Highlander Research and Education Center Records, 1917-2017

Contents List
 + Part 14 (M2019-039; Audio 515A/245): Additions: Highlander Education and Research Center Archives, 1931-1997

Contents List

Container Title
Mss 3/Micro 854
Part 1 (Mss 3, Micro 854): Original Collection, 1932-1965
Alternate Format: Selections found in ProQuest History Vault. Access by subscription; available at the Wisconsin Historical Society, 816 State Street, Madison, Wisconsin.

Physical Description: 166.6 cubic feet (411 archives boxes and 12 volumes) and 142 reels of microfilm (35 mm) 
Arrangement of the Materials: The original records have been arranged into nine series: Union for Democrative Action (UDA) Administrative File; ADA Administrative File; Chapter File; Convention File; Legislative File; Political File; Public Relations File; the Campus Division File; and Publications. In each series (except for Series 9: Publications), box numbering begin again at #1, so it is necessary to specify the series number as well as the box number when requesting materials.
Series: Union for Democratic Action (UDA) Administrative File, 1932, 1935, 1940-1947, 1950, 1951
Note: Specify series number when requesting boxes.

Physical Description: 36 boxes and 16 reels of microfilm (35 mm) 
Scope and Content Note

The Union for Democratic Action Administrative File is arranged alphabetically by subject. The material has been kept in the order originally maintained by the UDA office staff, with the exception of alterations made in misleading folder titles. The correspondence within each folder is arranged chronologically by years and months, and is placed first in each folder. Miscellaneous printed and mimeographed materials follow the correspondence and may occasionally overlap the inclusive dates given for the correspondence.

Much of the UDA administrative file relates to purely business and social activities of the organization including arrangements for dinner and luncheon meetings, various topical conferences, speaker's bureau, and tours such as that arranged for Patrick Gordon-Walker in 1946-1947. There is little financial information and only scattered correspondence and minutes of the National Board, although there is correspondence for National Director James Loeb Jr., 1941-1946, and National Chairman Reinhold Niebuhr, 1942-1947, as well as miscellaneous correspondence, 1940-1946.

The UDA actively supported many political, social, and economic issues between 1941 and 1946, such as fair employment policies, anti-discrimination measures, the Bretton Woods Monetary Agreement, the Dumbarton Oaks Conference, civil liberties, and world food supply. Although there is not a great deal of material in this series on any one of these issues, the collection does contain considerable information on UDA's fight for full post-war employment and its support of Henry A. Wallace for the position of secretary of commerce in 1945.

Included in this series are files relating to local UDA chapters, arranged alphabetically by state. The largest single chapter represented is the New York City chapter. The files for this chapter cover much of the same material found in the entire UDA administrative file including full employment activities, New Republic Supplement, Dumbarton Oaks Conference, and issues of minority groups. Also included are files for the New York Administrative Committee, materials relating to publicity, fund raising, and membership activities, and files for various social activities sponsored by this chapter.

There is an overlap of materials in both the New York City chapter files and the National Organization files. Prior to the summer of 1945 both groups occupied the same office in New York City and utilized many of the same staff members. The arbitrary location of certain folders in either location does not always indicate the original file location of these folders.

Most of the work of organizing chapters was by the national director, James Loeb Jr., although various other staff members aided. Two of the organizers were William Dnotes, who worked in the West in the summer of 1945, and Richard Bollings, who worked in the Midwest in the spring of 1947.

This series also includes the files of the Washington Bureau and its director, Thomas R. Amlie. Amlie's New Republic Supplement of May 14, 1942, was sanctioned by UDA and served as a campaign document for the supporters of the Roosevelt administration. Attacks upon the UDA by the Dies Committee in the summer of 1942, and a lack of funds, caused the temporary closing of the Washington office in the winter of 1942. Amlie's correspondence with James Loeb Jr., Howard Y. Williams, and Bruce Bliven is located in the files "Amlie, Thomas" and "New Republic Supplement." [See also Thomas R. Amlie Papers, Mss 452.]

Paul Sifton, a former employee of the National Farmers Union, reopened the Washington Bureau in November 1944. Under his leadership the Washington Bureau's main function was to make known and to influence national legislation. To aid in this project, UDA published the UDA Congressional Newsletter.

In 1946 the UDA Educational Fund Inc. established a London Bureau, headed by David C. Williams. The London Bureau's basic purpose was to inform Americans of the new economic and social experiments being carried out by the post-war government of Great Britain. It also had the function of interpreting American political, social, and economic developments to the British. This was partially accomplished by publishing the UDA London Letter. In addition, Williams arranged for tours for Patrick Gordon-Walker, M.P., and labor leader Jennie Lee.

Box   1/1
  Reel   1
Administrative Committee, correspondence and minutes 1941 July-1945 November
Box   1/1
  Reel   1
American Association for a Democratic Germany, 1945 April-1947 May
Box   1/1
  Reel   1
American Friends of German Freedom, minutes 1941 December-1942 January
Box   1/1
  Reel   1
Amlie, Thomas 1942 February-December
Box   1/1
  Reel   1
Anniversary Luncheon (May 9, 1942) 1942 March-May
Box   1/1
  Reel   1
Applications for Employment, 1941 July-1943 June
Box   1/1
  Reel   1
Argentine Hoax, reports 1945 June
Box   1/1
  Reel   1
Army Morale Conference (November 21, 1941) 1941 October-November
Box   1/1
  Reel   1
Army Pay Petitions
Box   1/1
  Reel   1
Atomic Energy Dinner (November 21, 1945) 1945 October
Box   1/1
  Reel   1
Barry, William B., Congressional Campaign 1942 April-July
Box   1/1
  Reel   1
Barry, William B. v. Frank Kingdon et al., Examination 1943 November
Box   1/2
  Reel   1
Bermuda Conference (July 1943), 1943 June
Box   1/2
  Reel   1
Bilbo, Senator Theodore 1945 July-August
Box   1/2
  Reel   1
Bolling, Richard 1947 April-June
Box   1/2
  Reel   1
Bolte, Charles 1944 February-May
Box   1/2
  Reel   1
Bretton Woods, 1945 February-June
Box   1/2
  Reel   1
British Labor Project, 1941 July-August
Box   1/2
  Reel   1
Brophy, John, Meeting (July 2, 1941) 1941 June
Box   1/2
  Reel   1
California, Los Angeles Chapter 1944 February-1945 June
Box   1/2
  Reel   1
Canada, 1944 March-October
Box   1/2
  Reel   1
Carnegie Hall Meeting For a Free Italy (September 26, 1943) 1943 August-September
Box   1/2
  Reel   1
Chapters, general, lists and reports 1945 January-1947 February
Box   1/2
  Reel   1
Civil Liberties, 1942 December
Box   1/2
  Reel   1
Civil Liberties pamphlet, 1942 September-1943 January
Box   1/2
  Reel   1
Commission Reports, 1945-1946
Box   1/3
  Reel   1
Conferences, regional 1941 May-June
Box   1/3
  Reel   1
Conference (September 1941), 1941 December
Box   1/3
  Reel   1
Conference (December 21, 1941) 1941 December
Note: See also: Conference, Reorganization, 1942 January 11.
Box   1/3
  Reel   2
Conference (January 4, 1947) 1946 July-December
Box   1/4
  Reel   2
Conference, Chicago (September 1946) 1946 April-October
Box   1/4
  Reel   2
Conference, Mexico City 1945 August-September
Box   1/4
  Reel   2
Conference on Unfinished Business in Social Legislation, 1946 January-April
Box   1/4
  Reel   2
Conference, Pittsburgh (December 13, 1942) 1942 November-1943 April
Box   1/4
  Reel   2
Conference, San Francisco 1945 March-June
Box   1/4
  Reel   2
Conference, Reorganization (January 11, 1942) 1941 December-1942 January
Note: See also: Conference, 1941 December 21.
Box   1/4
  Reel   2
Conference, Washington, D.C. (October 27, 1945) 1945 October-November
Box   1/4
  Reel   2
Conference on the War and the Consumer (January 24, 1942) 1941 November-1942 April
Box   1/4
  Reel   2
Conferences, miscellaneous
Box   1/5
  Reel   2
Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1945 March-July
Box   1/5
  Reel   2
Congressional Dinner (April 25, 1944) 1944 March-May
Box   1/5
  Reel   2
Congressional Reorganization, 1945 March-September
Box   1/5
  Reel   2
Congressmen, research on, reports 1944
Box   1/5
  Reel   2
Constitution and By-Laws, 1945-1946
Box   1/5
  Reel   2
Contributions to UDA, 1946 April-August
Box   1/5
  Reel   2
Coordinator, mailing list
Correspondence, miscellaneous
Note: See also: General correspondence.
Box   1/5
  Reel   2
1940 January-1941 May 31
Box   1/5
  Reel   3
1941 June
Box   1/6
  Reel   3
1941 July-1942 February
Box   1/7
  Reel   3
1942 March-1944 December
Box   1/7
  Reel   4
1945 January-1946 December
Box   1/7
  Reel   4
Correspondence to answer, 1941 July-1942 April
Correspondents Dinner
Box   1/8
  Reel   4
November 30, 1943 dinner 1943 October-December
Box   1/8
  Reel   4
May 10, 1945 dinner 1945 April-May
Box   1/8
  Reel   4
Corrupt Practices Act, 1946 October
Box   1/8
  Reel   4
Councilmanic Questionnaire, 1941 October-November
Box   1/8
  Reel   4
Davis, Elmer, memorial
Box   1/8
  Reel   4
Democracy Day, 1941 August
Box   1/8
  Reel   4
Dies Committee, attack on UDA 1942 June-August
Box   1/8
  Reel   4
Dnotes, William 1945 June-September
Box   1/8
  Reel   4
Domestic Policy Committee, reports 1945 May-August
Box   1/8
  Reel   4
Dumbarton Oaks, 1945 March-April
Box   1/8
  Reel   4
duPont, Ethel B., General Motors campaign 1945 December-1946 January
Box   1/8
  Reel   4
Eckhardt, Tibor 1941 December-1942 April
Box   1/8
  Reel   4
"Economic Roadmap ... for the Postwar Years," report undated
Box   1/8
  Reel   4
Economists Advisory Committee, 1942 November-1943 March
Box   1/9
  Reel   4
Education Fund, 1946 June-December
Box   1/9
  Reel   4
Educator's Division, UDA 1941 June
Box   1/9
  Reel   4
Educator's Luncheon (October 4, 1941) 1941 August-September
Box   1/9
  Reel   4
Emergency Committee for Food Production, 1945 April-June
Box   1/9
  Reel   4
Encampment for Citizenship, 1946 March-November
Epstein, Ethel S.
Box   1/10
  Reel   4
1946 October-1947 December
Box   1/10
  Reel   4
UDA Party (October 8, 1941) 1941 October
Executive Committee
Box   1/10
  Reel   4
Minutes, 1941 May-1946
Note: Incomplete.
Box   1/10
  Reel   5
Correspondence, 1945 January-1946 September
Box   1/10
  Reel   5
Ex-Marine Guards advertisement, 1945 May-June
Box   1/10
  Reel   5
Facts From Italy, 1945 March
Box   1/10
  Reel   5
Fair Employment Practices Commission, 1945 June
Box   1/10
  Reel   5
Fan Mail, 1946 January-1947 May
Box   1/10
  Reel   5
Fight for Freedom Inc., memorandum undated
Box   1/10
  Reel   5
Finance Committee, 1944 September-1945 February
Financial papers
Box   1/10
  Reel   5
1941 May-1947 January
Box   1/10
  Reel   5
Journal, 1946
Box   1/10
  Reel   5
"Food for Freedom", 1945 March-October
Box   1/11
  Reel   5
Food, general 1945 February-1946 November
Box   1/11
  Reel   5
Food pamphlet, "Peace In a Hungry World" 1946 April-May
Box   1/11
  Reel   5
Foreign Affairs, general 1941 April-1947 March
Box   1/11
  Reel   5
Foreign Affairs Committee, UDA 1946 September-December
Box   1/11
  Reel   5
Foreign Affairs Conference (March 25, 1944), correspondence and reports 1944 February-April
Box   1/11
  Reel   5
Foreign Policy, correspondence and reports 1944 March-1946 November
Box   1/12
  Reel   5
Form letters, 1942 October-1945 December
Box   1/12
  Reel   6
Forum Committee, 1942 December-1943 January
Box   1/12
  Reel   6
France, Open Letter Against the Vichy Government 1941 August
Box   1/12
  Reel   6
Friends of the Spanish Republic, press release 1945
Full Employment
Note: See also: Outland, Congressman George E.
Box   1/12
  Reel   6
1944 May-1945 December
Box   1/13
  Reel   6
1946 January-1946 September
Box   1/13
  Reel   6
Meeting (February 26, 1945), speeches, and printed matter
Box   1/13
  Reel   6
Printed matter
Box   1/14
  Reel   6
Printed matter (continued)
Box   1/14
  Reel   7
Publicity, 1945 March-1946 October
Box   1/14
  Reel   7
Germany, Meeting on postwar problems 1946 April-November
Box   1/14
  Reel   7
General Motors - United Automobile Workers Dispute, 1945 January-1946 January
Box   1/14
  Reel   7
Gertz, Elmer, "The Rise and Fall of the New York Daily News" undated
Gordon-Walker, Patrick, tour
Box   1/14
  Reel   7
1946 November
Box   1/15
  Reel   7
1946 December-1947 April
Box   1/15
  Reel   7
Greco-Turkish Aid Bill, 1947 April-May
Box   1/15
  Reel   7
Hayek, Prof. Friedrich A. 1945 April-May
Box   1/15
  Reel   7
Health and Defense Division, UDA 1941 May-June
Box   1/15
  Reel   7
Heimann, Eduard, The United Nations 1942 July
Box   1/15
  Reel   7
History of UDA
Box   1/15
  Reel   7
Hudson-Bergen (New Jersey) Progressive League, 1944 November
Box   1/15
  Reel   7
Humphrey, Hubert H. 1946 September-1947 December
Box   1/15
  Reel   7
Illinois, Chicago, Chapter 1945 May-October
Box   1/15
  Reel   7
Indiana, politics 1942 July-October
Box   1/15
  Reel   7
Japanese Question, 1942 April
Box   1/15
  Reel   7
Kentucky, Louisville, chapter 1943 August-1945 November
Box   1/16
  Reel   7
Kenyon, Dorothy, meeting (October 6, 1941) 1941 September-October
Box   1/16
  Reel   7
Kingdon, Frank and Robert A. Taft Debate 1942 July
Box   1/16
  Reel   7
Labor Committee, UDA 1941 May-June
Box   1/16
  Reel   7
League for Human Rights, 1941 June
Box   1/16
  Reel   7
League of Women Shoppers, minutes 1945 September
Box   1/16
  Reel   7
Lee, Jennie, tour 1941 October
Box   1/16
  Reel   7
Lerner, Abba P., "Wage Policy in Wartime" 1943
Box   1/16
  Reel   7
Lerner, Max, "Third Battle for France" 1945 April-May
Box   1/16
  Reel   7
Levy, Norman, Mrs. 1946 June-1947 May
Box   1/16
  Reel   7
Lewis, Alfred Baker 1943 April-1947 May
Box   1/16
  Reel   7
Lindbergh, Charles A., Des Moines, Iowa, speech 1941 September
Box   1/16
  Reel   8
Box   1/17
  Reel   8
Box   1/17
  Reel   8
Bulletin and Newsletter subscribers, 1946 October-1947 March
Box   1/17
  Reel   8
Membership lists for various chapters, 1945 October-1946 November
Box   1/18
  Reel   8
Newsletter and membership, 1941-1946, undated
Loeb, James, Jr.
Box   1/18
  Reel   8-9
1941 June-1945 December
Note: Reel 8 ends of 1945 July 30.
Box   1/19
  Reel   9
1946 January-1947 February
Box   1/19
  Reel   9
Farewell Luncheon (April 29, 1944) 1944 March-April
Box   1/19
  Reel   9
Organizing Trip, 1946 March
Box   1/19
  Reel   9
Loeb, Arthur, Mrs., meeting (December 11, 1941) 1941 November-December
Box   1/19
  Reel   9
London Letter, 1946 July-1947 August
Box   1/19
  Reel   9
London Office, 1945 January-1946 December
Box   1/19
  Reel   9
Mailings, 1932 July-1945 July
Box   1/19
  Reel   9
Martin, Kingsley, dinner (October 13, 1942) 1942 August-October
Box   1/19
  Reel   9
Maryland, Baltimore, chapter 1945 April-1946 November
Box   1/19
  Reel   9
Massachusetts, Boston, chapter 1942 February-1945 February
Box   1/20
  Reel   9
Meetings, special 1945 January-1947 January
Box   1/20
  Reel   9
Membership, information 1941
Box   1/20
  Reel   9
Membership Promotion, 1941 May-1945 October
Box   1/20
  Reel   9
Mimeographed Material, 1941
Box   1/20
  Reel   9
Box   1/20
  Reel   9
Missouri, St. Louis, Liberal Voters League 1944 June-December
Box   1/20
  Reel   9
Moses, Robert 1935 January-1946 June
Box   1/20
  Reel   9
Mowrer, Edgar A., Lecture at Town Hall (March 31, 1943) 1943 March
Box   1/20
  Reel   9
National Affairs Committee, undated
National Board
Box   1/20
  Reel   9
1945 January-1946 December
Box   1/20
  Reel   9
List of members, 1946
Box   1/20
  Reel   9
Minutes, 1942 January-1946 December
Box   1/20
  Reel   9
Supporting material for National Board meetings, 1942-1946
Box   1/21
  Reel   9
National Board of Review of Motion Pictures, 1946 May-October
Box   1/21
  Reel   9
National Citizens Political Action Committee, 1944 September
National Office
Box   1/21
  Reel   9
Inter-staff correspondence, 1945 August-1946 September
Box   1/21
  Reel   10
Nathalie E. Panek, 1946 April-November
Box   1/21
  Reel   10
Personnel, 1945 March-1946 November
Box   1/21
  Reel   10
Procedure, 1945 July-1946 November
Box   1/21
  Reel   10
Publications, 1944 September-1945 November
Box   1/21
  Reel   10
National Farmers Union, 1945 January-December
Box   1/21
  Reel   10
National Student Association, 1945 April-November
Box   1/21
  Reel   10
National Student Merger Convention, 1941 December
Box   1/21
  Reel   10
Negro Conference (June 19, 1941) 1941 May-July
Box   1/21
  Reel   10
Negro Petition Against Discrimination in Armed Forces, 1942 March-September
Box   1/22
  Reel   10
New Jersey, chapters, list of members
New Republic Supplement
Box   1/22
  Reel   10
1942 April-August
Box   1/22
  Reel   10
1943 December-1944 April
Box   1/22
  Reel   10
Questionnaire, 1944
Box   1/22
  Reel   10
Warburg, James, Mrs. 1944 February-May
Box   1/23
  Reel   10
1945 January-1946 December
Box   1/23
  Reel   11
Newsletter, 1943 October-1947 February
Box   1/23
  Reel   11
New York Daily News, experiment 1943 April-May
New York, New York City Chapter
Box   1/23
  Reel   11
Administrative Committee, minutes 1945 October-March
Box   1/23
  Reel   11
American Veterans Committee, 1946 January-April
Box   1/23
  Reel   11
Birthday luncheon (May 11, 1946) 1946 April
Box   1/23
  Reel   11
Board of Directors, correspondence and minutes 1944 November-1947 July
Box   1/23
  Reel   11
Board of Directors, membership lists 1944-1945
Box   1/23
  Reel   11
Brooklyn chapter, 1941 September-December
Box   1/23
  Reel   11
Bronx chapter, 1941 August-1942 March
Box   1/23
  Reel   11
Carey, James, meeting (March 29, 1945) 1945 March-April
Box   1/23
  Reel   11
"Congress to Win the War" - Supplement, 1942 October
Box   1/23
  Reel   11
Constitution and By-Laws, 1945 March-April
Box   1/24
  Reel   11
Contributions, lists 1944-1946
Box   1/24
  Reel   11
Dumbarton Oaks, 1944 December-1945 April
Box   1/24
  Reel   11
East Side chapter, membership list undated
Box   1/24
  Reel   11
Election Activities, 1946 April-November
Box   1/24
  Reel   11
Executive Committee, 1942 April-1946 November
Box   1/24
  Reel   11
Fair Employment Practices Commission, 1945 February-October
Box   1/24
  Reel   11
Forum (December 8, 1942) 1942 November-December
Box   1/24
  Reel   11
Full Employment Campaign, 1945 March-November
Box   1/24
  Reel   11
Full Employment, luncheon (May 17, 1945) 1945 April-June
Box   1/24
  Reel   11
Pull Employment Speakers Bureau, 1945 May-1944 January
Box   1/24
  Reel   11
Fund Raising Instructions
General correspondence
Note: See also: Correspondence, miscellaneous.
Box   1/24
  Reel   11
1945 February-May
Box   1/25
  Reel   11
1945 June-1945 July
Box   1/25
  Reel   12
1945 August-1947 January
Box   1/25
  Reel   12
General Motors Strike, 1946 January
Box   1/25
  Reel   12
Housing Commission, 1945 November-1946 January
Box   1/25
  Reel   12
Inter-Office Memoranda, 1944 December-1945 October
Box   1/25
  Reel   12
Kandel, Bernice and Janet Sachs 1945 December-1946 September
Note: See also: Publicity Files.
Box   1/26
  Reel   12
Legislative Committee, correspondence and minutes 1944 December-1946 April
Box   1/26
  Reel   12
Lists, undated
Box   1/26
  Reel   12
Meeting, annual (June 12, 1946) 1946 February-July
Box   1/26
  Reel   12
Meeting, membership (February 21, 1945) 1945 February
Box   1/26
  Reel   12
Meeting, membership (November 14, 1946) 1946 November
Box   1/26
  Reel   12
Midtown Luncheon Committee, 1945 July-1946 February
Box   1/26
  Reel   12
Minority Problems Commission, 1945 November-December
Box   1/26
  Reel   12
Moses, Robert, meeting undated
"The Next Four Years in New York City," dinner (January 11, 1946)
Box   1/26
  Reel   12
1945 November-1946 January
Box   1/26
  Reel   12
Sponsors and arrangements committee, 1945 November-December
Box   1/27
  Reel   12
Nominating Committee, 1945 March-June
Box   1/27
  Reel   12
Office form letters to the membership, 1944 December-1947 March
Box   1/27
  Reel   12
Office of Price Administration, 1945 July-1946 June
Box   1/27
  Reel   13
Oliver, Eli, We Still Can Lose the Peace 1945 September-October
Box   1/27
  Reel   13
Organizing Committee, minutes 1941-1942
Box   1/27
  Reel   13
"Our Town", 1946 February and May issues
Box   1/27
  Reel   13
Padover, Saul, Committee Regarding Progressives 1946 September-December
Box   1/27
  Reel   13
Personnel, 1945 March-1946 August
Box   1/27
  Reel   13
Press Releases, 1946
Box   1/27
  Reel   13
Publicity Files, Bernice Kandel 1945 January-December
Note: See also: Kandel, Bernice et al.
Box   1/27
  Reel   13
Queens chapter, membership list undated
Box   1/27
  Reel   13
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr. 1946 February-March
Box   1/28
  Reel   13
Social Security information, 1943 October
Box   1/28
  Reel   13
Society for Ethical Culture, 1945 November
Box   1/28
  Reel   13
Staff Meetings, minutes 1945 June-October
Box   1/28
  Reel   13
Village and Chelsea area chapters, 1942 January
Box   1/28
  Reel   13
West Side chapter, correspondence and minutes 1941 September-1942 April
Box   1/28
  Reel   13
New York, New York City Conference on Inflation (January 24, 1942)
Box   1/28
  Reel   13
Niebuhr, Reinhold 1942 October-1947 October
Box   1/28
  Reel   13
Norman party (May 14, 1943) 1943 May
Box   1/28
  Reel   13
Norman party (June 18, 1945) 1945 June
Box   1/28
  Reel   13
Norris, George, dinner (December 29, 1942) 1942 December
Box   1/28
  Reel   13
North African Meeting (February 27, 1943) 1943 February-July
Box   1/28
  Reel   13
O'Dwyer, William, Evaluation Committee of 1946 September-1947 February
Box   1/28
  Reel   13
Office form letters to the membership, 1941-1946
Box   1/28
  Reel   13
Office of Price Administration, 1946 January-June
Box   1/29
  Reel   13
Office of Public Opinion Research, Hadley Cantril, reports 1942
Box   1/29
  Reel   13
Organizing of new chapters, 1942 January-1946 December
Box   1/29
  Reel   13
Oregon, Portland, chapter 1941 June-September
Box   1/29
  Reel   13
Outland, Congressman George E., correspondence and memoranda 1945 June-July
Note: See also: Full Employment Campaign.
Box   1/29
  Reel   14
Petition, "Now Is the Time" 1941
Box   1/29
  Reel   14
Petition for Higher Army Pay
Box   1/29
  Reel   14
Pinchot, Cornelia Bryce [Mrs. Gifford Pinchot], party for UDA National Board (October 27, 1945) 1945 October
Box   1/29
  Reel   14
Pittman, Marvin, dinner (October 4, 1941) 1941 September-October
Box   1/29
  Reel   14
Plans for Post-War Reconstruction, 1942 September-October
Box   1/29
  Reel   14
"Plugs", 1945 July-September
Box   1/29
  Reel   14
Political Action Programs and Reports, 1945 March-1950 September
Box   1/29
  Reel   14
Political Policy, statements 1945 January-May
Box   1/29
  Reel   14
Porter, Hilda 1942 February-April
Box   1/29
  Reel   14
Post Election, dinner (November 27, 1944) 1944 September-November
Box   1/29
  Reel   14
Presidents Council of Economic Advisors, 1946 September-1947 January
Press Releases
Box   1/29
  Reel   14
1941 April-1942 January
Box   1/30
  Reel   14
1942 January-1947 February
Box   1/30
  Reel   14
Public Relations, 1944 October-1947 January
Box   1/30
  Reel   14
Puerto Rico, 1945 February
Questionnaire to political candidates, answers
Box   1/30
  Reel   14
1942 October-1943 February
Box   1/30
  Reel   14
Box   1/30
  Reel   14
Radio Programs for UDA, 1942 January-May; 1945 June-1946 January
Box   1/30
  Reel   14
Red Cross class, 1942 August
Box   1/30
  Reel   14
Reid, James, Mrs., meeting (December 8, 1941) 1941 November-December
Box   1/31
  Reel   14
Reorganization of UDA, reports 1945 September-October
Box   1/31
  Reel   14
Reports of UDA committees, 1945 February-July
Box   1/31
  Reel   14
Resignations, 1945 September-October
Box   1/31
  Reel   14
Reuther, Walter, luncheon December 13, 1941
Box   1/31
  Reel   14
Rising Prices Campaign, undated
Box   1/31
  Reel   14
Rochester Group for Liberal Action, 1941 September-1946 May
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Box   1/31
  Reel   14
Dinner (February 27, 1946) 1946 January-March
Box   1/31
  Reel   15
Hunter College speech (February 27, 1946) 1946 January-March
Box   1/31
  Reel   15
Rosett, Blanch, meeting (April 9, 1942) 1942 March-April
Box   1/31
  Reel   15
Rubber Production Hold-Up (January 1942), 1942 January-February
Box   1/31
  Reel   15
Sachs, Janet 1944 November-1945 October
Box   1/31
  Reel   15
Salter, Prof. J. T. 1945 February-April
Box   1/31
  Reel   15
Schieffelin, William J. 1944 March
Box   1/32
  Reel   15
School for Democratic Action, 1941 October-November
Box   1/32
  Reel   15
Sforza, Count, luncheon (July 11, 1946) 1946 September
Box   1/32
  Reel   15
Sifton, Paul 1944 November-1945 November
Note: See also: Washington Bureau.
Box   1/32
  Reel   15
Simons, Hans 1942 September-1943, Feb
Box   1/32
  Reel   15
Smith, Anthony W. 1941 October-1944 November
Box   1/32
  Reel   15
Southern Tenant Farmers Union, 1945 September
Box   1/32
  Reel   15
Speaker's Bureau, 1942 January-March
Box   1/32
  Reel   15
Special Gifts Dinner (April 6, 1942) 1942 March-April
Box   1/32
  Reel   15
Speeches, 1945
Box   1/32
  Reel   15
State Department White Paper, 1942 March-June
Box   1/32
  Reel   15
Stimson, Henry L., signers of letter 1943 March
Box   1/32
  Reel   15
Straight, Michael, tour 1942 October-November
Box   1/32
  Reel   15
Survey of the "Ten Worst Congressmen", 1942
Box   1/32
  Reel   15
Swing, Raymond, "Russia and Ourselves" 1945 June-September
Box   1/32
  Reel   15
Tawney Luncheon (October 25, 1941) 1941 October
Box   1/33
  Reel   16
Taxation Conference (March 28, 1942) 1942 March-May
Box   1/33
  Reel   16
Technicians and Scientists Division, UDA 1941 June-September
Box   1/33
  Reel   16
Texas, Dallas, chapter 1946
Box   1/33
  Reel   16
Textile Industry, luncheon (May 18, 1945) 1945 March-May
Box   1/33
  Reel   16
Theatre Benefit, The Rivals 1941 November
Box   1/33
  Reel   16
Theatre Benefit, Deep Are the Roots 1945 August-October
Box   1/33
  Reel   16
Waldo, Frank, dinner (October 22, 1942) 1942 October-November
Wallace, Henry A.
Box   1/33
  Reel   16
1944 November-1947 June
Box   1/33
  Reel   16
Dinner (January 29, 1945) 1944 December-1945 February
Box   1/33
  Reel   16
Rally, New York City (February 26, 1945) 1945 February-March
Box   1/33
  Reel   16
Washington, D.C., chapter 1946
Washington, D.C. Bureau
Note: See also: Sifton, Paul.
Box   1/33
  Reel   16
Accounts, 1945 February-December
Box   1/34
  Reel   16
Sustaining fund, 1942 June-November
Box   1/34
  Reel   16
Washington, D.C., meeting with New Congressmen (January 17, 1945) 1945 January
Box   1/33
  Reel   16
Washington (State), Seattle, chapter 1946
Box   1/34
  Reel   16
Wedgewood, Col. Josiah, dinner (June 26, 1941) 1941 May-July
Box   1/34
  Reel   16
Wickersham Amendment, 1945 May
Box   1/34
  Reel   16
Willen, Joseph, Mrs., meeting (December 9, 1941) 1941 November-Dec
Williams, Aubrey
Box   1/34
  Reel   16
1945 February-March
Box   1/34
  Reel   16
Luncheon (April 23, 1945) 1945 April
Box   1/34
  Reel   16
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, conference (June 27-28, 1941) 1941 May-June
Box   1/34
  Reel   16
Withers, William, UDA Tax Committee 1945 February-June
Box   1/34
  Reel   16
Writers Division, UDA 1941 June
Box   1/34
  Reel   16
Youth Division, UDA 1941 May-October
Box   1/34
  Reel   16
Youth Movements, 1941 May
Box   1/35
  Reel   16
UDA Printed Matter
Box   1/35
  Reel   16
UDA Bulletin, 1941-1946
Note: Incomplete
Box   1/35
  Reel   16
UDA Congressional Newsletter, 1943-1947
Note: Incomplete
Box   1/35
  Reel   16
UDA London Letter, 1946-1951
Note: Complete
Box   1/35
  Reel   16
UDA Research Letter, 1941,
Note: Volume I, Numbers 1-3 only
Box   1/35
  Reel   16
What's Doing In the UDA, 1942 August and 1944 December
Box   1/35
  Reel   16
Miscellaneous printed pamphlets and broadsides
Box   1/36
  Reel   16
Journal of Cash Receipts, 1945-1946
Box   1/36
  Reel   16
Journal of Cash Disbursements, 1943-1946
Series: ADA Administrative File, 1946-1965
Note: Specify series number when requesting boxes.

