American Revolution Bicentennial Commission of Wisconsin: Records, 1970-1977

Container Title
Subject Files
Box   1
Affirmative Action
Box   1
American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, 1989-1992
Box   1
ARCS, 1991-1994
Box   1
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Box   1
Archives Education
Box   1
Automation Plans, 1991-1996
Box   1
Automation Committee, 1991
Bennett Collection
Box   1
Getty Grant Program
Box   1
Box   1
Program for Archival Collection Management
Box   1
Duplicate Negatives
Box   1
Wisconsin History Foundation - Archives Division Accounts
Biennial SHSW Budget
Box   1
“Grass Roots” Campaign, 1997-1999
Box   1
Planing, Archives and SHSW, 1995-1997
Box   1
Issues, 1994
Box   1
HVAC, 1990
Box   1
Headquarters Building Remodeling, 1991
Box   1
Permanent off-site storage, 1992-1996
Box   1
Capital Exhibit Project
Box   1
Circus World
Box   1
Clerks of Circuit Court Association, 1993
Box   1
Commissioners of Public Lands, Land Records Preservation/ Access Committee, 1995
Box   1
Archives, Job Applicants, 1991
Box   1
General, 1991-2000
Box   1
Collections, 1991-1997
Box   1
Court and Local Records Project, 1992
Box   1
Court Records Management Committee
Box   2
De-accessions, 1993-1994
Box   2
De-accessions Policy, 1986
Box   2
Disaster Preparedness Plan, 1981
Box   2
Disaster Plan, 1996
Box   2
Electronic Records Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 1996
Box   2
Ephemera, 1991
Box   2
Equipment Purchases, 1991-1995
Box   2
Editorial Section, 1991-1996
Box   2
D.C. Everest Prize
Box   2
Founders Day, 1994
Box   2
Foote, Cone, Belding Contribution
Box   2
General, 1993-1996
Box   2
Box   2
Hamilton Roddis Foundation
Box   2
Civil War Muster Rolls, 1994-1996
Box   2
Rockefeller Foundation, 1990
Box   2
Freedom Foundation (Gannett), 1991
Box   2
Box   2
Box   2
Box   2
Gregory Hauser Bequest
Box   2
Jewish Archives
SHSW Capital Campaign
Box   2
Archives Endowment
Box   2
Box   2
American Indian Image Library Proposal
Box   2
Genealogy organizations, 1993
Box   2
GLIFWC, 1992
Box   2
Governor's office papers
Box   2
Grants, Wisconsin Humanities Council, 2000
Box   2
Grants, VFCW-Proposals, 1994
Box   2
History of Wisconsin, 1991
Box   2
Howe Project
Box   2
Information Policy Forum
Box   2
Joint Legislative Committee on State Information Policy
Box   2
Information Requests, General, 1990-1994
Box   2
Open Records, 1983
Box   2
Obsolete DA Records, 1983
Box   2
PRB, 1985
Box   2
Patient Health care Records, 1992
Box   2
AB84 E-mail
Box   2
Box   2
SB166 Local Government Records, 1992
Box   2
Electronic Records
Box   2
Local Government Records Program Proposal, 1993
Box   2
Maps, 1988
Mass Communications History Center
Box   2
Box   2
Collection Policy, 1993
Box   2
F.Gerald Ham/IHC Position, 1991
Box   2
IHC Endowment Proposal, 1989, 1992
Box   2
Brian Wells Case, 1994
Box   3
Minnesota Historical Society
Box   3
Microfilm Laboratory-SHSW, 1991-1998
Box   3
Microfilm Redox
Box   3
Minority Interns Program
Box   3
NAGARA, Professional Development Committee Grant Proposal for Institute, 1994
Box   3
Native Americans MOA, 1999-2001
Box   3
Northern Great Lakes and ARC, 1996
Box   3
Northern Great Lakes Regional Visitors Center, 1992-1998
Box   3
Northern Micrographics, 1998-2002
Box   3
Ohio Historical Society, 1991
Box   3
Optical Media, 1991
Box   3
Oral History
Box   3
History of Pharmacy Project, 1990-1993
Box   3
Piranesi Prints, 2000
Box   3
Special Committee on Privacy and Information Technology, 1991
Public Records
Box   3
Confidential State Records - Information
Box   3
Electronic Records Program, 1994-1998
Box   3
Sections, 1987-1999
Box   3
Local Government Records, 1986-2001
Box   3
Electronic Records Archives' Project, 1993-1994
Box   3
Electronic Records Administrative Rule, 1998-2001
Box   3
Electronic Records Reprint
Box   3
Electronic Records Project - Sentencing Commission Database Report
Box   3
Appraisals - Court Civil Cases Files, 1992-1994
Box   3
Appraisals Corporate Income Tax
Box   3
Legislative Records, 1994
Box   3
Vital Records, 1991-1997
Box   3
Series 1200 Project, 1996
Box   4
Reappraisal/Reprocessing Project, 1995/1996-2001
Box   4
Records Storage Study, 1995-1996
Box   4
SHSW E-mail Task Force
Box   4
Box   4
General Web Page
Box   4
Records Management - Archives Merger Initiative
Box   4
Card Access, 1991-2001
Box   4
Keys, 1990-1995
Box   4
ID Badges
Box   4
Reference Services, 1992
Box   4
Sesquicentennial Office, 1994-1997
Social Action
Box   4
Collection Policy, 1992-1995
Box   4
Position, 1989
Box   4
Space Planning Headquarters Building Responses to Architects, First Draft
Box   4
Space Planning, Archives and SHSW, 1989-1998
Box   4
Space Planning, 1991-2001
Box   4
Off-site, Capital Budget, 1995-1997
Box   4
Off-site Shelving, 1992-1993
Box   4
Delta Storage, 1992-2001
Box   4
Study Common Reduction of State Records Storage Needs, 1995-1996
Box   4
Superior Public Library, 1988-1989
Box   4
Swiss American History Center, 1999
Box   4
University of Wisconsin School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS), 1992-1997
Box   4
Box   4
Core Mission Statement, 1977
Box   4
University of Wisconsin NLS, 1992
Box   4
Wisconsin Veterans Museum, 1994
Box   4
Vital Records Filming, 1979-1994
Box   4
W2 Project, 1999
Box   4
Wisconsin Electronic Reader (University of Wisconsin-Madison GLS Project), 1997
Box   4
Wisconsin PRFB
Box   4
Wisconsin TV/Radio Initiative, 1994-1995
Box   4
WCFTR - American History/American Film
Box   4
Box   4
Electronic Records
Box   4
Wisconsin Broadcasters Association, 1990-1992
Box   4
Wisconsin Society for Jewish Learning, 1994
Box   4
Women's History Oral History, 1990-1993
Frank Lloyd Wright
Box   4
Archive/Foundation, 1996
Box   4
Oral History Project
Box   4