Calvin C. Bayley Papers, 1830-1904

Contents List

Container Title
Part 1 (Mss 919; PH 4025; PH Mss 115; WHi (J2); Micro 2097; AE 008-AE 026; CC 154; CC 501): Original Collection, 1795-1968
Physical Description: 54.0 cubic feet (48 record center cartons, 8 archives boxes, 3 flat boxes, and 5 card boxes), 2 reels of microfilm (35 mm), 4.4 cubic feet of photographs and negatives (2 record center cartons, 2 archives boxes, 8 card boxes, 1 flat box, and 1 roll), and 21 films (16 mm) 
Scope and Content Note

The Jackson-Morris-Stevens Papers document several families who settled in Madison, Wisconsin, during the 1850s and who subsequently became connected by friendship and marriage: the Hobbins, Jackson, Morris, and Stevens families. In addition there are papers of several collateral lines including the Farmer, Grannis and Watrous families. The Hobbins and Jacksons were prominent physicians; W.A.P. Morris and Breese J. Stevens were prominent attorneys. The title of the collection is based on the marriage of Helen Elizabeth Stevens, a daughter of Breese Stevens, to Dr. Reginald H. Jackson Sr. and the marriage of Julia Morris, the daughter of W.A.P. Morris, to Reginald's brother, Joseph W. Jackson Sr.

The papers include extensive correspondence between family and friends, business records, personal financial papers, subject files, and photographs. The collection covers a wide range of subjects, not only documenting life in Madison, but also in such diverse places as western New York; Williston, North Dakota; and Gloucester, England. Topics range from aviation, an interest of Reginald Jackson Jr., to financial investing, which was painstakingly documented by Joseph Jackson Sr., and from musky fishing to travel to Europe and Japan. Madison's Frank Lloyd Wright-designed auditorium is also a prominent subject. Papers regarding military history concern the Revolutionary War service of General Michael Jackson II, the Civil War service of Charles and Martin Grannis, and the World War I service of Colonel Joseph W. Jackson Sr., in the Remount Service and Victor Morris, an army engineer. The military papers of Dr. Reginald Jackson Jr., concern the Wisconsin Wing of the Civil Air Patrol immediately following World War II. A few letters of Joseph W. Jackson III date from the Vietnam War period. Unfortunately, given the families' influence, except for the papers of Joseph W. Jackson Sr., the collection provides little coverage of the families' impact on Madison civic life.

The papers are arranged alphabetically by surname, with the women arranged by their married name. Because of the complex family inter-relationships, the papers have been arranged by the name of the family member who wrote the letter, rather than by the recipient. In this way, information about a particular member of the family can be more easily identified. However, correspondence from friends and unrelated individuals is arranged by the recipient. Two books in the collection, Three Hundred Years American by Alice and Bettina Jackson (in Box 6) and a Morris Family genealogy compiled by Kathryn Morris Wilkinson in Box 19A contain helpful genealogical information. Photographs comprise a separate series, although the arrangement is by personal name, thus mirroring the arrangement of the papers.

The Hobbins Family is documented primarily through correspondence relating to Syndonia Josephine Hobbins, the daughter of Dr. Joseph Hobbins Jr., who married Dr. James A. Jackson Sr., the patriarch of the Jackson Family in Madison. Together they became the parents of eight children. The papers also include some medical records thought to have been created by Dr. William Hobbins, Joseph's brother, with whom James Jackson began his medical practice. In Three Hundred Years American, the Jackson sisters cite several early manuscript sources pertaining to the Hobbins Family which were not donated to the Archives: a large notebook of writings by Dr. Joseph Hobbins Jr., (in the possession of Dr. Reginald Jackson Jr., when their book was written) and three diaries (1839-1861) of Sarah Badger Jackson Hobbins, the wife of Joseph Hobbins, then in the sisters' possession.

The Grannis Family materials document Julya Wheat Grannis of Fredonia, New York, and her children Harriet Persis Grannis Morris, who married W.A.P. Morris of Madison; Sarah “Kitty” Grannis Seaton; Charles DeWitt Grannis; and Marcius (or Martin) Simonds Grannis. Harriet Grannis Morris is the focus for much of this family's correspondence. Both Grannis brothers served in the Civil War and they wrote frequently to their mother and sisters, who lived together in Madison during the war. Charles Grannis served in the 44th New York Infantry. He was captured in 1862 and imprisoned at Libby Prison, and the collection includes several letters written from prison as well as a reminiscence of those events. Martin served in the artillery, and for much of his service he was posted at Fort McHenry with the 12th U.S. Artillery. Both brothers survived the war and continued to correspond with their sister. Notable in Martin's post-war letters are references to the onset of his mental illness. There is also extensive correspondence from Kitty Grannis Seaton, who lived with the Morris family in Madison during the Civil War and who eventually settled in Owatonna, Minnesota, with her husband Chauncey E. Seaton. Kitty died from tuberculosis in 1869, and the collection describes her declining health in emotional detail.

The Jackson Family consists of James A. Jackson Sr., and his wife, Syndonia Josephine Hobbins Jackson, and their eight children: Alice, Arnold, Bettina, James Jr., Joseph W. Sr., Reginald Sr., Russell, and Sidney. Alice; Bettina; Joseph Sr., and his family; and Reginald Sr., and his family figure prominently in the collection. Other members of the family are sparsely documented.

The papers of Alice and Bettina Jackson, neither of whom married, are arranged into individual and joint sections. Later in life, the sisters not only lived together in a house in Nakoma, but they also collaborated on several literary and interior design projects, and much of their later correspondence was carried on jointly. The sisters' love of travel, one of their mutual interests, is a highlight of the collection. This avocation is documented by correspondence, scrapbooks, photographs, and writings concerning numerous European trips. An unpublished manuscript about their 1954 trip to Japan, which they entitled “To Keep Young, Travel,” captures much of their joy about travel. This trip, which was made when they were in their 70s, was inspired by Japanese students who had boarded with them and with whom the sisters maintained a correspondence during the post-World War II years. Genealogy was another mutual interest, and the collection includes drafts of their published family history, Three Hundred Years American, photographs collected for illustration of the book, and research correspondence with members of the extended family.

Neither of the sisters sought employment outside the home, but they made careers for themselves based on their mutual interests in art, clothing, and interior design. This career is best documented in a scrapbook about their writing and public speaking. Some writings about these subjects are included, but the collection is incomplete. The culmination of their work on interior design, The Study of Interior Decoration, which was reprinted many times, is not in the collection, but it is available in the University of Wisconsin Library. There is, however, a lengthy, unpublished manuscript on the shawl as a universal article of attire, a subject for which they carried out research over many years.

Arnold Jackson, the son of Dr. James A. Jackson Sr., and the last physician in the family to head the Jackson Clinic, is documented primarily by published medical papers, several copies of the Jackson Clinic Bulletin that he edited, some information on the construction of the clinic, and an unfinished autobiography primarily concerning his professional career. Most interesting in the sparse correspondence are the letters he wrote while training at the Mayo Clinic. Dr. Jackson and his wife built a Frank Lloyd Wright-designed home in Madison, but there is nothing in the collection about this except for a photograph of the couple taken on the patio of the house.

Helen Elizabeth Breese Stevens Jackson, often referred to as Elsie, was the daughter of Breese Stevens by his second wife. She married Dr. Reginald Jackson Sr., and is the individual who provides the Jackson-Stevens link in the title of the collection. Although brief, Elsie's papers provide some indications of the privileged life she led from her extensive doll collection (now owned by the Historical Society Museum), to the list of expensive wedding gifts she received in 1908 and the photographs and correspondence documenting the Jacksons' honeymoon on the Continent. Elsie's devotion to her only child, Reginald Jr., is evident in a baby book, many photographs taken of him as a youth, and a folder entitled “Duddie's sayings.” The material labeled as “keepsakes” and memorabilia consists of similar items that Elsie's mother, Mary Elizabeth Farmer Stevens, saved from Elsie's own childhood. Much of the remainder of the collection consists of financial papers pertaining to the complicated management of the Reginald Sr., estate and other Jackson family interests.

Joseph W. Jackson Sr., sometimes referred to as Colonel Jackson because of his World War I service, or as “Bud,” is the most extensively documented individual in the papers. Despite this, many aspects of his colorful career are under represented. There is, for example, virtually no documentation of his position as business manager of the Jackson Clinic, a position which he assumed after World War I. The absence of some documentation may be explained by the fact that Jackson repeatedly reviewed his papers, discarding items that he considered of no value. Later files in the collection, although clearly labeled by him as of no value managed to survive for transfer to the Archives through the intercession of Jackson's friend Clifford Lord, director of the Historical Society. The absence of documentation is partially compensated for by a lengthy memoir.

Further impeding access to information about Joseph Jackson is the fact that his handwriting is difficult to read. Before his marriage at the turn of the century, Jackson lived in Williston, North Dakota and his fiancée, Julia Morris, lived in Madison. They corresponded frequently. After their marriage they settled in North Dakota and during the pre-World War I years they continued to correspond with relatives in Madison. The letters written by Joe and Julia contain valuable information about their life on the ranch in North Dakota, although reading their handwriting requires a persistent researcher. Jackson's post-World War I correspondence in the collection consists of carbons of outgoing business letters and infrequent personal letters. Business correspondence from this period is incomplete. About 1950, the year in which Jackson retired and presumably lost the services of a secretary, the outgoing carbons virtually disappear from the collection. They are replaced by small, handwritten sheets of paper. Thereafter Jackson used this format not only for correspondence drafts, but also for notes, memoranda about conversations and telephone calls, lists, reminders of things to do, and drafts of speeches and formal presentations. Although he is known to have hired a secretary to type his correspondence, few carbons dating after 1950 exist. Furthermore, although Jackson typically dated and numbered these slips of paper, he repeatedly reorganized them to suit more current needs, thereby losing much contextual information. As a result, Jackson's papers arrived in the Archives in disorder. This condition is a particular impediment to the documentation concerning Jackson's determined and longstanding opposition to the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Madison auditorium. While the auditorium papers are difficult to decipher and only roughly arranged, they are extensive and include some very detailed information on personal conversations, telephone calls, and meetings. They also touch on Madison politics. In addition to papers dating from the 1950s and 1960s, the auditorium files also include research on civic auditoriums Jackson carried out during the 1930s as an officer of the Madison Association of Commerce and the Madison and Wisconsin Foundation, as well as records of the Madison War Memorial Association, an auditorium idea that he supported during the late 1940s and early 1950s. The war memorial files are actually those of Joe Rothschild, the head of the memorial association.

Other important topics in the Joseph Jackson papers include the development of the University Arboretum and Hoyt Park, his leadership of the Madison and Wisconsin Foundation and Rotary International, and his dedication to the University of Wisconsin. His papers about the Madison and Wisconsin Foundation, of which he became the first director, are not the official records of that organization, but there are some scattered files of an official nature. Copies of the foundation's informative bulletin, which Jackson edited, are available in the Historical Society Library.

Jackson's files also include extensive personal financial and investment records from the later years of his life. Because of the absence of summary tax information, detailed income and expenditure records have been retained in the form of check stubs and deposit slips. The files also include weeded mailings received from companies in which he held stock, notes on investments, and letters he wrote to corporate officers. The deposit tickets contain detailed information about dividends from individual holdings. The most extensive investment information concerns the Robert W. Baird Company of Milwaukee. Also pertaining to personal finances is a large record book in which Jackson intermittently recorded information on the status of his land holdings and investments. Together, these papers document the actions of an active investor, as well as the history of a prominent Wisconsin brokerage firm.

