Paul A. Raushenbush and Elizabeth Brandeis Raushenbush Papers, 1918-1980

Container Title
Part 3 (M86-006): Additions, 1963-1983
Physical Description: 31.0 c.f. (31 record center cartons) and 2 tape recordings 
Scope and Content Note: Additions including staff documents, materials related to lobbying and organizing as well as subject files on other activist groups. The materials document NCARL's work against HUAC (which later changed its name to House Internal Security Committee or HISC), government spying, forced-entry searches, proposed revisions of the criminal code, the death penalty, and other legislation.
Series: Staff Files
Martin Michaelson
Box   1
Box   1
NCARL #2-6, 1973-1976
Box   1
Meeting, May 1973
Box   1
Box   2
NCARL #7-13, 1977-1981
Box   2
National Committee meeting
Box   2
Washington staff reports, 1975-1976
Box   2
Lobby reports, 1974-1977
Box   3
Staff memos, 1974-1976
Box   3
Speaking engagements
Box   3
General correspondence, 1974-1977
Box   3
Mailing address cards
Box   3
New office, mail, rental, general
Box   3
Interns, 1976
Box   3
Intern information requests, 1976-1978
Box   3
Past interns, 1974-1975
Box   3
Intern forms
Box   3
Center for Washington Learning Opportunities
Box   2
Staff correspondence, 1977-1978
Box   4
Midwest office, 1974-1978
Box   4
Dave Luce, 1975-1978
Box   4
South, 1971-1977
Box   4
Dan Crystal, 1976-1978
Box   4
Griffin Bell meeting and cabinet
Box   4
Sylvia Crane
Box   4
Northern California
Box   4
Box   4
New England
Box   4
Dave Luce, 1978-1980
Box   4
Esther Herst, international seminars on human rights, 1979
Box   4
Frank Wilkinson staff correspondence
Box   4
Herst correspondence, 1978-1980
Box   5
Midwest office, Rachel Rosen
Box   5
Herst speaking engagement correspondence, 1977-1978
Box   5
Dan Crystal, 1979-1980
Box   5
Playback at the Forum: A Play in Five Acts by Stage/Politic with comments
Box   5
Request for information, 1979
Alliance to End Repression
Box   5
Box   5
Washington office, 1973-1975
Box   5
Students for an Informed Legislature (SAIL)
Box   5
Fillian correspondence, 1973-1974
Box   5
Old intern requests and refusals, pre-1975
Box   5
Staff memos, 1974
Box   5
Spring 1974
Box   5
Wilkinson tour, Fall 1973
Box   5
Fillian speaking engagements
Box   5
Dave Luce
Box   5
Washington Committee, 1974
Box   5
Newsletters, 1974
Box   5
Fillian expenses and bills, 1974
Box   5
Bulk mailing WCARL, 1974
Box   5
Fall tour, 1974
Box   5
Box   5
Maryland University
Box   5
Young democrats
Box   5
Box   5
Coalition of Concerned Black Americans
Box   5
United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), Larry
Box   5
Rubin Save the People
Box   6
Newsletters, 1974
Box   6
Southern Conference Educational Fund, 1969-1974
Box   6
Dave Luce, 1973-1974
Box   6
Anne Braden and South, 1978-1981
Box   6
Northwest, Mercer, Porter, 1978
Box   6
Northern California, Criley and Rothschild, 1978-1982
Box   6
Frank Wilkinson press
Box   6
Frank Wilkinson speaking
Box   6
Sylvia Crane, 1978-1982
Box   6
Herst correspondence, 1981-1983
Box   6
New England, Cooper, J.J. Collins, and Countryman
Box   6
Legislative Alert data bank
Box   6
Wilkinson correspondence, 1981-1983
Box   6
D.C. office
Box   6
Box   6
Midwest Chicago Committee to Defend Bill of Rights
Box   6
Petti to NCARL
Box   6
Dave Luce, 1981
Box   6
Fundraising correspondence
Box   6
Dan Crystal, 1980
Box   6
Administrative job, August 1982
Box   6
Legislative coordinator rejections, 1982
Box   6
97th Congress
Job applicants
Box   6
Box   7
Box   7
Petti, general
Box   7
Correspondence, 1974-1981
Box   7
Washington Lobby Contribution, June 1974 - November 1979
Box   7
Rachel Rosen correspondence
NCARL intern program
Box   12
Applications, 1979-1980
Box   7
Former or not accepted, 1979-1982
Box   7
Request for information
Box   7
Series: Issues Files
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 1962-1974
Box   7
Stamler, Hall, Cohen, 1963-1967
Box   7
Congressional action
Box   7
Press coverage
Box   7
Representative legislation, preventive detention law, 1970
Box   7
House Internal Security Committee (HISC, formerly HUAC) files
Box   7
Internal Security Committee questionnaire, 1972
Box   7
Box   7
Campus speakers, 1965
Box   7
Hearings, theory and practice of communism
Box   7
Collection of Editorials and Resolutions in Opposition to the Un-American Activities Committee
