Exceptional Education History Project Collection, 1953-2016

Container Title
New American Movement (NAM)
Box   1
Folder   17
Articles about NAM
Box   1
Folder   18
Chapter lists
Box   1
Folder   19-21
Bay Area
Box   1
Folder   22
California and Oregon
Box   1
Folder   23
Box   1
Folder   24
Box   1
Folder   25
East Bay
Box   1
Folder   26
Northwest region
Box   1
Folder   27
Box   1
Folder   28-31
San Francisco
Box   1
Folder   32
Others and general
Box   1
Folder   33
Box   1
Folder   34
California and southern California
Box   1
Folder   35
California meeting, 1976
Box   1
Folder   36
Chapter strategy workshop
Box   1
Folder   37
Chicago politics
Box   1
Folder   38
Class on NAM
Box   1
Folder   39
Congress of Afrikan People--, '76 campaign
Box   1
Folder   40
Constitutional amendments
Convention materials
Box   1
Folder   41-42
Box   2
Folder   1-2
Box   2
Folder   3
Box   2
Folder   4
Economy committee
Box   2
Folder   5
Elections [U.S.], 1976
Box   2
Folder   6
Electoral politics
Box   2
Folder   7
Box   2
Folder   8
Explicitly social politics
Box   2
Folder   9
Box   2
Folder   10
Box   2
Folder   11
Health program
Box   2
Folder   12
Box   2
Folder   13
Box   2
Folder   14-27
National interim committee
Box   2
Folder   28
National Interim Committee for a Mass Party of the People
Box   2
Folder   29
National leadership
Box   2
Folder   30
National strategy
Box   2
Folder   31
Box   2
Folder   32
Ohio Township: NULDF-MCA[?] contract
Box   2
Folder   33
One year plan
Box   2
Folder   34
Political-administrative committee
Box   2
Folder   35
Political education manual
Box   2
Folder   36
Puerto Rican Solidarity Committee
Box   2
Folder   37-38
Socialist feminists
Box   2
Folder   39
Socialist-Feminist Conference, 1975
Box   2
Folder   40
Southern California trip
Box   3
Folder   1
Box   3
Folder   2
Box   3
Folder   3
Summer school, 1976
Box   3
Folder   4
Trade unions
Box   3
Folder   5
Box   3
Folder   6
Women's caucus
Box   3
Folder   7
Box   3
Folder   8
Workers rights centers
Box   3
Folder   9
Workplace organizing
Box   3
Folder   10-20
Miscellaneous files consisting of propaganda, correspondence, minutes, notes and articles
NAM periodicals
Box   3
Folder   21-22
Discussion Bulletin, #2-8, 1973-1974
Box   3
Folder   23
Moving On, 1974-1976
Box   3
Folder   24
Other periodicals
Box   3
Folder   25
NAM publications