Charles Walsh Papers, 1934-1974

Contents List

Container Title
La Crosse Mss AP
Part 1 (La Crosse Mss AP, Audio 1134A/1): Original Collection, 1924-1983
Physical Description: 7.0 cubic feet (1 records center cartons and 15 archives boxes) and 1 tape recording 
Scope and Content Note

The League's GENERAL RECORDS are comprised of by-laws of both the state and local organizations, an early and incomplete La Crosse League history, a few clippings of League activities, fairly routine correspondence and inter-office memoranda, minutes and reports from regular membership, regular and special board of directors meetings, annual meetings, and State Council meetings; League policies and guidelines; recommendations about national and state LWV program; reports of the president, League, and committees to the state and national LWV; scrapbooks; and speeches, notes, and press releases.

State convention kits contain agenda, reports, resolutions, financial records, and other items sent to members in advance of each convention, and additional materials later collected at the meeting. Financial records include local League budgets and budget requests; fundraising and finance drive correspondence, lists of names, notes, clippings, and other papers; records of receipts and disbursements, often also listing members' names and dues; and treasurer's reports. While many of the financial record contain large gaps in information, the treasurers' reports are almost entirely complete from 1941 to 1979. Dues records are also found in many of the annual membership record books; together with membership lists and yearbooks, lists of officers, and records of a membership pilot project comprise the La Crosse LWV membership records, dating from 1924-1979.

Much of the League's work involved monitoring and studying the actions of governmental bodies. The collection includes a few observation reports, which members compiled after observing meetings of local governmental bodies, and letters and questions and answers from interviews with a few La Crosse state and national legislators. Files on program planning and advocacy strategy emphasize some of the League's work to maintain a presence in many local and state issues. League publications are a significant part of the collection. Local bulletins, found here with very few missing issues, provided members with meeting information and calendars, while state and national publications provided the data for use while studying topics suggested by the national and state Leagues. The files of state LWV statements, legislative summaries, position papers, and “Time for Action” flyers, national LWV “Action Alerts,” memoranda, National Board Reports, “Reports From the Hill,” statements, and press releases are scattered, but indicate which topics were chosen for study by the La Crosse League and how they incorporated the suggested material into the local studies.

There are also fragmentary records of a few committees, including the Community Development, Education, and State Program and Action Committees and the Department of Government and Economic Welfare. With other Leagues around the country, the La Crosse LWV celebrated the fiftieth, seventieth, and seventy-fifth anniversaries of the national organization. In each of the anniversary years, the files contain correspondence and other records mainly concerning fundraising and anniversary activities.

Files on LOCAL STUDY ISSUES are comprised of correspondence to inform or persuade local and state legislators, collected studies and reports, clippings, near-print “study materials” prepared by the state and national LWV, LWV policy statements, and reports on a wide variety of topics. Most topics were suggested or authorized by the state or national organizations, with a La Crosse focus. Topics gradually evolved to reflect the local league's increasing concern with contemporary topics of state and national scope. The topics studied include: administration of justice and juvenile justice; area planning, land use and zoning; civil and human rights; community care organizations; community development; conservation of natural resources, the environment and the Mississippi River Basin; state constitutional revision; county and state government; decriminalization of marijuana; education and school system reform; energy; the Equal Rights Amendment; housing; foreign aid; taxation and property taxes; martial property reform and welfare rights and administration. Included with the material on marital property reform is a script and tape recording of a slide-tape show, entitled “Law and Marriage.”

The La Crosse League was involved in the reapportionment battle between the City of La Crosse and the County of La Crosse from 1981 through 1982, and seven files contain a large amount of information on the highly charged disagreement. The fight included lawsuits and counter-suits over the changing of political boundaries undertaken by the City of La Crosse. The La Crosse League of Women Voters became involved in the fight when it attempted to help find an amicable solution to the dispute with both sides.

Health issues and health care also played a large role in many of the studies undertaken by the La Crosse League. Files in the collection concern health services in La Crosse and Wisconsin, health care forums undertaken by the League, heath services planning, and the 1982 merger of city and county heath care in the La Crosse area.

