Brian Willson Papers, 1985-1992

Contents List

Container Title
Series: Correspondence
Box   3
Folder   21-27
Box   4
Folder   1-12
Box   24
Folder   10-14
Box   5
Folder   37
Box   4
Folder   14-29
Box   5
Folder   1-19
, 1944-1946 (continued)
Box   11
Folder   2-3
1946, 1955-1958
Box   6
Folder   1-6
Box   13
Box   14
Folder   1-20
, 1958-1964 (continued)
Box   15
Box   12
Folder   1-14
Box   26
Folder   16-22
1961-1962, 1970-1973
Box   25
Folder   1-29
Box   23
Folder   29-48
Box   24
Folder   1-7
, 1964-1970 (continued)
Box   29
Folder   27-29
Box   31
Folder   21-25
Box   33
Folder   1-4
Box   38
Folder   1-13
Box   39
Folder   1-10
, 1976-1979 (continued)
Box   35
Folder   17-18
Box   11
Folder   8-31
1937-1947, A-Z
Box   11
Folder   54-71
1947, A-Z
Box   20
1964-1967, A-O
Box   21
Folder   1-11
1964-1967, P-Z
Series: Writings and Research
Atlas of American History
Box   9
Folder   1-43
Notes and correspondence, 1941-1944
Box   10
Folder   1-2
Notes and correspondence, 1941-1944 (continued)
Box   37
Folder   23-41
Atlas of Congressional Roll Calls, Publishing history, 1939-1959
Clio's Servant
Box   1-2
Manuscript pages for period , 1914-1920
Box   1-2
Used notes and manuscript for period , 1920-1930
Box   1-2
Used notes and manuscript for period , 1930-1940
Box   1-2
Notes, used and unused, undated
Box   21
Folder   13-15
Draft, 1967
Box   22
Folder   1-40
Drafts and notes, 1965, undated
Federal Courts
Box   10
Folder   7-20
Research, statistics, maps and related materials, 1937-1942
Box   11
Folder   1
Research, statistics, maps and related materials (continued)
Box   22
Folder   41
Correspondence and publishing history, 1958-1967
Box   23
Folder   1-2
Correspondence and publishing history, 1958-1967 (continued)
Historical Atlas of the United States
Box   37
Folder   3
Correspondence, reprinting, 1968
Box   37
Folder   8
Correspondence and notes, next edition of Historical Atlas, 1954
Box   13
Folder   1
Box   13
Folder   4
History of Naval Aviation, 1898-1941
Box   3
Folder   1-2
Notes for history of naval aviation, undated
Box   3
Folder   3
Outline, 1946
Box   3
Folder   4-7
Correspondence for naval aviation history, 1946-1949
Box   3
Folder   8-10
Incomplete text, draft, 1946
Box   33
Folder   7-27
Draft and final copy, undated
Box   37
Folder   22
Miscellaneous notes and photographs, naval aviation, undated
Box   23
Folder   3-27
Keepers of the Past, drafts, undated
Reuben Gold Thwaites and the Progressive Historical Society
Box   36
Folder   70
Biographical notes, undated
Box   36
Folder   71
Arizona, notes, undated
Box   36
Folder   54
Correspondence and notes on Reuben Gold Thwaites, 1975-1978
Reviews of books
Box   37
Folder   4
Books reviewed by Lord, 1963-1975
Box   37
Folder   5
Historical Atlas, 1944-1950
Box   37
Folder   6
Congressional Roll Calls, 1943-1944
Box   37
Folder   7
Naval Aviation, 1950
Box   37
Folder   9
Clio's Servant, 1968
Box   37
Folder   11
Keepers of the Past, 1966-1967
Box   13
Folder   5
Book reviews, undated
Box   36
Folder   60
Notes, history of woodland park, 1927
Box   3
Folder   19
Research on state legislation concerning the State Historical Society of Wisconsin (during the years 1853-1929), 1920, 1949
Box   3
Folder   20
Notes on history of popular recreation in New York State, undated
Box   20
Writings and article drafts on state and national history, undated
Box   26
Folder   25-28
Research materials and notes, civil service act and congressional directories, 1935-1947
Box   4
Folder   13
Research material and papers from New School for Social Research, 1936
Box   13
Folder   2-3
Holt and Company, publication correspondence, 1938-1943
Box   5
Folder   35
William D. Boutwell, radio scripts, Freedom Series, 1938-1939
Box   5
Folder   31
Correspondence regarding World's Fair federal building exhibits, 1939-1940
Box   5
Folder   32
Correspondence regarding Democratic National Committee and promotion of federal agencies, 1939
Box   3
Folder   12-15
“Those Same Nine Men,” paper on Supreme Court Justices, manuscript and final draft, circa 1939
Box   5
Folder   20
“Americans All-Immigrants All,” radio program, 1939
Box   13
Folder   6
Writings and correspondence, conscription article, 1940
Box   5
Folder   33
Book proposal, federal agencies, 1940
Box   36
Folder   67
Reports and journal articles on history by Lord, reprints, 1943-1959
Box   3
Folder   18
The Archival Program In Wisconsin, draft and final copies, 1947
Box   3
Folder   16
Rise of the American Nation series, 1949-1960
