United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 1182 (Seattle, Wash.) Records, 1970-2004

Container Title
Series: Subject Files
Box   55
Folder   1
80th Congress research, 1994
Box   55
Folder   2
AIDS, 1988
Box   55
Folder   3
AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax), 2001
Box   55
Folder   4
ATX, Inc., 1994
Box   55
Folder   5
General, 1995-2003
Box   55
Folder   6
Bishops' position, 1973-19982
Box   55
Folder   7
Hall v. Tucker, 1996
Box   55
Folder   8
Abzug, Bella, 1978
Box   55
Folder   9-10
Accidents involving Novak, 1999, 2004
Box   55
Folder   11
Action Institute, 2001
Box   55
Folder   12
Administration, 1965-1977
Box   55
Folder   13
Afghanistan, 2001
Box   55
Folder   14
Africa, 1977
Agnew, Spiro
Box   55
Folder   15
General, 1968-1970
Box   55
Folder   16
Thesis by Geoffrey LeBar, 1968
Box   55
Folder   17
Agriculture, 1965-1968
Box   55
Folder   18
Ailes, Roger, 1988
Box   55
Folder   19
Alabama, 1965-1966
Box   55
Folder   20
Alaska, 2002
Box   55
Folder   21
Alexander, Lamar, 1981-1997
Box   55
Folder   22
All volunteer army, 1973-1974
Box   55
Folder   23
Allbaugh, Joseph, 2001
Box   55
Folder   24
Allen, Richard V., 1970-2005
Box   55
Folder   29
American-Arab Relations Committee, 1977
Box   55
Folder   25
American Conservative Union, 1969, 1994
Box   55
Folder   26
American Electric Power Company, 1999
Box   55
Folder   27
American Federation of Radio and Television Artists, 1967-1970
Box   55
Folder   28
American Spectator, 1988-2006
Box   55
Folder   30
Americans for Constitutional Action, 1967-1974
Box   55
Folder   31
Americans for Democratic Action, 1967
Box   55
Folder   32-33
Americans for Fair Taxation, 1997
Box   55
Folder   34
Americans for Tax Reform, 1999-2005
Box   55
Folder   35
America's Contract with our Children, 1995
Box   55
Folder   36
America's Voice bankruptcy case, 2000
Box   56
Folder   1
Appalachia, 1965-1971
Archer, William
Box   56
Folder   2
General, 1996-1998
Tape regarding Clinton, Congress, and House Republicans
Mss 764
Arizona presidential debate
Box   56
Folder   3
Debate moderated by Robert Novak, 2000
Mss 764
Armey, Dick
Box   56
Folder   4
General, 1994-2001
Box   56
Folder   5
Flat tax proposal, 1994
Unidentified recording
Mss 764
Arms race
Box   56
Folder   6
General, 1969-1983
Box   56
Folder   7
PBL special transcript, 1969
Box   56
Folder   8
Army-Navy Club, 1996-2001
Box   56
Folder   9
Ashcroft, John, 1996-2001
Box   56
Folder   10
Art Crystal, Ltd., 1988-2003
Box   56
Folder   11
Authors Guild, 1965-1967
Box   56
Folder   12
Aviation, 1969, 2001-2004
Box   56
Folder   13
Awards, Miscellaneous
Box   56
Folder   14
B-2 bomber, 1991-1995
Box   56
Folder   15
B-2 Northrup, 1994
Box   56
Folder   16
BB guns, 2001
Box   56
Folder   17
Babbitt, Bruce, research memo, undated
Box   56
Folder   18
Bagley, William, 1965-2002
Box   56
Folder   19
Baker, James A., 1981
Box   56
Folder   20
Balanced Budget Amendment, 1995
Box   56
Folder   21
Baltic states, 1990
Box   56
Folder   22
General, 1990
Box   56
Folder   23
Leach, James, information, 1990
Box   56
Folder   24
Baptism congratulations, 1998
Barbour, Haley
Box   56
Folder   25
Paper file, 1998-2005
Recording, 1997 September
Barr, Bob, Interview, 1996
Mss 764
Box   56
Folder   26
Box   56
Folder   27
Basketball, 1997-2001
Bayh, Evan, interview, undated
Mss 764
Box   56
Folder   28
Bear Stearns, 2005
Bedoya Pizarro, Gen. Harold, Interview, 1997 November 25
Mss 764
Box   56
Folder   29
Begala, Paul E., 1996-1998
Box   56
Folder   30
Bell, Griffin, 1977
Box   56
Folder   31
Bell, Terrel, Report, 1981-1983
Bennett, William J.
Box   56
Folder   32
General, 1986-2000
Box   56
Folder   33
Information from William Kristol
Box   56
Folder   34
Berlet, Chip, 1999
Box   56
Folder   35
Biafra, 1969
Box   56
Folder   36
Billionaires, 1995
Biographical information regarding Novak
Box   56
Folder   37
Brief biographies
News stories
Box   56
Folder   38-48
Box   57
Folder   1-10
1989-2007, undated
Box   57
Folder   11
David Susskind Show, transcript, 1969 February 16
Box   57
Folder   12
Interviews of Novak, 1986-2008
Box   165
Folder   1
Oversize items
Black Panthers
Box   57
Folder   13
FBI material
Box   57
Folder   14
Box   57
Folder   15
Black Power
Box   57
Folder   16
Blumenthal, W. Michael, interview regarding Carter, undated
Box   57
Folder   17
Bolton, John, 2005-2006
Box   57
Folder   18
Bonner, John, 1971-1973
Boren, David
Box   57
Folder   19
Interview, 1994
Interview, undated
Interview, undated
Mss 764
Box   57
Folder   20
Box   57
Folder   21
Bossie, David, 1997-2004
Box   57
Folder   22
Bozell, Brent, 1964
Box   57
Folder   23
Bradley, Bill, 1999
Box   57
Folder   24
Breaux, John, 1997-2001
Box   57
Folder   25
Bremer, Paul, 2001
Box   57
Folder   26
Brey, Dick, 1993
Box   57
Folder   27
Brooks, Jack, 1978-1987
Box   57
Folder   28
Brown, Edmund G., 1966
Brown, George (Hank), Novak interview regarding 104th Congress, Clinton-Dole campaigns, circa 1996
Mss 764
Box   57
Folder   29
Brown, Harold, 1970-1977
Box   57
Folder   30
Brown, Ron, 1993
Brownback, Sam recording, undated
Mss 764
Box   57
Folder   31
Browning, Dolly Kyle, 1999-2000
Box   57
Folder   32
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 1967-1990
Box   57
Folder   33
Buchanan, Pat, 1972-1999
Buckley, William, re-recorded broadcast (Side B), circa 1964
Note: See also National Review
Mss 764
Box   57
Folder   34
Buchwald, Art, 1983
Box   57
Folder   35
Miscellany, 1983-2004
Box   57
Folder   36
Moore, Steve, paper on spending growth
Bullis School
Box   57
Folder   37
General, 1989-2005
Box   57
Folder   38
Workshop, 1993
Box   57
Folder   39
Burns, Arthur, 1975
Box   57
Folder   40
Burton, Dan, 1994-2005
Bush, George H.W.
Box   57
Folder   41
Paper file, 1966-1990
Recorded press conference regarding Iraq, 1990 October
Mss 764
Bush, George W.