Documentation of Jackson's land holdings appears in files about Williston and Williams County, North Dakota. Although the information about his early real estate investments is fragmentary, after the discovery of oil in the late 1940s, Williston began to grow rapidly and the complex management of his North Dakota property created more extensive records. These properties necessitated correspondence with editor Harry Polk, local attorneys, and other North Dakotans. Taken together, these files provide excellent documentation of a local response to the modern North Dakota oil boom.

Also of interest is the correspondence about Jackson's ownership of “Smokin' 'em Out,” a painting given to him by Charles Russell during World War I. This correspondence, which includes a number of prominent Russell collectors, dates from Jackson's efforts to regain custody of the painting from the government after World War I to its eventual sale in 1955. Jackson's connection with the American West is also reflected in the files on his World War I service with the Remount Service at Camp Lewis, Washington, and in France. In addition to his personal service records and correspondence, the collection includes official reports about this little known aspect of World War I military history.

Speeches and writings are a major form of historical documentation in the Joseph Jackson papers, as Jackson was a frequent public speaker. Unfortunately he most often spoke from outlines and notes. After retiring from the Madison and Wisconsin Foundation, Jackson completed a book-length biography of Alexander McKenzie, a colorful North Dakota politician, that he entitled “Big Alec.” Unfortunately, Jackson failed to prepare footnotes or a bibliography to document the sources of his information. The McKenzie files include drafts, copies of a small number of historical documents, research correspondence, and a sample of his work process. Jackson worked on the McKenzie biography over many years, but virtually all of the research carried out before 1948 has been lost. In 1949 Jackson resolved to complete the project, and extensive correspondence during subsequent years documents this period. This correspondence includes a number of individuals who provided first hand information. Among them are McKenzie relatives and Dakota politicians Usher L. Burdick, Andrew Miller, and Willard B. Overson. Occasionally, only Jackson's chatty half of the research correspondence is included. The correspondence in this section is documented by typed carbons.

An earlier historical work written by Jackson concerned African-American soldiers during World War I. Although he corresponded widely to uncover stories, the final product consisted largely of anecdotes rather than authentic accounts of observed events. Like “Big Alec,” this manuscript was never published. Jackson experienced better luck with a small, self-published book on musky fishing, another of his passions. This work is documented by a manuscript draft and correspondence with publishers.

The papers of Julia Morris Jackson, Mrs. Joseph W. Jackson, consist almost entirely of handwritten letters to her husband and her parents and siblings written from about the turn of the century until World War I. Except for several diaries, she has no other papers in the collection.

General Michael Jackson II, who served in the Revolutionary War, represents a second Jackson line from which the Madison Jacksons were descended. Unlike the line that descended from James A. Jackson Sr., who came to Madison directly from England in the 1850s, General Jackson's line settled in Massachusetts in 1639. His great-granddaughter, Sarah G. Badger Jackson, met Dr. Joseph Hobbins Jr. during a trip to England. They married in 1841 and eventually settled in Madison. In Madison their daughter Syndonia Josephine Hobbins (the great-great granddaughter of Michael Jackson) married James A. Jackson Sr., thus uniting the two unrelated (or at least very distantly related) Jackson lines. General Jackson's papers, 1777-1840, consist of typed transcripts. Jackson served as an aide to George Washington and there are copies of a few letters from Washington, as well as items about provisioning troops, battles, etc. Also discussed are family and business matters. Mary Camman, who compiled the transcripts, divided the materials into three parts: Part I: 1777-1834, Michael Jackson II, Ruth Parker Jackson (his wife), and their son Ebenezer Jackson Sr.; Part II: circa 1785-1840, Ebenezer Jackson family papers and business papers regarding Port of Savannah and land interests; and Part III: circa 1796-1821, papers of Simon, Amasa, and Charles Jackson, all sons of Michael Jackson II. The guide to the letters in the collection was prepared by Claire Jackson Kemp. The current location of the original Michael Jackson family letters is unknown.

Reginald H. Jackson Sr., was one of the four sons of James A. Jackson Sr., who became physicians, and his papers document the practice of medicine in Madison during an important transition period from individual to clinic practice. The collection includes two cartons of alphabetically-arranged professional correspondence primarily with surgical patients and other physicians in southern Wisconsin, notes and drafts for presentations to medical associations and student groups, and some information on the early financial operations of the Jackson Clinic.

The papers of Reginald Jackson Jr., also a physician and the only child of Reginald H. Jackson Sr., primarily document his lifelong interest in aviation and his medical education, although not his medical practice at the Jackson Clinic. There are no papers about him in the collection later than the mid-1950s. Reginald Jackson Jr.'s educational papers consist of printed and mimeographed curriculum materials and class notes (which have been weeded) from the Northwestern University Medical School and pre-medical classes at the University of Wisconsin. Of special note among his educational files is an illustrated sanitary survey of Janesville carried out for a class in public health in 1932 and several narrative reports about his clinical experiences. The remainder is general correspondence and alphabetical subject files.

Aviation dominates the subject files. Included are records about day-to-day operations and expenses for his airplane during the 1930s when it was hangared at Howard Morey's Royal Airport in Madison, information on the development of Madison Municipal Airport, and seaplanes in Wisconsin. Beginning with World War II, Jackson's interest in aviation focused on the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) of which he was commander for the Madison Group and, from 1953 to 1955, the commander of the Wisconsin Wing. The CAP records include official correspondence, reports, and printed orders issued by Wing headquarters. Orders from the period when the headquarters were located in Milwaukee and Racine are substantial, but those issued from Madison by Jackson are disappointingly incomplete. The collection also documents Jackson's related interest in radio communication which developed from his youthful participation in the American Radio Relay League. The inventive bent evident in the radio files is reflected in information on other ideas Jackson developed such as airplane heaters and de-icer equipment. For the latter, the collection includes correspondence with the Burgess Battery Company of Madison. Jackson's youth and his love of the outdoors, something he seems to have shared with all male members of his family, are well documented by the photographs in the collection.

The Morris Family is linked to this collection through Julia Morris Jackson, the daughter of Harriet Grannis Morris and Madison attorney William A. Pringle Morris, who became the wife of Joseph W. Jackson Jr. Primarily documented are W.A.P. Morris; his parents; his sons, Howard and Charles; and Howard's son Victor.

General Jacob Morris, who served in the Revolutionary War, and Sophia Pringle Morris were the parents of W.A.P. Morris. The collection includes Sophia's letters to and from W.A.P. Morris, as well as correspondence concerning her attempt to collect her husband's military pension. General Morris' file consists of originals and transcripts of a few letters. W.A.P. Morris' personal correspondence includes material dating from as early as his studies at Hamilton College in the 1850s. Of special interest are post cards from Reuben Gold Thwaites, superintendent of the Historical Society, sent during his travels. Both Howard and Charles Morris became attorneys for Wisconsin railroads, and although they are both represented here only by personal letters to their parents, there are references in these letters to their work, investments, and legal cases. Howard's son Victor was an engineer during World War I, and his papers consist entirely of wartime letters and photographs.

The Stevens Family documents Amelia Stevens, Breese Stevens, and Stevens' second wife, Mary Elizabeth Farmer Stevens. The papers of Amelia Fuller Stevens, the daughter of Breese Stevens and Emma Fuller Stevens, primarily concern the management of the Stevens estate, the chief exception being mail from German World War II refugees who were aided, apparently as a result of her leadership, by the Altar Guild of Grace Episcopal Church in Madison. Miss Stevens' investments were managed by several brokerage firms, and the collection contains detailed information on their representation of her interests. From the Milwaukee office of Loomis Sayles & Company there are extended narrative reports, 1939-1950, about the national financial outlook as well as specific suggestions regarding her financial position. From other firms, there are receipts documenting the purchase and sale of individual stocks. Somewhat like the Joseph Jackson investment files, these records provide a useful case study of one woman's investment history. Also of interest is information about the management of the New York estate of her aunt, Helen Stevens Sanford, by her cousin Augustus C. Stevens and the management and sale of Miss Stevens' Picnic Point property.

The papers of Breese J. Stevens constitute one of the largest parts of the collection. Unfortunately, they offer incomplete coverage of his important career in business and public life. Approximately three cartons consist of handwritten correspondence dating from his years as a Hamilton College student during the early 1850s to his life in Madison during the late 1870s. This correspondence is almost entirely comprised of letters received. The content is primarily personal letters from friends and relatives, although references to business or legal matters appear in some letters. Stevens' list of prominent correspondents includes Horatio Seymour, a distant relative, Lucius Fairchild, and A. Scott Sloan. Draft letters from Stevens appear for only a few individuals, primarily the young women that he referred to as his “lady correspondents.” Also filed here are courtship letters to his second wife.

The letterbooks in which Stevens presumably recorded and bound his important business and professional correspondence were not received. Some records in the collection do document business affairs, but it is likely these records were created after Stevens' death by Henry Kessenich, the executor of his estate, in order to facilitate its management. Kessenich's files contain detailed information on property taxes and other information about Stevens' land holdings. The sole financial volume clearly dating from Stevens' lifetime is a cash book dating from 1880 to 1883, in which is recorded detailed information about personal expenditures. Two additional estate ledgers, 1916-1926, document the household of his widow, as was required of Stevens' will.

The Wright Family is a collateral line related to the Hobbins Family. Henry Wright, who is documented by a microfilmed diary, married Elizabeth Hobbins, the sister of Joseph and William Hobbins. The Wright and Hobbins families settled in Madison together, but the Wrights returned to England in 1859. Henry Wright's diary covers their residence both in Madison and later in Gloucester, England. Other members of the Wright Family are documented in correspondence exchanged with Alice and Bettina Jackson.

PHOTOGRAPHS, which comprise a separate series, are a disparate assortment of portraits, snapshots, photo albums, negatives, and lantern slides that generally parallel the manuscript papers both in content and arrangement. The majority of the collection consists of family portraits and snapshots of activities, particularly travel to Europe and Alaska; interests in aviation and Madison architecture; houses in Madison, North Dakota and New York; and the military service of Joseph W. Jackson and Victor Morris during World War I. Snapshots and candid photographs are best for the families of Reginald Jackson Sr., and Joseph Jackson Sr. Cased portraits of Breese Stevens as a young man and his Stevens and Breese family relatives are of high quality and include Major Samuel S. Forman, a veteran of the Revolutionary War. They are stored with the Historical Society's Cased Image Collection. The lantern slides, which concern Alaska, the Canadian Pacific Railroad, and the West were collected by Joseph W. Jackson probably for oral presentations; these talks are not otherwise documented in the collection. Because he copied many of the slides from other sources, they have been weeded. Exceptions are the lantern slides of Methodist Hospital, which were taken shortly after its construction. They have not been weeded.

All the FILMS are 16 mm, without sound and a combination of color and black and white dating from circa 1920s through the 1950s. The majority of the footage documents four broad subject areas including boating, aviation, European vacations, and medical procedures. The films also include footage of family members on vacation, sailing, and hunting; and various Madison locations, including the Lake Mendota shoreline, aerial views of the Capitol and Isthmus, and the Royal Airport. Also of interest is footage documenting Charles Lindbergh's visit to Madison in 1927; an ice boating regatta; and a ski jump possibly at Blackhawk.

