Foote, Cone & Belding Records, 1906-1996

Container Title
Series: Subject Files
Box   1
Folder   1
A, 1973-1976
Box   1
Folder   2
AFDC, 1975
Box   1
Folder   3
Abortion, 1971-1975
Box   1
Folder   4-5
Administrative aides and staffing, 1975-1976
Box   1
Folder   6
Administrative Rules, Joint Committee on, 1965-1974
Box   1
Folder   7
Environmental Decade case, 1975-1976
Box   1
Folder   8
Advisory committees (appointed by state agencies), 1971
Box   1
Folder   9
AFL-CIO Conservation Committee, 1971
Box   1
Folder   10-13
Agriculture and Conservancy Lands, Special Committee on, (Legislative Council), 1974-1975
Box   1
Folder   14
Air pollution, 1970
Box   1
Folder   15
Anderson, Charles, 1973-1974
Box   1
Folder   16-17
Anderson, Norman , 1971-1974
Scope and Content Note: Miscellaneous form letters, press releases, memoranda, etc.
Box   1
Folder   18
Antimycin, 1969-1973
Box   1
Folder   19
Anti-trust laws, 1975
Box   1
Folder   20
Apostle Islands, 1966-1967
Box   1
Folder   21
Appellate courts, 1972
Box   1
Folder   22
Assembly Committee on Organization, 1976
Box   1
Folder   23
Attorney General, 1970-1976
Box   1
Folder   24
Audit Bureau, 1973-1974
Box   1
Folder   25
Audubon Society, 1971
Box   1
Folder   26
Automobile accident liability, 1970
Box   1
Folder   27-28
B, 1972-1976
Box   1
Folder   29
Bardwell, Lisa, undated
Box   1
Folder   30
Beekeeping and pesticide spraying, 1971
Box   1
Folder   31
Beer bar legislation, 1972-1973
Box   1
Folder   32
Billboards, undated
Box   1
Folder   33
Bingo, 1973-1974
Box   1
Folder   34
Birth control, 1971
Box   1
Folder   35
Blind, Workshop and regional library, 1971
Box   1
Folder   36
Boating facilities from gas tax, 1968-1969
Box   1
Folder   37
Boat toilet bill, 1965
Box   1
Folder   38
Boating, 1965
Box   1
Folder   39-40
Board of Government Operations, 1972-1973
Box   2
Folder   1-3
Bottle and can recycling, 1968-1976
Box   2
Folder   4-5
Bottle bill, 1973-1976
Box   2
Folder   6
Hearing, 1975
Box   2
Folder   7
Bounty system, 1964-1969
Box   2
Folder   8
Business Development, Department of, undated
Box   2
Folder   9-16
Budget, 1974-1977
Box   2
Folder   17-18
C, 1973-1976
Box   2
Folder   19
Cabinet form of government, 1973
Box   2
Folder   20
Cable TV, 1971-1974
Box   2
Folder   21-24
Campaigns, 1966-1976
Box   2
Folder   25
Capital Community Citizens, 1971-1973
Box   2
Folder   26
Capitol Concourse, 1975
Box   2
Folder   27
Carlson, Laurie, 1971-1976
Box   3
Folder   1
Carp research bill, 1964-1965
Box   3
Folder   2
Census, 1971
Box   3
Folder   3
Channelization, 1971
Box   3
Folder   4-5
Cherokee Marsh, 1962-1971
Box   3
Folder   6
Chiropractors, 1967-1976
Box   3
Folder   7
Committee chairmen, 1973-1975
Box   3
Folder   8
Committee reorganization, 1974
Box   3
Folder   9
Complaints for removal from office, 1974
Box   3
Folder   10
Composting, Buehler method, 1972
Box   3
Folder   11
Conferences, 1966-1967
Box   3
Folder   12
Conservation, Federal programs in, 1964
Box   3
Folder   13
Conservation position papers, Lucey campaign, 1964-1968
Box   3
Folder   14
Conservationists for Nelson, 1968
Box   3
Folder   15
Consumer Credit Code, 1970
Box   3
Folder   16
Corporate taxes, 1972
Box   3
Folder   17
Correctional Union Task Force, 1972