Physical Description: 96 boxes, 1 volume, and 40 reels of microfilm (35 mm) 
Scope and Content Note

The ADA administrative file is composed of materials the ADA office staff originally maintained as a loosely organized file for the various national directors. In addition, it includes closely related materials added to this series during processing by the staff of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. The ADA administrative file includes correspondence and subject files.

Carbon copies of the outgoing correspondence, May 1948-December 1963, is arranged in reverse chronological order within each folder just as the ADA staff filed them. The files for March-April 1952, and for the years 1956-1958, are lacking, while the folder for March 1953, is incomplete. In 1949 only carbons of the letters of James Loeb Jr., executive secretary, and his assistant, John F.P. Tucker, are included; but by the 1950's other staff members filed carbons of all or some of their correspondence, both important and routine. Some correspondence is filed within the subject files including outgoing telegrams (1947-1953).

Incoming correspondence, 1948-1956 is arranged alphbetically within the subject files, including miscellaneous correspondence filed under "Correspondence, miscellaneous".

The subject files are arranged alphbetically. The correspondence within the subject files is arranged chronologically by month and placed first in each folder. Miscellaneous printed and mimeographed materials follow the correspondence and may occasionally overlap the inclusive dates given for the correspondence.

The subject files include correspondence of various staff members and national officers such as: Francis Biddle, 1950-1951; Evelyn Dubrow, 1947-1949; Violet Gunther, 1950-1963; Leon Henderson, 1947-1952; Edward Hollander, 1947-1963; Hubert H. Humphrey, 1947-1963; Charles M. LaFollette, 1947-1949; Richard A. Lambert, 1960-1964; James Loeb Jr., 1947-1961; Robert R. Nathan, 1952-1963; Nathalie E. Panek, 1947; Sheldon Pollock, 1952-1962; Joseph L. Rauh, 1947-1963; John P. Roche, 1962-1963; Eleanor Roosevelt, 1948-1961; Marvin Rosenberg, 1951-1961; John F.P. Tucker, 1946-1952; David C. Williams, 1952; Page Wilson, 1958-1964; Wilson Wyatt, 1947-1959; and Reginald H. Zalles, 1951-1953. A staff organizational chart is located in an appendix to this finding aid.

The initial formation of ADA is represented by correspondence, minutes, reports, and memoranda of the 1947 ADA Organizing Committee. The correspondence and minutes of the National Board (1947-1964), and the Executive Committee (1947-1965) provide a fairly complete guide to the internal workings of the organization. The folders titled National Board, for example, include correspondence with board members regarding agenda for the meetings, attendance at the meetings, and reservations. The minutes include not only the first draft and final mimeographed copy of almost all the Board meetings, but a great deal of supporting material; such as, agenda, attendance lists, pre-meeting reminders, policy statements, and copies of mimeographed reports presented by various ADA officers and staff. These files are most complete for the years 1947, 1948, 1958, and 1960. The files of the National Board contain a duplicate set of only the minutes of the Board, filed separately after the originals.

The heavy emphasis placed upon the formation of new chapters is evidenced by the correspondence, minutes, reports, and memoranda (1947-1964), of the National Committee on Organization. This committee was responsible for organizing new chapters, handling problems relating to the membership, and guiding chapter programs. Much of this responsibility was handled by the various directors of the organization, such as Evelyn Dubrow, Sheldon Pollock, and Richard A. Lambert.

Between 1947 and 1954, the ADA hired a number of chapter organizers to work in various parts of the country. The following is a list of those organizers who are represented in this series, together with the areas in which they worked, and the years.

Adler, Bernard (Box 24)Ohio1950-1951
Anderson, Douglas B. (Box 25)Chicago Organizing Comm.1947-1948
Cronheim, Emily (Box 32)Missouri1951-1952
Girvetz, Harry (Box 52)California1949
Holzinger, Charles (Box 53)Illinois, Indiana, Michigan1949
Hopkins, Alden (Boxes 53, 77-79)Southern Representative1949-1950
Leavy, Leonard L. (Box 57)New Jersey1952-1953
Leuchtenburg, William E. (Box 57)Missouri, Nevada, Colorado1948
McSweeney, Margaret (Box 59)New England1948
Mishnun, Eleanor (Box 63)New England1947-1948
Panek, Natalie E. (Box 72)Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and New England1947
Payne, Ancil (Box 72)Oregon and Washington (State)1947-1948
Pollock, Sheldon (Box 74)New Jersey and New York1952-1954
Stern, Louis H. (Box 81)California1950
Taylor, Barney B. (Boxes 82, 77-79)Southern Representative1947-1948

Most of these organizers are represented by only one folder of correspondence and field reports; exceptions are Alden Hopkins and Barney B. Taylor, who served at different periods as ADA's southern representative, 1946-1950. Their records have been incorporated into this series and include correspondence, membership lists, weekly reports on the status and organization of new chapters, and reports of the various chapters in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.

The financial records of ADA from 1947 to 1965 are also included in the administrative files. The financial correspondence and the lists of contributors deal primarily with contributions. There is a complete set of auditor's reports, 1947-1957, and an incomplete set of budget proposals and reports, 1948, 1952-1960. The weekly financial reports and comparative balance sheets provide a good view of ADA's tenuous financial standing. There are also two ledgers (1946-1951), and a journal of chapter income (1948-1949). The files relating to the Corrupt Practices Act, 1947-1958, contain reports to the federal government on all yearly receipts of more than one hundred dollars and all expenditures of more than ten dollars. The chapter quota file contains general correspondence (1950-1957), and files, arranged alphabetically by state and city, for numerous major chapters. These files also relate to the transferral of chapter quota fees and often include lists of chapter members.

ADA has always had a great deal of difficulty in financing its various programs. In its early years many of the larger unions, such as the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, the International Association of Machinists, the American Federation of Labor (AFL), the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, the Congress of Industrial Organizations, the Textile Workers Union of America (TWUA), and the United Automobile Workers Union (UAWU), helped support the work of the organization. Promotional mailings, pamphlets, and various types of social events have been utilized to raise additional funds. Files relating to labor unions and these attempts to raise additional funds are located in this series, usually under the union.

Other large segments of material in the administrative file include the correspondence and minutes of the Businessmen's Council of ADA (1954-1961), and the Trips Abroad files (1949-1965), concerning yearly foreign study trips organized and conducted by ADA.

Outgoing correspondence
Box   2/1
  Reel   17
1948 May-1949 April
Box   2/2
  Reel   17
1949 May-September
Box   2/2
  Reel   18
1949 October-November
Box   2/3
  Reel   18
1949 December-1950 April
Box   2/4
  Reel   18
1950 May
Box   2/4
  Reel   19
1950 June-October
Box   2/5
  Reel   19
1950 November-1951 March
Box   2/5
  Reel   20
1951 April-May
Box   2/6
  Reel   20
1951 June-December
Box   2/7
  Reel   20
1952 January
Box   2/7
  Reel   21
1951 February, May-August
Box   2/8
  Reel   21
1952 September-1953 March
Box   2/8
  Reel   22
1953 April
Box   2/9
  Reel   22
1953 May-September
Box   2/10
  Reel   22
1953 October-November
Box   2/10
  Reel   23
1953 December-1954 March
Box   2/11
  Reel   23
1954 April-August
Box   2/12
  Reel   23
1954 September
Box   2/12
  Reel   24
1954 October-December
Box   2/13
  Reel   24
1955 January-May
Box   2/14
  Reel   24
1955 June-October
Box   2/15
  Reel   24
1955 November-December
Box   2/15
  Reel   25
1959 January-March
Box   2/16
  Reel   25
1959 April-July
Box   2/17
  Reel   25
1959 August-December
Box   2/17
  Reel   26
1960 January-February
Box   2/18
  Reel   26
1960 March-September
Box   2/19
  Reel   26
1960 October-1961 May
Box   2/20
  Reel   27
1961 June-1962 January
Box   2/21
  Reel   27
1962 February-September
Box   2/22
  Reel   27
1962 October-1963 February
Box   2/22
  Reel   28
1963 March-May
Box   2/23
  Reel   28
1963 June-December
Subject Files
Box   2/24
  Reel   28
"A", 1948 January-1952 August
Box   2/24
  Reel   28
Adler, Bernard 1950 December-1951 September
Box   2/24
  Reel   28
Administrative Memoranda and Program Actions, bulletin 1961-1962
Box   2/24
  Reel   28
Ahrend Associates, 1964 March-April
Box   2/24
  Reel   28
American Civil Liberties Union, 1946 February-1955 March
Box   2/24
  Reel   28
American Federation of Labor, 1948 February-October
Box   2/24
  Reel   28
American Veterans Committee, 1947 November-1949 August
Box   2/24
  Reel   28
Americans for Democratic Action -- its origin, aims, and character and its designs upon the Democratic Party, editions of 1955 and 1958
Box   2/24
  Reel   29
ADA employees contracts, 1947
Box   2/25
  Reel   29
Anderson, Douglas B. 1947 January-1948 December
Box   2/25
  Reel   29
Arts Division of ADA, 1948 March-1952 December
Box   2/25
  Reel   29
Attlee, Clement, cable replies 1947 June-July
Box   2/25
  Reel   29
"B", 1948 July-1956 December
Box   2/26
  Reel   29
Bean, Louis H., pamphlet, "The Mid-Term Battle" 1949 May-1950 November
Biddle, Francis
Box   2/26
  Reel   29
Chicago trip, 1950 May
Box   2/26
  Reel   29
Midwest trip, 1950 May
Box   2/26
  Reel   29
Rochester trip, 1950 June-1951 March
Box   2/26
  Reel   29
Western trip, 1950 November-1951 March
Box   2/26
  Reel   29
Biemiller, Andrew J. 1947 January-1948 October
Box   2/26
  Reel   29
Biographies, ADA officers and staff
Box   2/26
  Reel   29
Bondfield, Margaret, United States tour 1948 November-December
Box   2/26
  Reel   29
Bowles, Chester 1948 March-1949 December
Box   2/26
  Reel   29
Brock, Clifton 1963 May
Box   2/26
  Reel   29
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 1948 January-1949 August
Buchanan Lobby Committee, testimony and material removed from ADA files as evidence
Box   2/26
  Reel   29
Box   2/27
  Reel   29
1947-1950 (continued)
Businessmen's Council of ADA
Box   2/27
  Reel   30
1954 July-1957 January
Box   2/28
  Reel   30
1957 January-1961 December
Box   2/28
  Reel   30
"C", 1948 March-1957 January
Box   2/29
  Reel   30
California, Southern Regional Conference 1946 September-1947 March
Note: See also: Girvetz, Harry.
Box   2/29
  Reel   30
Candidate Support Committee, 1962 June-1964 January
Box   2/29
  Reel   30
Chapter constitution forms
Box   2/29
  Reel   30
Chapter mailings, 1947 January-1947 July
Box   2/29
  Reel   31
Chapter mailings, 1947 August-1949 May
Box   2/29
  Reel   31
Chapter statistics
Box   2/29
  Reel   31
Charters for new chapters, 1947 January-June
Civil Rights
Box   2/29
  Reel   31
1948 January-1949 December
Box   2/30
  Reel   31
1950 January-1960 February
Box   2/30
  Reel   31
Committee on Economic Stability, report 1947 May-July
Box   2/30
  Reel   31
Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1946 January-1949 November
Box   2/30
  Reel   31
Congress of Racial Equality, 1961 April-May
Box   2/30
  Reel   31
Congressional, 1948 January-1951 August
Box   2/30
  Reel   31
Constitution, by-laws, and revisions of ADA 1947-1958
Box   2/31
  Reel   31
Consultative Conference on Desegregation, 1958 February-August
Box   2/31
  Reel   31
New England, 1947 January-March
Box   2/31
  Reel   31
New York, 1947 January-April
Box   2/31
  Reel   31
Northwest, 1947 January-March
Box   2/31
  Reel   31
Southwest, 1947 January-March
Box   2/31
  Reel   31
Correspondence, foreign 1946 September-1952 April
Correspondence, miscellaneous
Box   2/31
  Reel   32
Box   2/32
  Reel   32
Box   2/32
  Reel   32
Council of Economic Advisers, 1946 February-1947 January
Box   2/32
  Reel   32
Crank letters, 1947 September-1964 September
Box   2/32
  Reel   32
Cronheim, Emily 1951 May-1952 December
Box   2/32
  Reel   32
Czechoslovakia, 1948 December-1950 June
Box   2/32
  Reel   32
1947 December-1953 December
Box   2/33
  Reel   32
1954 January-1958 December
Box   2/33
  Reel   32
Davies, Dr. A. Powell 1948 January-June
Box   2/33
  Reel   32
Douglas, Paul H. 1948 March-1949 September
Box   2/33
  Reel   32
Douglas, William O. 1948 March-September
Dubrow, Evelyn
Box   2/33
  Reel   32
1947 September-1948 January
Box   2/33
  Reel   33
1948 February-1948 May
Box   2/34
  Reel   33
1948 June-1949 February
Box   2/34
  Reel   33
"E", 1948 February-1956 August
Box   2/34
  Reel   33
Edwards, George 1948 March-1949 September
Box   2/34
  Reel   33
Eisenhower, Dwight D. 1948 February-June
Box   2/34
  Reel   33
Evaluation Committee of ADA, 1955 October-November
Executive Committee
Box   2/34
  Reel   33
1947 January-1949 November
Box   2/34
  Reel   33
Box   2/35
  Reel   33
Box   2/35
  Reel   34
Box   2/36
  Reel   34
Box   2/36
  Reel   34
Xerox copies, 1947-1962
Box   2/37
  Reel   34
"F", 1948 January-1956 December
Box   2/37
  Reel   34
Fairbanks, John K. 1951 September-November
Box   2/37
  Reel   34
Far East, 1949 April-December
Box   2/37
  Reel   34
Farm Conference, Chicago (February 1949) 1949 January-April
Box   2/37
  Reel   34
Farm program, 1948 January-1950 January
Box   2/37
  Reel   34
Federal aid to education, 1950 February-1951 June
Box   2/37
  Reel   34
Figueres, Jose, luncheon (April 9, 1951) 1950 November-1951 May
Financial records
Box   2/37
  Reel   34
Auditor's reports, 1947-1957
Box   2/37
  Reel   34
Budget proposals and reports, 1948, 1952-1960
Chapter quotas
Box   2/37
  Reel   34
Box   2/38
  Reel   34
Box   2/38
  Reel   34
Comparative balance sheets, 1953-1956 November
Box   2/38
  Reel   35
Comparative balance sheets, 1956 December-1965
Contributions, correspondence regarding
Box   2/39
  Reel   35
1947 October-1950 March
Box   2/40
  Reel   35
1950 April-1955
Box   2/40
  Reel   36
Box   2/41
  Reel   36
Contributions, lists 1947-1964
Correspondence, miscellaneous
Box   2/41
  Reel   36
1947 January-1949 May
Box   2/42
  Reel   36
1949 June-1951 December; 1961 March-December
Box   2/42
  Reel   36
Corrupt Practices Act, reports 1947-1958
Box   2/42
  Reel   37
Arizona, Tucson 1959
Box   2/43
  Reel   37
California, East Bay 1952-1957
Box   2/43
  Reel   37
California, Greater Los Angeles 1953-1957
Box   2/43
  Reel   37
California, Northern 1958-1961
Box   2/43
  Reel   37
California, Sacramento, San Francisco, and Santa Barbara 1953-1961
Box   2/43
  Reel   37
Colorado, Denver 1953-1957
Box   2/43
  Reel   37
Connecticut, Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven, New London, Stamford, Greenwich 1953-1956
Box   2/43
  Reel   37
District of Columbia, 1953-1961
Box   2/43
  Reel   37
Hawaii, Honolulu 1953
Box   2/44
  Reel   37
Illinois, Chicago 1953-1962
Box   2/44
  Reel   37
Indiana, 1954-1961
Box   2/44
  Reel   37
Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa City, and Johnson County 1953-1955
Box   2/44
  Reel   37
Kentucky, Louisville 1953-1958
Box   2/44
  Reel   37
Maryland, Baltimore 1953-1961
Box   2/44
  Reel   37
Maryland, Montgomery County 1953-1956
Box   2/45
  Reel   37
Massachusetts, chapter 1953-1956
Box   2/45
  Reel   37
Massachusetts, state 1957-1961
Box   2/45
  Reel   37
Michigan, chapters 1953-1961
Box   2/45
  Reel   37
Missouri, St. Louis 1953-1961
Box   2/45
  Reel   37
Nebraska, chapters 1953-1955
New Jersey, chapters
Box   2/45
  Reel   37
Box   2/46
  Reel   37
Box   2/46
  Reel   37
New York City, chapter 1953-1955
Box   2/46
  Reel   38
New York City, chapter 1956-1962
Box   2/46
  Reel   38
New York, chapters 1953-1958
Box   2/47
  Reel   38
Ohio, Akron 1953-1961
Box   2/47
  Reel   38
Ohio, Cincinnati, Columbus, and Youngstown 1953-1961
Box   2/47
  Reel   38
Ohio, Cleveland 1953-1961
Box   2/47
  Reel   38
Oregon, Portland 1952
Box   2/47
  Reel   38
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City 1953-1954
Box   2/47
  Reel   38
Pennsylvania, Erie 1953-1958
Box   2/47
  Reel   38
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 1954-1961
Box   2/48
  Reel   38
Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh 1952-1961
Box   2/48
  Reel   38
Rhode Island, Providence 1953, 1958
Box   2/48
  Reel   38
Tennessee, chapters 1953-1954
Box   2/48
  Reel   38
Texas, chapters 1953-1961
Box   2/48
  Reel   38
Washington (State), Seattle and Spokane 1953-1954
Box   2/48
  Reel   38
France, Paris 1949-1953
Weekly financial reports
Box   2/48
  Reel   38
Box   2/49
  Reel   38
Box   2/49
  Reel   39
Volume   2/1
  Reel   56
Ledger, 1950-1951
Box   2/96
  Reel   56
Ledger, 1946-1947
Box   2/96
  Reel   56
Journal of chapter income, 1948-1949
Box   2/50
  Reel   39
Foreign policy, 1947 March-1949 December
Box   2/50
  Reel   39
Foreign Policy Conference, 1953 October-1954 January
Box   2/50
  Reel   39
Foreign Policy Report, 1947 July-December
Box   2/50
  Reel   39
France, 1950 March-1953 October
Box   2/50
  Reel   39
Full Employment Conference, 1949 June-July
Box   2/51
  Reel   39
Fund raising, 1947 January-1963 June
Box   2/51
  Reel   39
Fund raising party, New York City (April 20, 1956) 1955 November-1956 August
Box   2/51
  Reel   39
"G", 1948 January-1956 December
Box   2/51
  Reel   39
Germany, 1947 November-1951 June
Note: Includes Willy Brandt correspondence.
Box   2/52
  Reel   39
Gerwitz, Stanley 1952 February-October
Box   2/52
  Reel   39
Ginsburg, David 1948 June-1949 August
Box   2/52
  Reel   39
Girvetz, Harry 1949 May-December
Note: See also: California Southern Regional Conference.
Box   2/52
  Reel   39
Greco-Turkish Aid bill, 1947 April
Box   2/52
  Reel   39
Gunther, Violet 1950 March-1963 March
Box   2/52
  Reel   40
"H", 1948 January-1956 December
Box   2/52
  Reel   40
Harris, Louis H. 1948 April-September
Box   2/52
  Reel   40
Hatch Act, 1947 September
Box   2/52
  Reel   40
Health, 1948 February-1951 January
Box   2/52
  Reel   40
Henderson, Leon 1947 April-1952 September
Box   2/52
  Reel   40
Hollander, Edward 1947 February-1963 December
Box   2/53
  Reel   40
Holzinger, Charles 1949 January-July
Box   2/53
  Reel   40
Hopkins, Alden 1949 April-1950 April
Box   2/53
  Reel   40
Hotel and Restaurant Worker's Union, 1947 June-1949 December
Box   2/53
  Reel   40
Housing bill, 1948 April
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Box   2/53
  Reel   40
1947 November-1963 September
Box   2/53
  Reel   40
West Coast trip, 1949 June-December
Box   2/53
  Reel   40
1948 February-1949 September
Box   2/54
  Reel   40
1949 October-1956 October
Box   2/54
  Reel   40
Independent Voters of Illinois, 1961 January-December
Box   2/54
  Reel   41
International Association of Machinists, 1947 April-1949 November
Box   2/54
  Reel   41
International Ladies Garment Workers Union, 1947 December-1949 November
Box   2/54
  Reel   41
Inter-Office memoranda, 1947 April-1964 October
Box   2/54
  Reel   41
"J", 1948 May-1956 November
Box   2/54
  Reel   41
Jeremias, Siegmund 1946 February-July
Job applications
Box   2/54
  Reel   41
1949 December-1951 March
Box   2/55
  Reel   41
1951 April-1958 February
Box   2/55
  Reel   41
"K", 1947 March-1956 December
Box   2/55
  Reel   41
Kerr Oil bill, 1950 February-April
Box   2/55
  Reel   41
1947 March-1951 October
Box   2/56
  Reel   41
1952 June-1956 December
Box   2/56
  Reel   41
Labor, 1947 October-1948 October
Box   2/56
  Reel   41
LaFollette, Charles M. 1947 March-1949 July
Box   2/56
  Reel   42
LaFollette, Charles M. 1949 August-1949 December
Lambert, Richard A.
Box   2/56
  Reel   42
Box   2/57
  Reel   42
Box   2/57
  Reel   42
Leavy, Leonard L. 1952 November-1953 February
Box   2/57
  Reel   42
Lee, Jennie, trip 1947 June-October
Box   2/57
  Reel   42
Lerner, Leo A. 1949 April-December; 1956 April; 1958 April
Box   2/57
  Reel   42
Leuchtenburg, William E. 1948 April-September
Box   2/57
  Reel   42
Lewis, Alfred Baker 1947 March-1963 August
Box   2/57
  Reel   42
Lists, 1947 January-1949 September; 1954
Loeb, James, Jr.
Box   2/57
  Reel   42
1947-1961 October
Box   2/58
  Reel   42
Radio Speeches, 1948 November-1949 May
Box   2/58
  Reel   42
Trips, 1946 December-1949 December
Box   2/58
  Reel   43
London Office, 1947 January-1949 December
Box   2/59
  Reel   43
Los Angeles Times, 1961 articles on ADA 1961 July-1962 January
Box   2/59
  Reel   43
Loyalty program, 1949 June-November
Box   2/59
  Reel   43
"M", 1947 December-1962 October
Box   2/59
  Reel   43
MacArthur, Douglas 1951 April-June
Box   2/59
  Reel   43
McGrath, J. Howard 1949 October-December
Box   2/59
  Reel   43
McSweeney, Margaret 1948 March-September
Box   2/59
  Reel   43
Mailings, promotional 1947 June-1964 September
Box   2/59
  Reel   43
Marshall Plan, ERP 1948 January-1949 November
Box   2/59
  Reel   43
Members-at-large, 1953 April-1964 December
Box   2/59
  Reel   43
Membership, 1960 May-1961 December
Box   2/60
  Reel   43
Membership promotion, 1947 June; 1952 April-1961 January
Box   2/60
  Reel   43
Membership statistics, 1947 June-1958
Box   2/60
  Reel   43
Metropolitan government, conference on 1958
Box   2/60
  Reel   43
Mid-West Conference, Chicago (March 1, 1947) 1947 February-April
Mimeographed material
Box   2/60
  Reel   43
1947 January-1948 May
Box   2/61
  Reel   44
1948 June-1952
Box   2/62
  Reel   44
Box   2/63
  Reel   44
Box   2/63
  Reel   44
Mishnun, Eleanor 1947 December-1948 December
Box   2/63
  Reel   44
Mobilization, war and national 1950 July-1951 May
Box   2/63
  Reel   44
"N", 1947 March-1956 November
Nathan, Robert R.
Box   2/63
  Reel   44
1952 May-1956 December
Box   2/64
  Reel   44
1957 January-1958 June
Box   2/64
  Reel   45
1958 July-1963 July
Box   2/64
  Reel   45
The Nation, 1945 July-1949 November
National Board
Box   2/65
  Reel   45
Correspondence re meetings, 1947 January-1962 February
Box   2/65
  Reel   45
Box   2/66
  Reel   45
Box   2/67
  Reel   46
Box   2/68
  Reel   46
Box   2/68
  Reel   46
Xerox copies, 1947-1958
Box   2/69
  Reel   46
Xerox copies, 1959-1963
Box   2/69
  Reel   46
Poll on Adlai Stevenson, 1952 July-August
Box   2/69
  Reel   46
Violet Gunther's correspondence, 1960 December-1964 June
Box   2/69
  Reel   46
National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing, 1961 September-October
Box   2/69
  Reel   46
National Committee for Peaceful Alternatives, 1951 May-June
National Committee on Organization, ADA
Box   2/69
  Reel   46
1947 January-September; 1956 May-1963 November
Box   2/69
  Reel   46
"Manual of Organization", undated
Box   2/69
  Reel   46
Minutes, 1947-1964
Box   2/69
  Reel   46
Reports and memoranda, 1956 August-1963 September
Box   2/69
  Reel   46
National Conference on International Economic and Social Development, 1952 February-April
Box   2/70
  Reel   46
National Sharecroppers Fund, 1948 January-1949 December
Box   2/70
  Reel   46
Nehru, Jawaharlal 1947 June; 1951 September-December; 1962 November
Box   2/70
  Reel   46
Neuberger, Richard L. 1954 August-1959 October
Box   2/70
  Reel   47
New Republic, 1947 January-1949 December
Box   2/70
  Reel   47
"O", 1948 August-1949 December
Box   2/70
  Reel   47
Office Employees International Union, 1952 February-1963 June
Box   2/70
  Reel   47
Organization Committees, Eastern and Western 1949 June-1950 February
Box   2/70
  Reel   47
Organization, Director of, memoranda, statements, reports, lists 1947 April-1948 August
Organizing Committee of ADA
Box   2/71
  Reel   47
1946 November-1947 April
Box   2/71
  Reel   47
Minutes, reports, and memoranda 1946 November-1947 March
Box   2/72
  Reel   47
"P", 1948 January-1956 November
Box   2/72
  Reel   47
Padnos, Michael 1961 December-1962 December
Box   2/72
  Reel   47
Palestine, 1946 July-1948 July
Box   2/72
  Reel   47
Panek, Nathalie E. 1947 January-November
Box   2/72
  Reel   48
Payne, Ancil H. 1947 April-1949 January
Box   2/72
  Reel   48
Peace movements, report 1962
Box   2/72
  Reel   48
Pegler, Westbrook 1949 November-December
Box   2/72
  Reel   48
Pending, 1953 May-1954 March
Box   2/73
  Reel   48
Personnel, 1947 January-1949 December
Box   2/73
  Reel   48
Political Action Programming, 1954 March-1956 October
Box   2/73
  Reel   48
Political Action Committee - C.I.O., 1948 March-1949 October
Box   2/73
  Reel   48
Political attacks on ADA, 1958 August-1962 March
Political Committee, ADA
Box   2/73
  Reel   48
1947 April-December
Box   2/74
  Reel   48
1948 January-April
Box   2/74
  Reel   48
Politics, 1948 May-1953 February
Box   2/74
  Reel   48
Pollock, Sheldon 1952 February-1962 January
Box   2/74
  Reel   49
Porter, Paul A. 1947 December-1949 May
Box   2/74
  Reel   49
Price control, 1947 December-1948 January
Box   2/74
  Reel   49
"Program Action," ADA, bulletin 1956-1959
Box   2/75
  Reel   49
Progressive Citizens of America, memorandum 1947
Box   2/75
  Reel   49
The Progressive, 1948 June-1956 July
Box   2/75
  Reel   49
Public relations, 1946 November-1947 May
Box   2/75
  Reel   49
Publications, ADA 1947 February-1951 May
Box   2/75
  Reel   49
Publications Review Committee, 1958 June-July
Box   2/75
  Reel   49
Public utilities - railroads, 1949 January-May
Box   2/75
  Reel   49
"R", 1948 January-1956
Box   2/76
  Reel   49
Radio reports re ADA, 1953-1964
Rauh, Joseph L.
Box   2/76
  Reel   49
1947 June-1963 February
Box   2/76
  Reel   49
Speeches, 1961-1963
Box   2/76
  Reel   49
Rent control, 1947 March
Box   2/76
  Reel   49
Republican National Convention, 1948 June
Box   2/76
  Reel   49
Roche, John P. 1962 May-1963 October
Box   2/76
  Reel   49
Roosevelt, Eleanor 1948 January-1961, may
Box   2/76
  Reel   49
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr. 1947 March-1949 August
Box   2/76
  Reel   49
Rosenberg, Marvin 1951 September-1961 October
Box   2/76
  Reel   49
Quemoy - Matsu petition, 1955 April-May
Box   2/77
  Reel   49
"S", 1947 November-1954 December
Box   2/77
  Reel   50
"S", 1955 January-1958 October
Box   2/77
  Reel   50
Smith, Lillian 1947 July-1949 November
Box   2/77
  Reel   50
Southern Conference Educational Fund, 1955 May-1957 January
Southern Representative
Box   2/77
  Reel   50
Correspondence, 1946 January-1950 February
Box   2/78
  Reel   50
Box   2/78
  Reel   50
Form letters, 1947 May-1948 September
Box   2/78
  Reel   50
Fund raising
Box   2/78
  Reel   50
Box   2/78
  Reel   50
Membership lists
Box   2/78
  Reel   50
Memoranda, 1947 April-1950 January
Box   2/78
  Reel   50
North Carolina politics, 1947 October
Box   2/78
  Reel   50
Organization of chapters, 1947 April-1948 January
Box   2/78
  Reel   50
Weekly reports re organization of new chapters, 1947 May-December
Box   2/78
  Reel   50
Alabama, Birmingham, chapter 1947 May-December
Box   2/78
  Reel   50
Arkansas, Little Rock, chapter 1947 April-December
Box   2/78
  Reel   50
Georgia, Atlanta, chapter 1947 January-November
Box   2/78
  Reel   50
Florida, Miami, chapter 1949 August-1950 January
Box   2/79
  Reel   50
Louisiana, New Orleans, chapter 1947 May-November
North Carolina
Box   2/79
  Reel   50
Ashville, chapter 1949 June
Box   2/79
  Reel   50
Chapel Hill, chapter 1947 February-July; 1949 May
Box   2/79
  Reel   50
Charlotte, chapter 1949 February-December
Box   2/79
  Reel   50
Durham, chapter 1948 November-1950 February
Box   2/79
  Reel   50
Greensboro, chapter 1948 January-1950 February
Box   2/79
  Reel   50
Raleigh, chapter 1948 January-1950 February
Box   2/79
  Reel   50
Winston-Salem, chapter 1947 June
Box   2/79
  Reel   50
Chattanooga, chapter 1947 June-1950 January
Box   2/79
  Reel   50
Knoxville, chapter 1947 February-December
Memphis, Chapter
Box   2/79
  Reel   50
1947 January-1948 April
Box   2/79
  Reel   50
Membership list
Box   2/79
  Reel   50
Minutes, 1947 August-1948 March
Box   2/79
  Reel   50
Nashville, chapter 1947 July-1948 March
Box   2/79
  Reel   50
Virginia, Lynchburg, chapter 1949 June
Box   2/79
  Reel   50
1947 April-1950 January
Box   2/80
  Reel   51
1950 February-1952 March
Box   2/81
  Reel   51
Box   2/81
  Reel   51
Speaker's Bureau, 1947 February-1948 August
Box   2/81
  Reel   51
Sprink County, South Dakota, Republican Central Committee 1958 September-1959 May
Box   2/81
  Reel   51
State Department, 1950 March-1961 September
Box   2/81
  Reel   51
Stern, Louis H. 1950 January-June
Box   2/81
  Reel   51
Statements on the importance of ADA, 1953 April-May
Box   2/81
  Reel   51
Straight, Michael, tour 1949 January-March
Students for Democratic Action
Box   2/81
  Reel   51
Box   2/82
  Reel   51
Box   2/82
  Reel   51
Sweetland, Monroe 1948 January-1959 December
Box   2/82
  Reel   51
"T", 1948 April-1960 November
Box   2/82
  Reel   51
Taft-Hartley Act, 1948 January-1951 December
Box   2/82
  Reel   52
Taxes, 1948 January-1953 October
Box   2/82
  Reel   52
Taylor, Barney B. 1947 April-1948 April
Box   2/83
  Reel   52
Taylor, William L. 1957 October-1959 November
Box   2/83
  Reel   52
Telegrams (sent), 1947-1953 January
Box   2/83
  Reel   52
Textile Workers Union of America, 1948 March-1957 December
Box   2/83
  Reel   52
Texas - political reports of George Lambert, 1954-1956
Box   2/83
  Reel   52
Thomson, Morgan - articles from Glasgow, Scotland, Forward 1951-1952
Box   2/83
  Reel   52
Tractors for Freedom Committee, 1961
Trips Abroad
Box   2/84
  Reel   52
ADA, 1949
Box   2/84
  Reel   52
SDA, reports 1949
Box   2/85
  Reel   52-53
ADA, 1950
Box   2/85
  Reel   53
SDA, reports 1950
Box   2/86
  Reel   53
ADA, 1951-1954 September
Box   2/87
  Reel   53
ADA, 1954 October-1959 December
Box   2/88
  Reel   53
ADA, 1960 January-1960 June
Box   2/88
  Reel   54
ADA, 1960 July-1961 May
Box   2/89
  Reel   54
ADA, 1961 June-1963 May
Box   2/90
  Reel   54
ADA, 1963 June-1964 April
Box   2/91
  Reel   54
ADA, 1964 May-1964 July
Box   2/91
  Reel   55
ADA, 1964 August-1965 December
Box   2/91
  Reel   55
ADA, clippings 1949-1951
Box   2/92
  Reel   55
Tucker, John F.P. 1946 November-1952 March
Box   2/92
  Reel   55
"U", 1947 December-1960 September
Box   2/92
  Reel   55
Union for Democratic Action Educational Fund, 1947 January-1959 May
Note: Also includes clippings.
Box   2/92
  Reel   55
Union operations in the Imperial Valley, California 1951 May
Box   2/92
  Reel   55
Unions, 1951 June-1960 April
Box   2/92
  Reel   55
United Automobile Workers, 1948-1960
Box   2/93
  Reel   55
United Nations, 1947-1955 August
Box   2/93
  Reel   55
United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers Union of America 1953 June-1960 March
Box   2/93
  Reel   55
United States possessions, 1947 September-1949 March
Box   2/93
  Reel   55
United States Student Assembly, 1945 May-1947 February
Box   2/93
  Reel   55
United World Federalists, 1949 April-1956 October
Box   2/93
  Reel   55
Universal military training, 1948 March-1951 December
Box   2/93
  Reel   55
Upholsterers International Union, 1947 March-1961 December
Box   2/94
  Reel   55
"V", 1947 October-1959 June
Box   2/94
  Reel   55
"Vital Issues," proposed pamphlet 1959 October-1960 February
Box   2/94
  Reel   56
"W", 1947-1960
Box   2/94
  Reel   56
Wallace, Henry A. 1947 May-1953 July
Box   2/94
  Reel   56
White House, 1949 June-1951 May
Box   2/94
  Reel   56
Whitney, General Courtney 1951 April-October
Box   2/94
  Reel   56
Williams, David C. 1952 August
Box   2/94
  Reel   56
Wilson, Page 1958 June; 1962 January-1964 October
Box   2/95
  Reel   56
Wyatt, Wilson 1947 January-1959 November
Box   2/95
  Reel   56
Writings, miscellaneous of ADA staff 1947-1964
Box   2/95
  Reel   56
"X-Y-Z", 1948 April-1959 December
Box   2/95
  Reel   56
Zagreb Peace Conference, 1951 June-October
Box   2/95
  Reel   56
Zalles, Reginald H. 1951 September-1953 June
Series: Chapter File, 1943-1965
Note: Specify series number when requesting boxes.