Mss 919
Series: Papers
Box   1
Folder   1
Breese Family, Genealogy and papers of miscellaneous family members
Box   1
Folder   2
Breese, Helen, 1850-1860
Note: Wife of Samuel Breese, grandmother of Breese Stevens.
Box   1
Folder   3-4
Breese, Samuel, 1855-1869
Note: Uncle of Breese Stevens.
Box   1
Folder   5-6
Culnan, Julia Morris Jackson, 1911-1957, undated
Note: Daughter of Joseph W. Jackson.
Box   1
Folder   7
Farmer, Marcellus and Jeminaetta Tuttle Farmer, 1838, 1857-1858
Note: Parents of Mrs. Breese Stevens.
Box   1
Folder   8
Forman, Samuel, Accounts of the Forman Family, undated
Box   1
Folder   9
Fuller, Morris E. and family, Miscellaneous papers and reaper company catalogs, 1860-1900
Grannis, Captain Charles
Note: Brother of Harriet Grannis Morris.
Box   1
Folder   10
Box   1
Folder   11
Civil War diary, 1863
Box   1
Folder   12
Narrative of Libby Prison experiences, 1901
Box   1
Folder   13
Sketch of the 44th New York Regiment, 1893
Box   1
Folder   14-19
Correspondence written by Charles Grannis, 1854-1856, 1861-1900
Box   1
Folder   20
Letters to Charles Grannis, 1875, undated
Box   1
Folder   21-22
Grannis, Julya Wheat, 1850-1870, undated
Note: Mother of Julia Grannis Morris.
Box   1
Folder   23-28
Grannis, Martin, 1856-1866
Note: Brother of Harriet Grannis Morris.
Box   1
Folder   29A
Graves, Nathan F. and Mrs., 1852-1880
Box   1
Folder   29B
Hayes, Dr. Mary Holmes Stevens, Who's Who in N.Y., 1925
Hobbins, Dr. Joseph, Jr.
Box   1
Folder   30
Biographical miscellany
Hobbins, Sarah Ellen (Nellie)
Box   1
Folder   31
Correspondence regarding poetry publication, 1900-1915
Box   1
Folder   32
Poetry, 1901
Box   2
Folder   1-4
Poetry, 1901 (continued)
Hobbins, Sarah Badger Jackson
Note: Wife of Joseph Hobbins Jr., and mother of Syndonia Hobbins Jackson.
Box   1
Folder   33
Narrative and letter regarding journey to Madison, 1855
Hobbins, William
Box   3
Folder   1-3
Account books and blotter, 1853-1865
Box   3
Folder   4
Unidentified daybook, 1858-1859
Box   3
Folder   5
Unidentified merchandise book, 1858
Box   3
Folder   6-7
Unidentified partnership books, 1859
Box   3
Folder   8
Box   3
Folder   9-13
Hubbel, Miriam Jackson, 1912-1964
Note: Daughter of Joseph W. Jackson Sr.
Jackson, Alice Fanny
Note: Daughter of James A. Jackson Sr.
Box   3
Folder   14
Correspondence to Alice Fanny Jackson, 1901-1938
Correspondence from Alice Fanny Jackson
Box   3
Folder   15-21
General, 1888-1925
To Sally Ramsey Frate
Box   3
Folder   22
Photocopied letters, 1902-1973
Box   4
Folder   1
Transcribed letters, 1918-1936
Box   4
Folder   2-3
To and from Mary Muir, 1961-1965
Box   4
Folder   4-5
Diaries, 1892-1895, 1910, 1920
Box   4
Folder   6
Box   59
Folder   1
Scrapbook and album, regarding 1901 trip to Europe
Box   4
Folder   7
Writings, 1913-1915, undated
Jackson, Bettina
Note: Daughter of James A. Jackson Sr.
Box   4
Folder   8-13
Correspondence from Bettina Jackson, 1891-1925
Box   4
Folder   14
Travel correspondence scrapbook, 1905-1944
Correspondence to Bettina Jackson
Box   4
Folder   15
Box   4
Folder   16
World War I letters
Box   4
Folder   16-21
Diaries, 1900-1923
Box   4
Folder   22A
Box   4
Folder   22B
Russell Family genealogy, with Jackson baptismal records, transcribed by Bettina Jackson, 1915
Box   59
Folder   2
Scrapbook of European travel, 1901, 1905-1906, 1912
Jackson, Alice and Bettina, Joint papers
Micro 2097
Reel   1
Travel diary, 1934
Mss 919
Box   4
Folder   23
Correspondence from Alice and Bettina, 1918, 1935-1958
Correspondence, Incoming
Box   4
Folder   24
Box   4
Folder   25
Iwamoto, Hiroaki, 1952-1973, undated
Box   4
Folder   26
Kawasaki, Vincent, 1954-1967
Box   4
Folder   27
Kuratani, Yoshiro, 1950-1973
Box   4
Folder   28
Sellors, T. Blanchard, 1939-1952
Box   4
Folder   29
Miscellaneous Japanese acquaintances
Box   4
Folder   30
Wright Family, Letters from England, 1929-1950
Box   5
Folder   1
Nonatum (the sisters' Nakoma home)
Box   5
Folder   2
Box   5
Folder   3A
Book business
Box   5
Folder   3B
Book plates
Box   5
Folder   4-9
Literary projects binder (and costume plates)
Box   5
Folder   10
Costume sheets correspondence
Box   5
Folder   11
“Elizabeth letters” regarding World War I home front, 1917-1933
Box   5
Folder   12
Essays, 1933-1934
Box   5
Folder   13
“Ideas for fillers”
Japanese travel book
Box   5
Folder   14
Alice's notes
Box   5
Folder   15-17
Bettina's notes
Box   5
Folder   18
Box   5
Folder   19
Draft, Handwritten by Alice Fanny Jackson
Box   5
Folder   20-21
Draft, Typed pages
Box   5
Folder   22
Final draft, “To Keep Young, Travel,” 1962
Box   5
Folder   23
Box   5
Folder   24
Box   5
Folder   25
Madison architecture, 1917
Box   5
Folder   26
Manuscripts submitted and sold
Box   5
Folder   27
Octagon houses subject file
Box   5
Folder   28-30
Shawls, draft manuscript, circa 1943, and correspondence
Box   5
Folder   31
Study of Interior Decoration, Contract, publicity, and plates
Three Hundred Years American
Box   5
Folder   32-33
Correspondence, 1950-1952
Box   6
Folder   1
Box   6
Folder   2
Box   6
Folder   3-5
Rough draft
Box   6
Folder   6A
Published volume, 1951
Jackson, Arnold
Note: Son of James A. Jackson Sr.
Box   6
Folder   6B
Unfinished autobiography, undated
Box   6
Folder   7-8
Correspondence from Arnold Jackson, 1908-1959, undated
Box   6
Folder   9
Medical writings
Box   6
Folder   10
Jackson Clinic Bulletin, 1919-1955
Jackson, Helen Elizabeth Stevens
Note: “Elsie,” daughter of Breese Stevens, wife of Reginald Jackson Sr.
Box   6
Folder   11
Correspondence from Elsie, 1887-1908, undated
Box   6
Folder   12-13
Correspondence to Elsie, 1883-1956, undated
Box   6
Folder   14
Baby book for Reginald Jackson Jr.
Box   6
Folder   15
Box   6
Folder   16
Box   6
Folder   17
“Duddie's sayings”
Box   6
Folder   18-19
Financial papers and register, 1931-1939
Box   6
Folder   20
Grace [Episcopal] Church
Box   6
Folder   21
Income taxes, 1927-1934, 1940-1941, 1943
Box   6
Folder   22
Jackson Foundation, 1948
Box   6
Folder   23
Jackson Realty Company, 1923, 1939-1948
Box   6
Folder   24
Jackson, Reginald Sr., Estate, 1939-1942
Box   6
Folder   25-26
Box   6
Folder   27
Box   6
Folder   28
Stevens, Mary Elizabeth, Estate and trust papers
Box   6
Folder   29
Wedding memorabilia, 1908
Jackson, James A., Sr.
Note: Patriarch of the Jackson Family, married to Josephine Syndonia Hobbins Jackson.
Box   7
Folder   1
Patient correspondence, 1871, 1902-1907
Box   7
Folder   2
Miscellaneous and family correspondence, 1901-1919
Box   7
Folder   3
Civil War muster rolls, 1861-1865
Physical Description: Photocopy 
Box   7
Folder   4
Chapter 4 (“Survey of the Progress of Medicine”), 1920
Box   7
Folder   4
Response to Chapter 4 (“Survey of the Progress of Medicine”), 1946
Box   7
Folder   5
Claude and Starck construction bills, 1905-1906
Box   7
Folder   6
Estate papers
Jackson, Joseph W., Sr.
Note: “Bud,” son of James A. Jackson Sr.
Box   7
Folder   7
Autobiographical notes
Box   7
Folder   8-11
Box   7
Folder   12
“Next to the Last Roundup,” undated
Note: Regarding Williston, 1900.
Box   7
Folder   13
Biographical clippings
Box   7
Folder   14
Desk calendar, 1940
Box   7
Folder   15
Box   62
Folder   1
Dane County Wildlife certificate
Physical Description: Oversize 
Personal correspondence
From Joseph W. Jackson Sr.
Box   7
Folder   16-29
Box   8
Folder   1-22
Box   8
Folder   23
Wartime letters from Joseph W. Jackson Sr., undated
Box   8
Folder   24A
Wartime letter to Joseph W. Jackson Sr., undated
Box   8
Folder   24B
Unidentified wartime letters from Jackson children
General correspondence
Box   8
Folder   25-35
From Joseph W. Jackson Sr., 1920-1965, undated
Box   9
Folder   1-12
To Joseph W. Jackson Sr., 1913, 1919-1968, undated
Subject Files
Box   32
Folder   1-2
Cigarettes, 1930-1934
Box   32
Folder   3
Electric signs for automobiles, 1930
Box   32
Folder   4
Box   32
Folder   5
Airport, 1927-1935
Box   32
Folder   6
Alaska, Notes and correspondence, 1925-1928
Box   32
Folder   7
Allen Ranch (Augusta, Montana) brochures
Box   32
Folder   8
American Legion, 1924-1961
Box   32
Folder   9
Anderson, Don, 1931-1964
Box   32
Folder   10
Aphorisms and notes
Box   32
Folder   11-12
Box   32
Folder   13
Committee, 1953-1954
Box   32
Folder   14
History, undated
Note: Also known as Monona Terrace, Olin Terraces, War Memorial Garden.
Box   32
Folder   15-31
Box   33
Folder   1
1966-1968, undated
Notes and fragments
Box   33
Folder   2-25
1930, 1941-1966
Box   34
Folder   1
Box   34
Folder   2
Early, but undated
Presentations and statements
Box   34
Folder   3-17
1957-1966, undated
Box   34
Folder   18-19
American Legion correspondence, 1958
Association of Commerce
Box   34
Folder   20
Correspondence, 1927-1930
Box   34
Folder   21-22
Research, circa 1930
Box   34
Folder   23
Boat harbor, 1941-1949
Box   34
Folder   26
Citizens for Monona Terrace
Box   34
Folder   27
Citizens Realistic Auditorium Association, 1960-1961
Box   34
Folder   24
Committee report, 1954
Box   34
Folder   25
Contents of Joseph W. Jackson Sr. briefcase, circa 1966
Box   35
Folder   1A
Conklin site data and correspondence, 1936-1961
Box   35
Folder   1B
Evjue notes
Box   35
Folder   2
Jackson status reports, 1960-1966
Box   35
Folder   3
Legislation (Laun Bill), 1961
Box   35
Folder   4-5
Madison and Wisconsin Foundation Research, 1937-1949
War Memorial Research
Box   35
Folder   6
Box   35
Folder   7
Box   35
Folder   8
Madison Metropolitan War Memorial
Box   35
Folder   9
Box   35
Folder   10
Administrative scrapbook
Box   35
Folder   11-12
Facilities committee and replies, 1947-1948
Box   35
Folder   13
Members and organizations
