Midwest Archives Conference Records, 1972-2021

Container Title
Subseries: 2B. Donations and Acquisitions, 1723-1992, bulk 1854-1970
Scope and Content Note: This subseries contains artifacts of a geographical or historical nature that were either purchased by the AGS or donated to the AGS, and are often related to explorers and their expeditions. These artifacts include photographs, sketches, manuscripts, and flags, with many of the items containing correspondence concerning their acquisition. Some of the items are merely photostats or copies of the original documents. A few of the items came to UWM in 1978 and are located in the AGSL. There is also the original guide to the archives from 1956 in box 48, folder 1.
Box   56
Canvas Bag, used for radio papers by Anne M. Lindbergh, from Charles A. Lindbergh, 1931
Box   61-63
Collector Plates, Columbus Discovering the New World, by Mark Myers, 1992
Box   46
Folder   1
Door, Stanley-Livingstone House, door, declined, 1927-1932
Drawings, Flaherty, Robert J., Inuit Sketches
Box   64
Folder   1
from Robert J. Flaherty, 1918
Box   64
Folder   2
lithographs, undated
Box   64
Folder   3
loose sketches, undated

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Box   64
Folder   4
notebook, undated

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Physical Description: 1 volume 
Box   44
Folder   1
Drawings, New York Athenæum Club House, pencil sketch with autographs, 1860

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Edmund Fanning Collection
Box   46
Folder   2
Canton notebook, 1801

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Box   54
"Concern for the Ship Betsey," notebook of receipts, 1799-1800

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Physical Description: 1 volume 
Box   46
Folder   3
gift of Sidney Bradford, 1931-1934

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Box   46
Folder   4
letters from Edmund Fanning, 1810-1836

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Box   46
Folder   5
letters from John Fanning Watson, 1837-1840

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Box   46
Folder   6
letters from William and Nathaniel Fanning and Nathaniel Palmer, 1805-1824

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Box   46
Folder   7
memorial of Edmund Fanning, 1840

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Box   54
Narrative of the Recent Voyage of Captain Ross to the Arctic Regions by Edwin Williams, 1835
Physical Description: 1 volume 
Box   46
Folder   8
notebook of receipts and invoices from the Brig Betsey, 1797-1799

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Box   46
Folder   9
notes and correspondence, 1817, undated

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Box   46
Folder   10
photostats of collection, undated
Box   54
Voyages Round the World by Edmund Fanning, 1833
Physical Description: 1 volume 
Box   44
Folder   2
Etchings, Raven, Anton A., 1914
Box   65
Fan with an Arctic View, presented by Sir John Ross to Miss Allington, from F.A. Stout, 1871

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Box   69
AGS Small Expedition Flag, undated
Box   70
Hall, Charles F., flag carried by Hall to King William's Land, 1869
Box   44
Folder   3
Identification Tags for Expedition Flags, undated
Box   71
Ross, John, flag carried in the Arctic by Ross' expedition, 1829
Box   72
Wilkins, George H., American flag carried by Wilkins on his Arctic flight from Alaska to Spitsbergen, 1928
Box   44
Folder   4
Archival Materials Not Cataloged, circa 1970
Box   44
Folder   5
"Catalogue of a Collection of Books", 1897
Box   46
Folder   11
Correspondence Regarding Miscellaneous Objects and Other Donations, 1865-1940
Box   44
Folder   6
Daly, Charles P., books from his library, undated
Box   48
Documents from the Archives, 1933
Physical Description: 1 volume 
Box   44
Folder   7
Ford, James B., books from his library, from Louis Bishop, 1928
Box   48
Folder   1
Guide to the Archives, 1956
Box   44
Folder   8
Inventories, 1931, undated
Box   46
Folder   12
List and Location of Curios, Paintings, and Other Items in the Collection, 1902
Box   44
Folder   9
List of Articles That Once Belonged to the AGS, undated
Box   44
Folder   10-11
List of Early American Imprints in AGS Library, circa 1930
Box   50
List of Early American Imprints in AGS Library, index, circa 1930
Box   44
Folder   12
Payne Collection, report by C.B. Osgood, 1932
Box   44
Folder   13
Rare Items Offered for Sale, 1902-1940
Box   44
Folder   14
"Research Materials in New York: A Guide to Resources", 1977
Box   46
Folder   13
Scientific Instruments, 1932-1976, undated
Box   48
Folder   2
Shelf Classification, guide, undated
Box   48
Folder   3
Systematic Classification for the Research Catalog, undated
Box   44
Folder   15
Copley, Charles, identification tag, undated
Fliers' and Explorers' Globe
Box   44
Folder   16
descriptions of globe and list of signers, 1929-1962, undated

