International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Local 1169: Records, 1934-1987

Container Title
Micro 96
Series: Part I, Original Collection, 1932-1965
Subseries: Personal Correspondence, 1948-1965
Reel   1
Aarons, Morris
Reel   1
Abram, Morris (of the American Jewish Committee)
Reel   1
Abrons, Herbert L.
Reel   1
Ainey, Mrs, David C.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning Adlai Stevenson and whether or not he supported unilateral stoppage of nuclear testing in 1956.
Reel   1
Akers, Anthony B.
Reel   1
Albright, Horace Marden (conservationist)
Reel   1
Allins, Franz
Reel   1
Altschul, Arthur G.
Reel   1
Altschul, Frank
Reel   1
The American Assembly
Reel   1
American Civil Liberties Union
Reel   1
Armour, Norman, Jr.
Reel   1
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish (of Foreign Affairs)
Reel   1
Ashmore, Harry S.
Reel   1
Associated Press
Reel   1
Atkinson, Brooks
Reel   1
Atlantic Council
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence is with Christian Herter.
Reel   1
Auerbach, Mrs. George
Reel   1
Auschwitz-Buna Memorial Scholarship Fund
Reel   1
Letters of Oakes' “Africa” article
Reel   1
Baldwin, Roger N.
Reel   1
Barrett, Edward W.
Reel   1
Basel, Amos S.
Reel   1
Baumgartner, Leona
Reel   1
Bayliss, William
Reel   1
Beichman, Arnold
Reel   1
Benline, Arthur J.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning air pollution.
Reel   1
Benton, William
Scope and Content Note: Concerning Senator Joseph McCarthy; Times editorials.
Reel   1
Binder, Theodore
Reel   1
Bingham, Barry
Reel   1
Bingham, Jonathan
Reel   1
Blum, Robert
Scope and Content Note: Concerning coverage of Asia news in the American press.
Reel   1
Bodine, John
Reel   1
Boland, Frederick H.
Reel   1
Bolte, Charles G.
Reel   1
Boorstein, Daniel J.
Reel   1
Booth, John E.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning realistic veterans' benefits.
Reel   1
Borg, John S.
Reel   1
Bowles, Chester
Reel   1
Boyce, Gray C.
Reel   1
Brewer, Sam P. (New York Times Mideast correspondent)
Reel   1
Bricker, John W.
Reel   1
Brower, David
Reel   1
Brown, Swallon (Jeff)
Reel   1
Browne, Bitner
Reel   1
Brucker, Herbert
Reel   1
Bunche, Ralph J.
Reel   1
Burt, Hardy
Reel   1
Butcher, Devereux
Reel   1
Cain, Walker
Reel   1
Callery, Mary
Reel   1
Campos, Roberto de Oliveira
Reel   1
Cannon, John
Reel   1
Capron, Paul
Reel   1
Carhart, Arthur H.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning conservation.
Reel   1
Carr, Robert B.
Reel   1
Cary, William (chairman of the SEC)
Reel   1
Cherniss, Norman A.
Reel   1
Cheyne, Pierre
Reel   1
Chudson, Walter
Reel   1
Clark, Evans
Reel   1
Cleveland, Harlan
Reel   1
Cohen, Judy
Reel   1
Coleman, Alvin E.
Reel   1
Collingwood, Charles
Reel   1
Committee for Economic Development
Reel   1
Cone, Hutchinson I., Jr.
Reel   1
Congressional Quarterly Service
Reel   1
Conklin, Paul
Reel   1
Cosmopolitan Club
Reel   1
Cousins, Norman
Reel   1
Cowan, Louis G.
Reel   1
Crawford, Ruth
Reel   1
Cromwell, Jarvis
Reel   1
Cruikshank, William
Reel   1
Cullman, Joseph F., III
Reel   1
Concerning cigarettes and cancer.
Reel   1
Curtis, Michael
Congressional correspondence
Scope and Content Note: This file contains much material concerning criticisms of the workings of Congress, and concerning conservation. The entire file was not microfilmed.