Box   57
Folder   42-44
General, 1994-2006
Box   57
Folder   45
White House contacts, 2002
Box   57
Folder   46
Hohlt's Bush pioneers memo, 1999
Recording as governor, undated
Re-election campaign, 1998
Mss 764
Bush, Jeb
Box   57
Folder   47
General, 2001
Interview regarding education in Florida, 1998
Mss 764
Box   57
Folder   48
Bush, Prescott, 1982
Box   57
Folder   49
Busing, 1977
Box   57
Folder   50
CIA, 1976-2001
Box   57
Folder   51-52
General, undated
Box   58
Folder   1-2
Box   58
Folder   3
Box   58
Folder   4
Box   58
Folder   5
Califano, Joseph
California politics
Box   58
Folder   6
General, 1962-2005
Box   58
Folder   7
Matsui, Robert
Box   58
Folder   8
Cambodia, 1970
Box   58
Folder   9
Box   58
Folder   10
Box   58
Folder   11
Box   58
Folder   12
Box   58
Folder   13-18
Campaign finance, 1971, 1990, undated
VHA 747
Campaign for Working Families, Spots using graphic verbal descriptions of partial birth abortions to support conservative congressional candidate Tom Bordonaro against Lois Capps, 1998
Mss 764
Box   58
Folder   19
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1973
Capital Gang
Box   58
Folder   20
Contracts, 1994-2002
Box   58
Folder   21
Correspondence, 1989-1990
Box   58
Folder   22-26
Production blocks
Box   58
Folder   27-28
Production miscellany
Box   59
Folder   1
Box   59
Folder   2
VHA 748
Capitol Watch, Interview of Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch and Bernadette Malone of E-N staff by Michael Schwartz, 1997
Mss 764
Box   59
Folder   3
Carbaugh, John, 1984-2006
Box   59
Folder   4
Cardin, Ben interview, undated
Box   59
Folder   5
Carroll, John, Society, 1998-2007
Box   59
Folder   6
Carlyle Group, 2005
Carter, Jimmy
Box   59
Folder   7-8
General, 1973-1978
Box   59
Folder   9
Psychology papers, 1976
Box   59
Folder   10
Debate material theft, 1983
Box   59
Folder   11
Box   59
Folder   12
Governor, 1976
Box   59
Folder   13
Human rights trade policy, 1978
Carter book proposal
Box   59
Folder   14
Correspondence, 1977-1980
Box   59
Folder   15
Interview transcripts, undated
Carville, James
Box   59
Folder   16
General, 2005
Recording, 1998 February 24
Recording, 1999 October 19
Mss 764
Box   59
Folder   17
Castro book proposal, 1971
Box   59
Folder   18
Box   59
Folder   19
CATO, 1994-2008
Box   59
Folder   20
Caucus Room restaurant proposal, 1999
Cedras, Raoul
Box   68
Folder   22
Interview transcript, 1994
Recorded interview, pre-1994
Cellucci, Paul, Recorded speeches, 1998 July 30, undated
Mss 764
Box   59
Folder   21
Center for Democracy, 1995
Box   59
Folder   22
Center for Security Policy, 1990-2001
Box   59
Folder   23
Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1969-2007
Box   59
Folder   24
Central America
Cerrell, Joe
Box   59
Folder   25-38
General files, 1962-2004, undated
VDA 004
“The Boy from Queens,” Biographical DVD with tributes, including some from Bob Novak, 2007
Mss 764
Box   59
Folder   39
Chemical weapons convention, 1996
Box   60
Folder   1
Cheney, Dick and Lynne
Chenowith, Helen, Interview, undated
Mss 764
Box   60
Folder   2
Chicago, Miscellany
Box   60
Folder   3
Chicago Sun Times, 1964-2008
Box   60
Folder   4
Children's Charities Foundation, 1995-2002
Box   60
Folder   5
Chile, 1964-1978
Box   60
Folder   6-8
1971-1979, 1993-2005
Box   60
Folder   9
House GOP technology transfer handbook, 1998
Box   60
Folder   10
Chisholm, Shirley, 1970, undated
Box   60
Folder   11
Christian Coalition, 1996-1997
Box   60
Folder   12
Christian Science Monitor breakfasts, 1970
Box   60
Folder   13
Chrysler, Richard R., 1995
Church, Frank, Iowa press conference, 1988
Mss 764
Box   60
Folder   14
Church-state separation, 1964
Box   60
Folder   15
Cisneros, Henry, 1997
Box   60
Folder   16
Citizens for America, 1983-1984
Box   60
Folder   17
Civil defense, 1978
Civil rights
Box   60
Folder   18
General, 1961-1965
Box   60
Folder   19
Culver, John C., file, 1968
Box   60
Folder   20
White House conference, 1965-1966
Box   60
Folder   21
Civil Rights Commission nominees, 1983
Box   60
Folder   22
Cleland, Max, 1978
Clinton, Bill
Box   60
Folder   23
News stories, 1994-2002
Box   60
Folder   24
Foster, Vince, 1995
Box   60
Folder   25
Impeachment, 1998
Box   60
Folder   26
Jones, Paula, deposition
Box   60
Folder   27
Box   60
Folder   28
Zogby polls, 1998
Box   164
Folder   3
First in his Class biography, highlighted by Novak, 1995
Michigan primary speech, 1992
Mss 764
Box   60
Folder   29
Clinton, Hillary
Box   60
Folder   30
Cloning, 2002
Box   60
Folder   31
Cloture, 2002
Box   60
Folder   32
Close Up Foundation (regarding Close Up Communications Council), 1993-1995
Box   60
Folder   33
Coalition for Peace Through Strength, 1978
Box   60
Folder   34
Box   60
Folder   35
Coffin, Tristram, 1964-1969
Cohen, William, Recording, 1997 December 19
Coleman, Norm, Interview, 1997 August 2
Mss 764
Box   60
Folder   36
Collinsville, Illinois, Proposed story, 1973
Box   60
Folder   37-38
General, 1996-2006
Box   60
Folder   39
McCaffrey, Barry, interview, undated
Box   60
Folder   40
House International Relations, Committee, 1997
Box   60
Folder   41
National Defense Council Foundation, 1996-1997
Recording, 1998 November 17
Mss 764
Box   61
Folder   1
Committee for the Formation of a New Party, 1968
Box   61
Folder   2
Committee on Academic Nondiscrimination, 1976
Box   61
Folder   3
Box   61
Folder   4
Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2001
Completing the Revolution
Box   61
Folder   5
Correspondence with Paul Golub at Free Press, 1997-1998
Box   61
Folder   6
Box   61
Folder   7
Congress, 1965-2002
Box   61
Folder   8
Congressional staff increases
Box   61
Folder   9
Conner, Caryl, Interview about Jimmy Carter, undated
Box   61
Folder   10
Conservative Action Teams, 2000
Box   61
Folder   11
Conservative Campus Journalism Awards, 2001
Box   61
Folder   12
Conservative Political Action conference, 1983
VHA 753
Consejo de Latinos Unidos. Video ads regarding discriminatory charges by Florida hospitals (requested by Novak)
Constantine, Thomas (Drug Enforcement Administration), Interview, September 1997
Mss 764
Coolidge, Calvin
Box   61
Folder   13
Paper file, 1995-2003
VHA 749
“Life Portrait of Calvin Coolidge,” C-SPAN video with an interview of the President's son, 1999
Mss 764
Box   61
Folder   14
Corinthian Broadcasting Stations, 1963-1966
Box   61
Folder   15
Corning, Peter A., Interview about Medicare, 1967
Box   61
Folder   16
Costa Rica
Coverdale, Paul, Recording, 1996 July 17
Mss 764
Box   61
Folder   17
Cox, Christopher, 1995
Box   61
Folder   18
Creators Syndicate (Richard S. Newcombe), 1989-2008
Box   61
Folder   19
Crime, 2001
Box   61
Folder   20
Billings, 1985-1980
Box   61
Folder   21
Miscellany, 2005
Box   61
Folder   22
General papers, 1967-2007
Box   61
Folder   23
Betancourt, Ernesto, 1965
VDA 005
“Voices from the Island of Freedom,” DVD by the Center of a Free Cuba, 2007
Mss 764
Box   61
Folder   24
Culebra, 1970
Box   61
Folder   25
Cuomo, Mario, 1983-1999
Box   61
Folder   26
Czechoslovakia, 1967
Box   61
Folder   27
Dale, Billy Ray, 1996
Box   61
Folder   28
Dallager, General John R., 1995-1996
Box   61
Folder   29
Dartmouth College, 1988-1989
Box   61
Folder   30
Daschle, Tom, 2001
Box   61
Folder   31
Datran Data Transmission Company, 1971
Box   61
Folder   32
Davis, Kenneth R., 1970
Davis, Lanny, two tentatively identified recordings, undated
Mss 764
Box   61
Folder   33
Davis, Rick (CNN), 1993-1995
Davis, Tom, Recorded interview, 2006 July
Mss 764
Box   61
Folder   34
Dean, Kenneth L. (Mississippi Council on Human Relations), 1966-1970
Box   61
Folder   35
Death penalty, 2000
Box   61
Folder   36
Debt of less developed nations, 1988
Box   61
Folder   37-38
Defense Department
Delay, Tom
Box   61
Folder   39
General file, 2002-2003
Box   61
Folder   40
Interview transcript, undated
Recorded interview, possibly 1996 May 5
Mss 764
Democratic Party
Box   61
Folder   41
Box   61
Folder   42
Campaign, 1972
Box   61
Folder   43
Charter Commission, 1973
Box   61
Folder   44
Chinese money letter, 1998
Box   62
Folder   1
Midterm conference, 1974
Box   62
Folder   2-3
National convention materials, 1992
Box   62
Folder   4
National convention materials, 1996
Box   62
Folder   5-6
Party reform
Box   62
Folder   7
Rebuilding Committee (Texas), 1970
Box   62
Folder   87
Undated material
Box   62
Folder   9
Democratic Socialists, 1973
Box   62
Folder   10
Demonstrations, 1971
Box   62
Folder   11
Dent, Harry, 1969
Box   62
Folder   12
Detention camps, 1969
Box   62
Folder   13
Dodd, Thomas
Box   62
Folder   14
Bob and Elizabeth, General, 1983-2004
Box   62
Folder   15
Bosnian policy, 1995
Box   62
Folder   16
Dominican Republic
Domenici, Pete, Recording, 1998 February 11
Mss 764
Box   62
Folder   17
Donaldson, Sam, Highlighted transcript, 1997
Box   62
Folder   18
Box   62
Folder   19
Drugs, 1971-2004
Box   62
Folder   20
Duffey, Joe
Dukakis, Michael
Box   62
Folder   21
Box   62
Folder   22
Material from Grover Norquist, 1987-1988
Box   62
Folder   23
Religious issue
Primary campaign speech, California, 1988
Mss 764
Box   62
Folder   24
Durant, Clark, 1989-1997
Box   62
Folder   25
Dyer, Jim, 1999
Box   62
Folder   26
Eagle Publishing Inc., 1997-2008
Box   62
Folder   27
Eastern Europe
Box   62
Folder   28
Economic Development Authority, undated
Box   62
Folder   29
Economist, 1962-1972
Box   62
Folder   30
Economy, General
Box   62
Folder   31
General, 1965-2001
Box   62
Folder   32
NEA, 1983
Edwards, Chet
Mss 764
Edwards, John
Box   62
Folder   33
Clippings, 2002
Box   62
Folder   34
Interview transcript and story fragment, 2002
Interview (includes Paul Wolfowitz), undated
Mss 764
Box   62
Folder   35
Eisenhower, Dwight
Box   62
Folder   36
Elders, Joycelyn, 1994
Box   62
Folder   37
Electoral College letters, 2000
Box   62
Folder   38
Ellsberg, Daniel, 1971
Box   62
Folder   39
Ellsworth, Robert, 1964-2007
Box   62
Folder   40
Empower America, 1993-1998
Note: See also Lawrence Hunter.
