Shelton Stromquist Papers, 1963-1978

Contents List

Container Title
Mss 370
Part 1 (Mss 370, Audio 898A, PH 4580, VBC 108-109, VHA 642): Original Collection, 1967-2006
Physical Description: 27.4 cubic feet (23 record center cartons, 8 archives boxes, 2 flat boxes, 1 card box, and 1 oversize folder), 2 audio recordings (7-inch discs), 33 audio recordings (cassettes), 0.4 cubic feet of photographs and drawings (1 archives box), 48 negatives on 10 strips (3 folders), 18 transparencies (1 folder), 2 video recordings (3/4-inch U-matic) and 1 video recording (1/2-inch VHS) 
Scope and Content Note

The records of VVAW document both its national and local anti-war and veteran-support activities. However, coverage is incomplete, mainly covering only the years 1967 to 1975. The absence of early historical documentation is explained by the fact that membership was small at that time and the structure was very casual. Additionally, the fact that VVAW was able to find an ongoing purpose in the post-war period may account for some of the missing records. In 2008, when the records at the Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS) were arranged and described for research use, VVAW was still in existence with a national office in Chicago. It is assumed that the records documenting VVAW's later years are housed at the Chicago office.

Some of the incomplete documentation concerns the role of Senator John F. Kerry in VVAW in 1971. Little primary information about him is included. The collection includes letters to Kerry written in care of the VVAW office, copies of his speeches and remarks, newspaper clippings, and correspondence with the publisher about The New Soldier, the book which Kerry authored with VVAW.

In addition to records from the national office, the files of three local chapters (Brooklyn/Northern New Jersey, Madison, and Milwaukee) are part of the collection. The records from all three cover the post-Vietnam War period. Therefore, they provide the best documentation in the collection on VVAW's concern with Agent Orange and its participation in the peace movement during the post-Vietnam era. The records of all three are also similar in that few true organizational records such as minutes, reports, or financial records are included.


The ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS series include Steering Committee minutes and proceedings, general correspondence, and publications. Because of the small membership during the early years, documentation about policy and administration for this period is limited. From the second phase of VVAW's organizational history when policy was made by an executive committee, there are incomplete files of memoranda, minutes, correspondence, agenda, and reports. S general correspondence, and publications. Because of the small membership during the early years, documentation about policy and administration for this period is limited. From the second phase of VVAW's organizational history when policy was made by an executive committee, there are incomplete files of memoranda, minutes, correspondence, agenda, and reports. Still later, after decision-making was transferred to a National Steering Committee (NSC), which met several times a year, there are minutes, reports, agenda, planning materials, posits, general correspondence, and publications. Because of the small membership during the early years, documentation about policy and administration for this period is limited. From the second phase of VVAW's organizational history when policy was made by an executive committee, there are incomplete files of memoranda, minutes, correspondence, agenda, and reports. Still later, after decision-making was transferred to a National Steering Committee (NSC), which met several times a year, there are minutes, reports, agenda, planning materials, position papers, and notes. The NSC records are present with increasing completeness through the July 1975 meeting, but thereafter the records again become incomplete, and for many later years, nonexistent. For 1971, a year of important national actions, there are also minutes for weekly meetings of the New York office staff. There are no national financial records in the collection.

Information pertaining to the early history of VVAW (1967 to 1970, and 1967 in particular) can also be found in the general correspondence section of the Administrative Records. This correspondence consists primarily of letters written by January Barry Crumb, the president and co-founder, and it documents attempts to identify like-minded veterans, make contacts with political leaders such as William J. Fulbright, and work on fundraising for a New York Times ad. Also here is the first mailing, distributed when the organization was only two months old, and a draft constitution. Of special interest is a letter to Dave Dellinger explaining why VVAW failed to participate in a National Mobilization Committee demonstration. After 1970, the general correspondence is miscellaneous and very incomplete.

The Administrative Records also include publications issued by the national office. Several titles have been separated from the collection and are available instead in the WHS Library. These include First Casualty (later known as Winter Soldier, Veteran, and Guidon), a national newsletter, and several specialized newsletters such as G.I. News, published for the national G.I. organizing project, and Inside-Out, a newsletter for prisoners. However, unnumbered issues of the general newsletter remain with the papers. Also in the archival collection are numerous pamphlets and flyers, the majority of which are undated. In general, short runs of publications are in the collection, while more complete holdings are available in the WHS Library.

Because of VVAW's decentralized organization, excellent information about local actions can be found in the section entitled LOCAL FILES IN THE NATIONAL OFFICE. This series consists of copies of records from the local chapters and multi-state regions that were sent to the national office. Included are correspondence and round robin reports, as well as copies of locally-produced flyers, newsletters, and policy statements to be considered at National Steering Committee meetings. Taken together, the local and regional files provide information about the anti-war veterans' movement throughout the country, as well as providing information about individuals who eventually rose to national leadership. VVAW activity was particularly strong in California, with other active locals in Buffalo, Cincinnati, Chicago, Columbus (Ohio), Dayton, Denver, Kansas City (Missouri), New York City, and St. Louis. Few of the local or regional files contain material more recent than 1976.

The alphabetical SUBJECT FILES cover numerous topics in which VVAW was interested or involved. Most extensively documented are the National Office Service-Peoples Counseling and Materials project, the National G.I. Project, the Winter Soldiers Investigation, and the defense of various political prisoners. Projects documented by smaller, but important quantities of material include amnesty; the Discharge Upgrade Program (DUP); Dewey Canyon III; Independence Day demonstrations in 1974 and 1976; Operation County Fair, which supported the Martin Luther King Jr. Clinic in Bogue Chitto, Alabama; the 1972 Republican Convention (Operation Last Patrol); and Operation Rapid American Withdrawal (RAW). Information on the ideological tensions within VVAW can be found in the Subject Files entitled “Organizational Split.” In general, the Subject Files consist of correspondence, memoranda, and flyers.

Many subject files document contacts with other anti-war and veterans organizations. Additionally, VVAW received mail from many organizations with which it had no apparent involvement. These files have been removed to the WHS Library or to the WHS Archives' Social Action Vertical File, although a few files of special interest have been retained in the VVAW collection. During the early 1970s, VVAW sent representatives to international peace conferences such as the International Commission of Inquiry into U.S. War Crimes in Indochina, the 1973 World Peace Conference in Moscow, several Japanese conferences on atomic weapons, and the Paris Peace Conference. The conference files have been weeded and only documentation concerning VVAW was retained.

The health effects of Agent Orange, a chemical defoliant used in Vietnam, first became an issue in 1978. Because most of the national office records predate that year, the files on Agent Orange are incomplete, consisting mainly of newspaper clippings, flyers, incomplete information on the class action suit brought by individual veterans against the manufacturers of Agent Orange, and reference material. To better identify and eliminate duplication within the Agent Orange reference material, some records of this type were shifted from the Madison and Milwaukee files to the national files.

A substantial portion of the collection concerns VVAW's support of veterans and active-duty soldiers whom they considered to be political prisoners. The defense of the Gainesville 8, most of whom were members of VVAW, is documented by mass mailings, photocopied clippings, and trial notes. There are virtually no trial proceedings, however. Other defense cases in which VVAW or its local chapters took a strong interest are those of Gary Lawton of the Riverside Prisoners, Ashby Leach, the Leavenworth Brothers, and Melvin Smith. Interest in the Leavenworth Brothers continued after their convictions, and there are exchanges with them by VVAW staffer Marla Watson after they were incarcerated in federal prisons at Marion, Illinois; Terre Haute, Indiana; and Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Her correspondence, which includes some prisoners in addition to the Leavenworth Brothers, not only provides details about prison conditions, but also contains some information about activities in the Chicago office. VVAW's response to the general issue of political prisoners is also documented in the files of its National Political Defense Committee.

VVAW was not the first organization to undertake a service program for active-duty soldiers during the Vietnam era, and its formal activity did not begin until 1972, when Gary Steiger of the Dayton, Ohio chapter organized a local program known as the National Office Service-Peoples Counseling and Materials or, more often, by its acronym NOSCAM. In the Chicago area, one of the best service groups was the Chicago Area Military Project (CAMP), which published “CAMP News,” an informational newsletter. Because of internal conflicts in CAMP, in 1973 it dissolved and associated with VVAW as NOSCAM-Chicago. Eventually, both the Dayton and Chicago NOSCAM programs consolidated in VVAW's Chicago office and became part of the national G.I. assistance program (NGIP). This program was aimed not only at providing support, but also at recruiting new members. Both the pre-VVAW files of NOSCAM and CAMP are distinct sections within the Subject Files. The CAMP files provide strong information about the national G.I. movement, documenting contacts with soldiers, soldier-support organizations, coffee-houses, and newspapers at posts around the country. There were also contacts with activist David Cortwright, the Rocky Mountain Military Project in Denver, and the Covered Wagon coffeehouse at Mountain Home Air Force Base. No records about contacts with active-duty soldiers in Vietnam are present, however. Records of VVAW's continuation of the work of CAMP and NOSCAM are arranged in the Subject Files under the heading “G.I. Project.” These files are best for soldiers who were stationed abroad and for sailors on board ship. Most extensive here are files on military personnel in London and at the Iwakuni and Yokosuka bases in Japan. There are also records for a national G.I. conference organized by VVAW in 1974.

VVAW's Winter Soldier Investigation, which took place in Detroit in January-February, 1971, is documented by transcripts of the testimony given by individual soldiers about their experiences in Vietnam; background questionnaires completed by individual soldiers, both those who testified as well as those who did not; clippings; and pages deleted from the testimony published by VVAW in 1972. This volume is available in the WHS Library.

Also in the collection are the CHAPTER RECORDS of three local organizations that were donated directly to the WHS. These chapters are Madison, Milwaukee, and the Brooklyn-North Jersey City chapters. The latter was eventually renamed in honor of Clarence Fitch. As stated above, these chapter records primarily date from the post-Vietnam War era and few true organizational records are included. The records of the Fitch chapter consist almost entirely of flyers and mass mailings for its early years. After 1988, the records become more complete, and the most recent records are supplemented by newsletters and the monthly chapter reports which contain meeting minutes that are housed in the WHS Library. The mass mailings have been organized into categories that correspond to organizational functions such as meeting announcements and agenda as well as subject categories such as opposition to U.S. policies in Nicaragua and the Persian Gulf and events marking Veterans Day and Independence Day. Only a few items are earlier than 1981. Of special note are the occasional essays of unknown authorship published about 1989 to 1991 on foreign policy issues. Because national records lack coverage of the 1980s and 1990s, the Fitch flyers provide the best documentation in the collection of VVAW's foreign policy positions during those years.

Information about the Madison chapter can be found dating from 1979. Madison membership was always small, and for many years Mary (Sukie) and Jim Wachtendonk and Dennis Kroll constituted its leadership. At the time the records were donated to the WHS, Kroll was the only Madison member. A large part of the correspondence here focuses on the Wachtendonks' efforts to bring the Agent Orange issue and his family's related health problems to public attention. The collection documents their involvement with the Dane County Agent Orange Committee in 1980, educational outreach through the Madison Vets House, and regulation of pesticides in Wisconsin. Jim Wachtendonk's experiences in Vietnam also found expression in music, and the collection includes several commercially-produced cassette recordings of his compositions.

The Milwaukee chapter files were originally in the custody of John Lindquist, who served as both Milwaukee and Wisconsin-Minnesota Region coordinator and later as a national officer. The files, however, primarily relate to his state and regional activities, with a special focus on his involvement in the Agent Orange issue. Like the Madison and Fitch chapter records, there are only limited quantities of minutes, reports, and true administrative records, and most of the records post-date the peak of the national VVAW activity. The correspondence is primarily personal in nature, with administration and policy issues of secondary importance. Because the national office records concern the years before the Agent Orange campaign, the Milwaukee records provide additional important documentation of that effort both in Wisconsin and the nation, such as Lindquist's 1982 publication, Agent Orange Dossier (1982). Lindquist's national VVAW efforts included responsibility for the Post-Vietnam Syndrome project (now called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), but little information about this topic is included. Milwaukee's newsletter, The Claymore Gazette, is available in the WHS Library, but untitled, undated, and incomplete issues have been retained with the papers. A substantial part of the Milwaukee records are the FBI files of Steven Lee Hawkins, a national leader in VVAW. Although Hawkins was not from Milwaukee, he gave his files to Lindquist for some undocumented reason.

The VISUAL MATERIALS series is divided into subseries by format: Photographs, Transparencies, Negatives, and Artwork. The arrangement of materials in these subseries mimics the series arrangement of the manuscript portion of the collection-Administrative and Policy Records, Local Files in the National Office, Subject Files, and Chapter Records-with the addition of a Miscellaneous category. The photographs, transparencies, and negatives document various VVAW demonstrations and activities at both national and local levels including the 1973 inauguration, Kent State, Liberated Barracks (Hawaii), the USS Coral Seas , and the Iraq War; prominent individuals including Bill Davis, Steve Grossman, and John Kerry; causes in which the VVAW was involved including prisoner defense, the G.I. Project; and general conditions for soldiers in Vietnam. Of note are images from a 1988 event of the Clarence Fitch Chapter, “Speak Out for Peace and Justice,” which includes images of activist Brian Willson. The Artwork subseries includes original art for the Chicago chapter newsletter.

