonville, Community Center Dedication and Bicentennial celebration
Box   13
Folder   32
No. 13: UW-Whitewater, Historical Architectural and Environmental Preservation
Box   13
Folder   33
No. 14: Madison, Bicentennial Bikeway
Box   13
Folder   34
No. 15: Columbus, D.A.R. original play entitled “Two Sons of Liberty”
Box   13
Folder   35
No. 18: Green Bay, “Spriit Alive in '75” Celebration
Box   13
Folder   36
No. 19: Fort Atkinson, Riverside Park
Box   13
Folder   37
No. 20: Madison, G.A.R. Memorial Hall Museum remodeling
Box   13
Folder   38
No. 21: Green Bay, Northeast Wisconsin Festival - American Revolution Bicentennial
Box   13
Folder   39
No. 22: Hartford, Bicycle Trail
Box   13
Folder   40
No. 23: Kenosha, “Heritage '76”
Box   13
Folder   41
No. 24: Waupaca, Storage Space for Hutchinson House
Box   14
Folder   1
No. 26: Dodgeville, Iowa County Bicentennial Committee
Box   14
Folder   2
No. 27: Janesville, Janesville Book
Box   14
Folder   3
No. 29: UW-La Crosse, Steamboat Photo History
Box   14
Folder   4
No. 30: Madison, Discovering Wisconsin's Native American Heritage
Box   14
Folder   5
No. 31: Green Bay, “Lazar” Opera
Box   14
Folder   6
No. 33: Stoughton, Restoration of Luke Stoughton House
Box   14
Folder   7
No. 34: Madison, Historic Calendar
Box   14
Folder   8
No. 36: Manitowoc, “Bicentennial Beauty for Future Pleasure”
Box   14
Folder   9
No. 37: Wausau, Slides from Marathon County Museum photographs
Box   14
Folder   10
No. 39: Milwaukee, Milwaukee Landmarks Handbook
Box   14
Folder   11
No. 41: Milwaukee, Historical Marker at the Friman Farm
Box   14
Folder   12
No. 44: Milwaukee, Bicentennial Reading/Social Studies project
Box   14
Folder   13
No. 45: Menomonie, Menomonie Federated Women's Club Bicentennial Lake Bank Project
Box   14
Folder   14
No. 46: Fond du Lac, Restoration of Octagon House
Box   14
Folder   15
No. 47: Madison, Wisconsin People's History project
Box   14
Folder   16
No. 48: Oshkosh, Exhibit of Local History
Box   14
Folder   17
No. 49: Oshkosh, Project REACH
Box   14
Folder   18
No. 50: Milwaukee, Original composition for youth orchestra
Box   14
Folder   19
No. 53: Madison, Margarethe Schurz Symposium
Box   14
Folder   20
No. 54: Racine, Restoration of Coast Guard Building
Box   14
Folder   21
No. 56: Racine, Lecture Series
Box   14
Folder   22
No. 57: Racine, “America” Film Series
Box   14
Folder   23
No. 58: Racine, Bicentennial Reading, Listening, Viewing List
Box   14
Folder   24
No. 59: Racine, Racine County Historical Museum project
Box   14
Folder   25
No. 60: Richland Center, Restoration of one room school
Box   14
Folder   26
No. 63: Sheboygan, Student Publication on Bicentennial Heritage
Box   14
Folder   27
No. 65: Madison, State Historical Society of Wisconsin Nineteenth Century Costume Replication project
Box   14
Folder   28
No. 66: UW-Milwaukee, “Wisconsin Plus 200”
Box   14
Folder   29
No. 67: UW-Oshkosh, Our Musical Heritage
Box   14
Folder   30
No. 69: Janesville, Wisconsin Bicentennial Preview - 1975
Box   14
Folder   31
No. 70: Wauwatosa, Lecture Series
Box   14
Folder   32
No. 72: West Bend, “Spirit of '76” Ice Sculpturing Contest
Box   14
Folder   33
No. 73: West Bend, Architectural Survey Booklet
Box   14
Folder   34
No. 75: West Salem, Arts and Crafts Heritage
Box   14
Folder   35
No. 76: Whitewater, Historical and Natural Resource Preservation
Box   14
Folder   36
No. 77: Oshkosh, Two Histories of Winnebago County
Box   14
Folder   37
No. 78: Milwaukee, Marquette University, Wisconsin Archeological Survey Handbook
Box   14
Folder   38
No. 80: Mercer, Locating and Marking Flambeau Trail
Box   14
Folder   39
No. 81: Madison, Wisconsin People's History Project
Box   14
Folder   40
No. 82: UW-River Falls, National Bicentennial Film Competition
Box   14
Folder   41
No. 83: UW-River Falls, The American Landscape
Box   14
Folder   42