Box   3
Folder   18
Courts, 1973-1975
Box   3
Folder   19
Courts, Reorganization, 1971-1975
Box   3
Folder   20
Criminal Justice, Council on, 1975
Box   3
Folder   21
D, 1973-1976
Box   3
Folder   22
DDT, 1966-1970
Box   3
Folder   23
Dane County, 1975
Box   3
Folder   24
Dane County Regional Planning Commission, 1971-1976
Box   3
Folder   25
Deaf, Wisconsin Association for the, 1971
Box   3
Folder   26
Deed restrictions, 1971
Box   3
Folder   27
Deer management, Party permit, etc. 1960
Box   3
Folder   28
Democratic Caucus, 1971-1976
Box   3
Folder   29
Democratic Party, 1965-1975
Box   3
Folder   30
Detergents, 1967-1973
Box   3
Folder   31
Doctors, Foreign, 1971
Box   3
Folder   32
Dodgeville-Mount Horeb highway, 1971-1973
Box   3
Folder   33
Drafting requests, 1965
Box   3
Folder   34
Drugs, Price discrimination, 1971-1972
Box   3
Folder   35
Economy, Wisconsin, undated
Box   3
Folder   36
Education, 1969-1975
Box   3
Folder   37
Effluent charges, 1966-1969
Box   3
Folder   38
Elections Board, 1975
Box   3
Folder   39
Electric utilities, 1970-1971
Box   3
Folder   40
Eminent domain, 1970
Box   3
Folder   41
Employment Relations, Joint Committee on, 1976
Box   3
Folder   42
Employment requests, 1971-1975
Box   3
Folder   42a
Energy, 1973-1975
Box   3
Folder   43
Environment Wisconsin, 1971-1973
Box   3
Folder   44
Environmental Advisors, Council of, 1970-1971
Box   3
Folder   45
Environmental Education Council, 1972-1974
Box   3
Folder   46
Environmental impact procedures, 1973-1975
Box   3
Folder   47
Environmental legislation ideas, 1970-1973
Box   3
Folder   48
Environmental organizations, 1973
Box   3
Folder   49
Environmental Task Force (Governor's), 1970-1091
Box   4
Folder   1
Environmental utilities, 1971
Box   4
Folder   2-3
Ethics, 1973-1976
Box   4
Folder   4
Eutrophication, 1968-1969
Box   4
Folder   5
Expenses claimed, 1971-1975
Box   4
Folder   6
F, 1974-1976
Box   4
Folder   7
Farmers Union, 1976
Box   4
Folder   8
Fish control laboratory, 1971
Box   4
Folder   9
Flom's bills, 1965
Box   4
Folder   10
Forest crops (County), 1971-1972
Box   4
Folder   11
Forestry, General, 1963-1968
Box   4
Folder   12
Fox River (Irving Fox), 1970-1971
Box   4
Folder   13
Franson, John, 1965-1967
Box   4
Folder   14
Full Crew Law, 1965
Box   4
Folder   15
G, 1973-1976
Box   4
Folder   16
Gambling, 1965
Box   4
Folder   17-20
Goodwill People to People, 1970-1976
Box   4
Folder   21
Governor's legislative proposals, undated
Box   4
Folder   22
Ground water pollution, 1970-1971
Box   4
Folder   23
Group Health Cooperative, 1975
Box   4
Folder   24
Gun control, 1965-1975
Box   4
Folder   25-26
H, 1973-1976
Box   4
Folder   27
HUAC, 1960-1961
Box   4
Folder   28
Hanson, Martin, 1965-1974
Box   4
Folder   29
Health Planning and Policy Task Force (Governor's), 1971-1972
Box   4
Folder   30
Highway safety program, 1971
Box   4
Folder   31
Home and Family, Council for, 1970-1971
Box   4
Folder   32
Homestead tax relief for elderly, 1972-1974
Box   4
Folder   33
Housing, 1971
Box   4
Folder   34
I, 1975
Box   4
Folder   35
Ice Age park, 1964-1965
Box   4
Folder   36
Illegitimate children, Fathers of, 1973-1975
Box   4
Folder   37
Iltis, Hugh, 1970-1972
Box   4
Folder   38
Income tax, 1975