Box   62
Folder   41
Box   62
Folder   42
Material from identified sources, 1975-1978
Box   62
Folder   43
Background material, no sources indicated
Engler, John
Box   63
Folder   1
General, 1994-1995
Box   63
Folder   2
Interview transcript and correspondence, 1995-1999
Box   63
Folder   3
American Spectator article draft, 1995
Box   63
Folder   4
Environment (EPA), 1978-1997
Box   63
Folder   5
Esquire, Miscellany, 2001
Box   63
Folder   6
Evans, M. Stanton, 1977, 1996
Evans, Rowland
Box   63
Folder   7
Box   63
Folder   8
Condolence letters, 2001
Evans & Novak (RKO) production files
Box   63
Folder   9
Contracts, 1976
Box   63
Folder   10
Box   63
Folder   11
Hyatt, Gordon, correspondence, 1976-1977
Box   63
Folder   12
Box   63
Folder   13-14
Nolan, Betsy, Publicity correspondence, 1977-1978
Box   63
Folder   15
O'Neil, Tip, Appearance, 1978
Box   63
Folder   16
Box   63
Folder   17-20
Promotion, 1976-1977
Box   63
Folder   21
“Season” materials, 1976-1977
Box   63
Folder   22
Evans & Novak (CNN), Guest lists, 1982-1998
Box   63
Folder   23
Evans-Novak Defense Letter, Planning materials, 1991
Box   63
Folder   24
Evans-Novak Japan Report, Miscellany, 1986-2004
Evans-Novak Political Report
Box   63
Folder   25
Account book
Box   63
Folder   26
Contracts, 1967-1968
Box   63
Folder   27
Draft fragments
Box   63
Folder   28
Legg Mason, 1978
Box   63
Folder   29
Box   63
Folder   30
Promotional correspondence, 1978-1981
Box   63
Folder   31
Special issues, 1973-1994
Evans-Novak Report (Metromedia)
Box   63
Folder   32-33
Correspondence, 1969
Box   63
Folder   34
Box   63
Folder   35
Guests, 1969
Box   63
Folder   36
Meir, Golda, Interview correspondence, 1969
Box   63
Folder   37
Evans-Novak Tax Report, Planning and promotion, 1983-1990
Box   63
Folder   38
Evans-Novak This Week feature royalties, 1981-1982
Box   63
Folder   39
Evans-Novak Washington Information Service, undated announcement
Box   63
Folder   40
Box   63
Folder   41
Perez, Bernardo (FBI employee), 1988
Box   63
Folder   42
Face the Nation, Correspondence and contracts, 1964-1972
Fair Tax Amendment (HR2525) interview with Pete Hoekstra and an unknown individual, 1999 October 10
Faircloth, Duncan
Mss 764
Box   64
Folder   1
Faith-based initiatives, 2001
Box   64
Folder   2
Fallows, James, Interview regarding Carter, undated
Box   64
Folder   3
Falwell, Jerry
Box   64
Folder   4
Box   64
Folder   5
Caldwell, Chris (son-in-law)
Box   64
Folder   6
Caldwell, Zelda Novak (daughter)
Box   64
Folder   7
Novak, Jane (mother)
Box   64
Folder   8
Family Research Council, 1995-2003
Box   64
Folder   9
Fannie Mae, 1978, 1995
Box   64
Folder   10
Farrakhan, Louis, Research packet, 2001
Box   64
Folder   11-22
Faxed communications, Miscellaneous subjects, 1990-2006
Box   64
Folder   23
Federal Communications Commission, 1995, undated
Box   64
Folder   24
Federal Deposit Insurance Commission, 1991
Box   64
Folder   25
Federal Power Commission, 1965, undated
Box   64
Folder   26-27
Federal Reserve, 1971-1995
Box   64
Folder   28
Feinstein, Dianne, Lin case, 1991
Box   64
Folder   29
Feldstein, Martin, 1984
Ferraro, Geraldine
Box   64
Folder   30
General, 1979-1984
Box   64
Folder   31-32
Financial statements
Field Newspaper Syndicate
Box   64
Folder   33
General, 1975-1982
Box   64
Folder   34
Box   64
Folder   35
Royalties, 1976, 1984
Box   64
Folder   36
Field (California) poll, 1965-1996
“Filegate,” 1993-1996
Box   64
Folder   37
Court documents
Box   64
Folder   38
Box   64
Folder   39
Faxed material
Box   64
Folder   40
Judicial Watch involvement
Box   65
Folder   1-3
Lenzer, Terry, deposition
Box   65
Folder   4
Clippings, 1996
Box   65
Folder   5
Filner, Bob, 1996-2001
Finances, Personal
Box   65
Folder   6-7
General, 1963-1969
Box   65
Folder   8
Stock holdings, 1980-2000
Box   65
Folder   9
33 Fifth Avenue partnership
Box   65
Folder   10
Crescent Park Company, 1970-1973
Box   65
Folder   11
Tuckahoe Road, 1973-1974
Fitzgerald, Peter
Recording, 1998 September
Recording, [1999?] November 1
Recording, undated
Mss 764
Box   65
Folder   12
Flag burning, 2001
Box   65
Folder   13
Florio, James J.
Box   65
Folder   14
Fluornoy, Houston, 1965-1968
Box   65
Folder   15
Forbes, Steve
Box   65
Folder   16
General, 1996-1997
Box   65
Folder   17
Campaign prospects report, 1996
Iowa campaign speech, 1996 February
Mss 764
Ford, Gerald
Box   65
Folder   18
General papers, 1963-1976
Box   65
Folder   19
Interviews, 1965-1975
Box   65
Folder   20
Voloshen case, 1970
Ford Motor Company interview about company policy, employees (not by Novak), undated
Mss 764
Box   65
Folder   21
Foreign aid, 1964-1965
Box   65
Folder   22
Agendas, 1972-2008
Box   65
Folder   23
Financial records
Planning records
Box   65
Folder   24-40
Box   66
Folder   1-8
Box   66
Folder   9
Foster, Vince, Material from Dan Burton, 1994
Box   66
Folder   10
Fraser, Douglas, 1983
Box   66
Folder   11
French sources
Box   66
Folder   12
Freddoso, David, 2005-2006
Box   66
Folder   13a
Freeh, Louis, 1997
Box   66
Folder   13b
Frist, Bill, office, 2005
Box   66
Folder   14
Frontiers of Freedom, 1995
Box   66
Folder   15
GATT, 1994
Box   66
Folder   16
Gall, Mary Sheila, 2001
Box   66
Folder   17
Gambling, 1997
Box   66
Folder   18
Garcia, Diego, 1975
Box   66
Folder   19
Garcia, Robert
Box   66
Folder   20
Gartner, David
Box   66
Folder   21
Gephardt, Dick, Press materials, 2001
Box   66
Folder   22
Gergan, David, 1983-1984
Box   66
Folder   23
German defense strategy, 1977
Box   66
Folder   24
Gilmore, Jim, Interview, 1997 November 17
Mss 764
Gingrich, Newt
Box   66
Folder   25
General material, 1968, 1980-1996
Box   66
Folder   26
Box   66
Folder   27
“Jim Wright Story,” 1988
Box   165
Folder   2
FEC reports, 1981-1994
Box   66
Folder   28
Interview transcripts
Audio 1457A
Recorded interviews
Sperling breakfast, 1993 December 7
Regarding Medicaid, Medicare, and balanced budget, 1995 October 30
Speech, 1997
Recording regarding experiences as speaker, undated
Unidentified recording
Giuliani, Rudy, Interview regarding mayoral accomplishments, 1997 November
Mss 764
Box   66
Folder   29
Glass, Andrew J., 1970-2004
Box   66
Folder   30
Glenn, John, undated
Box   66
Folder   31
Global Resources agreement, 1994
Box   66
Folder   32
Globalink bills for Japanese reports, 1990
Box   66
Folder   33
Goodwin, Robert A., 1965-1966
Box   66
Folder   34
GOPAC, 1988-1996
Goldwater, Barry
Box   66
Folder   35
General papers, 1961-1967
Box   66
Folder   36
Campaign materials, 1964
Box   66
Folder   37
“Lost Redemption,” by Stephen Later
Goldwater book (Agony of the G.O.P.)
Box   66
Folder   38
MacMillan correspondence
Box   66
Folder   39
Notes and fragments
Box   66
Folder   40
Reviews and reader correspondence
Gonzalez, Elias
Box   66
Folder   41
Legal records, 2000
Box   67
Folder   1
News stories
Box   67
Folder   2-3
Gore, Al, 1997-2000
Box   67
Folder   4
Government pensions, 1976-1978
Graham, Lindsey, Interview regarding 105th Congress, government shutdown, 1997 September
Gramm, Phil
Interview regarding 104th Congress and continuing the Reagan Revolution, 1997 September
Interview regarding his campaign, undated
Granholm, Jennifer, Interview, 2002?
