Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Publications, 1946-2019

Contents List
Container Title
Legislative Papers
, 1935-1936 Session
Subject files
Box   9
Folder   2
Agriculture, 1935
Box   9
Folder   3
Auto licenses, 1935
Box   9
Folder   4
Banks, 1935
Box   9
Folder   4
Bulletins, 1935
Box   9
Folder   6
Businesses, 1935
Box   9
Folder   7
Cashman, John, 1935
Box   9
Folder   8
Conservation, 1935
Box   9
Folder   9
Dairy legislation, 1935
Box   9
Folder   10
Education, 1935
Box   9
Folder   11
Elections, 1935
Box   9
Folder   12-13
Farms and farm
Box   9
Folder   14
Federal departments
Box   9
Folder   15
General, 1935
Box   9
Folder   17
General, 1936
Box   9
Folder   16
Gift to Governor, 1934
Box   9
Folder   18
Governor's Work Bill, 1935
Box   9
Folder   19
Health, 1935
Box   9
Folder   20
Highway 16, 1935-1936
Box   9
Folder   21
Highways, 1935
Box   10
Folder   1
Institutions, 1935
Box   10
Folder   2
Insurance, 1935
Box   10
Folder   3-8
Jobs, 1934-1936
Box   10
Folder   9
Labor, 1935
Box   10
Folder   10
Legislation, General
Box   10
Folder   11
Leverich bills
Box   10
Folder   12
Liquor, 1935
Box   10
Folder   13
Licenses and taxes, 1935
Box   10
Folder   14
Miscellany, 1935
Box   10
Folder   15
Motor vehicles, 1935
Box   10
Folder   16
Newspapers, 1935
Box   10
Folder   17
Oleo information, 1935
Box   11
Folder   1
Relief, 1935
Box   11
Folder   2
Richards Brothers Trucking, 1935
Box   11
Folder   3
Small Loan legislation, 1935
Box   11
Folder   4
State aids, 1935
Box   11
Folder   5
State and local government, 1934
Box   11
Folder   6
Tomah Indian School, 1935
Box   11
Folder   14
University of Wisconsin--Frank, Glenn, 1936
Box   11
Folder   7
Utilities, 1935
Box   11
Folder   8
Veterans, 1935
Box   11
Folder   9-13
Alphabetical correspondence
, 1937-1938 Session
Box   11
Folder   15
Alphabetical index
Subject files
Box   11
Folder   16
Administration of State Government Committee, 1937
Box   11
Folder   17
Agriculture-cooperation with other states
Box   11
Folder   18
Agricultural marketing, 1937
Box   11
Folder   19
Business, 1937
Box   11
Folder   20
Banking, 1937
Box   11
Folder   21
Bang's Test, 1937
Box   11
Folder   22
Barber Bill, 1937
Box   11
Folder   23
Camp McCoy
Box   11
Folder   24
Cashman, John, 1938
Box   11
Folder   25
Cheese grading, 1937
Box   11
Folder   26
Civil Service, 1937
Box   12
Folder   1
Correspondence-miscellaneous alphabetical, 1937
Box   12
Folder   2
Conservation, 1937
Box   12
Folder   3
Council of State Governments, 1937
Box   12
Folder   4
Elections, 1937
Box   12
Folder   5
Farm machinery, 1937
Box   12
Folder   6
Farms, 1937
Box   13
Folder   8
General, 1938
Box   12
Folder   7
General, 1937
Box   12
Folder   8
Interstate Commerce/Great Lakes, 1937
Box   12
Folder   9
Highways, 1937
Box   12
Folder   10
Jirschele, J.W., 1937
Box   12
Folder   11-12
Jobs, 1937
Box   14
Folder   1
Jobs, 1938
Box   12
Folder   13
Labor, 1937
Box   12
Folder   14
Leak, August E., 1937
Box   12
Folder   15
Legislation-miscellaneous, 1937
Box   13
Folder   1
Legislation-miscellaneous (continued)
Box   13
Folder   2
Legislation-“Explanation of Bills,” 1937
Box   14
Folder   2
Moe Case, 1938
Box   14
Folder   3
Oleo Information, 1938
Box   13
Folder   3
Personal, 1937
Box   13
Folder   9
Personal, 1938
Box   13
Folder   4
Public Welfare, 1937
Box   13
Folder   5
Taxes, 1937
Box   13
Folder   6
Veterans, 1937
Box   13
Folder   7
UW Regents, 1937
Box   13
Folder   15
Schools, 1937
