American Geographical Society of New York Records, 1723-2010,  (bulk bulk 1854-2000)

Contents List
Container Title
Subseries: 3B. UW-Milwaukee, 1979-2013
Country of Publication
Box   4
Folder   12
Argentina, Boletin Informativo, 2000-2003
Box   4
Folder   13
ANARE, 1981-2013
Box   4
Folder   14
Australian Geographer, 1980-2007
Box   4
Folder   14
National Library of Australia News, 1980-2007
Box   4
Folder   14
publications, 1980-2007
Box   4
Folder   14
Queensland Geographical Journal, 1980-2007
Box   4
Folder   13
South Australia Geographical Journal, 1981-2013
Box   4
Folder   16
Der Globusfreund, 1980-2009
Box   4
Folder   15
Geographischer Jahresbericht aus Österreich, 1980-2003
Box   4
Folder   16
Geological Survey of Austria, 1980-2009
Box   4
Folder   16
Information, 1980-2009
Box   4
Folder   15
Klagenfurter Geographische Schriften, 1980-2003
Box   4
Folder   16
Wirtschaftsgeographische Studien, 1980-2009
Box   4
Folder   17
Bulletin des Séances, 1980-2005
Box   4
Folder   17
Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 1980-2005
Box   4
Folder   17
Bulletin de la Société Belge d'Etudes Géographiques, 1980-2005
Box   4
Folder   18
Archivos do Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, 1995-1999
Box   4
Folder   18
Cadernos de Geociências, 1995-1999
Box   4
Folder   19
Instituto Geológico, 1981-2004
Box   4
Folder   18
Paranacidade, 1995-1999
Box   4
Folder   19
Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, 1981-2004
Box   4
Folder   20
Bulgaria, Letopis na Statiite of Bulgarskite Vest, 1992-1998
Box   4
Folder   21
Great Lakes Geographer, 2002-2004
Box   4
Folder   21
Ontarion Mineral Score, 1994-1996
Box   4
Folder   21
Trent University Student Geographer, 2002-2004
Box   4
Folder   22
ACMLA Bulletin, 1994-2005
Box   4
Folder   22
Canada Water Act, annual report, 1994-2005
Box   4
Folder   22
Canoma, 1994-2005
Box   4
Folder   23
Québec, Bulletin de Recherche, 1990-2005
Box   4
Folder   24
Boletín Antártico Chileno, 1999-2004
Box   4
Folder   24
Notas sobre la Economía y el Desarrollo, 1999-2004
Box   4
Folder   24
Serie Cientifica, 1999-2004
Box   4
Folder   26
Acta Geographica Sinica, 1998-2002
Box   4
Folder   27
Asian Geographer, 1993-2007
Box   4
Folder   27
China Review, 1993-2007
Box   4
Folder   25
Chinese Geographical Abstracts, 1992-2005
Box   4
Folder   26
Chinese Geographical Science, 1998-2002
Box   4
Folder   26
Chinese University of Geosciences Journal, 1998-2002
Box   4
Folder   27
Geocarto International, 1993-2007
Box   4
Folder   26
Institute of Mineral Deposits, 1998-2002
Box   4
Folder   25
Journal of Arid Land, 1992-2005
Box   4
Folder   26
Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau, 1998-2002
Box   4
Folder   25
National Taiwan University Library, 1992-2005
Box   4
Folder   27
Technical Notes, Royal Observatory, 1993-2007
Box   4
Folder   25
Tianjin University Library, 1992-2005
Box   4
Folder   28
Columbia, Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, 1995-2003
Box   4
Folder   30
Acta Geographica Croatica, 1993-2007
Box   4
Folder   29
Geoadria, 1997-2006
Box   4
Folder   30
Geografski Glasnik, 1993-2006
Box   4
Folder   30
Geologia Croatica, 1993-2008
Box   4
Folder   29
Mathematical Communications, 1997-2006
Box   4
Folder   29
Proceedings of the International Conference on Operational Research, 1997-2006