Box   5
Folder   1
Industry, Labor, and Human Relations, Department of, 1971-1975
Box   5
Folder   2
Inland lake rehabilitation, 1972-1973
Box   5
Folder   3
Insurance, 1973
Box   5
Folder   4-5
International Parliamentary Conference on the Environment (Kenya), 1974-1976
Box   5
Folder   6
J, 1973-1976
Box   5
Folder   7-8
Joint Finance Committee, Legislative Fiscal Bureau memoranda, 1975
Box   5
Folder   9
Jordahl, Harold C., 1972-1975
Box   5
Folder   10
Judges' salaries, 1964-1971
Box   5
Folder   11
Judicial Council, 1972
Box   5
Folder   12
Judicial ethics, undated
Box   5
Folder   13
Judicial legislation, 1961-1974
Box   5
Folder   14-15
K, 1973-1975
Box   5
Folder   16
Kaplan, Esther, 1974-1975
Box   5
Folder   17
Kellett Committee, 1971
Box   5
Folder   18
Kettle Moraine, 1968
Box   5
Folder   19
Kickapoo River Dam, 1974
Box   5
Folder   20
L, 1974-1976
Box   5
Folder   21
Labor legislation, 1975
Box   5
Folder   22
La Follette, Douglas, 1975
Box   5
Folder   23
Lake classification, 1962-1964
Box   5
Folder   24-25
Lake Mendota Problems, Ad hoc Committee on, 1963-1969
Box   5
Folder   26
Lake Waubesa, 1971
Box   5
Folder   27
Lakes, Artificial, 1970
Box   5
Folder   28
Land Tenure Center, 1971
Box   5
Folder   29
Lawcon, 1967
Box   5
Folder   30
Lawton, John, 1967-1971
Box   5
Folder   31
League of Women Voters, 1971-1972
Box   5
Folder   32
Legislative communications (Personal to and from NCA), 1972-1976
Box   5
Folder   33
Legislative reform, 1973
Box   5
Folder   34
Legislative reorganization, 1968-1969
Box   6
Folder   1
Legislative secretaries, 1973-1974
Box   6
Folder   2
Legislative summaries, 1969-1970
Box   6
Folder   3
Legislators' income tax home (Montgomery vs. IRS), 1975-1976
Box   6
Folder   4
Legislatures, Citizens Conference on State, 1971-1974
Box   6
Folder   5
Leopold, Aldo, 1972
Box   6
Folder   6
Limitations, Statute of, 1967
Box   6
Folder   7
Local Affairs and Development, Department of, 1972-1975
Box   6
Folder   8
Longevity pay, 1965
Box   6
Folder   9
Lord, Clifford, 1975
Box   6
Folder   10
Lucey, Patrick J., 1972-1976
Box   6
Folder   11
Lutz, Robert W., 1968-1970
Box   6
Folder   12-13
M, 1973-1976
Box   6
Folder   14-16
Madison, Legislative views, 1965-1976
Box   6
Folder   17
Maloney, Norris, 1975
Box   6
Folder   18
Mass transit, 1970-1973
Box   6
Folder   19
Medical education tax force, 1967-1970
Box   6
Folder   20
Medical malpractice bill, 1973-1975
Box   7
Folder   1
Mileage allowance, 1967
Box   7
Folder   2
Mineral rights registration, 1965-1975
Box   7
Folder   2a
Miscellaneous correspondence, A-Z
Box   7
Folder   3
Mississippi, Upper River Compact, 1967
Box   7
Folder   4
Mount Horeb-Dodgeville Freeway, 1973
Box   7
Folder   5
Mortgage foreclosure, 1969
Box   7
Folder   6
Motorcycles, 1967-1971
Box   7
Folder   7
Mud Lake, 1967-1970
Box   7
Folder   8
Municipalities, Reimbursement by state for services, 1971-1972
Box   7
Folder   9
Myers, Jack, 1973
Box   7
Folder   10
N, 1973-1976
Box   7
Folder   11
National Conference of State Legislatures, 1972-1975
Box   7
Folder   12
Natural areas, circa 1964
Box   7
Folder   13-14
Natural Beauty Council, 1965-1975
Box   7
Folder   15
Natural Resources, Council of State Agencies on, 1965-1974