No. 84: UW-River Falls, National Bicentennial Drawing Competition
Box   14
Folder   43
No. 85: Racine, Architectural Landmarks of Southeastern Wisconsin Exhibition
Box   14
Folder   44
No. 86: Bowler, Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Historical Project
1975 Cycle
Box   14
Folder   45
No. 1: Shawano, Agriculture and Dairy Exhibition
Box   14
Folder   46
No. 2: UW-River Falls, America-The Artist and His Land
Box   14
Folder   47
No. 3: UW-Green Bay, American Heritage Ensemble
Box   14
Folder   48
No. 5: Beloit ARBC American Issues Forum
Box   14
Folder   49
No. 6: Madison, Edgewood College, America's Religious Dialogue
Box   14
Folder   50
No. 7: Milwaukee, Anthology of Black Writers
Box   14
Folder   51
No. 10: West Bend, Architectural Survey Booklet
Box   14
Folder   52
No. 11: Dodgeville, Artrain
Box   14
Folder   53
No. 15: South Milwaukee, Bandshell project
Box   15
Folder   1
No. 16: New Berlin, Band Stand
Box   15
Folder   2
No. 17: Portage, Portage Jr. High Band Uniforms
Box   15
Folder   3
No. 18: Bayview (Washburn), Town Hall Restoration
Box   15
Folder   4
No. 19: Forestville, Belgian American Bicentennial Celebration
Box   15
Folder   5
No. 20: Benton Film and Conference
Box   15
Folder   6
No. 21: Green Bay, Bicentennial Arts and Crafts
Box   15
Folder   7
No. 23: Madison, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Bicentennial Cookbook
Box   15
Folder   8
No. 25: Oregon, Bicentennial Park
Box   15
Folder   9
No. 26: Kenosha, Bicentennial Performance Showcase
Box   15
Folder   10
No. 27: Portage, Bicentennial Progress Documentation
Box   15
Folder   11
No. 28: Appleton, Bicentennial Tree Planting Project
Box   15
Folder   12
No. 29: Hartford, Bicycle Trail
Box   15
Folder   13
No. 30: Beloit, Bikeway
Box   15
Folder   14
No. 31: Menomonee Falls, Bike Trails
Box   15
Folder   15
No. 33: Milwaukee, Black Church in Wisconsin
Box   15
Folder   16
No. 34: Milwaukee, Black Classical Music
Box   15
Folder   17
No. 35: Milwaukee, Black History Proposal
Box   15
Folder   18
No. 36: Waukesha, Blair House Restoration
Box   15
Folder   19
No. 37: Bloomer, Historical Museum
Box   15
Folder   20
No. 38: Burnett County, Webster, County Museum
Box   15
Folder   21
No. 40: Manitowoc, Centennial Art Exhibit
Box   15
Folder   22
No. 41: Milwaukee, Inner City Arts Council, Certain Dark Joy
Box   15
Folder   23
No. 42: Superior, Children's Dance Troupe
Box   15
Folder   24
No. 43: Madison, Children's Theatre Ensemble
Box   15
Folder   25
No. 44: Chippewa Falls, Bicentennial Celebration
Box   15
Folder   26
No. 45: Madison, State Historical Society of Wisconsin Chronological Encyclopedia of Wisconsin History
Box   15
Folder   27
No. 46: Madison, Civil War Flags
Box   15
Folder   28
No. 47: West Bend, Civil War Skirmish
Box   15
Folder   29
No. 48: Loyal, Clark County Museum
Box   15
Folder   30
No. 49: Clintonville, Log Cabin Restoration
Box   15
Folder   31
No. 50: Milwaukee, Black Church
Box   15
Folder   32
No. 51: Pardeeville, Columbia County Audio-Visual Record
Box   15
Folder   33
No. 52: Portage, Columbia County History
Box   15
Folder   34
No. 54: Franklin, Country Dale School Arboretum
Box   15
Folder   35
No. 55: Chippewa Falls, Cook-Rutledge Restoration
Box   15
Folder   36
No. 56: Milwaukee, Crispus Attucks Festival
Box   15
Folder   37
No. 59: Madison, Dane County Historic Guide
Box   15
Folder   38
No. 61: Racine, DeKoven Gym Floor
Box   15
Folder   39
No. 62: Delavan, Brick Building
Box   15
Folder   40
No. 63: Cudahy, Depot Restoration
Box   15
Folder   41
No. 64: Dartford, Depot Restoration
Box   15
Folder   42
No. 65: Waunakee, Depot Restoration
Box   15
Folder   43
No. 66: River Falls, Drawing Competition
Box   15
Folder   44
No. 67: Hartford, Emergency Medical Vehicle Purchase
Box   15
Folder   45
No. 69: Madison, State Historical Society of Wisconsin Essays on Colonial and Revolutionary America