Box   4
Folder   30
Promet Traffic-Traffico, 1993-2005
Czech Republic
Box   4
Folder   31
Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geographica, 1979-2013
Box   4
Folder   31
Kartografie a Geoinformatika, 1979-2013
Box   4
Folder   31
Moravian Geographical Reports, 1979-2013
Box   4
Folder   31
Studia Geographica, 1979-2013
Box   4
Folder   32
Biologiske Skrifter, 1986-2011
Box   4
Folder   32
Folia Georaphica Danica, 1986-2011
Box   4
Folder   32
Geografisk Tidsskrift, 1986-2011
Box   4
Folder   32
GOCINA, Danish National Space Center, 1986-2011
Box   4
Folder   32
Matematisk-fysiske Meddelelser, 1986-2011
Box   4
Folder   32
Royal Danish Geographical Society, 1986-2011
Box   4
Folder   32
Skrifter 4, 1986-2011
Box   4
Folder   35
Asian Affairs, 1994-2004
Box   4
Folder   35
Cities, 1994-2004
Box   4
Folder   33
Climate and Development, 1982-2010
Box   4
Folder   33
Environmental Hazards, 1982-2010
Box   4
Folder   33
Geographical Journal, 1982-2010
Box   4
Folder   34
International Map Collectors Society, 1980-2004
Box   4
Folder   35
Journal of Biogeography, 1994-2004
Box   4
Folder   34
Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 1980-2004
Box   4
Folder   35
Land Use Policy, 1994-2004
Box   4
Folder   33
Progress in Physical Geography, 1982-2010
Box   4
Folder   34
Queen Mary College, research papers, 1980-2004
Box   4
Folder   35
University of Oxford, research papers, 1994-2004
Box   4
Folder   36
Estonia, Schola Biotheoretica, 1980-1997
Box   4
Folder   37
Acta Forestalia Fennica, 1979-2000
Box   4
Folder   38
Boreal Environmental Research, 1992-2009
Box   4
Folder   38
Finnish Geodetic Institute, reports and publications, 1992-2009
Box   4
Folder   38
Finnish Marine Research, 1992-2009
Box   4
Folder   37
Societas Geographica Fenniae, 1979-2000
Box   4
Folder   38
Surveying Science in Finland, 1992-2009
Box   4
Folder   37
Union Bank of Finland, 1979-2000
Box   4
Folder   37
Unitas, 1979-2000
Box   4
Folder   39
Acta Geographica, 1980-2004
Box   4
Folder   40
Agriculture et Dévelopment, 1980-2007
Box   4
Folder   40
Bulletin de la Société Languedocienne de Géographie, 1980-2007
Box   4
Folder   39
CIRAD Annual Overview, 1980-2004
Box   4
Folder   40
Géographie et Cultures, 1980-2007
Box   4
Folder   39
Historiens et Géographes, 1980-2004
Box   4
Folder   40
La Revue de Géographie Alpine, 1980-2007
Box   4
Folder   40
L'Agronomie Tropicale, 1980-2007
Box   4
Folder   39
Les Cahiers d'Dutre-Mer, 1980-2004
Box   4
Folder   41
Aachener Geographische Arbeiten, 1980-2013
Box   4
Folder   41
Akzessionsliste, 1980-2013
Box   5
Folder   2
Bayrisches Statistisches Landesamt, 1980-2003
Box   5
Folder   3
Bibliothek des Deutschen Wetterdienstes, 1980-2013
Box   4
Folder   41
Die Erde, 1980-2013
Box   4
Folder   42
Erfurter Geographische Studien, 1979-1999
Box   5
Folder   2
Geographische Institut der Technischen Universität, 1980-2003
Box   4
Folder   42
Geographische Rundschau, 1979-1999
Box   4
Folder   44
Geographisches Institut der Justus, 1980-2008
Box   5
Folder   1
Geographisches Institut der Universität zu Köln, 1980-2005
Box   4
Folder   44
Giessener Geographische Schriften, 1980-2008
Box   4
Folder   43
Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften, 1980-2005
Box   4
Folder   43
Hamburger Geographische Studien, 1980-2005