Box   13
Folder   10
Shorter Session, 1937
Box   13
Folder   11
Stout Institute, 1937
Box   13
Folder   12
Torkelson, M.W., 1937
Box   13
Folder   13
Unicameral legislature, 1937
Box   13
Folder   14
Unintroduced bills, 1937
Box   13
Folder   16
Utilities, 1937
Box   13
Folder   17
Vocational Bill No. 126, 1937
Box   13
Folder   18
Vocational School Grant, 1937
Box   13
Folder   19
WPA-Rural School Beautification
, 1943-1944 Session
Box   14
Folder   14
Box   14
Folder   4-6
Subject files
Box   14
Folder   7
American Legion, 1944
Box   14
Folder   8
Bill 70's gasoline, 1943
Box   14
Folder   9
Legislation-correspondence, 1943
Box   14
Folder   10
Miscellaneous, 1943
Box   14
Folder   11
Oleo, 1943
Box   14
Folder   12
Sparta flood, 1943
Box   14
Folder   13
Taxation, 1943
Box   14
Folder   15
Daylight savings time, 1943
Box   14
Folder   16
Legislation, general
, 1945-1946 Session
Box   15
Folder   1-6
Alphabetical correspondence, A-Z
Subject files
Box   15
Folder   7
Aviation, 1945
Box   15
Folder   8
Brucellosis vaccination, 1945
Box   15
Folder   9
Cases, 1945
Box   15
Folder   10
Clippings, 1945
Box   15
Folder   11
18-year-old vote, 1945
Box   15
Folder   12-13
Legislation, 1945
Box   15
Folder   14
Loomis portrait, 1945
Box   15
Folder   15
Post-War Planning Committee, 1945
Box   15
Folder   16
School aid and taxation, 1945
Box   15
Folder   17
Standard time, 1945
, 1947-1948 Session
Box   16
Folder   1-5
Alphabetical correspondence
Subject files
Box   16
Folder   6
Academic freedom, 1947
Box   16
Folder   7
Camp McCoy, 1947
Box   16
Folder   8
Agriculture, 1948
Box   16
Folder   9
Camp McCoy issue, 1947
Box   16
Folder   10
Conservation, 1947
Box   16
Folder   11-12
Correspondence-general, 1947-1948
Box   16
Folder   13
Legislative Council-Agriculture Subcommittee, 1948
Box   16
Folder   14
Local taxes, 1947
Box   16
Folder   15
Motor fuel tax refund-personal, 1948
Box   16
Folder   16
Natural gas bill, 1947
Box   16
Folder   17
Public Service Commission, 1947
Box   16
Folder   18
School bills, 1947
Box   16
Folder   19
Taxation, 1948
Box   16
Folder   20
Tractor safety, 1947
Box   16
Folder   21
Unintroduced bills, 1947
, 1949-1950 Session
Box   17
Folder   1-5
Alphabetical correspondence
Subject files
Box   17
Folder   6
Cases, 1949
Box   17
Folder   7
Conservation, 1950
Box   17
Folder   8
Correspondence-general, 1950
Box   17
Folder   9
Dairy bill 708A, 1949
Box   17
Folder   10
Ice milk and ice cream, 1949
Box   17
Folder   11
Highways, 1949
Box   17
Folder   12
Legislation, general, 1950
Petenwell Dam investigation, 1949
Box   17
Folder   13-14
Photographs, circa 1949
Box   17
Folder   15
Photocopies, circa 1949
PH La Crosse Mss CV
Original prints and negatives
La Crosse Mss CV
Box   17
Folder   16
Public Service Commission, 1949
Box   17
Folder   17
Resolutions/Petitions, 1949
Box   18
Folder   1
UW Regents-Agricultural member, 1949
, 1951-1952 Session
Box   18
Folder   2-7
Alphabetical correspondence
Subject files
Box   18
Folder   10
Agriculture, 1952
Box   18
Folder   11
Box   18
Folder   12
Clippings, 1951
Box   18
Folder   13
Correspondence-general, 1952
Box   18
Folder   14
Cotter claim, 1951
Box   18
Folder   15
Highways, 1952
Box   18
Folder   16
Industrial Commission, 1951
Box   19
Folder   1
Legislative Council-Committee on Agriculture, 1952
Box   18
Folder   9
Legislation, 1950-1951
Box   19
Folder   2
Public Safety Commission, 1951
Box   19
Folder   3
Reapportionment, 1951
Box   18
Folder   8