Box   15
Folder   46
No. 71: Fall Creek, Living Monument
Box   15
Folder   47
No. 72: Fall Creek, Log Cabin
Box   15
Folder   48
No. 73: Madison, Famous Wisconsin Women
Box   15
Folder   49
No. 75: Kiel, Festival '76
Box   15
Folder   50
No. 76: Milwaukee, Festival '76-American Heritage in Handicrafts
Box   16
Folder   1
No. 77: Hilbert, Fire Bell Mounting
Box   16
Folder   2
No. 78: Hartford, Flag Presentation
Box   16
Folder   3
No. 80: Mercer, Flambeau Trail
Box   16
Folder   4
No. 82: Portage, Fort Winnebago
Box   16
Folder   5
No. 83: Milwaukee, Francis Ashbury and the Methodists in America
Box   16
Folder   6
No. 84: Madison, French Native Heritage Presentation
Box   16
Folder   7
No. 85: Madison, G.A.R. Hall Drawing Contract
Box   16
Folder   8
No. 88: Gresham, Railroad Museum
Box   16
Folder   9
No. 89: Milwaukee, La Guadalupana Senior Citizen Program
Box   16
Folder   10
No. 90: Hartford, Local History Room
Box   16
Folder   11
No. 91: Bangor, Heritage Crafts Workshops
Box   16
Folder   12
No. 92: Sheboygan, Heritage Days '75
Box   16
Folder   13
No. 93: Milwaukee, Heritage USA
Box   16
Folder   14
No. 94: Lake Geneva, Heritage Walk Brochure
Box   16
Folder   15
No. 96: Kenosha, Carthage College History Day
Box   16
Folder   16
No. 97: Eau Claire, History of Wisconsin Education
Box   16
Folder   17
No. 98: Cedar Grove, Holland Pioneer Museum
Box   16
Folder   18
No. 100: Madison, Department of Public Instruction Horizons '76
Box   16
Folder   19
No. 101: Sinsinawa, Horizons '76
Box   16
Folder   20
No. 102: Madison, Human Issues Program
Box   16
Folder   21
No. 103: Waupaca, Hutchinson House
Box   16
Folder   22
No. 105: Independence, Library
Box   16
Folder   23
No. 106: Hurley, Italian Festival
Box   16
Folder   24
No. 111: Green Bay, Lazar Opera
Box   16
Folder   25
No. 112: Sun Prairie, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
Box   16
Folder   26
No. 113: Portage, Lively Arts Council Architectural Booklet
Box   16
Folder   27
No. 114: Milwaukee, Literary Tour of Wisconsin
Box   16
Folder   28
No. 115: Milwaukee, Looking Back
Box   16
Folder   29
No. 116: Greendale, Lost Arts Workshop
Box   16
Folder   30
No. 118: Madison, Historical Film
Box   16
Folder   31
No. 119: Manitowoc, Flower Beds
Box   16
Folder   32
No. 121: Manitowoc, Mariner's Landing Development
Box   16
Folder   33
No. 122: Port Washington, Maritime Museum
Box   16
Folder   34
No. 123: Sturgeon Bay, Market Square Development
Box   16
Folder   35
No. 124: Menomonie, Menominie Lake Bank
Box   16
Folder   36
No. 125: Monroe, Methodist Church of Monroe
Box   16
Folder   37
No. 127: Shawano, Mielke Theater and Mielke Park
Box   16
Folder   38
No. 128: Milwaukee, Bicentennial Square
Box   16
Folder   39
No. 129: Milwaukee, ARBC
Box   16
Folder   40
No. 130: Milwaukee, Havenwoods Environmental Project
Box   16
Folder   41
No. 131: Milwaukee, Highway of Flags
Box   16
Folder   42
No. 132: Milwaukee, Fountain for Milwaukee Harbor
Box   16
Folder   43
No. 133: Milwaukee, International Days
Box   16
Folder   44
No. 134: Milwaukee, Pabst Theater
Box   16
Folder   45
No. 135: Milwaukee, People's History project
Box   16
Folder   46
No. 136: Mt. Horeb, Tour Booklet and Historical Booklet
Box   16
Folder   47
No. 137: La Crosse, Myrick Cabin
Box   16
Folder   48
No. 138: Necedah, Park Project
Box   17
Folder   1
No. 139: Neenah, City Hall Renovation
Box   17
Folder   2
No. 140: Marshfield, New Visions Project
Box   17
Folder   3
No. 141: Milwaukee, Night in Old Milwaukee
Box   17
Folder   4
No. 142: Oak Creek, Restoration and Booklet
Box   17
Folder   5
No. 143: West Salem, Older Homes of West Salem
Box   17
Folder   6
No. 144: Milwaukee, Operation Public Awareness
Box   17
Folder   7
No. 145: Oshkosh, Museum Exhibit
Box   17
Folder   8
No. 146: Oshkosh, Seniors Oral History
Box   17
Folder   9
No. 147: Cedarburg, Ozaukee Area Research Center