Box   4
Folder   43
Hercynia, 1980-2005
Box   4
Folder   44
Institut für Wirtschafts und Socialgeographie, 1980-2008
Box   5
Folder   1
Institute für Länderkunde, 1980-2005
Box   4
Folder   42
Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, 1979-1999
Box   5
Folder   1
Kieler Geographische Schriften, 1980-2005
Box   5
Folder   2
Mannheimer Geographische Arbeiten, 1980-2003
Box   5
Folder   2
Münchener Geographische Hefte, 1980-2003
Box   4
Folder   42
Mitteilungen der Fränkischen Geographischen Gessellschaft, 1979-1999
Box   4
Folder   43
Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg, 1980-2005
Box   4
Folder   41
Ocean Dynamics, 1980-2013
Box   4
Folder   44
Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, 1980-2008
Box   4
Folder   41
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, brochures, 1980-2013
Box   5
Folder   2
Studien zu Nationalitätengragen, 1980-2003
Box   5
Folder   3
Tubinger Geographisch Studien, 1980-2013
Box   5
Folder   2
Ukrainische Freie Universität, 1980-2003
Box   5
Folder   3
Vechtaer Studien zur Angewandten Geographie und Regionalwissenschaft, 1980-2013
Box   5
Folder   3
Würzburger Geographische Arbeitan, 1980-2013
Box   5
Folder   1
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 1980-2005
Box   5
Folder   4
Guatemala, Academia de Geografia e Historia de Guatemala Anales, 1998-2000
Box   5
Folder   5
Acta Geographia, 1980-2012
Box   5
Folder   5
Foldrajzi Ertesito, 1980-2012
Box   5
Folder   5
Geophysical Transactions, 1980-2012
Box   5
Folder   6
Geographical Society of India, 1983-2005
Box   5
Folder   6
Geological Survey of India, 1983-2005
Box   5
Folder   6
Man in India, 1983-2005
Box   5
Folder   6
National Geographical Society of India, 1983-2005
Box   5
Folder   7
Israel, Geographical Research Forum, 1981-1995
Box   5
Folder   8
Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, 1980-2011
Box   5
Folder   9
Il Polo, 1979-2006
Box   5
Folder   8
Journal of European Economic History, 1980-2011
Box   5
Folder   8
Licosa-Geobib, 1980-2011
Box   5
Folder   9
L'Universo, 1979-2006
Box   5
Folder   9
Review of Economic Conditions in Italy, 1979-2006
Box   5
Folder   9
Revista Geografica Italiana, 1979-2006
Box   5
Folder   9
Silvio Zavatti, 1979-2006
Box   5
Folder   10
Jamaica, Caribbean Geography, 1983-2004
Box   5
Folder   14
Annals of AEG, 1980-2013
Box   5
Folder   11
C.C.O.P., Technical Bulletin, 1996-2005
Box   5
Folder   11
Earthquake Research Institute, 1996-2005
Box   5
Folder   12
Faculty of Agriculture-Kagoshima University, memoirs, 1980-2010
Box   5
Folder   12
geographical reports, 1980-2010
Box   5
Folder   14
Geographical Review of Japan, 1980-2013
Box   5
Folder   13
Geographical Survey Institute Bulletin, 1984-2012
Box   5
Folder   13
Geological Survey of Japan, 1984-2012
Box   5
Folder   12
Institute of Polar Research Library, memoirs, 1980-2010
Box   5
Folder   13
Japanese contributions, 1984-2012
Box   5
Folder   11
Japanese Progress in Climatology, 1996-2005
Box   5
Folder   14
Jimbun Chiri, 1980-2013
Box   5
Folder   14
Kobe Marine Observatory Bulletin, 1980-2013
Box   5
Folder   14
Kyokuchi-Polar News, 1980-2013
Box   5
Folder   13
Kyushu University, memoirs, 1984-2012
Box   5
Folder   11
University of Tsukuba Environmental Research, 1996-2005
Box   5
Folder   15