Box   57
Members and officer cards
Box   35
Folder   14
Box   35
Folder   15-16
Rothschild correspondence, 1946-1948
Box   35
Folder   17
Metzner Bill, facts summary, 1957
Box   35
Folder   18
PWA (Public Works Administration) enabling legislation, 1939
Box   35
Folder   19
Press criticism
Box   35
Folder   20
Recreational survey, 1950
Box   35
Folder   21
Referendum, 1961
Box   35
Folder   22
Requirements analysis, 1954
Box   35
Folder   23-24
Site notes, 1930s, 1960s
Box   36
Folder   1
Soil testing, 1959
Box   36
Folder   2-7
Taxpayers' suit, 1959-1960
Box   36
Folder   8
Thomson correspondence, 1957
War Memorial Garden
Box   36
Folder   9
Incomplete historical notes (by Joseph W. Jackson Sr.)
Box   36
Folder   10-14
Notes and presentation
Box   36
Folder   15
American Legion correspondence, 1962-1965
Box   36
Folder   16
Box   36
Folder   17-18
Fountain correspondence and research, 1962-1964
Box   37
Folder   1
Legislation, 1961-1963
Box   37
Folder   2
Meunier, Alex, 1961-1965
Box   37
Folder   3
Wright postage stamp, 1966
Box   37
Folder   4-5
Wright Record and background, circa 1965-1966
Box   37
Folder   6
Wright miscellany
Box   37
Folder   7
Automobile safety device, 1934-1937
Box   37
Folder   8
Badger Ordnance Works, 1946
Box   37
Folder   9
Bartholomew, Harland, Plan, 1927
Box   37
Folder   10
Bjella, Arley (Williston attorney), 1951-1964
Box   37
Folder   11
Black Hawk Trail, 1942-1944
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence, clippings, research queries by Joseph W. Jackson for the Black Hawk Trail Committee, and Dane County maps relating to a plan to locate and mark the route of Black Hawk's retreat in 1832, accompanied by a photostatic copy of reports sent to the United States War Department on troops commanded by Brigadier General Henry Atkinson in the Black Hawk War.
Box   37
Folder   12
Brayton, A.M., 1926-1943
Box   37
Folder   13
Burdick, Usher, 1953
Box   37
Folder   14
Burk, Walter O. (Williston mayor), 1952-1955
Box   37
Folder   15
Causeway (Nolen Drive), 1961
Box   37
Folder   16
Citizens for Better Government, 1962
Box   37
Folder   17
Commercial and Trade Organization Executives Institute, 1948
Box   37
Folder   18
Community Union, 1926
Box   37
Folder   19
Contest entries
Box   37
Folder   20-21
Coppini, Pompeo, Correspondence and illustrations of sculpture, 1932-1964
Box   37
Folder   22
Corrubia, Paul E. (Madison: The Four Lake City)
Box   37
Folder   23
Cowboy miscellany
Box   62
Folder   2
Culnan, John, Certificates
Box   37
Folder   24
Davies, Joseph E., 1938-1940
Box   37
Folder   25
Dice, Colonel Fay O., 1944-1945
Box   37
Folder   25B
Evjue, William, 1939, undated
Financial records
Box   54-55
Check stubs, 1942-1964
Box   56
Dividend deposit slips, 1940-1963
Box   37
Folder   26
Household expenses, 1920-1958
Box   37
Folder   27
Box   37
Folder   28
Statements, 1909-1920
Box   37
Folder   29
Football, 1897, 1947
Box   37
Folder   30
France, Travel suggestions from Joseph W. Jackson Sr.
Box   37
Folder   31
Free enterprise
Box   37
Folder   32
Flag Day address (author unknown)
Box   37
Folder   33
Gambier, Pierre, 1924-1944
Box   37
Folder   34
Gardner, Lou, 1957-1962
Box   37
Folder   35
Box   37
Folder   36
Glenwood Park, 1942-1950
Box   37
Folder   37
Hoyt Park and rock garden, 1932-1942
Box   62
Folder   3
Hoyt Park plan
Box   37
Folder   38
Humor sources
Income taxes
Box   38
Folder   36-37
General, 1916-1952
Box   38
Folder   38
North Dakota, 1952-1954
Box   39
Folder   1
Box   39
Folder   2-15
Notes, 1930s-1963, undated
Robert W. Baird Company
Box   39
Folder   16
Correspondence, 1952-1962
Box   39
Folder   17
Box   39
Folder   18
Investment Digest
Box   39
Folder   19-20
Letters, 1952-1962, undated
Box   39
Folder   21-22
Literature, General and Russell illustrations
Box   39
Folder   23
Statements, 1951-1963
Box   39
Folder   24
Kimberly Clark investor mailings, 1954-1962, undated
Box   39
Folder   25
[folder number skipped]
Box   37
Folder   39
Shareholder letters from Joseph W. Jackson Sr., 1946-1963
Box   37
Folder   40
Union Trust Company
Box   38
Folder   1
War bonds
Box   38
Folder   2
Wisconsin Company statements, 1939-1948
Box   38
Folder   3
Wisconsin companies' mailings, 1939-1962
Box   38
Folder   4
Wisconsin Electric Power Company, 1956-1963
Box   38
Folder   5
Wisconsin Investment Company, 1933-19847
Box   38
Folder   6
Wisconsin Power and Light, 1946-1962
Box   38
Folder   7
Jackson children and grandchildren
Box   38
Folder   8
Jackson Clinic miscellany, 1925-1962
Box   38
Folder   9
Jackson Family Trust, 1921-1940
Box   38
Folder   10
Jackson, Joseph W., Jr., 1928-1947
Box   38
Folder   11
Jackson, Joseph W., III, 1954-1966
Box   38
Folder   12-14
Jackson Realty Company, 1927-1961
Box   38
Folder   15-21
Jackson, Russell, Sr., Estate, 1937-1962
Box   38
Folder   22
Jackson, Russell, Jr.
Box   38
Folder   23
Jackson, Sidney, Jr. and Sr., 1962
Box   38
Folder   24
Jackson v. Hefty, 1931
Box   38
Folder   25
Jensen, Jens, 1932-1946
Box   38
Folder   26
Jones, Richard Lloyd, 1943-1952
Box   38
Folder   27
Kaltenborn, H.V., 1940-1941
Box   38
Folder   28
Box   38
Folder   29
Lambert, Jack, clippings
Box   38
Folder   30
Law, James R., 1936-1948
Box   38
Folder   31
Lindbergh Visit to Madison Committee, 1927
Box   38
Folder   32
Madison and Wisconsin Foundation
Box   38
Folder   33
Always it is United Man Power that Builds a Great City, 1938
Blueprint for Action, 1951
Box   38
Folder   34
Background information
Box   62
Folder   4
Oversize brochure
Box   38
Folder   35
Brief Facts about Madison, 1946-1952
Box   39
Folder   26-28
Editorial drafts, notes, quotations, and data
Box   40
Folder   1-4
Editorial drafts, notes, quotations, and data (continued)
Box   40
Folder   5
Executive director's material, 1937-1951
Box   40
Folder   6
Fountain, 1940-1941
Box   40
Folder   7
Joseph W. Jackson Sr., retirement, 1952
Box   40
Folder   8-10
James Madison program and notes, 1942
Box   40
Folder   11
Box   40
Folder   12
Museum, 1937-1938
Box   40
Folder   13
Parking meters, 1940-1945
Box   40
Folder   14
Progress report, circa 1938
Smith, Margaret, research letters, 1953
Box   40
Folder   15
Relocation correspondence, 1953
Box   40
Folder   16
General correspondence
Box   40
Folder   17
State ideas about Madison, 1943
Box   40
Folder   18
Street lighting, 1941
Box   40
Folder   19
Madison Association of Commerce, 1929-1937
Box   40
Folder   20
Madison Associations, Inc., 1951
Box   40
Folder   21
Madison beautification
Madison Chamber of Commerce
Box   40
Folder   22-23
Downtown Development Committee, 1963-1964
Box   40
Folder   24
Joseph W. Jackson Sr., letters, 1960
Box   40
Folder   25
Minutes, 1951
Box   40
Folder   26
Madison City County Building, 1952-1957, undated
Madison Civic Associations Council
Box   40
Folder   27
General, 1948-1950
Box   40
Folder   28
Lake Wingra, 1949-1953
Box   40
Folder   29
Madison flower, 1930
Box   40
Folder   30
Madison, General
Box   40
Folder   31
Madison, Holiday article, 1958
Box   40
Folder   32
Madison, James, 1963
Box   40
Folder   33
Madison Parks Foundation, 1938
Box   41
Folder   1
Madison Planning Commission, 1935
Box   41
Folder   2-15
Madison politics and elections, 1960-1965
Box   41
Folder   16
Magazines and newspapers, 1934-1962
Box   41
Folder   17
Manger, Erling (Williston insurance agent), 1950-1955
Box   41
Folder   18
Mercury Mining Corporation, 1929-1932
Box   41
Folder   19
Milk River Company, Savoy, Montana, 1909-1918
Box   41
Folder   20
Milloy, C.D., 1952-1954
Box   41
Folder   21
Box   41
Folder   22
Morris, W.A.P. Estate, 1903-1944
Box   41
Folder   23
Morris, Charles M., 1939-1942
Box   41
Folder   24
Nolen, John, 1934-1937
Box   41
Folder   25
North Dakota Geological Survey (W.M. Laird), 1953-1959
Box   41
Folder   26-28
Notes and ideas, 1930s-1960s
Box   41
Folder   29
O'Hare, Kate Richard, 1921-1922
Box   41
Folder   30
Oklahoma oil, 1929-1938
Box   41
Folder   31
One West Main Corporation, 1942-1960
Box   41
Folder   32
Overson, Willard B. (Williston attorney), 1921-1951
Box   41
Folder   33
Paper bags idea
Box   41
Folder   34
Park development
Box   42
Folder   1
Peace plan, 1932-1933
Box   42
Folder   2
Penney, J.C., 1942-1943, 1962
Box   42
Folder   3
Pershing, John, 1921
Box   42
Folder   4
Piper Woods, 1952
Box   42
Folder   5-7
Polk, Harry (Williston editor), 1951-1963, undated
Box   42
Folder   8
Porter, Alice, Investments, 1919-1926
Box   42
Folder   9
Presidential letters, 1940-1963
Box   42
Folder   10
Quotes and sayings
Box   42
Folder   11
Railroad underpass, 1937-1945
Box   42
Folder   12-23
“Record Book,” 1925-1961
Box   43
Folder   1
Recreation Council, 1945-1946
Box   43
Folder   2-3
Reynolds for Mayor, 1960-1961
Box   43
Folder   4
Roosevelt, Theodore, Centennial, 1957-1958
Rotary International
Box   43
Folder   5-8
Correspondence, 1921-1951
Box   62
Folder   5
Holiday cards
Box   43
Folder   9
Classification and education, 1920s
Box   43
Folder   10
Governor of 13th District, 1931
Box   43
Folder   11
Box   43
Folder   12
13th District conference programs, 1924-1951
Box   43
Folder   13
Trip to International Convention, 1931
Box   43
Folder   14
Rothschild, Joseph, 1943-1963
Box   43
Folder   15-20
Russell, Charles, “Smokin 'em Out,” painting, 1927-1964, undated
Box   43
Folder   21
Sanko Products Company, 1930-1932
Box   43
Folder   22-23
School Forest, 1956-1966
Box   43
Folder   24
Schroeder, Walter
Box   43
Folder   25
Segoe, Ladislas, 1938-1964
Box   44
Folder   1
Sensenbrenner, F.J., 1946-1952
Box   44
Folder   2
“Shareowner” usage campaign, 1960
Box   44