Box   17
Folder   10
No. 148: Milwaukee, Pabst Theater Plaza
Box   17
Folder   11
No. 149: Milwaukee, PAC Participation Effort
Box   17
Folder   12
No. 150: Kenosha, Patchwork Fair
Box   17
Folder   13
No. 151: Greendale, Patriotic Booklet
Box   17
Folder   14
No. 153: Milwaukee, People's Heritage Jazz Band on Tour
Box   17
Folder   15
No. 154: Milwaukee, People's Theater
Box   17
Folder   16
No. 156: Sauk City, Picture History of Sauk-Prairie Area
Box   17
Folder   17
No. 157: Portage, Pierre Pauquette Bridge
Box   17
Folder   18
No. 158: Milwaukee, Polish Milwaukee
Box   17
Folder   19
No. 160: Balsam Lake, Polk County Bicentennial Heritage
Box   17
Folder   20
No. 161: Madison, “Pops Concert”
Box   17
Folder   21
No. 162: Oshkosh, Portrait of America
Box   17
Folder   22
No. 163: Madison, Prairie Memorial Brochure
Box   17
Folder   23
No. 164: Waukesha, Probing the American Dream, Carroll College
Box   17
Folder   24
No. 166: Milwaukee, “The Promised Land”
Box   17
Folder   25
No. 167: Green Bay, Regional Heritage
Box   17
Folder   26
No. 168: Richland Center, One Room School
Box   17
Folder   27
No. 169: River Falls, Heritage Park
Box   17
Folder   28
No. 170: Beloit, Rock River Pageant Parade
Box   17
Folder   29
No. 171: Beloit, Rock Valley Half-Way House
Box   17
Folder   30
No. 172: Janesville, Rock County Historic Inventory
Box   17
Folder   31
No. 173: Oregon, Rural America Revisited
Box   17
Folder   32
No. 174: Lancaster, St. Augustine Church
Box   17
Folder   33
No. 175: Milwaukee, Self Help Coalition Video Instruction
Box   17
Folder   34
No. 176: Milwaukee, Senior Sisters Heritage
Box   17
Folder   35
No. 177: Sheboygan, School History Museum
Box   17
Folder   36
No. 179: Waukesha, Spring Sites Restoration
Box   17
Folder   37
No. 180: Milwaukee, State Fair Heritage Homestead
Box   17
Folder   38
No. 182: Woodville, Steven Park Memorial
Box   17
Folder   39
No. 183: Stevens Point, Heritage Walk
Box   17
Folder   40
No. 184: Madison, Strollers Theater
Box   17
Folder   41
No. 186: Madison, Theater Guild Dane County Review
Box   17
Folder   42
No. 187: Portage, Toll House Beautification
Box   17
Folder   43
No. 188: Amherst, Tomorrow River Historical Museum
Box   17
Folder   44
No. 189: Milwaukee, Town Meetings
Box   17
Folder   45
No. 190: Milwaukee, Town Meeting '76: Wisconsin
Box   17
Folder   46
No. 191: Portage, Tree Plantings
Box   18
Folder   1
No. 194: Eau Claire, Two Hundred Years of Wisconsin History
Box   18
Folder   2
No. 195: Two Rivers, Restoration of Central Park
Box   18
Folder   3
No. 196: Milwaukee, Ukrainian Holiday Folk Fair
Box   18
Folder   4
No. 198: Madison, Heritage Preservation Slide/Tape Set
Box   18
Folder   5
No. 201: Madison, International Agricultural Students Association of the Americas Conference
Box   18
Folder   6
No. 203: Madison, UW-Extension County Historical paintings
Box   18
Folder   7
No. 204: Madison, UW American Presidency Seminars
Box   18
Folder   8
No. 206: UW-Madison, American Suite
Box   18
Folder   9
No. 208: UW-Madison, Consumerism as a Fulfillment of the American Revolution
Box   18
Folder   10
No. 209: UW-Madison, Hilldale Bicentennial Lectures
Box   18
Folder   11
No. 210: UW-Madison, Wisconsin Heritage Art
Box   18
Folder   12
No. 213: UW-Milwaukee, Graphics in an American City
Box   18
Folder   13
No. 214: UW-Milwaukee, Lecture Series
Box   18
Folder   14
No. 215: UW-Oshkosh, American Issues Forum
Box   18
Folder   15
No. 217: UW-Stevens Point, Logging Program Project
Box   18
Folder   16
No. 218: UW-Stevens Point, Portage County Bicentennial Troup
Box   18
Folder   17
No. 219: UW-Superior, Lake Superior Spriit of '76
Lecture Series Featuring Charles Valentine and David Fellman
Series 1779
Box   18
Folder   18
No. 220: Kenosha, Veterans Memorial Fountain
Box   18
Folder   19
No. 221: Madison, Ideoplace
Box   18
Folder   20