Series: General Records
Box   1
Folder   1
By-laws and history
Box   1
Folder   2
Box   1
Folder   3
Community Development Committee, 1976
Box   1
Folder   4-9
State Convention kits, 1969, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1979
Box   1
Folder   10-11
Correspondence and inter-office memoranda, 1960-1979
Box   1
Folder   12
Education Committee, 1973-1974
Fiftieth anniversary celebration, 1969
Box   1
Folder   13
Box   2
Folder   1
Papers (continued)
Financial records
Box   2
Folder   2
Budgets and budget requests, 1963-1978
Box   2
Folder   3
Fundraising, 1950-1956, 1958, 1964
Box   2
Folder   4-7
Finance drives, 1960-1962, 1964, 1966, 1968, 1970
Box   2
Folder   8-12
Receipts and disbursements, 1928-1959
Box   16
Receipts and disbursements, 1959-1966
Box   2
Folder   8-13
Treasurer's reports, 1941-1979
Box   2
Folder   14
Department of Government and Economic Welfare - reports, correspondence, 1939-1952
Minutes of meetings
Box   3
Folder   1-2
Annual meetings - minutes and reports, 1951-1977
Board of Directors and regular meetings
Box   3
Folder   3-8
1924 August-1933 April; 1938 August-1954
Box   4
Folder   1-6
1955-1979 April
Box   5
Folder   1-2
State Council meetings, 1970, 1974, 1976
Membership records
Box   5
Folder   3
Lists, 1925-1976
Box   5
Folder   4-7
Dues records and receipts and disbursements, 1924-1950
Box   5
Folder   8-9
Membership booklets and yearbooks, 1946-1952, 1965-1966, 1969-1978, undated
Box   5
Folder   10
Membership pilot project, 1971-1972
Box   5
Folder   11
Lists of officers and members, 1929-1932, 1952-1963, 1975-1979
Box   6
Folder   1
Telephone and office messages, 1971-1976
Box   6
Folder   2
Notes and ideas
Box   6
Folder   3
Observation reports, 1965, 1970-1971
Interviews and correspondence with officeholders
Box   6
Folder   4
Milo G. Knutson, 1969-1975
Box   6
Folder   5
Gaylord Nelson, William Proxmire, and Alvin Baldus, 1971-1975
Box   6
Folder   6
Paul Offner, 1975
Box   6
Folder   7
Virgil Roberts, 1972-1975
Box   6
Folder   8
Vernon Thomson, 1961-1974
Box   6
Folder   9
Policies and guidelines
Box   6
Folder   10
Action guidelines, 1957-1976
Box   6
Folder   11
Box   6
Folder   12
Nonpartisanship policy
Box   6
Folder   13
President's Day, July 1969
La Crosse League bulletins
Box   6
Folder   14-17
Box   7
Folder   1-3
Box   7
Folder   4-5
Other publications
State LWV publications
Box   7
Folder   6-8
League statements, 1959-1978
Box   8
Folder   1
Legislative summaries, 1973-1977
Box   8
Folder   2
Manuals and guidelines, 1962, 1971, 1973
Box   8
Folder   3
Position papers, 1950-1955, 1960, 1963, 1969-1970, 1972, 1974, 1976
Box   8
Folder   4
“Time for Action,” 1955-1978
National LWV publications
Box   8
Folder   5
“Action Alerts,” 1974-1979
Box   8
Folder   6
Memoranda, 1963-1979
Box   8
Folder   7
National Board reports: A Guide for Local and State Board Planning, 1973, 1975-1977
“Reports from the Hill”
Box   8
Folder   8-9
1970 August-1975
Box   9
Folder   1
1976-1978 January
Box   9
Folder   2
Statements, 1967-1977
Box   9
Folder   3
“Time for Action,” 1959-1975
Box   9
Folder   4
Publicity workshop materials
Box   9
Folder   5
Recommendations regarding National and State Program, 1959, 1961, 1968-1972
Box   9
Folder   6
Annual reports of President and Committees, 1933-1950
Box   9
Folder   7-8
Annual reports to State and National LWV, 1955-1976
Box   9
Folder   9
Unit reports to State LWV, 1978-1979
Box   9
Folder   10
