Citizens United Against Low Level Flights Records, 1992-2000


Citizens United Against Low Level Flights (CUALLF), founded circa 1995, opposed the proposed Military Training Routes of the Air National Guard and the expansion of Hardwood Bombing and Gunnery Range. This expansion included a proposal to destroy 7000 acres of public and private lands. The routes being planned would establish new air corridors in southwest Wisconsin, which would be flown by up to 2,151 F-16 fighter jets, B-52 bombers, and B-2 Stealth bombers annually at speeds of 410 to 615 miles per hour and at altitudes as low as 300 feet on their way to an expanded Hardwood Bombing and Gunnery Range in central Wisconsin. CUALLF's opposition was due to a belief that a continuous presence of low-level, military jet flights would permanently affect wildlife populations and the tranquility of the countryside, make livestock farming problematic, put tourism businesses in jeopardy, subject the public to needless danger, and permanently alter the quality of life in Southwest and Central Wisconsin. Ultimately, CUALLF was able to stop the Air National Guard from creating the military training routes and expanding the Hardwood Bombing and Gunnery Range.