Box   7
The 89th Congress and the Abolition of HUAC
Box   7
HISC files
Box   7
HUAC/HISC, 1967-1970
Box   7
Box   7
Box   7
Government surveillance of employees hearings
Box   10
Student deaths at Southern University, 1970
Box   10
HISC files questionnaire, case report
Box   10
Loyalty security files
Box   10
H.R. 11120
Box   10
Criminal code, general
Box   10
Memorandums, 60 House leadership
Box   10
H.R. 8023 and Judiciary Committee
Box   10
H.R. 6241
Box   10
Prison hearings
Box   10
H.R. 11120
Box   10
Subversion in military
Box   10
Government agencies/Civil Service Commission
Box   10
Box   12
Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, pre-1975
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)/House Internal Security Committee (HISC) abolition, 1960-1974
Box   8
Abolition Resolutions
Box   8
Appropriations and funding, 1966-1974
Box   8
New mandate and name change
Box   8
Ryan, speech and charts
Box   8
Anti-HUAC pamphlets, 1965-1968
Box   8
Anti-HUAC lobbying notes, 1961-1965
Box   8
Committee appropriations including HUAC
Box   8
New abolition petition
Box   8
Constitutionality of HISC/HUAC
Box   8
Democratic Caucus, May 9
Box   8
H.R. 1284
Box   8
H.R. 988, March 19
Box   8
Response to H.R. 148 and 149
Box   8
Committee to Study House Rules
Box   8
Hansen Committee letter to Hansen Five, June 10
Box   8
Bolling Committee hearings
Box   8
Crane Telegram to 24
Box   8
Box   8
Safe America Crane letter response
Box   8
Caucus, HISC, December 1974 - January 1974
Box   9
HUAC, 1965-1968
Pool, HUAC Vietnam hearings
Box   9
Box   9
NCARL materials
Box   9
Arthur Kinoy HUAC hearing
Box   9
Professor Stephen Small and HUAC
Box   9
Krebs v. Ashbrook
Box   9
Judge Corocan suspension of HUAC
Box   9
Jeff Fort
Box   9
HISC, 1968-1974
Box   9
Travel restrictions, 1973
Box   9
Lobbying notes, 1971-1973
Box   9
Internal security legislation, 1971-1973
Box   9
Internal security laws
Box   10
Title I, Subversive Activities Control Board (SACB), 1967-1973
SACB and executive order 11605
Box   12
Box   10
Box   10
H.R. 9669
Box   10
SABC, general, 1967-1971
Box   12
NCARL staff reports on repressive legislation, 1971-1973
Box   12
Privacy legislation, 1971-1973
Box   10
Disbarment, 1971
Box   10
Gun crimes, 1971
Box   10
Evidence, 1970
Box   10
Supreme Court, 1971
Box   10
Student draft amnesty, 1971
Box   10
New Jersey Coalition to Defend the Bill of Rights, Daniel Crystal statement on criminal code
Title II
Box   11
Box   11
, 1968-1972 and , undated
Box   11
W.E.B. DuBois Club information and suit against Attorney General, 1965-1969
Box   11
Protection of defense production legislation H.R. 1169, 14864, 819, 12699, 15626, 11363, 1032
Box   11
Stamber, Cohen, Hall, 1965-1973
Criminal Code, 1979-1980
Box   12
Local organizing, 1979
Box   12
Press, 1979
Box   12
National organizations
Box   12
Editorials, op-eds, and letters, 1979
Box   13
National coalition, 1979
Box   13
NCARL correspondence, 1979
Box   13
Box   13
Box   13
Civil Liberties and Criminal Code reform, ACLU report, 1980
Box   13
For Members Only, play by N. Morris
General research
Box   14
“Reorganization Plan No. 2, Establishing a Drug Enforcement Administration in the Department of Justice,” report of the Committee on Government Operations, United States Senate
National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice reports
Box   14
“The Private Police Industry,” 1972
Box   14
“Prevention and Control of Collective Violence,” 1973
Box   14
“Special Purpose Public Police Force,” 1972
Box   14
Department of Defense v. Florence, 1976
Box   14
Thomas Wansley, 1973
Nixon impeachment
Box   14
Box   15
President transcripts
Box   15
Box   15
Pardon, tapes, transition funds
Box   15
Busing, 1973
No-knock searches
Box   15
General, 1961-1974
Box   15
Reports, 1970-1973
Box   15
Senate Debate, July 11, 1974 S. 3355
Box   15
Lobbying forms
Box   15
No-knock repeal bills, Percy Erwin, 1974
Box   15
H.R. 8245, 1973
Box   15
Articles reprinted in Congressional Record
Box   15
Thompson term paper and Library of Congress No-Knock Monolithe
Box   15
Debate in , 1970
Box   15
No-knock law, Drug and Crime Act
Box   15
No-knock repeal
Box   15
Preventive detention, 1971
Death penalty
Box   15
Analysis and media
93rd Congress
Box   15
Box   15
Box   15
Furman decision
Box   15
Gregg v. Georgia, coalition, 1976
Box   15
