Society of American Archivists Records, 1935-2018

Contents List
 + Records, 1935-2018
Box   1
Folder   30
Clipping Inventory, undated
Box   1
Folder   31
Accent on Youth, "Welcome to Thailand", 1969
Box   1
Folder   32
American Square Dance, "Square Dancing in Thailand", 1976
Box   1
Folder   33
Américas, "The Emeralds of Muzo", 1969
Box   4
Folder   4
Andean Air Mail and Peruvian Times, "A Yankee Whaler in Peru", 1956
Box   4
Folder   5
Andean Air Mail and Peruvian Times, "Henry Meiggs and the Central Railway of Peru", 1957
Box   1
Folder   34
"Die, But Do Not Kill", 1956
Box   1
Folder   39
"How Opium is Used", 1947
Box   1
Folder   35
"Igorot House of Courtship", 1957
Box   1
Folder   36
"Miracles of Chinese Ingenuity", 1947
Box   1
Folder   37
"Rangda: Queen of Evil", 1960
Box   1
Folder   38
"So You Want to Go to Europe?", 1959
Box   1
Folder   36
"Thirty Million Modern Cavemen", 1947
Box   1
Folder   39
"What-A-Man Sultan!", 1947
Box   4
Folder   6
Asia, "Just Tibetans", 1933
Box   1
Folder   40
Aviation, "China Spreads Her Wings", 1936
Box   1
Folder   41
Blue Book, "Go Back! They'll Kill You!", 1935
Box   1
Folder   42
Camera, "Far Out Forman", 1973
Box   1
Folder   43
Canadian Geographical Journal, "Butter Gods of Kum Bum", 1948
Box   1
Folder   43
Canadian Geographical Journal, "China's Moslemia", 1948
Box   1
Folder   44
Canadian Mining Journal, "The Mayor of Romantic Alta", 1950
Box   1
Folder   45
Caravan, "Off-Trail Caravan Through the Far East", 1952
Box   1
Folder   46
Catholic Digest, "The Gold of Tibet", 1951
Box   1
Folder   47
Cavalcade, "Millions More of Us Will Die", 1961
Box   1
Folder   48
Cavalcade, "Where the Fish Are Larger Than Fictions", 1961
Box   1
Folder   49
China Mail, "Harrison Forman Repeats Charges: Hong Kong 'Bit Hot Under Collar'", 1941
Box   1
Folder   50
China Window, "Editor's Report", 1974
Box   1
Folder   50
China Window, "In the Great Hall of the People", 1974
Box   9
Folder   1
Collier's, "A Million Starve", 1944
Box   9
Folder   1
Collier's, "Some Like It Hot", 1956
Box   1
Folder   51
Cosmopolitan, "Harry Binghams of Bangkok", 1952
Box   1
Folder   52
Cosmopolitan, "Marrying Around: Tibet", 1934
Box   1
Folder   53
Everybody's Digest, "The Year We Adopted a Daughter", 1951
Box   9
Folder   2
Everybody's Weekly, "Diamond-Diggers of Martapura", 1955
Box   9
Folder   2
Everybody's Weekly, "With the French Commandos in Indo-China", 1951
Explorers Journal
Box   1
Folder   54
"Afghanistan", 1970
Box   1
Folder   55
"Mohenjo-Daro", 1968
Box   1
Folder   56
"Nomad Camp in Hindu Kush Mountains", 1960
Box   1
Folder   57
"North of the Hindu Kush", 1971
Box   1
Folder   58
"Persepolis", 1969
Box   2
Folder   3
"Portfolio of Mongolian Scenes", 1965
Box   2
Folder   3
"Portfolio of Timbuktu Scenes", 1964
Box   1
Folder   59
"Portfolio of Tunisian Scenes", 1967
Box   2
Folder   1
"Rotorua Geyser Area", 1973
Box   2
Folder   2
"Ruins of Zimbabwe", 1972
Box   1
Folder   56
"Samarkand", 1960
Box   2
Folder   3
"Stone Buddha of Bamiya", 1961
Box   2
Folder   4
Flying Colors, "The Emeralds of Muzo", 1977
Box   2
Folder   5
For Men Only, "Fighting Farmers of Hopei", 1957
Box   2
Folder   6
Fury, "Ordeal By Fire", 1956
Box   2
Folder   7
Gold!, "Gold Mine in Tipuani", 1976
Box   2
Folder   8
Gold!, "The Gold Runners of Macao", 1977
Box   2
Folder   9
Harper's Monthly Magazine, "I See the King of Hell", 1937
Box   9
Folder   3
Holiday, "The Story of Tea", 1948