Series: Administrative and Policy Records
Box   1
  Folder   1
By-laws and articles of incorporation
Box   1
  Folder   2
Statements of objectives
Box   1
  Folder   3
Brief histories
Box   1
  Folder   4
General information
Policy records and minutes
Box   1
  Folder   5
Executive and Steering Committee, 1970-1972
Box   1
  Folder   6-20
National Steering Committee (NSC), 1968-1975
Box   1
  Folder   21
Interim Committee, 1976
Box   1
  Folder   22
NSC, Scattered documents 1978-1989
Box   1
  Folder   23
New York office staff meeting minutes, 1971
Box   1
  Folder   24
Box   1
  Folder   25
Oversize folder   1
Box   27
  Folder   2
Calendars (VVAW and FTA, 1983, 1972
Box   1
  Folder   26
“Dear Veteran” letters, 1970
Box   1
  Folder   27
Miscellaneous publications
Box   1
  Folder   28
Newsletters (unnumbered)
Box   1
  Folder   29
Box   1
  Folder   30
Press releases and statements
Box   1
  Folder   31
VVAW Press Service releases
Box   1
  Folder   32
“Ship without a Rudder” : manuscript
General correspondence
Box   1
  Folder   33-35
1967 April-October
Box   2
  Folder   1-19
1967 November-1988, undated
Series: Local Files in the National Office
Box   2
  Folder   20
Box   2
  Folder   21-22
California and California-Nevada, 1973-1975
Box   2
  Folder   23
Colorado, Utah, Wyoming 1972-1974
Box   2
  Folder   24
Florida, 1973-1974
Box   2
  Folder   25
Idaho-Montana, 1971-1974
Box   2
  Folder   26
Illinois-Iowa, 1971-1983
Box   2
  Folder   27
Maryland-D.C.-Virginia, 1973-1974
Box   2
  Folder   28
New England, 1972-1976
Box   2
  Folder   29
New Mexico-Arizona, 1971-1974
Box   2
  Folder   30-31
New York-Northern New Jersey, 1973-1975
Box   2
  Folder   32
New York State, 1971-1974
Box   2
  Folder   33
Box   2
  Folder   34
Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, West Virginia, and Western Pennsylvania 1972-1975
Box   2
  Folder   35
Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey 1973-1974
Box   2
  Folder   36
Texas, 1971-1976
Box   3
  Folder   1
Washington-Alaska, 1971-1973
Box   3
  Folder   2
Washington, D.C.-Maryland-Virginia 1971-1975
Local Chapters
Box   3
  Folder   3
Alaska, 1971, 1975
Box   3
  Folder   4
Arizona, 1971-1973
Box   3
  Folder   5
Box   3
  Folder   6
Long Beach, 1973-1976
Box   3
  Folder   7
Los Angeles, 1972-1978
Box   3
  Folder   8
Oakland-East Bay, 1973-1975
Box   3
  Folder   9
San Bernardino, 1971-1975
Box   3
  Folder   10
San Diego, 1972-1975
Box   3
  Folder   11
San Jose, 1972-1977
Box   3
  Folder   12
San Francisco, 1970-1974
Box   3
  Folder   13
Santa Barbara, 1973-1975
Box   3
  Folder   14
Miscellaneous chapters
Box   3
  Folder   15
Boulder, 1973-1975
Box   3
  Folder   16
Colorado Springs, 1971-1976
Box   3
  Folder   17
Denver, 1971-1975
Box   3
  Folder   18
Connecticut, 1971-1974
Box   3
  Folder   19
Gainesville, 1971-1974
Box   3
  Folder   20-21
Miami, 1973-1975
Box   3
  Folder   22
Tampa, 1973-1975
Box   3
  Folder   23
Georgia, 1972-1974
Box   3
  Folder   24
Hawaii, 1972-1977
Box   3
  Folder   25
General files, 1974-1986
Box   3
  Folder   26
Newsletters, 1974-1987
Box   3
  Folder   27-29
Box   3
  Folder   30
Box   3
  Folder   31
Box   3
  Folder   32
Veterans Yellow Pages
Box   3
  Folder   33
Box   3
  Folder   34
Indiana, 1973-1975
Box   4
  Folder   1
Box   4
  Folder   2
Kansas, 1971-1974
Box   4
  Folder   3
Box   4
  Folder   4
Louisiana, 1971-1974
Box   4
  Folder   5
Maine, 1973-1974
Box   4
  Folder   6
Maryland, 1970-1974
Box   4
  Folder   7
Massachusetts, 1971-1976
Box   4
  Folder   8
Detroit, 1975-1978
Box   4
  Folder   9
Regional office, 1970-1975
Minnesota, 1972-1975
Box   4
  Folder   10
Miscellaneous chapters
Box   4
  Folder   11
Twin Cities, 1974-1980
Box   4
  Folder   12-13
Kansas City
Box   4
  Folder   14-15
St. Louis, 1971-1976
Box   4
  Folder   16
Miscellaneous chapters
Box   4
  Folder   17
Nebraska, 1971-1972
Box   4
  Folder   18
New Hampshire, 1971-1975
Box   4
  Folder   19
New Jersey, 1972-1989
Box   4
  Folder   20
New Mexico, 1970-1975
New York
Box   4
  Folder   21
Buffalo, 1973-1975
Box   4
  Folder   22
University of Buffalo, 1972-1973
New York City
Box   4
  Folder   23
General records, 1973-1974
Box   4
  Folder   24
Publications, 1970-1975
Box   4
  Folder   25
Box   4
  Folder   26
Newsletters, 1973-1975
Box   4
  Folder   27
Boroughs, 1971-1982
Box   4
  Folder   28
Oneonta, 1974-1975
Box   4
  Folder   29
Rochester, 1973-1976
Box   4
  Folder   30
Syracuse, 1974-1975
Box   4
  Folder   31
Miscellaneous chapters
Box   5
  Folder   1
North Carolina, 1971-1975
Box   5
  Folder   2
North Dakota, 1973
Box   5
  Folder   3-4
Cincinnati, 1972-1976
Box   5
  Folder   5
Columbus, 1973-1980
Box   5
  Folder   6
Dayton, 1971-1976
Box   5
  Folder   7
Oklahoma, 1971-1973
Box   5
  Folder   8
Oregon, 1971-1975
Box   5
  Folder   9
Harrisburg, 1973-1975
Box   5
  Folder   10
Philadelphia, 1971-1976
Box   5
  Folder   11
Miscellaneous chapters
Box   5
  Folder   12
Rhode Island, 1971-1975
Box   5
  Folder   13
South Carolina, 1973-1976
Box   5
  Folder   14
South Dakota, 1972
Box   5
  Folder   15
Texas, 1973-1976
Box   5
  Folder   16
Utah, 1975
Box   5
  Folder   17
Vermont, 1973-1975
Box   5
  Folder   18
Virginia, 1971-1973
Box   5
  Folder   19
Washington, 1971-1978
Box   5
  Folder   20
Washington, D.C. 1970-1977
Box   5
  Folder   21
West Virginia, 1971-1977
Box   5
  Folder   22
Miscellaneous chapters, 1973
Box   5
  Folder   23
Box   5
  Folder   24
Milwaukee, 1970-1974
Box   5
  Folder   25
United Kingdom, 1973-1976
Box   5
  Folder   26
Miscellaneous news clippings about chapters, 1971-1977
Series: Subject Files
Box   6A
  Folder   1
Advertising, 1969-1972
Box   6A
  Folder   2
Africa, 1974-1975
Agent Orange
Box   6A
  Folder   3
General information
Box   6A
  Folder   4
Advocacy groups
Box   6A
  Folder   5
Box   6A
  Folder   6
Attorney correspondence
Box   6A
  Folder   7
Court documents
Box   6A
  Folder   8
Class assistance program
Box   6A
  Folder   9-13
Box   6A
  Folder   14
Box   6A
  Folder   15
Box   6A
  Folder   16-17
Articles regarding scientific and medical studies
Box   6B
  Folder   1
“Review of Scientific Literature”, 1990
Note: Co-sponsored by VVAW.
Box   6B
  Folder   2-4
Government and military studies
Box   6B
  Folder   5
North Vietnamese study, 1988
Box   6C
  Folder   1-2
Veteran specific studies
Audio   898A/24
Merriam Doucet-Schoenfeld, a Canadian researcher, regarding effects of Agent Orange on vets and their families : audio recording 1978
Mss 370
Box   6A
  Folder   18
Box   6A
  Folder   19
Box   6A
  Folder   20
Special publications
Box   6A
  Folder   21
Vietnam Veterans conference on Agent Orange, 1981
Box   7
  Folder   1
"Alienation among Vietnam Veterans" / paper by John C. Pollock, 1973
Box   7
  Folder   2
American Deserters Committee, 1973-1975
Box   7
  Folder   3
American Friends Service Committee, 1970-1971
Box   7
  Folder   4
American Legion, 1976
Box   7
  Folder   5
American Veterans for Peace, 1967-1970
Box   7
  Folder   6
American Veterans Movement, 1974
Box   7
  Folder   7
General, 1973-1976
Box   7
  Folder   8
Americans for Amnesty, 1973-1974
Box   7
  Folder   9
Campaign for Amnesty, 1973
Box   7
  Folder   10
National Conference on Amnesty, 1973
Box   7
  Folder   11
National Council of Churches, 1972-1975
NCUUA amnesty conference, 1974
Box   7
  Folder   12
Paper file
Audio   898A/19
Press conference, and interview of Darryl Adams of VVAW regarding amnesty for Canadian exiles : audio recording, 1974 September 23
Mss 370
Box   7
  Folder   13
War Resisters League, 1972-1973
Box   7
  Folder   14
Amex magazine, 1973-1975
Box   7
  Folder   15
Angola Solidarity Committee, 1975
Box   7
  Folder   16
Anniversaries of VVAW, 1987-1997
Box   7
  Folder   17
Anti-North Vietnam propaganda
Box   7
  Folder   18
Armed Forces Days, 1975, undated
Box   7
  Folder   19-20
Paper files
Bob Gibson's recorded memoranda about his Agent Orange work, documents sent to VVAW, and personal matters
Audio   898A/22
Audio recording, 1981 June 8
Audio   898A/23
Audio recording, 1981 December 7
Mss 370
Box   7
  Folder   21
Australian Communist Party
Box   7
  Folder   22
Barry, Jan, review of No Victory Parades circa 1971
Box   7
  Folder   23
Black Panther Party, 1973-1974
Box   7
  Folder   24
Bowling Green Films, 1971
Box   7
  Folder   25
Braden, Carl and Anne 1974-1975
CAMP (Chicago Area Military Project)
Note: See also NOSCOM-Chicago.
Enlisted men's military history
Box   7
  Folder   26
Box   7
  Folder   27
Drafts, 1973
Box   7
  Folder   28
Box   7
  Folder   29-30
CAMP literature
Box   7
  Folder   31
Canada, 1974
Box   7
  Folder   32
Casualty lists, Lebanon and Grenada 1983
Box   7
  Folder   33
Cease fire project, 1978
Box   7
  Folder   34
Center for Constitutional Rights, 1973-1974
Box   7
  Folder   35
Center for Veterans Rights, 1980
Box   7
  Folder   36
Central Ohio Military and Veterans Organizing Project, 1974-1975
Box   7
  Folder   37
Chapter letters (from VVAW) and chapter organizing material
Box   7
  Folder   38
Charleston (South Carolina) G.I. Office, 1973
Box   7
  Folder   39
Clemency program information
Box   7
  Folder   40
Clergy and Laity Concerned
Box   26
  Folder   1-8
Clipping service subscription, 1971 January-July
Box   26
  Folder   9
Photocopied scrapbook, 1974
Box   26
  Folder   10-11
Miscellaneous clippings, 1975-1982
Box   26
  Folder   12
Boston and Lexington newspapers, 1971 May-June
Box   26
  Folder   13
Kansas City, Missouri 1971 July 4
Box   26
  Folder   14
Chicago newspapers, 1971-1973
Box   7
  Folder   41
Committee for Action/Research on the Intelligence Community, 1973
Box   7
  Folder   42
Communist Party of the USA, 1973-1975
Box   7
  Folder   43
Communist League, 1974-1975
Box   7
  Folder   44
Congress, 1969-1982
Box   7
  Folder   45
Conscientious objectors, 1973, undated
Box   8
  Folder   1
Coordinator lists, 1970-1972
Box   8
  Folder   2
Coordinator memoranda, 1968-1972
Box   8
  Folder   3
Cortright, David (paper) 1972
Box   8
  Folder   4
Counter recruitment, 1974
Box   8
  Folder   5
Courts martial
Box   8
  Folder   6
Danish Vietnam Committee, 1974-1975
Box   8
  Folder   7
Davis, Bill, personal file 1982-1983
Box   8
  Folder   8
Demilitarized Zone, 1976
Box   8
  Folder   9-10
Democratic National Conventions, 1968, 1972
Box   8
  Folder   11
Demonstration guidelines
Dewey Canyon III, 1971
Box   8
  Folder   12
General information
Box   8
  Folder   13
Participants' questionnaire responses
Box   8
  Folder   14
Press conference
Box   8
  Folder   15
Transcript of court proceedings
Audio   898A/35
Dewey Canyon IV (first), "Where's My Apple Pie?" : audio recording / by Joan Baez to support the action 1974
Mss 370
Dewey Canyon IV (second), 1982
Box   8
  Folder   16
Paper file
VBC   109
Footage of pre-demonstration concert and instructions
Mss 370
Box   8
  Folder   17
Different Sons (film), 1971
Discharge Upgrade Project (DUP)
Box   8
  Folder   18-19
General, 1973-1974
Box   8
  Folder   20
Dyson, Steve
Box   8
  Folder   21
Lawyers Military Defense Committee, 1973-1974
Box   8
  Folder   22
Box   8
  Folder   23
National office of VVAW, 1975-1976
Box   8
  Folder   24
Old cases : incomplete
Box   8
  Folder   25
Veterans Services Association, 1975
Box   8
  Folder   26
Washington University project, 1973
Box   8
  Folder   27
Draft resistance, 1983
Box   8
  Folder   28
Drug addiction
Box   8
  Folder   29
Exiles, interviews of 1974
Box   8
  Folder   30
Fight-Back (Germany), 1973-1974
Box   8
  Folder   31
Box   8
  Folder   32
Fire Base Pace transcript
Box   8
  Folder   33
First Casualty, 1971
Box   8
  Folder   34
Box   8
  Folder   35
Free clinics (Mike Oliver)
Box   8
  Folder   36
Freund, Michael, survey research paper 1974
Box   8
  Folder   37
Fund raising projects
Box   8
  Folder   38
G.I. Alliance, Atlanta exploratory conference
Box   8
  Folder   39
G.I. Bill and educational benefits, 1970-1971
Box   8
  Folder   40
G.I. conference, Louisville 1971
Box   8
  Folder   41
G.I. conference, Williams Bay 1971
G.I. conference (VVAW), 1974
Box   8
  Folder   42
Background literature
Box   8
  Folder   43
Box   8
  Folder   44
Box   8
  Folder   45
Box   8
  Folder   46
Proposals and agenda
Box   8
  Folder   47
Box   9
  Folder   1
Reports and notes
Box   29
  Folder   1
Registration cards
Box   9
  Folder   2
G.I. conference, 1978
Box   9
  Folder   3
G.I. News, correspondence 1975
Box   9
  Folder   4
G.I. movement, general 1973
G.I. Project (VVAW)
Box   9
  Folder   5
Questionnaire form
Box   9
  Folder   6
Active duty cases, 1970-1971
Box   9
  Folder   38
Against the Wall
Box   9
  Folder   7a
Beaufort, South Carolina 1974
Box   9
  Folder   7b
Camp Lejeune (Norm Haas), 1975-1976
Box   9
  Folder   8
Fort Hood, 1975-1976
Box   9