Box   37
Folder   1-2
Academic journal articles by or about Lord on education, 1950-1965
Box   36
Folder   53
Journal articles by Lord and review of The History of Wisconsin by Richard H. Current, 1963-1964, 1973, 1977
Box   12
Folder   18-21
Community Materials in Secondary Schools, drafts, 1963
Box   37
Folder   16
Publishers' contracts, 1964-1976
Box   36
Folder   62
Unpublished articles by Lord, 1964-1969
Box   36
Folder   69
Article, “Maquoketa Pioneer,” draft and correspondence, 1964
Box   37
Folder   10
Teaching History with Community Resources, correspondence, reviews and publication history, 1964-1973
Box   37
Folder   12-13
Articles on local history, 1965-1969
Box   37
Folder   20
Reading notes on local and maritime history, 1967
Box   36
Folder   61
Correspondence and articles, Localized History Series, 1975
Series: Speeches and Speaking Engagements
Box   5
Folder   28
Box   5
Folder   21-27
1951-1957, State Historical Society of Wisconsin notes and speeches
Box   26
Folder   8-15
Box   14
Folder   21-37
Box   12
Folder   17
1962, New Jersey Tercentenary speech
Box   21
Folder   12-14
Box   36
Folder   55
Box   28
Folder   3-52
Box   29
Folder   1-9
, 1968-1972 (continued)
Box   36
Folder   58-59
1976, Notes, New York State Historical Association and miscellaneous
Series: Personal and Biographical Files
Academic records
Box   33
Folder   5
School records and childhood activities, 1924-1932
Amherst College
Box   24
Folder   9
Papers, 1932-1934
Box   33
Folder   6
Correspondence and mementos, 1926-1933
Box   11
Folder   53
Correspondence, 1928-1930
Box   3
Folder   17
Alumni Council correspondence, 1953-1955
Box   11
Folder   4-6
Academic research papers, 1934-1935
Box   11
Folder   73
Disarmament scrapbooks, Amherst College, 1931-1932
Awards and honors
Box   36
Folder   56
Degree certifications and honors, 1943-1970
Box   35
Folder   15
Photocopies of plaques, 1964-1969, 1980
Box   41
Personal citations, diplomas and honorary awards, 1928-1973
Box   36
Folder   47-49
Biographical information and photograph, 1942, 1958, 1974
Box   31
Folder   29
Clippings, biographical, 1942-1962
Box   6
Folder   7
Diary, 1940
Box   11
Folder   7
Dues receipts, United Federal Workers of America, Local 100, April 1938-May 1939
Calendars/Appointment books
Box   27
Folder   5
Calendar, out of state work, 1958, 1962
Box   27
Folder   12-20
Date calendar pages, 1963-1971
Box   28
Folder   1-2
Date calendar pages, 1963-1971 (continued)
Box   30
Monthly appointment books, 1963-1971
Correspondence and financial records
Box   11
Folder   35-52
Miscellaneous correspondence and financial records, 1939-1943
Box   26
Folder   1-7
Financial records and correspondence, 1940-1972
Box   31
Folder   28
Federal tax returns, 1966-1969
Box   27
Folder   11
Savings account record books, 1962-1968
Box   35
Folder   25
Life insurance premiums, 1939-1977
Box   35
Folder   26
Mortgage records, 1953-1977
Box   35
Folder   30-44
Financial records and correspondence, 1970-1979
Box   36
Folder   1-46
Financial records and correspondence, 1970-1979 (continued)
Box   37
Folder   21
Wills and testaments, 1978
Box   37
Folder   19
Betty Lord, social security, 1963
Box   37
Folder   17
Mortgage certificates, 1931-1959
Box   37
Folder   14
Personal property records, 1977
Box   35
Folder   29
Key West, maps and receipts, 1979
Box   36
Folder   52
Family Christmas letters, 1963-1977
Box   27
Folder   3
Family Christmas letters, 1964-1977
Box   5
Folder   34
Family correspondence, Betty Lord, circa 1936
Box   37
Folder   15
Family plot, correspondence, 1963-1977
Box   37
Folder   15
Financial and property records
Box   24
Folder   8
“Greenkill Happenings,” summer camp newsletter, 1931
Box   27
Folder   6-9
Military service records, Clifford Lord, 1942-1955
Box   11
Folder   33
Rotary club correspondence, 1937, 1941
Box   40
Scrapbooks, Cornell College, personal and family, 1895-1964
Series: Professional Files
American Association for State and Local History
Box   11
Folder   34
Correspondence, American Association for State and Local History, 1941
Box   19
Correspondence, American Association for State and Local History and Columbia University, 1964
Box   16-18
Correspondence, American Association for State and Local History, State Historical Society of Wisconsin and National Railroad Museum, 1958-1964
Columbia University
Box   39
Folder   11-18
Lecture notes, American history classes, circa 1930-1939
Box   26
Folder   23-24
