Socialist Labor Party in Wisconsin Records, 1902-1964


Socialist Labor Party organizations in Wisconsin during the years covered by the papers included Section Milwaukee and its two branches, the South Slovenian Branch and the Bulgarian Branch; the Lincoln County Propaganda Committee; and the State Campaign Committee which consisted of representatives from Section Milwaukee and its two branches. The State Campaign Committee, also called the State Agitation Committee, was responsible for organizing the state conventions, carrying out campaign activities, and ongoing educational and propaganda programs between elections.

The major Socialist Labor Party activity in Wisconsin was campaigning for local and state offices, especially governor and United States senator. Mrs. Georgia Cozzini, who served at various times as organizer of Section Milwaukee and as Wisconsin state secretary, ran five times for governor, five times for United States senator and twice for vice-president of the United States on the S.L.P. ticket. Other names that appeared frequently on the S.L.P. ballots included Artemio Cozzini, J. R. Kenyon, Arthur Wepfer and Adolf Wiggert. In addition to campaign activities, Section Milwaukee and its branches provided speakers and lecturers, sponsored study groups, presented radio addresses, and distributed leaflets and party literature. Although activities were centered in Milwaukee, personal contacts were maintained with supporters principally in Merrill, and press and radio publicity was circulated throughout the state.