African Urban Quarterly, 1982-2007
Box   5
Folder   15
Journal of East African Natural History, 1982-2007
Box   5
Folder   15
National Museums of Kenya, 1982-2007
Box   5
Folder   16
Lithuania, Baltica, 1995-2010
Box   5
Folder   17
Luxembourg, Bibliographie Luxembourgeoise, 1993-1998
Box   5
Folder   18
Macau (China), Resultados das Observacoes Meteorologicas de Macau, 1993-2004
Box   5
Folder   19
Malaysia, Sarawak Museum, 1980-1994
Box   5
Folder   20
Mexico, Geografia y Desarrollo and Investigaciones Geográficas, 1990-2010
Box   5
Folder   21
Bulletin, 1993-2000
Box   5
Folder   21
Communications, 1993-2000
Box   5
Folder   21
Geological Survey, 1993-2000
Box   5
Folder   22
Archival Science, 1998-2010
Box   5
Folder   23
Boundary-layer Meteorology, 1980-2007
Box   5
Folder   24
Catena, 1993-2006
Box   5
Folder   23
Geologie en Mijnbouw, 1980-2007
Box   5
Folder   22
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 1998-2010
Box   5
Folder   25
IDG Bulletin, 1994-2009
Box   5
Folder   25
ITC, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente, 1994-2009
Box   5
Folder   24
Jaarverslag, 1993-2006
Box   5
Folder   24
Journal of Seismology, 1993-2006
Box   5
Folder   25
Kartografisch Tijdschrift, 1994-2009
Box   5
Folder   22
Kluwer Publishing, Geoinformatica, 1998-2010
Box   5
Folder   26
Kluwer Publishing, GeoJournal, 1981-2005
Box   5
Folder   24
Mededelingen Rijks Geologische Dienst, 1993-2006
Box   5
Folder   23
Natural Hazards, 1980-2007
Box   5
Folder   25
Nederlandse Geografische Studies, 1994-2009
Box   5
Folder   24
Netherlands Institute of Applied Geoscience TNO, 1993-2006
Box   5
Folder   23
Plant Ecology, 1980-2007
Box   5
Folder   22
Spatial Cognition and Computation, 1998-2010
New Zealand
Box   5
Folder   27
InfoNews, 1995-2007
Box   5
Folder   27
New Zealand Geographer, 1995-2007
Box   5
Folder   27
New Zealand Geographical Journal, 1995-2007
Box   5
Folder   28
Geografiska Annaler, 1996-2001
Box   5
Folder   28
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, 1996-2001
Box   5
Folder   28
Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, 1996-2001
Box   5
Folder   29
Papua New Guinea, Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research-Monograph, 1996
Box   5
Folder   31
Acta Geographica Lodziensia, 1980-2012
Box   5
Folder   31
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, 1980-2012
Box   5
Folder   31
Biuletyn Peryglacjalny, 1980-2012
Box   5
Folder   31
European Spatial Research and Policy, 1980-2012
Box   5
Folder   30
Geographia Polonica, 1980-2010
Box   5
Folder   30
Geographical Journal, 1980-2010
Box   5
Folder   31
Jagiellonian University, 1980-2012
Box   5
Folder   32
Centro de Documentação e Informação, 1981-2001
Box   5
Folder   33
Estudos, Notas e Trabalhos do Servico de Fomento Mineiro, 1994-1998
Box   5
Folder   33
European Geographer Review, 1994-1998
Box   5
Folder   32
Garcia de Orta, Serie de Estudos Agronomicas, 1981-2001
Box   5
Folder   32
Instituto de Investigação Cientifíca Tropical, 1981-2001
Box   5
Folder   33
Revista Internacional de Estudos Africanos, 1994-1998
Box   5
Folder   34
Annals of the Al.I.Cuza, 1982-2006
Box   5
Folder   34
Studii si Cercetari de Geografie, 1982-2006
Box   5
Folder   34
Theoretical and Applied Karstology, 1982-2006
Box   5
Folder   35
