Socialist Party of the United States of America Records, 1909-1965

Appendix: Selected List of Significant Correspondence

1934, Nov. 26 Father Chas. Coughlin to Sam Verne (socialism and Christianity) typed, carbon copy
1940, May 20 Anton Garden to Norman Thomas (moving Call to N.Y.) mimeographed or otherwise reproduced
1940, June 19 Norman Thomas to Detroit Comrades (CP, Walter Reuther and SP) handwritten carbon copy/typed carbon copy
1940, July 12 Robert Jackson to Norman Thomas (FBI investigation of SP) typed carbon copy
(1940?) Norman Thomas to Rep. Jerry Voorhis (amendment to bill) postal telegram/carbon copy
(1940?) Violet Thomas to Harry (Fleishman) (progress of campaign tour) typed
1941, Feb. 28 Norman Thomas to Comrade Tulchen (America First Committee) typed carbon copy
1942, Aug. 14 Emanuel Cellar to Norman Thomas (situation of India in wartime) typed/signed
1942, Sept. 2 Harry Fleishman and N. T. to Gandhi (wishing success in establishing independence) typed carbon copy
1943, April 2 Harry Fleishman and Maynard Kreuger to F.D.R. (hearings on railroad labor discrimination) typed carbon copy
1944, June 30 Herman Singer to James Rorty (writing assignment) typed/signed (Rorty's reply handwritten/signed)
1944, June 14 Norman Thomas to Robert Taft (soldier's vote) typed carbon copy
1944 Norman Thomas to Thomas Dewey (open letter on peace position) mimeographed
1944, Oct. 15 H. C. Holdridge to Harry (Fleishman) (news of his tour) handwritten/signed
(circa 1944) May 5 Norman Thomas to Harry Fleishman (note on tour, written in Cal.) handwritten/signed
(1944?) Aug. 26 Norman Thomas to Harry (Fleishman) and Herman (Singer) (note on tour, from Denver) typed/corrections in writer's hand/signed
1945, May 16 N. T. and H. F. to Family of Theodore Dabs (consolation) telegram/carbon copy
(1945?) Circular letter from A. Phillip Randolph (Socialist Party and unions) typed carbon copy
1946, May 17 N. T. to New York Times (Harold Laski and International Socialism) typed carbon copy
1946, Oct. 5 John Dos Passos to Harry F. (socialists on west coast) typed carbon copy
1946, Dec. 26 Draft of circular letter from N. T. (statement on post world war council) typed/corrections in writer's handwriting
(circa 1947) Christopher T. Boland (form letter on McMahon Atomic Energy bill) mimeographed or otherwise reproduced
1948, Jan. 13 N. T. (form letter on 1948 campaign) mimeographed or otherwise reproduced/signed
1948, Jan. 16 George L. Paine to N. T. (reply to above, comments on state of S. P.) handwritten/signed
1948, Feb, 4 Lewis C. Karrick to Harry Truman (Karrick's oil scheme) typed/carbon copy
1948, July 29 Lewis C. Karrick to Norman Thomas (financing S.P.) typed/carbon copy
1948, Oct. 12 James T. Farrell to Bill Becker (Daily Worker quotes) typed/carbon copy
1948, Oct. 16 Vincent Sheean to James T. Farrell (party business) typed/carbon copy
1948, Oct. 18 Florence Rossi to Erich Fromm (note thanking Fromm for speaking) typed/carbon copy
(1948) N. T. and Darlington Hoopes to Hugh Sheean (Oregon vote) telegram/carbon copy
1950, Dec. 14 N. T. to International Socialists in London (Socialist unity) mimeographed or otherwise reproduced
(1952) Ernesto Galarza to N. T., other delegates (Cuban S.P. statement to convention) handbwritten/signed
1953, May 27 N. T. to Robin Myers (meeting of Socialist International in Stockholm) mimeographed or otherwise reproduced
1956, June 14 Hugh Gaitskell to Louis P. Goldberg (socialist unity) printed
1960, June 5 N. T. to Chester Bowles (question about Democratic Party platform) mimeographed or otherwise reproduced
1961, March 3 Pietro Nenni to Irwin Suall (invitation to Italian party national conference, personal note to Suall) typed/handwritten/signed
1961, May 18 N. T. to Robert McNamara (Defense Dept. film) mimeographed or otherwise reproduced
1961, June 7 N. T. to Leonard Goldenson (segregated movie theaters) mimeographed or otherwise reproduced
undated N. T. to Polish Labor Bund (death of Mendelson) telegram/carbon copy
undated Mel Pitzele to N. T. (declining dinner invitation) handwritten/signed
undated N. T. to Mrs. Beardsley (asking for contribution) typed/carbon copy
undated Eleanor and Mickey Most to N. T. (note accepting invitation) handwritten/signed
undated Carl Friedman to N. T. (note accepting invitation) typed/signed