Physical Description: 48 boxes and 23 reels of microfilm (35 mm) 
Scope and Content Note

The ADA Chapter Files contain the record of the activities of the various ADA chapters throughout the country arranged alphbetically by state. There are also files at the end of the series dealing with ADA's internationally based membership which seems to have been largely located in Paris, as well as general correspondence the national organization had with its various chapters.

The file contains correspondence dealing with local and national political action; internal organizational rivalries; personnel problems, correspondence with the members; invitations to ADA social affairs; printed propaganda for local and national elections and issues; lists of contributions and contributors; and mimeographed financial reports, press releases, minutes of board meetings, and constitutions. The states with the largest files are: New York, California, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, and Illinois; with the remaining states having relatively smaller files.

With the exception of New York, within each state the general state files are first, followed alphabetically by the city, county, and district chapter. Within each folder the material is arranged chronologically by months. States where there are numbered assembly or congressional districts the materials are filed chronologically by the number of the district at the end of that state's file.

Some city chapter records may also be filed at the state level, for example records for the Detroit chapters can also be found under the general Michigan materials. The New York State files are not separated by chapter; therefore, the files are arranged chronologically.

Box   3/1
  Reel   57
1944 May-1964 January
Box   3/1
  Reel   57
1961 February-June
Box   3/1
  Reel   57
1944 May-1964 October
Box   3/1
  Reel   57
1947 October-1953 March
Box   3/1
  Reel   57
1944 April-1948 May
Box   3/2
  Reel   57
1948 June-1960 May
Box   3/2
  Reel   58
1960 June
Box   3/3
  Reel   58
1960 July-1964 December
East Bay chapter
Box   3/3
  Reel   58
1948 June-1952 September
Box   3/4
  Reel   58
1953 April-1959 June
Los Angeles chapter
Box   3/4
  Reel   58
1947 January-1956 December
Box   3/5
  Reel   58
1957 January-1963 March
Box   3/5
  Reel   58
Peninsula chapter, 1949 April-1952 May
Box   3/5
  Reel   58
Sacramento chapter, 1949 September-1960 July
Box   3/5
  Reel   58
San Francisco chapter, 1946 November-1948 December
Box   3/5
  Reel   59
San Francisco chapter, 1949 January-1964 June
Box   3/6
  Reel   59
Santa Barbara chapter, 1946 September-1962 March
Box   3/6
  Reel   59
42nd Assembly District chapter, 1948 July-1950 January
Box   3/6
  Reel   59
12th Congressional District chapter, 1947 August-1949 August
Box   3/6
  Reel   59
13th Congressional District chapter, 1948 February-1949 September
Box   3/6
  Reel   59
15th Congressional District chapter, 1947 December-1950 November
Box   3/6
  Reel   59
16th Congressional District chapter, 1947 August-1951 January
Box   3/6
  Reel   59
20th Congressional District chapter, 1947 April-1950 July
Carolina, North and South
Box   3/7
  Reel   59
Box   3/7
  Reel   59
1944 May-1964 May
Box   3/7
  Reel   59
Denver chapter, 1948 March-1956 August
Box   3/7
  Reel   59
1944 May-1946 December
Box   3/7
  Reel   60
1947 January-December
Box   3/8
  Reel   60
1948 February-1964 July
Box   3/8
  Reel   60
Bridgeport chapter, 1949 March-1954 December
Box   3/8
  Reel   60
Hartford chapter, 1948 January-1963 December
Box   3/8
  Reel   60
Middletown chapter, 1949 June-1953 March
New Haven chapter
Box   3/8
  Reel   60
1947 May-1950 November
Box   3/9
  Reel   60
1951 January-1956 August
Box   3/9
  Reel   60
Norwalk chapter, 1947 November-1954 February
Box   3/9
  Reel   60
Stanford-Greenwich chapter, 1949 May-1953 May
Dakota, North and South
Box   3/9
  Reel   60
1944 November-1949 May
Box   3/9
  Reel   60
1944 August-1961 October
District of Columbia
Box   3/9
  Reel   60
1941 June-1947 April
Box   3/9
  Reel   61
1947 May-August
Box   3/10
  Reel   61
1947 September-1962 December
Box   3/11
  Reel   61
1963 February-1964 December
Box   3/11
  Reel   61
1944 May-1964 June
Box   3/11
  Reel   61
Miami chapter, 1947 October-1956 July
Box   3/11
  Reel   61
1944 May-1957 April
Hawaii (Territory)
Box   3/11
  Reel   62
1951 January-1953 March
Box   3/11
  Reel   62
Honolulu chapter, 1945 June-1954 March
Box   3/11
  Reel   62
1941 May-1948 October
Box   3/12
  Reel   62
1944 May-1962 September
Chicago chapter
Box   3/12
  Reel   62
1942 January-1945 December
Box   3/13
  Reel   62
1946 January-1948 December
Box   3/13
  Reel   63
1949 January-1950 March
Box   3/14
  Reel   63
1950 April-1957 July 1
Box   3/15
  Reel   63
1957 August-1964 December
Box   3/16
  Reel   64
1944 May-1961 November
Box   3/16
  Reel   64
Anderson chapter, 1950 April-1958 December
Box   3/16
  Reel   64
Bloomington chapter, 1948 March-1963 August
Box   3/16
  Reel   64
Gary chapter, 1948 April-1964 July
Box   3/16
  Reel   64
Indianapolis chapter, 1947 January-1956 December
Box   3/16
  Reel   64
St. Joseph County chapter, 1948 June-1955 February
Box   3/16
  Reel   64
Terre Haute (Vigo County), 1947 September-1958 March
Box   3/16
  Reel   64
1944 May-1964 January
Box   3/17
  Reel   64
1943 June-1962 January
Box   3/17
  Reel   64
Lawrence chapter, 1950 February-1957 July
Box   3/17
  Reel   64
1944 May-1959 October
Box   3/17
  Reel   64
Louisville chapter, 1946 January-1962 October
Box   3/17
  Reel   64
New Orleans chapter, 1946 September-1963 February
Box   3/17
  Reel   64
1945 March-1953 March
Box   3/17
  Reel   64
1944 May-1959 July
Baltimore chapter
Box   3/17
  Reel   64
1942 June-1944 December
Box   3/18
  Reel   65
1945 January-1964 June
Box   3/18
  Reel   65
Montgomery chapter, 1950 July-1957 February
Box   3/19
  Reel   65
1944 April-1949 December
Box   3/19
  Reel   66
1950 January-December
Box   3/20
  Reel   66
1951 January-1965 February
Box   3/21
  Reel   66
Box   3/21
  Reel   66
Boston chapter, 1941 June-1963 October
Box   3/21
  Reel   66
Hampshire County chapter, 1947 December-1953 February
Box   3/21
  Reel   66
1944 May-1947 December
Box   3/21
  Reel   67
1948 January-1964 January
Box   3/22
  Reel   67
Detroit chapter, 1943 January-1964 April
Box   3/23
  Reel   67
Flint chapter, 1948 August-1953 April
Box   3/23
  Reel   67
Lansing chapter, 1947 May-1953 October
Box   3/23
  Reel   67
1944 May-1964 August
Box   3/23
  Reel   68
1944 May-1964 May
Box   3/23
  Reel   68
1943 November-1947 December
Box   3/24
  Reel   68
1948 January-1964 October
Box   3/24
  Reel   68
Kansas City chapter, 1947 June-1960 January
St. Louis chapter
Box   3/24
  Reel   68
1945 January-1959 September
Box   3/25
  Reel   68
1959 October-1962 December
Box   3/26
  Reel   68
1963 January-1964 November
Box   3/26
  Reel   68
1944 May-1960 June
Box   3/26
  Reel   69
1944 June-1964 September
New Hampshire
Box   3/26
  Reel   69
1944 May-1958 August
New Jersey
Box   3/26
  Reel   69
1946 January-1948 December
Box   3/27
  Reel   69
1949 January-1958 December
Box   3/28
  Reel   69
1959 January-1962 December
Box   3/28
  Reel   70
1963 January-1964 September
Box   3/28
  Reel   70
Bergen County chapter, 1948 January-1963 July
Box   3/28
  Reel   70
Essex County chapter, 1947 June-1961 February
Box   3/28
  Reel   70
Hudson County chapter, 1945 January-1952 October
Box   3/29
  Reel   70
Middlesex chapter, 1948 March-1961 February
Box   3/29
  Reel   70
Newark branch, 1941 June-1964 May
Box   3/29
  Reel   70
Passaic County chapter, 1948 January-1963 September
New Mexico
Box   3/29
  Reel   70
1946 October-1959 June
New York
Box   3/29
  Reel   70
1943 January-1946 December
Box   3/30
  Reel   70
1947 January-May
Box   3/30
  Reel   71
1947 June-November
Box   3/31
  Reel   71
1947 November-1949 March
Box   3/32
  Reel   71
1949 April-December
Box   3/32
  Reel   72
1950 January-October
Box   3/33
  Reel   72
1950 November-1953 December
Box   3/34
  Reel   72
1954 January-1955 December
Box   3/34
  Reel   73
1956 January-1957 January
Box   3/35
  Reel   73
1957 February-1959 May
Box   3/36
  Reel   73
1959 June-1960 November
Box   3/36
  Reel   74
1960 December-1961 February
Box   3/37
  Reel   74
1961 March-1965 February
North Carolina
Note: See: Carolina, North and South
North Dakota
Note: See: Dakota, North and South
Box   3/37
  Reel   74
1944 July-1945 December
Box   3/38
  Reel   74
1946 January-1964 October
Akron chapter
Box   3/38
  Reel   74
1948 March-1956 December
Box   3/39
  Reel   75
1957 February-1965 January
Box   3/39
  Reel   75
Cincinnati chapter, 1945 January-1964 March
Cleveland chapter
Box   3/39
  Reel   75
1941 June-1955 December
Box   3/40
  Reel   75
1956 January-1965 January
Box   3/40
  Reel   75
Columbus chapter, 1948 January-1962 August
Box   3/40
  Reel   75
Dayton chapter, 1950 January-1962 April
Box   3/41
  Reel   76
Youngstown chapter, 1957 March-1964 March
Box   3/41
  Reel   76
1945 August-1957 January
Box   3/41
  Reel   76
1943 January-1955 May
Box   3/41
  Reel   76
1944 May-1946 December
Box   3/42
  Reel   76
1946 January-1964 May
Box   3/42
  Reel   76
Erie chapter, 1950 February-1959 January
Philadelphia chapter
Box   3/42
  Reel   76
1941 July-1947 December
Box   3/42
  Reel   77
1948 January-1949 August
Box   3/43
  Reel   77
1949 September-1957 May
Box   3/44
  Reel   77
1957 June-1965 February
Pittsburgh chapter
Box   3/44
  Reel   77
1947 January-1958 December
Box   3/45
  Reel   77
1959 January-1964 September
Rhode Island
Box   3/45
  Reel   78
1944 August-1961 September
South Carolina
Note: See: Carolina, North and South
South Dakota
Note: See: Dakota, North and South
Box   3/45
  Reel   78
1944 June-1957 May
Box   3/45
  Reel   78
Chattanooga chapter, 1947 September-1953 April
Box   3/45
  Reel   78
1944 April-1959 September
Box   3/46
  Reel   78
Dallas chapter, 1946 April-1964 July
Box   3/46
  Reel   78
1944 June-1958 April
Box   3/46
  Reel   78
1944 June-1964 April
Box   3/46
  Reel   78
1944 May-1957 May
Washington (State)
Box   3/46
  Reel   78
1944 May-1951 December
Box   3/47
  Reel   78
1952 February-1962 July
Box   3/47
  Reel   79
Seattle chapter, 1943 December-1959 August
West Virginia
Box   3/47
  Reel   79
1944 August-1952 April
Box   3/48
  Reel   79
1941 June-1964 December
Box   3/48
  Reel   79
1944 April-1948 April
Note: Filed with states.
Box   3/48
  Reel   79
Puerto Rico, circa 1948 March-circa 1964 April
Note: Filed under "Foreign."
Box   3/48
  Reel   79
Canada, Germany, England, France 1948 March-1964 April
General correspondence
Box   3/48
  Reel   79
1957 April-1965 February
Series: Convention File, 1947-1965
Note: Specify series number when requesting boxes.

Physical Description: 14 boxes and 5 reels of microfilm (35 mm) 
Scope and Content Note

The ADA Convention File contains the records of the annual ADA conventions which began in 1948. The files are arranged chronologically by convention year, alphabetically by subject folder title within each convention year, and chronologically by month within the folders.

The records for the years 1948-1952 are more complete than those for the later years, 1953-1965. The following list provides the year and month, and the location of each convention.

1947 MarchWashington, D.C.
1948 FebruaryPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania
1949 AprilChicago, Illinois
1950 MarchWashington, D.C.
1951 FebruaryCleveland, Ohio
1952 MayWashington, D.C.
1953 MayWashington, D.C.
1954 AprilChicago, Illinois
1955 MayWashington, D.C.
1956 MayWashington, D.C.
1957 MarchWashington, D.C.
1958 MayWashington, D.C.
1959 MayWashington, D.C.
1960 MayWashington, D.C.
1961 MayWashington, D.C.
1962 AprilWashington, D.C.
1963 MayWashington, D.C.
1964 MayWashington, D.C.
1965 AprilWashington, D.C.

The subject folders concern a variety of matters, such as: invitations, negotiations for speakers, speeches, correspondence with local chapters about delegates, the financial aspects of arranging a convention, correspondence organizing policy formulating commissions (for example: political policy commission, domestic policy commission, foreign policy commission, constitutional commission), copies of commission resolutions, replies from those invited, and general post-convention correspondence. Much of the correspondence in the policy commission folders for the various conventions relates to the leading liberals of the day and concerns the issues in which they were most involved.

1948 Convention
Box   4/1
  Reel   80
Contributions, correspondence January-March
Box   4/1
  Reel   80
Convention Speeches
Box   4/1
  Reel   80
Correspondence with National Board, correspondence January-February
Box   4/1
  Reel   80
Box   4/1
  Reel   80
Finances of Organizing the Convention, correspondence January-June
Box   4/1
  Reel   80
General correspondence on Convention, Delegates, correspondence 1947 December-1948 March
Box   4/1
  Reel   80
Invitations to speak at Convention, correspondence January-February
Box   4/1
  Reel   80
Messages to the Convention, correspondence January-February
Box   4/1
  Reel   80
Mimeographed materials, miscellaneous
Box   4/1
  Reel   80
National Executive Secretary's Report to the 1st National Convention
Box   4/1
  Reel   80
Post Convention correspondence, correspondence February-March
Box   4/1
  Reel   80
Box   4/2
  Reel   80
Proxies to the Convention, correspondence February
Box   4/2
  Reel   80
Refusal to invitations, correspondence January-February
Box   4/2
  Reel   80
Students for Democratic Action
Box   4/2
  Reel   80
Various Policy Commissions and their Drafts, correspondence February
1949 Convention
Box   4/2
  Reel   80
Contributions, correspondence March
Box   4/2
  Reel   80
Correspondence with Chapters on Convention, correspondence 1948 December-1949 April
Box   4/2
  Reel   80
Credentials Committee, correspondence March
Box   4/2
  Reel   80
Box   4/2
  Reel   80
General Convention Affairs, correspondence 1948 December-1949 April
Box   4/2
  Reel   80
Lists of Delegates, Guests, Participants
Box   4/2
  Reel   80
Messages, Speeches, Speakers, correspondence January-April
Box   4/3
  Reel   80
Mimeographed Materials, miscellaneous
Box   4/3
  Reel   80
Policy Commissions, Drafts, correspondence January-May
Box   4/3
  Reel   80
Post Convention correspondence, April-June
Box   4/3
  Reel   80
Proxies, correspondence March
Box   4/3
  Reel   81
Replies to Invitations, correspondence January-May
Box   4/3
  Reel   81
Students for Democratic Action
1950 Convention
Correspondence with Chapters on Convention, correspondence
Box   4/3
  Reel   81
1949 December-1950 February
Box   4/4
  Reel   81
1950 February-March
Box   4/4
  Reel   81
Credentials Committee, correspondence March
Box   4/4
  Reel   81
General Convention Affairs, correspondence 1949 November-1950 May
Box   4/4
  Reel   81
Lists of Participants
Box   4/4
  Reel   81
Messages to the Convention, correspondence March-April
Box   4/4
  Reel   81
Mimeographed materials, miscellaneous
Box   4/4
  Reel   81
Organization Seminar
Box   4/4
  Reel   81
Policy Commissions, Drafts, correspondence January-March
Box   4/4
  Reel   81
Post Convention correspondence, April-May
Box   4/5
  Reel   81
Proxies, correspondence February-March
Box   4/5
  Reel   81
Replies to Invitations, correspondence January-April
Box   4/5
  Reel   81
Speeches, Speakers, correspondence January-April
1951 Convention
Box   4/5
  Reel   81
Correspondence with Chapters, 1950 December-1951 May
Box   4/5
  Reel   81
General Convention Affairs, correspondence 1950 June-1951 February
Box   4/5
  Reel   81
Lists of Participants
Box   4/5
  Reel   81
Mimeographed Materials, miscellaneous
Box   4/5
  Reel   81
Nomination Committee for National Affairs, correspondence February-March
Box   4/6
  Reel   81
Policy Commissions, Drafts, correspondence 1950 June-1951 April
Box   4/6
  Reel   81
Post Convention correspondence, correspondence February-April
Box   4/6
  Reel   81
Replies to Invitations, correspondence 1950 September-1951 March
Box   4/6
  Reel   81
Speeches, Speakers Messages, correspondence 1950 October-1951 February
1952 Convention
Box   4/6
  Reel   81
General Convention Affairs, correspondence 1952 January-June
Box   4/6
  Reel   81
General correspondence with Chapters, correspondence 1952 February-April
Box   4/6
  Reel   82
General correspondence with Chapters, correspondence 1952 May-July
Box   4/7
  Reel   82
Lists of Participants
Box   4/7
  Reel   82
Mimeographed Materials, miscellaneous
Box   4/7
  Reel   82
Policy Commissions, Drafts, correspondence January-May
Box   4/7
  Reel   82
Post Convention, correspondence May
Box   4/7
  Reel   82
Proxies, correspondence May
Box   4/7
  Reel   82
Quota Committee, correspondence February-May
Box   4/7
  Reel   82
Replies, correspondence April-May
Box   4/7
  Reel   82
Speeches, Speakers Messages, correspondence January-May
1953 Convention
Box   4/7
  Reel   82
Speeches, Messages, General Convention Affairs, correspondence May-October
Box   4/7
  Reel   82
Correspondence with Chapters, May-April
Box   4/7
  Reel   82
General correspondence, January-May
Box   4/7
  Reel   82
Messages to the Convention, correspondence May
Box   4/7
  Reel   82
Mimeographed Materials, miscellaneous
1954 Convention
Box   4/8
  Reel   82
Correspondence with Chapters, 1953 September-1954 April
Box   4/8
  Reel   82
General Convention Affairs, correspondence 1953 November-1954 April
Box   4/8
  Reel   82
List of Participants
Box   4/8
  Reel   82
Mimeographed Materials, miscellaneous
Box   4/8
  Reel   82
Nominating Committee, correspondence January-April
Box   4/8
  Reel   82
Policy Commissions, Drafts, correspondence February-April
Box   4/8
  Reel   82
Post Convention, correspondence April
Box   4/8
  Reel   82
Proxies, correspondence March-April
Box   4/8
  Reel   82
Replies to Invitations, correspondence February-March
Box   4/8
  Reel   82
Speeches, Speakers Messages, correspondence February-April
1955 Convention
Box   4/9
  Reel   82
Correspondence with Chapters, February-April
Box   4/9
  Reel   82
General Convention Affairs, correspondence February-May
Box   4/9
  Reel   82
Lists of Participants
Box   4/9
  Reel   82
Mimeographed Materials, miscellaneous
Box   4/9
  Reel   82
Nominating Committee for National Officers, correspondence January-April
Box   4/9
  Reel   82
Policy Commissions, Drafts, correspondence February-April
Box   4/9
  Reel   82
Post Convention correspondence, March
Box   4/9
  Reel   82
Replies to Invitations, correspondence January-February
Box   4/9
  Reel   82
Speeches, Speakers Messages, correspondence 1954 December-1955 April
1956 Convention
Box   4/9
  Reel   82
Correspondence with Chapters, April-May
Box   4/9
  Reel   82
General Convention Affairs, correspondence 1955 December-1965 May
Box   4/9
  Reel   82
Lists of Participants
Box   4/9
  Reel   82
Mimeographed Materials, miscellaneous
Box   4/10
  Reel   82
Policy Commissions, Drafts, correspondence April
Box   4/10
  Reel   82
Replies to Invitations, correspondence February-March
Box   4/10
  Reel   82
Speeches, Speakers Messages April-May
1957 Convention
Box   4/10
  Reel   82
Correspondence with Chapters, January-April
Box   4/10
  Reel   82
General Convention Affairs, correspondence 1956 July-1957 December
Box   4/10
  Reel   82
Lists of participants
Box   4/10
  Reel   83
Mimeographed Materials, miscellaneous
Box   4/10
  Reel   83
Nominating Committee, correspondence 1956 November-1957 April
Box   4/10
  Reel   83
Policy Commissions, Drafts, correspondence January-March
Box   4/10
  Reel   83
Box   4/10
  Reel   83
Quota Committee, correspondence February-March
Box   4/10
  Reel   83
Replies to Invitations, correspondence January-February
Box   4/10
  Reel   83
Speeches, Speakers Messages, correspondence January-March
1958 Convention
Box   4/11
  Reel   83
Contributions, correspondence April-June
Box   4/11
  Reel   83
Convention Journal, correspondence February-May
Box   4/11
  Reel   83
Correspondence with Chapters, 1957 December-1958 May
Box   4/11
  Reel   83
General Convention Affairs, correspondence 1957 June-1958 May
Box   4/11
  Reel   83
Nominating Committee, correspondence January-November
Box   4/11
  Reel   83
Mimeographed Materials, miscellaneous
Box   4/11
  Reel   83
Policy Commissions, Drafts
Box   4/11
  Reel   83
Post Convention correspondence, April-September
Box   4/11
  Reel   83
Quota Committee, correspondence March-May
Box   4/12
  Reel   83
Replies to Invitations, correspondence February-May
Box   4/12
  Reel   83
Speakers, Speeches, correspondence 1957 November-1958 May
1959 Convention
Box   4/12
  Reel   83
Correspondence with Chapters, January-May
Box   4/12
  Reel   83
General Convention Affairs, correspondence February-December
Box   4/12
  Reel   83
Invitations to the Convention, correspondence January-April
Box   4/12
  Reel   83
Mimeographed Materials, miscellaneous
Box   4/12
  Reel   83
Nominating Committee, correspondence February-May
Box   4/12
  Reel   83
Policy Commissions, Drafts, correspondence 1958 September-1959 May
Box   4/12
  Reel   83
Policy Commission, Drafts
Box   4/12
  Reel   83
Post Convention correspondence, May
Box   4/12
  Reel   83
Quota Committee, correspondence March-July
Box   4/12
  Reel   83
Replies to Invitations, correspondence February-June
Box   4/12
  Reel   83
Speeches, Speakers, correspondence 1958 December-1959 April
1960 Convention
Box   4/13
  Reel   83
Correspondence with Chapters, March-August
Box   4/13
  Reel   83
General Convention Affairs, March-May
Box   4/13
  Reel   83
Invitations to the Convention, correspondence 1959 November-1960 April
Box   4/13
  Reel   83
Mimeographed Materials, miscellaneous
Box   4/13
  Reel   83
Nominating Committee, correspondence March-May
Policy Commissions, Drafts, correspondence
Box   4/13
  Reel   83
1960 May-June
Box   4/13
  Reel   83
1959 November-1960 April
Box   4/13
  Reel   83
Policy Commissions, Drafts
Box   4/13
  Reel   84
Quota Committee, correspondence March-August
Box   4/13
  Reel   84
Replies to Invitations, correspondence 1959 November-1960 June
Box   4/13
  Reel   84
Speakers, Speeches, correspondence February-June
1961 Convention
Box   4/14
  Reel   84
General correspondence, 1961 March-April
Box   4/14
  Reel   84
Mimeographed Materials, miscellaneous
1962 Convention
Box   4/14
  Reel   84
General correspondence, February-September
Box   4/14
  Reel   84
Mimeographed Materials, miscellaneous
1963 Convention
Box   4/14
  Reel   84
General correspondence, March-May
Box   4/14
  Reel   84
Mimeographed Materials, miscellaneous
Box   4/14
  Reel   84
Policy Resolutions, May
1964 Convention
Box   4/14
  Reel   84
General correspondence
Box   4/14
  Reel   84
Journal, correspondence April-May
Box   4/14
  Reel   84
Mimeographed Materials, miscellaneous
1965 Convention
Box   4/14
  Reel   84
General correspondence
Series: Legislative File, 1946-1964
Note: Specify series number when requesting boxes.

Physical Description: 57 boxes and 21 reels of microfilm (35 mm) 
Scope and Content Note

The ADA Legislative File contains most of the source material produced by the legislative representative for use by ADA in its lobbying activities, principally in Washington, D.C. It is composed of correspondence, printed and mimeographed materials, notes, drafts, press releases, and reports. The scope of ADA's lobbying activities is quite varied. Interest areas include, but is not limited to, civil rights, cloture, small business, disarmament, electoral reform, aid to education, full employment, public housing, social security, and foreign relations.