State Board reports, 1975-1977
Box   16
Scrapbooks, 1944-1971, 1972-1973, 1974-1975
Box   9
Folder   11
Speeches and speech notes, 1964-1968
Box   10
Folder   1
State Program and Action Committee, 1963-1971
Series: Local Study Issues
Box   10
Folder   2
Administration of justice, 1958, 1969, 1971-1974
Box   10
Folder   3
Area planning and land use, 1969-1973, 1975
Box   10
Folder   4
Area planning and zoning, 1972-1973
Box   10
Folder   5
Civil rights, 1964-1965, 1975
Box   10
Folder   6
Community care organizations, 1974-1975
Box   10
Folder   7
Community development, 1975
Box   10
Folder   8
Conservancy districts, 1970-1971
Box   10
Folder   9
Conservation, 1966-1967
Box   10
Folder   10
State constitutional revision, 1960-1962
Box   10
Folder   11
“Continuing Responsibilities,” 1960-1968
Box   10
Folder   12
County government, 1955-1979
Box   11
Folder   1
Decriminalization of marijuana, 1979
Box   11
Folder   2-3
Box   11
Folder   4
Conference on Alternatives in Education, 1975 November
Box   11
Folder   5-6
La Crosse schools, 1959-1974
Box   11
Folder   7
Washburn School study, 1974-1975
Box   11
Folder   8
Election Systems Project (Voting Rights meeting, 1972 August 1-2), 1972-1974
Box   12
Folder   1
Electoral College, 1968-1970
Box   12
Folder   2
Energy, 1977-1978
Box   12
Folder   3
Environmental quality - conservation of water resources, 1955-1972
Box   12
Folder   4
Equal Rights Amendment, 1975-1979
Box   12
Folder   5
Fair housing, 1961-1967, 1974
Box   12
Folder   6
Financing the LWV, 1974-1975
Box   12
Folder   7
Food stamps, 1975-1977
Box   12
Folder   8
Foreign aid, 1954-1966
Box   12
Folder   9
Government (notes), 1974
Box   12
Folder   10
Government Curriculum Kit material
Box   12
Folder   11
State government finance, 1950-1963
Box   12
Folder   12
Harborview Plaza Project, Civic Center Project, and urban renewal, 1968-1972
Box   13
Folder   1
Health services and planning, 1971-1973
Box   13
Folder   2-3
Housing, 1971-1979
Box   13
Folder   4-5
Human resources, 1962-1970
Box   13
Folder   6
Human rights, 1950-1970
Box   13
Folder   7
Juvenile justice, 1955-1978
Box   13
Folder   8
Legislative Study Committee, 1977-1978
Box   14
Folder   1-2
Marital property reform, 1981-1983
Box   14
Folder   3
Script for “Law and Marriage” slide tape show
Tape of “Law and Marriage” slide tape show
La Crosse Mss AP
Box   14
Folder   4
Mississippi River Regional Planning Commission, 1969-1975
Box   14
Folder   5
Program on state position papers, 1968-1974
Box   14
Folder   6
Public welfare, 1953-1962
Box   14
Folder   7
Reapportionment, 1951-1967
Box   14
Folder   8
Representative government and government structure, 1962-1979
Box   15
Folder   1
State-local relationships (regarding state aids and shared taxes), 1965-1969
Box   15
Folder   2
State-local relationships - The Wallace Report, 1977
Box   15
Folder   3
Taxes, 1947-1968
Box   15
Folder   4
Property taxes, 1972
Box   15
Folder   5
Transportation - Citizens Committee on Transportation, 1973-1974
Box   15
Folder   6
Transportation and mass transit, 1971-1974
Box   15
Folder   7
Transportation studies, 1970
Box   15
Folder   8
Unemployment, 1975
Box   15
Folder   9
Veterans' bonuses, opposition to, 1951-1962
Box   15
Folder   10
Welfare and welfare rights, 1974-1975
La Crosse Mss AP
Part 2 (La Crosse Mss AP): 2004 Additions, 1947-2004
Physical Description: 5.0 cubic feet (13 archives boxes) 
Scope and Content Note