Reel   1
Case, Clifford
Reel   1
Church, Frank
Reel   1
Clark, Joseph
Reel   1
Cleveland, James
Reel   1
Dodd, Thomas
Reel   1
Douglas, Paul
Reel   1
Flood, Daniel J.
Reel   1
Fulbright, J. William
Reel   1
Gore, Albert
Reel   1
Harvey, Ralph
Reel   1
Hayden, Carl
Reel   1
Javits, Jacob K.
Reel   1
Keating, Kenneth
Reel   1
Kefauver, Estes
Reel   1
Lindsay, John
Reel   1
McGovern, George
Reel   1
Monroney, A. S. (Mike)
Reel   1
Morse, F. Bradford
Reel   1
Neuberger, Marine
Reel   1
Neuberger, Richard (extensive file)
Reel   1
Pike, Otis
Reel   1
Resnick, Joseph Y.
Reel   1
Reuss, Henry S.
Reel   1
Symington, Stuart
Reel   1
Teague, Olin E.
Reel   1
Zelenko, Herbert
Reel   1
D'Addario, Joe
Reel   1
Daffin, Mrs. Sidney
Reel   1
de Chevigne, E.
Reel   1
de Voto, Bernard
Reel   1
Dickey,. John
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the “credibility gap.”
Reel   1
Dilliard, Irving
Reel   1
Dillon, Douglas
Reel   1
Dilworth, circa G.
Reel   1
Dodge, Cleveland E.
Reel   1
Donovan, Hedley
Reel   1
Dorian, Max
Reel   1
Douglas, William O.
Reel   1
Dudzienska, Sister Anna
Reel   1
Durand, Dana B.
Reel   1
Dustin, Thomas E. (of “Save the Dunes”)
Reel   1
Ears Inc.
Reel   1
Editor and Publisher
Reel   1
Egan, W.J. Convery
Reel   1
Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships Inc.
Reel   1
Ekstrom, Arne
Reel   1
Eldredge, H. Wentworth
Scope and Content Note: Including a long letter on D-Day.
Reel   1
Elston, Wilbur
Reel   1
Elton, Lord Godfrey
Reel   1
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Reel   1
English Speaking Union
Reel   1
English, Nicholas Conover
Reel   1
Epstein, William
Reel   1
Eren, Nuri
Scope and Content Note: Concerning Turkey.
Reel   1
Ernst, Morris (extensive file)
Reel   1
Estabrook, Robert
Reel   1
Evison, S. Herbert
Reel   1
Eytan, Walter
Reel   1
Farinholt, L. H. (of the Sloan Foundation)
Reel   1
Farley, James A.
Reel   1
Feld, Bernard T.
Reel   1
Ferguson, John H.
Reel   1
Finkelstein, Louis
Reel   1
Finley, David E.
Reel   1
Fisher, Adrian S.
Reel   1
Fischer, John
Reel   1
Flather, A. Chester
Reel   1
Fleeson, Doris
Reel   1
Flynn, John T.
Reel   1
Forsyth, John
Reel   1
Fortenzer, Claude
Reel   1
Fosdick, Raymond
Reel   1
Fowler, Henry H.
Reel   1
Frankfurter, Felix
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the review of cases; Senator Joseph McCarthy.
Reel   1
Freeman, Orville
Scope and Content Note: Concerning farm controls.
Reel   1
Freudenthal, David N.
Reel   1
Friele, Berent
Reel   1
Friendly, Alfred
Reel   1
Friendly, Edwin S.
Reel   1
Fritchey, Clayton
Reel   1
Fulbright Award
Reel   1
Gainza Paz, Alberto
Reel   1
Gans, Herbert J.
Reel   1
Gardner, John
Reel   1
Gardner, Richard N.
Reel   1
Garrity, Devin A.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning Oakes' review of a right-wing book.
Reel   1
Gaskill, William
Reel   1
Gebelt, Stephen Gurney
Reel   1
Gelber, Lionel
Reel   1
Ghofur, Abdul
Reel   1
Gilhooley, John J.