Civil rights, Congressional Record, 1973-1976
Box   15
Washington Interreligious Staff Council, criminal justice
Box   15
Privacy, Congressional Record, 1973-1974
Box   15
Student rights, Congressional Record, 1973-1974
Box   15
S. 881, exclusionary rule, 1973
Box   15
National emergencies
Box   15
School prayer
Box   15
ACLU issues, abortion
Box   15
H.R. 9445, anti-riot, 1973
Box   15
Loyalty oaths
Box   15
Free press
Box   15
Privacy report
Box   15
Criminal justice legislation, general, 1975-1976
Box   13
Analysis of pending legislation on obscenity and pornography
S. 1400
Box   16
Correspondence, 1973
Box   16
Criminal code ramifications reports
Box   13
Civil liberties threats, criminal code, Gale report, 1974
Box   13
Civil disabilities, criminal code, Chapman report, 1973
Box   16
Box   16
93rd-95th congress
Box   16
Working group
Box   17
S. 3197, National security, 1974
Box   17
S. 1566, Wiretapping
Box   13
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Box   17
Applications for wiretaps reports, 1969-1973
Box   17
Supreme Court decisions
S. 1 Criminal Code reform
Box   17
Staff correspondence
Box   17
Official documents
Box   17
National coalition
Box   17
Religious opposition
Box   17
Official resolutions, state and local government
Box   17
National organizations
Box   17
Smith Act analysis
Box   17
Box   18
Northeast (continued)
Box   18
Box   18
Box   18
Box   18
Clippings, 1976
Box   13
Box   18
South Dakota Law Review
Box   14
Labor opposition
Box   14
Brown Commission analysis
Box   14
Sentencing, death penalty, and criminal justice
Box   14
Box   14
Box   14
Press analysis
Box   14
Milton Viorst, notes for Harper's
Box   14
Clippings, 1975-1976
Box   13
National Lawyers Guild, working paper on “The Character and Source of Repressive Legislation and How to Fight It”
Box   13
Melvin Wulf statement, 1975
Box   13
John Shattuck and David Landau statement, 1978
Box   18
Official documents, 1975-1977
Box   18
Press clippings
Box   18
Box   18
Box   18
Executive actions
Box   18
Box   18
Human rights
Box   18
ACLU intelligence legislation
Box   19
ACLU intelligence legislation (continued)
Box   13
Federal Intelligence Control Act, analysis, 1977
Box   13
Campaign to stop government spying
Box   19
Studies and analyses
Box   19
Grand Jury reform
Box   13
Campaign to Stop Governmental Spying, 1975-1978
Box   19
Fifth Estate and Public Education Project on the Intelligence Community
Box   19
Center for National Securities Studies
Box   19
Repression information project
Box   19
Organizational statements
Box   19
Abuse of Power, staff report, New York State Assembly Codes Committee, 1976
Box   19
Coalition to End Grand Jury Abuse, 1975-1978
Box   20
Coalition to End Grand Jury Abuse, 1975-1978 (continued)
Box   20
Campaign Action Committee, intelligence working group
Box   19
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, statements, 1978
S. 1437/H.R. 6869
Box   20
S. 1437 amendments
Box   20
Box   21
NCARL correspondence
Box   20
Labor opposition
Box   21
Box   20
Bar Association and local government bodies
Box   20
H.R., House codification
Box   21
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Oppression, 1974-1978
Box   21
Great Atlantic Radio Conspiracy
Box   21
Grundberger comments
Box   20
House action
Box   20
Box   22
National organizations
Box   22
Local organizations
Box   22
Box   22
National Coalition to Defend the Bill of Rights
Box   22
United States v. Daniel Ellsberg
Box   22
Clippings, 1977-1978
95th Congress, 1977-1978
Box   21
H.R. 7308 and McCory Amendment
Box   21
S. 2525, 1977-1978
Box   21
Federal Tort Claims Act
Box   21
Civil rights
Box   21
Freedom of Information, Vaughn v. Rosen
Box   23
Freedom of Information, Vaughn v. Rosen
Box   24
Hatch Act
Box   24
Box   24
Box   24
Box   24
Box   24
Right of institutionalized persons
Box   24
Criminal justice
Box   24
Fairness doctrine, freedom of press
Box   24
Box   24
Lobby disclosure
96th Congress, 1979-1980
Box   24
Box   24
Abortion rights
Box   24
Access to justice
Box   24
Anti-riot Act
Box   24
Bail reform
Box   24
Civil commitment
Box   23
Civil rights
Box   24
Box   24
Box   24
Grand jury reform
Box   24
Death penalty
Box   24
Draft, national service and registration
Box   24
Gay rights
Box   24
Hatch Act
Box   24
Heritage Foundation, new Right
Box   24
Box   24
King holiday
Box   24
Labor rights
Box   24
