Anthony Wise Papers, 1883-1995

Container Title
Socialist Labor Party Records
Box   1
Medals, buttons and ribbons, undated
Box   1
Membership applications and cards, undated
Box   1
Newspaper clippings, 1964
Box   1
Miscellaneous, undated
Box   1
Daniel De Leon, undated
Box   1
Hass and Blomen presidential ticket, 1964
Box   1
Arnold Petersen, 1949-1962
Box   1
Presidential election vote tallies, 1892-1964
Box   1
Programs and souvenirs, 1931-1964
Box   1
On the Alien Registration Act, 1940
Box   1
Campaign fund appeal, 1940
Box   1
Collapse of capitalism, 1940
Box   1
End-of-year messages, 1940-1963
Box   1
Greetings to the Bulgarian Socialist Labor Federation Convention, 1939
Box   1
On official harassment, 1939
Open letters
Box   1
To Alexander Heard, 1962
Box   1
To Senator Jacob K. Javits, 1962
Box   1
To Dr. Frank Stanton, 1955
Box   1
To Wallace White, 1947
Box   2
Bulgarian Socialist Labor Federation Convention, 1939
Box   2
“An SLP Holiday Trip,” 1941
Box   2
On America's entry into World War II, undated
Box   2
On labor conscription, 1945
Box   2
On the present grave crisis, 1962
Box   2
On proposals to amend section 315, Federal Communications Act, 1959-1963
National convention records
Box   2
“Proceedings,” 1896, 1900, 1916
Box   2
“Reports, Resolutions, Platform, etc.,” 1920
“Minutes, Reports, Resolutions, Platform, etc.”
Box   2
1924, 1928
Box   3
1932, 1936, 1940
Box   3
“Report,” 1940
“Minutes, Reports, Resolutions, Platform, etc.”
Box   3
Box   4
1948, 1952, 1956, 1960
Box   4
“Report,” 1964
Box   4
Bylaws of the New York State Executive Committee of the Socialist Labor Party, 1934-1948
Box   4
Catalogues, undated
Box   4
Constitution of the Lettish Socialist Labor Federation of America, 1917
Box   4
Constitution of the Socialist Labor Party, 1900-1956
Box   4
Constitution of the Workers International Industrial Union, 1922
Box   4
Guide for members at outdoor meetings, 1940
Box   4
Home study course, 1965
Box   5
Proceedings of the First Convention of the Industrial Workers of the World, 1905
Box   5
Bax, E. Belfort, The French Revolution, 1934
Box   5
DeLeon, Daniel, Flashlights of the Amsterdam Congress, 1929
Box   5
Marx, Karl, The Class Struggles in France, 1848-1850, 1924
Box   5
Marx, Karl, The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, 1951
Box   5
Mills, Word H., Evolution of Society, 1927
Box   6
Schwab, Rudolf and others, Daniel De Leon: The Man and His Work, 1934
Sue, Eugene, translated by Daniel DeLeon, The Mysteries of the People, or History of a Proletarian Family Across the Ages, 1923
Box   6
Books I and II
Box   7
Book III
Box   7
General, undated
Box   8
General, undated (continued)
Box   9
Presidential and national, 1920-1964
Box   9
State and local, 1917-1961
Box   10
Brady, Thomas, Historical Basis of Socialism in Ireland, 1921
Box   10
Brandon, Joseph, Workers Party versus Socialist Labor Party, 1925
Box   10
Budgen, F.S. and L. Cotton, Craft Unionism versus Industrial Unionism, 1934
Box   10
De Angulo, Jaime, The “Trial” of Ferrer, 1920
De Leon, Daniel
Box   10
Abolition of Poverty, 1962
Box   10
Anti-Semitism: Its Cause and Cure, 1921
Box   10
As to Politics, 1956
Box   10
The Ballot and the Class Struggle, 1947
Box   10
Berger's Hit and Misses, 1919
Box   10
Capitalism Means War, 1947
Box   10
Evolution of a Liberal, 1965
Box   10
Fifteen Questions about Socialism, 1961
Box   10
Industrial Unionism, 1963
Box   10
James Madison and Karl Marx, 1932
Box   10
Marx on Mallock, or Facts versus Fiction, 1919
Box   10
Money, undated
Box   10
Socialism versus Anarchism, undated, 1962
Box   10