Folder   3
Sitting Bull anecdote, 1961
Box   44
Folder   4
State Centennial (citizenship), 1943-1948
Box   44
Folder   5
State Historical Society (and Clifford Lord), 1932-1964
Box   44
Folder   6
Swift, Ernest, 1956-1963
Box   44
Folder   7
Teal Lake Lodge, 1952-1963
Box   44
Folder   8-9
Territorial Centennial, Correspondence and notes, 1937-1938
Box   44
Folder   10
Meeting notes
Box   44
Folder   11-12
Testimonial dinner and Joseph W. Jackson retirement, 1952
Box   44
Folder   13
Thompson, Alex, 1917-1922
Box   44
Folder   14
Thordarson Library, 1940-1944
Box   44
Folder   15
Trees, circa 1960
Box   44
Folder   16
Truax Field, 1951
University of Wisconsin
Box   44
Folder   17
Alumni Association
Box   44
Folder   18-22
Board of Visitors
Box   44
Folder   23
Board expansion reports, 1950-1951
Box   44
Folder   24
Buildings, grounds, and Arboretum
Box   44
Folder   25
Class of 1902
Box   44
Folder   26
Centennial Fund, 1948-1949
Box   44
Folder   27-32
Correspondence, 1924-1962, undated
Box   44
Folder   33-34
Influence, Notes and research
Box   44
Folder   35
Lake Mendota parking lot, 1953
Box   62
Folder   6
Land ownership chart
Box   44
Folder   36
Box   61
Unsorted clippings
Box   44
Folder   37
Walker advertising agency and health information on radio, 1930, 1937
Box   44
Folder   38
“War ideas,” 1941-1942
Box   44
Folder   39
War, Surprise attack, 1955, 1958
Box   44
Folder   40
Warner Park, 1936-1939
Box   44
Folder   41
Washington, D.C., trip notebook, 1944
Box   44
Folder   42
Welch, Frank and Ona, 1956-1958
Box   44
Folder   43
Western travel correspondence, 1930-1931
Whelan, Charles Elbert
Box   44
Folder   44
Correspondence, 1922-1931
Box   62
Folder   7
“Unknown Soldier” broadside
Box   45
Folder   1
Wiley, Alexander, 1943-1955
Williams County, North Dakota
Box   45
Folder   2
Section 33 land ownership, 1955
Box   45
Folder   3-4
Tax correspondence, 1904-1957
Box   45
Folder   5-6
Tax redemptions
Box   45
Folder   7-13
Taxes, 1902-1919
Williston, North Dakota
Box   45
Folder   14
Brattien lease, 1952-1954
Box   45
Folder   15
City engineer, 1953-1958
Box   45
Folder   16
Clippings and notes
Box   45
Folder   17
Coal rights reservation sale, 1916-1917
Box   45
Folder   18
Davidson, W.S. (American State Bank), 1952-1959
Box   45
Folder   19
Box   45
Folder   20-21
Garrison Dam, 1951-1957
Box   45
Folder   22
Highland Homes, First addition
Box   45
Folder   23-24
Highland Homes, Polk purchase, 1954-1959
Box   45
Folder   25
Highland Homes/Williston Homes, 1947-1957
Box   46
Folder   1
Homecroft Addition, 1946-1951
Box   46
Folder   2
Jackson mayoral campaign literature
Box   45
Folder   26
Miscellaneous Jackson properties
Box   45
Folder   27
Land sale to government, 1961
Box   45
Folder   28
Land sales, 1917
Box   46
Folder   3
Liberty Homes sales, 1944-1945
Box   46
Folder   4
Livestock book, 1901-1904
Box   46
Folder   5
Maps and plats
Box   46
Folder   6-7
Miscellaneous correspondence
Box   46
Folder   8
Box   46
Folder   9
Morris land interests, 1911-1918
Box   46
Folder   10
Pageant notes, circa 1962
Box   46
Folder   11
Public housing, 1956
Box   46
Folder   12
Railroad right-of-way, 1908-1956
Box   46
Folder   13
Red Owl store, 1958-1959
Box   46
Folder   14
Rental book, 1920-1928
Box   46
Folder   15
Safeway store, 1959
Box   46
Folder   16
School land sale, 1949-1951
Box   46
Folder   17
Schools, 1958-1959
Box   46
Folder   18
Snyder annexation, 1949
Box   46
Folder   19-20
Snyder property, 1924-1949
Box   46
Folder   21
Stokke property, 1959-1960
Box   46
Folder   22-23
Texas Company oil leases, 1955-1961
Box   46
Folder   24
Travelute lease, 1940-1954
Box   46
Folder   25
Trip to Williston, 1956
Box   46
Folder   26
Veterans housing, 1937-1946
Box   46
Folder   27
Williston Coal and Power Company, 1907-1922
Box   46
Folder   28
Williston Family Circle Club, 1914-1915
Williston Land Company
Box   46
Folder   29
Deeds, 1906-1917
Box   47
Folder   1
Munroe sale
Box   47
Folder   2
Wisconsin Association of Commercial Organization Secretaries, 1949-1950
World War I
Box   47
Folder   3
Camp Lewis history
Box   47
Folder   4
Box   47
Folder   5
French acquaintances, 1919-1956
Box   47
Folder   6
Box   47
Folder   7
“Mother Remount,” 1919-1934
Box   47
Folder   8
Orders and discharge, 1917-1919
Box   47
Folder   9-15
Report Service report and appendix
Box   47
Folder   16
Tacoma rodeo, circa 1918
Box   47
Folder   17-18
Wright, Frank Lloyd, Miscellany
Box   47
Folder   19
Yellow Thunder, 1937
Speeches and writings
“Big Alec” (Alexander McKenzie)
Correspondence, 1949-1953
Box   47
Folder   20-21
Baldwin, Bessie, 1929, 1949-1952
Box   47
Folder   22
Brother Joseph (grandson)
Box   47
Folder   23
Burdick, Usher L.
Box   47
Folder   24
Butler, Pierce
Box   47
Folder   25
Carson, Annie McRae
Box   47
Folder   26
Foster, Mary McKenzie
Box   47
Folder   27
Fraser, August
Box   47
Folder   28
Grinde, Nick
Box   47
Folder   29
Irish, Fred
Box   47
Folder   30
Jackson, Alice and Bettina
Box   47
Folder   31
Jackson, Russell
Box   47
Folder   32
Lewis, R.S.
Box   47
Folder   33
Lord, Clifford
Box   47
Folder   34
McHarg, Ormsby
Box   47
Folder   35
McKenzie, Jeanette
Box   47
Folder   36
McLean, Fred W.
Box   47
Folder   37
Malcolm, E.B.
Box   47
Folder   38
Miller, Judge Andrew
Box   47
Folder   39
Mitchell, Hazel A.
Box   47
Folder   40
Overson, Willard B.
Box   48
Folder   1
Packard, Frank E.
Box   48
Folder   2-3
Quain, E.P. and Fannie
Box   48
Folder   4
Reat, Ruth
Box   48
Folder   5
Reid, Russell
Box   48
Folder   6
Townsend, Lydia
Box   48
Folder   7
Uihlein, Robert
Box   48
Folder   8-22
General, 1929-1968, undated
Box   48
Folder   23
Bibliographical essay and notes
Box   48
Folder   24-26
Draft I
Draft II
Box   48
Folder   27-30
Part I
Box   49
Folder   1-3
Part II
Box   49
Folder   4
Documents and historical clippings
Box   49
Folder   5-6
Work methods sample
“Colored soldiers” in World War I
Correspondence, 1928-1929
Box   49
Folder   7
Box   49
Folder   8-9
Box   49
Folder   10
Correspondence, 1930-1942
Box   49
Folder   11-14
Box   49
Folder   15
Box   49
Folder   16
Box   49
Folder   17
Box   49
Folder   18
Box   49
Folder   19
“Musky Fishing”
Box   49
Folder   20-21
Publisher correspondence, 1956-1959
Box   50
Folder   1
General correspondence, 1943-1963
Box   50
Folder   2
Sales and promotion, 1961-1963
Box   50
Folder   3
Box   50
Folder   4-5
Draft and corrections
Shorter works
Box   50
Folder   6
Academic writings
Box   50
Folder   7
“Building Your City Better” column, 1943-1944
Box   50
Folder   8
Miscellaneous articles
Box   50
Folder   9
Madison history column, circa 1960
Box   50
Folder   10
Parker, Willard B., booklet, circa 1928
Subject files
Box   50
Folder   11
Box   50
Folder   12
Association of Commerce
Box   50
Folder   13
Box   50
Folder   14
Box   50
Folder   15
Box   50
Folder   16
Community Union
Box   50
Folder   17
Fraternal orders
Box   50
Folder   18
GAR (Grand Army of the Republic)
Box   50
Folder   19
Housing (, 1940s)
Box   50
Folder   20
Lindbergh visit
Box   50
Folder   21
Madison and Wisconsin Foundation
Box   50
Folder   22
[folder number skipped]
Box   50
Folder   23
Madison, 1940s
Box   50
Folder   24
Box   50
Folder   25
Box   50
Folder   26
Patriotic holidays
Box   50
Folder   27
Republican Party
Rotary International
Box   50
Folder   28-32
Box   51
Folder   1-13
1930s-1940s, undated
Box   51
Folder   14
Stark, Paul
Box   51
Folder   15
Testimonial for Joseph W. Jackson Sr.
Box   51
Folder   16
University of Wisconsin
Chronological speeches and speech notes
Box   51
Folder   17-23
1920s-1950s, undated
Box   52
Folder   1-6
Jackson, Julia Morris
Note: Wife of Joseph W. Jackson Sr., and daughter of W.A.P. Morris and Harriett Grannis Morris.
From Julia Morris Jackson
Box   10
Folder   1-18
1888-1907 September
Box   11
Folder   1-15
1907 October-1919, undated
Box   11
Folder   16
To Julia Morris Jackson
Box   11
Folder   17-19
Box   12
Folder   1-3
1899, 1915, 1940-1944
Box   12
Folder   4
Garden book, 1938
Box   12
Folder   5
Box   12
Folder   6A
Notebooks and clippings
Box   12
Folder   6B
Short story, 1898-1900
Box   58
Wheat Family Bible, 1812
Jackson, General Michael, II
Box   12
Folder   7
Box   12
Folder   8
Guide to letters by Claire Jackson Kemp
Box   12
Folder   9-16
Letters collected and transcribed by Mary L. Cammann
Jackson, Reginald H., Sr.
Note: Son of James A. Jackson Sr., and husband of Elsie Stevens Jackson.
Medical correspondence, 1905-1932
Box   12
Folder   17-32
A-C, before 1921
Box   13
Folder   1-50
C-N, after 1921
Box   14
Folder   1-50
O-Z, unidentified
General correspondence
Box   14
Folder   51-54
Letters to, 1895-1939, undated
Box   14
Folder   55-58
Letters from, 1896-1939, undated
Box   14
Folder   59-60
Condolence letters, 1939
Subject files
Box   15
Folder   1A
Bernard Timber holdings
Box   15
Folder   1B
Boat house on Lake Mendota, 1929
Box   15
Folder   2-3
Financial papers and record book, 1932-1939
Box   15
Folder   4
Box   15
Folder   5
Box   15
Folder   6
Income taxes
Box   15
Folder   7
Box   15
Folder   8
[folder number skipped]
Box   15
Folder   9
Box   15
Folder   10
Box   15
Folder   11
Itineraries, 1926
Jackson Clinic
Box   15
Folder   12
Audits, 1923-1928
Box   15
Folder   13-14
Expenditure reports, 1917-1924
Box   15
Folder   15
Miscellaneous records
Box   15
Folder   16
Jackson operating room, Madison General
Box   15
Folder   17
Jackson, James A., Jr., 1908
Box   15
Folder   18
Jackson, Sydney, 1922
Box   15
Folder   19
“Judge” deposition, undated
Box   15
Folder   20
Methodist Hospital
Box   15
Folder   21-22