  Folder   9
Fort Lewis, 1972-1974
Box   9
  Folder   10
German G.I. groups and Rita Act
Box   9
  Folder   11
Guam, 1974
Box   9
  Folder   12
Great Lakes Naval Training Station, 1968-1971
Box   9
  Folder   13
Highway 13, 1974-1975
Box   9
  Folder   14
Illinois, 1974
Box   9
  Folder   15
Iwakuni, Japan 1974-1975
Box   9
  Folder   16
Naha prison, Japan 1973-1974
Box   9
  Folder   17
Yokosuka, Japan 1974-1975
Box   9
  Folder   18
Korea, 1974-1975
Box   9
  Folder   19
London, 1974
Box   9
  Folder   20
New England, 1973-1974
Box   9
  Folder   21
New Jersey, 1974
Box   9
  Folder   22
New York APO, 1974-1975
Box   9
  Folder   23
New York FPO
Box   9
  Folder   24
San Francisco, APO and FPO (ships and bases) 1974-1975
Box   9
  Folder   25
Box   9
  Folder   26
USS America
Box   9
  Folder   27
USS Constellation
Box   9
  Folder   28
USS Coral Sea
Box   9
  Folder   29
USS Duluth, 1973
Box   9
  Folder   30
USS John F. Kennedy
Box   9
  Folder   31
USS Kitty Hawk
Box   9
  Folder   32
USS Little Rock, 1974
Box   9
  Folder   33
USS Long Beach
Box   9
  Folder   34
USS Midway, 1972-1974
Box   9
  Folder   35
USS Worden (Chris Heilman)
Box   9
  Folder   36
United States, miscellaneous G.I.s
Box   9
  Folder   37
General Motors, Detroit 1972
Box   9
  Folder   39
Gonzalez, Julio (Illinois agent for Agent Orange) 1982-1983
Box   9
  Folder   40
Grossman, Steve, amnesty tour 1974
Box   9
  Folder   41
Guardian, 1975-1979
Box   9
  Folder   42
Gulf War
Box   9
  Folder   43
Guyana, 1975
Box   9
  Folder   44
Hanoi trips, 1971-1972, 1986
Box   9
  Folder   45
“Help Unsell the War” campaign, 1971
Box   9
  Folder   46
Hubbard, Al, speaking engagements and remarks 1971
Box   9
  Folder   47
Inauguration demonstration, 1973
Box   9
  Folder   48
Indochina Peace Campaign, 1973-1974
Box   9
  Folder   49
Indochina Solidarity Committee, 1973-1975
Box   9
  Folder   50
Iranian Students Association in the United States, 1973-1975
Box   9
  Folder   51
Ireland (Sinn Fein), 1974-1975
Box   9
  Folder   52
Italy (Servizio Traduzioni), 1974-1975
July 4th demonstrations
(Amnesty/Bonus), 1974
Box   9
  Folder   53-54
Box   9
  Folder   55
Washington, D.C. office file
Box   9
  Folder   56
(“Rich off our Backs”), 1976
Kampuchea (Cambodia)
Box   9
  Folder   58
National United Front (FUNK), 1973-1975
Box   9
  Folder   57
Royal Government of National Union (GRUNC), 1973-1975
Box   10
  Folder   1
Kent State demonstration, 1978
Box   10
  Folder   2
Kennedy, Joe (New York Assembly candidate) 1970
Kerry, John
Box   10
  Folder   3
General, 1971
Box   10
  Folder   4
Box   10
  Folder   5
New Soldier
Box   10
  Folder   6
Kim Phoc tour, 1989
Box   10
  Folder   7
Korea, 1973-1975
Box   10
  Folder   8
Laird, Melvin, litigation 1972
Box   10
  Folder   9
Lawyers Military Defense Committee, 1971-1974
Box   10
  Folder   10
League Against Imperialism (West Germany), 1974
Box   10
  Folder   11
Legislative office (Rusty Lindley), Washington, D.C. 1971-1974
Box   10
  Folder   12
Liberated Barracks (Hawaii), 1974-1975
Box   10
  Folder   13
Box   10
  Folder   14
Mailing lists
Membership printout, (about 15,700 members) 1972
Box   28
  Folder   1
Alphabetical list
Box   27
  Folder   1
Zip code/State lists
Box   10
  Folder   15
Peace groups
Box   10
  Folder   16
Long Island Pre-college summer program, 1971
Box   10
  Folder   17
Mayor's Office for Veterans Action (New York City), 1973-1974
Box   10
  Folder   18
Memorial Days events
Box   10
  Folder   19
Military analysis information
Box   10
  Folder   20
Military counseling information
Box   10
  Folder   21
Military Justice Task Force report : incomplete, 1972
Box   10
  Folder   22
Military regulations
Box   10
  Folder   23
Miners strike, 1978
NOSCAM (National Office Service-Peoples' Counseling and Materials)
National office files about NOSCAM
Box   10
  Folder   24-26
Correspondence, 1973-1974
Box   10
  Folder   27
Files transferred from Dayton office
Box   10
  Folder   28-30
Alphabetical correspondence, B-Z
Box   10
  Folder   31
Exiles correspondence, 1973-1974
Box   10
  Folder   32-33
Fort Leavenworth, 1973-1975
Box   10
  Folder   34
Koza, Okinawa
Box   10
  Folder   35
North Carolina
Box   10
  Folder   36
USS Kennedy
Box   10
  Folder   37
Miscellaneous correspondence
Box   10
  Folder   38
Internal matters
G.I. correspondence
Box   11
  Folder   1
American Friends Service Committee, St. Louis 1972-1973
Box   11
  Folder   2
Bay Area Military Law Panel, 1971-1972
Box   11
  Folder   3
Black Military Resistance League
Box   11
  Folder   4
Black Servicemen's Caucus, San Diego 1972
Box   11
  Folder   5
Bolling Air Force Base, 1972-1974
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors (CCCO)
Box   11
  Folder   6
Atlanta Region
Box   11
  Folder   7-8
Western Region
Box   11
  Folder   9
Box   11
  Folder   10
Camp Allen Case (Jeffrey Allison), 1972-1973
Box   11
  Folder   11
Camp Lejeune, 1971-1973
Box   11
  Folder   12
Center for Servicemen's Rights (San Diego), 1971-1974
Box   11
  Folder   13
Charleston, South Carolina 1974, undated
Box   11
  Folder   14
Chicago VVAW chapter, 1974
Box   11
  Folder   15
Cole, Chip
Box   11
  Folder   16
Columbia (South Carolina) Military Draft Information Center, 1972-1973
Box   11
  Folder   17
Concerned Military (San Diego), 1972-1973
Box   11
  Folder   18
Concerned Military (Puget Sound), 1971
Box   11
  Folder   19
Cortright, David 1972-1975
Box   11
  Folder   20
Covered Wagon, Mountain Home Air Force Base 1971-1972
Box   11
  Folder   21
DMZ Counseling, San Francisco 1972-1973
Box   11
  Folder   22
Drydock (Long Beach), 1973-1974
Box   11
  Folder   23
Fight Back (Germany), 1972-1974
Box   11
  Folder   24
Florida, 1974-1975
Box   11
  Folder   25
Fort Benning, 1972
Box   11
  Folder   26
Fort Bragg, 1971-1974
Box   11
  Folder   27
Fort Dix, 1972
Box   11
  Folder   28
Fort Gordon, 1971-1972
Box   11
  Folder   29
Fort Lewis, 1970-1971
Box   11
  Folder   30
Fort Lewis-McCord
Box   11
  Folder   31
Fort Ord (Native American Free University), 1973
Box   11
  Folder   32
Fort Riley, 1972-1973
Box   11
  Folder   33
Forward (Germany), 1973-1974
Box   11
  Folder   34
G.I. Project Alliance (Southern California), 1973-1974
Box   11
  Folder   35
Home Front Bookstore (Santa Barbara), 1973-1974
Box   11
  Folder   36
Homestead Air Force Base, 1973-1975
Box   11
  Folder   37
Box   11
  Folder   38
Box   11
  Folder   39
Kansas City, 1971-1972
Box   11
  Folder   40
Kirtland Air Force Base, 1972-1973
Box   11
  Folder   41
Lawyers Military Defense Committee (Washington, D.C.) 1973-1974
Box   11
  Folder   42
Loring Air Force Base, 1971-1973
Box   11
  Folder   43
Lowry Air Force Base, 1972-1973
Box   11
  Folder   44
Manhattan, Kansas 1972
Box   11
  Folder   45
Norfolk Defense Committee (Tidewater), 1973-1975
Box   12
  Folder   1
Norfolk G.I. Office
Box   12
  Folder   2
Offutt Air Force Base, 1972-1973
Box   12
  Folder   3
Box   12
  Folder   4
Omaha Draft Military Information Center, 1972-1973
Box   12
  Folder   5
Oregon, 1971-1974
Box   12
  Folder   6
Prescott, Jerry (drug addiction program) 1970-1971
Box   12
  Folder   7
Puerto Rico, 1972-1974
Box   12
  Folder   8
Red Door, 1973
Box   12
  Folder   9
Rocky Mountain Military Project, 1972-1973
Box   12
  Folder   10
Support Our Soldiers (San Diego), 1971-1974
Box   12
  Folder   11
San Diego, 1971-1972
Box   12
  Folder   12
Travis Air Force Base, 1972
Box   12
  Folder   13
Up Against the Bulkhead, 1971-1972
Box   12
  Folder   14
USS Constellation, 1971
Box   12
  Folder   15
Wisconsin, 1972-1975
Box   12
  Folder   16
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, 1973-1974
Box   12
  Folder   17
National Association of Concerned Veterans, 1974-1975
Box   12
  Folder   18
National Guard and Reserves organizing, 1970-1975
Box   12
  Folder   19
National Interim Committee for a Mass Party of the People, 1974-1975
Box   12
  Folder   20
National Lawyers Guild, Military Justice Office 1974-1975
Box   12
  Folder   21
National Peace Action Coalition, 1970-1971
Box   12
  Folder   22
National Planning Conference on the Emotional Needs of Vietnam Era Veterans, 1973
National Political Defense Committee (of VVAW)
Box   12
  Folder   23
General, 1974
Box   12
  Folder   24-25
Box   12
  Folder   26
Workshop, 1974
Box   12
  Folder   27
Press releases for Gainesville 8
Box   12
  Folder   28
Netherlands (Bond voor Dienstplichtigen), 1974-1975
Box   12
  Folder   29
New members, 1974-1975
Box   12
  Folder   30
New York Moratorium Committee
Box   12
  Folder   31
Nicaragua, 1985
Box   12
  Folder   32
October League, 1974-1975
Box   12
  Folder   33
Office miscellaneous, 1970-1971
Box   12
  Folder   34
Ohio newsreel, 1973-1974
Operation County Fair, 1973-1974
Box   12
  Folder   35-36
Folders I-II
Box   13
  Folder   1
Folder III
Box   13
  Folder   2
Operation Donovan
Operation Last Patrol (to Republican Convention), 1972
Box   13
  Folder   3
General file
Box   13
  Folder   4
Paper by Mark Harmon
Box   13
  Folder   5
Operation Peace on Earth, 1971
Operation Rapid American Withdrawal (RAW), 1970
Box   13
  Folder   6-7
General papers
Box   13
  Folder   8
Participant questionnaires
Box   13
  Folder   9
Organizational planning
Organizational split, 1974-1975
Box   13
  Folder   10
National office file
Box   13
  Folder   11
Buffalo chapter
Box   13
  Folder   12
Box   13
  Folder   13
St. Louis
Box   13
  Folder   14
Other chapters
Box   13
  Folder   15
Organizers manual, undated
Box   13
  Folder   16
“Other organizations”, 1968-1971
Box   13
  Folder   17
POWs/MIAs, 1970-1973
Box   13
  Folder   18-19
Pacific Counseling Service, 1972-1974
Box   13
  Folder   20
Paris Peace Assembly on Vietnam, 1972
Paris Peace Talks, 1972
Box   13
  Folder   21
VVAW publicity
Box   13
  Folder   22
Box   13
  Folder   23
People's Blockade, 1972
Box   13
  Folder   24
Permits, 1971
Box   13
  Folder   25
Poems and stories, undated
Box   13
  Folder   26
Policy statements
Box   13
  Folder   27
Political campaigns, 1969-1971
Box   13
  Folder   28
Political education
Post-Vietnam Syndrome (later Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PSTD)
Box   13
  Folder   29
Reference material, circa 1974
Box   13
  Folder   30
Chaim F. Shatan, writings and reports 1972-1978
Box   14
  Folder   1
Postal workers strike, 1978
Political prisoners defense cases
Box   14
  Folder   2
General, 1972-1975, 1981
Box   14
  Folder   3
National Prison Project, 1973-1975
Box   14
  Folder   4
Behavior modification study, 1974
Box   14
  Folder   5
Armstrong, Karleton 1973
Box   14
  Folder   6
Attica Brothers legal defense committee, 1973-1974
Box   14
  Folder   7
Atlanta Federal Prison, 1974-1976
Box   14
  Folder   8
Behavior modification information
Box   14
  Folder   9
Bishop, Cameron 1975
Box   14
  Folder   10
“Books for Prisoners”, 1973-1974
Box   14
  Folder   11
Bucklin, Richard 1973
Box   14
  Folder   12
Camp Allen (Jeffrey Allison), 1973
Box   14
  Folder   13
Chenoweth, Pat 1973
Box   14
  Folder   14
Church of the New Song, 1974-1975
Box   14
  Folder   15
Cullen, Michael (Milwaukee) 1973
Box   14
  Folder   16
De Mau Mau Defense Committee, 1973
Box   14
  Folder   17
Ervin, Lorenzo Komboa 1976
Box   14
  Folder   18
Felde, Wayne
Box   14
  Folder   19
Fort Wadsworth Army Band case, 1970
Gainesville 8, 1973
Box   14
  Folder   20-21
Press releases, statements, and miscellaneous
Box   14
  Folder   22
Flyers and publications
Box   14
  Folder   23
Trial notes
Box   15
  Folder   1-7
Clipping scrapbooks : photocopies, 1971-1974
Box   16
  Folder   1
Hardy, Jackie 1975
Box   16
  Folder   2
Hood, Bob 1974
Box   16
  Folder   3
Imprisoned Citizens Union, 1972
Box   16
  Folder   4
Incarcerated Veterans Assistance (Lorton, Virginia) 1975
Box   16
  Folder   5
Jackson, James 1970
Box   16
  Folder   6
Jenkins, Clarence 1974-1975
Box   16
  Folder   7
Kessler, Stephen 1974
Box   16
  Folder   8-10
Lawton, Gary (Riverside prisoners case) 1974
Leach, Ashby 1976-1977
Box   16
  Folder   11
Paper file
Audio   898A/1
Talk and interview of Leach, perhaps for publication : audio recording 1977
Mss 370
Leavenworth Brothers
Box   16
  Folder   12
Correspondence, 1973-1975
Box   16
  Folder   13
Press material and clippings
Box   16
  Folder   14
Box   16
  Folder   15
Lebanon, Ohio, prison incident report by Armand Austan circa 1973
Box   16
  Folder   16
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, Prison 1974-1975
Box   16
  Folder   17
Lifers, Inc. (Missouri State Prison) 1975-1976
Box   16
  Folder   18
Little, Malcolm 1974-1975
Box   16
  Folder   19
Louisiana State Prison (Veterans Incarcerated)
Box   16
  Folder   20
Lyons, Paul T. 1974-1975
Box   16
  Folder   21
McGee (or Magee), Ruchell, sedition case 1973-1976
Box   16