Mss 764
Box   67
Folder   5
Great Britain, 1967
Box   67
Folder   6-7
General, 1969-1974
Box   67
Folder   8
Clippings, Evans & Novak
Box   67
Folder   9
Clippings regarding Agnew, 1975
Box   67
Folder   10
Communism, 1949-1953
Box   67
Folder   11
Congressional views and letters, 1968-1969
Box   67
Folder   12
Correspondence, 1969-1970
Demetracopoulos, Elias
Box   67
Folder   13-15
Box   67
Folder   16
Attorney, 1977-1979
Box   67
Folder   17
Interviews, 1975-1977
Box   67
Folder   18
Box   67
Folder   19
Litton Industries, 1999-2004
Box   67
Folder   20
Box   67
Folder   21
News sources, Official
Box   67
Folder   22
News sources, General
Box   67
Folder   23
Greider, William, 1999-2004
Box   67
Folder   24
Grenada (Maurice Bishop), 1982-1987
Box   67
Folder   25
Gribbin, Bill, 1984-1999
Gridiron Club
General papers
Box   67
Folder   26-33
1977-1978, 1981, 1990-1996
Box   68
Folder   1
Box   68
Folder   2
Box   68
Folder   3
Secretary's arrangements file
Box   68
Folder   4
Box   68
Folder   5-6
Box   68
Folder   7
Box   68
Folder   8
Speeches from earlier years
Box   68
Folder   9-10
1999, 2003, 2005, undated
Box   68
Folder   11
President's “Bible”
Box   68
Folder   12
Financial reports, 1997-1998
Box   68
Folder   13
Guatemala, 1966
Gun control
Box   68
Folder   14
General, 1969, 1999
Box   68
Folder   15
Background information for , 1999 broadcast
Box   68
Folder   16
Gunderson, Steve, 1994
Box   68
Folder   17
Gutwillig, Robert, 1968-1998
Box   68
Folder   18
Guyana, 1963
Box   68
Folder   19
Aristide, Jean Bertrand
Box   68
Folder   20
Aronson, Bernie, materials
Box   68
Folder   21
Baltazar, Robert, faxes, 1995-1996
Box   68
Folder   23
Box   68
Folder   24
Department of Justice documents
Faxed materials
Box   68
Folder   25
Box   68
Folder   26-27
McCandless, Robert, 1993-1994
Box   68
Folder   28
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 1993
Box   68
Folder   29
Box   69
Folder   1
Parti Haitien de Dieu, 1991-1992
Box   69
Folder   2
Staff memos, 1994-1996
Box   69
Folder   3
Hance, Kent (Texas politics), 1999
Box   69
Folder   4
Harry Walker Inc., 1964-1971
Box   69
Folder   5
Hart, Gary, 1984
Box   69
Folder   6
Hart, John (Coburn staff), 2005
Hastert, Dennis
Box   69
Folder   7
Papers, 1999
Interview, 1999 November 3
Unidentified recording
Mss 764
Box   69
Folder   8
Health, Novak miscellany
Box   69
Folder   9
Health care, 1970-2001
Box   69
Folder   10
Heise, John I., 1998-2007
Helms, Jesse
Box   69
Folder   11
General, 1981-2005
Box   69
Folder   12
Hunt, Jim, 1984
Box   69
Folder   13
SALT, 1979
Box   69
Folder   14
Heritage Foundation, 1977-2007
Box   69
Folder   15
Hickey, James, 1999
Box   69
Folder   16
Hidaka, Yohiki, 1978-2007
Box   69
Folder   17-20
Hidaka/Evans-Novak Japan Report, Correspondence, 1988-1989
Box   69
Folder   21
The Hill, 2001-2002
Box   69
Folder   22
Hillman, Elsie, 1994
Hohlt, Richard F.
Box   69
Folder   23-24
General, 1991-2007
Box   69
Folder   25
Kies, Kenneth J., information, 1995
Box   69
Folder   26
Mexico, 1995
Box   69
Folder   27
“Hollywood Wives,” 2001
Honda company convention brainstorming session, Tapes #1, 3-4
Mss 764
Hoover, J. Edgar
Box   69
Folder   28
General, 1971-1972
Box   69
Folder   29
Hoover, J. Edgar, Proposed book
Box   69
Folder   30
Random House, 1972
Box   69
Folder   31
Research correspondence, 1971-1972
Box   69
Folder   32
Eisenhower Library material
Box   69
Folder   33
Early FBI files
Box   69
Folder   34
FBI files
Herbert Hoover Library
Box   69
Folder   35-37
Box   70
Folder   1
Box   70
Folder   2
Kissiah, Joseph, FBI research, 1971
Box   70
Folder   3
Michigan sources
Box   70
Folder   4
Box   70
Folder   5
National Archives
Box   70
Folder   6
“Notes from briefcase”
Box   70
Folder   7
Notes on published sources
Box   70
Folder   8
“O & C” computer file disc
Box   70
Folder   9
President's office
Box   70
Folder   10
Riha, Thomas, Note cards
Box   70
Folder   11-12
Roosevelt Library
Box   70
Folder   13
Stephenson's notes, 1971
Box   70
Folder   14
Truman Library
Box   70
Folder   15
Typed notes
Box   70
Folder   16
Unidentified manuscript material
Box   70
Folder   17
Hormel, James, 1998
Box   70
Folder   18
Hospital cost controls, 1978
Box   70
Folder   19
“Hot columns”
Box   70
Folder   20-21
Hotline campaign, 2000, undated
Box   70
Folder   22
House chaplain, 1999
Box   70
Folder   23
Housing, 1967
Box   70
Folder   24
Housing and Urban Development
Box   70
Folder   25
Hubbard, Glenn, 2000
Hubbell, Webster
Box   70
Folder   26-27
Arkansas Ethics Commission, 1987-1988
Box   70
Folder   28
Bossie, David (Citizens United), 1993
Box   70
Folder   29
Box   71
Folder   1-2
Clippings (continued)
Box   71
Folder   3-4
Box   71
Folder   5
Novak, Zelda, research
Box   71
Folder   6
Senate Judiciary hearing, 1993
Recorded interview, early 1990s
Mss 764
Box   71
Folder   7
Hudson Institute, 1990-1995
Box   71
Folder   8
Huffington, Ariana, 2000
Box   71
Folder   9
Human Events, 1970-2000
Box   71
Folder   10
Human rights, 1977-1978
Box   71
Folder   11
Humorous depictions of Robert Novak
Box   71
Folder   12
Humphrey, Hubert, 1960-1971
Box   71
Folder   13
Hunt, Al, 1995-2005
Box   71
Folder   14
Hunter, Lawrence A., 1992-2005
Box   71
Folder   15
Huntsman, Jon
Hurricane Katrina, Interview with unidentified Louisiana Republican regarding clean-up funding, undated
Mss 764
Box   71
Folder   16
Hutchinson, Kay Bailey, 2001-2002
Hyde, Henry
Box   71
Folder   17
General, 1993-2006
Recorded mealtime conversation, circa 1995-1996
Recorded interview, 2006 September
Mss 764
Box   71
Folder   18
Hyman, Lester, 1967-2004
Box   71
Folder   19
Kenneth Olson letter, 1997
Conference on tax rules for foreign nationals, circa 1998
Mss 764
Box   71
Folder   20
Ickes, Harold, 1997
Box   71
Folder   21
Illinois, Miscellaneous
Box   71
Folder   22-25
Illinois, University of, 1948-2007
Box   71
Folder   26
Immigration, 1992, 1994
Independent counsel
Box   71
Folder   27
Bakaly, Charles, 1998
Box   71
Folder   28
Barrett, David M., 1996-1997
Box   71
Folder   29
Clinton, 1998
Box   71
Folder   30
Currie, Betty, testimony, 1998
Box   71
Folder   31
Jordan, Vernon, testimony
Box   72
Folder   1
Indian claims, 1977-1978
Box   72
Folder   2
Indonesia, 1995
Audio 1457A
Iowa caucus
2000 January 8
Mss 764
Box   72
Folder   3
Inscribed books (Photocopies, selected originals in Rare Books)
“Inside Report”
Box   72
Folder   4
Client list
Box   72
Folder   5
Display formats, 1967
Box   72
Folder   6
Original release, 1963
Box   165
Folder   3
Field Enterprises
Box   165
Folder   4
Publishers Hall
Box   165
Folder   5
Chicago Sun Times
Box   165
Folder   6
Box   72
Folder   7
Research miscellany
VHA 750
“Inside the Republican Revolution,” 1995
Note: PBS documentary by Manifold Productions hosted by Don Lambro; includes Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich.
Mss 764
Insights (America's Voice network)
Box   72
Folder   8
Schedule and payments, 1996-1999
Biographical background materials
Box   72
Folder   9
Caldwell, Chris
Box   72
Folder   10
McCurdy, Dave
Box   72
Folder   11-16
Box   72
Folder   17
Insurance bill, 2001
Box   72
Folder   18
Interfaith Alliance, 1994
International Conservative Congress (includes Robert Bork and William Kristol), 1997 September 27
Mss 764
Box   72
Folder   19
International Monetary Fund, 1989
Box   72
Folder   20
Interns, 1971-1997, undated
Box   72
Folder   21
Interview transcripts, Miscellaneous
Box   72
Folder   22
Invitations, 1967-1969
Box   72
Folder   23
Box   72
Folder   24a
Clippings, 2001-2004
Box   72
Folder   24b
Chuck Hagel faxes, 2003, 2006
Box   72
Folder   25
Israel, 1973-2006
Box   72
Folder   26
Israeli arms sales, 1992
Izzard, Rudy, Interview, 1998 June 24
Mss 764
Jackson, Jesse
Box   72
Folder   27
General, 1983-1998
Box   72
Folder   28
Bustamante, John H., file, 1981-1983
Recording regarding Rainbow Project
Recording, undated
Note: Thought to be Jackson.