This series also contains folders relating to various ADA staff members who served as legislative representatives, including: David Cohen (1963-1964), John J. Gunther (1949-1957), Violet Gunther (1949-1957), Edward E. Hollander (1956-1959), David D. Lloyd (1947-1951), and William L. Taylor (1959); and ADA officers, Samuel Beer (1957-1961), Leon Henderson (1947), Hubert H. Humphrey (1948-1960), Robert R. Nathan (1953), Joseph L. Rauh (1951-1962), Marvin Rosenberg (1953-1957), and Wilson Wyatt (1947-1948).

The series is arranged alphabetically, then chronologically by month within each folder, sometimes in reverse chronological order. The following list indicates whether the contents of any particular folder contain just mimeographed research material, or some correspondence. Those folders that list just dates contain only mimeographed materials, while those labeled "correspondence" include correspondence as well as mimeographed and printed materials. In this series, the printed and mimeographed material is filed in chronological order with the correspondence, but the contents list only provides the inclusive dates of the correspondence, dates which are often overlapped by those of other material within the folder.

Box   5/1
  Reel   85
Administrative Agencies, 1959
Box   5/1
  Reel   85
American Committee on Africa, correspondence 1960 January-1963 January
Box   5/1
  Reel   85
Agriculture Bills, General, correspondence 1949 May-1958 February
Box   5/1
  Reel   85
Air Mail Subsidy Separation Bill, correspondence 1953 March-1955 June
Box   5/1
  Reel   85
(U.S.) Air Power Policy, 1955 June-1956 May
Box   5/1
  Reel   85
Alaska and Hawaii (statehood), correspondence 1955 January-1957 February
Box   5/1
  Reel   85
American Book Publishers Council and American Library Association, 1952 May-1953 June
Box   5/1
  Reel   85
AFL-CIO Legislative Conference, 1959 April
Box   5/1
  Reel   85
American Political Science Association, 1961 July-August
Box   5/1
  Reel   85
American Veterans Committee, correspondence 1950 September-1961 February
Anti-Inflation Conference
Box   5/1
  Reel   85
1947 August-1951 May
Box   5/2
  Reel   85
1951 June-1952 March
Box   5/2
  Reel   85
Antioch College, correspondence 1953 July-1956 December
Box   5/2
  Reel   85
Anti-Trust, correspondence 1955 May-1957 February
Box   5/2
  Reel   85
Armed Services Reserve Bill, 1955 May-July
Box   5/2
  Reel   85
Atomic Energy, 1955 January-1958 April
Box   5/2
  Reel   85
Beer, Samuel, correspondence 1957 April-1961 December
Box   5/2
  Reel   85
Bequests to ADA, correspondence 1958 March-1961 June
Box   5/2
  Reel   85
Bowles, Chester, correspondence 1958 January-1960 May
Box   5/2
  Reel   85
Brannan Plan, 1950-1952
Bricker Amendment - General, correspondence
Box   5/2
  Reel   85
1952 April-1953 December
Box   5/3
  Reel   85
1954 January-1956 April
Box   5/3
  Reel   85
Bricker and Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Box   5/3
  Reel   85
Committee, correspondence 1953 October-December
Box   5/3
  Reel   85
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, correspondence 1950 October-1955 January
Box   5/3
  Reel   85
Budget, 1955-1957
Box   5/3
  Reel   85
Budget, Statement on - Fiscal 1958
Box   5/3
  Reel   85
Business - Conference of American Small Business Organization Inc., correspondence 1955 September-1961 April
Box   5/3
  Reel   85
(Capital) Budget - Pro and Con, correspondence 1950 May
Box   5/3
  Reel   85
Business, Select Committee on Small 1957
Box   5/3
  Reel   85
Business Council, 1956-1957
Box   5/3
  Reel   85
Campaign Material, 1960
Box   5/3
  Reel   85
Capital Punishment, correspondence 1960 April-October
Box   5/3
  Reel   85
Capitol Transit Strike Bill, correspondence 1955 July
Box   5/3
  Reel   85
Central Intelligence Agency - John A. McCone, 1958-1962
Box   5/3
  Reel   85
Central Valley Resource Development Plan, undated
Box   5/4
  Reel   85
Children's Bureau, 1950-1952
Box   5/4
  Reel   85
Citizenship Clearing House Internship Program, correspondence 1959 May-1961 September
Box   5/4
  Reel   86
Civil Defense, 1956-1962
Civil Liberties
Box   5/4
  Reel   86
Cox Resolution, 1952
Box   5/4
  Reel   86
General, 1948-1963
Box   5/5
  Reel   86
Port Security, 1960-1961
Box   5/5
  Reel   86
Civil Liberties Clearing House, correspondence 1948 April-1961
Box   5/5
  Reel   86
Civil Rights Bill, correspondence 1959 August-1964 June
Civil Rights
Box   5/6
  Reel   86
Desegregation, Consultative Conference, correspondence 1956 February-1958 July
Box   5/6
  Reel   86
Discrimination in Housing, 1951-1964
Box   5/6
  Reel   87
Education, School Desegregation 1957-1964
Box   5/6
  Reel   87
Equal Rights Amendment, correspondence 1960 February-1961 November
Box   5/6
  Reel   87
Freedom Rides, 1961
General, correspondence
Box   5/7
  Reel   87
1947 July-1955 December
Box   5/8
  Reel   87
1956 January-1957 June
Box   5/9
  Reel   88
1957 July-1959 December
Box   5/10
  Reel   88
1960 January-1963 September
Box   5/11
  Reel   88
1963 September-1964 July
Box   5/12
  Reel   88
Leadership Conference on, 1953 April-1955 December
Box   5/12
  Reel   89
Leadership Conference on, 1956-1964
Box   5/13
  Reel   89
Legislation, correspondence 1947 June-1958 September
Box   5/13
  Reel   89
Newsletters, correspondence 1963-1964
Box   5/13
  Reel   89
Sit-ins, 1960 April-July
Box   5/13
  Reel   89
Southern Regional Conference on Integration, correspondence 1955 April-May
Box   5/13
  Reel   89
Voting, 1960-1963
Box   5/13
  Reel   89
Washington Committee on Public Schools, 1956
Box   5/13
  Reel   89
Civil Rights Bills, 1963-1964
Box   5/13
  Reel   89
Civil Rights Commission, 1954
Box   5/13
  Reel   89
Civil Rights Plank, 1948
Cloture, correspondence
Box   5/14
  Reel   89
1949 January-1958 December
Box   5/15
  Reel   89
1959 January-February
Box   5/15
  Reel   90
Cohen, David - General correspondence 1963 April-1964 November
Box   5/15
  Reel   90
Columbia Valley Administration Bill, correspondence 1949 April-1950 December
Box   5/15
  Reel   90
Commission on Government Security, correspondence 1956 June-November
Box   5/15
  Reel   90
Committee on Present Danger, 1951
Box   5/15
  Reel   90
Congressional Candidates, correspondence 1962 May-October
Communications Satellites
Box   5/15
  Reel   90
Box   5/16
  Reel   90
Box   5/16
  Reel   90
Communism, 1946-1963 June
Box   5/16
  Reel   90
Communist Control Bill (Humphrey), correspondence 1954 August
Box   5/16
  Reel   90
Communist Party and Fronts, correspondence 1950-1958
Box   5/16
  Reel   90
Congress of Industrial Organizations, correspondence 1950-1959
Box   5/16
  Reel   90
Congressional Candidates, correspondence 1962 May-October
Box   5/17
  Reel   90
Congressional Investigating Committee, 1953
Box   5/17
  Reel   90
Conventions and Primaries, 1960
Box   5/17
  Reel   90
Corrupt Practices Act (Johnson-Knowland Amendments), correspondence 1950 October-1957 July
Correspondence, General
Box   5/17
  Reel   90
1947 January-1949 December
Box   5/17
  Reel   91
1950 January-December
Box   5/18
  Reel   91
1951 January-1961 December
Box   5/19
  Reel   91
1962 January-1964 December
Box   5/20
  Reel   91
Crossman, R. H. 1949 May-February
Box   5/20
  Reel   92
Cuba, correspondence 1961 January-1962 October
Box   5/20
  Reel   92
Cunningham Amendment, correspondence 1961 July-1962 August
Box   5/20
  Reel   92
Curry, James E. on Senator McCarran 1950 September-1951 February
Box   5/20
  Reel   92
Davis, Elmer, correspondence 1953 December-1958 October
Box   5/20
  Reel   92
Defense, Department of - Individual Cases, correspondence 1951 December-1957 June
Box   5/20
  Reel   92
Democracy vs. Communism, 1961-1962
Box   5/20
  Reel   92
Democratic Advisory Council, 1957-1960
Box   5/20
  Reel   92
Democratic National Committee testimony, 1956
Box   5/20
  Reel   92
Democratic Steering Committee, 1963-1964
Disarmament, correspondence
Box   5/20
  Reel   92
1957 April-1963 July
Box   5/21
  Reel   92
1963 August-1964 May
Box   5/21
  Reel   92
Distressed Areas, correspondence 1957 February-1958 April
Box   5/21
  Reel   92
District of Columbia - Home Rule, correspondence 1953 February-1959 August
Box   5/21
  Reel   92
Domestic Democratic Platform, 1964
Box   5/21
  Reel   92
Douglas, Paul, correspondence 1954 December-1959 September
Box   5/21
  Reel   92
Doyle, James, correspondence 1953 May-1957 November
Box   5/21
  Reel   92
Eberharter Release - Power Limitation of House Rules Committee, 1948
Box   5/21
  Reel   92
Echo Park Dam and Upper Colorado Project, correspondence 1955 July
Box   5/21
  Reel   92
Economic Cooperation Administration, 1947-1956
Box   5/21
  Reel   92
Economic Expansion Act, correspondence 1949 February-1950 January
Box   5/22
  Reel   92
Economic Mobilization, correspondence 1948 May-1957 November
Box   5/22
  Reel   92
Economic Policy - General, 1949 January-1962 October
Box   5/22
  Reel   93
Economic Policy - General, 1962 November-1964 December
Box   5/23
  Reel   93
Economic Policy, International 1947-1963
Box   5/23
  Reel   93
Joint Committee on the Economic Report, 1947
Box   5/23
  Reel   93
ADA Committee on Economic Stability, 1947
Box   5/23
  Reel   93
Education, Aid to, correspondence 1947-1964
Box   5/23
  Reel   93
Election Practices Board, correspondence 1956 January-February
Box   5/23
  Reel   93
Election Statistics, 1948-1960
Box   5/24
  Reel   93
Electoral Reform, correspondence 1949 March-1959
Box   5/24
  Reel   93
Employment, correspondence 1949 July-1959 April
Box   5/24
  Reel   93
Equal Rights - Equal Pay Bill, correspondence 1951 June-1956 June
Box   5/25
  Reel   93
Ethics Subcommittee, correspondence 1951 July
Box   5/25
  Reel   93
Exchange Program, correspondence 1954 March-June
Box   5/25
  Reel   93
Executive - Legislative Relations, undated
Box   5/25
  Reel   93
Fair Deal Conferences, correspondence 1949 April-May
Box   5/25
  Reel   93
Fair Employment Practices Commission, correspondence 1948 February-1964
Box   5/25
  Reel   93
Fair Trade, correspondence 1955 January
Box   5/25
  Reel   94
Federal Communications Commission, 1954-1958
Box   5/25
  Reel   94
Federal Communications Commission (Equal Time), 1960-1963
Box   5/25
  Reel   94
Federal Power Commission, correspondence 1950-1964
Box   5/25
  Reel   94
Filibuster, correspondence 1951 August-1952 January
Box   5/26
  Reel   94
Finances of ADA, correspondence 1950 January-1955 August
Box   5/26
  Reel   94
Foggy Bottom Restoration Association, correspondence 1955 November-1957 January
Box   5/26
  Reel   94
Food Bill, 1955-1957
Box   5/26
  Reel   94
Food Stamp Bill, 1955-1958
Box   5/26
  Reel   94
Forand Bill, correspondence 1959 September-1960 May
Foreign Aid
Box   5/26
  Reel   94
Box   5/27
  Reel   94
Box   5/27
  Reel   94
Foreign Policy Background papers, 1960
Box   5/27
  Reel   94
Foreign Policy Conference (California), correspondence 1962 January-July
Box   5/27
  Reel   94
Foreign Policy Document, correspondence 1952 October-1959 January
Foreign Relations, General
Box   5/27
  Reel   94
Correspondence, 1947 April-1953 December
Box   5/27
  Reel   95
Correspondence, 1954 January-1964 February
Box   5/28
  Reel   95
Box   5/28
  Reel   95
Foundations, Tax-Exempt 1959
Full Employment
Box   5/28
  Reel   95
Correspondence, 1949-1959
Box   5/28
  Reel   95
Brochures, 1949-1953
Box   5/28
  Reel   95
Germany - Coordinating Committee, correspondence 1949-1950
Box   5/28
  Reel   95
Goldwater-Taylor incident, correspondence 1959 November-1960 October
Box   5/28
  Reel   95
Government Operations - Miscellaneous, 1951-1958
Box   5/28
  Reel   95
Greek-Turkish Loan, correspondence 1947
Box   5/29
  Reel   95
Group Health Assoc., 1956-1959
Gunther, John
Box   5/29
  Reel   95
General correspondence, 1949 June-1957 December
Box   5/29
  Reel   95
Kansas Organizing Trip, correspondence 1949 November-1951 August
Box   5/29
  Reel   95
Public Review Board, correspondence 1957 April-June
Box   5/30
  Reel   95
Speeches and writings, 1951-1957
Box   5/30
  Reel   95
Gunther, Violet - Speeches and writings 1949-1957
Box   5/30
  Reel   95
Habeas Corpus Bill, correspondence 1958-1959
Box   5/30
  Reel   95
Harsch, Joseph C. - Role of Political Parties, USA 1955
Box   5/30
  Reel   95
Hastie, Judge William H., correspondence 1950 April-August
Box   5/30
  Reel   95
Hatch Act, correspondence 1946 September-1960 April
Box   5/30
  Reel   95
Health, 1955-1959
Box   5/30
  Reel   96
Hell's Canyon Dam, 1953-1957
Box   5/30
  Reel   96
Henderson, Leon, correspondence 1947 January-December
Box   5/30
  Reel   96
Hobbs Bill, correspondence 1949 June-1950 July
Box   5/30
  Reel   96
Hollander, Edward D., correspondence 1956 April-1959 December
Box   5/31
  Reel   96
Home Rule, correspondence 1959 June-1960 January
Box   5/31
  Reel   96
Hoover Commission Reports, 1955
Box   5/31
  Reel   96
Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union, correspondence 1950 April-1957 April
Box   5/31
  Reel   96
House Un-American Activities Committee, 1948 December-1963 December
Box   5/31
  Reel   96
Correspondence, 1947 December-1956 December
Box   5/32
  Reel   96
1957 January-1958
Box   5/33
  Reel   97
Correspondence, 1959 January-1960 December
Box   5/33
  Reel   97
National Housing Conference, 1961-1963
Box   5/34
  Reel   97
Humphrey, Hubert H. - Speeches 1948-1960
Box   5/34
  Reel   97
Immigration, 1956 May-1959 August
Box   5/34
  Reel   97
Independents Guide to Politics, 1954
Box   5/34
  Reel   97
Indiana Politics, correspondence 1949 October-1950 May
Box   5/34
  Reel   97
Indians, American 1949-1954
Box   5/34
  Reel   97
Inflation, 1957-1958
Box   5/34
  Reel   97
Internal Revenue Bureau - Reorganization, 1952
Internal Security, correspondence
Box   5/34
  Reel   97
1948 May-1950 December
Box   5/35
  Reel   97
1951 January-1958 December
Box   5/35
  Reel   98
1959 January-June
Box   5/35
  Reel   98
International Assoc. of Machinists, correspondence 1950 April-1957 January
Box   5/35
  Reel   98
International Development Assoc., correspondence 1951
International Ladies Garment Workers Union, correspondence
Box   5/35
  Reel   98
1950 February-1954 December
Box   5/36
  Reel   98
1955 January-1961 September
Box   5/36
  Reel   98
International Organizations, correspondence 1956 February-1959 March
Box   5/36
  Reel   98
Judiciary, 1956-1957
Box   5/36
  Reel   98
Juvenile Delinquency, correspondence 1959 March
Box   5/36
  Reel   98
Kerr Amendment, correspondence 1955-1956
Box   5/36
  Reel   98
Keyserling, Leon, correspondence 1949 October-1951 April
Box   5/36
  Reel   98
Labor, correspondence 1947-1957
Box   5/37
  Reel   98
Labor, 1959-1964
Box   5/37
  Reel   98
Legislative Program of ADA, 1947-1963
Box   5/37
  Reel   98
Lehman, Herbert H., correspondence 1948 May-1961 December
Box   5/37
  Reel   98
Lilienthal, David E. - ADA Statement, correspondence 1947 February-March
Lloyd, David D., correspondence
Box   5/37
  Reel   98
1947 February-December
Box   5/38
  Reel   98
1948 January-1951 February
Box   5/38
  Reel   99
Lobbying Reports, correspondence 1946 October-1961 October
Box   5/38
  Reel   99
Lodge-Gosset Amendment, correspondence 1950 February-April
Box   5/38
  Reel   99
Low Income Families, 1955
Box   5/38
  Reel   99
Loyality, correspondence 1947 December-1957 October
McCarthy, Joseph
Box   5/39
  Reel   99
Correspondence, 1950-1954 June
Box   5/39
  Reel   99
Censure, 1954 June-1954
Box   5/39
  Reel   99
Clippings, correspondence 1952-1953
Box   5/39
  Reel   99
McCarthy-Hennings Report, correspondence 1953 February-1954 June
Box   5/39
  Reel   99
Mailings, correspondence 1961 January-May
Box   5/40
  Reel   99
Mallory Decision, correspondence 1958 January-July
Box   5/40
  Reel   99
Marshall Plan, correspondence 1949 March-1951 March
Box   5/40
  Reel   99
Mass Transportation, 1960-1962
Box   5/40
  Reel   100
Mass Transportation, 1963-1964
Box   5/40
  Reel   100
Matosow, Harvey, correspondence 1955 February
Box   5/40
  Reel   100
Membership of ADA, correspondence 1952 October-1953 April
Box   5/40
  Reel   100
Metropolitan Government - Conference, correspondence 1957 November-1959 January
Box   5/40
  Reel   100
Middle East and North Africa Conference, Freedom's Stake in ..., correspondence 1952 April
Box   5/40
  Reel   100
Migrant Children's Fund Inc., correspondence 1962 February
Box   5/40
  Reel   100
Migsch, Dr. and Mrs., correspondence 1950 June-July
Mimeographed materials, ADA, miscellaneous
Box   5/41
  Reel   100
1947 January-1951 December
Box   5/42
  Reel   100
1952 January-1957 December
Box   5/43
  Reel   100
1958 January-1964 March
Box   5/44
  Reel   100
Minimum Wage, 1947-1958
Box   5/44
  Reel   100
Missouri Valley Authority, correspondence 1949-1958
Box   5/44
  Reel   100
Modern Community Developers Inc., correspondence 1959 October-December
Box   5/44
  Reel   100
Monetary Policy, undated
Box   5/44
  Reel   100
Morse, Sen. Wayne, correspondence 1947 June-1961 February
Box   5/44
  Reel   100
Mundt-Nixon Bills, correspondence 1948 May-1949 June
Box   5/44
  Reel   100
Mutual Security, correspondence 1955 May-1958 April
Box   5/44
  Reel   101
Nairo Reporter, 1956-1958
Box   5/44
  Reel   101
Nathan, Robert R., Assoc. Inc. 1953 October-December
Box   5/45
  Reel   101
National Arts Committee, correspondence 1950 January-1956 September
Box   5/45
  Reel   101
National Conference on Economic and Social Development, 1952
Box   5/45
  Reel   101
National Consumers' League, correspondence 1959 February-March
Box   5/45
  Reel   101
National Film Cooperative, correspondence 1949 June
Box   5/45
  Reel   101
National Service Corps, 1963
Box   5/45
  Reel   101
National Sharecroppers' Fund, correspondence 1949 December-1963
Natural Gas, correspondence
Box   5/45
  Reel   101
1950 February-1956 January
Box   5/46
  Reel   101
Box   5/46
  Reel   101
Nixon, Richard M., correspondence 1956-1959
Box   5/46
  Reel   101
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, correspondence 1949 April-August
Box   5/46
  Reel   101
Nuclear Weapons: Controls and Tests, 1958-1961
Box   5/46
  Reel   101
Off Shore Oil, correspondence 1951-1953
Box   5/47
  Reel   101
Party Politics, 1947 June-1955 January
Box   5/47
  Reel   101
Passports, 1958-1962
Box   5/47
  Reel   101
Platform Hearings, correspondence 1960
Box   5/47
  Reel   101
Point IV, correspondence 1950 January-1961 April
Box   5/47
  Reel   102
Political Spending - Gore Investigation, correspondence 1956 October-1958 August
Box   5/47
  Reel   102
Poll Tax, 1959
Box   5/47
  Reel   102
Power and Public Utilities, correspondence 1947 October-1950 May
Box   5/47
  Reel   102
Presidential Disability, 1959
Box   5/48
  Reel   102
Primary, Democratic, District of Columbia, correspondence 1956 April-July
Box   5/48
  Reel   102
Progressive, correspondence 1953 March-1962 February
Box   5/48
  Reel   102
Priorities and Resources, Memoranda 1960
Box   5/48
  Reel   102
Promotional Literature, correspondence 1955-1961
Box   5/48
  Reel   102
Propaganda Act, 1957-1961
Box   5/48
  Reel   102
Rauh, Joseph L., Jr., correspondence 1951 January-1962 May
Box   5/48
  Reel   102
Reapportionment, correspondence 1955 March-1959 July
Box   5/48
  Reel   102
Recession, correspondence 1958 March-July
Box   5/49
  Reel   102
Reciprocal Trade, correspondence 1958 January-July
Box   5/49
  Reel   102
Refugee Relief, 1953
Box   5/49
  Reel   102
Regional Workshops, 1953
Box   5/49
  Reel   102
Regulatory Commissions, Regulation of, correspondence 1958 March
Box   5/49
  Reel   102
Rent Control, 1947 May-1953
Box   5/49
  Reel   102
Reorganization Act of 1946, 1946-1957
Box   5/49
  Reel   102
Reprints, ADA 1959, 1964
Box   5/49
  Reel   102
Republican National Committee, correspondence 1948-1950
Box   5/49
  Reel   102
Reuter, Ernst, correspondence 1950 January-1951 April
Right Wing
Box   5/49
  Reel   102
And the Republicans, clippings 1958-1963
Box   5/49
  Reel   102
Lewis, Fulton, Jr. 1951-1955
Box   5/50
  Reel   102
General, correspondence 1950 August-1962 August
Box   5/50
  Reel   102
Student Organizations, 1961-1963
Box   5/50
  Reel   102
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., correspondence 1950 January-1951 October
Box   5/50
  Reel   103
Roosevelt, Eleanor, correspondence 1950 January-1960 August
Box   5/50
  Reel   103
Rosenberg, Marvin, correspondence 1953 April-1957 May
Box   5/50
  Reel   103
Rules Committee, 1960
Box   5/50
  Reel   103
Sachs, Richard C., correspondence 1959 January-1960 August
Box   5/50
  Reel   103
Schaerf, Dr. Adolf, correspondence 1952 February-April
Box   5/50
  Reel   103
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., correspondence 1950 January-1961 July
Box   5/50
  Reel   103
School Lunch Program, correspondence 1951 June
Box   5/50
  Reel   103
School Prayer, 1962-1964
Box   5/50
  Reel   103
Secrecy in Government, 1957-1959
Box   5/51
  Reel   103
Selective Service - Kanen Case, correspondence 1961 August-September
Box   5/51
  Reel   103
Senate Rules, 1951-1961
Box   5/51
  Reel   103
Smith, Lawrence M. C., correspondence 1955 March-1961 December
Box   5/51
  Reel   103
Smith Act Decision, correspondence 1951 June-1952 May
Box   5/51
  Reel   103
Sobel Case, clippings 1955-1959
Box   5/51
  Reel   103
Social Security, correspondence 1948 June-1958 June
Box   5/51
  Reel   103
South Africa Letter, correspondence 1960 April
Box   5/51
  Reel   103
Soviet Anti-Semitism, 1963
Box   5/51
  Reel   103
Spanish Refugee Aid Inc., correspondence 1953 April-1961 February
Box   5/51
  Reel   103
Steel Strike, correspondence 1949 August-October
Box   5/52
  Reel   103
Sugar Policy, 1962
Box   5/52
  Reel   103
Supression Bills, 1955-1958
Box   5/52
  Reel   103
Supreme Court, correspondence 1957 June-1959 July
Box   5/52
  Reel   103
Taft-Hartley, 1947 June
Taxes, correspondence
Box   5/52
  Reel   103
1948 March-1951 December
Box   5/52
  Reel   104
Box   5/53
  Reel   104
1960-1964 and undated
Box   5/53
  Reel   104
Taylor, William, correspondence 1959 June
Box   5/53
  Reel   104
Television, correspondence 1955 May-1964 April
Box   5/53
  Reel   104
Tennessee Valley Authority, 1946-1956
Box   5/54
  Reel   104
1951 March-1962
Box   5/55
  Reel   104
Box   5/55
  Reel   104
Transportation, 1955
Box   5/55
  Reel   105
Turn Toward Peace, correspondence 1961-1964
Box   5/55
  Reel   105
United Nations, General, correspondence 1947 July-1962 September
United States, Congress
Box   5/55
  Reel   105
Correspondence, 1947 April-1961 December
Box   5/56
  Reel   105
1962 January-1964 May
Box   5/56
  Reel   105
Universal Military Training, correspondence 1948 March-April
Box   5/56
  Reel   105
Urban Living, Problem of 1957
Box   5/56
  Reel   105
Vogel, Alphonse 1949 December-1951 June
Box   5/56
  Reel   105
Voting Records, 1947-1960
Box   5/56
  Reel   105
Voting Study, correspondence 1948 January
Box   5/56
  Reel   105
Wallace, Henry undated
Box   5/56
  Reel   105
Water Resources - General, correspondence 1956 June-July
Box   5/56
  Reel   105
Watkins Committee Statement on the Senate, undated
Box   5/56
  Reel   105
Welfare, 1947-1958
Box   5/56
  Reel   105
Welfare - Chemical, Biological and Radiological 1963
Box   5/57
  Reel   105
Wiretapping, 1950-1964
Box   5/57
  Reel   105
World Bank Manroney Plan, correspondence 1958 February-April
Box   5/57
  Reel   105
World Court - Connolly Amendment, 1960
Box   5/57
  Reel   105
World Government Organizations, correspondence 1947 November-1961 November
Box   5/57
  Reel   105
World Population Emergency Campaign, correspondence 1960 November-1961 December
Box   5/57
  Reel   105
Wyatt, Wilson, correspondence 1947 July-1948 January
Box   5/57
  Reel   105
Yalta Conference, 1945-1951
Box   5/57
  Reel   105
Youth Employment, 1962-1963
Series: Political File, 1944-1964
Note: Specify series number when requesting boxes.

Physical Description: 20 boxes and 7 reels of microfilm (35 mm) 
Scope and Content Note

The ADA Political File contains a variety of materials relevant to ADA's political activities. These include correspondence, articles, speeches, newspaper and magazine clippings, questionnaires, pamphlets and reprints, political analyses of candidates and events, and printed and mimeographed information on national presidential campaigns as well as Congressional elections.

The files are organized chronologically by election years. The material under each election year is then divided between those that deal with the election generally and those that concern the respective Democratic and Republican national presidential conventions. There is often no clear distinction among these three types of materials; hence, in many cases the filing is arbitrary. There is some correspondence in almost every folder. This series is most complete for the presidential election years of 1948, 1952, 1956, and 1960, although the off-year elections do receive some attention. The political correspondence relating to the 1948 election is broken down by states, but only for this year.

There is correspondence, and numerous printed and mimeographed materials which do not directly relate either to the presidential elections or to the national conventions, but which deal with tangential affairs in the political arena. This material has been filed within the election year to which it is most relevant. At the end of the series is a file which does not fit chronoloically labeled as "Smers on the ADA."