No. 222: Milwaukee, Viking Ship Construction Contract I
Box   18
Folder   21
No. 223: Milwaukee, Viking Ship Construction Contract II
Box   18
Folder   22
No. 224: Milwaukee, Viking Ship Outfitting
Box   18
Folder   23
No. 225: Waterloo, 4th of July
Box   18
Folder   24
No. 226: Waterloo, Oral History
Box   18
Folder   25
No. 227: Washington Island, Bicentennial Celebration
Box   18
Folder   26
No. 228: Wauwatosa, Children's Theater
Box   18
Folder   27
No. 229: Wauwatosa, Lecture Series
Box   18
Folder   28
No. 230: Wauwatosa, Oral History and Videotape
Box   18
Folder   29
No. 231: Wauwatosa, Tree Planting
Box   18
Folder   30
No. 232: Sun Prairie, Wayside Park
Box   18
Folder   31
No. 233: West Bend, Bikeway
Box   18
Folder   32
No. 234: West Bend, Oral History
Box   18
Folder   33
No. 235: West Salem, History
Box   18
Folder   34
No. 237: Whitewater, Park
Box   18
Folder   35
No. 238: Crandon, Wild Rice Festival
Box   18
Folder   36
No. 239: Marshfield, Wildwood Park
Box   18
Folder   37
No. 240: Oshkosh, Winnebago County Histories
Box   18
Folder   38
No. 241: Madison, Wisconsin Ballet Celebration '76
Box   18
Folder   39
No. 244: Madison, Wisconsin in Earth and People Project
Box   18
Folder   40
No. 246: Madison, Wisconsin Theater Ensemble
Box   18
Folder   41
No. 247: Racine, Wisconsin Watercolors
Box   18
Folder   42
No. 248: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Women's Resource Center
Box   18
Folder   43
No. 250: Milwaukee, Women and the Arts Festival
Box   18
Folder   44
No. 251: Milwaukee, Women-Heritage-Horizons-76
Box   19
Folder   1
No. 252: Madison, Women's Forum
Box   19
Folder   2
No. 253: Marshfield, Wood County Museum Addition
Box   19
Folder   3
No. 254: Montello, Youth/Elderly Sharing/Caring Book
Box   19
Folder   4
No. 257: Madison, A Guide to Wisconsin's Forest Heritage
Box   19
Folder   5
No. 258: UW-Stevens Point, Portage County Bicentennial Ethnic Heritage Project
Fiscal Year 1976 Cycle
Box   19
Folder   6
No. 1: Ann Arbor, Youth for Understanding
Box   19
Folder   7
No. 2: Appleton, Mini-parks
Box   19
Folder   8
No. 3: Appleton, 1776 Schoolhouse
Box   19
Folder   9
No. 4: Appleton, Women's Conference
Box   19
Folder   10
No. 5: Ashland, Mini-park
Box   19
Folder   11
No. 6: Baldwin, Cannon Bell Restoration
Box   19
Folder   12
No. 7: Beloit, Black Heritage Festival
Box   19
Folder   13
No. 8: Berlin, Lock Restoration
Box   19
Folder   14
No. 9: Cedarburg, Museum project
Box   19
Folder   15
No. 10: Cedar Grove, Hollander Museum
Box   19
Folder   16
No. 11: Chippewa Falls, “Heritage '76”
Box   19
Folder   17
No. 12: Crandon, Wild Rice Festival
Box   19
Folder   18
No. 13: Crawford County, Film
Box   19
Folder   19
No. 14: Cudahy, Giant Flag
Box   19
Folder   20
No. 15: Deerfield, Celebration Supplies
Box   19
Folder   21
No. 16: Deerfield, Handicraft Instruction
Box   19
Folder   22
No. 17: Deerfield, Center Restoration
Box   19
Folder   23
No. 18: UW-Eau Claire, Native American Awareness Week
Box   19
Folder   24
No. 19: Eau Claire, Putnam Park Trail Guide/Plaques
Box   19
Folder   25
No. 20: Edgerton, Albion Academy
Box   19
Folder   26
No. 21: Edgerton, Park Addition
Box   19
Folder   27
No. 22: Fond du Lac, Veterinary Office
Box   19
Folder   28
No. 23: Fox Lake, Homecoming Festival
Box   19
Folder   29
No. 24: Franklin, Heritage/Horizons Festival
Box   19
Folder   30
No. 25: Green County, Cheese Film
Box   19
Folder   31
No. 26: Greendale, Prairie project
Box   19
Folder   32
No. 27: Greenfield, Flagpole and Base
Box   19
Folder   33
No. 28: Hartford, Flag Ceremony
Box   19
Folder   34
No. 29: Hartford, History Room
Box   19
Folder   35
No. 30: Hayward, History of Fishing
Box   19
Folder   36
No. 31: Iowa County, Rural School History
Box   20
Folder   1
No. 32: La Crosse, Senior Citizens Center
Box   20
Folder   2
No. 33: Lake Tomahawk, Community Building
Box   20
Folder   3