Reel   1
Ginzberg, Ralph
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the obscenity-censorship fight.
Reel   1
Gjesdal, Tor
Reel   1
Gordon, Dorothy
Reel   1
Gordon, Mrs. John D.
Reel   1
Gordon, Lincoln
Reel   1
Graff, Robert D.
Reel   1
Graham, Douglas
Reel   1
Graham, Philip
Reel   1
Greenbaum, Edward S.
Reel   1
Gregorieff, Igor A.
Reel   1
Grimm, Peter
Reel   1
Gross, Ernest
Reel   1
Hadas, Moses
Reel   1
Hansen, Robert H.
Reel   1
Harmer, Christopher
Reel   1
Harper's Magazine
Reel   1
Harriman, W. Averell
Scope and Content Note: Concerning Robert F. Kennedy's candidacy for the New York Senate seat.
Reel   1
Harris, Mrs. Leon
Reel   1
Harris, Sam
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the Army-McCarthy conflict.
Reel   1
Harris, General William A.
Reel   1
Hartford Courant
Reel   1
Harvard College
Reel   1
Hayes, Alfred
Reel   1
Hecksher, August
Reel   1
Heffner, Richard
Reel   1
Hemmendinger, Noel
Reel   1
Hermanos, Maxime L.
Reel   1
Hersey, John
Reel   1
Herter, Christian
Reel   1
Herzog, Mr, and Mrs. Paul M.
Reel   1
Hinman, George
Reel   1
Hoben, Lindsay
Reel   1
Hochschild, Harold K.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning “Negro Zionism.”
Reel   1
Hoffman, Paul G.
Reel   1
Hofman, Paul
Reel   1
Holland, Kenneth
Reel   1
Hook, Sidney
Reel   1
Hoover, Lawrence G.
Reel   1
Horton, Philip
Reel   1
Hovey, Allan, Jr.
Reel   1
Howell, Alfred C.
Reel   1
Huang, Steve
Reel   1
Hunter, Edward
Reel   1
Hunter, J. Ross, Jr.
Reel   1
Hunter College High School
Reel   1
Huxtable, Ada
H, Special
Reel   1
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Reel   1
Istel, Andre
Reel   1
Jackson, Lady Barbara
Reel   1
Jacobs, Murray L.
Reel   1
James, Weldon
Reel   1
Johnson, Alvin
Reel   1
Johnson, Joseph E.
Reel   1
Jolles, Paul
Reel   1
Joseph, Franz M.
J, Special
Reel   1
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Reel   2
Katzenbach, Nicholas
Reel   2
Kefauver, Estes
Reel   2
Keller, Mrs. Alexander
Reel   2
Keller, Peter R.
Reel   2
Kempton, Murray
Reel   2
Kemsley, Bill
Reel   2
Kheel, Theodore W.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the Transit Authority's right to automate.
Reel   2
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Reel   2
Kintner, William R.
Reel   2
Kirk, Grayson
Reel   2
Klabin, Israel
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the newsprint monopoly.
Reel   2
Kleiman, Robert
Reel   2
Klein, Julius
Scope and Content Note: Concerning Klein's German lobbying.
Reel   2
Knight, Hans
Reel   2
Knopf, Alfred
Reel   2
Kridel, William J.
Reel   2
Kupferman, Theodore R.
Reel   2
Kurth, Otto
K, Special
Reel   2
Kennedy, John F.
Reel   2
LaBour, Robert
Reel   2
Ladejinsky, Wolf
Reel   2
La Follette, Mrs. Robert M., Jr.
Reel   2
Lane, A. Alan
Reel   2
Lang, Daniel
Reel   2
Lasch, Robert
Reel   2
Laslett, J. H. M.
Reel   2
Lathrop, Harold
Reel   2
Leach, Peter
Reel   2
League of Women Voters
Reel   2
Lee, Ronald F.
Reel   2
Lehman, Herbert
Reel   2
Lennon, H. K.