Mss 764
Box   72
Folder   29
James, General “Chappie,” 1977
Box   72
Folder   30
Janeway, Eliot, 1965-1978
Box   72
Folder   31
Janeway, William, 1970-1977
Box   72
Folder   32
General, 1973-2001, undated
Box   72
Folder   33
Report from Japan, 1985
Johnson, Lyndon
Box   72
Folder   34
General, 1959-1973
Box   72
Folder   35
Oral history of Robert Novak for Johnson Library, 1971
Johnson, Lyndon, book
Box   72
Folder   36
Gutwillig, Robert (New American Library)
Box   72
Folder   37
Interview notes
Box   72
Folder   38
General notes
Box   72
Folder   39
“Kiker notes”
Box   73
Folder   1
Notes from magazines
Box   73
Folder   2
Notes from New York Times
Box   73
Folder   3
Box   73
Folder   4
Publisher correspondence, 1965-1968
Box   73
Folder   5
Reader comments
Box   73
Folder   6
Box   73
Folder   7-8
Box   73
Folder   9
Reviews from Germany
Box   73
Folder   10
Serialization in Saturday Evening Post
Box   73
Folder   11
Joint Committee on Defense Production (Boeing reports), 1976-1977
Box   73
Folder   12
Joliet High School reunions, 1993-2001
Jones, Jim, Confirmation hearings, circa 1993
Mss 764
Box   73
Folder   13
Jordan, Hamilton, 1978
Box   73
Folder   14
Journalism, 1974, 1989
Box   73
Folder   15
Judicial appointments, 1994-2005
Judicial Watch
Box   73
Folder   16
General, 1998-2002
Box   73
Folder   17
Alexander, Kara, 1999-2000
Box   73
Folder   18
Browning, Dolly, 2000
Box   73
Folder   19
Bush, George W., Assessment of presidency, 2002
Box   73
Folder   20-21
McAuliffe, Terry, 1999
Box   73
Folder   22
Junior Statesmen Foundation, 1999-2001
Box   73
Folder   23
Justice Department, 1971-2001
Box   73
Folder   24
Kanchanalak, Pauline, 2000
Kantor, Mickey recording about Japanese trade, undated
Kasich, John R.
Recording, 1998 February 12
Recording, undated
Mss 764
“Keating Five”
Box   73
Folder   25
General, 1989-2005
Box   73
Folder   26
Gray, E.J., material
Kemp, Jack
Box   74
Folder   1
General, 1976-2006
Interview (dating from Reagan era), undated
Unidentified recording
Mss 764
Box   74
Folder   2
Kennedy, Edward, 1969-1996
Kennedy, John
Box   74
Folder   3
Campaign manual, 1960
Box   74
Folder   4
Library Foundation, 1997
Box   74
Folder   5
Kennedy, Robert, 1967-1968
Box   74
Folder   6
Kenyon College, 1967-1997
Kerrey, Bob, Recorded speech, 1998 August
Mss 764
Kerry, John
Box   74
Folder   7
General, 1991-2004
Box   74
Folder   8
Catholic communion issue, 2004
VHA 751
Stolen Honor, Video about Kerry's anti-war activism and POWs made by Carleton Sherwood that the Sinclair Broadcast Group threatened to show before the election, 2004
Recording, 1997 December 2
Mss 764
Box   74
Folder   9
Khachigan, Kenneth, 2001
Box   74
Folder   10
King, Martin Luther, FBI report, 1968
Box   74
Folder   11
Kingdon, Alfred, 1984
Box   74
Folder   12
Kissinger, Henry, 1971, undated
Box   74
Folder   13
Klein, Herbert, 1964-1973
Box   74
Folder   14
Koch, Edward, 2001
Koizumi, Junichiro recording (with McCain on Side 1), undated
Mss 764
Box   74
Folder   15
Korea, 1976-2005
Box   74
Folder   16
“Koreagate,” 1978
Box   74
Folder   17
General, 1999
Box   74
Folder   18
Jatras, Jim, Background information, 2006
Kristol, William
Box   74
Folder   19
General, 1988-2000
Recording regarding Project for America's Future
Mss 764
Box   74
Folder   20
Krohn, Charles A., 2005
Kudlow, Lawrence
Box   74
Folder   21
General, 1981-2007
Box   74
Folder   22
Commentaries, 1984-2001
Box   74
Folder   23
Box   74
Folder   24
McClellan Committee hearing, 1957
Box   74
Folder   25
Research material for Reader's Digest article, 1996
Box   74
Folder   26
Laborers International Union, 1999-2001
Box   74
Folder   27
Laffer, Arthur, 1981-2007
Box   74
Folder   28
Laird, Melvin, 1966-2006
Box   74
Folder   29
Lance, Bert, 1977
Box   74
Folder   30
Laos, 1970
Largent, Steve
Box   74
Folder   31
Paper file, 1995-1996
Recording, 1996 June 19
Recording to Young America's Foundation, 1996
Unidentified recording
Mss 764
Box   74
Folder   32
LaRouche, Lyndon, 1987-1988
Box   74
Folder   33-34
Latin America, 1965-2004
Box   75
Folder   1
Lausche-Gilligan Ohio congressional race, 1967-1968
Box   75
Folder   2
Lavie fighter jet, 1983
Box   75
Folder   3
Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, 1971
Box   75
Folder   4
Leadership Institute, 1996-2008
Box   75
Folder   5
Lee, Bill Lann, 1999-2000
Box   75
Folder   6
Legal miscellany, 1978-2003
Box   75
Folder   7
Legal services for the poor, 1971-1973
Box   75
Folder   8
Lehane, Chris, 2000
Box   75
Folder   9
Lehman Brothers, 1982
Lehrman, Lewis
Box   75
Folder   10
General papers, 1981-1998
Box   75
Folder   11
Publications, 1994-1995
Box   75
Folder   12-14
Leigh lecture agency, 1970-1981
Box   75
Folder   15
Letelier, Orlando, 1977
Box   75
Folder   16
“Let's Play Politics” idea, 1970
Levin, Sander, Recording, post 1997
Mss 764
Box   75
Folder   17
Levine, Lawrence, 1965-1977
Levitt, Mike, Recording regarding internet sales, circa 2000
Mss 764
Box   75
Folder   18
Liberty Lobby, 1965-1968
Box   75
Folder   19
Liddy, G. Gordon, 1971
Box   75
Folder   20
Lieberman, Joe, 1999-2000
Box   75
Folder   21
Limbaugh, Rush, 1994, 2007
Box   75
Folder   22
Lindsay, John V., 1971
Box   75
Folder   23
Lindsey, Lawrence, 1991-2006
Livingston, Robert L., Jr.
Interview, 1995
Interview, 1995-1996
Mss 764
Box   75
Folder   24
Lobbying, 1973-2006
Box   75
Folder   25
Long, Russell, 1971
Los Angeles
Box   75
Folder   26
Employment, 1966
Box   75
Folder   27
Race riots, 1967
Lott, Trent
Box   75
Folder   28
General, 1985, 2002
Four , undated tapes regarding Senate matters
Lugar, Richard, Recording, 1997 August 7
Mss 764
Box   75
Folder   29
Lum, Nora and Genes
Box   75
Folder   30
Lumber industry
Box   75
Folder   31
MX missile, 1977-1979
McCain, John
Box   75
Folder   32
Miscellany, 1999-2005
Box   75
Folder   33
Office faxes, 1994-2008
Box   75
Folder   34
Clippings, 1984-2001
Recording (with Koizumi) (Side 1), 2006?