Memorabilia and miscellany
Box   15
Folder   23
Box   15
Folder   24
Presbyterian Hospital
Box   15
Folder   25-26
Professional associations
Box   15
Folder   27
Professional meetings
Box   15
Folder   28
Surgical experience summary, undated
Box   15
Folder   29
Surgical standards, 1935-1936
Box   15
Folder   30
Western Surgical Association
Box   15
Folder   31
Will and estate inventory
Medical Educational Files, 1897-1898
Box   16
Folder   1
Box   16
Folder   2
Box   16
Folder   3
Box   16
Folder   4
Box   16
Folder   5
Box   16
Folder   6A
Arteriovenous fistula
Box   16
Folder   6B
Breast lecture to University of Wisconsin Medical School
Box   16
Folder   7
Case histories
Box   16
Folder   8
Box   16
Folder   9
Devine colostomy
Box   16
Folder   10
Fluoroscopic barium enema
Box   16
Folder   11
Gastric ulcers and surgery
Box   16
Folder   12
Box   16
Folder   13
Methodist Hospital/clinic management
Box   16
Folder   14
Box   16
Folder   15
Influence of the West on American Surgery, 1935
Box   16
Folder   17
Box   16
Folder   18
Liver, bile duct, gall bladder
Box   16
Folder   19
Medical practice
Box   16
Folder   20
Box   16
Folder   21
Organs and glands
Box   16
Folder   16
Sacroiliac sprains/Sciatica
Box   16
Folder   22
Spine and head
Box   16
Folder   23
“Split fees”
Box   16
Folder   24
Surgery binder
Box   16
Folder   25
Unidentified drafts
Box   16
Folder   26
Wisconsin medical groups
Box   16
Folder   27
Uncertain authorship
Box   16
Folder   28
Jackson, Reginald H., Jr.
Note: Son of Reginald Sr. and Elsie Stevens Jackson.
Box   16
Folder   29
Biographical clippings
General correspondence
Box   16
Folder   30-34
Letters to Reginald H. Jackson Jr., 1925-1959, undated
Box   16
Folder   35-36
Letters from Reginald H. Jackson Jr., 1915-1935, undated
Subject files
Box   17
Folder   1
Airplane inspections, 1944-1949
Box   17
Folder   2
Airport bills (Royal Airport), 1928-1950
Box   17
Folder   3-4
Aviation correspondence, 1928-1950, undated
Box   17
Folder   5
Aviation, General information
Box   19B
Folder   1
Bird scrapbook
Box   17
Folder   6
Burgess Batteries about de-icer, circa 1932
Box   17
Folder   7
Channel Wing Company, Wisconsin Rapids, undated
Civil Air Patrol
Box   17
Folder   8-11
General, 1943-1948, undated
Box   17
Folder   12
To Baraboo
Box   17
Folder   13
To Beaver Dam
Box   17
Folder   14
Releases, 1953-1955
Box   17
Folder   15
Orders, 1944-1948
Box   17
Folder   16
Correspondence, 1949-1955
Box   17
Folder   17-20
Racine, 1950-1953, undated
Designs and inventions
Box   17
Folder   21
Box   17
Folder   22
Box   17
Folder   23
Jackson Realty
Box   17
Folder   24
Madison airport, 1938, undated
Medical education
Box   17
Folder   25
Anatomy (University of Wisconsin)
Box   17
Folder   26
Bacteriology (University of Wisconsin), 1931-1932
Box   17
Folder   27-28
Case studies
Box   19B
Folder   2
Case studies
Box   17
Folder   29
Comparative anatomy
Box   17
Folder   30
Embryology (University of Wisconsin), undated
Box   17
Folder   31
Diseases of children
Box   17
Folder   32
Miscellaneous class handouts
Box   18
Folder   1
Box   18
Folder   2-4
Obstetrics (Northwestern)
Box   18
Folder   5
Pharmacology Lab
Box   18
Folder   6-7
Physiology (University of Wisconsin)
Box   18
Folder   8
Box   18
Folder   9
Syphilis and skin diseases (Northwestern), 1933
Box   18
Folder   10
University of Wisconsin, Med II
Box   18
Folder   11
Medical miscellany
Box   18
Folder   12
Box   18
Folder   13
Pilot logs
Box   18
Folder   14
Porter, Fred, Air Force letters, 1948, undated
Box   18
Folder   15-16
General information
Box   18
Folder   17
American Radio Relay League, circa 1924
Box   18
Folder   18
Correspondence, 1929-1938
Box   18
Folder   19
Silver research
Box   18
Folder   20
Box   18
Folder   21
Sanitary Survey of Janesville, 1932
Box   18
Folder   22
Motion pictures in surgery and medicine (BA, University of Wisconsin), 1932
Box   18
Folder   23
History school papers, undated
Box   18
Folder   24
Preventable blindness
Box   18
Folder   25-26
General medical writings
Jackson, Russell, Sr.
Box   19A
Folder   1
Box   19A
Folder   2
Green Bay and Mississippi Canal Company, 1920-1925
Box   19A
Folder   3
Correspondence, 1901-1935
Box   19A
Folder   4
Michael Jackson II biography and Jackson genealogy, 1926
Box   19A
Folder   5
Jackson, Sydney, World War I letters, 1918
Jackson, Syndonia Josephine Hobbins
Note: Wife of James A. Jackson Sr., and daughter of Joseph Hobbins Jr.
Box   19A
Folder   6-7
Correspondence, 1898-1913
Box   19A
Folder   8
Kemp, Claire Jackson, Writings
Box   19A
Folder   9
Kemp, Josephine Alice Jackson, Correspondence, 1917-1919
Note: Daughter of Joseph W. Jackson Sr.
Box   19A
Folder   10
Morris Family genealogy by Kathryn Morris Wilkinson, 1966
Morris, Charles M.
Note: Son of W.A.P. Morris and Harriett Grannis Morris.
Box   20
Folder   1-6
Correspondence, 1890-1921, undated
Box   20
Folder   7
Notes on travel, 1885
Box   20
Folder   8
Estate and household inventory, 1944-1945
Morris, Harriet Grannis
Note: Wife of W.A.P. Morris.
Box   20
Folder   9
Obituary and biographical miscellany, 1912
From Harriet Grannis Morris
Box   20
Folder   10
General, 1850s-1890s
Box   20
Folder   11
To W.A.P. Morris
To Harriet Grannis Morris
Box   20
Folder   13-15
General, 1850-1909, undated
Box   20
Folder   12
Cambridge, Stanley, 1901
Box   20
Folder   16
Florence (surname unknown), 1880-1899
Box   20
Folder   17
Flower, James M., 1885-1902
Box   20
Folder   18
Foote, Israel, 1950-1880
Box   20
Folder   19
Frost, Julia Seaton, 1880-1905
Box   20
Folder   20
Golden anniversary, 1906
Box   20
Folder   21
Box   20
Folder   22
Grannis, Susie, 1870
Box   20
Folder   23
Meyer, Mary, 1886-1895
Box   20
Folder   24
Proudfit, Mrs. E.J., 1866-1880
Box   20
Folder   25
Rowe, Charles A., 1862, 1865
Box   20
Folder   26
Wheat, J.D., 1850-1905
Box   20
Folder   27
Woodford, DeWitt, 1850-1902
Box   20
Folder   28
Worthington, Denison, 1875-1877
Box   20
Folder   29
Family cookbook
Box   20
Folder   30
Diary, 1903-1910
Box   60
Scrapbook of condolence letters, 1912
Morris, Harriet Jackson
Note: Daughter of Joseph W. Jackson Sr.
Box   20
Folder   31
Correspondence, 1911-1953, undated
Morris, Howard
Note: Son of W.A.P. Morris and Harriett Grannis Morris.
Box   20
Folder   32-35
Box   21
Folder   1-4
1888-1922, undated
Box   21
Folder   5
Letters from European trip, 1903
Box   21
Folder   6
Expense book, 1886-1895
Box   21
Folder   7
Morris, Howard, Jr., 1902, undated
Box   21
Folder   8
Morris, General Jacob, 1795-1840
Box   21
Folder   9-11
Morris, Julia Robertson, 1880-1899
Note: Wife of Howard Morris.
Morris, Mary Fairchild
Note: Wife of Charles Morris and daughter of Lucius Fairchild.
Box   21
Folder   12
Correspondence, 1897-1903
Morris, Sophia Pringle
Note: Wife of Jacob Morris and mother of W.A.P. Morris.
Box   21
Folder   13
Autograph and poetry book, 1829-1833
Box   21
Folder   14
From Sophia Pringle Morris, 1830-1865
Box   21
Folder   15
Letter to Sophia Pringle Morris, 1839-1852
Box   21
Folder   16
Estate and pension correspondence with Henry Nygatt, 1849-1854
Box   21
Folder   17
Ledger, 1846-1854
Morris, Victor
Note: Son of Howard Morris.
Box   21
Folder   18
Personal miscellany
Box   53
Folder   1-9
World War I letters, 1917-1919
Morris, William A. Pringle (W.A.P. Morris)
Box   21
Folder   19
Reminiscences, 1905, undated
Letters from William A. Pringle Morris
Box   21
Folder   20-24
General, 1850-1920
Box   22
Folder   1
To Harriet Morris, 1880-1906
Box   22
Folder   2
To Sophia Morris, 1845-1865
Box   22
Folder   3
To Breese Stevens, 1850-1859
Letters to William A. Pringle Morris
Box   22
Folder   4
General, 1837-1902
Box   22
Folder   5
From Reuben Gold Thwaites, 1902-1913
Box   22
Folder   6
From John Wilkinson, 1897-1901
Box   22
Folder   7
Clippings, 1902
Box   22
Folder   8
College compositions
Box   22
Folder   9
Diary, 1880
Box   22
Folder   10
Estate papers, 1921-1925
Box   22
Folder   11
Expenses, 1872, 1892-1893
Box   22
Folder   12
Howard Place legal documents, 1900-1907
Box   22
Folder   13
Morris Park land contracts and cottage diary, 1894-1898
Box   22
Folder   13B
Morse, Lucretia Pickering, In Memoriam, 1825
Box   22
Folder   14
Muir, Mary, 1959-1979
Note: Descendant of Michael Jackson II.
Box   22
Folder   15
Porter, Alice Hobbins, 1884-1922
Note: Sister of Syndonia Hobbins Jackson.
Porter, Mary “Polly”
Note: Daughter of Alice Porter.
Box   22
Folder   16
Correspondence, 1894-1963
Box   22
Folder   17
Box   22
Folder   18
Porter, Robert
Note: Husband of Alice Hobbins Porter.
Box   22
Folder   19
Porter, Russell H., 1915-1959
Note: Son of Alice Hobbins Porter.
Box   22
Folder   20
Roby, Sidney B., 1855-1877
Note: Cousin of Breese Stevens.
Sanford, Helen Stevens
Note: Sister of Breese Stevens.
Box   22
Folder   21
Correspondence, 1853-1879
Seaton, Kitty Grannis
Note: Sister of Harriett Grannis Morris.
Box   22
Folder   22-23
Correspondence, 1868-1896
Box   22
Folder   24
Diary, 1861-1863 and expenses, , 1863-1866
Box   22
Folder   25
Seaton, C.E., 1868-1885
Note: Husband of Kitty Seaton.
Box   22
Folder   26
Schroeder, Mary Jackson, 1939-1950, undated
Note: Daughter of Joseph W. Jackson Sr.
Stevens, Amelia
Note: Daughter of Breese Stevens.
Box   23
Folder   1
From Amelia Stevens, 1907-1908, 1916
Box   23
Folder   2
Letters to Amelia Stevens, 1924-1960
Box   23
Folder   3
Refugee letters, 1948-1951
Box   23
Folder   4
Box   23
Folder   5
Florentine School for Girls (Georgiana Sheldon)
Box   23
Folder   6
Grace [Episcopal] Church Altar Society
Box   23
Folder   7-8
Investment position, 1949-1952
Box   23
Folder   9
