Frederick A. Blossom Papers, 1885-1974

Container Title
Mss 149
Part 2 (Mss 149): 1974-1976 Additions, 1890-1970
Physical Description: 15.2 cubic feet (40 archives boxes) 
Scope and Content Note

The 1974-1976 Additions include correspondence, minutes, proceedings and financial records relating to the administrative offices of the convention and its various subcommittees, panels, and advisory boards. The records have been arranged into five series, with the materials contained in the administrative records, board of trustees and General Committee of Revision sections filed chronologically and the subject file and miscellany organized alphabetically by subject and chronologically thereunder.

Administrative Records (1939-1964) consist of correspondence, minutes, and proceedings of scattered organizational and administrative meetings held by the convention.

The Board of Trustees materials concentrate on the period 1900-1940 and on the 1960s. These records include correspondence, “letters” (circular memoranda), minutes, and financial material.

The series entitled General Committee of Revision documents the internal organizational structure of the USPC and its decision-making processes. Included are correspondence, related reports, and other materials of the many subcommittees, panels, and advisory boards, that comprise the Committee of Revision. Filed under the specific committee subunit are lists of admissions and deletions to the United States Pharmacopeia. Particularly well represented in this series are the Subcommittee on Tests and Standards, the Subcommittee on Sterile Products, the Vitamin Advisory Board (specifically Vitamin B12), and the Subcommittee on Scope and its advisory panels.

Materials incorporated in the Subject File are correspondence, assays, and reports on topics related to pharmacy and pharmaceuticals. This file was a reference source for the administrative offices and subcommittees of the USPC. Of these five series, the subject file comprises the largest group of material on pharmaceuticals. Themes which are especially strong in this category are the Drug Information Service (DIS), international standards, tablet disintegration, and Vitamin D.

Miscellany contains fragmentary and isolated correspondence and reports on a number of agents, agencies, and operational matters which are not directly related to any of the above identified subdivisions of the records.