A Socialist in Congress: His Conduct and Responsibilities, 1962
Box   10
Socialist versus Capitalist Economics, 1963
Box   10
To the International Socialist Congress of Copenhagen, circa 1910
Box   10
Two Pages from Roman History, 1962
Box   10
Unity, 1914
Box   10
The Vatican in Politics: Ultramontanism, 1962
Box   10
Watson on the Gridiron, 1926
Box   10
Woman's Suffrage, 1925
Box   10
De Leon, Daniel and Olive M. Johnson, Karl Marx and Forty Years After, 1924
Engels, Frederick
Box   10
Development of Socialism, undated
Box   10
Historical Materialism, 1963
Box   10
The Mark, 1902
Box   10
Goerke, John D. and Daniel De Leon, Taxation, and Who Pays Taxes, 1919
Hass, Eric
Box   10
The Americanism of Socialism, 1962
Box   10
Capitalism: Breeder of Race Prejudice, 1964
Box   10
Dave Beck Labor Merchant, 1957
Box   10
The Labor Draft...Step to Industrial Slavery, 1943
Box   10
Militarism...Labor's Foe!1961
Box   10
The Reactionary Right: Incipient Fascism, 1963
Box   10
Socialism Answers Anti-Semitism, 1960
Box   10
World without Race Prejudice, undated
Box   10
Hass, Eric and Stephen Emery, What Workers Should Know About Automation...and What Employers Don't Tell Them, 1957
Box   11
Holmes, T.J., Socialism, 1931
Johnson, Olive M.
Box   11
Americanism, 1929, 1935
Box   11
The Cooperative Movement, 1924
Box   11
Daniel De Leon, 1935
Box   11
May Day versus Labor Day, 1937
Box   11
Revolution, 1923
Box   11
The Socialist Party, 1924
Box   11
Johnson, Olive M. and Paul Lafargue, The Spy in the Labor Movement, 1929
Box   11
Karp, Nathan, Unionism: Fraudulent or Genuine?, 1962
Kautsky, Karl, translated by Daniel De Leon
Box   11
The Capitalist Class, 1918
Box   11
The Socialist Republic, 1918
Box   11
Kudlik, Alex and Theodore Weder, Two Pages from Proletarian History, 1934
Kuhn, Henry
Box   11
Manifesto of the Socialist Labor Party to the Working Class of America, 1921
Box   11
The Mines to the Miners!, 1920
Box   11
Railway Workers Wake Up!, 1921
Lafargue, Paul
Box   11
Karl Marx, 1962
Box   11
The Religion of Capital, undated
Box   11
Lassalle, Ferdinand, What is Capital?, 1921
Marx, Karl
Box   11
Free Trade, 1921
Box   11
Value, Price and Profit, 1965
Box   11
Morgan, Lewis Henry, Montezuma's Dinner, 1950
Box   11
National Executive Committee of the Socialist Labor Party, Socialist Party Fusion, Compromise and Political Trading, 1920
Box   11
Orange, Aaron M., Economic Basis of Education, 1944
Box   11
Plechanov, George, translated by Henry Kuhn, The Bourgeois Revolution, 1926
Box   11
Randall, Robert, John Mitchell Exposed, 1905
Box   11
Reilly, James M. and John Hossack, Proceedings of New Jersey Socialist Unity Conference, circa 1906
Box   11
Reimer, Arthur E., To the International Socialist Congress at Vienna, circa 1914
Box   11
Reinstein, Boris, International May Day and American Labor Day, undated
Box   11
Sanial, Lucien, Territorial Expansion, undated
Box   11
Silver, Adolph, De Leonism versus Burlesque Communism, 1929
Box   11
Touroff, Anna, Report of the Socialist Women of Greater New York to the International Socialist Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1910
Box   11
The American Farmer, undated
Box   11
Lightning Rods of Capitalism, 1931
Box   11
Marxism versus Stalinism, undated
Box   11
Party Ownership of the Press, 1931
Box   11
Socialism and the State, 1942
Box   11
Socialism: Questions Most Frequently Asked and Their Answers, 1965
Box   11
The Trusts, undated
Box   11
War and Unemployment, 1961
Box   11
What is Socialism?, 1963
Box   11
Who Are the Falsifiers?, 1926
Oversize Folder  
Weekly People, 1931-1941
Quantity: 6 issues