Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Publications, 1946-2019

Contents List
Container Title
Articles and Stories
Box   9
Folder   1
The ABC of Attracting Birds
Box   9
Folder   2
About Spiders
Box   9
Folder   3
About the Mosses
Box   9
Folder   4
About Trees and Leaves
Box   9
Folder   5
The Acorn Twins
Box   9
Folder   6
Alluring Coulee-Land, or the Heart of the Coulee Region
Box   9
Folder   7
The Alluring Wild Flowers
Box   9
Folder   8
Animals of the Bible Quiz
Box   9
Folder   9
April Outdoor Quiz
Box   9
Folder   10
April Sounds
Box   9
Folder   11
April Wild Flowers
Box   9
Folder   12
Aquatic Scum, Weeds and Royalty
Box   9
Folder   13
Attracting Birds
Box   9
Folder   14
August Outdoor Quiz
Box   9
Folder   15
Autumn Glimpses
Box   9
Folder   16
Box   9
Folder   17
The Baltimore Oriole's Nest
Box   9
Folder   18
Bible Birds
Box   9
Folder   19
Bible Hills and Mountains
Box   9
Folder   20
Bible Insects Quiz
Box   9
Folder   21
Bible Waters
Box   9
Folder   22
Bird Migration
Box   9
Folder   23
Bird Neighbors
Box   9
Folder   24
Bird Sanctuary
Box   9
Folder   25
Bird Study
Box   9
Folder   26
The Birds in April quiz
Box   9
Folder   27
The Birds in March quiz
Box   9
Folder   28
The Birds in May quiz
Box   9
Folder   29
Birds in Picture and Story
Box   9
Folder   30
The Birds of March
Box   9
Folder   31
Birds of the Bible
Box   9
Folder   32
Black Bass
Box   9
Folder   33
The Black Swallowtail
Box   9
Folder   34
The Bluebird's Castle
Box   9
Folder   35
Bluebirds at Home
Box   9
Folder   36
Bob Bob-White
Box   9
Folder   37
Bob-White at Home
Box   9
Folder   38
A Bob-White Tragedy
Box   10
Folder   1
Bobolink and Red-Wing
Box   10
Folder   2
Box   10
Folder   3
Botany of the Bible quiz
Box   10
Folder   4
The Breaks of the Game/Double Steal
Box   10
Folder   5
Bright Blue October
Box   10
Folder   6
The Brush Pile
Box   10
Folder   7
Bufo the Toad
Box   10
Folder   8
Bunny's Winter Home
Box   10
Folder   9
Bushytail's Escape
Box   10
Folder   10
Camp Decorah
Box   10
Folder   11
Castles and Palaces
Box   10
Folder   12
A Cement Bird Bath You Can Make
Box   10
Folder   13
A Chat About Spiders
Box   10
Folder   14
Box   10
Folder   15
Children's Book of Birds
Box   10
Folder   16
Christmas at Slater's
Box   10
Folder   17
The Christmas Chickadee
Box   10
Folder   18
Christmas with the Birds
Box   10
Folder   19
Cloud in the West
Box   10
Folder   20
Constellation essays
Box   10
Folder   21
The Cormorant and Pelican of Scripture
Box   10
Folder   22
December Outdoor Quiz
Box   10
Folder   23
Dream Parkway
Box   10
Folder   24
The Duck-Food Survey, 1956
Box   10
Folder   25
Experiences with a Mourning Dove Family
Box   10
Folder   26
Fair Sale
Box   10
Folder   27
Family Goes Fishing
Box   10
Folder   28
Feathers and Song
Box   10
Folder   29
February in the Woods
Box   10
Folder   30
February Outdoor quiz
Box   10
Folder   31
A February Snowstorm
Box   10
Folder   32
Finger-printing the Trees
Box   10
Folder   33
Fishing and Birds notebook, ca. 1933-1940
Box   10
Folder   34
Fishing and Health
Box   10
Folder   35
Box   10
Folder   36
Flying Circus
Box   10
Folder   37
Four Cities and Coulee-Land (early version of Palisades and Coulees?)
