International Harvester Company Advertising Photographs, 1940-1994

Container Title
Series: Reference Files
Box   108
Folder   1
Box   108
Folder   2
Academic Freedom, 1962-1963
Note: Including Richard Atlee case
Box   108
Folder   3
Agee, Philip, and National Security
Box   108
Folder   4
Allende, Hortensia
Box   108
Folder   5
Almeyda, Clomidoro, memoir
Box   110
Folder   2
Almeyda, Clomidoro, memoir (continued)
Box   108
Folder   6
Alternative Defense Network, 1987
Box   108
Folder   7
“Amerika,” Cooperative strategy for, 1987
Box   108
Folder   8
Box   108
Folder   9
Arms control and foreign policy caucus
Box   108
Folder   10
Aspen Institute, undated
Box   108
Folder   11
Assassination Information Bureau, 1977
Box   108
Folder   12
Aylwin Azócar, Patricio, 1974
Box   108
Folder   13
Bauman, Robert E. (congressman) case, 1980
Box   108
Folder   14
Berlin Crisis (government documents)
Box   108
Folder   15
Boudin, Kathy, Legal case, 1981-1982
Box   108
Folder   16
Bourdet, Claude, “The New Europe: Myths and Facts,” circa 1981
Box   108
Folder   17
Bricklayers / Allied Craftsmen Study Circle materials, 1986
Box   108
Folder   18
Campus Free College
Box   108
Folder   19
Civil Liberties and Police Development
Box   108
Folder   20
Center for Multinational Studies
Box   108
Folder   21
Center for International Policy
Box   108
Folder   22
Center for Research and Development
Box   108
Folder   23
Central America
Box   108
Folder   24
Charter for McKee's Rock or Stowe townships
Note: Sample charter, perhaps related to Lee Webb's activities.
Box   110
Folder   1
Box   110
Folder   3
Report by Frank Manitzas on Americans killed, 1976
Box   108
Folder   25
Churches Center for Theology and Public Policy, 1991
Box   108
Folder   26
Civil Rights, Oakland Public Schools report, 1964
Box   108
Folder   27
Club of Rome, 1975
Box   108
Folder   28
Coalition on Block Grants and Human Needs, 1982
Box   108
Folder   29
Covert Operations Working Group
Box   108
Folder   30
Box   108
Folder   31
Cuban Army in Exile, Responses to New York article, 1979
Box   108
Folder   32
District of Columbia statehood, 1989
Box   108
Folder   33
Box   108
Folder   34
Drugs in Central America hearings, 1988
Box   108
Folder   35
East Central Citizens Organization (Columbus, Ohio), 1967
Box   108
Folder   36
Educational Committee to Halt Atomic Weapons Spread, 1969
Box   108
Folder   37
El Salvador
Box   108
Folder   38
Elias, Norbert, paper
Box   108
Folder   39
Environmental, miscellaneous
Box   108
Folder   40
Fingerhut research polls, 1983-1985, undated
Box   108
Folder   41
Firearms information, 1968
Box   108
Folder   42
Forman, James, 1978, undated
Box   108
Folder   43
Glomar (U.S. drillship), Sinking of, 1983
Box   108
Folder   44
Greater Washington Educational Television by-laws
Box   108
Folder   45
Harter, John J., 1971-1972
Box   108
Folder   46
Helsinki Watch Committee, 1987
Box   108
Folder   47
Heritage Foundation, 1980-1985
Box   108
Folder   48
HEW clearance practices
Box   108
Folder   49
Human rights
Box   108
Folder   50
Institute for Global Security Studies, Funding proposal, undated
Box   108
Folder   51
Integrated Long-term Strategy Committee, Advisory Committee on, 1987
Box   108
Folder   52
International Center for Development Policy, U.S.-Soviet relations, 1987
Box   108
Folder   53
International Conference for Disarmament and Détente, 1982
Box   108
Folder   54
International Foundation for Development Alternatives, 1977
Box   108
Folder   55
International Freedom of Information Commission, 1981
Box   108
Folder   56
International law and development
Box   108
Folder   57
Box   108
Folder   58
Iran Contra
Box   109
Folder   1
Jackson, Jesse, Campaign materials, 1988-1989
Box   109
Folder   2
Jacobsen Report
Box   109
Folder   3
Korean Air Lines Flight 007
Box   109
Folder   4
Kemeny Commission
Box   109
Folder   5