1948 Elections
Box   6/1
  Reel   106
ADA Plans and Evaluations
Box   6/1
  Reel   106
Box   6/1
  Reel   106
Correspondence, 1947 April-1948 November
Box   6/1
  Reel   106
General ADA Politics
Box   6/1
  Reel   106
List of Delegates
Box   6/1
  Reel   106
Mimeographed and Miscellaneous Material
Political correspondence
Box   6/2
  Reel   106
Idaho, 1948 May-November
Box   6/2
  Reel   106
Illinois, 1944 August-1950 November
Box   6/2
  Reel   106
Indiana, 1947 August-1950 June
Box   6/2
  Reel   106
Iowa, 1948 May-November
Box   6/2
  Reel   106
Kansas, 1948 April-1950 October
Box   6/2
  Reel   106
Kentucky, 1948 June-1950 November
Box   6/2
  Reel   106
Louisiana, 1948 April-1950 December
Box   6/2
  Reel   106
Maine, 1948 May-1950 September
Box   6/2
  Reel   106
Maryland, 1948 June-1950 November
Box   6/2
  Reel   106
Massachusetts, 1948 April-1951 May
Box   6/2
  Reel   106
Michigan, 1947 June-1950 December
Box   6/3
  Reel   106
Minnesota, 1948 June-1950 June
1950 Elections
Box   6/3
  Reel   106
Box   6/3
  Reel   106
Correspondence, 1950 October-December
Box   6/3
  Reel   106
Election Analyses and "Campaign Kits"
Box   6/3
  Reel   106
Mimeographed and Miscellaneous Material
1952 National Convention-Democratic
Box   6/3
  Reel   106
ADA Activities, Credentials, Loyalty, correspondence 1951 May-1953 March
Box   6/3
  Reel   106
ADA Politics
Box   6/3
  Reel   107
Correspondence, General 1951 February-1952 November
ADA Strategy and Platform Material
Box   6/3
  Reel   107
1952 January-May
Box   6/4
  Reel   107
1952 June-November
Box   6/4
  Reel   107
Democratic Delegations, 1952 April-July
1952 National Convention-Republican
Box   6/5
  Reel   107
Republican Delegates, 1952 March-October
1952 Elections
Box   6/5
  Reel   107
Campaign Contributions
Box   6/5
  Reel   107
Democratic National Committee-Literature
Box   6/5
  Reel   107
Eisenhower Candidacy, 1952 January-November
Box   6/6
  Reel   107
Mimeographed and Miscellaneous Material
Box   6/6
  Reel   107
Newspaper clippings
Box   6/6
  Reel   107
Post-Election correspondence, 1952 December-1953 February
Box   6/6
  Reel   107
Post-Convention and Post-Election Analyses, 1952 April-December
Box   6/6
  Reel   107
Stevenson Candidacy
Box   6/6
  Reel   108
Taft, Robert, Candidacy 1950, 1952
Box   6/7
  Reel   108
Voting Records and Candidacies, 1952 January-June
1954 Elections
Box   6/7
  Reel   108
ADA Chapter Reports and Endorsements
Box   6/7
  Reel   108
ADA Politics, 1953, 1954
Box   6/7
  Reel   108
Campaign Contributions, correspondence 1954 August-November
1956 National Convention - Democratic
Box   6/8
  Reel   108
ADA Political Activities and correspondence, 1955 June-1957 March
Box   6/8
  Reel   108
Convention Strategy - Civil Rights
Box   6/8
  Reel   108
Credentials Committee
Box   6/8
  Reel   108
Delegates, correspondence and Comment 1956 January-July
Box   6/8
  Reel   108
List of Delegates
Box   6/9
  Reel   108
List of Delegates (continued)
Box   6/9
  Reel   108
Democratic Party Loyalty - Rules
Box   6/9
  Reel   108
Platform Committee
Box   6/9
  Reel   108
Rules Committee
1956 National Convention - Republican
Box   6/10
  Reel   109
G.O.P. Platform Material
1956 Elections
Box   6/10
  Reel   109
ADA and the Campaign
Box   6/10
  Reel   109
ADA Endorsement Questionnaire
Box   6/10
  Reel   109
Analyses of Pre-Election Prospects, 1955 May-1956 July
Box   6/10
  Reel   109
Campaign Contributions
Box   6/10
  Reel   109
Campaign correspondence from the Public, 1955 June-1956 October
Box   6/10
  Reel   109
Campaign Speeches - Drafts, 1956
Box   6/10
  Reel   109
Candidacies, 1956 May-September
Box   6/10
  Reel   109
Congratulations and Condolences, 1956 November
Box   6/11
  Reel   109
Congressional Election - General
Box   6/11
  Reel   109
Democratic Campaign Literature
Box   6/11
  Reel   109
Democratic National Committee, 1955-1956 October
Box   6/11
  Reel   109
Eisenhower, Dwight D. 1956 January-November
Box   6/11
  Reel   109
Election Analysis
G.O.P. Press Releases
Box   6/12
  Reel   109
Party and Committee Activities and Appointments
Box   6/12
  Reel   109
Democrats and Democratic Party
Box   6/12
  Reel   109
Kefauver, Estes
Box   6/12
  Reel   109
List of Delegates
Box   6/12
  Reel   109
Miscellaneous Newspaper clippings
Box   6/13
  Reel   109
Monroe Sweetland Campaign Fund, 1956 June-October
Box   6/13
  Reel   109
New York Times Election Analysis
Box   6/13
  Reel   109
Nixon, Richard M.
Box   6/13
  Reel   109
Registration and Voting Information
Republican Party
Box   6/13
  Reel   109
General, 1956 January-October
Box   6/13
  Reel   109
Stevenson, Adlai
Box   6/13
  Reel   110
1955 June-1956 November
Box   6/14
  Reel   110
Campaign - Miscellaneous
Box   6/14
  Reel   110
Speeches and Writings, 1952-1955
1958 Elections
Box   6/14
  Reel   110
ADA Political Questionnaires
Box   6/14
  Reel   110
ADA Political Role Evaluation
Box   6/14
  Reel   110
Campaign Contributions
Box   6/14
  Reel   110
Box   6/14
  Reel   110
Correspondence, 1958 January-November
Box   6/15
  Reel   110
District of Columbia Committee for McCarthy and Proxmire
Box   6/15
  Reel   110
Election Analyses, 1958
Box   6/15
  Reel   110
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Box   6/15
  Reel   110
Newspaper clippings
Box   6/15
  Reel   110
Party Nominees
Box   6/15
  Reel   110
Stevenson, Adlai, Campaign
1960 Convention - Democratic
Box   6/15
  Reel   110
ADA Activities, General Strategy, and correspondence 1957 May-1960 November
1960 Convention - Republican
Box   6/15
  Reel   110
ADA Activities
1960 Elections
Box   6/16
  Reel   110
ADA Political Evaluation Committee, 1959
Box   6/16
  Reel   110
ADA's, "Program Action"
Box   6/16
  Reel   110
Campaign - Miscellaneous
Box   6/16
  Reel   110
Correspondence, 1960 February-October
Box   6/16
  Reel   110
Democratic National Committee - Press Releases
Box   6/17
  Reel   111
Democratic Party - Pamphlets
Box   6/17
  Reel   111
Democratic Study Group - Campaign Handbook
Box   6/17
  Reel   111
"Draft Stevenson in 1960," Campaign
Box   6/17
  Reel   111
Election Return and Analyses
Box   6/17
  Reel   111
Foreign Affairs
Kennedy, John F.
Box   6/17
  Reel   111
Correspondence, 1948-1960
Box   6/17
  Reel   111
Box   6/18
  Reel   111
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Box   6/18
  Reel   111
Newspaper and Magazine Clippings
Box   6/18
  Reel   111
Nixon, Richard M.
Box   6/18
  Reel   111
Presidential Primaries
1962 Election
Box   6/19
  Reel   111
ADA Politics
Box   6/19
  Reel   111
Candidates and Voting Records
Box   6/19
  Reel   111
Correspondence, 1961 January-1963 February
Box   6/19
  Reel   111
Newspaper clippings
1964 Election
Box   6/19
  Reel   111
ADA Campaign Politics and Printed Material
Box   6/19
  Reel   111
Correspondence, 1963 February-1964 December
Box   6/20
  Reel   112
Democratic Party and National Committee
Box   6/20
  Reel   112
Goldwater, Barry
Box   6/20
  Reel   112
Humphrey, Hubert H. and ADA
Box   6/20
  Reel   112
Newspapers, Clippings and Reprints
Box   6/20
  Reel   112
Republican Party and National Committee
Box   6/20
  Reel   112
Box   6/20
  Reel   112
Smears on ADA and replies, correspondence 1946-1961
Series: Public Relations File, 1936, 1946-1965
Note: Specify series number when requesting boxes.

Physical Description: 106 boxes, 11 volumes, and 9 reels of microfilm (35 mm) 
Scope and Content Note

The ADA Public Relations File contains mostly clippings and also includes press releases, the annual Roosevelt Day Dinners, correspondence, and miscellaneous printed and mimeographed material. The series is arranged alphabetically by folder title and chronologically by months within each folder.

The clippings, and miscellaneous printed and mimeographed material includes sixty-three boxes of clippings, arranged chronologically by month and alphabetically by subject folder within each month from 1949 to 1963, but only chronologically from 1964 to 1965. The remaining seven boxes are a mixture of clippings and miscellaneous printed and mimeographed material, 1936-1964, in which material is arranged alphabetically by folder title and chronologically by month within each folder. This is primarily a research file, with much of the material relating to Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson. This series also contains eleven scrapbooks of clippings, dating from December 1946, to May 1953.

The press releases, 1947-1965, are arranged chronologically by days. This file is not complete.

The material concerning the Roosevelt Day Dinners is composed largely of correspondence and related printed matter, 1947-1965. The first dinners were held simultaneously in many cities in January 1949, to raise funds and disseminate information of both national and local significance to ADA members and friends. These dinners are still an annual ADA chapter event.

The files for the Roosevelt Day Dinners have been divided into two sections: "chapter participation" and "organizational affairs." The former deals with the numerous local chapter dinners, while the latter deals with the organizational problems which confront the ADA as a whole in relation to these annual dinners. There is some overlapping of material in each section. Both of these sections are arranged chronologically by months.

The types of material that will be found in the files on Roosevelt Day Dinners includes correspondence, invitations, tickets, programs, annual Journals, newspaper clippings, financial reports, memoranda, minutes of various staff meetings, guest lists, and seating charts.

The remainder of the ADA Public Relations File are general research folders containing both correspondence and miscellaneous printed and mimeographed material, with printed matter predominating. Some of the subjects include civil liberties, communism, and material on various right wing political groups. Some of the files relate to individuals such as: William O. Douglas, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater, Hubert H. Humphrey, Joseph McCarthy, Leland Olds, Lillian Smith, Harold E. Stassen, Harry S. Truman, and Henry Wallace. This series also includes the correspondence, 1917-1965, of ADA's director of publicity.

Box   7/1
  Reel   113
ADA World, correspondence 1947 May-1964 March
Box   7/1
  Reel   113
Appeal to Liberals, correspondence 1948 October
Box   7/1
  Reel   113
Asia Policy Commission, correspondence 1950 September-1951 December
Box   7/1
  Reel   113
Booklist, 1962
Box   7/1
  Reel   113
California, correspondence 1947 January-1960 November
Box   7/2
  Reel   113
Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1946 November -1953 November
Box   7/2
  Reel   113
Civil Liberties, correspondence 1946 March-1964 August
Note: Boxes 3-65 were not microfilmed.
Box   7/3
1949 June-August; 1953 June-August
Box   7/4
1953 August-October
Box   7/5
1953 October-December
Box   7/6
1954 January
Box   7/6 (continued)
Harry Dexter White Case, 1953-1954
Box   7/7
1954 February
Box   7/8
1954 March-April
Box   7/9
1954 April-June
Box   7/10
1954 June-July
Box   7/11
1954 August-September
Box   7/12
1954 September-October
Box   7/13
1954 October
Box   7/14
1954 October-December
Box   7/15
1954 December-1955 February
Box   7/16
1955 February-March
Box   7/17
1955 April -May
Box   7/18
1955 June-August
Box   7/19
1955 August-October
Box   7/20
1955 November-1956 January
Box   7/21
1956 January-February
Box   7/22
1956 March-April
Box   7/23
1956 May
Box   7/24
1956 June-July
Box   7/25
1956 August
Box   7/26
1956 August-September
Box   7/27
1956 October
Box   7/28
1956 November-1957 January
Box   7/29
1957 February-May
Box   7/30
1957 June-September
Box   7/31
1957 October-1958 January
Box   7/32
1958 February-May
Box   7/33
1958 June-September
Box   7/34
1958 October-December
Box   7/35
1959 January-March
Box   7/36
1959 April-July
Box   7/37
1959 August-November
Box   7/38
1959 December-1960 March
Box   7/39
1960 April-July
Box   7/40
1960 July-September
Box   7/41
1960 September-December
Box   7/42
1961 January-April
Box   7/43
1961 May-September
Box   7/44
1961 October-December
Box   7/45
1961 December-1962 February
Box   7/46
1962 February-April
Box   7/47
1962 April-June
Box   7/48
1962 July-September
Box   7/49
1962 September-October
Box   7/50
1962 October-December
Box   7/51
1963 January-April
Box   7/52
1963 May-August
Box   7/53
1963 September-December
Box   7/54
1964 February-June
Box   7/55
1964 June-August
Box   7/56
1964 August-September
Box   7/57
1964 September
Box   7/58
1964 September
Box   7/59
1964 September
Box   7/60
1964 October
Box   7/61
1964 October
Box   7/62
1964 October
Box   7/63
1964 October
Box   7/64
1964 October-November
Box   7/65
1964 November-1965 January
Clippings and Printed Material
Box   7/66
  Reel   113
ADA Feature Stories and Articles, 1951-1964
Box   7/66
  Reel   113
Communism, 1936-1962
Box   7/66
  Reel   113
Communist Pronouncements, 1955-1963
Box   7/66
  Reel   113
Communist Party Convention, 1957 February 9-12
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Box   7/66
  Reel   113
Extracts from Press Conferences on Particular Issues, [1955]
Box   7/67
  Reel   113
Box   7/67
  Reel   113
Press Conferences, 1953-1961
Box   7/67
  Reel   113
Speeches, 1953-1959
Box   7/68
  Reel   113
Elections, 1960 Presidential, Goldwater Quotes 1960-1963
Box   7/68
  Reel   113
Elections, 1962, Candidates and Campaign Issues 1962
Box   7/68
  Reel   113
"Humphrey-in-1960-Committee", 1959-1960
Issues (Domestic) of Interest to ADA, 1953-1963
Box   7/68
  Reel   113
Box   7/69
  Reel   113
Box   7/70
  Reel   114
Issues (Foreign) of Interest to ADA, 1953-1963,
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Box   7/70
  Reel   114
1955-1959, 1963-1964
Box   7/70
  Reel   114
Press Conferences, 1963-1964
Box   7/70
  Reel   114
Speeches and Statements, 1963-1964
Kennedy, John F.
Box   7/70
  Reel   114
Death of, 1963
Box   7/70
  Reel   114
Box   7/71
  Reel   114
Press Conferences, 1961-1963
Box   7/71
  Reel   114
Speeches, 1961-1963
Box   7/71
  Reel   114
Statements and Messages, 1961-1963
Box   7/71
  Reel   114
Warren Commission Report, 1964
Box   7/71
  Reel   114
Miscellaneous, 1947 January-1964 November
Political Personalities, 1953-1957
Box   7/71
  Reel   114
Box   7/72
  Reel   114
Box   7/73
  Reel   114
Communism, 1946 March-1961 October
Box   7/73
  Reel   114
Communism, Radio Broadcasts 1953
Box   7/73
  Reel   114
Connecticut, correspondence 1947 April-1955 March
Box   7/73
  Reel   114
1947 January-1949 December
Box   7/74
  Reel   114
1950 January-1954 December
Box   7/74
  Reel   115
1955 January-1958 March
Box   7/75
  Reel   115
1958 April-1961 June
Box   7/76
  Reel   115
1961 July-1964 September
Box   7/76
  Reel   116
1964 November-December
Box   7/77
  Reel   116
1965 January-March
Box   7/77
  Reel   116
"Crossroad Papers," correspondence 1962 September-1965 March
Box   7/77
  Reel   116
Douglas, William 0. 1948 July
Box   7/77
  Reel   116
Editorials and ADA Replies, correspondence 1952 August-1964 July
Box   7/77
  Reel   116
Eisenhower, Night D., correspondence 1948 June-July
Box   7/77
  Reel   116
"Facts Forum", 1952 September-1955 October
Box   7/78
  Reel   116
Fund for the Republic, correspondence 1954 November-1957 May
Box   7/78
  Reel   116
Georgia, 1948 January
Box   7/78
  Reel   116
Germany, correspondence 1946 November-1950 March
Box   7/78
  Reel   116
Goldwater, Barry, correspondence 1961 December-1963 November
Box   7/78
  Reel   116
Guide to Politics, correspondence 1953 June-1956 April
Box   7/79
  Reel   116
Greece, 1947
Box   7/79
  Reel   116
Hollywood Ten, correspondence 1947 October-November
Box   7/79
  Reel   117
Humphrey, Hubert H., correspondence 1947 February-1959 February
Box   7/79
  Reel   117
Illinois, correspondence 1947 October-1950 March
Box   7/79
  Reel   117
India, correspondence 1950 December-1951 October
Box   7/79
  Reel   117
Joint Committee on the Economic Report, correspondence 1946 April-1947 October
Box   7/80
  Reel   117
(ADA) Journal, correspondence 1947 October-November
Box   7/80
  Reel   117
Labor, 1947 April-1950 April
Box   7/80
  Reel   117
Lee, Jennie, correspondence 1947 October-November
Box   7/80
  Reel   117
Liberalism, correspondence 1951 March-July
Box   7/80
  Reel   117
Loyalty Order, correspondence 1947 April-1950 December
Box   7/80
  Reel   117
Magazines, correspondence 1947 January-1962 March
Box   7/80
  Reel   117
Marshall Plan, correspondence 1947 August
Box   7/81
  Reel   117
Maryland, correspondence 1947 June-1955 April
Box   7/81
  Reel   117
Massachusetts, correspondence 1947 May-1964 November
McCarthy, Joseph
Box   7/81
  Reel   117
Correspondence, 1953 March-1954 December
Box   7/82
  Reel   117
Clippings, 1952 January-1954 March
Box   7/83
  Reel   117
Michigan, correspondence 1947 July-1953 June
Box   7/83
  Reel   117
Mimeographed Materials, 1947-1949
Box   7/83
  Reel   118
Mimeographed Materials, 1950-1962
Box   7/83
  Reel   118
Minnesota, correspondence 1947 May-1949 January
Box   7/83
  Reel   118
Mobilization Conference, 1949 July-1950 September
Box   7/84
  Reel   118
National Planning Association, 1944-1952
Box   7/84
  Reel   118
New Jersey, correspondence 1949 February-1964 October
Box   7/84
  Reel   118
New York, correspondence 1947 February-1960
Box   7/85
  Reel   118
Ohio, correspondence 1948 September-1953 October
Box   7/85
  Reel   118
Olds, Leland, correspondence 1949 September
Box   7/85
  Reel   118
The Only War We Seek, correspondence 1951 January-1952 March
Box   7/86
  Reel   118
Oregon, 1947 October-1948 April
Box   7/86
  Reel   118
Pacific Foundation (KPFA, WBAI) 1960-1961
Box   7/86
  Reel   118
Pennsylvania, correspondence 1947 July-1955 August
Press Releases
Box   7/87
  Reel   119
1947-1951 June
Box   7/88
  Reel   119
1951 July-1955 May
Box   7/89
  Reel   119
1955 June-1958 May
Box   7/90
  Reel   119
1958 June-1959 May
Box   7/90
  Reel   120
1959 June-1965 February
Box   7/91
  Reel   120
Primaries, Campaigns, Elections 1948
Box   7/91
  Reel   120
"Public Relations Primer for ADA Chapters", 1953-1954
Box   7/91
  Reel   120
Radio Programs, correspondence 1947 March-1964 February
Box   7/92
  Reel   120
Rent Control, correspondence 1946 August-1947 November
Right Wing Materials
Box   7/92
  Reel   120
Americans for Constitutional Action, 1957 December-1962 October
Box   7/92
  Reel   120
Anti-Right Wing Clippings and Speeches, 1961 April-1962 April
Box   7/92
  Reel   120
Christian Anti-Communist Crusade, 1959 March-1964 April
Box   7/92
  Reel   120
Clippings and Speeches, 1952 July-1961 December
Box   7/93
  Reel   120
Clippings and Speeches, 1962 January-1963 December
Box   7/93
  Reel   120
Correspondence, 1958 August-1962 October
Box   7/93
  Reel   120
John Birch Society, correspondence 1961 November-1962 January
Box   7/93
  Reel   120
Young Americans for Freedom, correspondence 1961 February-1963 June
Roosevelt Day Dinners
Chapter Participation, correspondence
Box   7/94
  Reel   120
1947 April-1951 February
Box   7/94
  Reel   120
1951 September-1954 December
Box   7/96
  Reel   120
1955 January-1958 December
Box   7/97
  Reel   120
1959 January-1961
Box   7/98
  Reel   120
1961 April-1963 May
Organizational Affairs for Dinner, correspondence 1949
Box   7/98
  Reel   120
1948 July-1949 May
Box   7/99
  Reel   120
1949 June-1950 July
Organizational Affairs for Dinner, correspondence 1950
Box   7/99
  Reel   120
1949 July-1950 June
Box   7/99
  Reel   120
1950 February-December
Organizational Affairs for Dinner, correspondence 1951
Box   7/100
  Reel   120
1951 January-February
Box   7/100
  Reel   120
1951 August-1952 May
Organizational Affairs for Dinner, correspondence 1952, 1951 August-1952 May
Organizational Affairs for Dinner, correspondence 1953
Box   7/100
  Reel   120
1952 January-December
Box   7/101
  Reel   120
1953 January-February
Box   7/101
  Reel   120
Organizational Affairs for 1954 Dinner, correspondence 1953 July-1954 June
Box   7/102
  Reel   120
Organizational Affairs for Dinner, correspondence 1956, 1955 August-1956 February
Box   7/102
  Reel   120
Organizational Affairs for Dinner, correspondence 1957, 1956 October-1957 April
Organizational Affairs for Dinner, correspondence 1958
Box   7/102
  Reel   120
1957 July-1958 February
Box   7/103
  Reel   120
1958 February
Box   7/103
  Reel   120
Organizational Affairs for Dinner, correspondence 1959, 1959 January
Box   7/103
  Reel   120
Organizational Affairs for Dinner, correspondence 1960, 1959 March-1960 March
Box   7/103
  Reel   120
Organizational Affairs for Dinner, correspondence 1961, 1960 December-1961 February
Box   7/103
  Reel   120
Organizational Affairs for Dinner, correspondence 1962, 1961 November-1962 January
Box   7/103
  Reel   120
Organizational Affairs for Dinner, correspondence 1963, 1962 January-1963 February
Box   7/103
  Reel   120
Organizational Affairs for Dinner, correspondence 1965, 1965 January
Box   7/103
  Reel   120
Satirical Materials, 1955-1959
Box   7/103
  Reel   120
Smith, Lillian, correspondence 1947 June-1948 February
Box   7/103
  Reel   120
Box   7/104
  Reel   121
1948 January-1963 April
Box   7/104
  Reel   121
Stassen, Harold E. 1948-1950
Box   7/104
  Reel   121
Television Programs, 1953 October-1964 December
Box   7/104
  Reel   121
Tennessee, correspondence 1947 May-1949 May
Box   7/104
  Reel   121
Texas, correspondence 1953 October-1955 June
Box   7/105
  Reel   121
Travel Programs, 1962
Box   7/105
  Reel   121
Truman, Harry S. 1947 June-1948 July
Box   7/105
  Reel   121
United Automobile Workers, correspondence 1947 July-1950 March
Box   7/105
  Reel   121
Vietnam, 1965 February-March
Box   7/105
  Reel   121
(ADA) Voting Guide-1956, correspondence 1956 April
Wallace, Henry
Box   7/105
  Reel   121
Correspondence, 1947 May-1949 April
Clippings and Speeches
Box   7/105
  Reel   121
1945 January-1948 April
Box   7/106
  Reel   121
1948 May-1951 June
Box   7/106
  Reel   121
Washington, D.C., correspondence 1947 October-1954 October
Box   7/106
  Reel   121
Workshops, correspondence 1953 February-1955 July
Box   7/106
  Reel   121
Wyatt, Wilson, correspondence 1947 February-1950 February
Clipping Scrapbooks
Note: Volumes 1-11 were not microfilmed.
Volume   7/1
1946 December 23-1947 January 13
Volume   7/2
1947 January 14-1947 March 21
Volume   7/3
1947 March 23-1947 July 24
Volume   7/4
1947 July 25-1947 September 23
Volume   7/5
1947 September 24-1947 December 12
Volume   7/6
1947 December 9-14
Volume   7/7
1947 December 14-1948 February 25
Volume   7/8
1948 February 24-1948 March 11
Volume   7/9
1948 March 11-1948 March 31
Volume   7/10
1953 January 1-1953 May 9
Volume   7/11
1953 April 7-1953 May 23
Series: Campus Division File, 1939-1965
Note: Specify series number when requesting boxes.

Physical Description: 34 boxes and 19 reels of microfilm (35 mm) 

Before its affiliation with the ADA, the student branch of the Americans for Democratic Action was known as the United States Student Assembly. The USSA had been formed so that American students could study the most pressing problems of both national and international importance and then act on their decisions in cooperation with progressive forces in the college communities.

In 1946 the USSA joined with ADA (then called the Union for Democratic Action) and became the Students for Democratic Action (SDA). The initial purpose of the SDA was to maintain its independent national structure, hold conventions to elect officers, and adopt a program. In 1959, the SDA undertook a program to renovate and revitalize itself. In the process it changed its name to the Campus Division, ADA (CADA).

Scope and Content Note

The Campus Division File is divided into two alphabetically arranged sections: the SDA files (1946-1958), and the CADA files (1959-1965). There is little significance in this division beyond the change of name in the organization.

The SDA section is arranged alphabetically by folder title and contains files for subjects, organizations, and projects. Most folders contain some chronologically arranged correspondence, but are composed primarily of printed material. There are folders relating to the various college and university chapters; and to SDA internal organizational and administrative correspondence, memoranda, and minutes. The SDA chapter files have been chronologically combined under the title of the relevant state, with the names of the various institutions represented listed on the folder. In some cases the larger chapter files have been maintained separately. The same arrangment also applies to the CADA section.

Some of the more voluminous and significant folders in this series include the files on general civil rights issues and specific civil rights organizations, conscription, right wing youth organizations, socialist youth groups, and the United States National Student Association. Files also deal with the SDA national conventions and the programs and resolutions that developed from them.