General, 1935-1947
Box   23
Folder   10
Fuller and Johnson, 1928-1944
Box   23
Folder   11-12
Loomis Sayles, 1939-1952
Box   23
Folder   13
Investment Securities of Milwaukee, 1924-1934
Box   23
Folder   14
Shields and Company
Box   23
Folder   15
Thomson and McKinnon
Box   23
Folder   16
Ledger of income and expenditures, 1926-1932
Box   23
Folder   17
Box   23
Folder   18
Picnic Point Farm
Box   23
Folder   19
Helen Stevens Sanford Estate, 1904-1915
Box   23
Folder   20
University Heights Company, 1920-1945
Box   23
Folder   21
Stevens, Augustus C., 1831
Note: Father of Breese Stevens.
Box   23
Folder   22
Stevens, Augustus C., 1920-1937
Note: Nephew of Breese Stevens.
Stevens, Breese J.
Box   24
Folder   1
Balch, Estelle, 1853-1856
Box   24
Folder   2
Butts, Sue, 1853-1855
Box   24
Folder   3
Carskanddan, Carl
Box   24
Folder   4
Dallman, Walter M., 1850-1854
Box   24
Folder   5
Dean, Sarah Fairchild, 1869-1879
Box   24
Folder   6
Dwight, Theodore
Box   24
Folder   7
Ellis, E.H., 1863-1879
Box   24
Folder   8
Fairchild, Cassius, 1862-1869
Box   24
Folder   9
Fairchild, Charles, 1862-1879
Box   24
Folder   10
Fairchild, Lucius, 1862-1894
Box   24
Folder   11
Famous individuals
Box   24
Folder   12
Farnham, George H.
Box   24
Folder   13
Farwell, Leonard J., 1868-1879
Box   24
Folder   14
Flower, James M., 1868-1879
Box   24
Folder   15
Frodsham, B., 1868-1873
Box   24
Folder   16
Gridley, A.G.
Box   24
Folder   17
Hamilton College friends
Box   24
Folder   18
Higinbotham, Niles
Box   24
Folder   19
Holmes, Edgar B., 1863-1865
Box   24
Folder   20
Holmes, Ira, 1865-1873
Box   24
Folder   21
Jenkins, James J.
Box   24
Folder   22
Kelly, D.M.
Box   24
Folder   23
Kessenich, Henry
Box   24
Folder   24
Knox, Henry, 1851-1853
Box   24
Folder   25
Knox, John Jay
Box   24
Folder   26
Lacy, Francis E., 1851-1852
Box   24
Folder   27-29
“Lady correspondents,” 1852-1865
Box   24
Folder   30
Lathrop, J.H., 1857-1869
Box   24
Folder   31
Ledyard, L.W., 1859-1873
Box   24
Folder   32
Lewis, Henry M., 1857-1863
Box   24
Folder   33
Marvin, Eliza, 1862, 1866
Box   24
Folder   34
Morgan, Alonzo D., 1852-1862
Box   24
Folder   35
Partridge, James W.
Box   24
Folder   36
Partridge, Joseph R., 1857-1859
Box   24
Folder   37
Patten, Lafayette, 1859-1879
Box   24
Folder   38
Paul, George
Box   24
Folder   39
Philllips, Wendell, 1853
Box   24
Folder   40-41
Powell, E.P., 1851-1879
Box   24
Folder   42
Roby Family
Box   24
Folder   43
Root, Oren
Box   24
Folder   44
Ryan, E.G., 1864-1865, 1879
Box   24
Folder   45
Seymour, John F., 1860-1868
Box   24
Folder   46
Seymour, Horatio, 1862-1879
Box   24
Folder   47
Sherman, P.L.
Box   24
Folder   48
Sloan, A. Scott, 1857-1873
Box   24
Folder   49
Sloan, I.C., 1857-1879
Box   24
Folder   50
Smith, Augustus Ledyard
Box   24
Folder   51
Stevens Family, 1853-1855, 1879
Box   24
Folder   52
Stuart, James Reeve, 1878-1879
Box   24
Folder   53
Tappan, Arthur
Box   24
Folder   54
Tibbetts, Frank R., 1860-1879
Box   24
Folder   55
Townsend, Thomas S.
Box   24
Folder   56
Warren, James S., 1857-1879
Box   25
Folder   1-24
Box   26A
Folder   1-10
1869-1879, 1882, 1892, 1902
Letters from Breese J. Stevens
Box   27
Folder   1-6
1849-1870, 1877-1879, undated
Box   27
Folder   7
Gould, Anna, 1856
Box   27
Folder   8
Stevens, Amy, 1902
Note: Includes accounts.
Box   27
Folder   9-12
Stevens, Mary Elizabeth Farmer, 1873-1881
Box   27
Folder   13-14
Bills (Weeded), 1870s
Box   27
Folder   15
Cash Book, 1880-1883
Box   27
Folder   16
Diaries, 1865, 1869
Box   27
Folder   17-20
Fox and Wisconsin Improvement Company, 1855-1884
Box   27
Folder   21
Fuller & Johnson, 1886-1902
Box   27
Folder   22
Invitations and calling cards
Box   27
Folder   23
Law partnership accounts, 1870s
Box   27
Folder   24
Madison & Portage Railroad, 1874
Box   27
Folder   25-26
Miscellaneous financial papers and deeds
Box   27
Folder   27
Mortgage list, 1889
Box   27
Folder   28
Obituaries and will, 1903-1906
Box   27
Folder   29
Park and Pleasure Drive Association, 1893
Box   27
Folder   30
Picnic Point Farm land records, 1885-1893, undated
Box   27
Folder   31-32
Picnic Point survey, 1884-1885
Box   28
Folder   1A
Political tickets for mayoral campaign, 1883
Box   28
Folder   1B-C
Reaper correspondence and Sheldon agency catalogs, 1963-1964
Box   28
Folder   2
Section 22 land records
Box   28
Folder   3
School compositions
Kessenich's estate records
Box   28
Folder   4
Ashland County property
Box   28
Folder   5
Block 159 (Madison)
Box   28
Folder   6
Butte Mining and Development Company, 1901-1905
Box   28
Folder   7
Catlin/Sidney Stevens litigation, 1893-1904
Box   28
Folder   8
Compressed Air Company, 1900-1905
Box   28
Folder   9-10
Cripple Creek Mine (Colorado), 1901-1903
Box   28
Folder   11
Electric Typographic Company, 1889-1909
Box   28
Folder   12
Estate registers, 1916-1926
Physical Description: 2 volumes 
Box   28
Folder   13-14
Green Bay & Mississippi Canal Company, 1877-1914
Box   28
Folder   15-16
Kokomo Gas & Electric
Box   28
Folder   17
Langlade County property
Box   28
Folder   18-19
Land books
Box   26B
Folder   1
Letterbook, 1907-1914
Box   29
Folder   1
Box   29
Folder   2
Mortgage book
Box   29
Folder   3
Picnic Point Farm, 1904-1916
Box   29
Folder   4
Property management
Box   29
Folder   5
Rodeo Land and Water Company
Box   29
Folder   6
Taylor County timber lands
Box   29
Folder   7
University Heights
Box   29
Folder   8
[folder number skipped]
Box   29
Folder   9
Twin City Rapid Transit
Box   29
Folder   10
United Gas Improvement Company
Box   29
Folder   11
Wood County property
Letterbooks and boxes
Box   29
Folder   12-17
Boxes, 1906-1911
Box   29
Folder   18
Letterbook, 1914-1915
Box   29
Folder   19
[folder number skipped]
Box   29
Folder   20-22
Stevens, Charles E., 1852-1877
Stevens, Elizabeth Breese
Note: Mother of Breese Stevens.
Correspondence written by Elizabeth Breese Stevens
Box   29
Folder   23-25
1831, 1849-1859
Box   30
Folder   1-8
1860-1886, undated
Stevens, George C.
Box   30
Folder   9
Correspondence written by George C. Stevens, 1839, 1858, 1863-1864
Stevens, Holmes Breese
Box   30
Folder   10
Correspondence to Breese J. Stevens, 1869, 1877-1879
Box   30
Folder   11
Stevens, Kate, Letters to Breese Stevens, 1852-1860, 1879
Stevens, Mary Elizabeth Farmer
Note: Second wife of Breese Stevens.
Correspondence written by Mary Elizabeth Farmer Stevens
Box   30
Folder   12
Box   30
Folder   13
Box   30
Folder   14
To sister F.H. Loomis, 1872-1873, 1878
Box   30
Folder   15
To Elsie Stevens Jackson, 1907-1908
Box   30
Folder   16
To Breese Stevens, 1877
Box   30
Folder   17-20
Correspondence received, 1876-1923, undated
Box   30
Folder   21
Biographical miscellany, clippings
Box   30
Folder   22
Bequests, will, and finances
Box   30
Folder   23
Athletic field to honor Breese Stevens
Box   30
Folder   24
Colonial Dames, DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution), 1920-1925
Box   30
Folder   25-26
Condolence letters on death of Breese Stevens, 1903-1905
Box   30
Folder   27-28
Box   30
Folder   29-30
Estate miscellany
Box   30
Folder   31
Farmer Family notes
Box   30
Folder   32
Farmer-Watrous Cemetery
Box   30
Folder   33
Financial notebook
Box   31
Folder   1
Financial papers
Box   31
Folder   2
Forest Hill Cemetery plot
Box   31
Folder   3A
Genealogical notes and research
Box   31
Folder   3B
Genealogy of Horatio Seymour, undated
Box   31
Folder   4
Grace Episcopal Church
Box   31
Folder   5
Home remedies
Box   31
Folder   6
Horner Family, 1903-1904
Box   31
Folder   7
Box   31
Folder   8
Loomis Family
Box   31
Folder   9
Marks Family
Box   31
Folder   10
Picnic Point
Box   31
Folder   11
Stevens memorial volume, 1905-1906
Box   31
Folder   12
Will, trust and estate
Box   31
Folder   13-17
Stevens, Sidney, 1853-1879
Box   31
Folder   18-21
Watrous, Marinetta, 1875-1892, undated
Note: Relative of Mary Farmer Stevens.
Box   31
Folder   22
Watrous family deeds (Smith and Charles), 1798-1847
Box   31
Folder   23
Weeks, Louise Stevens
Box   31
Folder   24
Wright, Henry
Note: Brother-in-law to the Hobbins family.
Micro 2097
Reel   2
Diary, 1850-1900
PH 4025
Series: Photographs
Access Restrictions: Use of Nitrate negatives (WHi (J2)) restricted. Consult reference archivist regarding access to negatives.
Box   1
Folder   1
African-American soldiers during World War I, for unpublished Joseph W. Jackson book
Box   1
Folder   2
Box   1
Folder   3
Royal Airport, Madison
Box   1
Folder   4
Box   1
Folder   5
Box   10
Folder   83
Edward Andrews photographs
Box   3
Folder   76A
Lantern slides
Box   1
Folder   6
Allen Ranch, Augusta, Montana
Box   1
Folder   7
Small prints
Box   10
Folder   84
Colored headquarters design by A.F. Gallistel
Box   3
Folder   76B
Canadian Pacific Railroad tinted lantern slides
Box   4
Folder   77A
Canadian Pacific Railroad tinted lantern slides (continued)
Box   1
Folder   10
Civil Air Patrol
Box   10
Folder   85
Coppini, Pompeo, “Fountain of Health” watercolor design
Box   1
Folder   9
Miscellaneous prints
Box   4
Folder   77B
Lantern slides (extensively weeded)
Box   5
Folder   78A
Lantern slides (extensively weeded) (continued)
Box   1
Folder   11
Farmer family
Box   1
Folder   12
Football (Madison High School)
Box   1
Folder   13
Grace Episcopal Church (Madison)
Box   1
Folder   14
Hobbins Family
Box   1
Folder   15
Hunting and fishing
Box   1
Folder   16
Hurd family
Box   1
Folder   17
Identified individuals, Miscellaneous
Box   1
Folder   18-19
Jackson, Alice F. and Bettina
Box   1
Folder   22
Jackson, Bettina
Box   1
Folder   21
Jackson, Arnold
Box   1
Folder   20