Sterner case, 1946-1951, undated
Box   19
Folder   4
UW Dairy Barn, 1951
, 1953-1954 Session
Box   19
Folder   5-10
Alphabetical correspondence
Subject files
Box   19
Folder   11
Aviation fuel, 1952-1953
Box   19
Folder   12
Camp McCoy, 1953
Box   19
Folder   13
Cases, 1953
Box   19
Folder   14
Conservation Department, 1953
Box   19
Folder   15
Correspondence, 1954
Box   19
Folder   16
County Court bill, 1953
Box   19
Folder   17
Groesbeck case, 1953
Box   19
Folder   18
Highways, 1953
Box   19
Folder   19
Industrial Commission inspection, 1953
Box   19
Folder   20
Job references, 1953
Box   20
Folder   1
Legislation, 1953-1954
Box   20
Folder   2
Oleomargarine, 1953-1954
Box   20
Folder   3
Reapportionment, 1953
Box   20
Folder   4
School reorganization (376S), 1953
Box   20
Folder   5
Taxation, 1953
Box   20
Folder   6
Wisconsin Child Care Center, 1953
, 1955-1956 Session
Box   20
Folder   7-12
Alphabetical correspondence
Subject files
Box   20
Folder   13
Agriculture, 1956
Box   20
Folder   14
Branch banking (118S and 215S), 1955
Box   20
Folder   15
Brucellosis (144S), 1955
Box   20
Folder   16
Butterfat Content in Milk (59A), 1955
Box   20
Folder   17
Campaign Finance (419A), 1955
Box   20
Folder   18
Cases, 1955
Box   20
Folder   19
Comic books (132A), 1955
Box   20
Folder   20
Conservation, 1956
Box   20
Folder   21
Correspondence, 1956
Box   20
Folder   22
County Boards (535S), 1955-1956
Box   20
Folder   23
County fair appropriations, 1955
Box   20
Folder   24
Crop land clearance (223A), 1955
Box   20
Folder   25
Dairy industry (300S), 1955
Box   20
Folder   26
Dairy Price Spread Committee, 1955
Box   20
Folder   27
Daylight savings time
Box   20
Folder   28
Diesel fuel tax, 1955
Box   21
Folder   1
Drug sales by grocers (152S), 1955
Box   21
Folder   2
Fox bounty (543A), 1955
Box   21
Folder   3
Free Library Commission, 1955
Box   21
Folder   4
Funeral expenses (248S), 1955
Box   21
Folder   5
Gas tax, 1955
Box   21
Folder   6
Highway Commission, 1955-1956
Box   22
Folder   7
Industrial Commission, 1955
Box   21
Folder   8
Inheritance tax exemption (445S), 1955
Box   21
Folder   9
Integration of state supported institutions (279S), 1955
Box   21
Folder   10
Invitations, 1955
Box   21
Folder   11
Legal holidays for state employees (393A), 1955
Box   21
Folder   12
Legislation, 1955
Box   21
Folder   13
Petenwell Dam, 1956
Box   21
Folder   14
Professional engineering (505S, 688A), 1955
Box   21
Folder   15-17
Public hearings, February-June 1955
Box   21
Folder   18
Railroads (120S), 1955
Box   21
Folder   19
Reports, 1955
Box   21
Folder   20
Resolutions, 1955
Box   21
Folder   21
Safety patrol bill (425S and 426S), 1955
Box   21
Folder   22
State budget, 1955-1957
Box   21
Folder   23
Tax deductions (107S), 1955
Box   21
Folder   24
Tax return preparation (476S), 1955
Box   21
Folder   25
Tobacco (746A), 1955
Box   21
Folder   26
Trapping (102S and 103S), 1955
Box   21
Folder   27
Tomah railroad shops, 1955-1956
Box   21
Folder   28
UW Legislative scholarships, 1955
Box   21
Folder   29
Veteran's bonus (521A), 1955
Box   21
Folder   30
Veterinary School, 1955
Box   21
Folder   31
Watershed management (16A), 1955
Box   22
Folder   1
WHA (466S), 1955
Box   22
Folder   2
Williamson, Ivy, 1956
, 1957-1958 Session
Box   22
Folder   3-10
Alphabetical correspondence
Subject files
Box   22
Folder   11
Castle Rock, 1957
Box   22
Folder   12
Banking, 1957
Box   22
Folder   13
Chicago and Northwestern shop, Adams, 1957-1958