Subseries: SDA Files
Box   8/1
  Reel   122
Academic Freedom, correspondence 1951 January-1955 July
Box   8/1
  Reel   122
Administrative Matters, correspondence 1947 May-1957 September
Box   8/1
  Reel   122
Chapter Material, correspondence 1947 May-1952 January
ADA-SDA Relationship, correspondence
Box   8/1
  Reel   122
1949 December-1953 December
Box   8/2
  Reel   122
1954 January-1958 July
Box   8/2
  Reel   122
ADA World, articles
Box   8/2
  Reel   122
American Academy of Political and Social Science, correspondence 1951 September-December
Box   8/2
  Reel   122
American Civil Liberties Union, correspondence 1945 August-1953 May
Box   8/3
  Reel   123
American Council on Race Relations, 1947-1950
Box   8/3
  Reel   123
American Committee on Africa, correspondence 1953 August-1961 March
Box   8/3
  Reel   123
American Friends Service Committee, correspondence 1947 May-1957 December
Box   8/3
  Reel   123
American Jewish Committee, correspondence 1947 June-1953 May
Box   8/3
  Reel   123
American Political Science Association, correspondence 1952 June-1953 January
Box   8/3
  Reel   123
American Veterans Committee, correspondence 1950 February-1952, March
Box   8/3
  Reel   123
American Youth for a Free World, 1946-1948
Box   8/3
  Reel   123
American Youth for Democracy, correspondence 1946 December-1948 March
Box   8/3
  Reel   123
American Youth Peace Crusade, undated
Box   8/3
  Reel   123
Anti-Defamation League, correspondence 1947 June-1954 June
Box   8/3
  Reel   123
Anvil, correspondence 1953 April-1956 February
Box   8/3
  Reel   123
Association for World Travel Exchange, undated
Box   8/3
  Reel   123
Association of International Relations Clubs, correspondence 1952 July-1953 February
Box   8/4
  Reel   123
California, correspondence 1947 September-1959 May
Box   8/4
  Reel   123
Campaign for World Government, correspondence 1951 April-October
Box   8/4
  Reel   123
Campus Cooperatives, 1946-1954
Box   8/4
  Reel   123
Charter Applications, correspondence 1947 January-1952 October
Box   8/4
  Reel   124
Civil Liberties - Civil Rights, correspondence 1947 June-1954 April
Box   8/4
  Reel   124
College Newspapers, Lists, correspondence 1947 September
Box   8/4
  Reel   124
Collegiate Council for the United Nations, correspondence 1952 August-1957 April
Box   8/4
  Reel   124
Colorado, correspondence 1951 January-1957 October
Box   8/4
  Reel   124
Committee for Democratic Far Eastern Policy, correspondence 1948 February
Box   8/4
  Reel   124
Committee for the Marshall Plan, correspondence 1947 December-1948 December
Box   8/4
  Reel   124
Committee for World Development and World Disarmament, correspondence 1954 April
Box   8/5
  Reel   124
Communism, undated
Box   8/5
  Reel   124
Communist Peace Crusade, 1951
Box   8/5
  Reel   124
Concord, correspondence 1948 July-October
Box   8/5
  Reel   124
Congress of Industrial Organizations, correspondence 1950 July-1954 May
Box   8/5
  Reel   124
Congress of Racial Equality, correspondence 1947 July-1954 February
Box   8/5
  Reel   124
Connecticut - Yale University, correspondence 1953 March-1958 May
Box   8/5
  Reel   124
Conscription, correspondence 1946 March-1955 July
Box   8/6
  Reel   124
Constitutions, 1942 January-1958
Box   8/6
  Reel   125
1948-1950 June
Box   8/7
  Reel   125
1950-1953 December
Box   8/8
  Reel   125
Box   8/8
  Reel   126
Box   8/9
  Reel   126
Box   8/9
  Reel   126
Cooperative Commonwealth Youth Movement, correspondence 1947 December-1950 July
Box   8/9
  Reel   126
1943 February-1955 December
Box   8/10
  Reel   126
1956 January-1959 May
Box   8/10
  Reel   126
Cross Currents, 1950
Box   8/10
  Reel   126
Democracy Unlimited, correspondence 1953 February
Box   8/10
  Reel   126
Displaced Persons Project, correspondence 1948 September-1949 March
Box   8/10
  Reel   127
District of Columbia, correspondence 1947 April-1956 April
Box   8/10
  Reel   127
Education Policy, correspondence 1950 May-1959 September
Box   8/10
  Reel   127
Elections, correspondence 1948 July-1956 October
Box   8/11
  Reel   127
Executive Committee, correspondence and minutes 1947 August-1957 November
Box   8/11
  Reel   127
Fellowship of Reconciliation, correspondence 1947 October-1948 March
Box   8/11
  Reel   127
Field Organization, correspondence 1949 September-1956 April
Box   8/11
  Reel   127
Films, correspondence 1949 November
Box   8/11
  Reel   127
Fliers, 1951-1953
Box   8/11
  Reel   127
Foreign Policy, 1951 January-1952 March
Box   8/11
  Reel   127
Foundation for Youth and Student Affairs, correspondence 1951 June-1956 October
Box   8/11
  Reel   127
Fraternities, 1955
Box   8/11
  Reel   127
Georgia, correspondence 1951 February-1956 April
Box   8/11
  Reel   127
Hawaii - University of, correspondence 1951 December-1954 December
Box   8/11
  Reel   127
History of SDA, 1955
Box   8/11
  Reel   127
House Un-American Activities Committee, undated
Box   8/11
  Reel   127
International Ladies Garment Workers Union, correspondence 1948 September-1955 April
Box   8/11
  Reel   127
Illinois, correspondence 1954 March-1958 October
Box   8/11
  Reel   127
Immigration, correspondence 1954 July-1955 August
Box   8/11
  Reel   127
Impact Project, correspondence 1956 March -November
Box   8/12
  Reel   127
Indiana, correspondence 1950 October-1958 October
Box   8/12
  Reel   127
Intercollegian, correspondence 1949 September
Box   8/12
  Reel   127
Intercollegiate Society of Individualists, correspondence 1952 September-1953 May
Box   8/12
  Reel   127
International Affairs, correspondence 1947 July-1958 March
Box   8/12
  Reel   127
International Development Placement Association, correspondence 1951 June-1953 April
Box   8/12
  Reel   127
International League for the Rights of Man, correspondence 1951 January-1952 April
Box   8/12
  Reel   127
International Solidarity Committee, correspondence 1947 January-1950 May
Box   8/12
  Reel   127
International Student House, 1947-1949
Box   8/12
  Reel   127
Jewish Labor Committee, correspondence 1944 October-1951 December
Box   8/12
  Reel   128
Job Opportunities Catalog, SDA, correspondence 1951 July
Box   8/12
  Reel   128
Joint Committee for Student Action, 1947-1949
Box   8/12
  Reel   128
Kansas, correspondence 1954 April
Box   8/12
  Reel   128
Kentucky - Berea College, correspondence 1953 May-1958 July
Box   8/12
  Reel   128
Kohler Strike, correspondence 1956 October-December
Box   8/12
  Reel   128
Labor Projects, correspondence 1953 August-1956 October
Box   8/13
  Reel   128
Labor Youth League, correspondence 1950 March-1953 May
Box   8/13
  Reel   128
Leadership Program, correspondence 1952 March-1953 July
Box   8/13
  Reel   128
Liberal Party of New York State, correspondence 1947 January-1948 October
Box   8/13
  Reel   128
Magazine Project, correspondence 1949 October-1955 April
Box   8/13
  Reel   128
Maine, correspondence 1952 July-1958 January
Box   8/13
  Reel   128
Maryland, correspondence 1954 December-1958 May
Box   8/13
  Reel   128
Massachusetts, correspondence 1950 March-1959 March
Box   8/13
  Reel   129
Massachusetts - Harvard University, correspondence 1951 February-1958 April
Box   8/14
  Reel   129
McCarthy, Joseph, correspondence 1953 September-1954 November
Box   8/14
  Reel   129
Membership and Financial Records, 1950-1956
Box   8/14
  Reel   129
Membership Lists, correspondence 1951 September-1959 December
Box   8/14
  Reel   129
Methodist Student Movement, 1954-1955
Box   8/14
  Reel   129
Michigan - University of, correspondence 1950 October-1958 April
Box   8/14
  Reel   129
Mimeographed Materials, General 1946-1957
Box   8/14
  Reel   129
Minnesota, correspondence 1950 March-1958 September
Box   8/14
  Reel   129
Missouri, correspondence 1950 November-1958 January
Box   8/14
  Reel   129
Montana, correspondence 1952 July-1953 December
Box   8/15
  Reel   129
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, correspondence 1946 December-1957 December
Box   8/15
  Reel   129
National Association of Intergroup Relations Officials, 1949
Box   8/15
  Reel   129
National Board, SDA, correspondence and minutes 1947 May-1958 September
Box   8/15
  Reel   129
National Civil Liberties Clearing House, 1951 February-1956 June
Box   8/15
  Reel   130
National Conference on International Economic and Social Development, 1952
Box   8/16
  Reel   130
National Education Association, Citizenship Committee, correspondence 1951 May-1953 May
Box   8/16
  Reel   130
National Federation of Catholic College Students, correspondence 1948 April-1952 August
Box   8/16
  Reel   130
National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students, correspondence 1948 November-1956 April
National Student Association
Box   8/16
  Reel   130
Correspondence, 1946 December-1953 November
Box   8/17
  Reel   130
Correspondence, 1955 January-1964 January
Box   8/17
  Reel   131
Congress Reports, 1948-1955
Box   8/17
  Reel   131
Constitutions, Programs, and Miscellaneous Printed Material 1947-1962 November
Box   8/17
  Reel   131
Directories and Minutes, 1948 August-1955 August
Box   8/18
  Reel   131
Working Papers, 1950-1952
Box   8/18
  Reel   131
National Student Conference, correspondence 1952 March-1953 January
Box   8/18
  Reel   131
New Hampshire, correspondence 1952 November-1955 February
Box   8/18
  Reel   131
New Jersey, correspondence 1953 January-1958 February
New York
Box   8/18
  Reel   132
Correspondence, 1948 October-1955 March
Box   8/19
  Reel   132
Correspondence, 1955 April-1958 June
Box   8/19
  Reel   132
Bard College, correspondence 1952 May-1954 June
Box   8/19
  Reel   132
Brooklyn College, correspondence 1950 November-1957 May
Box   8/19
  Reel   132
City College, correspondence 1950 September-1959 November
Box   8/20
  Reel   132
Columbia University, correspondence 1950 April-1958 November
Box   8/20
  Reel   132
Sarah Lawrence College, correspondence 1952 January-1958 February
Box   8/20
  Reel   132
Syracuse University, correspondence 1950 May-1954 December
Box   8/20
  Reel   132
Union Theological Seminary, correspondence 1952 June-1955 July
Box   8/20
  Reel   133
New York Youth Council, correspondence 1946 January-1947 April
Box   8/20
  Reel   133
North Carolina, correspondence 1952 January-1959 June
Box   8/20
  Reel   133
Off-Shore Oil Controversy, 1953 February-March
Box   8/20
  Reel   133
Correspondence, 1952 March-1959 April
Box   8/20
  Reel   133
Antioch College, correspondence 1951 February-1958 January
Box   8/20
  Reel   133
Oberlin College, correspondence 1949 June-1958 December
Box   8/21
  Reel   133
Oklahoma, correspondence 1951 January-1955 November
Box   8/21
  Reel   133
Operation Brotherhood, correspondence 1953 February-1954 February
Box   8/21
  Reel   133
Oregon, correspondence 1952 February-1953 June
Box   8/21
  Reel   133
Overseas Review, 1957 December-1959
Box   8/21
  Reel   133
Organizing Conference, SDA 1947
Box   8/21
  Reel   133
Pamphlets, SDA undated
Box   8/21
  Reel   133
Parlimentary Procedure, undated
Box   8/21
  Reel   133
Peace Movements, correspondence 1948 July-1953 April
Box   8/21
  Reel   133
Correspondence, 1952 January-1958 February
Box   8/22
  Reel   133
Swarthmore College, correspondence 1952 March-1956 May
Box   8/22
  Reel   133
Temple University, correspondence 1951 February-1959 June
Box   8/22
  Reel   134
Pennsylvania, University of, correspondence 1952 February-1956 May
Box   8/22
  Reel   134
Political Action Committee, SDA, correspondence 1947 October-1954 July
Box   8/22
  Reel   134
Press Releases, 1952 April-1955
Box   8/22
  Reel   134
The Progressive, correspondence 1949 August-1952 March
Box   8/22
  Reel   134
Progressive Citizens of America, 1947
Box   8/22
  Reel   134
Public Affairs Institute, correspondence 1950 February-1951 September
Box   8/23
  Reel   134
Questionnaires, 1951
Box   8/23
  Reel   134
The Reporter, SDA 1947-1950
Box   8/23
  Reel   134
Resolutions and Statements, SDA undated
Box   8/23
  Reel   134
Rhode Island, correspondence 1950 January-1955 January
Box   8/23
  Reel   134
SANE, correspondence 1959 April
Box   8/23
  Reel   134
Socialist Youth League, correspondence 1951 November
Box   8/23
  Reel   134
Song Books, correspondence 1951 July
Box   8/23
  Reel   134
South Carolina, correspondence 1947 March-1950 September
Box   8/23
  Reel   134
Student League for Industrial Democracy, correspondence 1947 March-1956 February
Box   8/24
  Reel   134
Student League of America, correspondence 1941 January-1942 August
Box   8/24
  Reel   134
Student Liberal, SDA, correspondence 1948 July-1950 May
Box   8/24
  Reel   134
Student Progressive, correspondence 1947 November-December
Box   8/24
  Reel   134
Students for America, correspondence 1952 December-1954 March
Box   8/24
  Reel   134
Students for Henry Wallace, 1947-1948
Box   8/24
  Reel   135
Students-In-Industry Project, 1953-1954
Box   8/24
  Reel   135
Summer Institute for Social Progress, correspondence 1950 February-1955 June
Box   8/24
  Reel   135
Tax Status, correspondence 1952 July-September
Box   8/24
  Reel   135
Tennessee, correspondence 1947 October-1958 January
Box   8/25
  Reel   135
Tennessee Valley Authority, correspondence 1950 April-1951
Box   8/25
  Reel   135
Texas, correspondence 1943 February-1958 September
Box   8/25
  Reel   135
Textile Workers Union, correspondence 1947 April-1950 January
Box   8/25
  Reel   135
Third Parties, correspondence 1952 June
Box   8/25
  Reel   135
UNESCO, 1946 September-1957 December
Box   8/25
  Reel   135
United States Student Assembly, correspondence 1943 September-1946 December
Box   8/25
  Reel   135
United Student Christian Council, correspondence 1955 August-1956 May
United World Federalists
Box   8/25
  Reel   135
Clippings, undated
Box   8/26
  Reel   136
Correspondence, 1947 June-1954 June
Box   8/26
  Reel   136
Utah, correspondence 1947 September-1954 April
Box   8/26
  Reel   136
Valley Authorities, correspondence 1947 September-1948 January
Box   8/26
  Reel   136
Vermont, correspondence 1943 April-1958 March
Box   8/26
  Reel   136
Virginia, correspondence 1946 January-1958 March
Box   8/26
  Reel   136
War Resister's League, 1953-1954
Box   8/26
  Reel   136
Washington (State?), correspondence 1947 May-1953 September
Box   8/26
  Reel   136
Washington Interracial Workshop, correspondence 1946 November-1952 January
Box   8/26
  Reel   136
Washington Youth Council, 1939 September-1941 December
Box   8/27
  Reel   136
West Virginia, correspondence 1947 February-1954 December
Box   8/27
  Reel   136
Wisconsin, correspondence 1947 February-1956 May
Box   8/27
  Reel   136
Wisconsin, University of, correspondence 1947 March-1956 April
Box   8/27
  Reel   136
Workshops, correspondence 1947 June-1949 May
Box   8/27
  Reel   136
World, correspondence 1951 October-1953 September
Box   8/27
  Reel   136
Wyoming, correspondence 1948 February-1951 June
Young Adult Council of the National Social Welfare Assembly, correspondence
Box   8/27
  Reel   137
1949 July-1952 December
Box   8/28
  Reel   137
1953 February-1959 December
Box   8/28
  Reel   137
Young Christian Students, correspondence 1952 November-1953 February
Box   8/29
  Reel   137
Young Democrats, 1947 May-1952
Box   8/29
  Reel   137
Young People's Socialist League, correspondence 1947 February-1958 August
Box   8/29
  Reel   137
Young Progressives, correspondence 1946 April-1950 July
Box   8/29
  Reel   137
Young Socialist League, correspondence 1955 August-September
Subseries: CADA Files
Box   8/29
  Reel   137
Administrative Matters, 1959-1965
Box   8/29
  Reel   137
California, correspondence 1960 July-1963 November
Box   8/29
  Reel   137
Carolina, North and South, correspondence 1959 October-1964 November
Box   8/29
  Reel   137
Chapter Materials, General undated
Box   8/29
  Reel   137
Civil Rights, correspondence 1960 July-1964 October
Box   8/29
  Reel   138
Colorado, Connecticut, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Washington (State?), and Virginia, correspondence 1960 April-1964 November
Note: Filed with Colorado.
Box   8/29
  Reel   138
Constitutions, correspondence 1959 April-1961 June
Convention, correspondence
Box   8/29
  Reel   138
1959 December-1961 May
Box   8/30
  Reel   138
1962 February-1963 December
Box   8/30
  Reel   138
Correspondence, general 1959 September-1965 January
Box   8/30
  Reel   138
District of Columbia, correspondence 1961 March-1964 November
Box   8/30
  Reel   138
Executive Committee, CADA, correspondence 1960 March-1963 December
Box   8/30
  Reel   138
Florida, correspondence 1961 April-1963 August
Box   8/30
  Reel   138
Fliers, undated
Box   8/30
  Reel   138
Illinois, correspondence 1960 July-1963 October
Box   8/30
  Reel   138
Iowa, correspondence 1961 January-1962 May
Box   8/30
  Reel   138
Kansas, correspondence 1959 September-1964 November
Box   8/30
  Reel   138
Maryland, correspondence 1959 December-1964 October
Box   8/30
  Reel   138
Massachusetts, correspondence 1959 October-1964 November
Box   8/31
  Reel   138
Material From Other Organizations, correspondence 1961 August-1964 November
Box   8/31
  Reel   138
Membership lists, 1960-1963
Note: Filed with Colorado.
Box   8/31
  Reel   138
Missouri, correspondence 1960 September-1963 October
Box   8/31
  Reel   138
National Board, CADA, correspondence and minutes 1959 June-1964 February
National Student Association
Box   8/31
  Reel   139
Correspondence, 1960 April-1961 December
Box   8/32
  Reel   139
Correspondence, 1962 January-1964 November
Box   8/32
  Reel   139
Working Papers, 1960-1962
Box   8/32
  Reel   139
National Student FATE Conference, correspondence 1963 February-April
Note: Filed with Colorado.
New Hampshire
Note: Filed with Colorado.
Box   8/32
  Reel   139
New Jersey, correspondence 1959 November-1964 November
Box   8/32
  Reel   139
New York, correspondence 1959 September-1964 December
North Carolina
Note: See: Carolina, North and South
Box   8/32
  Reel   139
Ohio, correspondence 1958 October-1964 November
Box   8/32
  Reel   139
Oklahoma, correspondence 1960 January-1964 January
Box   8/33
  Reel   139
Peace Corps, 1961
Box   8/33
  Reel   139
Pennsylvania, correspondence 1959 September-1964 November
Box   8/33
  Reel   139
Political Action Committee, CADA undated
Box   8/33
  Reel   139
Publications, CADA Bulletin, correspondence 1961 November-1964 November
Rhode Island
Note: Filed with Colorado.
South Carolina
Note: See: Carolina, North and South
Box   8/33
  Reel   139
Students for a Democratic Society, correspondence 1961 January-1963 April
Box   8/33
  Reel   139
Texas, correspondence 1959 October-1964 November
Box   8/33
  Reel   139
United States Youth Council, correspondence 1963 June-1965 February
Note: Filed with Colorado.
Washington, D.C.
Note: See: District of Columbia.
Washington (State)
Note: Filed with Colorado.
Box   8/33
  Reel   139
Wisconsin, correspondence 1961 July-1963 May
Box   8/34
  Reel   140
Workshops, Projects, Political Action and Interests, correspondence 1960 November-1964 December
Box   8/34
  Reel   140
Young Adult Council of the National Social Welfare Assembly, correspondence 1960 May-1963
Box   8/34
  Reel   140
Young Americans for Freedom, correspondence 1961 March-1962 March
Box   8/34
  Reel   140
Young Democrats, correspondence 1961 November-1963 January
Series: Publications, 1932-1969
Physical Description: 2 reels of microfilm (35 mm) 
Scope and Content Note: Two publications of ADA. Only available on microfilm.
Reel   141
ADA World Books, 1932-1965
Reel   142
ADA Legislative Newsletter, 1949-1969
PH 3142
Part 2 (PH 3142): Additions, 1950s
Physical Description: 0.4 cubic feet of photographs (1 archives box) 
Scope and Content Note: Photographs of conventions and meetings, study abroad trips to Europe and other activities, individual and group portraits, and Students for a Democratic America (SDA).
Box   1
  Folder   1-4
Conventions and meetings
Box   1
  Folder   9
Convention, 1954
Box   1
  Folder   5
Board meetings
Box   1
  Folder   6
Roosevelt Day Dinners
Box   1
  Folder   8
Workshop, 1951
Box   1
  Folder   7
Study trips abroad to Vienna
Box   1
  Folder   10
Study trips abroad to Italy
Box   1
  Folder   11
Study trips abroad Berlin, Germany
Box   1
  Folder   13
Study trips abroad to England
Box   1
  Folder   12
Study trips abroad group portraits
Box   1
  Folder   14
Study trips abroad miscellaneous activities
Box   1
  Folder   15
Individual portraits
Box   1
  Folder   18
Group portraits
Box   1
  Folder   16
Students for a Democratic America (SDA)
Box   1
  Folder   17
Activities, unidentified
Audio 1357A
Part 3 (Audio 1357A): Additions, 1950-1971, 1992-1999
Physical Description: 79 audio recordings 
Scope and Content Note: Sound recordings of radio programs, interviews, speeches, and ADA convention events. Audio 1357A/56-79 from accession M2000-164.
Audio   1357A/1
Senator Joe Clark of Pennsylvania, interviewed by Al Hamilton, opening session of Congress
Audio   1357A/2
The 87th Congress and Senate Rule 22, 1960 December
Note: Guests: Senator Paul H. Douglas (IIIinois), Joseph Rauh, attorney and former National Chairman ADA. Moderator William Shannon, political correspondent New York Post.
Audio   1357A/3
"What Happened to Civil Rights in Congress?", 1964? April 28
Note: Congressman James Roosevelt (D-California), Anthony Lewis, Washington correspondent New York Times, moderator William L. Taylor.
Audio   1357A/4
Martin Luther King before ADA at Statler Hotel, 1964 May 16
Audio   1357A/5
"Keep Posted" / Richard Nixon and F. Biddle, 1952 February 5
Note: How we can best fight communism in America. Copied from WOR discs on June 5, 1956.
Audio   1357A/6
School Series - Shadil and Panel, 1953 May 13
Audio   1357A/7
Elmer Davis interviews: Stevenson and Kefauver, 1956 April 23-24
Audio   1357A/8
Elmer Davis interviews: Stevenson, 1956 May
Audio   1357A/9
Elmer Davis interviews: Harriman, 1956 May
Audio   1357A/10
Elmer Davis interviews: Kefauver, 1956 May
Audio   1357A/38
Elmer Davis interviews: Governor Harriman
Audio   1357A/11
Roosevelt Day Dinner, Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C. 1958
Audio   1357A/12
"Open Hearing," "Nigeria's New Independence," ABC-TV 1959 May 10
Note: Dr. Jose Figueres, former president of Costa Rica, Dr. John N. Ukaboo, 1st Secretary of Nigerian liaison office in Washington, Dr. Mehta of India.
Audio   1357A/13
"What is the ADA?" Georgetown University, Forum 668 1960 January 20
Note: Panel: Congressman James Roosevelt, Robert R. Nathan, Joseph Rauh. Moderator Matthew Warren.
Audio   1357A/14
Kruyrer, Howell 1960 February 28
Audio   1357A/15
"Sit-Ins in the South"", 1960 April 14
Note: With William Shannon, New York Post; Thurman Davis, Hampton Institute; and Paul DuBrul, Hunter College on leave for "National Student Association to Help Negro Students."
Audio   1357A/16
"The Forand Bill: Its Substance and Politics", 1960 June 7
Note: Participants: Senator Clair Engle (D-California), Nelson Cruikshank, director Department of Social Security, AFL-CIO. Moderator Joseph L. Rauh, civil rights and civil liberties attorney and vice-chairman of ADA.
Audio   1357A/17
Highlights of address by Agnes Meyers to the Democratic Women's Conference, Washington, D.C. 1960 October 29
Note: Broadcast November 6, 1960? on "Range of Opinion."
Audio   1357A/18
Excerpts of Dr. John K. Galbraith before American Association of Land Grant Colleges and State Universities, Washington, D.C. 1960 November 16
Audio   1357A/19
Senator Proxmire interviewed by Senator J.S. Cooper, 1960 December 2
Note: On school desegregation, especially in New Orleans.
Audio   1357A/20
"Inside the White House", 1960 December 2
Note: Broadcast on KPFK program Range of Opinion. Moderator William L. Taylor. Guests David Lloyd, Robert Merriam, Sidney Hyman.
Audio   1357A/21
"Inside the White House" (continued), 1960 December 2
Audio   1357A/22
"1961 Inaugural", 1961 January 18
Note: Guests: Tom Kelly, Washington Daily News; Haynes Johnson, Washington Evening Star. Moderator: Page Wilson, ADA.
Audio   1357A/23
"Africa: The Newly Emerging Continent", 1961 January 29
Note: Guests: Winifred Armstrong, consultant in African Affairs to Congress; Edward D. Hollander, economist, Robert Nathan Associates. Moderator: David Williams, ADA.
Audio   1357A/24
Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, 14th ADA convention, Washington, D.C. 1961 May 13
Audio   1357A/25
Governor Gaylord Nelson to D.C. Chapter, ADA Roosevelt Day Dinner 1962 February 17
Audio   1357A/26
Governor Gaylord Nelson to D.C. Chapter, ADA Roosevelt Day Dinner (continued) 1962 February 17
Audio   1357A/27
16th Annual Convention of Massachuetts Chapter ADA, 1962 December 6
Audio   1357A/28
16th Annual Convention of Massachuetts Chapter ADA (continued), 1962 December 6
Audio   1357A/29
16th Annual Convention of Massachuetts Chapter ADA (continued), 1962 December 6
Audio   1357A/30
ADA Meeting Empire Room, Shoreham Hotel 1966 April 23
Audio   1357A/31
ADA Meeting Empire Room, Shoreham Hotel (continued) 1966 April 23
Audio   1357A/32
Senator Estes Kefauver
Audio   1357A/33
Senator Estes Kefauver (continued)
Audio   1357A/34
Senator Estes Kefauver (continued)
Audio   1357A/35
"New Frontiers: Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Senator John Kennedy"
Note: Narrated by Dr. Virginia Lewis of Hood College, Frederick, Maryland.
Audio   1357A/36
James B. Carey, president IUE-AFL/CIO, speaking for ADA on WBNJ
Audio   1357A/37
"Leading Question," "What's ahead for American Liberals?"
Note: Gilbert Harrison, editor/publisher of The New Republic, and William F. Buckley Jr., editor of The National Review.
Audio   1357A/39
"Balance of Payments"
Note: Robert L. Nathan, consulting economist at WASH; Thomas W. Wilson, editor of Economic World. Moderator: David C. Williamson
Audio   1357A/40
Audio   1357A/41
ADA #2
Audio   1357A/42
ADA #3
Audio   1357A/43
ADA #4
Audio   1357A/44
ADA #5
Audio   1357A/45
ADA #6
Audio   1357A/46
ADA #7
Audio   1357A/47
ADA #8
Audio   1357A/48
Joe Glazer ; "Ballads for Ballots"
Audio   1357A/49
Joe Glazer ; Democratic Songs
Audio   1357A/50
Mayday 1971, 1971
Note: Senator James Budkley, Joseph L. Rauh, Chief Judge Greene, Police Chief Wilson.
Audio   1357A/51
#2 R.D.
Audio   1357A/52
#3 R.D.
Audio   1357A/53
#4 R.D.
Audio   1357A/54
Program: Americans for Democratic Action, Washington, D.C. 1950 April 1
Note: Version 1.
Audio   1357A/55
Program: Americans for Democratic Action, Washington, D.C. 1951 April 1
Note: Version 2.
Audio   1357A/56
Bob Filner, Evelyn Du(?)
Note: Our recording system.
Audio   1357A/57
A view from the hill / Bob Filner
Note: Hotel recording.
Audio   1357A/58
Talk and questions
Note: Hotel taping system.
Audio   1357A/59
Seth Goldman, Helen Mills, Charles Lacuna(?), Jerome Gnommar(?)
Audio   1357A/60
Internal ADA and Nicco(?)
Audio   1357A/61
Jesse Jackson Jr.
Audio   1357A/62
Civil and Human Rights panel / Beginning of Nomination Committee Report / NATO Panel
Audio   1357A/63
Economic panel / NATO - healthcare
Audio   1357A/64
2nd healthcare panel / Pete Ecklman(?)
Audio   1357A/65
Note: First tape.
Audio   1357A/66
New Voices of Liberation (Reemer-Ali-Wade) / New Voices of Liberation (Kegan)
Audio   1357A/67
Passing the Torch
Audio   1357A/68
ADA, Tape 1 1992 March 3
Audio   1357A/69
ADA, Tape 2 1992 March 3
Audio   1357A/70
ADA, Tape 3 1992 March 3
Audio   1357A/71
ADA, Tape 4 1992 March 3
Audio   1357A/72
ADA, Tape 5 1992 March 3
Audio   1357A/73
Democrats 2000, 1997 June 19
Audio   1357A/74
Democrats 2000 / Statue rededication, 1997 June 19
Audio   1357A/75
Convention: Barney Frank, Ann Lewis 1997 June 20
Audio   1357A/76
Convention: Deckard, Wade, Doug Frasier, introduction to David Ginsburg
Audio   1357A/77
Convention, Tape 1 1999
Audio   1357A/78
Convention, Tape 2 1999
Audio   1357A/79
Convention, Tape 3 1999
Audio   1357A/80
Wayne Johnson
Audio   1357A/81
Audio   1357A/82
Audio   1357A/83
Economic Policy Committee
Audio   1357A/84
Part 4 (M97-135): Additions, 1943-1995
Alternate Format: Selections found in ProQuest History Vault. Access by subscription; available at the Wisconsin Historical Society, 816 State Street, Madison, Wisconsin.