  Folder   22-23
Marion Federal Prison, 1974-1976
Box   16
  Folder   24
National Lawyers Guild, Midnight Special Collective 1973-1975
Box   16
  Folder   25
National Prisoners Association, 1975
Box   16
  Folder   26
North East Prisoners Association, 1974-1976
Box   16
  Folder   27
Ohio Prisoners Labor Association, 1973
Box   16
  Folder   28
Oklahoma State Prison
Box   16
  Folder   29
Sanchez, Eddie 1974-1975
Box   16
  Folder   30
Smit, Tom 1974
Box   16
  Folder   31
Smith, Billy Dean 1974, undated
Smith, Melvin 1972-1974
Box   16
  Folder   32
Box   16
  Folder   33
Box   16
  Folder   34
Box   17
  Folder   1
Box   17
  Folder   2
Smith's letters
Box   17
  Folder   3
Sostre, Martin 1973
Box   17
  Folder   4
Soto, Carlos 1975
Box   17
  Folder   5
Southern Coalition on Jails and Prisons, 1974-1975
Box   17
  Folder   6
Terre Haute Federal Prison, 1973-1975
Box   17
  Folder   7
United Prisoners Union, 1973
Box   17
  Folder   8
United States Bureau of Prisons, 1973
Box   17
  Folder   9
Veterans Incarcerated Service Program, 1975-1977
Box   17
  Folder   10
Williams, Bobby 1974-1975
Box   17
  Folder   11
Wilson, Robert H. 1974-1975
Box   17
  Folder   12
Wood, Jearl 1981-1982
Box   17
  Folder   13
Wounded Knee Defense Committee, 1973-1974
Box   17
  Folder   14
Yancy, John 1975
Box   17
  Folder   15
Puerto Rican Solidarity Day, 1974
Box   17
  Folder   16
Rambo (film), 1985
Box   17
  Folder   17
Recon, 1974
Box   17
  Folder   18-19
Republican Convention, 1972-1973
Box   17
  Folder   20
Resignations, 1970-1971
Box   17
  Folder   21
Rest of the News, 1974
Box   17
  Folder   22
Revolutionary Communist Party
Box   17
  Folder   23
Revolutionary Student Brigade, 1975
Box   17
  Folder   24
Revolutionary Union (RU), 1973-1975
Box   17
  Folder   25
Reynolds, Al 1974
Box   17
  Folder   26
Safe Return, 1972-1974
Box   17
  Folder   27
South Vietnamese consulate
Box   17
  Folder   28
San Diego Convention Coalition, 1972
Box   17
  Folder   29
Sojourner Truth Organization
Box   17
  Folder   30
Songs and poetry
Box   17
  Folder   31
Speakers, 1970-1971
Box   17
  Folder   32-34
“Stand Up and Be Counted” ad questionnaires, 1967
Box   17
  Folder   35
Statistics, miscellaneous
Box   17
  Folder   36-37
Stockholm Conference on Crime in Indochina, 1972
Box   17
  Folder   38
Sweden, North Vietnamese support 1972-1975
Box   17
  Folder   39
Thanksgiving, 1971
Box   17
  Folder   40
Third World Caucus
Box   17
  Folder   41
Tupelo, Mississippi 1978
Box   17
  Folder   42
USS Haddock, 1975
Box   17
  Folder   43
Unemployed Workers Organizing Committee
Box   17
  Folder   44
[unidentified], undated
Box   17
  Folder   45
Union of Vietnamese in the United States, 1973-1974
Box   17
  Folder   46
Unita Festival (Rome), 1972
Box   17
  Folder   47
United Farm Workers, 1972-1973
Box   17
  Folder   48
United Front Press, 1974-1975
Box   17
  Folder   49
United Nations petition, 1972
Box   17
  Folder   50
United States-China Peoples Friendship Association, 1975-1977
Box   17
  Folder   51
United States Servicemen's Fund, 1970
Box   17
  Folder   52
United We Stand, 1973-1974
Box   17
  Folder   53
Up From Exile, 1973
Box   18
  Folder   1
Vancouver American Exiles Committee, 1973-1975
Box   18
  Folder   2
Illinois, 1982-1985
Box   18
  Folder   3
Iowa, 1983
Box   18
  Folder   4
Box   18
  Folder   5
Box   18
  Folder   6
Veterans action centers, 1972
Box   18
  Folder   7
Veterans Action Group, 1971
Veterans Administration
Box   18
  Folder   8
Box   18
  Folder   9
Hospitals and medical benefits
Detroit Veterans Administration Hospital, 1977
Audio   898A/2
Interview with Tim Wells, an employee who was fired and his dismissal, perhaps for a VVAW defense case : audio recording
Audio   898A/3
Interview with Mrs. Walker about her brother who died from mistreatment at Allen Park hospital : audio recording
Mss 370
Box   18
  Folder   10
Veterans conference
Box   18
  Folder   11
Veterans Day events, 1970-1978
Box   18
  Folder   12
Veterans for Peace, 1970
Box   18
  Folder   13
Veterans resource lists
Box   18
  Folder   14
Veterans service projects, miscellaneous groups
Box   18
  Folder   15
Veterans Service Center, 1974
Box   18
  Folder   16
North Vietnam, 1972-1975
Box   18
  Folder   17
Paper file
Audio   898A/20
Meeting with representatives of the North Vietnamese army, regarding friendship, post-war Vietnam, etc. : audio recording circa 1975 August-September
Mss 370
Box   18
  Folder   18
South Vietnam prisoners, 1973
Box   18
  Folder   19
Vietnam Peace Parade, 1970
Box   18
  Folder   20
Vietnam Revisited (art exhibit), 1981
Vietnam veterans
Box   18
  Folder   21
Box   18
  Folder   22
Minnesota conference, 1979
Box   18
  Folder   23
Vietnam Veterans against the War-Anti-Imperialist, undated
Box   18
  Folder   24
Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace, 1971
Box   18
  Folder   25
Vietnam Veterans for McCarthy, 1968
Box   18
  Folder   26
“Vietnam Veterans Voice”
Box   18
  Folder   27
WTTW Radio, Veterans call-in program 1981
Box   18
  Folder   28
War memorials, 1985, undated
Box   18
  Folder   29
Winter Soldier (film), 1971-1973
Box   18
  Folder   30
Winter Soldier film robbery, 1973
Winter Soldier Investigation
Box   18
  Folder   31
Citizens Commission of Inquiry, 1971
Box   18
  Folder   32
Box   18
  Folder   33
Correspondence, 1970-1971
Box   18
  Folder   34
Financial records
Box   18
  Folder   35
General information
Box   18
  Folder   36
Planning, 1971
Box   18
  Folder   37
Box   18
  Folder   38
Research and contacts
Box   18
  Folder   39-49
Folders 1-11
Box   19
  Folder   1-3
Folders 12-14
Box   19
  Folder   4-5
Testimony used
Box   19
  Folder   6
Testimony summaries
Box   19
  Folder   7-10
Testimony not used
Box   19
  Folder   11-13
Deleted pages
Local Winter Soldier inquiries
Box   19
  Folder   14
Paper file
Audio   898A/34
Testimony of ten Boston soldiers : audio recording, 1971 October 7-9
Mss 370
Box   19
  Folder   15
Winter Soldier newspaper distribution, 1971
Box   19
  Folder   16
Wisdom of the Afflicted, play by Peter Mahoney
Workshop on military counseling of the U.S. Committee on Military Counseling in which VVAW members participated, after 1975
Audio   898A/26-28
Audio recordings, unknown year March 27
Audio   898A/29-31
Audio recordings, unknown year April 2
Audio   898A/32
Audio recording, unknown year April 16
Audio   898A/33
Audio recording, unknown year April 23
Mss 370
World Conference on Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs, 1972-1975
Box   19
  Folder   17-22
Paper files
Audio   898A/25
Statement of Bill Davis enroute to conference on nuclear issues, also statements in solidarity with PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) : audio recording 1975
Mss 370
Box   19
  Folder   23
World Peace Conference (Moscow), 1973
Box   19
  Folder   24
World Religionists Assembly for Peace and Justice, 1972
Box   19
  Folder   25
ZERO, 1974-1975
Series: Chapter Records
Clarence Fitch Chapter (previously Brooklyn/Northern New Jersey)
Box   20
  Folder   1-2
By-laws revision; objectives, 1991
Box   30
  Folder   1
Minutes/draft copies of Monthly Report newsletter, 1999-2002
Box   30
  Folder   2-6
Meeting notes, 1995-2002, undated
Box   20
  Folder   6-9
Box   30
  Folder   7
2004-2006, undated
Box   30
  Folder   8
DMZ newsletter paste-up pages
Box   30
  Folder   9-13
E-mails, 1993-2006, undated
Box   30
  Folder   14
FSLN House in La Esperanza, Niracagua
Box   30
  Folder   15
Financial information, 1993-1995
Box   30
  Folder   16
Fitch documentary and memorial (Another Brother)
Box   30
  Folder   17
Regular size
Box   32
  Folder   1
Large size
Box   30
  Folder   18
Fourth of July events
Box   30
  Folder   20
Gillen, Michael, photography exhibit 1995
Box   30
  Folder   19
Gulf War, 1990
Box   30
  Folder   21
Haiti, 1991
Box   30
  Folder   22
“Interview a Vet” contest, 1988
Box   30
  Folder   23
Iraq War
Box   30
  Folder   24
JROTC organizing and youth counseling, 1985, 1995
Box   30
  Folder   25
Kerry, John, e-mails about 2003-2004
Box   20
  Folder   3
Membership letters, 1990-1992
Box   30
  Folder   26
Camouflage-style banner, circa 1980s
Box   30
  Folder   27
Frisbee for 25th anniversary in New York City, 1992
Box   30
  Folder   28
Memorial Day events
Box   30
  Folder   29
Box   30
  Folder   30
Monthly essays, 1989-1992, undated
Box   30
  Folder   31
National Veterans Legal Services Project
Box   32
  Folder   2
Nicaragua, 1986
Box   30
  Folder   32a
Panama fact-finding delegation, 1989
Box   32
  Folder   3
Peace convoy, 1988
Box   32
  Folder   32b
Pietri, Pedro 2004
Box   32
  Folder   33
Platoon (film) reaction, 1989
Box   32
  Folder   34
Sheldon Ramsdell Memorial, 1996
Box   32
  Folder   35
Reconciliation campaign, 1993-1994
Box   32
  Folder   36
Resolutions, miscellaneous
Box   32
  Folder   37
Sandow, Laurie, resignation 1988
Box   32
  Folder   38
School of the Americas, 1994-1995
Box   32
  Folder   39
September 11 response, 2001
Box   32
  Folder   40
Speak Out for Peace and Justice, 1988
Box   32
  Folder   41
Tappan Zee Brigade meeting notices, 2003-2006
Box   32
  Folder   4
Veterans Days, 1971-2000
Box   30
  Folder   42
Veterans for Peace March, 2006
Box   30
  Folder   43
Veterans Peace Coalition, meeting notices 2002-2004
Box   30
  Folder   44
Vieques, 1999-2001
Vietnam Veterans against the War (National)
Box   30
  Folder   45
Minutes, 1998-2003
Box   30
  Folder   46
Anniversaries, 1992-2002
Box   30
  Folder   47
“Core” mailing list issues, 1998
Box   30
  Folder   48
Box   30
  Folder   49
Box   30
  Folder   50-51
National lists
Box   32
  Folder   5
Winter Soldier Investigation, New York 1972
Information files
Box   31
  Folder   1-2
Agent Orange
Box   31
  Folder   3-5
Box   31
  Folder   6
Dioxin-New York Commission report, 1982
Box   31
  Folder   7-8
Miscellaneous mailings
Box   31
  Folder   9
Box   31
  Folder   10
Salcedo, Sylvester
Box   31
  Folder   11
Vietnam Friendship Village project, 1992
Madison, Wisconsin Chapter records
Box   20
  Folder   23
Articles of incorporation, 1985
Box   20
  Folder   24-31
Incoming, 1979-1988, 1992
Box   20
  Folder   32-33
Outgoing, 1979-1989
Box   20
  Folder   34
Mailings received
Subject files
Agent Orange
Box   20
  Folder   35
Paper file, 1979-1986
Audio   898A/8
WHA interview of Sukie Wachtendonk about Agent Orange litigation and her family's health : audio recording, 1989 May 29
Audio   898A/4
WNTR interview with Rick Odell and Sukie Wachtendonk about her family's health and the Agent Orange litigation : audio recording, 1989 July 11
VBC   108
War Shadows, a film by Jody Eisemann 1979
Mss 370
Box   20
  Folder   36
Audio-visual products, 1985-1988
Box   20
  Folder   37
Box   20
  Folder   38
Camp McCoy 3, 1972-1973
Box   20
  Folder   39
Central America, 1985-1986
Box   20
  Folder   40
Box   20
  Folder   41
Dane County Agent Orange Committee, 1980
Box   20
  Folder   42
Draft resistance, 1980-1986
Box   20
  Folder   43
Education grant application, 1984-1987
Box   20
  Folder   44
Federal legislation
Box   20
  Folder   45
Kroll, Dennis
Box   20
  Folder   46
Madison Vets for Peace, 1984-1986
Box   20
  Folder   47
Membership list, 1986
Box   20
  Folder   48
Memorial Day events, 1979, 1982
Box   20
  Folder   49
Military recruiting in schools, 1984-1985
Box   20
  Folder   50a
Nicaragua film project, circa 1987
Box   20
  Folder   50b
Mike Terry letter
VHA   642
Footage of VVAW tour of Nicaragua to promote a proposed documentary
Mss 370
Box   20
  Folder   51
Operation Dewey Canyon IV, 1982
Box   20
  Folder   52
Operation Triad, 1980
Box   20
  Folder   53
Pesticides, Department of Agriculture rule 1979-1981
Box   21
  Folder   1
Pesticide documentaries, 1979-1980
Box   21
  Folder   2-3
Pesticide use in Madison, 1980-1989
Audio   898A/10
A Public Affair, WORT talk by Dennis Kroll and D. McQuade about Platoon : audio recording 1987 January 22
Mss 370
Box   21
  Folder   4
Progress reports to national office, 1979-1983
Box   21
  Folder   5
Radio program, 1981
Box   21
  Folder   6
Veterans Administration, 1978-1985
Veterans Day events
Box   21
  Folder   7
Paper file, 1983-1991
Audio   898A/5
A Public Affair, WORT coverage of the Capitol event and speech by Dennis Kroll : audio recording 1986
Audio   898A/6
Promotional interview for the event on WORT, music by Jim Walktendonk and Rick Duvall : audio recording 1986
Audio   898A/7
A Public Affair, WORT coverage of the ceremony, speeches by Sukie Wachtendonk and VVAW head Barry Romo, music by Muriel Hogan and Jim Walktendonk : audio recording 1989
Mss 370
Box   21
  Folder   8
Vets House-Agent Orange outreach project, 1981-1984
Box   21
  Folder   9
Vietnam Veterans Civic Council of Wisconsin, 1983-1985
Wachtendonk, Jim and Sukie