Reel   2
Leva, Marx
Reel   2
Levy, Joseph
Reel   2
Levy, Robert J.
Reel   2
Lewis, Anthony
Reel   2
Lilienthal, David
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the nuclear test ban treaty.
Reel   2
Lippmann, Walter
Reel   2
Little, Frank
Reel   2
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Reel   2
Lodge, John
Reel   2
Loeb, Louis
Reel   2
Loescher, Frank S.
Reel   2
Lord, Russell
Reel   2
Louchheim, Katie
Reel   2
Low, Robert A.
Reel   2
Lowenfish, Joshua
Reel   2
Luce, Clare Booth
Reel   2
Lyons, Gene M.
L, Special
Reel   2
Lindsay, John
Reel   2
MacIntyre, Malcolm A.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning wiretapping.
Reel   2
MacKenzie, Nancy
Reel   2
MacLeish, Archibald
Reel   2
Maffry, August
Scope and Content Note: Concerning capital outflow.
Reel   2
Galerie Maeght
Reel   2
Mansfield, Mike
Reel   2
Marjolin, Robert
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the European Common Market.
Reel   2
Martins, Mme. Maria
Reel   2
Masland, F. E.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the United States and Cuba.
Reel   2
Mathis, Jim
Scope and Content Note: Concerning Texas politicians.
Reel   2
McClellan, Bruce
Reel   2
McCrea, Mollie
Reel   2
McGhee, Ambassador George C.
Reel   2
McKeever, Porter
Reel   2
McKitterick, Nat
Reel   2
Meacham, William S.
Reel   2
Melman, Seymour
Scope and Content Note: Concerning NATO missiles.
Reel   2
Merritt, Joseph
Reel   2
Mestres, Richardo A.
Reel   2
Meyer, Mrs. Eugene
Reel   2
Meyner, Robert B.
Reel   2
Minow, Newton
Reel   2
Monroney, Mike
Reel   2
Morgan, Edward P.
Reel   2
Morgenthau, Robert
Reel   2
Morris, DuBois
Reel   2
Morris, Newbold
Reel   2
Morse, David A.
Reel   2
Moses, Robert
Reel   2
Mumford, Lewis
Reel   2
Munoz Marin, Luis
Reel   2
Musarureva, Willie A. D.
Reel   2
Neal, Fred Warner
Reel   2
Nieman Fellowships
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence with Nathan Pusey.
Reel   2
Nolting, Frederick E.
Reel   2
O'Connor, Frank D.
Reel   2
Ogilvy, Stew
Reel   2
Oman, William
Reel   2
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
Reel   2
Oppenheimer, Robert L.
Reel   2
Omerod, Sir Berkeley
Reel   2
Oslow, Fairfield
Reel   2
Ottinger, Richard L.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the Peace Corps.
Reel   2
Owsley, Chuck
Reel   2
Pace, Frank, Jr.
Reel   2
Parkhill, Wilson
Reel   2
Paulitsch, Rosa
Reel   2
Perlman, Philip B.
Reel   2
Perkins, James A.
Reel   2
Peters, Richard D.
Reel   2
Pomona College
Reel   2
Popham, Johnny
Reel   2
Reel   2
Public correspondence, a representative selection
Scope and Content Note: This is two folders of letters from readers, many of them quite aroused. It contains much material on Herbert Mathews and Cuba.
Reel   2
Rabb, Maxwell
Reel   2
Rado, Emil
Scope and Content Note: Concerning Oakes' articles on Africa.
Reel   2
Radosta, John S.
Reel   2
Ramsbotham, Peter
Reel   2
Rea, William H.
Reel   2
Readers' Digest
Reel   2
Reid, Helen
Reel   2
Reid, Ogden
Reel   2
Reinthaler, Elmer S.
Reel   2
Republic Steel
Reel   2
Rockefeller, David
Reel   2
Rockefeller, John
Scope and Content Note: Including a long memo on President Diem of Viet Nam.
Reel   2
Rockefeller, Lawrence
Reel   2
Rockefeller, Nelson
Reel   2
Rockefeller, Winthrop
Reel   2
Rodgers, Richard
Reel   2
Rogers, Francis E.
