Archival Resources on Hispanics in Wisconsin, 1930-1979

Scope and Content Note

The Item numbers assigned to the entries herein correspond to those appearing in Hispanics in Wisconsin: A Bibliography of Resource Materials, compiled by Cristobal S. Berry-Caban and published in 1981 by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.

The bibliography (and subsequently, this microfilm) is part of the Society's response to an extensive Report on State Services to the Hispanic Population of Wisconsin, prepared by the Governor's Council for Spanish-Speaking People in 1976. Among its many recommendations, the Council suggested that the State Historical Society might extend its services and improve its collections relating to the history of Spanish-speaking peoples.

In an effort to identify and acquire more primary and secondary source materials on the state's Hispanic population, the Society employed Mr. Berry-Caban to research the bibliography, and it was he who collected and organized most of the resource materials included on this microfilm. As an aid to the researcher, both the bibliography and this microfilm draw together materials from diverse sources, many of which are unique or hard to find. Included are such items as published articles, reports, unpublished papers, newspaper clippings, organizational records, and personal papers. For a more comprehensive listing of the Society's resources on Hispanics and a brief historical overview of the state's Spanish-speaking population, the researcher should consult Hispanics in Wisconsin.