Box   7
Folder   16
Natural Resources, Department of, 1971-1975
Box   7
Folder   17
Nature conservancy, 1971
Box   7
Folder   18
Navigable waters protection, Proposed legislation, 1965
Box   7
Folder   19
Nelson, Gaylord, 1967-1973
Box   7
Folder   20
New Democratic Coalitions, undated
Box   7
Folder   21
Newsletters and reference material, 1966-1976
Box   7
Folder   22
Newsmen's privilege law, 1971
Box   7
Folder   23
Newspaper clippings, 1966-1976
Box   7
Folder   24
Nikolay, Frank, 1967-1973
Box   7
Folder   25
Nuclear energy, 1973-1974
Box   7
Folder   26
Nursing homes, 1974-1976
Box   7
Folder   27
O, 1973-1974
Box   7
Folder   28
ORAP, 1966-1969
Box   7
Folder   29
Olson, Robert M., 1970-1972
Box   7
Folder   30
Ombudsman, 1970-1971
Box   7
Folder   30a
Open meetings, 1975
Box   7
Folder   31
Open space taxation, 1966-1968
Box   7
Folder   32
P, 1972-1975
Box   7
Folder   33
Parent locator service, 1976
Box   7
Folder   34
Parking spaces, 1972-1973
Box   7
Folder   35
Parochial schools, 1969-1972
Box   7
Folder   36
Pesticides, 1966-1973
Box   7
Folder   37
Pharmacy, State Board of, 1964-1968
Box   7
Folder   38
Photo processing population, 1970-1971
PH Mss 664
Mss 664
Box   7
Folder   39
Physicians residence training program, undated
Box   7
Folder   39a
Planning (Comprehensive state plan), 1967-1972
Box   7
Folder   40
Platform, Democratic bills on conservation, circa 1965
Box   7
Folder   41
Plumbing, 1975
Box   7
Folder   42
Portage Canal Committee, 1965-1966
Box   7
Folder   43
Presidential primary, 1971-1976
Box   7
Folder   44
Press releases, 1968-1975
Box   7
Folder   45
Prisons, Offender rehabilitation, 1972-1975
Box   7
Folder   46
Privacy, 1974
Box   7
Folder   47
Probate code and reform, 1969-1971
Box   8
Folder   1
Public assistance coalition, 1971
Box   8
Folder   2
Public employees collective bargaining, 1967-1969
Box   8
Folder   3
Q, 1971-1976
Box   8
Folder   4-4a
Questionnaire letters, 1972-1975
Box   8
Folder   5
R, 1973-1976
Box   8
Folder   6
Railroads, 1975-1976
Box   8
Folder   7
Recreation, State Committee on, 1961-1973
Box   8
Folder   8
Recycling, 1971-1973
Box   8
Folder   9
Retirement Research Committee, 1975
Box   8
Folder   10
Revenue sharing, 1971-1976
Box   8
Folder   11
Revisor of Statutes, 1974
Box   8
Folder   12
Rock River planning, 1965-1973
Box   8
Folder   13
Roll calls (NCA votes), 1969-1976
Box   8
Folder   14-15
S, 1973-1976
Box   8
Folder   16
Sabbatical legislation, 1973-1974
Box   8
Folder   17
St. Croix reservation, 1964-1965
Box   8
Folder   18
Sales tax, 1965-1969
Box   8
Folder   19
Sanguine, 1969-1971
Box   8
Folder   20
Savings and loan associations, 1964-1974
Box   8
Folder   21
Sayles, Bill, 1967
Box   8
Folder   22
Scholarships, Honorary, 1971
Box   8
Folder   23
School aids, 1963-1973
Box   8
Folder   24
School busing, 1965-1972
Box   8
Folder   25
School for girls, 1972-1975
Box   8
Folder   26
Schultz, Tarz, 1974-1976
Box   8
Folder   27
Scientific Areas, State Board on Preservation of, 1964-1976
Box   8
Folder   28
Seat belts, 1972-1974
Box   8
Folder   29
Snowmobiles, 1970-1975
Box   8
Folder   30
Soil and water conservation districts, 1969-1975
Box   8
Folder   31
Solid waste, 1969-1975
Box   8
Folder   32