No. 34: Lac du Flambeau, Arts/Crafts Center
Box   20
Folder   4
No. 35: Linden, Historical Marker
Box   20
Folder   5
No. 36: Little Chute, Dutch Heritage
Box   20
Folder   6
No. 37: Loyal, Clark County Historical Society Museum
Box   20
Folder   7
No. 39: Madison, Boys Choir
Box   20
Folder   8
No. 40: Madison, Public Library Bicentennial Collection
Box   20
Folder   9
No. 41: Madison, Dane County Film
Box   20
Folder   10
No. 42: Madison, LaFollette Bust
Box   20
Folder   11
No. 43: Madison, Scouts Free State Performances
Box   20
Folder   12
No. 44: Madison, Drum and Bugle Corps project
Box   20
Folder   13
No. 45: Madison, State Medical Society of Wisconsin Medical Office
Box   20
Folder   14
No. 46: UW-Madison, Agricultural Conference
Box   20
Folder   15
No. 47: Madison, Jewish Oral History, State Historical Society of Wisconsin
Box   20
Folder   16
No. 48: UW-Madison, Black Music Studies Program
Box   20
Folder   17
No. 49: UW-Madison, Hilldale Lectures Pamphlet
Box   20
Folder   18
No. 50: UW-Madison, Journalism Exhibit
Box   20
Folder   19
No. 51: UW-Madison, Minorities Panel/Festival
Box   20
Folder   20
No. 52: Madison, Bicentennial Expedition
Box   20
Folder   21
No. 53: Madison, Wisconsin Youth Symphony Reproducing Compositions
Box   20
Folder   22
No. 54: Madison, Wisconsin Veterans Museum
Box   20
Folder   23
No. 55: Manitowoc, City Beautification
Box   20
Folder   24
No. 56: Marathon County, Performing Arts Program
Box   20
Folder   25
No. 57: McFarland, Senior Award
Box   20
Folder   26
No. 58: McFarland, Town History
Box   20
Folder   27
No. 59: Mellen, Bicentennial Celebration
Box   20
Folder   28
No. 60: Menomonie, Lake Bank Project
Box   20
Folder   29
No. 61: Milwaukee, After the Ball
Box   20
Folder   30
No. 62: Milwaukee, American Legion Memorial
Box   20
Folder   31
No. 63: Milwaukee, Havenwoods Environmental Center
Box   20
Folder   32
No. 64: Milwaukee, Operation Sail
Box   20
Folder   33
No. 65: Milwaukee, Tourist/Visitor Center
Box   20
Folder   34
No. 66: Milwaukee, Bicentennial Quilt
Box   20
Folder   35
No. 67: Milwaukee County, Court Records Research
Box   20
Folder   36
No. 68: Milwaukee County, Wagon Train Festival
Box   20
Folder   37
No. 69: Milwaukee County, Curtin House Dig
Box   20
Folder   38
No. 70: Milwaukee, Great American Children's Theatre
Box   20
Folder   39
No. 71: Milwaukee, Peace and Justice Bicentennial Forum
Box   20
Folder   40
No. 72: Milwaukee, Prince Hall Masons
Box   20
Folder   41
No. 73: Milwaukee, Public Schools Pageant
Box   20
Folder   42
No. 74: Milwaukee, Retarded Citizens Newsletter
Box   21
Folder   1
No. 75: Milwaukee, Senior Action Coalition Town Hall Meetings
Box   21
Folder   2
No. 76: Milwaukee, United Migrant Opportunity Services Bicentennial Festival
Box   21
Folder   3
No. 77: UW-Milwaukee, Citizen Involvement Workshop
Box   21
Folder   4
No. 78: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Heritage School project
Box   21
Folder   5
No. 79: Monona, Bike Hike
Box   21
Folder   6
No. 80: Milwaukee, Mount Mary College, Women's Festival
Box   21
Folder   7
No. 81: New London, Heritage Village
Box   21
Folder   8
No. 82: New Richmond, Bike Trail
Box   21
Folder   9
No. 83: Norway, Town History
Box   21
Folder   10
No. 84: Oconto, 4 Flags Memorial
Box   21
Folder   11
No. 85: Oneida, Pow-Wow and Arts/Crafts project
Box   21
Folder   12
No. 86: UW-Oshkosh, Survival 2001
Box   21
Folder   13
No. 87: UW-Oshkosh, American Issues Forum Tapes
Box   21
Folder   14
No. 88: Port Washington, Historic Book
Box   21
Folder   15
No. 89: Prescott, Historic Markers
Box   21
Folder   16
No. 90: Racine, Engine House Tower
Box   21
Folder   17
No. 91: Racine, Williamsburg Garden
Box   21
Folder   18
No. 92: Reedsburg, Time Capsule
Box   21
Folder   19
No. 93: Ripon, Lawson House Restoration
Box   21
Folder   20
No. 94: River Falls, Band Trip to Washington, D.C.