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Box   44
Folder   17
gift of John H. Finley, 1929-1933

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Box   49
Folder   3
photographs, 1929-1969, undated

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Box   44
Folder   18
tracings of names on globe, 1937

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Box   437
Folder   2
Wilson, Hondius, and Behaim, negatives, 1968
Physical Description: 2 safety film negatives 
Box   49
Folder   4
Wilson, Hondius, and Behaim, photographs, 1968-1970, undated

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Louise A. Boyd Donation of 28 February 1931
Box   46
Folder   14
copy of log from M/S Hobby, 1926

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Box   44
Folder   19
Box   44
Folder   20
Holm's log of M/S Hobby, 1928

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Box   44
Folder   21
list of geographic names in Norwegian and English, undated

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Box   52
Folder   4
maps of Arctic searchings, 1928

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Box   44
Folder   22
Norwegian Royal Seaplanes F36-F38, 1928

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Box   44
Folder   23
report of searchings by Hovdenak, undated

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Box   44
Folder   24
telegrams from King Haakon VII, 1928

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Box   44
Folder   25
"With Dogteam Searching for the Italia Crew" by Rolf S. Tandberg, undated

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Box   58
Beatus World Map, negatives, undated
Physical Description: 2 glass negatives 
Access Restrictions: Request the assistance of an archivist to view the glass negatives.
Box   44
Folder   26
British Guyana, "Comprehending the Colonies," from Theodore Barrell, 1915-1931
Box   44
Folder   27
Cruz Cano y Olmedilla, Juan de la, Humboldt Map of South America, 1928-1958
Oversize Folder   3
Dickinson, Robert L., Palisade Interstate Park, drawings and sketches, circa 1910

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Box   44
Folder   28
Dickinson, Robert L., Palisade Interstate Park, from Charles C. Curran, 1941

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Box   44
Folder   29
Mercator's World Map of 1538, description, undated
Box   58
Mercator's World Map of 1569, negative, undated
Physical Description: 1 glass negative 
Access Restrictions: Request the assistance of an archivist to view the glass negatives.
Box   44
Folder   30
Leardo Map of the World, 1452, from Archer M. Huntington, 1905-1906
Box   58
Pomponius Mela, negative, undated
Physical Description: 1 glass negative 
Access Restrictions: Request the assistance of an archivist to view the glass negatives.
Box   52
Folder   5
Requin, Edouard, Battle of the Marne, photostat, 1932
Box   44
Folder   31
Stevens, D.R.P., sketch maps of North American Rivers, undated
Box   46
Folder   15
Bordewich, Henry, Norwegian Fisheries, undated
Box   44
Folder   32
Braun, John, "First Ascension of Volcano 'Turrialba' near Cartago in Costa Rica", undated
Box   44
Folder   33
Columbus, Christopher, De Nouo Orbe, The History of the West Indies, copy, undated
Box   46
Folder   16
Cook, Capt. James, logbook, from Ralph M. Hudson, photostat, 1931
Box   44
Folder   34
Description de l'Égypte (1809), from Henry Coggill, 1902
Box   44
Folder   35
De Toledo, Don Francisco, founding of the University of Lima, from Isaiah Bowman, photostat, 1931
Box   46
Folder   17-18
Detzner, Hermann, materials regarding "Four Years Among the Cannibals," from Ernst Mayr, 1929-1932, undated
Box   47
Folder   1
Discovery of Heard Island, copy of log book and journal, from Hubert Wilkins, 1930
Box   44
Folder   36
Estorgo, Don Francisco, logbook of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad 1766-1767, copy, 1931
Box   53
Folder   3
Formosa Manuscripts, land contracts with China written by aboriginal inhabitants of Taiwan, from Joseph B. Steere, 1723-1776