Series: Administrative Records, 1939-1964
Box   149
Folder   1
Preconvention Section on Hormones, 1940
Box   149
Folder   2
Conference on Biological assays, 1949
Box   149
Folder   3-4
Proceedings of the 2nd USP XI Supplement, 1939
Box   149
Folder   5
Decennial Convention, 1960
Box   149
Folder   6-9
Open Conference, 1949-1964
Series: Board of Trustees, 1890-1968
Box   149
Folder   10
Box   150
Folder   1-3
Box   151
Folder   1-3
1911, 1938-1942, 1955-1962
Box   151
Folder   4-10
“Letters” typescripts, 1960-1970
Box   152
Folder   1-2
“Letters” typescripts (continued)
Box   152
Folder   3-5
Box   152
Folder   6
1911-1920, “Decennial period file”
Box   152
Folder   7-8
Box   152
Folder   9
1920-1930, “Decennial period file”
Box   153
Folder   1-3
Box   154
Folder   1-4
1936-1940, 1963-1968
Financial records
Box   154
Folder   5
Expenses, 1890-1900
Treasurer's reports
Box   155
Folder   1-2
Box   155
Folder   3
Box   155
Folder   4-5
Receipts, 1919-1921
Series: General Committee of Revision, 1939-1970
Box   155
Folder   6
Bulletins, 1950-1951
Box   155
Folder   7-8
Correspondence, 1955-1960
Box   156
Folder   1
Guidelines, 1960
Box   156
Folder   2
Draft circulars, 1954-1960
Box   156
Folder   3
Deliberations of the board, 1964
Box   156
Folder   4-6
Contact Committee, 1944-1949, 1955-1957
Box   156
Folder   7
International Cooperation, Committee on, 1953-1954
Box   156
Folder   8
Investment Committee, 1966
Box   156
Folder   9
Nominating Committee, 1950-1960
Box   157
Folder   1-7
Nomenclature Service, 1948-1960
Box   157
Folder   8
Special Committee on Clarity of Parenteral Solutions, 1949
Joint meeting of Subcommittees
Box   157
Folder   9
Proceedings, 1952
Box   157
Folder   10
Correspondence, 1952
Box   158
Folder   1-2
Agenda, 1952, 1961
Box   158
Folder   3
Chairmen's meetings, 1956, 1957, 1961
Box   165
Folder   5-8
Aliphatics and Inorganic Compounds, Subcommittee on, 1954-1958
Alkaloids and Heterocyclic Compounds, Subcommittee on
Box   162
Folder   14-16
Box   163
Folder   1-5
Box   163
Folder   6-8
Meeting correspondence, 1950-1952
Biological assays, Subcommittee on
Box   161
Folder   1
Correspondence, 1953-1960
Box   161
Folder   2
Assay, 1941-1946
Box   161
Folder   3
Correspondence, 1938-1942
Box   161
Folder   4
Chorionic Gonadotropin
Box   161
Folder   5
Involving quantal response
Box   160
Folder   6
Biologicals and Related Products, Subcommittee on, 1961-1962
Box   165
Folder   9-11
Cyclic Compounds, Subcommittee on, 1947-1960
External Preparations, Subcommittee on
Box   165
Folder   4-8
Correspondence, 1950-1959
Box   165
Folder   9
Collyria and nasal solutions
Box   165
Folder   10
General Tests, Subcommittee on
Box   165
Folder   12-13
Box   166
Folder   1-3
Box   166
Folder   11-12
Internal Preparations, Subcommittee on, 1954-1959
Box   160
Folder   7-8
Pharmacognosy, Subcommittee on, 1950-1958
Posology and Action, Subcommittee on
Box   160
Folder   2-6
Administrative, 1940-1953, 1965-1966
Box   160
Folder   7-9
Correspondence, 1946-1969
Box   160
Folder   10
Dr. Cutting's report, 1953
Scope, Subcommittee on
Box   158
Folder   4-12
Proceedings, 1941, 1947-1948
Box   159
Folder   1-10
Box   160
Folder   1
Advisory Panels
Box   171
Folder   4
Allergy, 1950-1957
Box   171
Folder   5
Anesthesiology, 1950-1961
Box   171
Folder   6-8
Biologics, 1950-1963
Box   171
Folder   9-10
Cardiology, 1950-1963
Box   171
Folder   11
Cardiovascular drugs, 1963
Box   173
Folder   1
Dentistry, 1950-1963
Box   173
Folder   2-4
Dermatology, 1950-1964
Box   173
Folder   5
Endocrinology, 1949-1963
Box   173
Folder   6
Gastroenterology, 1950-1963
Box   173
Folder   7
General practice, 1950-1952
Box   173
Folder   8-9
Hemalology, 1950-1963
Infectious diseases
Box   173
Folder   10-11
Box   174
Folder   1-3
Box   174
Folder   4
Neoplastic disease, 1960-1963
Box   174
Folder   5
Neuropsychiatry, 1950-1963
Box   174
Folder   6
Nutrition, 1950-1963
Box   174
Folder   7
Opthalmology, 1950-1963
Box   174
Folder   8-9
Parasitology, 1950-1963
Box   175
Folder   1-2
Pediatrics, 1950-1963
Box   175
Folder   3-4
Radiology, 1950-1960
Box   175
Folder   5-6
Style, 1952-1962
Box   175
Folder   7
Rheumatoid diseases, 1956-1962
Box   175
Folder   8
Surgery, 1950-1963
Box   175
Folder   9-10
Urology, gynecology and obstetrics, 1956-1963
Sterile Products, Subcommittee on