Physical Description: 34.6 cubic feet (33 record center cartons, 3 archives boxes, 2 flat boxes), and 0.3 cubic feet of photographs, negatives and transparencies (3 folders) 
Scope and Content Note: Additions including chapter files, subject files, committee materials, correspondence, minutes, memoranda, press releases, platforms, speeches and Congressional testimony, financial reports, fund raising letters, photographs, brochures, pamphlets, newsletters, Congressional voting records issued by ADA, convention materials, and papers on special events such as the annual Roosevelt Day Dinners, the ADA Roosevelt Centennial Conference (1982), and the ADA Citizens' Energy Oversight Hearings (1981). Also included are records of UDA, the predecessor of ADA; ADA (formerly UDA) Educational Fund, Inc.; the ADA Political Action Committee; the ADA Youth Caucus (formerly Students for Democratic Action and Campus ADA); and the first half of an unpublished history of ADA. The records also document the ADA's relationship with the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic National Party, and the active role taken by Leon Shull, who became national director in 1964.
Union of Democratic Action, 1945-1947
Box   1
  Folder   1
Box   1
  Folder   2
Box   1
  Folder   3
Election charts
Box   1
  Folder   4
Box   1
  Folder   5
Administrative files
Box   1
  Folder   6
Annual report, 1992
Box   1
  Folder   7
Background materials, miscellaneous
Box   1
  Folder   8-14
Businessmen's Council, National 1965-1975 ADA-sponsored
Box   1
  Folder   15-47
A-M, 1960-1972
Box   2
  Folder   1-18
N-T, 1960-1972
Box   2
  Folder   19-49
A-L, 1963-1974
Box   3
  Folder   1-35
M-Z, 1963-1974
Box   4
  Folder   1-23
A-M, 1967-1978
Box   4
  Folder   24-39
A-S, 1976-1984
Box   5
  Folder   1-9
1964 November-1965 July
Box   5
  Folder   10-34
1971 May-1977 December
Box   5
  Folder   35-39
Leon Shull, 1969-1978
Box   6
  Folder   1-7
Leon Shull, 1979-1981
Box   6
  Folder   8-18
Congressional, 1964-1983
Box   6
  Folder   19
Chapter organizing, undated
Box   6
  Folder   20
Organizing manual for new chapters of ADA, 1981
Box   6
  Folder   21
Chapter mailing lists, 1965
Box   6
  Folder   22
Chapter information booklet, 1977
Box   6
  Folder   23
To chapters regarding homebuilders, 1965
Committees, departments, task forces, commissions
Box   6
  Folder   24
ADA committee of the whole, 1947
Box   6
  Folder   25
Committee on national convention procedure, 1970-1971
Box   6
  Folder   26
Consumer affairs
Box   6
  Folder   27
Department reports drafts, 1968-1969
Box   6
  Folder   28-29
Development, 1984, 1988
Box   6
  Folder   30
Domestic policy, 1965
Box   6
  Folder   31-37
Energy and environment, 1981-1982
Box   6
  Folder   38-39
Finance, 1966-1975, 1970-1980
Box   7
  Folder   1-2
Foreign policy, 1964-1967
Box   7
  Folder   3
Housing and urban development, 1965-1966
Box   7
  Folder   4
Lawyers' Review Committee to Study the Justice Department
Box   7
  Folder   5
Legislative department, 1980-1981
Box   7
  Folder   6
Legislative committee, 1990
Box   7
  Folder   7-12
Organization, 1947-1969
Box   7
  Folder   13
Political policy, 1971
Box   7
  Folder   14
School-community relations
Box   7
  Folder   15
Special committee to study ADA procedures, 1967-1968
Box   7
  Folder   16
Urban policy task force, 1978
Box   7
  Folder   17
Congressional database agreement, 1991
Executive committee
Box   7
  Folder   18
Correspondence, 1962-1963
Box   7
  Folder   19
Retreat, 1989
Box   7
  Folder   20-40
Meetings, 1947-1989
Box   8
  Folder   1-32
Meetings, 1980-1994
Box   37
Account book of purchases and disbursements, 1942-1952
Box   8
  Folder   33
Budget, 1989
Box   8
  Folder   34-36
Chapter per capita, 1962-1963, 1968-1971, 1987
Box   8
  Folder   37
Federal Corrupt Practices Act report, 1966
Box   8
  Folder   38-39
Financial statements, 1968-1972
Box   8
  Folder   40
Federal election campaign reports, 1972
Box   8
  Folder   41
Federal election commission, 1976
Fund raising
Box   8
  Folder   42
Contributors lists, 1972-1973
Box   8
  Folder   43
Promotional funding account, 1973
Box   8
  Folder   44
Fund raising, 1990
Box   8
  Folder   45-52
Promotional mailings, 1957-1990s
Box   8
  Folder   53-54
Future project, 1973-1974
Box   9
  Folder   1
Guides to "Issues" and "Foreign Policy" files
Box   9
  Folder   2
Intern handouts
Box   9
  Folder   3
Lists of founders, chairs and presidents, national board, biographical sketches
Box   9
  Folder   4-7
Member Surveys, 1965-1967, 1991
Box   9
  Folder   8-25
Mimeographed mailings to national officers, national board, and chapters 1951-1953, 1962-1983, undated
National board
Box   9
  Folder   26-36
Box   10
  Folder   1-43
Box   11
  Folder   1-15
Political Action Committee (ADA PAC)
Box   11
  Folder   16
Box   11
  Folder   17
Federal Election Commission reports, 1979-1983
Box   12
  Folder   1
Federal Election Commission reports, 1984-1988
Box   12
  Folder   2-5
General, 1980-1990
Box   12
  Folder   6
Speaker's Bureau, 1981
Box   12
  Folder   7
State Department meeting, 1986
Box   12
  Folder   8
Survey of office systems and administrative organization, 1969
Box   12
  Folder   9
Telegrams (sent), 1965
Trips Abroad, ADA, 1950-1972
Box   12
  Folder   10-11
Tours, 1963-1965
Box   12
  Folder   12-14
American Travel Association, 1963-1977
Box   12
  Folder   15
Lambert, Richard mailings 1959-1965
Box   12
  Folder   16-49
Trips, 1950-1975
UDA (later ADA) Educational Fund, 1943-1991
Box   12
  Folder   50
ADA economic summit, 1988
Box   12
  Folder   51
Board, 1951-1966, 1976-1977, 1991
Box   12
  Folder   52
Correspondence, 1965-1977, 1982
Box   12
  Folder   53
Internal Revenue Service, 1943-1984
Box   12
  Folder   54-55
Audit reports, 1947-1952, 1958-1959, 1961
Box   12
  Folder   56
Income and expenditures, 1964-1966
Box   12
  Folder   57
Book project, 1964-1969
Box   12
  Folder   58-59
25th anniversary conference, 1966
Box   13
  Folder   1
Human rights project, 1984
Box   13
  Folder   2-3
The Liberal Agenda, 1977
Box   13
  Folder   4-5
"Liberals Look to the Future" conference, 1985
Box   13
  Folder   6
The New Agenda, 1973
Box   13
  Folder   7
Box   13
  Folder   8
Policy conference, 1989
Box   13
  Folder   9
Elmer Davis project
Box   13
  Folder   10
Radio project, 1968
Box   13
  Folder   11
Watergate project, 1973
Box   13
  Folder   12
"With Liberty and Justice for All" conference, 1987
Chapter files
Box   14
  Folder   1-4
State, 1963-1975
Box   14
  Folder   5-7
Northern, 1964-1968
Box   14
  Folder   8-10
Southern, 1963-1967, 1982, 1987-1988
Box   14
  Folder   11
1965-1966, 1963-1967, 1982, 1987-1988
District of Columbia
Box   14
  Folder   12-13
1965-1972, 1987-1988
Florida, South
Box   14
  Folder   14
Box   14
  Folder   15
Box   14
  Folder   16-19
State, 1967-1973
Box   14
  Folder   20-21
IVI-IPO, Chicago 1984-1986
Box   14
  Folder   22
Northern Illinois
Box   15
  Folder   1-2
State, 1964-1970
Box   15
  Folder   3
Baltimore, 1988
Box   15
  Folder   4-9
1964-1970, 1989
Box   15
  Folder   10
Box   15
  Folder   11
Ann Arbor, 1967-1970
Box   15
  Folder   12-13
Metropolitan Detroit, 1964-1970
Box   15
  Folder   14-15
1970-1971, 1983
Box   15
  Folder   16-17
St. Louis, 1964-1971
New Jersey
Box   15
  Folder   18-20
New York
Box   15
  Folder   21-24
State, 1961-1974, 1987
Box   15
  Folder   25
Greenwich Village, 1962-1969
Box   15
  Folder   27-28
Long Island, 1986-1989
Box   15
  Folder   29
Queens, 1962-1967
Box   15
  Folder   30
State, 1967-1976
Box   15
  Folder   31
Akron, 1964
Box   15
  Folder   32
Central, 1965-1967
Box   16
  Folder   1-2
Cleveland, 1964-1971
Box   16
  Folder   3
Lorain County, 1965
Box   16
  Folder   4
Pittsburgh, 1964-1971
Box   16
  Folder   5-9
Southeast, 1964-1969, 1987-1989
Washington State
Box   16
  Folder   10
1964-1969, 1987-1989
Box   16
  Folder   11
Madison, 1964-1965
Box   16
  Folder   12
Milwaukee, 1965-1966
Convention files
Box   16
  Folder   13-28
Box   17
Box   18
Box   19
Box   20
  Folder   1-25
Legislative files
Federal budget files by fiscal year
Box   20
  Folder   26-46
Box   21
  Folder   1-11
Legislative actions
Box   21
  Folder   12
Legislative mailings
Box   21
  Folder   13-19
1965, 1971-1984, 1991-1994
Legislative priorities
Box   21
  Folder   20
1960s, 1990-1991
Legislative programs, ADA
Box   21
  Folder   21
Subject files
Box   21
  Folder   22
Anti-ballistic missile (ABM), 1970
Box   21
  Folder   23
A. Philip Randolph Institute
Box   21
  Folder   24
Ad hoc committee on the human rights and genocide treaties
Box   21
  Folder   25
Army civilian investigation, 1970
Box   21
  Folder   26
Box   21
  Folder   27
Civil rights
Box   21
  Folder   28-29
Congressional reform
Box   21
  Folder   30
Cooper-Church information
Box   21
  Folder   31
Dominican Republic
Box   21
  Folder   32
Elementary and secondary education act of 1965
Box   21
  Folder   33
Update of foreign aide bill
Box   21
  Folder   34
Gravel-Hatfield amendment
Box   21
  Folder   35
House UnAmerican Activities Committee
Box   21
  Folder   36
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Box   21
  Folder   37
Juvenile delinquency
Box   21
  Folder   38
Longstreth, 1971
Box   21
  Folder   39
March on Washington, November 27, 1965
Box   21
  Folder   40
McCarthy Eugene, historical project
Box   21
  Folder   41
McCarthy, Eugene 1967-1968
Box   21
  Folder   42
Box   21
  Folder   43
Mississippi Challenge
Box   21
  Folder   44
National Peace Action Coalition
Box   22
  Folder   1
Nixon, Richard M.
Box   22
  Folder   2
Peace caucus
Box   22
  Folder   3
People's platform
Box   22
  Folder   4
Planned Parenthood
Box   22
  Folder   5
Planning conference
Box   22
  Folder   6
Poor people's conference
Box   22
  Folder   7
Rural and farm problems commission
Box   22
  Folder   8
Scholarship, Education and Defense Fund for Racial Equality
Box   22
  Folder   9
Box   22
  Folder   10
Box   22
  Folder   11
Selective Service
Box   22
  Folder   12-13
Self-determination for D.C.
Box   22
  Folder   14
Selma, Alabama 1965
Box   22
  Folder   15
Stokes, Carl
Box   22
  Folder   16
Tax reduction
Box   22
  Folder   17
Tyler et al.
Box   22
  Folder   18-19
Box   22
  Folder   20
Vietnam Moratorium Committee, New Mobilization
Box   22
  Folder   21
South Vietnam election
Box   22
  Folder   22
Voting rights bill, H.R. 6400
Box   22
  Folder   23
Young People's Socialist League
Box   22
  Folder   24-25
Box   22
  Folder   26
Ad Hoc Coalition, internal
Box   22
  Folder   27
Alaska lands
Box   22
  Folder   28
Anti-recession stimulus
Box   22
  Folder   29
Athens Lumber versus FEC
Box   22
  Folder   30
British trade unions
Box   22
  Folder   31
Capital punishment, gun control
Box   22
  Folder   32
Carter's supply side tax cuts
Box   22
  Folder   33
Child care legislation
Box   22
  Folder   34
Clean Air Act reauthorization
Box   22
  Folder   35
CDFP, internal
Box   22
  Folder   36
Corporate democracy
Box   22
  Folder   37
Coalition for Jobs and Human Needs
Box   22
  Folder   38
Council on national priorities and resources
Box   22
  Folder   39
Criminal code, federal reform
Box   22
  Folder   40
Criminal justice
Box   22
  Folder   41
Civil rights V.R.
Box   22
  Folder   42-43
D.C. voting rights
Box   22
  Folder   44
Domestic violence
Box   22
  Folder   45-46
Draft, anti-draft
Box   22
  Folder   47
Draft registration
Box   22
  Folder   48
Economic policy articles and information
Box   22
  Folder   49
Energy assistance
Box   23
  Folder   1-2
Energy policy
Box   23
  Folder   3
Equal Rights Amendment
Box   23
  Folder   4
Fair credit
Box   23
  Folder   5
Federal Communications Commission
Box   23
  Folder   6
Full Employments Action Council
Box   23
  Folder   7-8
Full employment
Box   23
  Folder   9-10
Full employment, Humphrey-Hawkins bill
Box   23
  Folder   11
Full employment, economic recovery
Box   23
  Folder   12
Full Employment Action Council
Box   23
  Folder   13
Full employment letters
Box   23
  Folder   14
Harris Bank case employment discrimination
Box   23
  Folder   15
Health Care for All Americans Act, 1979
Box   23
  Folder   16
Box   23
  Folder   17
Human rights
Box   23
  Folder   18
Infant Formula Action Council
Box   23
  Folder   19
Box   23
  Folder   20
International Center for Peace in the Middle East
Box   23
  Folder   21
Leadership Council on Civil Rights
Box   23
  Folder   22
League of Women Voters
Box   23
  Folder   23
Lou Grant show cancellation, 1982
Box   23
  Folder   24-25
Minimum wage bill
Box   23
  Folder   26
National AIDS Vigil Commission
Box   23
  Folder   27
National Alliance on Shaping Safer Cities
Box   23
  Folder   28
National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Box   23
  Folder   29
National Association for Southern Poor
Box   24
  Folder   1
National Association for Southern Poor (continued)
Box   24
  Folder   2
National Conference for Public Service Employment
Box   24
  Folder   3
National Consumers League
Box   24
  Folder   4
National Education Association
Box   24
  Folder   5
Natural gas decontrol
Box   24
  Folder   6
National health plan, 1979
Box   24
  Folder   7
National Organization of Women, Equal Rights Amendment
Box   24
  Folder   8-9
National service
Box   24
  Folder   10
The New Republic
Box   24
  Folder   11
Box   24
  Folder   12
Nuclear test ban
Box   24
  Folder   13
NAFTA information package
Box   24
  Folder   14
Nuclear war
Box   24
  Folder   15
Oil decontrol, 1979
Box   24
  Folder   16
Panama Canal
Box   24
  Folder   17-18
Pay equity
Box   24
  Folder   19
Phillip, Van Heusen, ACWA
Box   24
  Folder   20
Private clubs
Box   24
  Folder   21
Progressive Alliance
Box   24
  Folder   22
Project Vote
Box   24
  Folder   23
Public broadcasting
Box   24
  Folder   24
Box   24
  Folder   25
Box   24
  Folder   26-27
Revenue sharing
Box   24
  Folder   28
Skokie march, 1978
Box   24
  Folder   29-30
Tax reform
Box   24
  Folder   31
Title III education, 1980
Box   24
  Folder   32-33
Transfer amendment
Box   25
  Folder   1
United Auto Workers
Box   25
  Folder   2
United Nations
Box   25
  Folder   3
United Steelworkers
Box   25
  Folder   4
United States National Student Association
Box   25
  Folder   5
Urban policy, 1975-1978
Box   25
  Folder   6
Villers Foundation
Box   25
  Folder   7-8
Voter registration
Box   25
  Folder   9-12
Welfare reform
Box   25
  Folder   13
Williams, Lall United Nations
Box   25
  Folder   14
Women's Caucus
Box   25
  Folder   15
Women's rights
Box   25
  Folder   16
Youth registration project, 1971-1972
Darryl Fagin, legislative director 1977-1991
Box   25
  Folder   17
Box   25
  Folder   18
Abortion cases, amicus curiae briefs
Box   25
  Folder   19
Abortion, Title X gag rule
Box   25
  Folder   20
Affirmative action
Box   25
  Folder   21
AIDS CARE bill of 1990
Box   25
  Folder   22
Amicus curiae briefs
Box   25
  Folder   23
Arms control
Box   25
  Folder   24
Assault weapons
Box   25
  Folder   25
Box   25
  Folder   26
Civil Rights Act
Box   25
  Folder   27
D.C. statehood
Box   25
  Folder   28
Death penalty
Box   25
  Folder   29
Economic Recovery Act, 1981
Box   25
  Folder   30
Hate crimes statistics act
Box   25
  Folder   31
Korea, North and South
Box   26
  Folder   1-2
Middle East
Box   26
  Folder   3
Military base closing commission
Box   26
  Folder   4
Nicaragua, amicus curiae brief
Box   26
  Folder   5
Pay equity
Box   26
  Folder   6
Racial Justice Act
Box   26
  Folder   7
Striker replacement act
Box   26
  Folder   8
Voter Registration Act
Box   26
  Folder   9
Walter-McCarren Act
Amy Isaacs, National Director 1990-1993
Box   26
  Folder   10
Box   26
  Folder   11
Box   26
  Folder   12
Congressional staff briefings
Box   26
  Folder   13
Proposed legislative priorities for the 103rd Congress
Box   26
  Folder   14
Bank of Credit and Commerce International
Box   26
  Folder   15
Campaign for New Priorities
Box   26
  Folder   16-19
Civil Rights Act
Box   26
  Folder   20
Cuba, Representative Torricelli
Box   26
  Folder   21
Family medical leave
Box   26
  Folder   22
Gun control
Box   26
  Folder   23
Israel and the Middle East
Box   26
  Folder   24
Lift the ban of gays in the military
Box   26
  Folder   25
Workplace fairness, H.R. 5
Box   26
  Folder   26
ADA Voting Records
Box   26
  Folder   27
Voting profiles, 1947-1965, 1969-1982, 1991-1992
Legislators' recordings
Box   26
  Folder   28-36
Box   27
  Folder   1-21
Political files, 1948-1992
Box   28
  Folder   1
Eisenhower, 1948
Box   28
  Folder   2
Democratic Party Rules Committee, 1951-1956
Box   28
  Folder   3
Stevenson, general material 1952
Box   28
  Folder   4
Democratic National Committee chairmanship, 1954
Box   28
  Folder   5
Democratic Advisory Committee on Political Organization, 1955-1960
Box   28
  Folder   6
Harriman, 1956
Box   28
  Folder   7
Mississippi Democratic Convention, 1956
Box   28
  Folder   8
Democratic National Convention, 1957-1958
Box   28
  Folder   9
Democratic state political lists, 1958-1960
Box   28
  Folder   10
Young Democrats, 1959
Box   28
  Folder   11
Kennedy campaign, 1960
Box   28
  Folder   12
Political reform, 1962-1974
Box   28
  Folder   13
Congressional reform, 1964-1973
Box   28
  Folder   14
Congressional candidates, 1964
Box   28
  Folder   15
Democratic National Convention, 1964
Box   28
  Folder   16
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 1965
Box   28
  Folder   17
Candidates, 1966
Box   28
  Folder   18-19
Democratic National Convention, 1968
Box   28
  Folder   20
Presidential campaign activities, 1968
Box   28
  Folder   21
Humphrey campaign, 1968
Box   28
  Folder   22-23
Joseph Duffy, ADA National Chair, Senate campaign 1969-1978
Box   28
  Folder   24
Haynsworth, Clement, Jr., nomination to Supreme Court 1969
Box   28
  Folder   25
Candidate Support Committee referendum, 1970
Box   28
  Folder   26
Elections, 1970
Box   28
  Folder   27
Domestic, economic affairs Democratic Advisory Council 1971
Box   28
  Folder   28
Senate Democratic Caucus, 1970-1971
Box   28
  Folder   29
Mississippi challenge, 1971
Box   28
  Folder   30
Elections, 1971
Box   28
  Folder   31
Biltmore Political Conference, 1972
Box   28
  Folder   32
Democratic National Convention task force, 1972
Box   28
  Folder   33
Democratic planning group, 1973
Box   28
  Folder   34
Democratic conference, 1975
Box   28
  Folder   35
Presidential hopefuls, 1975
Box   28
  Folder   36
Model platform, 1976
Box   28
  Folder   37
Democratic conference fundraiser, 1976
Box   28
  Folder   38
"Procedures for selection of delegates"
Box   28
  Folder   39
Lobbying reports, 1976-1980
Box   28
  Folder   40-41
Democratic National Convention, 1976
Box   29
  Folder   1-2
Winograd Commission reports, 1976-1978
Box   29
  Folder   3
Democratic conference, 1977
Box   29
  Folder   4
Mid-term conference, 1977
Box   29
  Folder   5
Election reform, 1979
Box   29
  Folder   6
Draft Kennedy, 1980
Box   29
  Folder   7
Justice Rehnquist, 1986
Box   29
  Folder   8
Presidential nomination, 1980
Box   29
  Folder   9
Election, 1982
Box   29
  Folder   10
Legal Services Corporation appointments, 1982
Box   29
  Folder   11
Fitzwater material, 1982-1986
Box   29
  Folder   12
Meese nomination, 1984
Box   29
  Folder   13
Scalia, Supreme Court justices
Box   29
  Folder   14
Anthony Kennedy
Box   29
  Folder   15
Bork appointment
Box   29
  Folder   16
Presidential candidates and staffs, 1988
Box   29
  Folder   17
Bernard Siegan nomination, 1988
Box   29
  Folder   18
Bush statements
Box   29
  Folder   19
Bush attack research
Box   29
  Folder   20
Quayle attack research
Box   29
  Folder   21
Bush, George 1988-1992
Box   29
  Folder   22
Supreme Court, Souter nominations 1990
Box   29
  Folder   23-25
Supreme Court, Thomas nominations 1991
Public relations files
Box   29
  Folder   26
ADA World Vietnam special edition, 1966
Box   29
  Folder   27
Fact sheets, 1970-1975
Gallo, Frank, press secretary, files 1981-1984
Box   29
  Folder   28
Box   29
  Folder   29
Air controller strike
Box   29
  Folder   30
Auto "content" bill
Box   29
  Folder   31
Corporate PACs, amicus curiae brief
Box   29
  Folder   32
Box   29
  Folder   33
Box   29
  Folder   34
Box   29
  Folder   35
500 Days report
Box   29
  Folder   36
Flat-rate income tax
Box   29
  Folder   37
Freeze conference ADA Youth Caucus, 1982
Box   29
  Folder   38
Full employment
Box   29
  Folder   39
Gay rights
Box   29
  Folder   40
Box   29
  Folder   41
Let Them Eat Cake sale, 1983
Box   29
  Folder   42
Media issues
Box   29
  Folder   43
MX missile
Box   29
  Folder   44
1000 Days report
Box   29
  Folder   45
Box   30
  Folder   1
Nestle boycott picket lines, 1981-1983
Box   30
  Folder   2
Pay equity for women
Box   30
  Folder   3
Pay equity press conference, 1983
Box   30
  Folder   4
Presidential candidates at board meeting, 1983
Box   30
  Folder   5
Rizzo book
Box   30
  Folder   6
Radio spots
Box   30
  Folder   7
Social security
Box   30
  Folder   8
Talk shows
Box   30
  Folder   9
Tax Day protests and postcard campaign, 1983
Box   30
  Folder   10
Tuition tax credits
Ganz, Curtis, director of information
Box   30
  Folder   11
Correspondence, 1965
Newspaper clippings and printed materials about ADA
Box   38
Album of clippings oversize
Box   30
  Folder   12-17
Loose clippings
Box   30
  Folder   18
Publications about ADA by other organizations
Press releases
Box   30
  Folder   19-36
Box   31
  Folder   1-10
Box   32
  Folder   1
Public information, outgoing 1978
Box   32
  Folder   2
Responses to Galbraith anti-Vietnam war pamphlet, 1967
Box   32
  Folder   3-18
Roosevelt Day Dinners, National 1954-1986
Special events, 1969-1992
Box   32
  Folder   19
John Kenneth Galbraith dinner, 1969
Box   32
  Folder   20
Joe Rauh testimonial, 1971
Box   32
  Folder   21
Emergency Conference on Southern Rhodesia, 1972
Box   32
  Folder   22
Conference on ADA's organizational future, 1973
Box   32
  Folder   23
New York City fund raiser, 1976
Box   32
  Folder   24
Inaugural party, Museum of African Art 1977
Box   32
  Folder   25
Winspinger, Fraser event 1977
Box   32
  Folder   26
Leon Shull tribute, 1980
Box   32
  Folder   27-35
Energy oversight hearings, 1981 ADA sponsored
Box   32
  Folder   36-37
Roosevelt Centennial Conference, 1982
Box   32
  Folder   38
Issues briefing, 1982
Box   32
  Folder   39
Drinan book party, 1983
Box   32
  Folder   40
Congressional champagne reception, 1983
Box   32
  Folder   41
Leon Shull tribute, 1984
Box   32
  Folder   42
Eleanor Roosevelt Centennial Conference, 1984
Box   32
  Folder   43
Drinan book party, 1985
Box   32
  Folder   44
Don Edwards tribute, 1985
Box   32
  Folder   45
Inaugural activities, 1985
Box   32
  Folder   46
Bill Gray event, 1986
Box   32
  Folder   47
ADA 40th anniversary, 1988
Box   32
  Folder   48
Eleanor Clark French fund raiser, 1988
Box   32
  Folder   49
Counter-inaugural, 1989
Box   32
  Folder   50
Eleanor Roosevelt birthday parties, 1989
Box   32
  Folder   51
Hoylater, Warden awards presentations 1990
Box   32
  Folder   52
Wellstone birthday party, 1991
Box   32
  Folder   53
Bob Kastenmeier reception, 1991
Box   32
  Folder   54
"American Dream" film screening, 1992
Box   33
  Folder   1-11
Speeches and testimony, 1952-1953, 1962-1991
Campus division files
Students for Democratic Action, 1947-1959
Box   33
  Folder   12
Box   33
  Folder   13
Box   33
  Folder   14-22
Mailings, 1947-1953
Box   34
  Folder   1-9
Mailings, 1954-1959, undated
Campus ADA, 1959-1973
Box   34
  Folder   10-17
Box   34
  Folder   18
ADA Youth Caucus
Box   34
  Folder   19-24
1973-1982, 1991
Box   35
ADA Congressional Scorecard, 1947
Box   35
1975 Comparison Pricing of Small Electrical Appliances, DC Metropolitan Area undated
Box   35
I Vote: Informed Voter Options Through Education, 1987
Box   35
Unite for '48, A Program for Democratic Action by ADA 1947
Box   35
Voting Records of Minnesota Legislators, 1973
Box   35
Henry A. Wallace, The First Three Months 1948
Box   35
Henry A. Wallace, The Last Seven Months of His Presidential Campaign 1948?
Box   35
ADA Platform, Public Policy Recommendations 1976
Box   35
ADA's Guide to the 1976 Senatorial Elections, 1976, 1978, 1980
Box   35
The Reagan Program and Supply-Slide Economics, 1981
Note: two versions
Box   35
A Model Democratic Party Platform, 1972, 1980
Box   35
Perspectives on the Budge: An Analysis of the FY 1981 Federal Budget, 1981?
Box   35
500 Days: ADA Assesses the Reagan Administration, 1982
Note: two versions
Box   35
An ADA Report: The Struggle to Secure International Human Rights, 1981
Box   35
The Reagan Budget Its Impact on Americans, 1981
Box   35
Liberals Rearm For '48, 1947
Box   35
Clearing Up the Mystery: An Introduction to Fund Raising for ADA Chapters, 1981
Box   35
What Did General Eisenhower, The Republication Party, The Democratic Party Promise? 1952
Box   35
A Celebration For Victory in 1986, 1986?
Box   35
ADA's Guide to the Washington Circuit, undated
Box   35
Full Employment: Issues and Action for the 1992 Campaign, 1992?
Box   35
National Health Care Reform in America: Strengthening a Nation by Improving the Health of Its People, 1993
Note: two versions
Box   35
The National's Loss: The Failure to Meet The Humphrey-Hawkins Mandate: The Economic Costs of High Unemployment, 1993
Box   35
The Urban Crisis: Problems and Solutions, 1993
Box   35
ADA's Guide to the 95th Congressional Committees, undated
Box   35
A Liberal Economic Program for the Nineties, 1993
Box   35
1988 Presidential Candidates Guide, 1988?
Box   35
Notes on the Democratic Party Draft Charter, 1974
Box   35
1984 Democratic Delegate Selection: An Overview, 1984?
Box   35
"Kinder, Gentler?" Rhetoric and Reality 1989
Box   35
One Thousand Days: The Reagan Record, 1983
Box   35
Democratic Candidates' Issue Positions and Voting Records, 1984
Box   35
The Carter Presidency: A Chronicle of Promise and Disappointment, 1980
Box   35
ADA Manual, 1970
Box   35
A Liberal Economics Policy and Program for America, 1992
Box   35
A Guide to the American Loophole System: The ADA tax reform manual, 1976
Box   35
Reapportionment: The New Political Map For the 1980's, 1981
Box   35
The Toy Report Consumers Affairs Committee, 1987-1989
Box   35
Miscellaneous small reports, flyers and brochures
Note: Not available on Library microfilm.
Box   35
  Folder   1
ADA National Policy, 1968-1975
Box   35
  Folder   2-4
ADA Legislative Newsletter, 1961-1972
Box   35
  Folder   5
Communiqué, Courier 1980-1982
Box   35
  Folder   6
ADA Today, 1986-1987, 1991-1992
Box   36
  Folder   1
ADAction News and Notes, 1991-1995
Box   36
  Folder   2
ADA Leader, undated
Box   36
  Folder   3
F.Y.I., For Your Information 1971-1980
Box   36
  Folder   4
Free World Horizons, 1954
Box   36
  Folder   5-9
Unpublished history of ADA, by Page Wilson 1965-1967
Box   36
  Folder   10
Buttons, three, circa 1992-1993
Box   36
  Folder   11-13
Foreign policy
Box   36
  Folder   14
Box   36
  Folder   15
Box   36
  Folder   16
Leon Keyserling matter, 1967-1968
Box   36
  Folder   17
ADA Economic Recovery Program, 1982
Box   36
  Folder   18
Regulatory reform resolution, 1982
Box   36
  Folder   19
Social security resolution, 1981
Box   36
  Folder   20-21
Blue Book II
Box   36
  Folder   22
Peter Kessler, legislative director 1987
Box   36
  Folder   23
Correspondence, Marc Pearl, national directory, 1987-1989
Box   36
  Folder   24
Correspondence, Amy Isaacs
Box   36
  Folder   25
Correspondence, Fabian Society visit to D.C. 1971
Box   36
  Folder   26
David Chase, legal department 1965
Box   36
  Folder   27
Regarding Derek Winans, New Jersey ADA
Box   36
  Folder   28
Eisenhower and ADA, correspondence
Box   36
  Folder   29
Vietnam Protest letters, 1965-1967
Box   36
  Folder   30
Goldberg delegation, 1965
Box   36
  Folder   31-34
Correspondence, miscellaneous 1961-1984, 1993
Box   36
  Folder   35
Correspondence, president, regarding Vietnam 1965-1967
Box   36
  Folder   36-40
Correspondence, miscellaneous 1953-1967
PH Box   14
  Folder   1
Union of Democratic Action, photographs of Henry Wallace, Henry Kaiser and Eleanor Roosevelt; and Reinhold Neibuhr, Waldo Frank and Charles Chaplin
PH Box   14
  Folder   1
Founders, chairs and presidents of the national board, portraits of Leon Shull, Patsy Mink and Ted Weiss
PH Box   14
  Folder   1
ADA trips abroad, photographs from Russia tour 1966
PH Box   14
  Folder   1
7th annual convention photographs, 1954
PH Box   14
  Folder   3
7th annual convention slides, 1954
PH Box   14
  Folder   2
Special events, Robert Kastenmeier reception negatives with contact sheets 1971
Part 5 (M2000-164): Additions, 1961-1999
Alternate Format: Selections found in ProQuest History Vault. Access by subscription; available at the Wisconsin Historical Society, 816 State Street, Madison, Wisconsin.

Physical Description: 5.0 cubic feet (5 record center cartons), 10 videocassettes (8 mm) 
Scope and Content Note: Additions, 1961-1999, consisting of board and committee minutes, correspondence of the national director Amy Isaacs, and committees and task force files. Also includes political, convention, fundraising, and public relations files as well as video and sound recordings of conventions, speakers, and other events.
Convention files
Box   1
  Folder   1-46
Administrative files
Box   2
  Folder   1-11
National board meetings, 1991-1998
Box   2
  Folder   12
National board membership, 1994-1995
Box   2
  Folder   13-34
National executive committee meetings, 1989-1998
Box   2
  Folder   35
ADA Political Action Committee, 1990, 1992
Box   2
  Folder   36-48
ADA Education Fund Inc.
Box   2
  Folder   49
Chapter requests
Box   2
  Folder   50
Southern California chapter
Box   2
  Folder   51
Affinity credit card
Box   2
  Folder   52
Economic conversion project
Box   2
  Folder   53
Box   3
  Folder   1-28
Correspondence, 1992-1998
Committees and task forces
Consumer affairs
Box   3
  Folder   29-31
General, 1973-1980, 1987-1988
Box   3
  Folder   32-37
Toy price surveys, 1972-1977
Box   3
  Folder   38
Cemetery survey, 1978
Box   3
  Folder   39-40
Labor, 1983-1992
Box   3
  Folder   41
50th anniversary
Box   3
  Folder   42
Development description
Box   3
  Folder   43
"First Friday" project, 1992
Box   3
  Folder   44
Urban task force, 1993
Box   3
  Folder   45-46
Strategic planning retreat, 1995
Box   3
  Folder   47
Staff retirement plan, 1978
Box   3
  Folder   48
"Washington Roundup"
Political files
Box   4
  Folder   1
ACHUST Alert, 1986-1989
Box   4
  Folder   2
Amicus sign-ons [Leake case], 1988
Box   4
  Folder   3
Bottle bill, 1989-1990
Box   4
  Folder   4
Congressional database contract, 1991
Box   4
  Folder   5
Truth squad: proposal, 1991
Box   4
  Folder   6
'92 Vote
Box   4
  Folder   7
Cuba, 1992
Box   4
  Folder   8
Senate '92 update
Box   4
  Folder   9
Clinton correspondence, 1993-1997
Box   4
  Folder   10
Clinton's economic plan, 1993
Box   4
  Folder   11
American Health Security Act
Box   4
  Folder   12
NAFTA petition, John Lewis testimony 1993
Box   4
  Folder   13
Kitchen Cabinet, 1993
Box   4
  Folder   12
Filibusters, 103rd Congress 1993-1994
Box   4
  Folder   15
Crime bill, 1994
Box   4
  Folder   16
"No Newts is Good Newts" buttons, 1994
Box   4
  Folder   17-31
Minimum wage campaign, 1994-1996
Box   4
  Folder   32-34
Box   4
  Folder   35-37
ERA Summit, mailings 1995
Box   4
  Folder   38
1995 Choice [reproductive rights]
Box   4
  Folder   39
'95 Project
Box   4
  Folder   40
Phil Gramm, 1995
Box   4
  Folder   41-42
Voter registration, 1995
Box   4
  Folder   43
Rock the Vote, 1995
Box   4
  Folder   44-45
Dr. Henry Foster nomination as Surgeon General, 1995
Box   4
  Folder   46
Radical right media task force, 1995
Box   4
  Folder   47
Expo 96
Box   4
  Folder   48
"1996 campaign and the law" letter
Box   4
  Folder   49
NOW March, 1996
Box   4
  Folder   50
Clinton-Gore '96
Box   4
  Folder   51
Vote USA 1996
Box   4
  Folder   52
Friendly organizations, 1996
Box   4
  Folder   53
C-Span appearance by Amy Isaacs, 1996
Box   4
  Folder   54
Democratic National Convention, 1996
Box   4
  Folder   55
Democratic delegate selection, 1996
Box   4
  Folder   56
Comp time bill, 1997
Box   4
  Folder   57
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, 1997
Box   4
  Folder   58-60
"Fast track" trade authority legislation, 1997
Fundraising files
Box   5
  Folder   1-2
Promotional mailing response, by group 1961-1983, 1970-1975
Box   5
  Folder   3
Direct mail plan, 1990
Box   5
  Folder   4-6
Record of list rental and exchange, 1988
Box   5
  Folder   7
Mailings lists
Box   5
  Folder   8
Galbraith response correspondence, 1991
Box   5
  Folder   9
Direct Mail, 1992-1993
Box   5
  Folder   10
BAI budget and planning, 1993-1994
Box   5
  Folder   11
Health care mini-proposal, 1994
Public relations files
Box   5
  Folder   12
Auction, 1987
Box   5
  Folder   13-14
40th anniversary dinner, 1988
Box   5
  Folder   15
Asner luncheon, Los Angeles 1988
Box   5
  Folder   16-17
Liberals' Inaugural, 1989
Box   5
  Folder   18
Labor Breakfast, 1991
Box   5
  Folder   19
Labor Luncheon, 1991
Box   5
  Folder   20
Inaugural Gala, 1993
Box   5
  Folder   21
Leon Shull 80th birthday party, 1993
Box   5
  Folder   22
Edwards-Metzenbaum luncheon, 1994
Box   5
  Folder   23-24
Health care conference, 1998
Box   5
  Folder   25
Welcome kit, early '90s
Box   5
  Folder   26
Pamphlets, reports and brochures, miscellaneous
Box   5
  Folder   27
"ADA Policy Briefs"
Box   5
  Folder   28
"First Friday Reports"
Box   5
  Folder   29-31
ADA News & Notes, 1996-1999
Box   5
  Folder   32-35
Press releases miscellaneous, 1991-1998
Box   6
[box number no longer in use; audio recordings originally in box processed]
Video recordings
Box   7
  Video   1
Convention? Banquet, 1995
Box   7
  Video   2
Democrats 2000, 1997 June 18
Box   7
  Video   3
Democrats Harris Wofford and Sam Farr, 1997 June 19 2000
Box   7
  Video   4-5
ADA Econ/Progressive Economic Challenge, 1997 October 21
Box   7
  Video   6
ERA: Carolyn Maloney, 1997 October 29
Box   7
  Video   7
Trumkai, Rivlin, Acuff
Box   7
  Video   8
Panel continued
Box   7
  Video   9
Probably Friday, 6-23
Box   7
  Video   10
Part 6 (M2001-087): Additions, 1945-1996
Alternate Format: Selections found in ProQuest History Vault. Access by subscription; available at the Wisconsin Historical Society, 816 State Street, Madison, Wisconsin.