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Box   109
Folder   6-8
Kissinger Commission on Central America, 1984
Box   109
Folder   9
LaRouche, Lyndon, 1975-1980
Box   109
Folder   10
Mapuche Voice, 1979
Box   109
Folder   11
Metanoia's breast-feeding film, 1982
Box   109
Folder   12
Military-industrial complex, undated
Box   109
Folder   13
Moore, Amzie, Eulogy about, undated
Box   109
Folder   14
Mother Jones grant proposal for support submitted to Foundation for National Progress, 1978
Box   109
Folder   15
Moyers, Bill, Lecture, 1985
Box   110
Folder   4
Muñiz Varela, Carlos, Murder information, 1979
Box   109
Folder   16
NATO and South Africa, 1970-1975
Box   109
Folder   17
National Caucus
Box   109
Folder   18
National Coalition for Universities in the Public Interest (Leonard Minsky)
Box   109
Folder   19
National Lawyers Guild
Box   109
Folder   20
National Security Council, 1968
Box   109
Folder   21
New American Movement, undated
Box   109
Folder   22
New Party
Box   109
Folder   23
New World Foundation, Educational visions, 1985
Box   109
Folder   24
New York City fiscal crisis
Box   109
Folder   25
Ngo, Vinh Long, 1980-1981
Box   109
Folder   26
Nicaragua, Fenton Communications, 1985
Box   109
Folder   27
Non-communist left, transcript of debate between Nenni, Mendès France and Bevan in L'Express, 1959
Box   109
Folder   28
North American Congress on Latin America, 1973
Box   109
Folder   29
Nuclear weapons
Box   109
Folder   30
On the Point
Box   109
Folder   31
OSS interview with Alan Evans, 1965
Box   109
Folder   32
Box   109
Folder   33
Peace Corps, Conference of Returned Volunteers, 1965
Box   109
Folder   34
Peacemaking Task Force of the Presbyterian Church, 1979
Box   109
Folder   35a
Peace Net, 1986
Box   109
Folder   34b
Pell, Eve?, draft review of David Horowitz on Fay Stender, undated
Box   109
Folder   36
Poor People's Development Foundation, 1973, undated
Box   109
Folder   37
Poster Children, Harvey Katz book proposal submitted to Alice Mayhew
Puerto Rico
Box   110
Folder   5
Box   109
Folder   38
Jorge Rodriguez Beruff proposal
Box   109
Folder   39
Independence movement, Report of FBI persecution, undated
Box   109
Folder   40
Quantel Corporation, Shareholder reports, 1980
Box   109
Folder   41
Reader, Mark, Papers on nuclear power, 1976
Box   109
Folder   42
Reagon, Bernice Johnson, 1986
Box   109
Folder   43
Reagan, Ronald, Right-wing appointees, undated
Box   109
Folder   44
Regional governmental officials, interview notes, undated
Box   109
Folder   45
Rogovin v. CIA memo
Box   110
Folder   6
Scientific advisory panels to government
Box   109
Folder   46
Solar power (California)
Box   109
Folder   47
Teach-in anniversary reading guide, “War is Not Peace: the Myth of Making the World Safe for America” / by R.H. Miller
Box   109
Folder   48
Three Mile Island paper, undated
Box   109
Folder   49
Ullman, Montague, Community mental health papers
Box   109
Folder   50
U.S.-Latin America relations
Box   109
Folder   51
Russian language documents
Box   109
Folder   52
USSR Institute of the U.S., 1976
Box   109
Folder   53
Press releases issued by USSR, 1986
Box   109
Folder   54
USSR references about U.S. policy
Box   110
Folder   7
U.S.-Soviet relations, 3rd General Chautauqua Conference on, 1987
Box   109
Folder   55
Vietnam, undated
Note: Including letter from soldier to “Sam”.
Box   109
Folder   56
Walder, F.B., letters from L
Note: Originally in Barnet files.
Box   109
Folder   57
Westledge Center for Education (West Simsbury, Connecticut), 1977
Box   109
Folder   58
Windstar Foundation, undated
Box   109
Folder   59
Working Assets credit cards
Box   110
Folder   8
Working Papers of the Commission on the Year 2000
Box   109
Folder   60
World Confederation of Labor, 1979
Box   109
Folder   61
World hunger
Box   109
Folder   62
World Vision Honduras report, 1981
Box   109
Folder   63
World Watch Institute, undated