Box   11
Folder   1
Fresh-Water Tigers
Box   11
Folder   2
Friday the Thirteenth
Box   11
Folder   3
Friendly Rivals
Box   11
Folder   4
Friends in Insectland
Box   11
Folder   5
Fuel Beside the Highway
Box   11
Folder   6
Fun with Fungi
Box   11
Folder   7
Goldie and the Cowbird
Box   11
Folder   8
A Goose Hunt De Luxe
Box   11
Folder   9
Have a Bird Bath
Box   11
Folder   10
Ground-Hog Day
Box   11
Folder   11
Half-hours with the Brown Thrasher
Box   11
Folder   12
Helping Winter Birds
Box   11
Folder   13
The Hen-like Bob-White
Box   11
Folder   14
Heron and Crane of Scripture
Box   11
Folder   15
Hickory Sticks
Box   11
Folder   16
Hints on Photographing Birds
Box   11
Folder   17
The Hoeth-Forest Land Sale
Box   11
Folder   18
How to Study the Trees
Box   11
Folder   19
Hunting Birds with a Camera, ca. 1921
Box   11
Folder   20
I Catch Some by Hand “Bigosh”
Box   11
Folder   21
Indian Pipe
Box   11
Folder   22
Insect Helpers
Box   11
Folder   23
Intimate Glimpses of Some Common Birds
Box   11
Folder   24
Box   11
Folder   25
January Outdoor Quiz
Box   11
Folder   26
January Outdoors, or Outdoors in January
Box   11
Folder   27
July Outdoor Quiz
Box   11
Folder   28
July Trout
Box   11
Folder   29
June Outdoor Quiz
Box   11
Folder   30
June Wild Flowers
Box   11
Folder   31
Just Sparrows
Box   11
Folder   32
Keeping Step with Nature
Box   11
Folder   33
The Killdeer's Message
Box   11
Folder   34
Box   11
Folder   35
The Lady Becomes a Trout Fan
Box   11
Folder   36
Lady Luck Smiles
Box   11
Folder   37
Lady's Slippers
Box   11
Folder   38
Lake Itasca articles, ca. 1949
Box   11
Folder   39
Lake Onalaska Spraying Project
Box   11
Folder   40
Let's Cater to Our Wildlife
Box   11
Folder   41
Let's Talk About Salamanders
Box   11
Folder   42
The Lure of the Stars
Box   11
Folder   43
Lure of the Wild, ca. 1968
Box   11
Folder   44
A March Blizzard
Box   11
Folder   45
March in the Fields
Box   11
Folder   46
March Outdoor Quiz
Box   11
Folder   47
A March Walk
Box   11
Folder   48
Marvelous Tongues
Box   11
Folder   49
May Outdoor Quiz
Box   11
Folder   50
May Wild-Flower Parade
Box   11
Folder   51
May Wild Flowers Quiz
Box   11
Folder   52
Mayday Trouting
Box   12
Folder   1
Box   12
Folder   2
Meadow Paradox
Box   12
Folder   3
Meet the Walking Fern
Box   12
Folder   4
Miscellaneous and unidentified manuscript pages
Box   12
Folder   5
Mississippi Wonderland
Box   12
Folder   6
The Monarch: King of Butterflies
Box   12
Folder   7
More About Butterflies
Box   12
Folder   8
The Mourning Cloak Butterfly
Box   12
Folder   9
Music of the Wild
Box   12
Folder   10
Muskmelons for Home and Market
Box   12
Folder   11
My Winter Bird Neighbors
Box   12
Folder   12
The Neighborly Brown Thrasher
Box   12
Folder   13
The Nighthawk - Marvelous Flyer
Box   12
Folder   14
Nocturnal Songsters
Box   12
Folder   15
November Outdoor Quiz
Box   12
Folder   16
Now It's September II
Box   12
Folder   17
October Outdoor Quiz
Box   12
Folder   18
An Old Story About Trees
Box   12
Folder   19
Opening the Trout Season at Half-Way
Box   12
Folder   20
Out-of-Doors in February
Box   12
Folder   21
Outdoors in March
Box   12
Folder   22
Box   12
Folder   23
Parade of the Trees
Box   12
Folder   24
Pathways to Enchantment
Box   12
Folder   25