Jackson, Elsie Stevens
Jackson, James, Sr.
Box   1
Folder   23
Box   1
Folder   24
Family groups
Box   1
Folder   25
Box   1
Folder   26
Jackson, James, Jr.
Jackson, Joseph W., Sr.
Box   1
Folder   27
Formal portraits
Box   1
Folder   29
Informal portraits and snapshots
Box   1
Folder   28
Box   10
Folder   87
London Rotary group with Joseph W. Jackson
Box   1
Folder   30A
Rotary trip, 1931
Box   1
Folder   30B
Alaska trip, undated
Box   1
Folder   31
Unidentified album
Jackson, Reginald, Jr.
Box   1
Folder   32-33
Box   10
Folder   86
Oversize portraits
Box   1
Folder   34
Childhood album
Box   1
Folder   35
Airplanes and radios
Box   1
Folder   36
Miscellaneous candids
Jackson, Reginald, Sr.
Box   2
Folder   39
Box   2
Folder   37
Box   2
Folder   38
Family album
Box   7
Folder   80
Glass negatives and prints
Physical Description: 5x7 inches 
Box   2
Folder   40-41
Travel and negatives
Box   2
Folder   43
Wedding and honeymoon and negatives
Box   2
Folder   42
Jackson relatives and ancestors
Box   2
Folder   43
Jackson, Russell
Box   2
Folder   44
Jackson, Sydney
Box   2
Folder   46
Jackson, Syndonia Hobbins
Box   2
Folder   47
Japan, illustration for book by Alice and Bettina Jackson
Box   2
Folder   48
Jenson, Jens, Park photographs
Box   2
Folder   49
Lambert, Jack Lincoln, Prints
Box   2
Folder   50
McKenzie, Alexander, illustration for book by Joseph W. Jackson
WHi (J2)
Madison architecture papers by Alice and Bettina Jackson negatives
Access Restrictions: Use of Nitrate negatives (WHi (J2)) restricted. Consult reference archivist regarding access to negatives. Prints of negatives available in Mss 919, Box 5, Folder 25.
PH 4025
Box   2
Folder   51
Madison scenes
Box   2
Folder   52
Madison miscellany
Box   2
Folder   53
Medical images
Box   5
Folder   78B
Methodist Hospital lantern slides
Box   2
Folder   54
Miami, Florida
Box   2
Folder   55
Morris family
PH Mss 115
Morris, Victor, World War I album
PH 4025
Box   5
Folder   56
Musky fishing, Illustration for book by Joseph W. Jackson
North Dakota views
Box   5
Folder   57
Box   6
Folder   79
Lantern slides (tentatively identified)
Picnic Point and Second Point
Box   2
Folder   58
Box   10
Folder   89
Oversize print
Box   2
Folder   59A
Rotary International
Box   2
Folder   59B
Stevens, Amelia
Box   2
Folder   60
Stevens, Emma Fuller
Stevens, Breese
Box   2
Folder   61
Box   8
Cased images
Box   2
Folder   63
Stevens/Farmer/Breese Family
Box   2
Folder   62
Prints from cased images
Box   9
Cased images
Box   10
Folder   88
Family crests
Box   2
Folder   64
Houses and homesteads
Box   2
Folder   65
Stevens, Mary Elizabeth Farmer
Box   2
Folder   66
Stevens relatives
Box   2
Folder   67
Thordarson, Chester, tinted prints of Rock Island
Unidentified individuals and images
Box   1
Folder   8
Babies and children of friends and relatives
Box   11
Folder   75
Box   12
Folder   75
Box   10
Folder   90
Oversize portraits and prints
Box   2
Folder   68
Vedel, Carletta and Kitty
World War I
Box   2
Folder   69
Box   2
Folder   70
Camp Lewis
Box   2
Folder   71
World War II
Box   2
Folder   72
32nd Division (official)
Box   2
Folder   73
University of Wisconsin campus (official)
Box   2
Folder   74
Wright Family (not Frank Lloyd Wright)
Series: Films
Home movies
AE 008
Jackson family, circa 1924
Note: Including Reginald Sr. and Reginald Jr. as a teen-family outside at a house, sailing, swimming, bird hunting, snow ski jump, parade (maybe Madison).
AE 009
“Spirit of St. Louis” tour, 1927
Note: Charles Lindbergh visits Royal Airport (Penco Field) and Camp Randall Stadium, Madison, Wisconsin.
AE 010
Sailing and aerial views, circa 1935
Note: Includes sailing on Lake Mendota with Reginald Sr. and aerial views of the Capitol, the Isthmus, and football stadium in Madison, Wisconsin.
AE 011
Airplanes, circa 1940s-1950s
Note: At the airport (probably Royal Airport), people watching an airshow, and a Navy airplane landing and taking off (circa 1948); footage of a motorized ice sled on the lake (circa 1948); more footage of the airport and airplanes and a snowy street scene (circa 1939); and multiple aerial views over Madison lakes interspersed with footage of a house, flowers, and people (circa 1940s).
AE 012
Water sports, circa 1950s
Note: Sailing on Lake Mendota and docking the boat (probably at Memorial Union), footage of a waterski show and also of an ice boating regatta (1949-1955); and more sailing with view of the Capitol from the lake, shot of men in front of an airplane with hunted waterfowl, and views of downtown Madison from a high point (maybe the Capitol) (circa 1950s).
AE 013
Lake Mendota docks, circa 1939
Note: Begins with canoeing down a river with moose on the shore, and waterfalls; also footage of Lake Mendota shore and docks.
AE 014
Snow ski jump and aerial views, circa 1935-1940s
Note: Ice skating on the lake with a large crowd watching, snow skiing, aerial views of the Capitol Square and the Isthmus; and a snowy neighborhood street scene (circa 1935); a snow ski jump competition with a crowd watching at the bottom of the hill (maybe Blackhawk), footage of a pontoon plane possibly taking off from Jackson house, and scenes of bird hunting and fishing (circa 1940s).
AE 020
New York and Europe (I), circa 1920s-1930s
Note: Footage of New York harbor and Statue of Liberty as well as street and aerial views of European cities and villages.
AE 021
New York and Europe (II), circa 1930s
Note: Footage of the Jacksons visiting different places in Europe as well as views of New York harbor and the Statue of Liberty.
AE 022
European vacation (I), circa 1920s
Note: Footage of streets, cars, a double decker bus, monuments, buildings, trains passing by, and people walking around; also includes some aerial views and crowd at an airshow.
AE 023
European trip (II), circa late 1920s-1930s
Note: Footage of a bridge over a river, buildings, streets, rural roads, an event in front of a large building with soldiers standing and then marching in front and to the side of the building.
CC 154
European trip (III), circa 1930s-1940s
Note: Footage of some murals, columns, and ruins (probably Greece); aerial view of an island and volcano; Coliseum and other places in Rome; a military procession (Italy or France); view of the leaning tower of Pisa; the Eiffel tower and other street scenes.
AE 024
Summer vacation (I), circa 1930
Note: Ocean scenes, at the zoo and lots of birds; people at the pool and a beach scene.
AE 025
Summer vacation (II)
Note: At the swimming pool; beach scenes; palm trees; aerial views over water; as well as some aerial views of Madison, the Capitol, and lakes.
AE 026
Winter vacation
Note: Includes aerial views of snow covered mountains and lakes; a camping site, moose hunting and man loading antlers into pontoon plane that reads “STAR/Air Service Inc./Anchorage Alaska” on the side.
CC 501
Island vacation
Note: Includes images of sailboats/sailing, fishing, and ocean views from several islands, including: the Bahamas (harbor, people on the street circa 1930s); Puerto Rico (Parque de Bombas); and St. John, Virgin Islands (Caneel Bay, fort, island views, a port).
Medical films
AE 015
Thyroidectomy, circa 1940s
Note: “Davis & Geck Inc presents 'Thyroidectomy' for Adenomatous Goiter from the Jackson Clinic, Madison, Wisconsin.” The film shows the procedure step-by-step with inter-titles.
AE 016
Novocain, circa 1935-1940s
Note: Injection procedure and leg amputation shown as well as scenes of doctors stretching the legs of patients/checking muscle flexibility and/or sensitivity (perhaps after surgery) and patients taking steps.
AE 017
Pericardial operation, circa 1940
Note: Open heart surgery is performed.
AE 018
“Dreams of Pioneer Surgeons Come True,” Northwestern Group, circa late 1920s-1930s
Note: Film with inter-titles showing hospital buildings from around the country including a Wisconsin building, probably the Wisconsin General Hospital built in 1925, now the Medical Sciences Center on University Avenue of the UW campus.
AE 019
Spinal anesthesia, circa 1940
Note: The film shows the administration of anesthesia and surgical procedures. Title card reads: “Spinal Anesthesia/Volume Control Technic was developed and used by Richard B. Stout, M.D. of the Jackson Clinic, Madison, Wisconsin.”
Part 2 (M2019-012): Additions, 1773-1952
Physical Description: 0.8 cubic feet (2 archives boxes) and 0.1 cubic feet of photographs (1 oversize folder) 
Scope and Content Note: Additions, 1773-1952, consisting of photographs, correspondence between family members, agreements, deeds, army claims, court documents, financial notes and payments, maps, newspaper articles, surveys, wills, ancestral charts, and genealogies and records of the Burrill family, Farmer family, Floyd family, Tuttle family and Willets family.
Box 1
Folder   1-3
Correspondence, 1773-1952, undated
Box 1
Folder   4-5
Agreements, deeds, army claims, court documents, financial notes and payments, maps, newspaper articles, surveys, wills, 1805-1937
Box 2
Folder   1
Ancestral Charts
Genealogy and Records
Box 2
Folder   2
Burrill family
Box 2
Folder   3
Farmer family
Box 2
Folder   4
Floyd family
Box 2
Folder   5
Tuttle family
Box 2
Folder   6
Willets family
Box 2
Folder   7
Wills: Marks, Lloyd, and Tuttle
Box 2
Folder   8
Stories and articles
Box 2
Folder   9
Cookbook, undated, note and account book, 1842, 1848
Box 2
Folder   10
First Meetinghouse, 1862, Patchogue Methodist Episcopal Church weekly calendar, 1897
Box 2
Folder   11
Newspaper articles, 1919-1939
Oversize Folder   1
Sailboats and light aircraft photographs, circa 1950s