The League's GENERAL RECORDS are comprised of by-laws of both the state and local organizations, an early and incomplete La Crosse League history, a few clippings of League activities, fairly routine correspondence and inter-office memoranda, minutes and reports from regular membership, regular and special board of directors meetings, annual meetings, and State Council meetings; League policies and guidelines; recommendations about national and state LWV program; reports of the president, League, and committees to the state and national LWV; scrapbooks; and speeches, notes, and press releases. The collection includes correspondence and information from Lorraine Dahl, a member of the La Crosse League who led the state-wide League of Women Voters in the 1950s.

State convention kits contain agenda, reports, resolutions, financial records, and other items sent to members in advance of each convention, and additional materials later collected at the meeting. Financial records include local League budgets and budget requests; fundraising and finance drive correspondence, lists of names, notes, clippings, and other papers; records of receipts and disbursements, often also listing members' names and dues; and treasurer's reports. While many of the financial record contain large gaps in information, the treasurers' reports are almost entirely complete from 1977-1999. Dues records are also found in many of the annual membership record books together with membership lists and yearbooks, lists of officers, and records of a membership pilot project comprise the La Crosse LWV membership records, dating from 1954-1999.

Much of the League's work involved monitoring and studying the actions of governmental bodies. Files on program planning and advocacy strategy emphasize some of the League's work to maintain a presence in many local and state issues. League publications are a significant part of the collection. Local bulletins, found here with very few missing issues, provided members with meeting information and calendars, while state and national publications provided the data for use while studying topics suggested by the national and state Leagues.

There are also fragmentary records of a few committees, including the Community Development, Education, and State Program and Action Committees and the Department of Government and Economic Welfare. With other Leagues around the country, the La Crosse LWV celebrated the fiftieth, seventieth, and seventy-fifth anniversaries of the national organization. In each of the anniversary years, the files contain correspondence and other records mainly concerning fundraising and anniversary activities.

Files on LOCAL STUDY ISSUES are comprised of correspondence to inform or persuade local and state legislators, collected studies and reports, clippings, near-print “study materials” prepared by the state and national LWV, LWV policy statements, and reports on a wide variety of topics. Most topics were suggested or authorized by the state or national organizations, with a La Crosse focus. Topics gradually evolved to reflect the local league's increasing concern with topics of state and national scope. The topics studied include: domestic violence; financing education; foreign policy; gun control; housing; juvenile justice; land use and zoning; civil rights; the environment and the Mississippi River Basin; energy; the Equal Rights Amendment; sex equity and schools; and welfare reform.

Also included is a collection of records concerning the production of a book on the social and political history of women in the La Crosse area entitled For the Common Good. These files contain information on the writing, editing, and sales of the book created by the La Crosse League from 1991 to 1997. A copy of the book is enclosed in the files, and the book received many positive reviews from around the country.

The files on voter services contain information on numerous aspects of the League's work to involve as many people as possible in the political process. These topics include debates, forums, election problems, voting irregularities and many written responses from candidates involved in various election campaigns. The majority of these files include information from the 1970s through the 1990s.

The La Crosse League was involved in the reapportionment battle between the City of La Crosse and the County of La Crosse from 1981 through 1982, and seven files contain a large amount of information on the highly charged disagreement. The fight included lawsuits and counter-suits over the changing of political boundaries undertaken by the City of La Crosse. The La Crosse League of Women Voters became involved in the fight when it attempted to help find an amicable solution to the dispute with both sides.