Box   161
Folder   9-11
Box   162
Folder   1-6
Box   162
Folder   7
Microbiological contamination of oral liquid medications
Box   162
Folder   8
Sterility tests
Box   162
Folder   9
Microbial limit tests and microbial purity
Box   162
Folder   10
Sterile products for injection
Box   162
Folder   11
New and proposed standards for surgical supplies, 1940
Box   162
Folder   12
Report of the use of distilled water in USP XI
Box   162
Folder   13
Microbial standards for non-sterile pharmaceutical products
Tests and Standards, Subcommittee on
Box   162
Folder   9-14
Box   164
Folder   1-9
Box   164
Folder   10
Drafts for USP XV
Box   164
Folder   11
Listing of USP XVI tests
Box   164
Folder   12
Reference standards
Box   165
Folder   1-4
Monograph section, 1962-1964
Box   165
Folder   13-14
Formulations, Subcommittee on, 1951-1963
Box   165
Folder   15
Reagents, Subcommittee on, 1960-1963
Box   167
Folder   1
Non-Proprietary nomenclature, Subcommittee on, 1960-1965
Box   167
Folder   11
Antibiotic Standards, Panel on, 1958-1959
Box   168
Folder   11-12
Containers, Advisory Committee on, 1945-1952
Box   167
Folder   12-13
Corticotropin, Panel on, 1950-1963
Box   167
Folder   2-7
General Notices, Panel on, 1948-1969
Box   172
Folder   3
Hyaluronidase, Panel on, 1952-1963
Insulin Advisory Board
Box   168
Folder   9
Correspondence, 1951-1958
Box   168
Folder   10
3rd and 4th International standards
Physiological Availability, Panel on
Box   167
Folder   14
Correspondence, 1963-1969
Box   167
Folder   15
Box   168
Folder   1
Bioavailability testing
Box   168
Folder   2
Oral prolonged release pharmaceuticals
Box   168
Folder   3
Effect of dosage on drug absorption
Box   168
Folder   4
Other factors influencing drug absorption
Pyrogen Test, Panel on
Box   168
Folder   13
Correspondence, 1943-1958
Box   168
Folder   14
Preparation of pyrogens
Box   168
Folder   15
Pyrogenicity of bacterial contaminants
Box   167
Folder   8-9
Radio Pharmaceuticals, Panel on, 1962-1963
Steroids, Panel on
Box   168
Folder   5-7
Correspondence, 1953-1968
Box   168
Folder   8
Report on standards for paper chromatography
Box   167
Folder   10
Style, Panel on, 1963-1965
Vitamin Advisory Board
Box   167
Folder   16
General correspondence, 1947-1954
Box   167
Folder   17
International vitamin standards, 1943-1959
Vitamin A
Box   171
Folder   6
Acetate in oil, 1946-1950
Box   171
Folder   7
Bulletins, 1964-1965
Box   171
Folder   8-10
Spectrophotometric, 1952-1959
Box   171
Folder   11-12
Biological assay, 1947-1951
Box   171
Folder   13-14
USP Vitamin A & D biological assay, 1947-1949
Box   172
Folder   1-2
International, 1939-1958
Vitamin B12
Box   168
Folder   18
Correspondence, 1952-1959
Box   169
Folder   1
Microbial assay, 1953-1954
Box   169
Folder   2
Data from Dr. D.V. Frost, 1950-1953
Box   169
Folder   3-4
Chemical determination, 1950-1952
Box   169
Folder   5
Activity assay, 1951-1954
Collaborative study
Box   169
Folder   6-10
Box   170
Folder   1-6
Box   170
Folder   7
Collaborative study, methods, and results
Box   170
Folder   8
Notes on conferences
Box   170
Folder   9
Report on , 1950 study
Box   170
Folder   10
Preparation of B12 complex, 1953
Box   170
Folder   11
Brown Lee report
Box   170
Folder   12
General inquiries, 1951-1954
Box   170
Folder   13
Absorption and excretion studies, 1951
Box   170
Folder   14
Study samples
Box   170
Folder   15-16
Intrinsic factor (IF), 1953-1954
Box   171
Folder   1
Stable complex
Box   171
Folder   2
Nomenclature, 1949-1954
Box   171
Folder   3-5
Intrinsic factor concentrate, 1952-1962
Miscellaneous files
Box   176
Folder   1-2
Box   176
Folder   3-5
Hartung files on subcommittees, 1952-1958
Series: Subject Files, 1936-1970
Box   177
Folder   1
Analgesics, 1963
Box   177
Folder   2
Adverse drug reaction reporting, 1966-1968
Box   177
Folder   3-4
American Society of Hospital Pharmacists, 1947-1949
Box   177
Folder   5
Capsule tolerances, 1953-1959
Box   177
Folder   6-7
Correspondence, 1948, 1953
Box   177
Folder   8-9
Intersociety Color Council, 1944-1949
Box   177
Folder   10-11
Control lab book, 1966
Box   177
Folder   12
Computers, Uses in medicine, 1967-1968
Drug Information Service (DIS)
Box   177
Folder   13
Box   177
Folder   14
News formats
Box   177
Folder   15
Projection for prescriber's compendium
