Highlander Research and Education Center Records, 1917-2017

Contents List
 + Part 14 (M2019-039; Audio 515A/245): Additions: Highlander Education and Research Center Archives, 1931-1997
Container Title
Series: Miscellaneous Files
Box   8
Folder   10
Truman Centennial, 1984
Box   8
Folder   11
Truman Library
Box   8
Folder   12
Collier, John - obituary
Box   8
Folder   13
Eagles, Charles (on Jonathan Daniels)
Box   8
Folder   14
McIlwraith, T.F. - obituary [and “T.F. McIlwraith and Anthropology at the University of Toronto, 1925-1964,” by John Barker, 1985]
Box   8
Folder   15
David K. Niles Memorial Fund
Box   8
Folder   16
Officer, Jim - Philleo Nash biography, 1988
Box   8
Folder   17
Schiffer, Richard
Box   8
Folder   18
Tax, Sol
Box   8
Folder   19
Notes on “Culture of Poverty”
Box   8
Folder   20
DuBay - general
Box   8
Folder   21
Application of RCA Alaska Commission, Inc.
Note: Regarding Day School loan.
Box   8
Folder   22
Advisory Commission on Law Enforcement Proposal, 1967
Note: Philleo Nash, chair.
Box   8
Folder   23
Kelly, Lawrence C. - miscellaneous publications
Box   8
Folder   24
“Memorandum to a Coast Salish Band concerning politics and Policy,” draft, Sarah Anne Robinson, 1969?
Box   8
Folder   25
Mounds Preservation Society
Box   8
Folder   26
Porto, Brian - American Indian Interest Groups survey, 1978
Box   8
Folder   27
William F. Whyte project
Box   8
Folder   28
Iran-Rezashah Kabir University, 1978
Note: Visiting professorship - cancelled.
Box   8
Folder   29
Indian Handbook correspondence
Box   8
Folder   30
Declaración de Barbados
Box   8
Folder   31
Censorship decision of Jim Otis
Box   8
Folder   32
Annabelle Price
Note: Regarding race riots.
Box   8
Folder   33
Update on maize - Accokeek, 1978
Box   8
Folder   34
Montezuma, Dr. Carlos - correspondence with State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1972
Box   8
Folder   35
National Graduate University, 1971
Box   8
Folder   36
UW-Milwaukee Ph.D. Program in Anthropology - correspondence with Coordinating Council for Higher Education
Box   8
Folder   37
Hickle, Walter J.
Box   8
Folder   38
Personal documents, miscellaneous interesting
Box   8
Folder   39