Reel   2
Roosevelt, Nicholas
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the redwoods.
Reel   2
Root, Oren
Reel   2
Galerie Roque
Reel   2
Rose, E. J. B.
Reel   2
Rosenbluth, M. B.
Reel   2
Rotberg, Robert
Reel   2
Rothschild, Lord
Reel   2
Royster, Vermont
Reel   2
Ruebhausen, Oscar M.
Reel   2
Rusk, Dean
Reel   2
Rusk, Howard A.
Reel   2
Russell, John M.
Reel   2
Russell, Peter
Reel   2
Sargeant, Howland
Reel   2
Sarnoff, Robert W.
Reel   2
Schlesinger, Arthur M.
Reel   2
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning politics and medical care.
Reel   2
Seymour, Whitney N.
Reel   2
Shriver, Sargent
Reel   2
Sorenson, Theodore
Reel   2
Spivak, Lawrence E.
Reel   2
Stevenson, Adlai
Reel   2
Straus, Donald B.
Reel   2
Straus, Nathan
Reel   2
Straus, Roger W., Jr.
Reel   2
Swing, Raymond
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the admission of Carl Rowan to the Cosmos Club.
Reel   2
Symington, Stuart
Reel   2
Thomas, Evan
Reel   2
Time Magazine
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence with Richard Clurman, including a long letter concerning Harrison Salisbury's reporting from Moscow.
Reel   2
Tuchman, Barbara
Reel   2
Udall, Stewart
Reel   2
Ulmer, Alexander
Reel   2
Van Dusen, Henry P.
Reel   2
Vanden Heuvel, William Jr.
Reel   2
Wainwright, Stuyvesant
Reel   2
Wallach, Clara
Reel   2
Warren, Earl
Reel   2
Webster, Bethuel M.
Reel   2
Wechsler, James
Reel   2
Wedge, Bryant
Reel   2
Weismiller, Edward
Reel   2
Wheeler, John N.
Reel   2
Whitney, John H.
Reel   2
Wilderness Society
Reel   2
Williams, G. Mennen
Reel   2
Wilkin, Robert N,
Reel   2
Wilson, John D.
Reel   2
Winner, Percy
Reel   2
Wirth, Conrad L.
Reel   2
Wolff, Alice
Reel   2
Wolf, Elinor
Reel   2
Wyckoff, Cecilia
Reel   2
Wyeth, Andrew
Reel   2
Yugoslav Information Center
Subseries: Subject File, 1932-1965
Reel   2
Segment   1
American Society of Newspaper Editors
Reel   2
Segment   2
Book, The Edge of Freedom, 1961
Correspondence with Harper's Inc., including contract matters
Miscellaneous correspondence
Reel   2
Segment   3
Book, Masters of Deceit, by J. Edgar Hoover, reviewed by Oakes, 1958
Scope and Content Note: File contains much adverse reaction to Oakes' review by right-wing people and organizations.
Reel   2
Segment   4
Book Reviews by John B. Oakes, 1950-1957
Scope and Content Note: File includes printed reviews, and in most cases, the manuscript copies of these reviews; also includes a number of letters from right-wing people and organizations denouncing Oakes' reviews of right-wing books.
Reel   2
Segment   5
Carnegie Corporation - Travel Grant for , 1959
Reel   3
Segment   6
Carnegie Grant, Letters of Congratulations
Scope and Content Note: File includes one letter from Lyndon B. Johnson, December 12, 1958.
Reel   3
Segment   7
Carnegie Endowment and Corporation, 1960
Reel   3
Segment   8
Carrie Chapman Catt Memorial Fund, 1955-1958 (A Research and Educational Fund created by The League of Women Voters of the United States)
Scope and Content Note: File includes materials relating to the Freedom Agenda committee, proposals for research grants, correspondence, reports, minutes, brochures, and newsletters.