Conditions Governing Use

Jim Walktendonk (the name Jim Wachtendonk used for his professional recordings) retains rights to all of the music composed and performed by him.

Box   21
  Folder   10
Family information
Box   21
  Folder   11
Agent Orange questionnaire
Commercial audio recordings
Audio   898A/11
Edges, 1997
Audio   898A/12
Gemini & I, 1991
Audio   898A/13
Incoming, 1985
Audio   898A/20
On the Mend, 1988
Audio   898A/14
R & R, 1994
Audio   898A/15
Red White and Blind, 1989
Mss 370
War toys
Box   21
  Folder   12
Paper file, 1985-1986
Audio   898A/9
Comments about war toys by the Wachtendonks on a WHA program; Jim sings a song by Dennis Kroll : audio recording
Mss 370
Box   21
  Folder   13
Wisconsin Coalition Against Pesticides, 1981
Box   21
  Folder   14
Wisconsin legislation, 1979-1984
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Chapter
Box   21
  Folder   15
Organizational and general information
Box   21
  Folder   16-30
Correspondence, 1973-1992, undated
Subject files
Agent Orange
Box   21
  Folder   31
Australia, 1983-1984
Box   21
  Folder   32
Citizen exposure, 1980-1984
Box   21
  Folder   33
Class action suit, 1979-1988, undated
Box   21
  Folder   34
Clippings (Wisconsin)
Box   29
  Folder   2
Contact cards
Box   22
  Folder   1
General information
Box   22
  Folder   2
Lindquist notes about Veterans Administration herbicide committee, 1981
Box   22
  Folder   3
Milwaukee, 1979-1982
Box   22
  Folder   4
Box   22
  Folder   5
National Veterans Task Force, 1980
Box   22
  Folder   6
Box   22
  Folder   7
Petitions, Milwaukee
Box   22
  Folder   8
Settlement comments
Box   22
  Folder   9
Conference, 1981
Box   22
  Folder   10
New Jersey, 1983-1985
Box   22
  Folder   11
General, 1981
Box   22
  Folder   12
Information Project, 1979-1982
Box   22
  Folder   13
Legislation, 1971-1991
Box   22
  Folder   14
Other states legislation, 1980
Box   22
  Folder   15
Box   22
  Folder   16
Armstrong, Karleton 1973
Box   22
  Folder   17
Atomic Veterans, 1981
Box   22
  Folder   18a
Booth Street party and court case, 1976
Box   22
  Folder   18b
Box   22
  Folder   19
CARD (Committee against Registration and the Draft), 1983
Box   22
  Folder   20
Cooperatives, 1974
Box   22
  Folder   21-22
Dewey Canyon III
Box   22
  Folder   23
Dewey Canyon 20th anniversary, 1991
Box   22
  Folder   24
Discharge Upgrade Project (DUP), 1973-1974
Box   22
  Folder   25
Dow boycott
Box   22
  Folder   26
Draft, 1984
Box   22
  Folder   27
Fundraising, 1985-1990
Box   22
  Folder   28
Gainesville 8, 1973
Box   22
  Folder   29
Gulf War correspondence, 1990
Box   22
  Folder   30
Hmong in Wisconsin
Box   22
  Folder   31
July 4, 1974
Box   22
  Folder   32
Kemp, Don G. case 1973-1974
Box   22
  Folder   33
Kessler, Mark case 1977-1978
Box   22
  Folder   34
Lindquist, John, speeches and articles
Box   22
  Folder   35
Mailings/phone lists
Box   22
  Folder   36-37
Mass mailings (VVAW Milwaukee)
Box   23
  Folder   1
Membership dues notebook, 1978-1983
Box   23
  Folder   2
Mendoza, Ray case
Box   23
  Folder   3
Military families support network, 1990-1991
Box   23
  Folder   4
Milwaukee miscellaneous, 1974
Box   23
  Folder   5
Milwaukee Association of Black Veterans, 1981
Box   23
  Folder   6
Milwaukee-Central America solidarity, 1981-1982
Box   23
  Folder   7
Box   23
  Folder   8
Mr. Man competition
Box   23
  Folder   9-10
Newsletter and fragments, 1972-1990
Box   23
  Folder   11
Box   23
  Folder   12
Notes on national meetings
Box   23
  Folder   13
Operation Last Patrol, 1972
Box   23
  Folder   14
POWs, 1973
Box   23
  Folder   15
Undated material
Box   23
  Folder   16
Pesticide exposure in Wisconsin, 1980-1987
Box   23
  Folder   17
Prisoner rights, 1975-1977
Box   23
  Folder   18
Box   23
  Folder   19
Box   23
  Folder   20
Miles, Mary Ellen 1972-1974
Interviews with Milwaukee FBI informants about recruitment, motivation : audio recordings circa 1975
Audio   898A/16
Bob Kecharski
Audio   898A/17
Informant “Pam”
Audio   898A/18
Informants “Lil” and “Cobra”
Mss 370
Box   23
  Folder   21-23
Songs, poems, and lyrics
Box   23
  Folder   24
Speeches, 1975-1981
Box   23
  Folder   25
Street petition
Box   23
  Folder   26
Veterans Advisory Committee, 1982
Box   23
  Folder   27
Veterans Affairs, 1973-1982
Box   23
  Folder   29
Veterans Affairs (Wisconsin Department), 1980-1981
Box   23
  Folder   28
Veterans Day
Box   23
  Folder   30
Vets House, 1980-1981
Box   23
  Folder   31
Unity Day, 1991
Box   23
  Folder   32
Vet Center clients, 1980
Box   23
  Folder   33
Vietnam War Memorial, 1982-1985
Box   23
  Folder   34
Vietnam War
Box   23
  Folder   35
Vietnamese film project, 1989
Box   23
  Folder   36
Vietnam Veterans of America, 1983
Box   23
  Folder   37
Winter Soldier Investigation, 1990
Box   23
  Folder   38
Wisconsin Agent Orange Seminar, 1991
Box   23
  Folder   39
Wood Veterans Hospital, 1979-1981
Box   23
  Folder   40
Zien, Dave 1982
Steve Hawkins FBI Files
Box   23
  Folder   41
Report to VVAW, 1973
Box   23
  Folder   42-43
Box   23
  Folder   44
Box   23
  Folder   45-46
Correspondence, 1976-1983
Box   23
  Folder   47
CIA file
Box   23
  Folder   48
Medical records
Box   23
  Folder   49
Office of Special Investigations
Box   23
  Folder   50
Box   24
  Folder   1-3
Records, 1973-1975
Box   24
  Folder   4
Copenhagen Conference
Box   24
  Folder   5
Defensive Investigative Service
FBI File
Box   24
  Folder   6-7
Volumes 1-2
Box   25
  Folder   1-11
Volumes 3-13
PH 4580
Series: Visual Materials
Conditions Governing Use

Use of the photography by Marco Ugolini requires his permission.