Box   2
Folder   10
Horticulture, "The Canal a Million Farmers Built", 1977
Box   2
Folder   11
Irregulars, Partisans, Guerillas, "Tunnel Warfare", 1954
Box   2
Folder   12
Katholischer Digest, "Gold in Fülle", 1951
Box   2
Folder   71
Liberty, "China's Flying Colonel", 1934
Box   9
Folder   5
"Bladder Boats Bob on Northwest China's Rivers", 1937
Box   9
Folder   4
"Camera Overseas: Buddhists", 1937
Box   9
Folder   4
"Camera Overseas: Chinese Communists to the Rescue", 1937
Box   9
Folder   4
"Chinese Outfought the Japanese as Shanghai Blazes", 1937
Box   9
Folder   4
"Maharajkumari from Manhattan", 1963
Box   9
Folder   5
"Tibet Takes on Red China", 1959
Box   2
Folder   13
Look, "Color Photos From Inside Russia", 1941
Box   9
Folder   6
Look, "Kiddin' at the Keys", 1946
Box   9
Folder   6
Malayan Monthly, "Diamond Diggers of Martapura", 1955
Box   2
Folder   14
Male, "Blitzkrieg in Poland", 1957
Box   2
Folder   15
Maupintour Guide, "U.S.S.R. Eastern Europe", 1976
Box   2
Folder   16
"Caravan Crossroads", 1965
Box   2
Folder   17
"Road of Riches", 1972
Box   2
Folder   16
"Shattered Shangri-La", 1975
MD en Español
Box   2
Folder   18
"La Carretera de Birmania", 1973
Box   2
Folder   18
"Ruta de la Opulencia", 1973
Box   2
Folder   18
"Shangri-La", 1967
Box   2
Folder   19
Medical Times, "A Surgeon's Diary of His Visit to China", 1975
Box   2
Folder   20
MediGuide, "Come to 'Waltzing Matilda' Country", 1972
Box   2
Folder   21
miscellaneous newspaper articles, 1944-1952, undated
Box   2
Folder   22
Modern Man, "Sex Comes to Bali", 1957
Box   2
Folder   23
Natural History, "Lola", 1971
Box   2
Folder   24
Natural History, "The Sakais of Malaya", 1957
Box   2
Folder   25
New York Times, various articles, 1938-1945
Box   2
Folder   26
New York Times Sunday Magazine, various articles, 1934-1950
Box   2
Folder   27
Newsweek, cover photograph, 1954
Box   2
Folder   28
Odyssey, "Zagreb", 1976
Box   9
Folder   7
"È Tutto Cinese, Anche il Fuoco", 1974
Box   9
Folder   8
"L'Asia Vista Dal Cielo", undated
Box   9
Folder   8
"Le Due Porte Dell'India", 1971
Box   9
Folder   7
"Non Vanno in Vacanza Ma Si Divertono", 1974
Box   9
Folder   7
"Per Portare Via Le Montagne È Bastata La Fede Nel Lavoro", 1974
Box   9
Folder   8
"Un Paese Ricco di Bellezze Artistiche e Naturali", 1970
Box   4
Folder   7
Orbit, "Tahiti: Paradise Lost?", 1970
Outdoor Adventures
Box   2
Folder   29
"Britain's Foreign Legion", 1956
Box   2
Folder   30
"I 'Shot' Headhunters on Formosa", 1956
Box   2
Folder   31
"My Journey to the Woman Living Buddha", 1957
Box   2
Folder   32
Pageant, "Around the World in 14 Days", 1959
Box   2
Folder   32
Pageant, "The Magic of Samarkand", 1960
Box   2
Folder   33
Photography, "How to Make Money with Your Camera", 1953
Box   10
Folder   1
Picture Post, "Why Meddle in China?", 1946
Box   2
Folder   72
Popular Flying, "Bob Short: Air Hero of the Shanghai War", 1934
Box   2
Folder   34
Reader's Digest, "I See the King of Hell", 1937
Box   2
Folder   35
"Big Fish of Lake Titicaca", 1955
Box   2
Folder   36
"Damnedest War I Ever Saw", 1952
Box   2
Folder   37
"Hide-and-Seek War in Malaya", 1953
Box   2
Folder   38
"Nightmare in Tibet", 1952
Box   2
Folder   39
"Tin Can Ace of Okinawa", 1960
Box   2
Folder   40
Resident and Staff Physician, "A Surgeon's Diary of His Visit to China", 1976
Box   2
Folder   41
Restaurant Digest, "Some Like it Hot", 1956
Box   2
Folder   42
"Bali Bears Its Teeth!", 1957