Box   23
Folder   1
Claims, 1957
Box   23
Folder   2
Conservation, 1957
Box   23
Folder   3
Correspondence-general, 1958
Box   23
Folder   4-5
Legislation, 1957-1958
Box   23
Folder   6
Legislation-advocacy, 1957
Box   23
Folder   7
Mental Hospital, 1958
Box   23
Folder   8
Monona Terrace, 1957
Box   23
Folder   9
Reflective license plates, 1957
Box   23
Folder   10
Unintroduced bills, 1957
Box   23
Folder   11
University of Wisconsin, 1957
, 1959-1960 Session
Box   23
Folder   12-16
Alphabetical correspondence
Bill files
Box   23
Folder   17-18
1-200A, 1959
Box   24
Folder   1-2
200-900A, 1959
Box   24
Folder   3-6
1-700S, 1959
Subject files
Box   24
Folder   7
Agriculture, 1959
Box   24
Folder   8
Highway Commission, 1959
Box   24
Folder   9
Correspondence, 1960
Box   24
Folder   10
Kickapoo Dam, 1959
Box   24
Folder   11-12
Legislation, 1959
Box   24
Folder   13
Legislation drafts, 1959
Box   24
Folder   14
Oleo legislation, 1959
Box   24
Folder   15
Petitions, 1959
Box   24
Folder   16
Public utility bill, 1959
Box   24
Folder   17
Revolving credit (256A), 1959
Box   24
Folder   18
Schimenz appointment, 1959
Box   24
Folder   19
“Session Book,” 1959
Box   25
Folder   1
State Office Building (JT.25S), 1959
Box   25
Folder   2
Water bill, 1959
Box   25
Folder   3
Wisconsin Council of Agricultural Cooperatives
, 1961-1962 Session
Box   25
Folder   4-9
Alphabetical correspondence
Bill files
Box   25
Folder   10-13
Assembly bills
Box   25
Folder   14-20
Senate bills
Box   25
Folder   21
Joint resolutions, 1961
Subject files
Box   25
Folder   22
Aeronautics Commission, 1961
Box   25
Folder   23
Annexation of unincorporated land (24S), 1961
Box   25
Folder   24
Arborists bill (299S), 1961
Box   26
Folder   1
Case files, 1961
Box   26
Folder   2
Conservation, 1961
Box   26
Folder   3
Camp McCoy, 1961
Box   26
Folder   4
Correspondence, 1962
Box   26
Folder   5
County teachers colleges (113A, 114A), 1961
Box   26
Folder   6
Highways, 1961
Box   26
Folder   7
Legislation, 1961
Box   26
Folder   8
Legislation-advocacy groups material, 1961
Box   26
Folder   9
Mauston, 1961
Box   26
Folder   10
Meat inspection (280A, 221S), 1961
Box   26
Folder   11
Oleo, 1961-1962
Box   26
Folder   12
Parochial school busing (588A), 1961
Box   26
Folder   13
Retirement system (12S), 1961
Box   26
Folder   14
Rural electric cooperatives (384S, 655S), 1961
Box   26
Folder   15
Wildcat Mountain, 1961
Box   26
Folder   16
Salex tax, 1961
Box   26
Folder   17
School petitions, 1961
Box   26
Folder   18
Thank yous, 1962
Box   26
Folder   19
Unintroduced bills, 1961
, 1963-1964 Session
Alphabetical correspondence
Box   26
Folder   20-21
Box   27
Folder   1-4
Subject files
Box   27
Folder   5
Aid to county superintendents, 1963
Box   27
Folder   6
Appointments, 1963
Box   27
Folder   7
Bank tax, 1963
Box   27
Folder   8
Beer-minimum age (62S), 1963
Box   27
Folder   9
Budget, 1963
Box   27
Folder   10
Civil Service-confidential correspondence, 1963
Box   27
Folder   11
Correspondence, 1964
Box   27
Folder   12
Daylight savings (61S), 1963
Box   27
Folder   13
Drainage laws (A1), 1963
Box   27
Folder   14
Food coloring (434A), 1963
Box   27
Folder   15
Gasoline tax, 1963
Box   27
Folder   16-17
Legislation, 1963
Box   27
Folder   18
Livestock cooperative bills (466S, 467S, 468S), 1963
Box   27
Folder   19
Mental health (167S), 1963
Box   27
Folder   20
Milk marketing (500S), 1963
Box   27
Folder   21
Oleo bills (358, 9A), 1963
Box   27