Lobby disclosure
Box   24
Mandatory minimum sentences
Box   23
Native Americans
Box   24
Political prisoners
Box   24
Box   24
Press freedom reporter privilege
Box   24
Prison construction
Box   24
Box   24
School prayer
Box   23
Sentencing, general
Box   24
Smith Act
Box   24
Supreme Court decision
Box   24
Death penalty hearings
Box   24
Zurcher v. Stanford Daily, first amendment
Box   24
ACLU statement on FBI charter legislation
Box   25
Box   25
Names of agents
Box   25
Nuclear organizing surveillance
Box   25
NCARL correspondence
Box   25
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Authorization
Box   25
Red squads
Box   25
Box   25
LEIU (Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit)
Box   25
Investigative techniques
Box   25
Box   25
Private surveillance
Box   25
Federal Tort Claims Act amendments
Box   25
Gray mail/espionage
Box   25
Charter S. 2284, H.R. 6588
Box   25
Committee on National Security Systems charter literature
Box   25
FBI charter hearings
Box   25
Box   25
Freedom of Information Act
Box   25
Box   25
“Controlling the FBI,” ACLU testimony
Box   25
Tort claims
Box   25
General information
Box   25
Box   25
Electronic surveillance
Box   23
Carter, executive order
Criminal Code S. 1722, H.R. 6915, 1979-1980
Box   25
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) lawyers' memos
Box   25
Box   25
Box   26
Statements by members of Congress
Box   27
NCARL testimony
Box   26
Letters to senators
Box   26
House Rules Committee
Box   26
Rules Committee letter, August 1980
Box   26
House Subcommittee hearings and meetings
Box   26
Senate hearings
Box   26
Senate mark-up
Box   26
House Judiciary Committee mark-ups
Box   26
House Subcommittee mark-up
Series: National Organizations Files
Box   25
Washington Interreligious Staff Council (WISC), criminal justice task force
Box   25
Peace groups, Amnesty
Box   25
ACLU mailing list and executive director correspondence
Box   25
Public Citizen
Box   25
Society of American Law Teachers
Box   25
National Moratorium on Prison Construction
Box   25
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Box   25
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
Box   25
WISC, civil liberties task force
Box   25
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union, Pat Tobin
Box   25
, July 4th Coalition
Box   25
Jewish groups
Box   25
Committee for Public Justice
Box   25
National Council on Crime and Delinquency
Box   25
New American Movement
Box   25
National Lawyers Guild
Box   25
Jewish Social Action Caucus
Box   25
National Conference of Black Lawyers
Box   25
Americans for Democratic Americans
Box   25
Alliance to End Repression
Box   25
American Civil Liberties Union
Box   25
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
Box   25
AFSC Friends Committee on National Legislation
Box   25
Americans for Democratic Action
Box   25
Campaign for Political Rights
Box   25
Action Committee
Box   25
Center for National Security Studies
Box   25
Center for United States-China Relationships
Box   25
Centro de Immigracion
Box   25
Church Scientology: National Commission on Law Enforcement and Social Justice Citizens Commission on Human Rights
Box   25
Citizens Committee
Box   25
Citizens Energy Project
Box   25
Citizens Journal
Box   25
Clamshell Alliance
Coalition for a New Foreign and Military Policy
Box   25
Coalition to End Grand Jury Abuse
Box   25
Commission for the Advancement of Public Interest Organizations
Box   25
Committee Against Registration and the Draft
Box   25
Committee for a Democratic Policy Towards Italy
Box   25
Committee for Public Justice
Box   25
Committee to Abolish Prison Slavery
Box   25
Common Cause
Box   25
Congressional Directories/Maps
Box   25
Counter Spy
Box   25
Covert Action Information Bulletin
Box   25
District of Columbia Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
Box   28
Don't Mourn, Organize
Box   28
The Film Fund
Box   28
Fund for Constitutional Government
Box   28
Illinois Coalition Against the Death Penalty
Box   28
Italy and the United States
Box   28
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
Box   28
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
Box   28
National Association on Blacks in Criminal Justice
Box   28
National Association of Social Workers
Box   28
National Coalition to Ban Handguns
Box   28
National Coalition to Control Handguns