Health issues and health care also played a large role in many of the studies undertaken by the La Crosse League. Files in the collection concern health services in La Crosse and Wisconsin, health care forums undertaken by the League, heath services planning, and the 1982 merger of city and county heath care in the La Crosse area.

Series: General Records
Box   17
Folder   1
Advocacy strategies, 1977-1992
Box   17
Folder   2
By-laws, 1979-2000
Box   17
Folder   3
Evaluations, surveys and planning, 1990-1994
Financial records
Box   17
Folder   4
Budgets, 1994-1996
Box   17
Folder   5-8
Finance drives, 1947-1977, 1979-1996
Box   17
Folder   9
Fundraiser: Equal Rights Amendment, 1973
Box   17
Folder   10
Fundraising: Heritage Night and wrapping, 1987, 1990, 1995
Box   17
Folder   11
Treasurer's reports, 1977-1980, 1983-1999
Box   17
Folder   12
General policies, 1980
Box   17
Folder   13
Goals and objectives, 1981-1982
Box   17
Folder   14
Interest lists, 1970-1993
Box   17
Folder   15
Lorraine Dahl: State Board information, 1954
Meetings and minutes
Box   17
Folder   16-17
Annual meeting booklets, 1978-1991
Box   18
Folder   1
Annual meeting booklets, 1992-1999
Box   18
Folder   2
Annual meeting minutes, 1978-1999
Box   18
Folder   3-4
Board meeting agendas, 1975-1999
Box   18
Folder   5-8
Board meeting minutes, 1978-1999
Box   18
Folder   9
Booklets, 1970-1985
Box   19
Folder   1
Booklets, 1986-1999
Box   19
Folder   2
Information, 1987-1995
Box   19
Folder   3
Lists, 1954-1984
Box   19
Folder   4
Non partisanship, 1974-1980
Box   19
Folder   5
Office reports, 1969-1977
Box   19
Folder   6
Organization, 1978-1994
Box   19
Folder   7
Program planning, 1951-1998
Box   19
Folder   8-10
Bulletins, 1977-1986
Box   20
Folder   1-6
Bulletins, 1987-1999
Box   20
Folder   7
Flyers, 1977-1988
Box   20
Folder   8
Position papers, 1999
Box   20
Folder   9-11
Press releases, 1970-1999
Box   21
Folder   1
Press releases, 1990-1999
Box   21
Folder   2
Publications, 1970-1990
Box   21
Folder   3
Publicity, 1955-1990
Box   21
Folder   4
Seventieth anniversary celebration, 1991
Box   21
Folder   5
Seventy-fifth anniversary celebration, 1995
Box   21
Folder   6
State Award, Marion Ramlow, 1987
Box   21
Folder   7
State Board correspondence, 1950-1954
Box   21
Folder   8
State Convention kits, 1989, 1995, 1997, 1999
Box   21
Folder   9
State Council: La Crosse, 1970
Box   21
Folder   10
Suffrage celebration, 1995
Series: Local Study Issues
Box   21
Folder   11
Adolescents, services to, 1993-1995
Box   21
Folder   12
Awards, 1982, 1995-1996
Box   21
Folder   13
Campaign finance, 1973, 1994
Box   21
Folder   14
Civil service and appointment powers of the Executive Branch, 1991-1999
Box   21
Folder   15
Comparable worth, 1985
Box   22
Folder   1
Conference on Children and Youth, La Crosse, 1950
Box   22
Folder   2-3
Correspondence, 1977-1995
Box   22
Folder   4
County booklet, 1991
Box   22
Folder   5
County Executive Administrator booklet, 1990
Box   22
Folder   6
County Executive information, 1996-1997
Box   22
Folder   7
County government structure, 1990
Box   22
Folder   8
Domestic violence, 1979-1980
Box   22
Folder   9
Energy, 1977
Box   22
Folder   10
Equal Rights Amendment, 1973-1980
Box   22
Folder   11
Financing education, 1971-1994
Box   23
Folder   1
Financing education, 1995-1999
For the Common Good