Physical Description: 6.0 cubic feet (6 record center cartons) 
Scope and Content Note: Additions, 1945-1996, consisting of national board meeting minutes, national executive committee minutes, and subject files. The subject files contain mainly candidate information, special committee meetings, chapter files, and some correspondence.
National Board Meeting Minutes
Box   1
  Folder   1-22
Box   2
  Folder   1-34
National Executive Committee Minutes
Box   3
  Folder   1-44
Box   4
  Folder   1-47
General files
Box   5
  Folder   8
ADA History
Box   5
  Folder   1
EC/NB Retreat, 1989 January 21-22
Box   5
  Folder   2
Bush one-year Press Conference, 1990? January 17
Box   5
  Folder   3
1st year K-G original
Box   5
  Folder   4
George Bush
Box   5
  Folder   5
Dan Quayle
Box   5
  Folder   6
Ted Weiss signature
Box   5
  Folder   7
Ann Lewis
Box   5
  Folder   10-11
Box   5
  Folder   15
Title X and Family Planning Program
Box   5
  Folder   31
Meeting announcement, 1989 November
Box   5
  Folder   32
Nominating lists
Box   5
  Folder   33
Dues and voting record
Box   5
  Folder   43
Box   5
  Folder   45
ADA Today
Box   5
  Folder   46
News and notes
Box   6
  Folder   1
Income statement, 1989
Box   6
  Folder   2
SCADA correspondence
Box   6
  Folder   7
Politics and government
Box   6
  Folder   9
Marc Pearl
Box   6
  Folder   10
Box   6
  Folder   11
Rangel's biography
Box   6
  Folder   12
Box   5
  Folder   42
South Florida
Box   6
  Folder   3
Chicago, Illinois
Box   5
  Folder   37
Box   5
  Folder   38
Box   5
  Folder   36
St. Louis, Missouri
Box   5
  Folder   40
New Jersey
Box   5
  Folder   28
New York
Box   5
  Folder   29
New York Controversy
Box   5
  Folder   44
New York State
Box   5
  Folder   41
Box   5
  Folder   35
Southeastern Pennsylvania
Box   5
  Folder   34
Washington State
Box   5
  Folder   39
Miscellaneous chapters
Box   6
  Folder   5
Chapter list file
Box   6
  Folder   4
Chapter correspondence, incoming
Box   6
  Folder   6
Chapter correspondence, outgoing
Box   5
  Folder   9
Organizational Committee
Box   5
  Folder   12
Priorities Committee meeting
Box   5
  Folder   13-14
Priorities Committee
Box   5
  Folder   16
Special Committees, NB
Box   5
  Folder   17
Special Committee, Legislative Options
Box   5
  Folder   18
Special Retreat Committee to Prioritize Issues
Box   5
  Folder   19
Legislative Committee
Box   5
  Folder   20
Legislative Committee, Bush 1st year
Box   5
  Folder   21
Legislative Committee
Box   5
  Folder   22
Legislative Committee reports
Box   5
  Folder   23-27
Nominating Committee, 1989-1990
Box   5
  Folder   30
Nominating Committee meeting, 1990 May 12
Box   6
  Folder   8
Political Committee
Box   6
  Folder   14
Box   6
  Folder   15
Marc Pearl's
Box   6
  Folder   21-22
1992 April and June
Box   6
  Folder   19
Incoming, 1992 May
Box   6
  Folder   18
Outgoing, 1992? May
Box   6
  Folder   20
Outgoing, 1992 August
Box   6
  Folder   17
1992 September
Box   6
  Folder   16
Outgoing, 1992? September
Box   6
  Folder   13
Incoming, 1998 July-September
Part 7 (M2013-116): Additions, 1971-2011
Physical Description: 5.0 cubic feet (5 records center cartons) 
Scope and Content Note: Additions, 1971-2011, primarily from the New York City chapter, but also containing some records from the New York State branch, as well as a significant amount of records from the national organization. The New York City chapter records include: the records of the Board of Directors and other committees; information about candidates for political office endorsed by the ADA; events held by the chapter, especially the annual Roosevelt-Humphrey Day Dinner (1989-1999); financial information; information about issues in which the ADA was involved; and newsletters. Materials pertaining to the New York State Branch include: financial information; meeting minutes; legislative agendas; and newsletters. The national organization records consist of: meeting minutes of the Board of Directors and various committees; materials from the annual conferences; financial information; issues in which the national organization was active; membership information; and newsletters. Also includes a small amount of material pertaining to Students for Democratic Action and Youth for Democratic Action.
New York City Americans for Democratic Action
Box   1
  Folder   1-3
Agendas, 1994-1995
Box   1
  Folder   4-6
Elections, 1991, 1995-1996
Box   1
  Folder   7-28
Meetings and minutes, 1986-1998
Box   1
  Folder   29-30
Box   1
  Folder   31-33
Administrative Committee, 1994-1996
Box   1
  Folder   34
Nominating Committee, 1998-1999
Box   1
  Folder   35
Screening Committee, 1994
Box   1
  Folder   36-48
ADA endorsements, 1990-2005
Box   1
  Folder   49
Clark for Congress, 1998
Box   1
  Folder   50
Clinton, Abrams 1992
Box   1
  Folder   51
Clinton/Gore, 1996
Box   1
  Folder   52
Giuliani, 2000
Box   1
  Folder   53
Ruth Messinger, 1997
Box   1
  Folder   54-55
Correspondence with Elected Candidates, 1996-1999
Box   1
  Folder   56
Parent Power in Public Schools Conference, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   57-64
Roosevelt-Humphrey Day Dinners, 1989-1991
Box   2
  Folder   1-27
Roosevelt-Humphrey Day Dinners (continued), 1992-1999
Box   2
  Folder   28
Roosevelt Day Dinner, 2011
Box   2
  Folder   29
Bequests to ADA
Box   2
  Folder   30
Per Capita Payments from National ADA, 1991-1993
Box   2
  Folder   31-35
Reports, 1987-1995
Issues/Subject File
Box   2
  Folder   36
1991 Issues
Box   2
  Folder   37-38
Campaign finance
Box   2
  Folder   39
Challenge '96
Box   2
  Folder   40
Christian Coalition, 1994
Box   2
  Folder   41-42
Constitutional Convention, 1997
Box   2
  Folder   43
CUNY (City University of New York), 1999
Box   2
  Folder   44
Death penalty, 1994-1995
Box   2
  Folder   45-47
Education, 1995-2001
Box   2
  Folder   48
Employment, 1992
Box   2
  Folder   49
Gun control, 1995
Box   2
  Folder   50
Hate crimes, 1994
Box   2
  Folder   51
Healthcare, 1992
Box   2
  Folder   52-53
Housing, 1997-2003
Box   2
  Folder   54
Impeachment, 1998
Box   2
  Folder   55
Legislative priorities, 1995-1996
Box   2
  Folder   56-59
Living wage, 1996-2001
Box   2
  Folder   60-61
NYC Charter, 1999
Box   2
  Folder   62
PEARL, 1995-1996
Box   2
  Folder   63
Right Wing, 1992
Box   3
  Folder   1-8
Social Security, 1998-2001
Box   3
  Folder   9
Taxes, 1999
Box   3
  Folder   10
Term limits, 2008
Box   3
  Folder   11-12
Transportation, 2002-2009
Box   3
  Folder   13
Welfare, 1997
Box   3
  Folder   14-15
Zoning, 1996
Box   3
  Folder   16
Membership list, 1994-1995
Box   3
  Folder   17-22
Box   3
  Folder   23
NYC ADA questionnaire
New York State ADA
Box   3
  Folder   24
Reports, 1987
Box   3
  Folder   25
Reports, 1990
Box   3
  Folder   26
Legislative agendas, 1990-2000
Box   3
  Folder   27
Campaign finance reform
Meetings and minutes
Box   3
  Folder   28
Box   3
  Folder   29-37
Box   3
  Folder   38-40
National ADA
Box   4
  Folder   1-2
Meetings and minutes, 1993-2010
Box   4
  Folder   3-8
Development Committee
Box   4
  Folder   9-14
Executive Committee
Box   4
  Folder   15
Nominating Committee
Box   4
  Folder   16
Org. Committee, 1986
Box   4
  Folder   17
Awards Banquet
Box   4
  Folder   18
National Convention, 1973
Box   4
  Folder   19-20
National Convention, 1977-1980
Box   4
  Folder   21
National Convention, 1988
Box   4
  Folder   22
National Convention, 1997
Box   4
  Folder   23
Race Summit, 1994
Box   4
  Folder   24
Retreat, 1995
Box   4
  Folder   25
Review Weekend at Harper's Ferry, 1981
Box   4
  Folder   26-31
Budgets, 1991-2004
Box   4
  Folder   32-35
Direct mail, 2006-2007
Box   5
  Folder   1-6
Box   5
  Folder   7
Strategic plan
Issues/Subject File
Box   5
  Folder   8
Box   5
  Folder   9
CADAF, 2007
Box   5
  Folder   10-13
Education, 1995-2000
Box   5
  Folder   14
Healthcare, 1998
Box   5
  Folder   15
JKG mailings, 1998-1999
Box   5
  Folder   16
Legislative Agenda, 1990-1991
Box   5
  Folder   17
Marc Pearl, 1989
Box   5
  Folder   18
Poll, 2002
Box   5
  Folder   19
Rich Commission, 1971
Box   5
  Folder   20
Shull, Leon 1984
Box   5
  Folder   21
Smith, Lou 1995
Box   5
  Folder   22
Southern California ADA, 1994-1997
Box   5
  Folder   23
Membership analysis, 1980-1995
Box   5
  Folder   24
Membership lists, 1974-1986
Box   5
  Folder   25-26
ADAction News and Notes, 1997-1999
Box   5
  Folder   27
ADA Today, 1989-1990
Box   5
  Folder   28
Voting records, 1983-1992
Box   5
  Folder   29
ADA World, 1983
Students for Democratic Action
Box   5
  Folder   30
SDA information, 1980-1997
Youth for Democratic Action
Box   5
  Folder   31
Meetings and minutes, 1990-1991
Part 8 (M2017-057): Additions, 1948-2011
Physical Description: 11.4 cubic feet (11 record center cartons and 1 archives box), 40 video recordings (4 video boxes), and 14 audio recordings (1 cassette box) 
Arrangement of the Materials: Additions divided into five series: Conventions, Administrative Files, Regional Chapters, Subject Files, and Audio/Visual.
Scope and Content Note: Additions, 1948-2011, consisting of committee files, resolutions, memos, annual reports, chronological files, National Board and National Executive Committee minutes, press releases, voting records and news clippings. Also included are subject files on such issues as abortion, fair minimum wage, labor, health care and health care reform, cases before the Supreme Court, and women and violence. Additionally, there are chapter files from other states.
Series: Conventions
Box   1
  Folder   1
Finance Committee, 1988-1989 1988-1989
Box   1
  Folder   2
Nominating Committee, 1988-1989
Box   1
  Folder   3
Development Committee, 1989-1991
Box   1
  Folder   4
Convention, 1991
Box   1
  Folder   5
Resolutions, 1992
Box   1
  Folder   6
Commissions, 1992
Box   1
  Folder   7
Invited Speakers, 1992
Box   1
  Folder   8
Resolutions, 1992
Box   1
  Folder   9
Convention, 1992
Box   1
  Folder   10
47th ADA National Convention, 1994
Box   1
  Folder   11
Economics, Energy, and Environment (EEE) Commission 1994
Box   1
  Folder   12
Resolutions, 1994
Box   1
  Folder   13
Committee on Race, 1994
Box   1
  Folder   14
Race Materials, 1994
Box   1
  Folder   15
Avistides Address, 1994
Box   1
  Folder   16
Politics and Government Commission, 1994
Box   1
  Folder   17
Foreign and Military Commission, 1994
Box   1
  Folder   18
Social and Domestic Commission, 1994
Box   1
  Folder   19
Nominating Committee, 1994
Box   1
  Folder   20
Resolutions Committee, 1994
Box   1
  Folder   21
Memos, 1994
Box   1
  Folder   22
Convention Committee, 1994
Box   1
  Folder   23
Minutes, 1994
Box   1
  Folder   24
Resolution Index, 1994
Box   1
  Folder   25
Convention, 1994
Box   1
  Folder   26
Board & NEC Resolutions, 1994-1995
Box   1
  Folder   27
Board & NEC Resolutions, 1994-1995
Box   1
  Folder   28
Floor Resolutions, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   29
Nominating Committee, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   30
EEE Convention, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   31
Memos, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   32
Convention Committee, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   33
Mailings, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   34
Nomination Committee, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   35
Chapter Delegates, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   36
Social & Domestic, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   37
Communication Subcommittee, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   38
Foreign and Military Resolutions, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   39
Politics and Government Resolutions, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   40
DNC, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   41
Convention, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   42
Press Releases, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   43
48th Convention Banquet, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   44
Resolutions Committee, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   45
Resolutions Committee, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   46
Finance Committee, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   47
Personnel Committee, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   48
Convention, 1995
Box   1
  Folder   49
Post Retreat, 1995-1996
Box   1
  Folder   50
Political and Government Resolutions, 1995-1996
Box   1
  Folder   51
Convention Committee, 1995-1996
Box   1
  Folder   52
Convention Committee, 1995-1996
Box   1
  Folder   53
Social and Domestic, 1995-1996
Box   1
  Folder   54
EEE Convention, 1995-1996
Box   1
  Folder   55
Foreign and Military, 1995-1996
Box   1
  Folder   56
Platform Committee, 1996
Box   1
  Folder   57
Political Committee, 1996
Box   2
  Folder   1
Memos,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   2
Agenda,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   3
Hotel,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   4-6
Resolutions,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   7
Nominating Committee,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   8
Events,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   9
Biographies,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   10
Memos,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   11
Platform Hearing Committee,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   12
Strategic Planning Committee,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   13
Social and Democratic Committee,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   14
Resolutions Committee,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   15
Hotel forms,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   16
Questionnaires,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   17
Proposed items,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   18
Misecellaneous,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   19
Post-Retreat Committee,  (bulk 1996)
Box   2
  Folder   20
Convention materials,  (bulk 1996-1997)
Box   2
  Folder   21
Convention,  (bulk 1997)
Box   2
  Folder   22-23
Resolutions,  (bulk 1997)
Box   2
  Folder   24
Foreign and Military,  (bulk 1997)
Box   2
  Folder   25
EEE,  (bulk 1997)
Box   2
  Folder   26
Political and Government,  (bulk 1997)
Box   2
  Folder   27
Social and Domestic,  (bulk 1997)
Box   2
  Folder   28
Speaker requests,  (bulk 1997)
Box   2
  Folder   29-30
Convention,  (bulk 1997)
Box   3
  Folder   1
Foreign and Military,  (bulk 1997)
Box   3
  Folder   2
Convention Committee,  (bulk 1997)
Box   3
  Folder   3
Miscellaneous materials,  (bulk 1997)
Box   3
  Folder   4-6
Convention,  (bulk 1997)
Box   3
  Folder   7
Social and Domestic issues,  (bulk 1998)
Box   3
  Folder   8
WILPF,  (bulk 1998)
Box   3
  Folder   9
Foreign and Military resolutions,  (bulk 1998)
Box   3
  Folder   10
Registration,  (bulk 1998)
Box   3
  Folder   11
Nominating Committee,  (bulk 1998)
Box   3
  Folder   12
Social and Domestic issues,  (bulk 1998)
Box   3
  Folder   13-15
Resolutions,  (bulk 1998)
Box   3
  Folder   16
Politics and Government,  (bulk 1998)
Box   3
  Folder   17
Invites,  (bulk 1998)
Box   3
  Folder   18-20
Convention,  (bulk 1998)
Box   3
  Folder   21
Politics and Government,  (bulk 1999)
Box   3
  Folder   22
Committees,  (bulk 1999)
Box   3
  Folder   23
Convention materials,  (bulk 1999)
Box   3
  Folder   24
Foreign and Military proposed and background,  (bulk 1999)
Box   3
  Folder   25
Social and Domestic current,  (bulk 1999)
Box   3
  Folder   26
Politics and Government resolutions,  (bulk 1999)
Box   3
  Folder   27-28
EEE current,  (bulk 1999)
Box   3
  Folder   29-30
Convention materials,  (bulk 1999)
Box   4
  Folder   1
EEE proposed,  (bulk 1999-2000)
Box   4
  Folder   2
Resolutions,  (bulk 2000)
Box   4
  Folder   3
Convention,  (bulk 2000)
Box   4
  Folder   4
Politic and Government Commission,  (bulk 2001)
Box   4
  Folder   5-6
Convention,  (bulk 2001)
Box   4
  Folder   7
Speaker biographies,  (bulk 2002)
Box   4
  Folder   8
Conventions,  (bulk 2002)
Box   4
  Folder   9
Foreign and Military Resolutions Committee,  (bulk 2003)
Box   4
  Folder   10
Convention Committee,  (bulk 2003)
Box   4
  Folder   11
Convention,  (bulk 2004)
Box   4
  Folder   12
58th National Lobby Day,  (bulk 2005)
Box   4
  Folder   13-16
ADA vs. Republican National Committee (RNC),  (bulk 1996-1997)
Series: Administrative Files
Box   4
  Folder   17
Annual reports,  (bulk 1992)
Box   4
  Folder   18
Blum, Jack A., testimony  (bulk 1996)
Box   5
  Folder   1-10
Chronological files,  (bulk 2001-2004)
Box   6
  Folder   1-2
Chronological files,  (bulk 2005)
Box   6
  Folder   3
Economic policy briefs,  (bulk 1996-2004)
Box   6
  Folder   4
Labor Day speech by ADA president Jack Sheinkman,  (bulk 1995)
Box   6
  Folder   5-18
National Board,  (bulk 1995-2008)
Box   6
  Folder   19
Democratic National Convention,  (bulk 2000)
Box   6
  Folder   20-24
National Executive Committee,  (bulk 1995)
Box   7
  Folder   1-20
National Executive Committee,  (bulk 1996-2008)
Box   7
  Folder   21
Executive Summary Background Economic Report,  (bulk 1994)
Box   7
  Folder   22-23
News & Notes newsletter, memos  (bulk 1990-1991, 1999-2002)
Box   7
  Folder   24
Policy statements,  (bulk 1992)
Box   7
  Folder   25
Policy statements, foreign  (bulk 1965-1970)
Box   7
  Folder   26
Press clippings,  (bulk 1985-1989)
Box   7
  Folder   27-30
Press releases,  (bulk 1953-1955)
Box   8
  Folder   1-14
Press releases,  (bulk 1956, 1960-1970)
Box   9
  Folder   1-35
Press releases,  (bulk 1971-1996)
Box   9
  Folder   36
Press release, voting record  (bulk 1994)
Box   9
  Folder   37
Sample news clips for circulation, Executive Meeting  (bulk 1971)
Box   9
  Folder   38
Strategic planning and organizing session,  (bulk 1995)
Box   9
  Folder   39-46
Voting records,  (bulk 1948-1999)
Series: Regional Chapters
Box   10
  Folder   1
California,  (bulk 2002)
Box   10
  Folder   2
Southern California,  (bulk 1988, 1993-1994)
Box   10
  Folder   3
Connecticut,  (bulk 1999)
Box   10
  Folder   4
Georgia,  (bulk 1994)
Box   10
  Folder   5
Northeastern Illinois,  (bulk 1993-1995)
Box   10
  Folder   6
Massachusetts,  (bulk 1993-1994)
Box   10
  Folder   7
Oregon,  (bulk 1994)
Box   10
  Folder   8
Mexico,  (bulk 1995-1996)
Box   10
  Folder   9
Missouri,  (bulk 1993, 1996)
Box   10
  Folder   10
North Carolina,  (bulk 1993)
Box   10
  Folder   11
New Jersey,  (bulk 1993-1996)
Box   10
  Folder   12
Albuquerque, New Mexico  (bulk 1999)
Box   10
  Folder   13
New York,  (bulk 1992-1996)
Box   10
  Folder   14
Erie, Pennsylvania  (bulk 1995)
Box   10
  Folder   15
Southeastern Pennsylvania,  (bulk 1994)
Box   10
  Folder   16
South Carolina,  (bulk 1998-1999)
Box   10
  Folder   17
West Central Mexico,  (bulk 1998-1999)
Box   10
  Folder   18
Series: Subject Files
Box   10
  Folder   19
Abortion briefs,  (bulk 1990-1992)
Box   10
  Folder   20
Ashcroft as Attorney General opposition,  (bulk 2001)
Box   10
  Folder   21
Budget campaign,  (bulk 1997)
Box   10
  Folder   22
Bush,  (bulk 1989-1990)
Box   10
  Folder   23
Bush administration and tax cuts,  (bulk 1999-2001, 2011)
Box   10
  Folder   24
Campaign countdown calendar,  (bulk 2004-2005)
Box   10
  Folder   25-27
Campaign for a fair minimum wage,  (bulk 1999-2007)
Box   10
  Folder   28
Campaign finance,  (bulk 1999-2002)
Box   10
  Folder   29
Changing the Politics of Global Trade, National Survey of Fundamental Political Attitudes  (bulk 2002)
Box   10
  Folder   30
Citizens Committee for a Just Minimum Wage,  (bulk 1988-1989, 1995-1996)
Box   10
  Folder   31
Computer,  (bulk 1990)
Box   10
  Folder   32
Congressional record and legislative materials,  (bulk 2002-2003)
Box   10
  Folder   33
Dauster,  (bulk 1997)
Box   10
  Folder   34
Dole-Kemp lifetime voting record,  (bulk 1995)
Box   10
  Folder   35
Economics,  (bulk 2000-2002)
Box   10
  Folder   36
Economy,  (bulk 1990-1991)
Box   10
  Folder   37
Education,  (bulk 2001-2002)
Box   10
  Folder   38
Education fund,  (bulk 1990)
Box   10
  Folder   39
Employment and Unemployment in the Post-War Years,  (bulk 1992)
Box   10
  Folder   40
Environment,  (bulk 2001-2002)
Box   10
  Folder   41
Fair minimum wage, miscellaneous guides, ADA Today  (bulk 2002-2005)
Box   10
  Folder   42-43
Federal Reserve,  (bulk 1994-1996)
Box   10
  Folder   44
FEDUP materials from press kit,  (bulk 1994-1995)
Box   10
  Folder   45
Foreign policy, Defense  (bulk 2001-2002)
Box   10
  Folder   46
Free trade,  (bulk 2000-2001)
Box   10
  Folder   47
Gore campaign and liberals,  (bulk 2000)
Box   10
  Folder   48
Hate crimes,  (bulk 1999-2002)
Box   10
  Folder   49-50
Health care, health care reform  (bulk 1977-1994)
Box   10
  Folder   51
The Impeachment Case,  (bulk 1974, 1994)
Box   10
  Folder   52
Inaugural,  (bulk 2008-2009)
Box   11
  Folder   1
Inauguration breakfast celebration,  (bulk 2009)
Box   11
  Folder   2
Interest rates hike II,  (bulk 1999)
Box   11
  Folder   3
Iraq,  (bulk 1990-1991)
Box   11
  Folder   4
Judicial,  (bulk 2005)
Box   11
  Folder   5
Johnson, Wayne, testament  (bulk 1999)
Box   11
  Folder   6
Labor issues,  (bulk 2001-2002)
Box   11
  Folder   7
Letters,  (bulk 1988-1990)
Box   11
  Folder   8
Legislators rating system,  (bulk 1985-1999)
Box   11
  Folder   9
Liberal Economic Program for America; Liberal Economic Program for the Nineties; Energy Policy,  (bulk 1989, 1992)
Box   11
  Folder   10
Liberal platform,  (bulk 1996)
Box   11
  Folder   11
Making Free Trade Fair; Political Brief "Danger to Medicare"; News & Notes; TODAY; Estate Tax: Fact Sheet, Campaign to Reserve-Not Privatize-Medicare; Talking Points Against GOP Head Start Bill; Senator John W. Warner  (bulk 2002-2003)
Box   11
  Folder   12
Medicare,  (bulk 2000-2002)
Box   11
  Folder   13
Miers, Harriet, Supreme Court  (bulk 2005)
Box   11
  Folder   14-17
Minimum wage,  (bulk 1992-2002)
Box   11
  Folder   18-20
Miscellaneous legislative issues and guides,  (bulk 1984-2005)
Box   11
  Folder   21
Miscellaneous nation chips,  (bulk 1985)
Box   11
  Folder   22
National Advisory Committee,  (bulk 1993)
Box   11
  Folder   23
National Missile Defense (NMD),  (bulk 2000-2002)
Box   11
  Folder   24
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),  (bulk 2001)
Box   11
  Folder   25
Nicolas Uribe Rueda,  (bulk 1995-1998)
Box   11
  Folder   26
Policy briefs,  (bulk 1996)
Box   11
  Folder   27
Political Action Committee,  (bulk 1990)
Box   11
  Folder   28
Political analysis,  (bulk 2000)
Box   11
  Folder   29
President George Bush Mid-Term Exam,  (bulk 1990-1991)
Box   11
  Folder   30
Presidential Vetoes, Bush  (bulk 1991)
Box   11
  Folder   31
Priorities Committee,  (bulk 1991)
Box   11
  Folder   32
Progressive Strategies for TANF Reauthorization Hill Staff Packet End Poverty Make TANF Work!,  (bulk 2001-2002)
Box   11
  Folder   33
Project guide, lobbying guide  (bulk 2003)
Box   11
  Folder   34
Republican quotes,  (bulk 1995-1996)
Box   11
  Folder   35
Resolutions manual,  (bulk 2006)
Box   11
  Folder   36
Reviews Bush's First 100 Days,  (bulk 2001)
Box   11
  Folder   37
Shull, Leon, memorials  (bulk 2006)
Box   11
  Folder   38
Supreme Court cases for amicus briefs,  (bulk 1992, 1996-1999, 2006)
Box   12
  Folder   1
Social Security,  (bulk 1998-2001)
Box   12
  Folder   2
Study tour of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza; Board member biographies  (bulk 1993-1995, 1998)
Box   12
  Folder   3
Tax-cut/Budget,  (bulk 1999-2001)
Box   12
  Folder   4
Term limits,  (bulk 1991)
Box   12
  Folder   5
Terror attacks, September 11th aftermath  (bulk 2001)
Box   12
  Folder   6
Toy report,  (bulk 1989)
Box   12
  Folder   7
Voice @ Work Freedom to Choose a Union AFL-CIO,  (bulk 2002-2004)
Box   12
  Folder   8
Voter registration,  (bulk 1971, 1991-1992)
Box   12
  Folder   9
We*Can,  (bulk 1994)
Box   12
  Folder   10
Welfare/Poverty/TANF,  (bulk 2001-2002)
Box   12
  Folder   11
Women and Violence (VAWA),  (bulk 2000-2001)
Box   12
  Folder   12
Youth for Democratic Action (YDA), constitution, membership record, by-laws, officers, board and chapter representatives  (bulk 1989-1992)
Box   12
  Folder   13
Youth Lobby Week,  (bulk 2005)
Box   12
  Folder   14
Youth voter registration drive,  (bulk 1992)
Series: Audio/Visual
Video (Beta)
Video   1
ADA Animatics,  (bulk 1997)
Video   2
ADA Animatics,  (bulk 1997)
Video   3
History Productions ADA Voice
Video   4
History Productions ADA Voice
Video   5
Kennedy ADA,  (bulk 1997)
Video   6
Nathan, Robert, ADA  (bulk 1996)
Video   7
Nathan, Robert, ADA  (bulk 1996)
Video   8
Nathan, Robert, ADA  (bulk 1996)
Video   9
Edwards, Don, interview  (bulk 1997)
Video   10
Edwards, Don, interview  (bulk 1997)
Video   11
Wilson, Page, interview  (bulk 1997)
Video   12
Wilson, Page, interview  (bulk 1997)
Video   13
Deveaux, Clint, interview  (bulk 1997)
Video   14
Deveaux, Clint, interview  (bulk 1997)
Video   15
Deveaux, Clint, interview  (bulk 1997)
Video   16
Shull Party,  (bulk 1993)
Video   17
Shull Party,  (bulk 1993)
Video   18
Leon Shull Liberally Speaking…,  (bulk 1993)
Video   19
Shull, Leon, interview  (bulk 1996)
Video   20
Shull, Leon, interview  (bulk 1996)
Video   21
Shull, Leon, interview  (bulk 1996)
Video   22
Cohen, David, interview  (bulk 1997)
Video   23
Cohen, David, interview  (bulk 1997)
Video   24
Williams, David, interview  (bulk 1996)
Video   25
Williams, David, interview  (bulk 1996)
Video   26
Beer, Samuel, interview  (bulk 1997)
Video   27
Beer, Samuel, interview  (bulk 1997)
Video   28
Beer, Samuel, interview  (bulk 1997)
Video   29
Dolbeave, Cushing, interview  (bulk 1996)
Video   30
Dolbeave, Cushing, interview  (bulk 1996)
Video   31
Dolbeave, Cushing, interview  (bulk 1996)
Video   32
Yard, Molly, interview  (bulk 1996)
Video   33
Yard, Molly, interview  (bulk 1996)
Video   34
Yard, Molly, interview  (bulk 1996)
Video (VHS)
Video   35
Democratic Agenda ADA (C-SPAN),  (bulk 1999)
Video   36
The Independent Counsel Statute ADA (C-SPAN),  (bulk 1998)
Video   37
Sheinkman, Jack, ADA
Video   38
Wellstone, Paul, ADA Convention  (bulk 1991)
Video   39
Kennedy ADA
Video   40
ADA: A Call to Action, rough cut  (bulk 1997)
Audio (cassettes)
Audio   1
ADA Speech,  (bulk 1991)
Audio   2
ADA 10th Anniversary
Audio   3
ADA Conference: Business Plenary; Frank Wade, Lewis Frasser  (bulk 1997)
Audio   4
ADA Conference: Business Plenary; Frank Wade, Lewis Frasser  (bulk 1997)
Audio   5
ADA Conference: Business Plenary; Frank Wade, Lewis Frasser  (bulk 1997)
Audio   6
ADA Conference I-VIII, 1997 June 21
Audio   7
ADA Conference I-VIII, 1997 June 21
Audio   8
ADA Conference I-VIII, 1997 June 21
Audio   9
ADA Conference I-VIII, 1997 June 21
Audio   10
ADA Conference I-VIII, 1997 June 21
Audio   11
ADA Conference I-VIII, 1997 June 21
Audio   12
ADA Conference I-VIII, 1997 June 21
Audio   13
ADA Conference I-VIII, 1997 June 21
Audio   14