Box   28
National Coalition to End the Death Penalty
Box   28
National Coalition to Support Indian Treaties
Box   28
National Community Action Agency Executive Directors Association
Box   28
National Conference of Black Lawyers
Box   28
National Council on Crime and Delinquency
Box   29
National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee
Box   29
National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors
Box   29
National Lawyers Guild
Box   29
National Legal Aide and Defenders Association
Box   29
National Organizing Conference to Stop Governmental Spying
Box   29
New American Movement
Box   29
Nuclear Information Resource Service
Box   29
PEN American Center
Box   29
People's Alliance
Box   29
Prison Law Monitor
Box   29
Privacy Journal
Box   29
Repression Information Project
Box   29
Box   29
Box   29
Society of American Law Teachers
Box   29
Southern Libertarian Messenger
Box   29
Syracuse Peace Council
Box   29
Union of American Hebrew Congregations, American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, Jewish Social Action Caucus
Box   29
United States Student Association
Box   29
Vietnam Trial Support Committee
Box   29
Washington Peace Center
Box   29
Westchester People's Action Coalition
Washington Interreligious Staff Council (WISC), General
Box   29
Task Force on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Box   29
Task Force on Criminal Justice
Box   29
Women Against Violence Against Women
Box   29
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Box   29
Women Strike for Peace
Box   29
Alliance to End Repression
Box   30
Anti-Klan Network
Box   30
American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Box   30
American Baptist Church
Box   30
American Bar Association
Box   30
American Civil Liberties Union
Box   30
American Friends Service Committee, Friends Committee on National Legislation
Box   30
Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers
Box   30
Campaign for Political Rights
Box   30
Center for Constitutional Rights
Box   30
Church of Scientology
Box   30
Citizens Committee on the Media
Box   30
Coalition on a New Foreign and Military Policy
Box   30
Coalition for a People's Alternative
Box   30
Come Unity
Box   30
Committee for Public Justice
Box   30
Committee to Protect Journalists
Box   30
Box   30
Delaware Alternative Press
Box   30
Box   30
Federation for Progress
Box   30
Film Fund
Box   30
Grand Jury Project
Box   30
Gray Panthers
Box   30
Box   30
International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union
Box   30
Jewish Social Action Caucus, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, American Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee
Box   30
Leadership Conference on Civil Liberties
Box   30
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
Box   30
National Association of Attorney Generals
Box   30
National Community Action Agency Executive Directors Association
Box   31
National Council on Crime and Delinquency
Box   31
National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee
Box   31
National Lawyers Guild
Box   31
National Legal Aide and Defender Association
Box   31
National Moratorium on Prison Construction
Box   31
New Democratic Coalition
Box   31
National Organizing Committee Opposed to a Police State
Box   31
Nuclear Information and Resources
Box   31
Offender Aid and Restoration
Box   31
PEN American Center
Box   31
People United
Box   31
Privacy Journal
Box   31
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
Box   31
Box   31
Box   31
Sanity Now
Box   31
Southern Africa Working Group
Box   31
Southern Libertarian Messenger
Box   31
Syracuse Peace Council
Box   31
Those United to Fight Fascism
Box   31
Union of the Left
Box   31
United Fellowship Metropolitan Community Churches
Box   31
United States Student Association
Box   31
Vanguard Press, Vermont
Box   31
Washington Peace Center
Box   31
Westchester People's Action Coalition
Box   31
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Box   31
Women Strike for Peace
Box   31
Washington Interreligious Staff Council on Civil and Religious Liberties
Box   31
Criminal Justice Network
Box   31
Criminal Justice Information Network
Box   31
Incarceration Prepare
Box   31
Sound Archive  
Series: Audio Recordings
Son of S. 1, Great Atlantic Radio Conspiracy
S. 1437/ H.R. 6869, WBAI New York, July 1978