Box   23
Folder   2
Book sales, 1996-2000
Box   23
Folder   3
Editorial Advisory Board, 1994-1996
Box   23
Folder   4-5
Education Fund financials, 1994-1998
Box   23
Folder   6
Financials, 1996-2004
Box   23
Folder   7
“For the Common Good,” 1996
Box   23
Folder   8
Grants, 1991-1997
Box   23
Folder   9
Guest book, 1996
Box   23
Folder   10
League of Women Voters Education Fund application, 1994
Box   23
Folder   11
Pledges, 1994-1995
Box   24
Folder   1
Project manager expenses, 1995-1997
Box   24
Folder   2
Publicity, 1994-1998
Box   24
Folder   3
State Historical Society of Wisconsin Award, 1997
Box   24
Folder   4
Timeline, 1993-1997
Box   24
Folder   5
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Foundation application, 1994-1995
Box   24
Folder   6
YWCA Corporate Award, 1997
Box   24
Folder   7
Foreign policy, 1954-1968
Box   24
Folder   8
Gun control, 1994-1996
Health Care
Box   24
Folder   9
City-County Health merger, 1982
Box   24
Folder   10
Forums, 1992
Box   24
Folder   11
Health care, 1978-1999
Box   24
Folder   12
Justice for All? , 1992-1993
Box   24
Folder   13
Phase I, 1992
Box   24
Folder   14
Phase II, 1993-1994
Box   25
Folder   1
Housing, 1978-1980
Box   25
Folder   2-3
Human needs, 1986-1988
Box   25
Folder   4
Impact of federal and state mandates and state statutes, 1990
Box   25
Folder   5
Intergovernmental cooperation, 1996
Box   25
Folder   6-7
Juvenile justice, 1978-1995
Box   25
Folder   8
Legislative studies, 1978
Box   25
Folder   9
Library, 1980
Box   25
Folder   10
Litigation, 1973-1985
Box   25
Folder   11
Local appointments, 1978-1985
Box   25
Folder   12
Marital property, 1978-1979
Box   25
Folder   13
Marsh study, 1989-1991
Box   26
Folder   1-2
Mental health, 1988-1991
Box   26
Folder   3
Mississippi River Basin Study, 1959
Box   26
Folder   4
National Election Services reporting, 1988-1998
Box   26
Folder   5-7
Programs, 1970-1995
Box   26
Folder   8-9
Reapportionment, 1981-1982
Box   27
Folder   1-3
Reapportionment, 1981-1982 (continued)
Box   28
Folder   1-2
Reapportionment, 1981-1982 (continued)
Box   28
Folder   3
Reapportionment, 1987-1991
Box   28
Folder   4
Safe drinking water, 1995
Box   28
Folder   5
School census, 1955
Box   28
Folder   6
Sex equity and schools, 1981-1995
Box   28
Folder   7
Teen pregnancy, 1988
Box   28
Folder   8
Transportation, 1975, 1978
Box   28
Folder   9
Units, 1950, 1980-1989
Box   28
Folder   10
Urban crisis, 1978-1980
Voter services
Box   28
Folder   11
Attorney General debates, 1994
Box   28
Folder   12
Candidate forums, 1988-1996
Box   29
Folder   1
Debates, 1994
Box   29
Folder   2
Election problems, 1976-1985
Box   29
Folder   3
Fall elections, 1996
Box   29
Folder   4
Forums and debates, 1993-1994
Box   29
Folder   5
How to Run For Public Office, 1990-1999
Box   29
Folder   6
Power Vote '90, 1990
Box   29
Folder   7
Registration, 1976-1996
Box   29
Folder   8
Responses, 1988-1990
Box   29
Folder   9
Services, 1992-2001
Box   29
Folder   10
Voting irregularities, 1984
Box   29
Folder   11
Washington, D.C. Voting Rights, 1970-1980
Box   29
Folder   12
Welfare Reform-W2, 1988-1997
Box   29
Folder   13
Wetlands grant, 1998
Box   29
Folder   14
Yellow Rose of Suffrage, 1996
La Crosse Mss AP
Part 3 (La Crosse Mss AP, Audio 1134A/2-3): 2010 Additions, 1989-2009
Physical Description: 1.0 cubic feet (1 records center carton) and 2 audio recordings 