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Box   44
Folder   37
Griffin, Cora, "Romantic Origin of the First American Arctic Expedition," article on Grinnell Expedition, 1932-1933
Griffin, Samuel P., "Aid to Navigation for Steamers", from Cora Griffin

Related Material in the UWM Libraries

Box   44
Folder   38
correspondence, 1929
Box   44
Folder   38-51
manuscript, undated
Box   45
Folder   1
manuscript, undated
Box   47
Folder   2
map of Panama Canal area, undated

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Box   47
Folder   3
Hall, Fayrer, A Short Account of the First Settlement of the Provinces of Virginia, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, 1735
Box   47
Folder   4
Heath, E.R., "Hieroglyphics Found on Rocks at the Falls and Rapids of Rivers Maderia and Mamore", undated
Box   47
Folder   5
Hunt, William H., papers on Madagascar, 1904
Box   45
Folder   2
Jesuit Manuscript, "Relación de las Misiones de Guaranís o Tapes de la Provincia del Paraguay," from C.U. Clark, photostat, 1930
Box   47
Folder   6
Jones, Thomas ap C., proclamation and general order taking possession of California, from Milton Cogswell, 1870
Box   47
Folder   7
Landis, E.B., Island of Kang-hua, undated
Box   47
Folder   8
Maury Island, correspondence, photostats, from A.M. Parmelee, 1926-1928
Box   53
Folder   1
Nordqvist, Oscar, "Tschuktschisk Ordlista" (Chukchi language glossary), annotated proof, from J.B. Gilder, 1928

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Box   47
Folder   9
Parry, William E., "Journal of a Third Voyage for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage" with annotations by Charles F. Hall, from John Baynes, 1902
Box   53
Folder   2
Petition to Congress in regard to Kane's Relief in the Arctic 1855, from Marshall C. Lefferts, 1908

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Box   47
Folder   10
Reports to Matthew C. Perry on Cape Verde Islands, from C. Boggs, H. Bridge, and H.S. Stellwagen, 1843-1844
Box   45
Folder   3
Serrano, Francisco de P., "Discurso Pronunciado con Motivo del Anniversario de la Constitucion Politica de las Estados Unidos Mejicanos Promulgada en 1857", 1863
Box   45
Folder   4
Skottsberg, Carl, letter exploring Juan Fernandez Islands, translation, 1917
Box   45
Folder   5
Stapler, John T.G., "Lieutenant Samy Bey and the Pyramids of Fezzan", 1910
Box   45
Folder   6
Stuck, Hudson, diary on ascent of Mt. Denali (McKinley), from John W. Wood, 1921

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Box   45
Folder   7
Tappan, Benjamin, data on Wilkes Expedition from journal of Tappan, copy, 1843
Box   68
Unidentified, notebook found aboard the HMS Resolute, from W.C. Leveridge, 1854

