Register of the Glass Valley Homemakers Club Records, 1936-1995


The Glass Valley Homemaker Club was organized in 1929 and named for the area around County Road E and Highway 29 east of River Falls, Wisconsin. In 1950, the Pierce County Council of Extension Homemakers began with fourteen clubs on the council; the Glass Valley Club was one of the fourteen. Membership in the County Association automatically included membership in the Wisconsin Extension Homemakers Council, National Association, Country Women's Council and Associated Country Women of the World.

Made up of rural residents, the clubs first members were mostly the wives of farmers, but throughout the club's history its membership base grew to include non-farmers, full and part time workers and even a few town residents. The club's purpose is to develop, strengthen and correlate all interests which advance home and community life; to develop leadership and initiative among Wisconsin people; and to foster the development of children, homes and community life. To fulfill its purpose, the club participated in many activities, including volunteering in the community, conducting home demonstration projects in sewing, clothing and cooking and collecting for Pennies for Friendship and the food pantry. The club was also active socially meeting once per month, annual summer outings and Christmas parties.