Box   21
Folder   21
No. 95: Sauk City, History Reprint
Box   21
Folder   22
No. 96: Sheboygan, Public Schools Classroom
Box   21
Folder   23
No. 97: Sheboygan Falls, Shelter House
Box   21
Folder   24
No. 98: South Milwaukee, Showmobile
Box   21
Folder   25
No. 99: St. Croix Falls, City Beautification
Box   21
Folder   26
No. 100: Stevens Point, Bandshell
Box   21
Folder   27
No. 101: Superior, Bicentennial Park
Box   21
Folder   28
No. 102: Superior, D.A.R. Marker
Box   21
Folder   29
No. 103: Medford, Taylor County Mall
Box   21
Folder   30
No. 104: Thorp, Band Uniforms/Plantings
Box   21
Folder   31
No. 105: Verona, Bands Festival
Box   21
Folder   32
No. 106: Waukesha, Scholastic Funds for Mexican American Student/Ethnic Festival
Box   21
Folder   33
No. 107: Waunakee, Depot Restoration
Box   21
Folder   34
No. 108: Wausau, Public Schools Bicentennial Publication
Box   21
Folder   35
No. 109: Wausau, Town Meeting
Box   21
Folder   36
No. 110: Wauwatosa, Heritage Drama
Box   21
Folder   37
No. 111: Wauwatosa, Lecture Series
Box   21
Folder   38
No. 112: Wauwatosa, Parade/Balls
Box   21
Folder   39
No. 113: Wauwatosa, Tree Plantings
Box   21
Folder   40
No. 114: Wisconsin Rapids, Pow-Wow
Box   21
Folder   41
No. 115: Illinois, La Salle Expedition
Calendar Year 1976 Cycle
Box   21
Folder   42
No. 1: Adams, Heritage Project
Box   21
Folder   43
No. 2: Appleton, Library Education program
Box   21
Folder   44
No. 3: Baldwin, Cannon Restoration
Box   21
Folder   45
No. 4: Beloit, Soul Fest
Box   22
Folder   1
No. 5: Berlin, Locks project
Box   22
Folder   2
No. 6: Berlin, Township History
Box   22
Folder   3
No. 7: Black Earth, Township History
Box   22
Folder   4
No. 8: Bloomer, Bicentennial House
Box   22
Folder   5
No. 9: Brookfield, Community Center
Box   22
Folder   6
No. 10: Chicago, La Salle Expedition
Box   22
Folder   7
No. 11: Chippewa Falls, Time Capsule
Box   22
Folder   8
No. 12: Delavan, Community Play
Box   22
Folder   9
No. 13: Dodgeville, Symphony of the Hills
Box   22
Folder   10
No. 14: Eastman, Park Beautification
Box   22
Folder   11
No. 15: Eau Claire, Chippewa Valley Railroad Association, Construction of Steam Railroad
Box   22
Folder   12
No. 16: Edgerton, Albion Academy
Box   22
Folder   13
No. 17: Edgerton, Park Addition
Box   22
Folder   14
No. 18: Elkhorn, History
Box   22
Folder   15
No. 19: Ephraim, Beautification and Commemoration
Box   22
Folder   16
No. 20: Fairwater, Bicentennial Decal/Sign
Box   22
Folder   17
No. 21: Fennimore, Southwest Wisconsin Wagon Train
Box   22
Folder   18
No. 22: Fitchburg, Park project
Box   22
Folder   19
No. 23: Fitchburg, Historical Display Cases
Box   22
Folder   20
No. 24: Fond du Lac, Veterinary Office
Box   22
Folder   21
No. 25: Franklin, Bicentennial Focus
Box   22
Folder   22
No. 26: Germantown, Christ Church Museum Opening
Box   22
Folder   23
No. 27: Green Bay, Drum Rolls/Ruffles
Box   22
Folder   24
No. 28: Greenfield, Memorial Park
Box   22
Folder   25
No. 29: Gresham, Restoration of the Depot
Box   22
Folder   26
No. 30: Hartford, Bicycle Trail
Box   22
Folder   27
No. 31: Hillsboro, Bicentennial Celebration
Box   22
Folder   28
No. 32: Janesville, Rock County Historical Society Cemetery Transcription
Box   22
Folder   29
No. 33: Kewaskum, History Book
Box   22
Folder   30
No. 34: La Crosse, Western Wisconsin Vocational Technical Film
Box   22
Folder   31
No. 35: La Crosse, Senior Citizens Center
Box   22
Folder   32
No. 36: Loyal, Clark County Museum
Box   22
Folder   33
No. 37: Madison, Dane County Arts Council Outreach program
Box   22
Folder   34
No. 38: Madison, Dane County Film
Box   22
Folder   35
No. 39: Madison, Wisconsin Heritage Theatre, Department of Natural Resources
Box   22
Folder   36
No. 40: Madison, Department of Public Instruction, Freedom for Individual Development Conference
Box   22
Folder   37
No. 41: Madison, Eagle Valley Environmentalists Film
Box   22
Folder   38
No. 42: Madison, G.A.R. Flag Display
Box   22
Folder   39
No. 43: Madison, Institute for Cultural Affairs Town Meeting
Box   23
Folder   1
No. 44: Madison, Jaycees Planting for the Future
Box   23
Folder   2
No. 45: Madison, Knights of Columbus, St. Peters Restoration
Box   23
Folder   3
No. 46: Madison, Patient's Bill of Rights
Box   23
Folder   4
No. 47: Madison, Public Schools Odyssey
Box   23
Folder   5
No. 48: Madison, Spanish American Organization, La Raza
Box   23
Folder   6
No. 49: Madison, State Medical Society of Wisconsin Exhibit