Folder   22
Parochial school busing (Jt. Res. 39A), 1963
Box   27
Folder   23
Reapportionment, 1963
Box   27
Folder   24
Sales tax, 1963
Box   27
Folder   25
Veterans case file, 1963
Box   27
Folder   26
Wisconsin Child Center, 1963
Box   27
Folder   27
Wisconsin Council of Agriculture, 1963
Box   28
Folder   1
School aid (4A, 74S), 1963
Box   28
Folder   2
Sunday closing (362S), 1963
Box   28
Folder   3
Superintendent of Schools (5A, 161A), 1963
Box   28
Folder   4
Trading stamps, 1963
, 1965-1966 Session
Box   28
Folder   5-10
Alphabetical correspondence
Bill files
Box   28
Folder   11-13
1-600A, 1965
Box   29
Folder   1-2
601-1000A, 1965
Box   29
Folder   3-6
Senate bills
Box   29
Folder   7
Joint resolutions, general
Box   29
Folder   8
Joint Resolution 22
Box   29
Folder   9
Joint Resolution 80
Subject files
Box   31
Folder   7
Agriculture Conservation Program, 1965
Box   31
Folder   8
Agriculture Department, 1965
Box   31
Folder   9
Appointments, 1965
Box   29
Folder   10
Beer-minimum age (363A), 1965
Box   29
Folder   11
Bonding (508S), 1965
Box   29
Folder   12
Branch banking (420A), 1965
Box   29
Folder   13
Budget bill (99S), 1965
Box   29
Folder   14
Child care (647S), 1965
Box   29
Folder   15
Child Center, 1965
Box   29
Folder   16
Chiropractors (277A), 1965
Box   29
Folder   17
Conservation Commission (349S, 632A), 1965
Box   29
Folder   18
Contact lenses (368A), 1965
Box   29
Folder   19
Cottage cheese (550S), 1965
Box   29
Folder   20
County judges salary increase (568S), 1965
Box   29
Folder   21
Crossbow hunting (626A), 1965
Box   29
Folder   22
Dairy bonding (508S), 1965
Box   29
Folder   24
Dairy policies, 1966
Box   29
Folder   23
Daylight savings time (33S), 1965
Box   31
Folder   24
Devil's Lake cottages (144S), 1965
Box   29
Folder   25
Electric fences (507S), 1965
Box   29
Folder   26
Fair Housing (310S, 852S), 1965
Box   31
Folder   10
Highway Safety Program, 1965
Box   30
Folder   1
Imported meat (317A), 1965
Box   30
Folder   2
Labor unions (389A), 1965
Box   30
Folder   3
Land annexation in townships (353A), 1965
Box   30
Folder   4
Legislation, 1965
Box   31
Folder   25
Legislative Council, 1966
Box   30
Folder   5
Meat inspection (95, 100S), 1965
Box   31
Folder   11
News releases, 1965-1966
Box   30
Folder   6-7
Oleo issue
Box   31
Folder   27
Oleo issue (continued)
Box   30
Folder   8
Pharmacy internships (314S), 1965
Box   30
Folder   9
Plumbers licenses (221, 434S), 1965
Box   31
Folder   1
Railroad crews (145S), 1965
Box   31
Folder   2
Registers of Deeds fees (312S), 1965
Box   31
Folder   3
Retirement benefits exemptions (47S), 1965
Box   31
Folder   12
Sales tax on haircuts, 1965
Box   31
Folder   4
School aids (43S, 911A), 1965
Box   31
Folder   5
Sheet metal workers (225S), 1965
Box   31
Folder   6
Small claims (304A), 1965
Box   31
Folder   15
State Audit Department (513A), 1965
Box   31
Folder   16
State employees (486, 814A), 1965
Box   31
Folder   17
Taxes (272S), 1965
Box   31
Folder   18
Teacher pensions (170S), 1965
Box   31
Folder   19
Teacher salaries (1028A), 1965
Box   31
Folder   20
Town mutuals (297A), 1965
Box   31
Folder   21
Trading stamps (37S), 1965
Box   31
Folder   22
Truck trailers (425A), 1965
Box   31
Folder   23
Tuberculosis/Public health (159S), 1965
Box   31
Folder   26
Uniform Food Law, 1965
Box   31
Folder   28
Veterans affairs, 1966
Box   31
Folder   13
Wildcat Mountain State Park, 1965
Box   31
Folder   14
Wisconsin County Boards Association, 1965