Russia, Izvestiia Akademii Nauk, Seriia Geograficheskaia and Vestnik Moskovskogo Universitet, Seriia 5, Geografiia, 1980-2004
Box   5
Folder   36
Serbia, Geographica Pannonica and Zbornik Radova Instituta za Geografiju, 1993-1998
Box   5
Folder   37
Singapore, Journal of Chinese Geography, 1993-2002
Box   5
Folder   38
Slovakia, Geographia Slovaca, 1995-2003
Box   5
Folder   39
Acta Carsologica Letopis,1981-2010
Box   5
Folder   39
Annales, Series Historia et Sociologia,1981-2010
Box   5
Folder   39
Dela, 1981-2010
Box   5
Folder   39
Geografski Vestnik, 1981-2010
Box   5
Folder   39
Geografski Zbornik, 1981-2010
Box   5
Folder   39
Geographica Slovenica, 1981-2010
Box   5
Folder   39
Lex Localis, 1981-2010
Box   5
Folder   39
Urbani Izziv, 1981-2010
South Africa
Box   5
Folder   41
Catalogue of Earthquakes, 1980-2008
Box   5
Folder   40
Council of Geosciences, 1982-2009
Box   5
Folder   40
Geological Survey of South Africa, bibliography and subject index, 1982-2009
Box   5
Folder   41
Journal of Geology, 1980-2008
Box   5
Folder   41
Mountain Club of South Africa Journal, 1980-2008
Box   5
Folder   40
South African Journal of Antarctic Research, 1982-2009
Box   5
Folder   42
Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense, 1980-2002
Box   5
Folder   42
Boletin de Informacion, 1980-2002
Box   5
Folder   42
Cuadernos de Geografia, 1980-2002
Box   5
Folder   43
Estudios Geograficos, 1980-2004
Box   5
Folder   43
Fuentes Estadisticas, 1980-2004
Box   5
Folder   43
Serie Geográfica, 1980-2004
Box   5
Folder   43
Sobre la Economica, 1980-2004
Box   5
Folder   42
Universidad de Valencia, 1980-2002
Box   5
Folder   44
Berner Geographische Mitteilungen, 1980-2011
Box   5
Folder   44
Environmental Policy and Society, reports, 1980-2011
Box   5
Folder   44
Lund University, 1980-2011
Box   5
Folder   44
Rapporter och Notiser, 1980-2011
Box   5
Folder   44
University of Stockholm, 1980-2011
Box   6
Folder   1
DISP, 1998-2001
Box   6
Folder   1
Environmental Research Forum, 1998-2001
Box   6
Folder   1
GeoResearch Forum, 1998-2001
Box   6
Folder   2
Taiwan, Bulletin and Geologic Map of the Central Geological Survey, 1994-2001
United States
Box   6
Folder   3
Arkansas, Southeastern Archaeology, 1998-2000
Box   6
Folder   4
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, annual report, 1994-2007
Box   6
Folder   4
Landscape, 1994-2007
Box   6
Folder   4
North American Geographer, 1994-2007
Box   6
Folder   5
Colorado College Studies, 1999-2007
Box   6
Folder   6
Geological Data, 1997-2004
Box   6
Folder   6
GeoWorld, 1997-2004
Box   6
Folder   5
Imaging Notes, 1999-2007
Box   6
Folder   6
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, 1997-2004
Box   6
Folder   6
National Snow and Ice Data Center, 1997-2004
Box   6
Folder   7
Connecticut, Tri News, 2011
Box   6
Folder   8
Florida, Mesoamerica, 2003-2008
Box   6
Folder   9
Hawaii, Pacific Studies, 1996-2005
Box   6
Folder   10
Field Museum, In the Field, 1980-2005
Box   6
Folder   10
Journal of Geography, 1980-2005
Box   6
Folder   10
Map Report, 1980-2005
Box   6
Folder   10
Mapline, 1980-2005
Box   6
Folder   10
State Geological Survey, 1980-2005
Box   6
Folder   11
Indiana, Geological Survey, 1979-2001
Box   6
Folder   12
Iowa, Iowa Geology, 1998
Box   6
Folder   13
Kansas, University of Kansas, Geologic Record, 1981-2002
Box   6
Folder   14
