Arthur Kinoy Papers, circa 1930-2003

Container Title
VBB 636-646
U.S. Senate Hearings: Subcommittee on Health. Infant Formula in Developing Nations. Senator Edward Kennedy presiding, 1978 May 23
VBB 647
Independent Television News INFACT Association (six news segments), 1981 May
VBB 648
The Formula Factor [Canadian Broadcast]
VBB 649-650
Notre Dame Debate
VBB 651
Bill Moyers: The Politics of Energy [with Barry Commoner]
VBB 652
Audio-Visual Hearings
VBB 653
INFACT: Gil Scott Heron Interview, 1981 October 19
VBB 654
M/L Biotechnology
VBB 655
CBS Reports: Into the Mouths of Babes [Bill Moyers], 1978 July 5
VCA 254
CBS News Special Edition #6: Infant Formula in the Third World, 1978 July 7
VCA 255
Doug Moore Show: Leah Margulies and Doug Groner Debate. WCCO, 1979 April 29
VTA 026
ABC 20/20: Domestic Infant Formula Problems