Course materials, 1938, 1962-1963
Box   27
Folder   4
Course material, 1938
Box   35
Folder   24
Exams, 1939-1941
Box   35
Folder   21-22
Syllabi and exams, 1938-1939
Box   35
Folder   20
Merwinisms, undated
Box   35
Folder   23
Newspaper cartoons and miscellaneous photographs, undated
Box   24
Folder   15-18
Columbia University correspondence, 1965-1968
Box   10
Folder   6
Correspondence with University of Wisconsin history department, 1959-1964
Box   35
Folder   3
Consulting work, 1960, 1975
Box   37
Folder   18
Hofstra University and Hudson Institute, 1968-1973
Box   36
Folder   57
New York State Historical Association, 1943, 1976
Box   17
Correspondence, New Jersey Tercentenary, American Association for State and Local History, American History Research Center, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1964-1965
Employment seeking correspondence
Box   27
Folder   10
Regarding University of Wisconsin presidency, 1962
Box   31
Folder   2-20
Employment search, 1974-1975
Box   35
Folder   9
Employment search, 1976
Federal Historical Records Survey
Box   6
Folder   8-52
Historical records survey correspondence, 1938-1942
Box   7-8
Historical records survey correspondence, 1938-1942 (continued)
Box   12
Folder   15-16
Historical sites survey, traffic patterns, 1961-1962
Hofstra University
Box   36
Folder   64
Hofstra University president reports, 1964-1968
Box   32
Folder   1-109
Correspondence, local history programs, 1966-1967
Hudson Institute
Box   35
Folder   1-2
Hudson Institute speech and contract, 1973
Box   36
Folder   65
Hudson Institute president reports, 1973-1974
Box   31
Folder   26-27
Correspondence, 1974-1975
Maritime Museum
Box   35
Folder   4-8
Correspondence and consulting reports, 1975-1976
Box   35
Folder   27
National Maritime Historical Society, 1977-1978
Box   35
Folder   28
Sea History, 1977
Box   36
Folder   50-51
A Primer for the New York State Maritime Museum, copy and planning report, 1976
Box   36
Folder   66
New York State Maritime Museum reports, 1975-1976
Box   35
Folder   10-11
Philadelphia Maritime Museum, correspondence and consulting reports, 1976-1977
National Railroad Museum
Box   23
Folder   28
Dwight D. Eisenhower World War II Locomotive, 1964
Box   35
Folder   14
Correspondence and consulting reports, 1977
New Jersey Historical Society
Box   36
Folder   63
Boardroom, newsletter, New Jersey Historical Society, 1977-1978
Box   36
Folder   72
New Jersey Historical Society newsletter, 1978
Box   11
Folder   72
New York State Historical Society, correspondence, New York Historical Association, 1941
State Historical Society of Wisconsin
Box   5
Folder   29-30
Notes and correspondence, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1950-1954, 1958
Box   10
Folder   3-5
Correspondence, Wisconsin Historical Society, 1960-1964
Box   5
Folder   36
Correspondence regarding appointment as director of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1946
Regional Plan Association
Meeting minutes, correspondence, and news releases
Box   29
Folder   15-26
Box   29
Folder   30-35
Box   31
Folder   1
Meeting minutes, correspondence and news releases, 1973-1974 (continued)
Box   34
Correspondence, meeting agendas, publications, 1974-1976
Box   26
Folder   29
United States historical statistics, research material, 1963-1964
Box   27
Folder   1-2
United States historical statistics, research material, 1949-1952, 1963-1964
Box   29
Folder   10
American College Public Relations Association (ACPRA), meeting flyer and program, 1973
Box   11
Folder   32
American Council on Public Affairs correspondence, 1940-1941
Box   29
Folder   11-12
Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities, 1972-1973
Box   3
Folder   11
Committee on Public Records on nation-wide policies for the retention of state tax records, correspondence and research, 1954
Box   29
Folder   13
Long Island Association of Commerce and Industry, 1972-1973
Box   34
Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary School, correspondence and reports, 1976
Box   29
Folder   14
Rockville Centre, Diocese of, 1972
Box   35
Folder   16
Unispan, correspondence and photographs, 1980
Box   35
Folder   12-13
Western Heritage Center, correspondence and consulting reports, 1965
Series: Photographs
Box   42
Folder   1
Black and white photographs of Clifford Lord, 1969
Box   42
Folder   2-4
Naval aviation, circa 1908-1945
Box   42
Folder   5-6
National Railroad Museum and Dwight D. Eisenhower locomotive, 1954-1975