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Physical Description: 1 volume 
Box   47
Folder   11
Veeder, M.A., "Changes in the Condition of the Sun" and "The New York Blizzard", 1888
Box   45
Folder   8
Veiga, Francisco Xavier de, "Diario da Viagem", photostat, 1918
Box   47
Folder   12
Warwick, Arthur S., "Angkor Wat", 1928
Box   74
Item   4
Amerigo Vespucci, 1903
Box   74
Item   2
Amundsen-Ellsworth Crossing the Polar Sea, 1926
Box   73
Item   8
Bicentenary of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal, 1906
Box   74
Item   7
Congresso International de Americanists, 1922
Box   73
Item   6-7
Discipulus Est Priori Posterior Dies, undated
Box   74
Item   1
Fridtjof Nansen, 1897
Box   74
Item   6
J.A. Palmén, 1915
Box   74
Item   11
James Smithson, bicentennial 1765-1965, 1965
Box   74
Item   5
Marco Polo, Italian Scientists Meeting, Venice, 1847
Box   74
Item   8
Memorial to Friendly Cooperation Between States, New York-New Jersey, 1931
Box   73
Item   9
Polar Expedition of Fridtjof Nansen, undated
Box   74
Item   9
Richard E. Byrd, Commemorating the Conquest of the Poles, 1926-1929
Box   73
Item   5
Secretaria de Edvcacion Pvblica 1825-1925, Mexico, Museo Nacional de Arqueologia, Historia, y Ethnografia, 1925
Box   74
Item   3
Sir Francis Drake, 1907
Box   74
Item   12-13
Waclaw Nalkowski, Polish Geographical Society, 1934
Box   45
Folder   9
Notes, Haushofer, Karl, from Alexander Melamid, 1941
Paintings and Photographs
A.J. Russell and S.J. Sedgwick Collection of Transcontinental Railroad Photographs
Note: See also Occasional Publication #3
Box   45
Folder   10
"Article V: Railroad to the Pacific" by Henry Poor, copy, 1854
Box   45
Folder   11
correspondence, 1968-1975
Box   45
Folder   12
gift of A.C. Combes, 1940-1941
Box   45
Folder   13
list of negatives compiled by William Pattison, 1961
Box   45
Folder   14
sale to Oakland Museum, 1968-1970
Box   45
Folder   15
"Sedgwick's Illustrated Course of Lectures and Catalogue", copy, 1874
Box   45
Folder   16
"The Next Hundred Years of Transcontinental Railroads" by Harold Mayer, 1968
Box   49
Folder   5
Aerial Photographs of Peking, U.S. Navy, 1923

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Box   45
Folder   17
David Livingstone and Frank Vardon, from George L. Harrison, 1932
Box   49
Folder   6
Early New York Railroads, from William O. Field, photographs, 1981

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Box   47
Folder   13
General Correspondence, 1893-1917
Box   57
Folder   1
House at Audubon Park, future site of AGS building at Broadway and 156th Street, from John Harden, 1864

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Box   45
Folder   18
Operti, Albert, "The Last Franklin Search", correspondence, 1894-1932

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Box   52
Folder   6
Operti, Albert, "The Last Franklin Search", photograph, undated

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Box   437
Folder   2
Palmer, Nathaniel B., negatives and positives, undated
Physical Description: 1 safety film negative 
Physical Description: 2 film transparencies 
Box   47
Folder   14
Pennington, Harper, portrait of Charles P. Daly, 1899
Box   49
Folder   7
Plate Honoring George W. Melville on his 70th Birthday, 1911

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Box   49
Folder   8
U.S. Coast and Geodetic Steamers Surveying the Philippine Islands, from Philip A. Welker?, undated

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Box   58
Vespucci, Amerigo, negative, 1903
Physical Description: 1 glass negative 
Access Restrictions: Request the assistance of an archivist to view the glass negatives.
Box   59
Wrigley, Gladys M., photographs of White Mountains Vacation, 1915

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Physical Description: 1 photograph album 
Box   45
Folder   19
Zuccaro's Mercator, from William B. Hill, 1931
Box   66-67
Printing Press Plates, miscellaneous plates, undated
Box   45
Folder   20
Scrapbooks, Grinnell, Henry, from Dorothy Grinnell, 1937-1938

Related Material in the UWM Libraries
Box   45
Folder   21
Scrolls, Tira de Santa Catarina Ixtepeji, from A.E. Place, 1917

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Box   45
Folder   22
Sculptures, O'Donovan, William R., marble bust of Charles P. Daly, 1899-1901
Box   45
Folder   23
Solar Timepiece, Timby, Theodore R., description, undated
Box   45
Folder   24
Stove, Cook, Frederick A., stove donated to the National Archives by the AGS, 1974
Box   45
Folder   25
Theodolite, Hedin, Sven, from Brooke Dolan, 1945