Reel   3
Segment   9
Chattanooga University, 1955 (70th Anniversary Convocation)
Scope and Content Note: File contains material on a New York Times panel, of which Oakes was the moderator.
Reel   3
Segment   10
Collegiate School, 1954-1958
Reel   3
Segment   11
Columbia-Catherwood Award, 1960-1962
Scope and Content Note: File contains speeches, schedules, correspondence, and brochures.
Reel   3
Segment   12
Columbia University School of Journalism, 1957-1964
Reel   3
Segment   13
Congregation Emanuel, 1952-1964
Scope and Content Note: File includes much material on Oakes' ideas regarding religious education of children.
Reel   3
Segment   14
Conservation Column, 1951-1960
Reel   3
Segment   15
Council on Foreign Relations, 1948-1963
Scope and Content Note: File contains correspondence on members, a transcript of the Ad Hoc Meeting for Representatives of the President's Commission on United States Information Activities Abroad, and much material relating to the press and foreign relations.
Reel   3
Segment   16
Educational Alliance, 1951-1964
Scope and Content Note: File includes material, 1955, relating to charges by Boy Scout officials that the Educational Alliance was infiltrated by Communists; papers relating to camping projects and other plans of the Alliance.
Reel   3
Segment   17
Foreign Policy Association, 1963-1964
Reel   3
Segment   18
Fulbright Act, National Selection Committee, 1952-1955
Scope and Content Note: File contains evaluation sheets for individual candidates; gives a clear picture of how Fellows are selected.
Reel   3
Segment   19
Hartford (Connecticut) University, 1960
Scope and Content Note: File contains correspondence, programs, and speeches relating to the awarding of a honorary degree to Oakes and to Oakes' participation in the university's convocation on France.
Reel   3
Segment   20
Lafayette Scholarships, 1954
Reel   3
Segment   21
Magazine articles by John B. Oakes, 1957-1958
Scope and Content Note: File includes notes of a long interview with Nelson Rockefeller, in which Rockefeller gives his reasons for entering politics; a copy of the manuscript of an article on isolationism; a carbon copy of an article on Adlai Stevenson; and a manuscript concerning the new president of Princeton University.
Reel   3
Segment   22
Magazine articles by John B. Oakes, 1938; 1953; 1957
Scope and Content Note: File contains photostats of 1938 “Letters from Russia,” written by Oakes for the Washington Post.
Reel   4
Segment   22A
McCarthy File (Grace Roosevelt and Pegler)
Reel   4
Segment   23
Metropolitan Club, 1952-1954
Reel   4
Segment   24
National Conference of Editorial Writers, 1954-1956
Reel   4
Segment   25
Nieman Foundation, 1955-1962
Reel   4
Segment   26
New York Times Bureaus, Correspondence with Times newsmen, 1961-1965
Scope and Content Note: Includes:
Belair, Felix: Subjects covered include: foreign aid; Lyndon Johnson's attitudes toward stories anticipating his actions; and Eisenhower's support of Henry Cabot Lodge.
Bigart, Homer: Gives information on Nigeria.
Braestrup, Peter (Algeria): Gives information on Ben Bella and the turbulent Algerian scene.
Dale, Edwin L.
de Onis, Juan: Subjects covered include: Gainza Paz in Bolivia and Peruvian politics.
Frankel, Max: Gives information on North Vietnamese help to the Viet Cong.
Gruson, Sidney: Gives information on the Profumo scandal.
Kenworthy, E. W.: Gives information on foreign aid.
Krock, Arthur
Lewis, Anthony: Gives information on Britain's race question.
Olson, Arthur
O'Toole, Edward T.: Discusses Russia and the European Common Market.
Reston, James
Salisbury, Harrison
Shabad, Theodore
Shanahan, Eileen: Gives information on tax loopholes.
Sullivan, Walter
Underwood, Paul
Walz, Jay
Welles, Benjamin: Gives information on Patrice Lumumba and the Congo.
Reel   4
Segment   27
New York Times Magazine articles by John B. Oakes
Scope and Content Note: File contains two articles: “The Security Issue,” and “This Is the Real, the Lasting Damage,” along with much reader response.
