Anthony Wise Papers, 1883-1995

Container Title
DHSS administrative rules, 1980-1995
Box   2
  Folder   22
Chapter 48, Secure detention/jail
Box   3
  Folder   1
HSS 53, Adoption information and disclosure
Box   3
  Folder   2
HSS 55.50, Start-up grants for expansion of child care 1983
HSS 55. Day care services
Box   3
  Folder   3-4
HSS 55.55-59 Subchapter 4, day care services for children 1984-1985
Box   3
  Folder   5-6
HS 55.61, Liability insurance
Box   3
  Folder   7
HS 55.58(4), Period of certification for providers of day care for children
Box   3
  Folder   8-9
HS 55.72E-55.72P, Funds distribution formula for at-risk day care
Box   3
  Folder   10
HSS 55.73-76, Day care program administration and funding
Box   3
  Folder   11
HSS 55.75, Use of Dane County funds to pay for county administration of day care
Box   3
  Folder   12
HSS 55.80 and 55.81, Day care start-up and expansion grants
Box   3
  Folder   13-14
HSS 55.81 emergency and proposed rules, start-up grants for before school and after school day care 1990
HSS 80, Child support percentage of income standards
Box   3
  Folder   15-16
Amendments, 1987, 1994
Box   3
  Folder   17
Rule proposal, 1986-1987
Box   3
  Folder   18
Proposal to repeal and recreate, 1994
Box   3
  Folder   19
HSS 81, Establishment of the paternity of non-marital children 1994
HSS 201, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) rules
Box   3
  Folder   21-22
HSS 201-205 rule proposal, 1981-1982
Box   3
  Folder   23
AFDC general and monthly reporting, 1982
Box   3
  Folder   24-25
HSS 201 and 207-210E--AFDC Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) training program implementation, 1989
Box   3
  Folder   26
HSS 201 and 208 Registration of AFDC applicants for Wisconsin Employment Opportunities Program (WEOP), 1986
Box   3
  Folder   27-28
HSS 201-209 and 210P, Removal of exemption of parent of child age 2 to 5 from work/training requirements 1987
HSS 201.055, AFDC emergency assistance
Box   3
  Folder   29
Proposed rule, 1992
Box   3
  Folder   30
Emergency rule, 1992
Box   3
  Folder   31
Revisions, 1993
Box   3
  Folder   32
Finding of emergency, 1995
Box   3
  Folder   33
Proposed revisions, 1993
Box   3
  Folder   34
Repeal and recreation draft order, 1995
Box   3
  Folder   35
Proposed permanent rules, 1994-1995
Box   3
  Folder   36-37
HSS 201.08 and 201.10, Payment of monthly AFDC benefits using electronic funds transfer emergency and permanent rules 1987
Box   3
  Folder   38-39
HSS original rules, 1988, and revisions, 1993 201.09 and 201.10, Two-party payments of rent and payments vendors
Box   3
  Folder   40-41
HSS 201.09 and 201.36, Transitional child care for persons who lose AFDC eligibility
Box   3
  Folder   42
HSS 201.14 and 201.245, AFDC minor parent households
Box   3
  Folder   43-44
HSS 201.14(3), 100-hour rule exemption demonstration project 1991
Box   3
  Folder   45
HSS 201.17(2)(b), Temporary absence of AFDC child or caretaker relative
Box   4
  Folder   1
HSS 201.19, JOBS participation 1995
Box   4
  Folder   2
HSS 201.19(2)(d), AFDC continuation of sanction
HSS201.19 and 201.195, AFDC Learnfare program
Box   4
  Folder   3
Rules proposal, 1987
Box   4
  Folder   4
Amendments and rule repeal/recreation, 1994
Box   4
  Folder   5
Learnfare for preteens, 1994
Box   4
  Folder   6-7
Emergency rules, 1987 November 1, December 4
Box   4
  Folder   8
Emergency rule revision, effective 1988 June 1
Box   4
  Folder   9
Amendments, 1988 September 1
Box   4
  Folder   10-11
HSS 201.198, AFDC parental and family responsibility demonstration project
Box   4
  Folder   12-13
HSS 201.27, Special resource account and vehicle asset limit demonstration project
Box   4
  Folder   14
HSS 201.275, AFDC divestment 1987
HSS 201.28, AFDC rules
Box   4
  Folder   15
HSS 201.28, AFDC lump sum
Box   4
  Folder   16
HSS 201.28(13), AFDC earned income tax credit emergency rule 1984
Box   4
  Folder   17
HSS 201.28 (13) repeal, 19
Box   4
  Folder   18
HSS 201.30(3), Offsetting AFDC payments
Box   4
  Folder   19-20
HSS 201.305, Two-tier AFDC benefit demonstration project
Box   4
  Folder   21
HSS 201.31, AFDC stepparent assets amendments
Box   4
  Folder   22
HSS 201.31, Reduction in AFDC standard of need and grant to reflect lower housing cost when non-recipients share housing
Box   4
  Folder   23
HSS 204.10, Eligibility requirements for AFDC of unemployed parents
HSS 206
Box   4
  Folder   24
Work supplementation amendments, 1988-1989
Box   4
  Folder   25
Grant diversion/work supplementation for AFDC recipients, 1986
Box   4
  Folder   26-27
AFDC recipients participation in JOBS program, 1994
HSS 207
Box   4
  Folder   28-29
AFDC work not welfare project, 1994-1995
Box   4
  Folder   30-31
Guaranteed jobs program, 1989
Box   4
  Folder   32
HSS 208, Wisconsin employment opportunities program (WEOP)
Box   4
  Folder   33
HSS 208, 209 and 210, Child care under AFDC-related programs
Box   4
  Folder   34-36
HSS 208.065, AFDC workfare educational policy 1989-1990
Box   4
  Folder   37-38
HSS 209, Community work experience programs for AFDC recipients
HSS 210, Work Experience and Job Training (WEJT) pilot program for AFDC recipients
Box   5
  Folder   1
WEJT amendments, 1988-1989
Box   5
  Folder   2
WEJT emergency rules, 1986
Box   5
  Folder   3
WEJT permanent rules, 1987
Box   5
  Folder   4
HSS 215, Paternity and securing child support 1980
Box   5
  Folder   5-6
HSS 217, Training and examination of income maintenance workers
Box   5
  Folder   7
HSS 222, Aid for 18 year old students
Box   5
  Folder   8
HSS 225, Public assistance fair hearings
Box   5
  Folder   9
HSS 240, Low income energy assistance program (LIEAP)
Box   6
  Folder   1
HSS 240.162, Emergency rule-energy assistance program
Box   6
  Folder   2
HSS 244, Confidentiality of public assistance records
Box   6
  Folder   3
HSS 245, Administrative rule coordination: public assistance records retention
Box   6
  Folder   4
HSS 250, Division of vocational rehabilitation (DVR) rules 2-8 1979
Box   6
  Folder   5
HSS 255, Vocational rehabilitation services order of selection
Box   6
  Folder   6
HSS 258, Confidentiality of DVR records
HSS 260-261, Business enterprise program (BEP)
Box   6
  Folder   7
Proposed rules, 1982-1983
Box   6
  Folder   8
Amendments regarding co-managers, 1993
Box   6
  Folder   9
Proposed revisions, 1986
Box   6
  Folder   10
HSS 261, BEP for the severely disabled 1982