Box   23
Folder   7
No. 50: Madison, Women's Research Institute Oral History
Box   23
Folder   8
No. 51: Madison, Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestras
Box   23
Folder   9
No. 52: Marion, Veterans' Memorial
Box   23
Folder   10
No. 53: Marshall, Bandshell
Box   23
Folder   11
No. 54: Menasha, Scouting Museum
Box   23
Folder   12
No. 55: Menomonee Falls, Bike Trails
Box   23
Folder   13
No. 56: Menomonie, UW-Stout Technology Display
Box   23
Folder   14
No. 57: UW-Stout, Menomonie Louis Smith Tainter Audio-Visual Production
Box   23
Folder   15
No. 58: Milwaukee, American Legion Plaque
Box   23
Folder   16
No. 59: Milwaukee, Bicentennial park
Box   23
Folder   17
No. 60: Milwaukee, Bike Race
Box   23
Folder   18
No. 61: Milwaukee, Calendar of Events
Box   23
Folder   19
No. 62: Milwaukee, Highway of Flags
Box   23
Folder   20
No. 63: Milwaukee, After the Ball
Box   23
Folder   21
No. 64: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Aviation History project
Box   23
Folder   22
No. 65: Milwaukee, Developing Student Horizons
Box   23
Folder   23
No. 66: Milwaukee, Juneteenth Day
Box   23
Folder   24
No. 67: Milwaukee, Music for Youth
Box   23
Folder   25
No. 68: Milwaukee, PAC Heritage Bicentennial Project
Box   23
Folder   26
No. 69: Milwaukee, Public Schools Crafts
Box   23
Folder   27
No. 70: Milwaukee, Public Schools Pageant
Box   23
Folder   28
No. 71: Milwaukee, Public Schools Summer School
Box   23
Folder   29
No. 72: Milwaukee, Serbian Bicentennial Panorama
Box   23
Folder   30
No. 73: Milwaukee, Ukrainian Festival
Box   23
Folder   31
No. 74: Milwaukee, UW-Milwaukee Yugoslav Ethnic Identity Study
Box   23
Folder   32
No. 75: Milwaukee, History of Black Officials
Box   23
Folder   33
No. 76: Monroe, Bicentennial Memorial Garden
Box   23
Folder   34
No. 77: Muskego, Old Muskego Settlement
Box   23
Folder   35
No. 78: Neenah, Save the Clock Tower
Box   23
Folder   36
No. 79: New Richmond, Bike Trail
Box   23
Folder   37
No. 80: Oconomowoc, History
Box   23
Folder   38
No. 81: Oconto, Amvets Photo History
Box   24
Folder   1
No. 82: Oconto Falls, Memorial Water Fountain
Box   24
Folder   2
No. 83: Oshkosh, Miller House Renovation
Box   24
Folder   3
No. 84: UW-Oshkosh, Survival 2001
Box   24
Folder   4
No. 85: Portage, Columbia County Farm Exhibit
Box   24
Folder   5
No. 86: Portage, Mark Marquette-Joliet Spring
Box   24
Folder   6
No. 87: Prairie du Chien, Crawford County Film
Box   24
Folder   7
No. 88: Racine, Black American Heritage '76 to '76
Box   24
Folder   8
No. 89: Racine, DeKoven Gym Floor
Box   24
Folder   9
No. 90: Reedsburg, Bicentennial Heritage Park
Box   24
Folder   10
No. 91: Reedsburg, Monument
Box   24
Folder   11
No. 92: Sheboygan Falls, History
Box   24
Folder   12
No. 93: Sheboygan Falls, Shelter House
Box   24
Folder   13
No. 94: Shorewood, Atwater School Mural
Box   24
Folder   14
No. 95: Sinsinawa, Heritage Horizons Project
Box   24
Folder   15
No. 96: St. Croix Falls, Beautification
Box   24
Folder   16
No. 97: St. Germain, Bicentennial Observance
Box   24
Folder   17
No. 98: Stevens Point, Senior Citizens Center
Box   24
Folder   18
No. 99: Stevens Point, Wisconsin Indian Resource Council Booklets
Box   24
Folder   19
No. 100: Stone Lake, Lac Courte Oreille Tribal Council Amphitheatre
Box   24
Folder   20
No. 101: Sun Prairie, Historical Site Wayside Park
Box   24
Folder   21
No. 102: Sun Prairie, Older Americans Project
Box   24
Folder   22
No. 103: Superior, Federation of Labor Publication
Box   24
Folder   23
No. 104: UW-Superior, Summer Theatre Tour
Box   24
Folder   24
No. 105: Theresa, Solomon Juneau Homestead
Box   24
Folder   25
No. 106: Waupaca, Memorial Wall
Box   24
Folder   26
No. 107: Wausau, Girl Scouts-Lac du Flambeau Interchange
Box   24
Folder   27
No. 108: Whitefish Bay, Celebration and Parade
Box   24
Folder   28
No. 109: Winchester, Samuel N. Rogers Marker
Box   24
Folder   29
No. 110: Wisconsin Dells, Historical Plaques
Series: Mini-Grants
Box   24
Folder   30
Press Release and Sample Forms, 1976
Box   24
Folder   31
Antigo - Burlington
Box   24
Folder   32
Clinton - Gays Mills
Box   25
Folder   1
Hammond - Kewaunee
Box   25
Folder   2
Kiel - Mukwonago
Box   25
Folder   3
New Richmond - Reedsville
Box   25
Folder   4
Rhinelander - Tomorrow River
Box   25
Folder   5
Waterloo - Wrightstown
Box   25
Folder   6
Algoma - Iowa County
Box   25
Folder   7
Jefferson - Whitelaw