Mss 764
Box   75
Folder   35
McAuliffe, Terry, Clippings, 1997-2002
Box   75
Folder   36
McCandless, Robert, 1971-2008, undated
Box   75
Folder   37
McCarthy, Eugene, 1967-1969
Box   75
Folder   38
McCaw, Craig, 1999
Box   75
Folder   39
McCloskey, Pete
Audio 1457A
McCurry, Mike
Press conference regarding NAFTA and health care (thought to be McCurry), 1994
Press conference, 1998 January 23
Mss 764
Box   75
Folder   40
McGovern, George, 1968-1973
Box   75
Folder   41
McLaughlin Group, 1982-1989
Box   75
Folder   42
McLaughlin, Father John, 1970
Magaña Borja, Alvaro, Recording, 1982
Mss 764
Box   75
Folder   43
Magazine correspondence, 1964-1967
Box   75
Folder   44
Maine, 2000
Box   75
Folder   45
Malone, Bernadette, 1987-2002
Box   75
Folder   46
Mann, Maurice, 1971
Marcos, Ferdinand, Interview by Novak and Fred Barnes, 1980s
Mss 764
Box   76
Folder   1
Maryland, University of, Athletic teams, 1974-2008
Box   76
Folder   2
Massachusetts, 1974
Box   76
Folder   3
Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency, 1995
Box   76
Folder   4
Meany, George, 1966, 1978
Box   76
Folder   5
Media, 1988, 2005
Box   76
Folder   6
Media Research Center (Brent Bozell), 1992-2007
Box   76
Folder   7
Medicare, 1965-1999
Box   76
Folder   8
Meese, Ed, 1986, undated
Box   76
Folder   9
Meet the Press, Correspondence and receipts, 1965-1972, 2006
Box   76
Folder   10
Megan's Law, 1994
Mejia, Maria Emma, Interview, 1997 October
Mss 764
Box   76
Folder   11
Paper items and inventory of items not retained
Box   166
Folder   1
“I'm a source, not a target” button
Box   166
Folder   2
CNN 20th anniversary plaque
Box   166
Folder   3
“I'm a source, not a target” button
Box   166
Folder   4
CNN 20 lucite souvenir: “Congratulations Robert Novak, a CNN original, 1980-2000”
Box   166
Folder   5
Wooden gavel: “Chairman Henry J. Hyde, Articles of Impeachment, 1998 December 11-12”
Box   166
Folder   6
Lucite block containing chads: “George W Bush for President Florida Recount Team, 2000 November 8-December 13”
Box   166
Folder   7
Small Sony tape recorder, with Novak's label
Box   166
Folder   8
Cuff links, USS Sequoia
Box   166
Folder   9
Small bust of Lincoln by Chas Fagin from the Union League Club, 2006
Box   166
Folder   10
Bronze lion sculpture from Flagler College, 1998 September
Box   166
Folder   11
Microphone and wooden stand from Goldwater
Box   166
Folder   12
Waterford glass football: “Terps” Institute, 2003 September
Box   166
Folder   13
Tiffany glass bowl from John Wayne Cancer Institute, 2004
Box   166
Folder   14
Official major league baseball, Imprinted: Allen H. Selig, Commissioner, Washington Nationals' 2005 Inaugural Season
Box   166
Folder   15
Judicial Watch: 1999 Conference, Award for Excellence in Journalism
Box   76
Folder   12-13
Box   76
Folder   14
Michel, Robert, 1977
Box   76
Folder   16
Michigan, 1966-2000
Box   76
Folder   15
Microsoft, 2002
Box   76
Folder   17
Middle East, 1957, 2001
Box   76
Folder   18
General, 1964-1969, 2005
Box   76
Folder   19
Racial programs
Box   76
Folder   20
Widow's pensions, 1971
Box   76
Folder   21
Milken, Michael R., 1990
Box   76
Folder   22
Miller, Zell, 2001-2003
Box   76
Folder   23
Mineral King Basin, 1965
Box   76
Folder   24
Mining in Virginia, 1994
Box   76
Folder   25
Minnesota, 1998
Box   76
Folder   26
Mississippi, 1965-1975
Box   76
Folder   27
Mississippi River flood, 1990
Box   76
Folder   28
Missouri Senate, 2000
Box   76
Folder   29
Mitchell, John, 1969
Box   76
Folder   30
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 1965-1999
Box   76
Folder   31
Moldea v. New York Times libel suit, 1970
Box   76
Folder   32
Mondale, Walter, 1974, undated
Box   76
Folder   33
General, 1966-1970
Box   76
Folder   34
Congress, 1965
Box   76
Folder   35
Leopold, Joseph H., 1965-1966
Box   76
Folder   36
Martin, William McChesney, 1965
Box   76
Folder   37
Republican Party
Box   76
Folder   38
Rinfret, Pierra, 1969-1971
Box   76
Folder   39
Mueller, Greg, 1977, 2005
Mueller, Robert, Recording regarding FBI reform and Iraq, 2003 April 16
Mss 764
Box   76
Folder   40-41
Muskie, Edmund, 1969-1971
Box   76
Folder   42
“Mystery woman”
Box   76
Folder   43
NAACP, 1965-1971
Box   76
Folder   44
NATO, 1973, undated
Box   77
Folder   1
National Committee for an Effective Congress, 1968-1971
Box   77
Folder   2
National Conservative Political Action Committee, 1978-1980
Box   77
Folder   3
National Defense Council Foundation, 1997-2005
Box   77
Folder   4
National Endowment for the Arts, 1989-1990
Box   77
Folder   5
National Endowment for the Humanities, Sheldon Hackney, 1993
Box   77
Folder   6
National Maritime Union, 1983
Box   77
Folder   7
National News Council, 1975
Box   77
Folder   8
National Press Club, 1968-2007
National Review
Box   77
Folder   9
General, 1965-2004
Box   77
Folder   10
Frum, David, Iraq article, 2003
Box   77
Folder   11
National Right to Life Committee, 1998-2003
Box   77
Folder   12
National Right to Work Committee, 1965, 1995-2002
Box   77
Folder   13
National Security Agency, 2001
Box   77
Folder   14
National Taxpayers Union, 1995
Box   77
Folder   15
New, Michael (UN uniform case), 1996
Box   77
Folder   16
New Hampshire
Box   77
Folder   17
New Jersey, 2001
Box   77
Folder   18
“New Left,” 1966
Box   77
Folder   19
New Mobilization Committee, undated
Box   77
Folder   20
New York Conservative Party, 1967, 1999-2001
Box   77
Folder   21
New York Herald-Tribune, Contracts and correspondence, 1963-1966
Box   77
Folder   22
New York State, 1967-2001
Box   77
Folder   23
Newberg, Esther, 1981-1994
Audio 1457A
Neumann, Mark
Recording, 1998 February 12
Recording, April 10
Unidentified recording
Mss 764
News America Syndicate
Box   77
Folder   24
Box   77
Folder   25-26
Royalties, 1984-1987
Box   77
Folder   27
Newseum, 1998-1999
Box   77
Folder   28
Information, 1979
Box   77
Folder   29
Contra information, 1987-1988
Box   77
Folder   30
General information and faxes
Box   77
Folder   31
Nicholson, R. James, 1997-2007
Box   77
Folder   32
Unidentified recording
Mss 764
Nixon, Richard
Box   77
Folder   33
General, 1965-1974
Box   77
Folder   34
Impeachment, 1973-1974
Nixon book
Box   77
Folder   35
Notes of Robert Novak
Box   77
Folder   36
Publicity and reader reaction
Box   77
Folder   37
Publicity interview of Evans and Novak on Firing Line, 1971
Box   77
Folder   38
Publisher correspondence, 1970-1972
Box   78
Folder   1
Research by Cynthia Johnson from Washington Post, 1969-1971
Research interview transcripts
Box   78
Folder   2
Allison, James
Box   78
Folder   3
Cook, Richard
Box   78
Folder   4
Harlow, Bryce
Box   78
Folder   5
Hickel, Walter
Box   78
Folder   6
Mitchell, John
Box   78
Folder   7
Safire, William
Box   78
Folder   8
Sears, John
Box   78
Folder   9
Veneman, John G.
Box   78
Folder   10
Walker, Charls
Box   78
Folder   11
Research miscellany
Box   78
Folder   12
Nixon, F. Donald, 1971
Box   78
Folder   13
Nolan, Pat, 1996-2002
North, Oliver
Box   78
Folder   14
General, 1989-2002
Box   78
Folder   15
Court documents
Box   78
Folder   16
North American Syndicate, 1986-1987
Box   78
Folder   17
North Dakota
Box   78
Folder   18-21
Box   78
Folder   22-26
Legal note pads containing some handwritten columns, undated
Box   78
Folder   27-30
Legal note pads
Box   79
Folder   1-7
Legal note pads (continued)
Box   80
Folder   1
Reporters notebooks
Physical Description: 24 notebooks 
Small notebooks
Box   80
Folder   2
Notes regarding Wisconsin campaign, 1960?
Box   80
Folder   3-6
Small notebooks, undated
Box   80
Folder   7
Telephone book
Box   80
Folder   8
Telephone book, Secretary's book?
Box   81
Folder   1
Legal pad, 1971 May
Box   81
Folder   2
“Novak's Notebook,” 2002
Box   81
Folder   3
Novak Zone, undated miscellany
Box   81
Folder   4-5
Nuclear power, 1974-1997, 2001
Box   81
Folder   6
Nuclear weapons, 1977-1978, 1989
Box   81
Folder   7
Office miscellany
Box   81
Folder   8
Office of Economic Opportunity, 1970, undated
Box   81
Folder   9
Box   81
Folder   10-12
Oil, 1969, 1977
Ollman, Bertell, libel suit against Evans and Novak
Box   81
Folder   13
Clippings, 1978-1983
Box   81
Folder   14
Correspondence, 1978-1987
Box   81
Folder   15-16
Legal documents, 1984
Box   81
Folder   17
Box   81
Folder   18
Olson, Ted, 2001
Box   81
Folder   19
O'Neil, Paul, 2000
Box   81
Folder   20
Operation Eagle Eye, 1968
Box   81
Folder   21
Box   81
Folder   22
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2001
Box   81
Folder   23
Organization of American States, 1965
Box   81
Folder   24
“Outrages of the Week,” 1994-2005
Box   81
Folder   25
PLO, 1983, undated
Box   81
Folder   26
POWs, 1972-1992
Panama Canal
Box   81
Folder   27-28
General, 1966-1978
Box   81
Folder   29
Canal Zone Non-Profit Public Information Corporation, 1977
Box   81
Folder   30
Helms, Jesse, 1977
Panetta, Leon, Recorded briefing, undated
Mss 764
Box   81
Folder   31
Panorama (International real estate), 1975-1979
Box   81
Folder   32
Panorama (WTTG television program), 1967
Box   81
Folder   33
Pao, Y.K., 1980
Park, Chung-hee, Interview, circa 1977-1979
Mss 764
Box   81
Folder   34
Lists, 1964-2006
Box   81
Folder   35
Inaugural party, 1997
Box   81
Folder   36
Novak anniversary, 1988
Box   81
Folder   37
Pastor, Robert, 1994
Box   81
Folder   38
Paul, Peter, 2001
Pawlenty, Tim, Interview, 2008?
