Paul A. Raushenbush and Elizabeth Brandeis Raushenbush Papers, 1918-1980

Container Title
Series: National Organizations Files
Box   25
Washington Interreligious Staff Council (WISC), criminal justice task force
Box   25
Peace groups, Amnesty
Box   25
ACLU mailing list and executive director correspondence
Box   25
Public Citizen
Box   25
Society of American Law Teachers
Box   25
National Moratorium on Prison Construction
Box   25
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Box   25
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
Box   25
WISC, civil liberties task force
Box   25
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, Pat Tobin
Box   25
, July 4th Coalition
Box   25
Jewish groups
Box   25
Committee for Public Justice
Box   25
National Council on Crime and Delinquency
Box   25
New American Movement
Box   25
National Lawyers Guild
Box   25
Jewish Social Action Caucus
Box   25
National Conference of Black Lawyers
Box   25
Americans for Democratic Americans
Box   25
Alliance to End Repression
Box   25
American Civil Liberties Union
Box   25
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Box   25
AFSC Friends Committee on National Legislation
Box   25
Americans for Democratic Action
Box   25
Campaign for Political Rights
Box   25
Action Committee
Box   25
Center for National Security Studies
Box   25
Center for United States-China Relationships
Box   25
Centro de Immigracion
Box   25
Church Scientology: National Commission on Law Enforcement and Social Justice Citizens Commission on Human Rights
Box   25
Citizens Committee
Box   25
Citizens Energy Project
Box   25
Citizens Journal
Box   25
Clamshell Alliance
Coalition for a New Foreign and Military Policy
Box   25
Coalition to End Grand Jury Abuse
Box   25
Commission for the Advancement of Public Interest Organizations
Box   25
Committee Against Registration and the Draft
Box   25
Committee for a Democratic Policy Towards Italy
Box   25
Committee for Public Justice
Box   25
Committee to Abolish Prison Slavery
Box   25
Common Cause
Box   25
Congressional Directories/Maps
Box   25
Counter Spy
Box   25
Covert Action Information Bulletin
Box   25
District of Columbia Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
Box   28
Don't Mourn, Organize
Box   28
The Film Fund
Box   28
Fund for Constitutional Government
Box   28
Illinois Coalition Against the Death Penalty
Box   28
Italy and the United States
Box   28
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
Box   28
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
Box   28
National Association on Blacks in Criminal Justice
Box   28
National Association of Social Workers
Box   28
National Coalition to Ban Handguns
Box   28
National Coalition to Control Handguns
Box   28
National Coalition to End the Death Penalty
Box   28
National Coalition to Support Indian Treaties
Box   28
National Community Action Agency Executive Directors Association
Box   28
National Conference of Black Lawyers
Box   28
National Council on Crime and Delinquency
Box   29
National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee
Box   29
National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors
Box   29
National Lawyers Guild
Box   29
National Legal Aide and Defenders Association
Box   29
National Organizing Conference to Stop Governmental Spying
Box   29
New American Movement
Box   29
Nuclear Information Resource Service
Box   29
PEN American Center
Box   29
People's Alliance
Box   29
Prison Law Monitor
Box   29
Privacy Journal
Box   29
Repression Information Project
Box   29
Box   29
Box   29
Society of American Law Teachers
Box   29
Southern Libertarian Messenger
Box   29
Syracuse Peace Council
Box   29
Union of American Hebrew Congregations, American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, Jewish Social Action Caucus
Box   29
United States Student Association
Box   29
Vietnam Trial Support Committee
Box   29
Washington Peace Center
Box   29
Westchester People's Action Coalition
Washington Interreligious Staff Council (WISC), General
Box   29
Task Force on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Box   29
Task Force on Criminal Justice
Box   29
Women Against Violence Against Women
Box   29
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Box   29
Women Strike for Peace
Box   29
Alliance to End Repression
Box   30
Anti-Klan Network
Box   30
American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Box   30
American Baptist Church
Box   30
American Bar Association
Box   30
American Civil Liberties Union
Box   30
American Friends Service Committee, Friends Committee on National Legislation
Box   30
Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers
Box   30
Campaign for Political Rights
Box   30
Center for Constitutional Rights
Box   30
Church of Scientology
Box   30
Citizens Committee on the Media
Box   30
Coalition on a New Foreign and Military Policy
Box   30
Coalition for a People's Alternative
Box   30
Come Unity
Box   30
Committee for Public Justice
Box   30
Committee to Protect Journalists
Box   30
Box   30
Delaware Alternative Press
Box   30
Box   30
Federation for Progress
Box   30
Film Fund
Box   30
Grand Jury Project
Box   30
Gray Panthers
Box   30
Box   30
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union
Box   30
Jewish Social Action Caucus, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, American Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee
Box   30
Leadership Conference on Civil Liberties
Box   30
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
Box   30
National Association of Attorney Generals
Box   30
National Community Action Agency Executive Directors Association
Box   31
National Council on Crime and Delinquency
Box   31
National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee
Box   31
National Lawyers Guild
Box   31
National Legal Aide and Defender Association
Box   31
National Moratorium on Prison Construction
Box   31
New Democratic Coalition
Box   31
National Organizing Committee Opposed to a Police State
Box   31
Nuclear Information and Resources
Box   31
Offender Aid and Restoration
Box   31
PEN American Center
Box   31
People United
Box   31
Privacy Journal
Box   31
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
Box   31
Box   31
Box   31
Sanity Now
Box   31
Southern Africa Working Group
Box   31
Southern Libertarian Messenger
Box   31
Syracuse Peace Council
Box   31
Those United to Fight Fascism
Box   31
Union of the Left
Box   31
United Fellowship Metropolitan Community Churches
Box   31
United States Student Association
Box   31
Vanguard Press, Vermont
Box   31
Washington Peace Center
Box   31
Westchester People's Action Coalition
Box   31
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Box   31
Women Strike for Peace
Box   31
Washington Interreligious Staff Council on Civil and Religious Liberties
Box   31
Criminal Justice Network
Box   31
Criminal Justice Information Network
Box   31
Incarceration Prepare
Box   31