Administrative and Policy Records
Box   1
  Folder   1
Publications, Calendars (VVAW) photographs
Local files in the National Office
Local Chapters
Box   1
  Folder   2
Colorado and Illinois
Box   1
  Folder   3
Box   1
  Folder   4
Missouri, Ohio, Oregon, and Pennsylvania
Subject files
Box   1
  Folder   5
Davis, Bill
G.I. Project (VVAW)
Box   1
  Folder   6
Box   1
  Folder   7
USS Coral Seas
Box   1
  Folder   8
Grossman, Steve, Amnesty tour
Box   1
  Folder   9
Inauguration demonstration
Box   1
  Folder   10
Kent State
Box   1
  Folder   11
Kerry, John
Box   1
  Folder   12
Liberated Barracks (Hawaii)
Box   1
  Folder   13
NOSCAM-Chicago, G.I. Correspondence, Norfolk
Box   1
  Folder   14
Prisoners and Political defense cases: Camp Allen, Gainesville 8, Robert Hood
Box   1
  Folder   15
Unita Festival (Rome)
Chapter Records
Clarence Fitch Chapter
Box   1
  Folder   16
Events, demonstrations, etc.
Box   1
  Folder   17
Box   1
  Folder   18
Speak Out for Peace and Justice, 1988
Box   1
  Folder   19
Madison, Wisconsin
Box   1
  Folder   20
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Box   1
  Folder   21
American Indian Movement
Box   1
  Folder   22
Berlin Boys
Box   1
  Folder   23
Demonstrations, unidentified
Box   1
  Folder   24
Iraq War protest, 2003 February 15
Box   1
  Folder   25
People's Peace Treaty [Canada], 1970
Box   1
  Folder   26
Publicity composite, probably for VVAW
Box   1
  Folder   27
Box   1
  Folder   28
In Vietnam?
Subject files-Prisoners and Political defense cases
Folder   1
Leach, Ashby
Folder   2
Leavenworth Brothers
Folder   3
Chapter Records-Clarence Fitch Chapter
Folder   4
Folder   4
Local Chapters in the National Office-New Jersey
Folder   4
Box   1
  Folder   29
Local files in the National Office, Chicago newsletter
Box   1
  Folder   30
Part 2 (M93-167): Additions, 1980-1985
Physical Description: 22 video recordings (3/4-inch U-matic) 
Scope and Content Note: Program recordings for broadcast produced by the Madison VVAW, the Milwaukee VVAW, various film makers, and footage of the Dewey Canyon IV concert (1982).
Note: There are no tapes numbered 11, 15, 20, or 21.
Vets Hour
Box   1
  Video   1
"Red, White, and Blind" 1981 September 29
Scope and Content Note: Regarding suicide and alcoholism.
Box   1
  Video   2
"PTSD Panel" with Mike Mullane, Bob Cook from Vets House and Bob Salinger from the Veterans Administration 1980 November 8
Box   1
  Video   3
Arlington Films, Agent Orange conference, Washington, D.C., and demonstrations at the Veterans Administration, Lafayette Park, Vietnam Veterans memorial, and Arlington Cemetery 1981 May
Box   1
  Video   4
"Orange," Don Laurine, head of AOID Project discusses Agent Orange; Department of Defense films documenting spraying of jungles 1981 October 6
Box   1
  Video   5
Agent Orange information
Box   1
  Video   6
"Bitch session", undated
Scope and Content Note: Panel discuses Veterans Administration bureaucracy, malpractice at Veterans Administration hospitals, etc.
Box   1
  Video   7
"Field Photographer," 1981 February 15
Scope and Content Note: Department of Defense films about field photographers, defoliating the jungle, Agent Orange, etc.
Box   1
  Video   8
Edges program, after 1981
Scope and Content Note: Discusses Vets Information Center on the University of Wisconsin campus; Pat Lisi reviews books about Vietnam and chef vets in El Salvador
Box   1
  Video   9
Bylines (WHA), 1984 April 28
Scope and Content Note: Profile of Sukie Wachtendonk and her campaign to have the Government recognize the effects of Agent Orange on veterans and their families.
Box   1
  Video   10
News 3 (Madison, Wisconsin) coverage of Veterans Day events, including VVAW ceremony at the Wisconsin State Capitol 1983
Dewey Canyon IV, 1982 May 12-15
Box   1
  Video   12-14
Pre-concert footage, interviews, and concert musical performances including Jim Walktendonk, Muriel Hogan, Larry Estrange, Bob Killian, and Joe McDonald
Box   2
  Video   16
Late night rap session with host Lee Channing, and vets Cliff Somers, Bill Knoll, and Mike Gold 1982 May 15
Box   2
  Video   17
Staging area announcements; interviews, including some with Madison VVAW members
Box   2
  Video   18
Staging area and first day of demonstration, 1983 December 17
Box   2
  Video   19
“Claymore Gazette,” Milwaukee VVAW information, veterans comments and interviews
Veterans Day Events
Box   2
  Video   22
WISC-TV, News 3 coverage of VVAW ceremony at the Wisconsin State Capitol, including stills from the event 1983
Box   2
  Video   23
VVAW ceremony at Wisconsin State Capitol, 1985?
Box   2
  Video   24
John Jaeger, Channel 15 News reporter: stories on preparation for the VVAW ceremony at the Wisconsin State Capitol; Steven Nelson fundraiser in Sauk City, Wisconsin; segment on discussion about location of the Wisconsin Vietnam Veterans Memorial 1984?
Box   2
  Video   25
VVAW ceremony, 1985
Box   2
  Video   26
Possibly copy of the film Only the Beginning about Vietnam veterans protesting against U.S. involvement in the war in Vietnam
Scope and Content Note: Also contains interviews with the veterans and film footage shot in Vietnam; distributed by Third World Newsreel.
Part 3 (M2012-012): Additions, 1971
Physical Description: 0.2 cubic feet (1 half-archives box) 
Scope and Content Note: Additions, 1971, consisting of Winter Soldier Investigation II testimony, October 6-8, 1971, in Boston, including the testimony of Vietnam veteran pilots, bomber crews, medics, academics and intelligence specialists on such topics as medical malpractice, the air war, ecological destruction, refugees, the electronic battlefield, war crimes, and technological combat.
Box   1
  Folder   1
Winter Soldier Investigation I, 1971
Box   1
  Folder   2
Winter Soldier Investigation, 1971
Part 4 (M2013-174): Additions, 1970-1975
Physical Description: 0.5 cubic feet (1 archives box and 1 oversize folder) 
Scope and Content Note: Additions, 1971-1975, to the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) records including records documenting New England activities, anti-war letters, and news articles. Two posters created by Gay Singer Baratta, Joseph Baratta's wife, regarding a tax resistance protest they participated in during the War.
Box   1
  Folder   1
Air War in Indochina Electronic Battlefield, 1971-1972
Box   1
  Folder   2
Letters and news articles I, 1971
Box   1
  Folder   3
Letters and news articles II, 1971
Box   1
  Folder   4
Letters and news articles, 1970-1973
Box   1
  Folder   5
Letters and news articles, 1970-1975
Box   1
  Folder   6
Official Anti-War Letters, 1972
Oversize folder   1
Part 5 (M2015-175): Additions, 1967-2014
Physical Description: 4.0 cubic feet (4 record center cartons), and 0.1 cubic feet of photographs (1 folder)  
Scope and Content Note: Additions, 1967-2014, consisting of the organizational files of the New York office including by-laws, correspondence, articles, David Cline memorial, emails, histories and chronologies, member lists, treasurer's materials, newsletters, event notices and memorial programs. The event files include meetings, marches and work with other organizations such as Iraq Veterans Against the War, Coalition of Veterans in Pain & Distress, Combatants For Peace/Rebuilding Alliance, Courage To Resist, Incarcerated Veterans Consortium, Military Families Speak Out, Veterans For Peace (VFP), Veterans Peace Committee, Vietnam Veterans Agents Orange Health Study, United for Peace and Justice, U.S. Labor Against the War, Veterans Peace Council, and Women at War.
Series: Organizational Files
Box   1
  Folder   1
Articles, emails, and memos 1967-2003
Box   1
  Folder   2
By-laws, 1998-2005
Box   1
  Folder   3-4
Cline, David, Memorial 1992-2010
Box   1
  Folder   5
Correspondence between Ben Chitty and Corky Condon, 1993-1994
Box   1
  Folder   6
Correspondence to members, 1988-2004
Box   1
  Folder   7
Correspondence and articles,  (bulk 1967, 1985-2007)
Box   1
  Folder   8
East End Veterans-Long Island,  (bulk 2010)
Box   1
  Folder   9
Email correspondence,  (bulk 1988, 2012-2014)
Box   1
  Folder   10
Clarence Fitch Funds, 2007-2009
Box   1
  Folder   11-12
History,  (bulk 1971-1975, 1994-2013)
Box   1
  Folder   13-15
Iraq Veterans Against the War, 2004-2014
Box   1
  Folder   16
Lists, 2000-2002
Box   1
  Folder   17
Meeting attendance and notes, 2000-2004
Box   1
  Folder   18
Membership forms,  (bulk 2000)
Box   1
  Folder   19
Memorial programs,  (bulk 1990, 2007)
Box   1
  Folder   20-22
Miscellaneous, 1971-2011
Box   1
  Folder   23-25
Newsletters, 1974-2014
Box   1
  Folder   26
NorthStar Fund, 2001-2002
Box   1
  Folder   27
Notices of forums and demonstrations, 1993-2007
Box   1
  Folder   28
Organization, 1999-2012
Box   1
  Folder   29
Tax Exempt, Clarence Fitch 2000-2001
Box   1
  Folder   30
Treasurer's report and ledgers, 1988-2001
Series: Event Files
Box   1
  Folder   31
Afghanistan Soviet Veterans, 2007-2010
Box   1
  Folder   32
American Iranian Friendship Committee, 2010-2011
Box   1
  Folder   33
Anderson Project,  (bulk 1997)
Box   1
  Folder   34
Appeal For Redress, 2007-2010
Box   1
  Folder   35
Bring Them Home Now!,  (bulk 2005)
Box   1
  Folder   36
Citizen Soldier, 2008-2010
Box   1
  Folder   37
Clearwater,  (bulk 1997, 2007-2008)
Box   2
  Folder   1
Coalition of Veterans in Pain & Distress, 2001-2006
Box   2
  Folder   2
Combatants For Peace/Rebuilding Alliance, 2006-2010
Box   2
  Folder   3
Counter Right, 2008-2009
Box   2
  Folder   4
Courage To Resist, 2007-2010
Box   2
  Folder   5
DeBenedette, Louis 1980-2006
Box   2
  Folder   6
DMZ Gander, 1985-1994
Box   2
  Folder   7
DMZ HUE, 1985-1994
Box   2
  Folder   8
Drugs in the Military
Box   2
  Folder   9
Educators Stop Wars,  (bulk 2005)
Box   2
  Folder   10
Freedom Road,  (bulk 2005)
Box   2
  Folder   11
G.I. Special,  (bulk 2005)
Box   2
  Folder   12
Hofstra, 2008-2009
Box   2
  Folder   13
Incarcerated Veterans Consortium, 2009-2010
Box   2
  Folder   14
Interview A Vet Contest, 1982-1990
Box   2
  Folder   15
Martin Luther King Bronx Alley,  (bulk 2003)
Box   2
  Folder   16
LaGuardia Forums,  (bulk 2007)
Box   2
  Folder   17
Liberty Tree,  (bulk 2006)
Box   2
  Folder   18
March Forward!,  (bulk 2009)
Box   2
  Folder   19-21
Memorial Day, 2003-2012
Box   2
  Folder   22
MSFO/VFP Resolution National Guard,  (bulk 2008)
Box   2
  Folder   23-24
Military Families Speak Out, 2003-2009
Box   2
  Folder   25-26
Military Families Speak Out-New York Chapter, 2003-2011
Box   2
  Folder   27
Military Project Plus National Guard, 2005-2011
Box   2
  Folder   28
Movement for a Democratic Society-Staten Island, 2005-2009
Box   2
  Folder   29-30
National Association of Collegiate Veterans (NACVI) and Unconditional Amnesty, New York 1973-1976
Box   2
  Folder   31-32
National Guard-New York and New Jersey, 2007-2009
Box   2
  Folder   33
National Guard-G.I. Special Military Resistance, 2007-2009
Box   3
  Folder   1
New York Military Affairs Symposium,  (bulk 2007, 2009)
Box   3
  Folder   2
New York Network (New Yorkers for the Common Good), 2009-2010
Box   3
  Folder   3
No War Westchester, 2007
Box   3
  Folder   4
Operation Dire Distress, 2003-2007
Box   3
  Folder   5
Operation Truth,  (bulk 2005)
Box   3
  Folder   6
Paper and Testimony PTSD and the Forgotten Warrior of Jonathan Shay, 1993-1994
Box   3
  Folder   7
Republican National Convention (RNC),  (bulk 2004)
Box   3
  Folder   8
Resolution Vieques-Veterans For Peace Puerto Rico and New Jersey Chapters, 1995-2005
Box   3
  Folder   9
September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, 2007-2010
Box   3
  Folder   10-12
Tappan Zee Brigade Al Warren Chapter VFP Chapter 60, 2003-2009
Box   3
  Folder   13
Traveling Soldier, 2004-2009
Box   3
  Folder   14
Troops Out Now Coalition,  (bulk 2005, 2007)
Box   3
  Folder   15
Union Veterans-AFL-CIO, 2009-2011
Box   3
  Folder   16
U.S. Law, Military  (bulk 2003)
Box   3
  Folder   17
United for Peace and Justice, 2005-2012
Box   3
  Folder   18
United for Peace and Justice-Veterans Force, 2005-2009
Box   3
  Folder   19
U.S. Labor Against the War, 2003-2010
Box   3
  Folder   20
U.S. Labor Against the War-New York City, 2003-2011
Box   3
  Folder   21
Veterans Lists,  (bulk 1999)
Box   3
  Folder   22-26
Veterans At Peace, 2002-2010
Box   3
  Folder   27
Veterans4Veterans, 2006-2007
Box   3
  Folder   28
Veterans For Common Sense, 2008-2012
Box   3
  Folder   29-39
Veterans For Peace (VFP), 1990-2013
Box   4
  Folder   1
Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity,  (bulk 2007)
Box   4
  Folder   2-4
Veterans Peace Committee, 2001-2006
Box   4
  Folder   5-9
Veterans Peace Council, 1999-2015
Box   4
  Folder   10
Veterans Occupy, 2011-2012
Box   4
  Folder   11
Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 2006-2011
Box   4
  Folder   12
Vet Pax, 2005-2008
Box   4
  Folder   13
Vets Bite War,  (bulk 2003)
Box   4
  Folder   14
Vietnam Veterans Agents Orange Health Study,  (bulk 1992)
Box   4
  Folder   15
VVAW-WSO National Steering Committee, 1973-1975
Box   4
  Folder   16-17
Vieques!, 1999-2005
Box   4
  Folder   18, 2010-2011
Box   4
  Folder   19
Washington, D.C.  (bulk 2003, 2007)
Box   4
  Folder   20
Winter Soldier: Investigation, 1971-1973
Box   4
  Folder   21
Women at War, Sarah Lawrence College  (bulk 2007)
Box   4
  Folder   22
WS2 (Winter Soldier 2),  (bulk 2008)
Box   4
  Folder   23
Yesh Gvul,  (bulk 2004, 2010)
Series: Visual Materials
PH box   35
  Folder   1
Part 6 (M2020-012): Additions, 1967-2009
Physical Description: 0.6 cubic feet (1 archives box and 1 half-archives box), 41 audio recordings, 1.5 cubic feet of photographs (1 record center carton, 1 archives box, and 1 oversize folder), 0.4 cubic feet of transparencies (1 archives box), 0.2 cubic feet of negatives (1 half-archives box), 2 reels of film (8 mm), 14 reels of film (Super 8mm), 1 video recording (3/4-inch U-Matic) and 1 video recording (DVD) 
Scope and Content Note: Additions, 1967-2009, consisting of papers records, photographs, transparencies, and negatives. The paper records include the VVAW Newsletter, issues #35-49 (1975-1976), minutes of the Steering Committee, reports from VVAW chapters, regions, projects, and workshops, administrative proposals, updates, and other materials. Photographic materials include prints, slides, and negatives of anti-war demonstrations, concerts, VVAW members, and special events, Vietnam War slides by Barry Romo, and prints of the VVAW activity during the Gainesville 8 investigation. Audio-visual materials include footage of a VVAW Agent Orange Committee (1980), a video of random interviews at a VVAW event with Lee Channing, audio of the VVAW Winter Soldiers Investigation testimony, cassette tapes of demonstrations and speeches, tapes of the Chicago Area Military Project (CAMP), and a DVD copy of Vietnam in HD, for which several VVAW members were interviewed.
Series: Textual Materials
Box   1
  Folder   1
National Steering Committee, Denver, Colorado, minutes 1972 February 18-20
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00001
Box   1
  Folder   2
National Steering Committee Meeting, Placitas, New Mexico 1973 April 19-23
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00002
Box   1
  Folder   3
National Steering Committee Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri 1973 August 23-27
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00003
Box   1
  Folder   4
Working Paper VVAW/WSO update, 1973 June
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00004
Box   1
  Folder   5
11th National Steering Committee Meeting, Yellow Springs Ohio, National Office report 1973
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00005
Box   1
  Folder   6
11th National Steering Committee Meeting, Yellow Springs Ohio, minutes 1973 December 27
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00006
Box   1
  Folder   7
12th National Steering Committee Meeting, minutes 1974 April 11
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00007
Box   1
  Folder   8
California-Nevada Regional Office report, 1974 May 4
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00008
Box   1
  Folder   9
California-Nevada Regional Conference, Riverside, California 1974 May 25-27
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00009
Box   1
  Folder   10
Political Statement of the National Collective on the Future of VVAW/WSO, 1974 August
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00010
Box   1
  Folder   11
13th National Steering Committee Meeting, New York, minutes 1974 August 8-12
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00011
Box   1
  Folder   12
13th VVAW/WSO National Steering Committee Meeting, National Office report 1974 August 8
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00012
Box   1
  Folder   13
Building The Anti-Imperialist G.I. Movement, statement and proposal, by the National Office, VVAW/WSO 1974 October 11