Mss 764
Box   82
Folder   1
Pennsylvania, 1966-1973
Box   82
Folder   2
Penny-Kasich deficit plan, 1993
Box   82
Folder   3
People for the America Way, 2005
Box   82
Folder   4
Percy, Charles, 1965-1981
Box   82
Folder   5
Perot, Ross, Campaign complaint, 1998
Box   82
Folder   6
Perry, William, Interview for Reader's Digest, 1995
Box   82
Folder   7
Personnel, 1965-1996
Box   82
Folder   8
Pertschuk, Michael, 1974-1984
Box   82
Folder   9
Phillips Foundation, 1995-2008
Box   82
Folder   10
Poem by Rudyard Kipling
Box   82
Folder   11
Poland, 1967-1984
Box   82
Folder   12
Policy Impact Communications, Inc., 1997-1998
Portman, Robert
Box   82
Folder   13
General, 2000-2007
Box   82
Folder   14
Interview transcript
Box   82
Folder   15-16
Clippings, 1993-1999
Box   82
Folder   17
Portugal, 1975
Box   82
Folder   18
Post Office, 1999-2001
Box   82
Folder   19
Poultry controversy, 1994
Box   82
Folder   20
Poverty, 1965-1966
Prince of Darkness memoir
Box   82
Folder   21
Editorial correspondence
Box   82
Folder   22
Promotional miscellany
Box   82
Folder   23-25
Secretary's binder for book launch
Box   82
Folder   26
Prodigy, 1990-1994
Box   82
Folder   27
Proxmire, William, 1974, undated
Publishers Hall Syndicate (also Publishers Newspaper Syndicate)
Box   82
Folder   28-29
Box   83
Folder   1-4
Box   83
Folder   5
Client information, 1966-1969
Box   83
Folder   6
Member correspondence, 1968-1974
Box   83
Folder   7
Promotional correspondence, 1966-1968, undated
Box   83
Folder   8
Reprint permissions, 1966-1974
Box   83
Folder   9
Royalties, 1965-1968
Box   83
Folder   10
Pulitzer Prize nomination ideas, 1979-1984
Box   83
Folder   11
Quayle, Oliver, 1968-1973
Box   83
Folder   12
RICO prosecutions, 1989
Racicot, Marc, 2002 January 9
Mss 764
Box   83
Folder   13
Radio and Television Correspondents Association, 1996
Box   83
Folder   14
Railroads, 1977
Raines, Franklin D., Recording, 1998 February 5
Mss 764
Box   83
Folder   15
Random House, 1976
Box   83
Folder   16
Rangel, Charles, 1994
Reader's Digest
Box   83
Folder   17
General correspondence, 1964-2001
Box   83
Folder   18
Schultz, William, 1987-1996
Box   83
Folder   19
Income, 1983-1986
Box   83
Folder   20
Expense reports, 1989-1991
Reagan, Ronald
Box   83
Folder   21
Box   83
Folder   22
California years
Carter debate briefing, 1980
Box   83
Folder   23-26
Stolen briefing materials
Box   84
Folder   1-4
Stolen briefing materials (continued)
Inaugural address and (side 2) campaign speeches, 1981
Campaign speech with references to Louis B. Nunn, 1979
Mss 764
Reagan book
Box   84
Folder   5
Dutton correspondence and promotion
Box   83
Folder   6
Reviews and reader response, 1980-1981
Box   83
Folder   7
Reed, T. Dean, 1997
Box   83
Folder   8
Regnery, Alfred, 1996-2003
Box   83
Folder   9
Reid, Harry, 2001-2003, undated
Box   83
Folder   10
“Republican extremists,” 1967, 1977
Box   84
Folder   11
Republican Future Fund expense reports, 1993-1994
Box   84
Folder   12
Republican Governor's Association, 1968-1998
Box   84
Folder   13
Republican Leadership Coalition, 1999
Box   84
Folder   14-15
Republican Party miscellany, 1963, 1972, undated
Box   84
Folder   16-18
Republican National Conventions, 1968, 1992, 1996
Box   84
Folder   19
Republican Party-Southern states, 1964-1968
Box   84
Folder   20
Republican policy forums, 1994
Box   84
Folder   21-22
Reserve Mining Company (Lake Superior), 1971
Box   84
Folder   23
Rhodesia, 1977-1978
Box   84
Folder   24
Rich, Howard, 1997
Box   84
Folder   25
Rich, Mark, 1997-2001
Richardson, Bill, Haiti press conference, 1994 July
Mss 764
Box   84
Folder   26
Riegle, Donald, 1990
Box   84
Folder   27
Right-to-Work, 1965-2001
Box   84
Folder   28
Ripon Society, 1969-2002
Ritter, Scott, Interview by Steve Scully of C-SPAN, circa 2002-2003
Mss 764
Box   84
Folder   29
Roasts, 1979, 1989, 1994
Box   84
Folder   30
Rockefeller, Nelson, 1959-1968
Box   85
Folder   1
Rodgers, Harry, 1972
Box   85
Folder   2
Romney, George, circa 1968
Box   85
Folder   3
Romney, Mitt, Column response, 2006
Box   85
Folder   4
Rooney, J. Patrick, 1998-2001
Box   85
Folder   5
Rotondi, Rick, 1991
Box   85
Folder   6
Rove, Karl, 1996-2007
Box   85
Folder   7
Rubin, Robert, 1993
Box   85
Folder   8
Rumania, 1970-1996
Box   85
Folder   9
Rumsfeld, Donald, 1965-2007
Russia, 1988-1995
Box   85
Folder   10
General, 1988-1995
Interview with unidentified Soviet official, undated
Mss 764
Box   85
Folder   11
SALT, 1983
Box   85
Folder   12
St. Germain, Fernand, 1979-1987
Box   85
Folder   13-14
Salinas, Mario, Binder
El Salvador
Box   85
Folder   15
General material, 1990, undated
Box   85
Folder   16-17
Agricultural reform, 1983
Box   85
Folder   18
Saudi Arabia, 1985-1987
Scarborough, Joe, Recording, 1997 September
Mss 764
Box   85
Folder   19
Schlafly, Phyllis, “Kingmakers” book manuscript, 2000
Schneiders, Greg recording, undated
Mss 764
School choice
Box   85
Folder   20
General, 1984, undated
Box   85
Folder   21
California program, 1993
Box   85
Folder   22
School integration, 1965-1999
Box   85
Folder   23
Scranton, Bill, 1962-1964
Box   85
Folder   24
Securities and Exchange Commission, 1986-2004
Box   85
Folder   25
Secretary's office manual, undated
Box   85
Folder   26
Selle, Robert W., 1975-2005
Serrano, General Rosso, Recording, 2001 June 20
Mss 764
Box   85
Folder   27
Service, John Stewart
Shelby, Richard C., Interview, 2002 November 19
Mss 764
Box   85
Folder   28
Shields, Mark, 1969-1997
Box   85
Folder   29
Shirley, Craig, 1995-2004
Shultz, George
Box   85
Folder   30
General, 1982-1983
Box   85
Folder   31
Interview transcripts, 1982-1983
Box   85
Folder   32
Shuster, Bud, 1999-2001
Box   85
Folder   33
Sick, Gary, 1990-1991
Box   85
Folder   34
Siegel, Mark A. (“Washington Insider”), 1990-1991
Box   85
Folder   35
Siegel, Dr. Mark interview regarding Carter, undated
Box   85
Folder   36
Smick, David M., 1994-2007
Smith, Bob (New Hampshire)
Box   85
Folder   37
General, 1999-2001
Conversation with Novak and Evans
Mss 764
Box   85
Folder   38
Smith, Earl (Cuban ambassador), Notes, undated
Smith, Linda
Box   85
Folder   39
Interview transcript, undated
Interview on lobby reform, 1995 September 27
Interview, 1997 June
Unidentified recording
Mss 764
Box   85
Folder   40
Snow, John, 2005
Social Security
Box   85
Folder   41
General, 1990-2001, undated
Box   85
Folder   42
Phil Gramm proposal on DVD, undated
Box   85
Folder   43
Sourcese Journal, 1983-1997
Box   86
Folder   1
South Africa, 1977-1978
Box   86
Folder   2
South Dakota, 1977
Box   86
Folder   3
Southern courts
Box   86
Folder   4
Southern politics, 1966-1967
Box   86
Folder   5
Speeches, Audience response, 1980-1995
Sperling, Gene, Recording, 1999 July 1
Mss 764
Staff memos
Box   86
Folder   6
General, undated
Box   86
Folder   7
Box   86
Folder   8
Becky B
Box   86
Folder   9
Box   86
Folder   10
Box   86
Folder   11
MC, 2000-2001
Box   86
Folder   12
TC, 2001-2003
Box   86
Folder   13
BD, 1996, 1998
Box   86
Folder   14
Fund, John, 1981
Box   86
Folder   15
DF, 2004-2005
Box   86
Folder   16
Hohn, Stephanie
Box   86
Folder   17
Holder, Christina
Box   86
Folder   18
Leslie, 1978
Box   86
Folder   19
BM, 1996, 1999
Box   86
Folder   20
Box   86
Folder   21
O'Hear, Laura
Box   86
Folder   22
Pam regarding Mondale
Box   86
Folder   23
Thimmel, Joel, 1994
Box   86
Folder   24
Stafford, John, 1993
Box   86
Folder   25
Stearman, William L., 1995-2006
Box   86
Folder   26
Steele, Michael, Campaign, 2006
Box   86
Folder   27
Stem cell research, 1984-2005
Box   86
Folder   28
Stern, Andy, 2005
Stevens, Ted, Recorded press conference, 1996
Mss 764
Box   86
Folder   29
Stratfor Global Intelligence, 2001-2006
Box   86
Folder   30
Strauss, Robert S., 1971-1991
Box   86
Folder   31
Student Non-Violence Coordinating Committee, 1964-1965