South Madison Beltline, 1972-1973
Box   8
Folder   33
Southern Wisconsin Wetlands Association, 1971
Box   8
Folder   34
Sparta Children's Treatment Center, 1975
Box   9
Folder   1-5
Speeches, 1972-1976, undated
Box   9
Folder   6
State Capitol and Executive Residence Board, 1972-1975
Box   9
Folder   7
State employees, 1965-1972
Box   9
Folder   7a
State park fees, 1971
Box   9
Folder   7b
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, 1975
Box   9
Folder   8
Switzerland, 1971-1973
Box   9
Folder   9
Sylvania, 1965
Box   9
Folder   10
T, 1973-1976
Box   9
Folder   11
Miscellaneous taxes, 1965-1972
Box   9
Folder   12
Agricultural and underdeveloped lands, 1969-1971
Box   9
Folder   13
State property, 1965
Box   9
Folder   14
Theobald, H. Rupert, 1972-1974
Box   9
Folder   15
Tires, Standards, Studded, etc., 1971
Box   9
Folder   16
Tourism, 1965
Box   9
Folder   17
Topographic maps, 1965-1971
Box   9
Folder   18
Trading stamps, 1965
Box   9
Folder   19
Transportation, 1975-1976
Box   9
Folder   20
Trucks, Length and weight, 1965-1971
Box   9
Folder   21
Tuberculosis, 1972-1975
Box   9
Folder   22
U, 1976
Box   9
Folder   23
Unemployment compensation, 1975
Box   9
Folder   24
University of Wisconsin, 1969-1971
Box   9
Folder   25-26
Budget, 1969-1971
Box   10
Folder   1
Police, 1969
Box   10
Folder   2
Salaries, 1970-1973
Box   10
Folder   3
System merger, 1971-1975
Box   10
Folder   4
Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission, 1971-1972
Box   10
Folder   5
V, 1973-1976
Box   10
Folder   6
Veterans, 1965-1976
Box   10
Folder   7
Veterinary medicine, 1971-1975
Box   10
Folder   8
Vocational and adult education, 1970-1976
Box   10
Folder   9
W, 1967-1976
Box   10
Folder   10
Ward, Walter, 1973
Box   10
Folder   11
Water conference (Governor's Conference on Water Resources Management) , 1965
Box   10
Folder   12-14
Water pollution legislation, 1963-1966
Box   10
Folder   15
Water resources informational packet, undated
Box   10
Folder   16
Water resources speech notes, 1968-1973
Box   10
Folder   17
Waubesa oil pollution, 1971
Box   10
Folder   18
Welfare, 1971
Box   10
Folder   19
Wetlands, 1970-1972
Box   10
Folder   20
Wheeler, Kathleen, 1971-1976
Box   10
Folder   21
Wild lake system, 1972
Box   10
Folder   22
Wild rice, Indian harvesting, 1965-1969
Box   10
Folder   23
Wild rivers, 1964-1972
Box   10
Folder   24
Wire tapping, 1968-1969
Box   10
Folder   25
Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, 1965
Box   10
Folder   26
Wisconsin Arts Board, 1974
Box   10
Folder   27
Wisconsin Council on Criminal Justice, 1975
Box   10
Folder   28
Wisconsin Education Association, 1973-1974
Box   10
Folder   29
Wisconsin Employment Relations Board, 1965
Box   10
Folder   30
Wisconsin Environmental Decade, 1972
Box   10
Folder   31
Wisconsin Legislature, Miscellany, 1975-1976
Box   10
Folder   32
Wisconsin Power and Light Portage Project, undated
Box   10
Folder   33
Wisconsin Resources Conservation Council, 1963-1972
Box   10
Folder   34
Wisconsin Wildlife Federation, 1971
Box   10
Folder   35
Wolf River planning, 1965-1972
Box   10
Folder   36
Wrongful death, 1967-1971
Box   10
Folder   37
Y-Z, 1973-1976
Box   10
Folder   38
Zoning, Shoreland and flood plain, 1965-1967