Box   2
Folder   43
"Diamond Diggers of Borneo", 1956
Box   2
Folder   44
"Great Grave of Angkor", 1957
Box   2
Folder   45
"Horse Fishing in Afghanistan", 1957
Box   2
Folder   46
"Rifle Men of the Khyber Pass, 1956
Box   2
Folder   47
"Through the Red Ring Around Nasan", 1957
Box   2
Folder   48
various articles, 1956
Box   2
Folder   49
Salvant Universal, "Gran Diccionario Enciclopedico", Indonesia, Johannesburgo, and Juliaca, 1972
Box   2
Folder   50
Saturday Review, "Four Men's Stories", 1957
Box   2
Folder   51
Secretary, cover photograph, 1975
Box   10
Folder   2
"Famine in China", 1950
Box   10
Folder   3
"Mao Wants All of Asia!", 1951
Box   10
Folder   3
"Operation Starvation", 1956
Box   10
Folder   2
"Opium: Big Business in Asia", 1950
Box   10
Folder   3
"Pirates, God, and Gunpowder", 1955
Box   10
Folder   2
"World War III in Asia?", 1951
Box   10
Folder   4
Sportsman Pilot, "DC-2's Become Movie Stars", 1937
Box   10
Folder   4
Star Weekly, "He Has Found His Garden of Eden", 1957
Box   10
Folder   4
Stern, "Schlechte Zeiten", 1951
Sunday Mirror Magazine Section
Box   10
Folder   5
"Cao Dai: A Crusade Against Communism", 1954
Box   10
Folder   5
"Hindu Mystics Who Walk On Fire and Suffer No Burns", 1951
Box   10
Folder   5
"Romantic Bali's New Terror Reign of the Masked Demons", 1951
Box   10
Folder   5
"Tons of Gold That Aren't Worth A Nickel", 1948
Box   2
Folder   52
TEMIK Aldicarb Pesticide, "Technical Information", 1975
Box   10
Folder   6
Today, "Flivver Planes for Farmers", 1935
Box   10
Folder   6
Today, "Trippe Around the World", 1935
Box   10
Folder   7
"Arrows of the Mountain Gods", 1933
Box   10
Folder   7
"Filming the Blitzkrieg", 1939
Box   10
Folder   7
"On the Road to Lhasa with a Living God", 1938
Box   2
Folder   53
Travel Agent, "Agent Sees Tourism Growth As Step to World Peace", 1975
Box   2
Folder   53
Travel Agent, "Tipperary to Timbuktu: Tours Led By Explorer", undated
Box   4
Folder   8
Travel Trade, "New Worlds to Conquer", 1968
Box   2
Folder   59
"Ballenas!", 1956
Box   2
Folder   54
"Bazaar in Kabul", 1954
Box   2
Folder   54
"Beyond the Hindu Kush", 1954
Box   2
Folder   56
"Blood in the Khyber", 1954
Box   2
Folder   56
"City Under the Gun", 1954
Box   2
Folder   57
"Diamonds of Martapura", 1954
Box   2
Folder   59
"Dragons of Komodo", 1957
Box   2
Folder   54
"Fabulous Angkor", 1954
Box   2
Folder   55
"Gold Smugglers' Paradise", 1957
Box   2
Folder   56
"Gunmakers of Kohat Pass", 1954
Box   2
Folder   57
"Gurkha", 1954
Box   2
Folder   58
"Inca Emeralds", 1955
Box   2
Folder   57
"Indo-China's Impossible War", 1954
Box   2
Folder   55
"Kingdom of Whoppers", 1957
Box   2
Folder   58
"Johore's Devil of Sultan", 1954
Box   2
Folder   59
"Jumping the Tigers of the Rio Parana", 1956
Box   2
Folder   58
"The Railroad that Couldn't be Built", 1955
Box   2
Folder   60
TWA Ambassador, "New Worlds to Conquer", 1959
Box   2
Folder   60
TWA Ambassador, "The Posse of Patpong", 1960
Box   2
Folder   61
Vacations Unlimited, "The Whoppers of Titicaca", 1970
Box   2
Folder   62
Weekend Book of Travel, "The Dawn of Nothingness", 1946
Box   10
Folder   8
Weekend Magazine, "Bangkok Boxing Ignores Fouls", 1957
Box   10
Folder   8
Weekend Magazine, "Pato Isn't Pat-A-Cake", 1956
Box   2
Folder   63
Woman with Woman's Digest, "Martial Merry-Go Round in Tibet", 1949
Box   2
Folder   63
Woman with Woman's Digest, "Polygamy in Short Creek Valley", 1951