Box   86
Folder   32
General, 1970
Box   86
Folder   33
Columbia, 1969
Box   86
Folder   34
Cornell, 1969-1971
Box   86
Folder   35
Georgetown, 1970
Box   86
Folder   36
University of California-Berkeley
Box   86
Folder   37
University of California-San Diego
Box   86
Folder   38
University of Wisconsin, 1969-1970s
Box   86
Folder   39
Taft, Robert, 1964-1969
Box   86
Folder   40
Taiwan, 1978-2001
Takeyama, Yasuo
Box   86
Folder   41-42
Correspondence, 1989-2002
Box   86
Folder   43
Agreements, 1989-1994
Box   86
Folder   44
Hiroshima memoir, 1989
Box   86
Folder   45
Tarrance Group regarding 1994 campaign
Box   87
Folder   1
Tax exemptions, 1965-1966
Box   87
Folder   2
Tax Reform Commission, 1996
Box   87
Folder   3
Taxation, Joint Committee on, 1995
Box   87
Folder   4
Faxed communications, 1971-1997
Box   87
Folder   5
General information, 1965-2001
Box   87
Folder   6
Payroll, 1997-1999
Teamsters Union
Box   87
Folder   7
General, 1964-2001
Box   87
Folder   8
Barasch/Glazer incident, 2001
Box   87
Folder   9
Telephone bills for “Inside Report,” 1966-1967
Box   87
Folder   10
Television, 1974, 1995
Box   87
Folder   11
Television business of Evans and Novak, 1964-1968
Box   87
Folder   12
Tell, David (Bush-Quayle Campaign Committee), 1992
Box   87
Folder   13
Teng Hsiao-Ping, 1977-1978
Box   87
Folder   14
Box   87
Folder   19-20
Terrorism (9/11), 2001-2004
Term limits
Box   87
Folder   15
General, 1993-1998
U.S. Terms Limits
Box   87
Folder   16-17
Correspondence, 1993-2003
Box   87
Folder   18
“Outlook,” 1992-1996
Box   87
Folder   21
Texas politics, 1964-1994
Box   87
Folder   22
“Texas Watergate,” 1973
Box   87
Folder   23
Thailand, 1970
Box   87
Folder   24
Thomas, Cal, Introduction cards regarding Blinded by Might
Thomas, Clarence
Box   87
Folder   25
General, 1994-1999
Catholic award ceremony, 1999 April 16
Memorial tribute to Harry Jaskell, undated
Mss 764
Box   87
Folder   26
Thompson, Fred, undated
Thompson, Tommy, Recording on welfare reform, 1995-1997
Mss 764
Box   87
Folder   27
Tilden Lane Bridge, 1968
Box   87
Folder   28
Timerman, Jacobo, 1979-1981
Box   87
Folder   29
Tobacco, 1994-1997
Box   87
Folder   30
Toensing, Victoria, 1999-2005, undated
Tomlinson, Kenneth
Box   87
Folder   31
General, 1990-2007, undated
Box   87
Folder   32
Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 2005
Box   87
Folder   33
Voice of America, 1983
Box   87
Folder   34
General, 1965-2002
Box   87
Folder   35
Runkle research on trade policy, 1969
Box   87
Folder   36
Transpacific case, 1967
Box   87
Folder   37
Transportation Security Administration
Trie, Charlie
Box   88
Folder   1
Indictments, 1998
Box   88
Folder   2
Miscellaneous documents
Box   88
Folder   3-5
Box   88
Folder   6
Fuong, Manlin, Deposition, 1997
Box   88
Folder   7-8
Redacted documents
Box   88
Folder   9
Turkey, 1974
Box   88
Folder   10
Turner, Ed (CNN), 1975-2002, undated
Box   88
Folder   11
Unclaimed property, 1983
Box   167
Unidentified loose material
Box   88
Folder   12
United States Chamber of Commerce, 1994
Box   88
Folder   13
United Republicans of America, 1968-1969
Box   88
Folder   14
United States attorneys, 2001
Box   88
Folder   15
Urban renewal, 1966-1967
Uribe Velez, Alvaro, Recording, 2006 June
Mss 764
Box   88
Folder   16
Vaughn, Robert, 1966
Box   88
Folder   17
Veneman, Ann, 2002
Box   88
Folder   18
General, 1975-2005
Box   88
Folder   19
Venezuela-British Guyana boundary, 1956-1963
Box   88
Folder   20
General information
Box   88
Folder   21
American Security Council report, 1974
Box   88
Folder   22
Documents with identified sources, 1966-1974
Box   88
Folder   23
FBIS material regarding North Vietnam, 1972
Box   88
Folder   24
Hudson Institute report, 1969
Box   88
Folder   25
National Governor's Conference, 1967
Box   88
Folder   26
North Vietnamese conditions
Box   88
Folder   27
Opposition to the war, 1969-1974
Box   88
Folder   28
Prisons, 1973-1974
Box   88
Folder   29
Public opinion studies, 1960
Box   88
Folder   30
Viet Cong, 1966?
Box   88
Folder   31
Willoughby, Neill, Atrocity report and photo, 1970
Box   88
Folder   32
Viguerie, Richard A., 1970, 2003
Box   88
Folder   33
Virginia politics, 1964-2001
Box   88
Folder   34
Voice of America, 1983
Box   88
Folder   35
WTOP news, 1966
Box   88
Folder   36
WTTG, 1966-1978
Walinski, Adam
Box   88
Folder   37
General, 2000-2001
Recording, 2001 August
Mss 764
Box   88
Folder   38
Wall Street Journal, 1961-1965
Box   88
Folder   39
Wallace, George, 1967-1976
Wamp, Rep. Zach regarding Dole campaign, circa 1995-1996
Mss 764
Wanniski, Jude
Box   88
Folder   40-44
Box   88
Folder   45
Box   89
Folder   1
, 1996 Presidential campaign
Box   89
Folder   2a
Global 2000, 1994-2002
Box   89
Folder   2b
War Control Planners, 1971
Box   89
Folder   3
Warnke, Paul, 1977-1978, undated
Box   89
Folder   4
Washington area sports, 1982-2007
Box   89
Folder   5
Washington Center for Politics and Journalism, 1990
Washington Speakers Bureau
Box   89
Folder   6-7
Correspondence, 1987-2006
Box   89
Folder   8
Engagements, 1997
Box   89
Folder   9
Payments for Capital Gang presentations, 1991-1993
Box   89
Folder   10
Waskow, Arthur, 1966
Box   89
Folder   11
Watt, James, “Reconstructed file,” 1981-1982
Wattenberg, Ben
Box   89
Folder   12
General, 1971-2007
VHA 754
Think Tank, 2002 February 14; interview of Pat Buchanan by Wattenberg
Mss 764
Box   89
Folder   13
Watergate, 1973, 1977
Box   89
Folder   14
Weekly Standard, 1996-2001
Box   89
Folder   15
Weinstein, Allen, regarding Whitaker Chambers, 1997
Weld, William, Recording, 1990
Mss 764
Box   89
Folder   16
Welfare, 1970-1995
Weyrich, Paul
Box   89
Folder   17
General, 1990-1995a
Box   89
Folder   18
Weyrich-Grover luncheon notes, 1990-2004
Box   89
Folder   19
Whalen Company, 1994-2002
Box   89
Folder   20
Whalen, Richard, 1992-2007
Box   89
Folder   21
White House staff, 1966-1967
Box   89
Folder   22
White House travel office, 1993-1996
Whitman, Christine Todd, Recorded campaign event, 1996
Mss 764
Box   89
Folder   23
Faxed material, 1974-1996
Box   89
Folder   24
Broder, Caroline, Research, 1996
Box   89
Folder   25
Citizens United, 1996
Box   89
Folder   26
Box   89
Folder   27
McDougal trial highlights
Box   89
Folder   28
McDougal book, Arkansas Mischief, underlined
Box   89
Folder   29
Report drafts, undated
Box   89
Folder   30
Senate committee transcript, 1996 May 1
Box   89
Folder   31
Wick, Charles (Project Democracy), 1983
Box   89
Folder   32
Widnall, William, Arms sales amendment, 1968
Wilson, Joe-Valerie Plame CIA leak
Box   89
Folder   33
General information
Box   90
Folder   1-3
Clippings and online news stories
VHA 755
Journalism and Confidential Sources, C-SPAN video about Judith Miller's refusal to name her source in the Wilson affair, 2005
Mss 764
Box   90
Folder   4
Wire service “slugs,” circa 1995
Box   90
Folder   5
Wisconsin, 1972-1996
Box   90
Folder   6
Wisconsin Historical Society, 1966-2003
Wolfowitz, Paul
Box   90
Folder   7
General, 2001-2002
Tenatively identified interview (Side 1)
Mss 764
Box   90
Folder   8
World Bank, Staff memos, 1982, undated
Box   90
Folder   9
Wright, Jim, 1963-2002
Box   90
Folder   10
Wyman, Eugene, 1964-1971
Box   90
Folder   11
Yarmolinsky, Adams, 1964, undated
Box   90
Folder   12
Young America's Foundation, 2004-2007
Box   90
Folder   13
Young, Andrew, 1977
Box   90
Folder   14
Young Democrats, 1963-1969
Box   90
Folder   15-16
Young Republicans, 1963-1965, 2001
Youth Leadership Foundation
Promotional videos
VHA 752
VDA 006
VDA 007
Robert Novak tribute, promotional film and news story about YLF
Note: Tributes include Pat Barnes, Pat Buchanan (his also regarding Richard Nixon), and Tim Russert, 2006.
Mss 764
Box   90
Folder   17
Yugoslavia, 1990-1999
Box   90
Folder   18
Zoellick, Robert B., undated