American Society for Photogrammetry, 1980-2003
Box   6
Folder   14
Geological Survey, 1980-2003
Box   6
Folder   14
Post Soviet Geography, 1980-2003
Box   6
Folder   15
Massachusetts, The American Neptune, Appalachian Mountain Club, 1980-2007
Box   6
Folder   16
Michigan, Ann Arbor University, Microfilms International, 1979-1992
Box   6
Folder   17
Minnesota, African Geographical Review, 2001-2012
Box   6
Folder   17
Missouri, Baseline, 2001-2012
Box   6
Folder   18
New Mexico, NEICA, Monthly Energy Review, 1982-1996
New York
Box   6
Folder   19
American Geographical Society, 1980-2005
Box   6
Folder   19
Applied Geographic Studies, 1980-2005
Box   6
Folder   19
Choices, 1980-2005
Box   6
Folder   19
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 1980-2005
Box   6
Folder   19
State University of New York, Department of Anthropology, 1980-2005
Box   6
Folder   20
North Carolina, North Carolina Geographer, 1973-2006
Box   6
Folder   20
North Dakota, North Dakota Geological Survey, 1973-2006
Box   6
Folder   21
Ohio, Arab World Geographer and Geographical Analysis, 1982-2011
Box   6
Folder   22
Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, yearbook, 1996-2004
Box   6
Folder   22
Geo Info Systems, 1996-2004
Box   6
Folder   22
Mercator's World, 1996-2004
Box   6
Folder   23
Bureau of Topographic and Geologic Survey, county reports, 1995-2002
Box   6
Folder   23
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1995-2002
Box   6
Folder   23
The Pennsylvania Geographer, 1995-2002
Box   6
Folder   24
South Dakota, South Dakota Geologic Survey, 1981-1998
Box   6
Folder   25
Aramco World Magazine, 1993-2000
Box   6
Folder   25
Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers (CLAG), yearbook, 1993-2000
Box   6
Folder   25
Terrae Incognitae, 1993-2000
Washington, D.C.
Box   6
Folder   26
Atoll Research Bulletin, 1990-2008
Box   6
Folder   26
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA), 1990-2008
Box   6
Folder   26
CIRAD, 1990-2008
Box   6
Folder   26
Limits in the Seas, 1990-2008
Box   6
Folder   26
Smithsonian, 1990-2008
Box   6
Folder   27
Washington, Olympia, Department of Natural Resources, 1990-2002
Box   6
Folder   28
Astronomy, 1981-2002
Box   6
Folder   28
Earth, 1981-2002
Box   6
Folder   28
Milwaukee Public Museum, 1981-2002
Box   6
Folder   28
University of WI-Milwaukee, Geography Department, 1981-2002
Box   6
Folder   28
Wisconsin Geographer, 1981-2002
Box   6
Folder   28
Wisconsin Mapping Bulletin, 1981-2002
Box   6
Folder   29
Boletín, 1981-2006
Box   6
Folder   29
El Guácharo, 1981-2006
Box   6
Folder   29
Universidad Central de Venezuela, Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería, 1981-2006
Box   6
Folder   29
Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle, Memoria, 1981-2006
General Files
Box   6
Folder   30
Cancellation List, 1982
Box   6
Folder   31
Exchange Program, Dr. Carol Ballmann, 1982-1986
Box   6
Folder   32
Exchanges, by country, 1978-1994
Box   6
Folder   33
Exchanges, by value and frequency, 1980-1987
Box   6
Folder   34
Memberships, Gifts, Free Serials, 1981-1986
Box   6
Folder   35
Memos, 1984
Box   6
Folder   36
Miscellaneous, 1973-1980
Box   6
Folder   37
Policies and Procedures, 1979-1982
Box   6
Folder   38
Questions, 1984-1989
Box   6
Folder   39
Subscription and Exchange List, 1991