Scope and Content Note: Additions, 1989-2009, consisting of bulletins, correspondence, financial records, meeting minutes, and membership records, of the La Crosse County chapter of the League of Women Voters. Also included are two sound recordings and material the chapter collected and distributed on current political issues including immigration, campaign finance, and voting rights.
Box   30
Folder   1-4
Bulletins, 2000-2009
Box   30
Folder   5
By-laws, 2008
Box   30
Folder   6-7
Correspondence, 2003-2006
Financial records
Box   30
Folder   8
Audit, 2009
Box   30
Folder   9
Finance drive, 2002, 2004
Box   30
Folder   10
Treasurer's report, 2000-2004
Box   30
Folder   11
Media, circa 1990s
Meeting minutes
Box   30
Folder   12
Annual board minutes, 2000, 2002-2005
Box   30
Folder   13
Annual reports, 2000-2008
Box   30
Folder   14
Board agendas, 2002-2007
Box   30
Folder   15-16
Board meeting minutes, 2000-2009
Box   30
Folder   17
Meeting programs, 2003
Box   30
Folder   18
Annual membership booklets, 2001-2007
Box   30
Folder   19
Local members state activities, 1989, 1993
Box   30
Folder   20
Membership recruitment, 2008
Box   30
Folder   21
Mission and strategic planning, 2003-2004
Box   30
Folder   22
Organizational history, 1995
Box   30
Folder   23-24
Longfellow Middle School, 2006
Box   30
Folder   25
Open World, 2007-2009
Box   30
Folder   26
Voters services, 2000-2009
Box   30
Folder   27
Position statement, 2002
Box   30
Folder   28-30
Programs, 2003-2009
Box   30
Folder   31
Publicity, 2000-2008
Subject files
Box   30
Folder   32
Local city campaign finance, 2000
Box   30
Folder   33
Local county campaign finance, 2000
Box   30
Folder   34
Local school campaign finance, 2000-2001
Box   30
Folder   35
Local city-county library, 2003
Box   30
Folder   36
Local county executive, 2002
Box   30
Folder   37
Local dental coalition, 2005
Box   30
Folder   38
Local health care, 2008
Box   30
Folder   39
Local jail and mental health, 2006
Box   30
Folder   40
Local natural step, 2009
Box   30
Folder   41
Local planning, 2003
Box   30
Folder   42
Local transportation, 2003
Box   30
Folder   43-44
National immigration, 2007
Box   30
Folder   45
National patriot act, 2003
Box   30
Folder   46
National reproductive rights, 2003
Box   30
Folder   47
State civil liberties, 2003-2004
Box   30
Folder   48
State corrections, 2001-2002
Box   30
Folder   49
State education, 2003
Box   30
Folder   50-51
State energy, 2003, 2006-2007
Box   30
Folder   52
State planning and zoning, 2003-2004
Box   30
Folder   53
State voting rights, 2006
Box   30
Folder   54
State water quality study, 2003
Audio recordings
Carolyn Castori on Newsmakers discussing the Help America Vote Act, 2004 January 26
League of Women Voters' forum on immigration, undated
La Crosse Mss AP
Part 4 (La Crosse Mss AP): 2018 Additions, 1992-2018
Physical Description: 0.4 cubic feet (1 archives box) 
Scope and Content Note: Additions, 1992-2018, consisting of board and annual meeting materials including treasurer's reports, board agendas, minutes, committee reports, membership lists and newsletters.
Minutes and reports
Box   31
Folder   1
Box   31
Folder   2
Box   31
Folder   3
Box   31
Folder   4
Box   31
Folder   5
Box   31
Folder   6
Box   31
Folder   7
Minutes and reports, newsletters, 2018