Pewee Neighbors
Box   12
Folder   26
Pictures from the Fields and Woods
Box   12
Folder   27
Pines of Wisconsin and Minnesota
Box   12
Folder   28
Planting for the Birds
Box   12
Folder   29
Plumetail the Gray Squirrel
Box   12
Folder   30
The Preservation of Wild Flowers, draft
Box   12
Folder   31
The Prickly Porcupine
Box   12
Folder   32
Poetry (Mae R. Peterson)
Box   12
Folder   33
The Puzzling Insects
Box   12
Folder   34
The Quail and Partridge of Scripture
Box   12
Folder   35
Box   12
Folder   36
The Raven of Scripture
Box   12
Folder   37
River Flowing Southward
Box   12
Folder   38
Rogues in Hexapoda
Box   12
Folder   39
Box   12
Folder   40
Sanctuaries for the Birds
Box   12
Folder   41
Sauerkraut for Brer Rabbit
Box   12
Folder   42
September Outdoor Quiz
Box   12
Folder   43
“Shrimp” Finds the Way
Box   12
Folder   44
The Six-Footed
Box   12
Folder   45
Six-footed Paper-makers
Box   12
Folder   46
The Sora or Carolina Rail
Box   12
Folder   47
Spring Wildflowers Parade
Box   12
Folder   48
Springtime Quiz
Box   13
Folder   1
Stories from Nature
Box   13
Folder   2
The Story Behind Swiss Cheese
Box   13
Folder   3
Strange Life of the Mole
Box   13
Folder   4
Studying the Trees
Box   13
Folder   5
Summer's Evening Sky
Box   13
Folder   6
Tawny and the Walking Fern
Box   13
Folder   7
They Also Serve
Box   13
Folder   8
Box   13
Folder   9
Tillie the Wren
Box   13
Folder   10
To Help the Birds
Box   13
Folder   11
Told by the Snow
Box   13
Folder   12
The Tree Frog
Box   13
Folder   13
Tree-hidden Cove
Box   13
Folder   14
Trees for the Squirrels
Box   13
Folder   15
Trees in Scripture Quiz
Box   13
Folder   16
Trees in the Spotlight
Box   13
Folder   17
Trees of the Bible Quiz
Box   13
Folder   18
The Trees - Their Story
Box   13
Folder   19
Twenty Spring Wild Flowers
Box   13
Folder   20
Untitled manuscript (draft of Great War?)
Box   13
Folder   21
Ups and Downs of a Writer in the Contest Field
Box   13
Folder   22
The Viceroy Butterfly
Box   13
Folder   23
Visiting the Nests
Box   13
Folder   24
Walking Fern
Box   13
Folder   25
Water Gardens of the Upper Mississippi
Box   13
Folder   26
We Discover the Opera, ca. 1960
Box   13
Folder   27
When It Comes to Eating
Box   13
Folder   28
When the Snow Is Deep
Box   13
Folder   29
Box   13
Folder   30
The Whistlepig
Box   13
Folder   30
The White-breasted Nuthatch
Box   13
Folder   32
Whitefoot - The Story of a Deer Mouse
Box   13
Folder   33
Whitefoot's Home
Box   13
Folder   34
Whitefoot's Winter Home
Box   14
Folder   1
Why the Rabbit Laughed
Box   14
Folder   2
Wild Duck Foods of the Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish Refuge
Box   14
Folder   3
Wild Flowers in the Garden
Box   14
Folder   4
The Wild-Flower Calendar, 1950-1954
Box   14
Folder   5
Wild-flower Preservation
Box   14
Folder   6
Winifred the Indispensable
Box   14
Folder   7
Winneshiek Days
Box   14
Folder   8
Winter Is Coming
Box   14
Folder   9
Wisconsin Wild Flowers and Their Preservation
Box   14
Folder   10
With the Birds Along Little Muddy Honey Creek
Box   14
Folder   11
Wonderland in Stone
Box   14
Folder   12
A Woodpecker Puzzle
Box   14
Folder   13
Yellow-jackets Too Many
Box   14
Folder   14
Your Bird Neighbors
Box   14
Folder   15
Your Bird Sanctuary