Box   177
Folder   16
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Association “Medlars”
Box   178
Folder   1
Physician response to drug information
Box   178
Folder   2
Prescriber's compendium
Box   178
Folder   3
Drug coding systems
Drug systems research
Box   178
Folder   4
Acceptance studies
Box   178
Folder   5
Correspondence, 1964-1967
Box   178
Folder   6-7
Box   178
Folder   8
Unit base
Ergot on rye
Box   178
Folder   9-11
Box   179
Folder   1-2
Box   179
Folder   3-5
Estrone, 1947-1952
Box   179
Folder   6-7
Federal Drug Administration (FDA), 1952-1965
Box   179
Folder   8
Foreign pharmacopeias--Scandinavia
Formulary system
Box   179
Folder   9
National Formulary Board, 1969
Hospital pharmacies
Box   179
Folder   10
Correspondence, 1962-1965
Box   179
Folder   11
Sample formularies
Box   180
Folder   1-2
Sample formularies (continued)
Box   180
Folder   3
Hartung, W.H., File on gelatin
Box   180
Folder   4
Heparin, 1945-1949
Box   180
Folder   5
Hypodermic tablets, 1956
Box   180
Folder   6
Blanket bond, 1955-1964
Box   180
Folder   7
Correspondence, 1964-1970
Box   180
Folder   8
Health examinations, 1956-1966
Box   180
Folder   9
Parcel post, 1961-1962
Box   180
Folder   10
Workmen's compensation
International standards
Box   180
Folder   11
Biological, 1950-1970
Box   181
Folder   1-2
Correspondence, 1936-1957
Box   181
Folder   3
Human chorionic gonadotropin
Box   181
Folder   4-5
Posterior pituitary, 1947-1949
Box   181
Folder   6
Box   181
Folder   7
Box   181
Folder   8
Investigational drugs, 1964-1966
Box   181
Folder   9
Methadone HCl, 1965
Microbiological purity
Box   181
Folder   10-11
Box   182
Folder   1
Box   182
Folder   2
New official drugs, 1956
New drugs
Box   182
Folder   3
Box   182
Folder   4
Items for consideration, 1954-1958
Box   182
Folder   5
Marketed, 1959-1960
Box   182
Folder   6-8
Penicillin, 1944-1948
Box   182
Folder   9-10
Pharmaceutical Science, Academy of, 1968-1969
Box   182
Folder   11
Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Journal of, 1950-1952
Box   183
Folder   1
Sedative-hypnotion, 1963
Box   183
Folder   2
Silver nitrate
Box   183
Folder   3
Sterile contrast solutions, 1961
Surgical sutures
Study group
Box   183
Folder   4-6
Box   183
Folder   7
USP conference, 1966
Tablet disintegration
Box   183
Folder   8-14
Box   184
Folder   1-6
Box   184
Folder   7
Testosterone preparations, 1949
Box   184
Folder   8-9
Titrimetry, 1953-1963
Box   184
Folder   10
Titration, Complexometric, 1955-1958
Box   184
Folder   11-12
Titration in nonaqueous solvents, 1952-1962
Box   185
Folder   1
Triamanatone acetonide, 1969
Box   185
Folder   2
Brands of drugs, 1964-1969
Box   185
Folder   3
New publications, 1965
Box   185
Folder   4
XV 2nd supplement, 1958
Box   185
Folder   5
XVI approval, 1959
Box   185
Folder   6
d-Tubocurarine, 1948-1949
Box   185
Folder   7
Vasopressin, 1949-1954
Vitamin D assay
Box   185
Folder   8
Box   185
Folder   9-10
Collaborative study, 1954, 1959
Box   185
Folder   11
Biological, 1952-1955
Box   185
Folder   12
Box   186
Folder   1-3
Box   186
Folder   4
Welfare drug lists, 1970
Miscellaneous files
Box   186
Folder   5
Adverse drug reporting
Box   186
Folder   6
Data processing in drug distribution systems
Box   186
Folder   7
Foreign contacts, 1946-1950
Box   186
Folder   8
Box   186
Folder   9
Government bulletins (pertinent to USP)
Box   186
Folder   10
Manuscripts in preparation
Box   186
Folder   11
Pharmaceutical sciences, 1961
Box   187
Folder   1
Box   187
Folder   2
Listing of publications, 1950-1955
Box   187
Folder   3
Gally proof index
Box   187
Folder   4
Memoranda, 1957-1965
Box   187
Folder   5
Revision, 1945-1949
Series: Miscellany
Box   187
Folder   6
AMA exhibits, 1944-1948
Box   187
Folder   7
Bliss, Dr., correspondence, 1938-1949
Box   187
Folder   8
Box   187
Folder   9
Box   187
Folder   10
Fishbein, Dr., correspondence, 1940-1947
Box   187
Folder   11
Hatford, final report, 1966
Box   187
Folder   12
Hexylresorcinol pills, 1952-1955
Box   187
Folder   13
Los Angeles County Hospital Drug Review, 1970
Box   188
Folder   1-3
Mack printing and publishers, 1953-1959
Box   188
Folder   4
Molecular weight questionaire, 1953
Box   188
Folder   5
Personnel, 1967
Box   188
Folder   6
Sherman, Henry, 1968
Box   188
Folder   7
USP building plans, 1949