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00013
Box   1
  Folder   14
National Collective Position Paper on the Future of VVAW/WSO, clarification paper 1974 November
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00014
Box   1
  Folder   15
14th National Steering Committee Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, VVAW-WSO 1974 December 27-31
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00015
Box   1
  Folder   16
California Regional Conference, Venice Chapter report 1974 May 25-27
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00016
Box   1
  Folder   17
15th National Steering Committee Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, VVAW/WSO
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00024
Box   1
  Folder   18
15th VVAW-WSO, National Steering Committee Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, National Office report 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00025
Box   1
  Folder   19
Student Organizing Workshop, 1975 July
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00026
Box   1
  Folder   20
War on the VA Workshop report, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00027
Box   1
  Folder   21
Workshop on Organizing in Small Cities, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00028
Box   1
  Folder   22
Winter Soldier Workshop report, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00029
Box   1
  Folder   23
Unemployment Workshop, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00030
Box   1
  Folder   24
Workshop on Imperialist War, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00031
Box   1
  Folder   25
Postal Workers Struggle, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00032
Box   1
  Folder   26
Expulsion of Anti-Imperialist Minority Faction, California Region 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00033
Box   1
  Folder   27
Cincinnati Chapter, VVAW/WSO, work report 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00034
Box   1
  Folder   28
Detroit Chapter work report, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00035
Box   1
  Folder   29
Building the Struggle Against Imperialist War, summation of work in Tacoma 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00036
Box   1
  Folder   30
Eugene, Oregon(?) Chapter report 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00037
Box   1
  Folder   31
MOIKPAWVA Regional report, 1975 July 3-7
Box   1
  Folder   32
California Regional report, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00038
Box   1
  Folder   33
Texas round robin report, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00039
Box   1
  Folder   34
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, report 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00040
Box   1
  Folder   35
New England Chapter report, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00041
Box   1
  Folder   36
Northern California VVAW/WSO on the AIMF Expulsion, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00042
Box   1
  Folder   37
VVAW/WSO's Fighting Program : National Office draft, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00043
Box   1
  Folder   38
“In a Time of Struggle, an open letter to Anti-Imperialist Forces,” 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00044
Box   1
  Folder   39
Fighting Program for VVAW/WSO, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00045
Box   1
  Folder   40
Working paper : draft, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00046
Box   1
  Folder   41
Working Paper : final draft, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00047
Box   1
  Folder   42
Statement of Imperialism, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00048
Box   1
  Folder   43
By-Law Proposals, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00049
Box   1
  Folder   44
Proposal to Expel RU from VVAW/WSO, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00050
Box   1
  Folder   45
Chapter List, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00051
Box   1
  Folder   46
Proposal for Vets Day Action, 1975 July 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00052
Box   1
  Folder   47
Petition, 1975
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00053
Box   1
  Folder   47
Decent Veterans Benefits, 1975
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00054
Box   1
  Folder   47
Veterans Organize to Fight, 1975
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00055
Box   1
  Folder   47
Veterans Fight for Jobs or Income, 1975
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00056
Box   1
  Folder   47
Questionnaire, 1975
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00057
Box   1
  Folder   47
Fight Back!, 1975
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00058
Box   1
  Folder   47
VVAW/WSO, 1975
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00059
Box   1
  Folder   47
Letter to Vets from New Jersey Chapter, 1975 July 27
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00060
Box   1
  Folder   47
Armed Farces Day Rally leaflet, 1975 May 17
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00061
Box   1
  Folder   47
Veterans: On to May Day!, 1975 May 1
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00062
Box   1
  Folder   47
Veterans: Unite to Fight!, 1975 April 6
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00063
Box   1
  Folder   48
G.I. Unity, Build the Fighting G.I. Movement 1975
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00064
Box   1
  Folder   49
To: National Guard and Reservists From: VVAW, 1975
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00065
Box   1
  Folder   50
Postal pamphlet, 1975
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00066
Box   1
  Folder   51
Newsletter (worksheet), 1975
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00067
Box   1
  Folder   52
Demonstrate, 1975 March 29
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00068
Box   1
  Folder   53-57
VVAW/WSO Newsletter #35-#39, 1975 March 3, 5, June 12, August 12, September 29
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00017-00021
Box   1
  Folder   58-59
VVAW Newsletter #40-#41, 1975 November 20, December 18
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00022-00068
Box   1
  Folder   60-68
VVAW Newsletter #42-#49, 1976 January 7, February 29, March 18, April 29, May 14, June 13, July 21, August 7
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00069-00077
Note: #45 used twice for March and April issues.
Box   1
  Folder   69
NSCM Minutes, Chicago 1991 October 12
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00078
Box   1
  Folder   70
NSCM Minutes, Chicago 1992 October 31
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00079
Box   1
  Folder   71
NSCM Minutes, Chicago 1993 October 30
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00080
Box   1
  Folder   72
NSCM Minutes, Chicago 1994 October 29
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00081
Box   1
  Folder   73
Proposals Submitted by Jesse Jesperson to NSCM, 1994 October 29
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00082
Box   1
  Folder   74
NSCM Minutes, Chicago 1998 October 31
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00083
Box   1
  Folder   75
VVAW Updates for NSCM, 1998 October 31
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00084
Box   1
  Folder   76
VVAW By-Laws, 1998 October 31
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00085
Box   1
  Folder   77
VVAW Guidelines for Organizing and Operating Chapters, 1998 October 31
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00086
Box   1
  Folder   78
NSCM Minutes, Chicago 1999 October 30
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00087
Box   2
  Folder   1
Eastern Region Report to NSCM, 1999 October 29
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00088
Box   2
  Folder   2
Open Letter to the US Congress, 1999 October 29
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00089
Box   2
  Folder   3
Report to the VVAW NSCM, Chicago 1999 October 30
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00090
Box   2
  Folder   4
NSCM Minutes, 2000 October 28
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00091
Box   2
  Folder   5
VVAW C/U Chapter Report to NSCM, 2000 October 28
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00092
Box   2
  Folder   6
NO Report to NSCM, 2000 October 28
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00093
Box   2
  Folder   7
VVAW C/U Proposal for a Teaching Vietnam Regional Event, 2000 October 28
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00094
Box   2
  Folder   8
A Navy Vet Looks At Vieques, 2000 October 28
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00095
Box   2
  Folder   9
Stop the Bombs, US Navy out of Vieques, P.R. 2000 October 28
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00096
Box   2
  Folder   10
Free P.F.C. David Rivera!, 2000 October 28
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00097
Box   2
  Folder   11
Blessing of the Boch, 2001 March 11
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00098
Box   2
  Folder   12
NSCM Minutes 2001, 2001 October 27
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00099
Box   2
  Folder   13
NSCM Minutes 2002, 2002 October 26
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00100
Box   2
  Folder   14
Report to the VVAW NSCM, Chicago 2002 October 26
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00101
Box   2
  Folder   15
Attention Veterans, Protest Meeting & Speakout 2002
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00102
Box   2
  Folder   16
Got a Problem?, 2002
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00103
Box   2
  Folder   17
NSCM Minutes, 2003 November 1
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00104
Box   2
  Folder   18
Notes on Version 2.0, 2003 October 31
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00105
Box   2
  Folder   19
NSCM Agenda, 2003 November 1
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00106
Box   2
  Folder   20
Report to the VVAW NSCM, Chicago 2003 November 1
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00107
Box   2
  Folder   21
Resolution on Laotian and Hmong People, 2003 November 1
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00108
Box   2
  Folder   22
Draft NSCM Minutes, 2004 October 30
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00109
Box   2
  Folder   23
NSCM Agenda, 2004 October 30
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00110
Box   2
  Folder   24
Report to the VVAW NSCM, Chicago 2004 October 30
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00111
Box   2
  Folder   25
VVAW Archives at the Wisconsin Hist. Society, 2004 March 17
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00112
Box   2
  Folder   26
Proposal for a Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign, 2004 October 30
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00113
Box   2
  Folder   27
Website Monthly Stats, 2004 October 30
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00114
Box   2
  Folder   28
VVAW Mini-NO Meeting, 2004 January 31
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00115
Box   2
  Folder   29
NSCM Agenda, 2005 October 25
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00116
Box   2
  Folder   30
NO Report to 2005 NSCM, 2005 October 29
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00117
Box   2
  Folder   31
Media Report to VVAW Nat. Meeting, 2005 October 29
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00118
Box   2
  Folder   32
Proposals to NSCM, 2005 October 29
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00119
Box   2
  Folder   33
Report from VVAW Military Couns. Serv. By Ray Parish, 2005 January-October
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00120
Box   2
  Folder   34
Contributing to VVAW's Work as an Individual Member or Contract, 2005 October
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00121
Box   2
  Folder   35
Military Counseling Service of VVAW, 2005 October 29
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00122
Box   2
  Folder   36
NSCM Minutes, 2006 October 28
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00123
Box   2
  Folder   37
MKE Report, 2006 October 28
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00124
Box   2
  Folder   38
A Proposal for the Veteran, 2006 October 23
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00125
Box   2
  Folder   39
NO Report to the NSCM, Chicago 2006 October 28
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00126
Box   2
  Folder   40
Proposed Agenda for 2006 VVAW National Meeting, 2006 October 28
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00127
Box   2
  Folder   41
Military Counseling Service, 2006 October 28
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00128
Box   2
  Folder   41
What should VVAW do about counseling military personnel, veterans and their families? 2006 October 28
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00129
Box   2
  Folder   41
Veterans Day Party, 2006 November 11
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00130
Box   2
  Folder   41
Veterans Say End the War in Iraq, 2006 November 11
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00131
Box   2
  Folder   42
Milwaukee Chapter Report 2007 NSCM, 2007 October 27
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00132
Box   2
  Folder   43
Agenda NSCM, 2007 October 27
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00133
Box   2
  Folder   44
Mil. And Vets Counsel Report, 2007 October 27
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00134
Box   2
  Folder   45
Possible Projects for 2008, 2007 October 27
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00135
Box   2
  Folder   46
Recollections of Gainesville, 2007 October 27
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00136
Box   2
  Folder   47
2008 VVAW NSCM Agenda, 2008 November 15
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00137
Box   2
  Folder   48
2008 NSCM Membership Report, 2008 November 15
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00138
Box   2
  Folder   48
VVAW Membership, 2008 November 15
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00139
Box   2
  Folder   48
NO Report to NSCM, 2008 November 15
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00140
Box   2
  Folder   48
2008 Annual Report from Ray Parrish, G.I./Vets Counselor 2008 November 15
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00141
Box   2
  Folder   49
VVAW National office Meeting, 2008 October 11
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00142
Box   2
  Folder   50
NSCM Minutes 2009, 2009 October 24
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00143
Box   2
  Folder   51
2009 NSCM Agenda, 2009 October 24
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00144
Box   2
  Folder   52
Proposal from Bill Branson on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, 2009 October 24
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00145
Box   2
  Folder   53
Proposal from Bill Branson for VVAW Organizational Reforms, 2009 October 24
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00146
Box   2
  Folder   54
Veterans Advisory & Resource Group Committee Report, 2009 October 24
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00147
Box   2
  Folder   55
Veterans Advisory Resource Group proposals endorsement, 2009 October 15
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00148
Box   2
  Folder   55
Regarding: Email-voting resolution, 2009 October 24
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00149
Box   2
  Folder   55
Letter support of Afghanistan Resolution, 2009 October 24
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00150
Box   2
  Folder   56
Proposal on Afghanistan, 2009 October 24
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00151
Box   2
  Folder   57
Funding Proposal To VVAW National Board, 2009 October 24
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00152
Box   2
  Folder   58
2008 By-Laws, 2009 November 15
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00153
Box   2
  Folder   59
Iraq Veterans Against The War (letter of appreciation), 2009 October 15
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00154
Series: Audio Recordings
VVAW Winter Soldiers Investigation
Physical Description: 5 audio recordings (1/4" reel-to-reel tapes)  
Sum-up of VVAW Wash DC, Dewey Caynon IV Demonstration
Physical Description: 1 audio recording (cassette)  
Ernesto Cardinal Speaking in Chicago
Physical Description: 1 audio recording (cassette)  
CAMP (Chicago Area Military Project) Tapes
Physical Description: 30 audio recordings  
Fire Base Pace 45 Min excerpt
Physical Description: 1 audio recording (1/4" reel-to-reel tape)  
POW Tape from PRG_Hanoi, 1971 August