Reel   4
Segment   28
Princeton University, 1932; 1934; 1953-1964
Scope and Content Note: File includes correspondence, speeches, and printed matter, some of which goes back to 1932 when Oakes was elected to the Tower Club.
Reel   4
Segment   29
Princeton University - Sheldon Fund, 1946-1950
Scope and Content Note: File contains materials relating to the Princeton University Department which coordinates all fund-raising projects on behalf of the University.
Reel   4
Segment   30
Princeton University Alumni Weekly, 1952
Scope and Content Note: File includes background materials on a series on academic freedom.
Reel   4
Segment   31
Radio and Television Programs
Scope and Content Note: File contains materials relating to the Open Mind program of November 16, 1958 and a number of quotes relating to integration.
Reel   4
Segment   32
Rhodes Scholars, 1954-1956 (Selection Committee)
Reel   4
Segment   33
Rhodes Scholars, 1934; 1957-1961 (Association of American Rhodes Scholars)
Reel   4
Segment   34
Rhodes Scholarship Trust, 1957-1964
Reel   4
Segment   35
Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1954
Reel   4
Segment   36
Sigma Delta Chi, 1953-1954
Reel   4
Segment   37
“Is Freedom of the Press in Danger?” - panel, October 13, 1953
“Communism and Its Impact on Our Liberties,” March 18, 1953
“Futurama of Communications: The Printed Word,” February 16, 1954
“Women: Power for Freedom,” June 1955
“Issues and Politics,” October 1954
“Reinforcing American Freedoms,” April 20, 1955
“Should the State Department Allow Reporters to Go to Red China?” , April 1957
“The Right of the People to Know,” Spring 1958
“The New Role of Neutralism,” November 16, 1960
“The Jet-Propelled Bulldozer,” July 25/26, 1960
“The Challenge of the '60s,” June 6, 1960
Reel   4
Segment   38
Speeches (continued)
Bryn Mawr, February 25, 1963, “Responsibility of the Press”
Collegiate School
Alumni Award Dinner, April 25, 1963
“Man's Right to Knowledge and The Free Use Thereof,” May 7, 1954
Presentation of Head Boy Medal, June 4, 1953
Dartmouth (Orvil E. Dryfoos Conference on Public Affairs), March 7, 1964, “The Public Image of Congress”
Hartford University, June 6, 1960, “The Challenge of the '60s”
Marquette University, March 7, 1962, “The Editorial: What It Is and What It Aims For”
Montana State University, May 5, 1963, “New York's Newspaper Strike”
Oxford School (Hartford) June 12, 1963, Commencement
Pomona College, June 9, 1963, “Smashing the Cliche”
Princeton, February 14, 1963, The Princetonian annual banquet
SC 3288
Folder   1
“The Critical Responsibility,” 1967 May 8
Micro 96
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Segment   39
Speeches - Columbia University Lectures
“The Editorial Page,” March 13, 1953
Untitled, on the editorial page, March, 1952; another version given at the sectional meeting on the Editorial Page at the 28th annual convention of Columbia's Scholastic Press Association in New York on , March 14, 1952
Letter concerning the Columbia University lecture program
Article relating to “The Editorial Page” in the School Press Review, February 1954
Reel   4
Segment   40
Speech data
Scope and Content Note: File includes material relating to the function of the editorial page.
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Segment   41
Speeches - Notes
Scope and Content Note: File contains material on Africa.
Reel   4
Segment   42
State Charities Aid Association, 1951-1958
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Segment   43
Travel, Middle East, 1957
Scope and Content Note: File includes notes on a trip to Greece, Istanbul, Beirut, Cairo, Cyprus, and Israel.
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Segment   44
USSR Conference, 1962-1963
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Segment   45
Woodrow Wilson Foundation and Woodrow Wilson Papers, 1957-1966
Scope and Content Note: File contains materials relating to the Foundation's project to get Wilson's papers published.
Reel   4
Segment   46
World Scope Encyclopaedia