Physical Description: 1 audio recording (1/4" reel-to-reel tape) 
Talks with Criminal Investigation Command (CID) agents concerning War Crimes
Physical Description: 2 audio recordings (1/4"reel-to-reel tapes)  
Series: Photographs, Negatives, and Slides
Agent Orange
Box   3
  Folder   29
DC Agent Orange demonstration, 1980
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00647-00654
Box   3
  Folder   31
Chicago Agent Orange demonstration
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00659-00668
Box   3
  Folder   39
Agent Orange demonstration, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1978
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00753
Box   3
  Folder   43
Panel on Agent Orange, 1979
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00781-00851
Box   3
  Folder   53
Agent Orange fundraiser, 1983
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01064-01072
Box   3
  Folder   68
Agent Orange demonstration, 1984
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01331-01338
Box   3
  Folder   69
Agent Orange poster/card
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01339
Box   3
  Folder   74
Agent Orange, DC demonstration; Ted Streit demonstration 1974
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 02377-02453
Box   5
  Folder   12
Winter Soldier Investigation of Agent Orange
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01504-01510
Box   5
  Folder   12-13
Agent Orange slideshow, 1977 November
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01607-01637
Box   3
  Folder   1
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00215-00217
Box   3
  Folder   8
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00254-00255
Box   3
  Folder   37
VVAW 25th Anniversary New York
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00696-00707
Box   3
  Folder   38
[Hill?] 987 20th Anniversary
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00708-00752
Box   3
  Folder   62
25th Anniversary of Vietnam War ending, 2000
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01156-01179
Box   3
  Folder   75
VVAW 40th Anniversary advertising book
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 02357-02376
Box   5
  Folder   6
VVAW 25th Anniversary luncheon, 1992 May 30
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03914-03916
Box   3
  Folder   10
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00299-00324
Box   3
  Folder   11
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00325-00350
Box   3
  Folder   24
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00525-00607
Box   3
  Folder   12
1980 Campout
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00351-00353
Box   3
  Folder   13
1986 Campout
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00355
Box   3
  Folder   14
1987 Campout
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00356-00360
Box   3
  Folder   15
1990 Campout
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00361-00368
Box   3
  Folder   16
1990 Campout
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00369-00413
Box   3
  Folder   17
1990 Campout
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00414-00425
Box   3
  Folder   18
1992 Campout
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00426-00456
Box   3
  Folder   19
1993 Campout
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00457-00461
Box   3
  Folder   20
1994 Campout
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00462-00486
Box   3
  Folder   21
1994 Campout
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00487-00497
Box   3
  Folder   22
1994 Campout and truck accident
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00498-00514
Box   3
  Folder   25
1996 Campout at Larry Fector's
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00577-00601
Box   3
  Folder   26
2005 Campout, 2005 July
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00612-00618
Demonstrations, Marches, etc.
Box   3
  Folder   5
Demonstrations, large prints
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00236-00243
Box   3
  Folder   9
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00256-00291
Box   3
  Folder   6
VVAW March on DC, 1974 July
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00244-00250
Box   3
  Folder   27
March to Arlington, 1982 May 12
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00623
Box   3
  Folder   32
Madison, Wisconsin, State Capital demonstration
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00669-00670
Box   3
  Folder   33
Wage Peace demonstration with crosses
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00671-00678
Box   3
  Folder   36
Marching in Parade
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00694-00695
Box   3
  Folder   40
Chicago VA (Veterans Affairs) takeover, 1975
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00754
Box   3
  Folder   55
Nicaragua War demonstration, 1984-1985
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01079-01091
Box   3
  Folder   56
Anti-Reagan demonstration, California 1986
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01092-01098
Box   3
  Folder   60
Demonstrations, 1991 April
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01129-01149
Box   3
  Folder   61
Pro PATCO demonstration, 1997 November
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01150-01155
Box   3
  Folder   67
Demonstrations proof sheets
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01297-01329
Box   4
  Folder   3-4
War on the VA
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03050-03074
Box   4
  Folder   5
Detroit VA demonstration
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03108-03115
Box   4
  Folder   6
Milwaukee VA fight, 1974 October 29
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03117-03119
Box   4
  Folder   7
Unknown VA demonstration
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03120-03131
Box   4
  Folder   19
Anti-War demonstration, Houston, Texas 1975 February 1
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03614-03617
Box   4
  Folder   20
Seattle, Washington, VVAW/WSO anti-war demonstration
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03618-03627
Box   4
  Folder   22
Washington, Vermont, California demonstrations
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03636-03648
Box   5
  Folder   2
NPAC demonstration, Washington, DC 1971 April 24
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03843-03850
Box   5
  Folder   4
NYC VS demostration against Department of Veterans Affairs, 1990s
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03870-03871
Box   5
  Folder   8
Various Demonstrations
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03932-03940
Box   5
  Folder   12
Ashby Leach demonstration
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01511-01530
Box   5
  Folder   13
Unknown demonstration, 1972 May
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01671-01674
Box   3
  Folder   49
Madison, Capitol building 1981
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01022-01026
Box   5
  Folder   12
Tarp City, Madison, Wisconsin 1980
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01478-01483
Dewey Canyon
Box   3
  Folder   52
DC IV, 1982
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01042-01063
Box   3
  Folder   71-72
DC IV, 1982
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 02062-02246
Box   3
  Folder   73
Operation Dewey Canyon IV, 1982 May 12-13
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 02247-02284
Box   4
  Folder   29
Dewey Cyn IV
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03730-03733
Box   5
  Folder   13
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 02355-02356
Oversize folder   1
DC IV, 1981-1982
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01675-01685
Fundraisers, events, funerals
Box   3
  Folder   23
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00515-00524
Box   3
  Folder   28
Funeral and Event, 1979-1980
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00624-00646
Box   3
  Folder   50
Bad-Boy WAW Benefit
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01027-01035
Box   3
  Folder   54
VVAW concert, 1983
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01073-01078
Box   3
  Folder   57
VVAW exhibit, 1987
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01099-01112
Box   3
  Folder   58
Harold Davis funeral, 1998
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01113-01118
Box   3
  Folder   59
Concert for VVAW, 1990
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01119-01125
Box   5
  Folder   12
Country Joe Concert, 1986 June
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01638-01642
Box   3
  Folder   45
DC Operation Red, White and Blue 1981 September 3
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00876-00916
Box   3
  Folder   48
Bangkok, Thailand; and Hanoi, Vietnam, trip
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00920-01021
Box   3
  Folder   63
Bring them Home Now Tour, 2009 September 4
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01180-01206
Box   5
  Folder   3
VVAW on security at Jesse Jackson Rally, 1984
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03851-03869
Gainesville Eight
Box   4
  Folder   11
Courthouse Gainesville, Florida night demonstration 1973
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03519-03532
Box   4
  Folder   12
Gainesville Trial demonstration picket line, 1973 August
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03533-03539
Box   4
  Folder   13
Gainesville 8 Trial demonstration night march, 1973 August
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03540-03546
Box   4
  Folder   14
Gainesville 8 Trial, 1973 August
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03574-03550
Box   4
  Folder   15
Gainesville 8 Trial support demonstrations, rally, and concert
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03551-03585
Box   4
  Folder   16
Gainesville 8 Trial demonstrations, marching 1973 August
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03586-03599
Box   4
  Folder   17
Gainesville 8 Trial courthouse, etc.
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03600-03603
Box   4
  Folder   18
Gainesville 8 demonstration, 1973 August
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03604-03614
Kent State
Box   3
  Folder   46
Kent State, 2000 May 4
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00917
Box   5
  Folder   1
Kent State Memorial 30th Anniversary, 2000 May 4
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03831-03842
Box   5
  Folder   13
Kent State 30th Anniversary set 1
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01643-01664
Box   5
  Folder   12
Kent State set 2, 1980 May 3-5
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01587-01606
Box   3
  Folder   3
National meeting, 1997 May 18
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00222-00229
Box   3
  Folder   35
National meeting and pajama party
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00682-00693
Box   4
  Folder   26
Paris Conference
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03695-03709
Box   5
  Folder   14-16
Gensuikeo Conference Against Atomic Bombs, 1972
Box   3
  Folder   7
Chicago members, 1997 May 31
Note: Digital copy file name: Doc_B 00251-00253
Box   3
  Folder   76
Milwaukee Chapter various members
Box   3
  Folder   66
Milwaukee Chapter working on mailing
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01271-01273
Box   4
  Folder   2
Members at various events
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03029-03049
Box   4
  Folder   31
New York members
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03752-03755
Box   4
  Folder   32
Illinois members
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03756-03763
Box   5
  Folder   7
Member photographs
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03924-03931
Box   5
  Folder   13
Milwaukee Chapter various members
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01668-01670
Box   3
  Folder   2
Ann Bailey pictures and various demos
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00218-00221
Box   3
  Folder   51
Tom Ramm pictures and letter, 1981 October
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01036-01041
Box   4
  Folder   24
Letters and drawings from school kids to John Lindquist
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03661-03692
Box   4
  Folder   25
Letter to Congress by Bella Abzug, 1971 May 31
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03694
Box   4
  Folder   28
Bill Davis
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03716-03728
Box   5
  Folder   16-19
Barry Romo Vietnam War images
Box   6
  Folder   1-8
Ed Damato negatives, demonstrations and members 1973-1975
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03320-03518
Box   3
  Folder   4
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 1985 April
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00230-00235
Box   3
  Folder   34
Mobile Wall, Veterans Monument
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00679-00681
Box   3
  Folder   41
Wreath laying and shriners, 1980
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00755-00769
Box   3
  Folder   44
Arlington Cemetery recon, 1981
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00852-00875
Box   3
  Folder   47
Vietnam(?) War Memorial
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00918-00919
Box   3
  Folder   30
2001 May 21
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00655-00658
Box   3
  Folder   42
VA, 1979
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 00770-00780
Box   3
  Folder   70
Slide index : partial, manuscript
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01665-01667
Box   3
  Folder   77
Winter Soldier II security badge
Box   3
  Folder   78
VVAW Counseling Project pamphlet
Box   4
  Folder   9
Vets, Close Ranks
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03136-03138
Box   4
  Folder   23
Fallen Comrades
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03655-03659
Box   4
  Folder   30
Amnesty campaign
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03734-03751
Box   5
  Folder   5
VVAW reflections, 1992 May 31
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03882-03913
Box   5
  Folder   10
Clippings and images from VVAW support of Lawton trials, newspaper graphics from VVAW publications
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03960-03965
Box   5
  Folder   11
VVAW general slides, 1973
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01274-01296
Box   5
  Folder   11-12
Vietnam War slides (A.O spraying)
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01405-01421
Box   5
  Folder   13-14
The Nature of the War in Vietnam, By Indochina Information Project, part 1
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01425-01477
Box   5
  Folder   13-14
The Nature of the War in Vietnam, By Indochina Information Project, part 2
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 02285-02354
Veterans Day, Armed Forces Day, etc.
Box   5
  Folder   9
Armed Forces Day, 1975
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03941-03959
Box   4
  Folder   8
Armed Forces Day, 1977
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03132-03135
Box   3
  Folder   65
Armed Forces Day?, Milwaukee
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01236-01270
Box   4
  Folder   27
May Day Detroit, Michigan 1975
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03710-03712
Box   5
  Folder   11
Memorial Day, 1979-1980
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01382-01404
Box   3
  Folder   64
Chicago Veterans Day demonstration at Eternal Flame
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01207-01235
Box   4
  Folder   1
Chicago Veterans Day Mayor [Harold] Washington
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03026-03028
Box   4
  Folder   10
Chicago Veterans Day and other demonstrations
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03139-03170
Box   4
  Folder   33
Veterans Day 2001 Chicago
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03764-03830
Box   4
  Folder   21
Long Beach, California Veterans Day 1974
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 03628-03635
Box   5
  Folder   12
Veterans Day Ceremony, 1973 October, 1977 November
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 01486-01500
Series: Film and Video
19th VVAW National Meeting
Physical Description: 2 reels of film (8mm)  
DC Agent Orange Demonstrations and events, 1981
Physical Description: 14 reels of film (Super 8 mm) : silent  
Vietnam in HD
Physical Description: 1 video recording (DVD) 
Random Interviews with Lee Channing
Physical Description: 1 video recording (3/4" U-matic) : color  
Note: Digital copy file name: DOC_B 02519