Wisconsin Native American Languages Project Records, 1973-1976

Container Title
Series: 3. 1977 Reorganization, 1975-1988
Box   70
Folder   1-2
Assets and Liabilities, 1981-1983
Box   70
Folder   3
Back Pay to Employees, 1982
Box   2
Folder   1-3
Background Information, 1977-1986
Box   2
Folder   4-5
Bond and Debenture Holders Protective Committee, 1982-1983
Box   2
Folder   6
Burlington Northern Railroad – Purchase of 270 Miles of Milwaukee Road Trackage, 1979-1981
Box   2
Folder   7
Burlington Northern Railroad vs. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1984-1985
Box   2
Folder   8
Cartoons and Poems, 1977-1986
Box   2
Folder   9
Chicago, Madison and Northern Railway Co., 1981-1982
Chicago and North Western Transportation Co. – Proposed Acquisition of Milwaukee Road
Box   3
Folder   1
Asset Purchase Agreement, 1984
Box   3
Folder   2
Asset Purchase Agreement (revised), 1984
Box   3
Folder   3
Brief of CNW and Mid America Rail Properties, 1984
Box   3
Folder   4
CNW-42 – Inconsistent Application, volumes 1, 1983
Box   4
Folder   1-3
CNW-42 – Inconsistent Application, volumes 2-4, 1983
Box   4
Folder   4
CNW-83 – Application Volume 1, application and exhibits, 1984
Box   5
Folder   1
CNW-83 – Application Volume 2, market impact analysis, 1984
Box   5
Folder   2
CNW-83 – Application Volume 3, operating plan, 1984
Box   5
Folder   3
CNW-83 – Exhibits to Proposed Asset Purchase Agreement, 1984
Box   5
Folder   4
CNW-84 – Motion for Pre-hearing Conference; CNW-85 – Response in Opposition to Petition by Grand Trunk Corporation to Reopen Commission Decision Setting Supplementary Procedural Schedule, 1984
Box   5
Folder   5
CNW-86 – Revised Application and Exhibits, 1984
Box   6
Folder   1
CNW-87 – Petition for Exemption under 49 U.S.C. for Issuance of Securities; CNW-88 – Comments of CNW and Mid America Rail Properties; CNW-89 – Notice of Withdrawal of Petition, 1984
Box   6
Folder   2
CNW-90 – Request to Conduct Cross-Examination of Specified Witnesses, 1984
Box   6
Folder   3
CNW-91 – Final List of Protective Conditions Requested, 1984
Box   6
Folder   4
CNW-92 – Opposition Verified Statements, 1984
Box   6
Folder   5
CNW-94 – Request for Cross-Examination of Witnesses Supporting Responsive Applications and Opposing CNW Applications, 1984
Box   6
Folder   6
CNW-95 – Verified Statements in Opposition to Responsive Applications, 1984
Box   6
Folder   7-8
CNW-97 – Rebuttal Verified Statements, volumes 1-2, 1984
Box   6
Folder   9
CNW-98 – Objections to Escanaba and Lake Superior Railroad Co. Interrogatories; CNW-99 – Errata Sheet of Rebuttal Verified Statements, 1984
Box   7
Folder   1
CNW-100 – Opening Brief, 1984
Box   7
Folder   2
CNW-101 – Reply Brief, 1984
Box   7
Folder   3
CNW-102 – Reply to Grand Trunk Corporation Motion to Dismiss; CNW-103 – Submission on Remand from the Bankruptcy Court, 1984
Box   7
Folder   4
Evaluation of the Inconsistent Application by CNW, prepared for Milwaukee Road Counsel to the Trustee, 1984
Box   7
Folder   5-8
General Correspondence, 1982-1985
Box   7
Folder   9
Mortgage Indenture and Deed of Trust, 1984
Box   7
Folder   10
Newspaper Articles, 1980-1984
Box   7
Folder   11
Opposition to CNW Inconsistent Plan of Reorganization, 1983
Box   8
Folder   1
Rebuttal Statement of Paul Banner, 1984
Box   8
Folder   2
Responsive Brief of CNW and Mid American Railroad Properties, 1984
Box   8
Folder   3
Revised Application, 1984
Box   8
Folder   4
Trustee’s Statement, 1985
Box   8
Folder   5
Verified Statement of Richard Ogilvie, Jones Chemicals, Brillion and Forest Junction Railroad and Frank Komberec, 1983
Box   8
Folder   6
Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation – Requests for Conditions, Hearings and Cross Examination, 1983
Box   8
Folder   7
Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation – Verified Statements in Opposition to Acquisition, 1983
Box   8
Folder   8
Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation – Verified Statements of Rail Users in Opposition to Approval of Modified Proposal, 1984
Box   8
Folder   9
Chicago and North Western Transportation Co. vs. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1984
Box   8
Folder   10-11
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, reorganization, 1982-1983
Box   8
Folder   12-13
Congressional Record, Milwaukee Road entries, 1979
Box   8
Folder   14
Coordination with Other Railroads, 1978-1979
Box   9
Folder   1
Corporate Business Plan for 1982-1986, "In Support of the Trustee’s Revised Reorganization Plan", 1981
Box   9
Folder   2-3
Corporate Memos “To All Concerned”, 1977-1981
Correspondence - General
Box   9
Folder   4-8
Box   10
Folder   1-9
Box   11
Folder   1-9
Box   12
Folder   1
Court Documents
Box   12
Folder   2-9
Box   13
Folder   1-9
Box   14
Folder   1-9
Box   15
Folder   1-10
Box   16
Folder   1-10
Box   17
Folder   1-5
Box   17
Folder   6
Court Hearings, notes, 1981-1982
Box   17
Folder   7-9
Court Orders, 1977-1981
Box   18
Folder   1-2
Court Orders, 1982-1985
Box   18
Folder   3-4
Decisions of Interstate Commerce Commission on Proposed Reorganization, 1979-1985
Box   18
Folder   5
Deferred Tax Settlement Program, 1983
Box   18
Folder   6
Directed Service Under Section 1 (16)(b) of Interstate Commerce Act, 1979
Embargo Hearings
Box   70
Folder   4-5
Background, 1979-1980
Box   18
Folder   8
Court Decisions, 1979
Box   19
Folder   1
General Correspondence, 1979-1980
Box   19
Folder   2
Memorandum of Law with Respect to the Court’s Authority to Direct the Trustee to Declare a Partial Embargo, 1979
Box   19
Folder   3
Petition for Direction with Respect to Partial Embargo of Freight Operations, Financing Remaining Operations and Related Relief, 1979
Box   19
Folder   4
Reply Memorandum of Law with Respect to the Court’s Authority to Direct the Trustee to Declare a Partial Embargo, 1979
Box   19
Folder   5-6
Report of Special Master, Milton H. Gray, 1979
Box   19
Folder   7
Report of Special Master, Milton H. Gray, objections to, 1979
Box   19
Folder   8
Responses to Petition for Direction with Respect to Partial Embargo of Freight Operations, Financing Remaining Operations and Related Relief, 1979
Box   19
Folder   9-10
Statements, 1979
Box   20
Folder   1
Statements, 1979
Box   20
Folder   2-5
Transcript of Proceedings, 1979
Box   21
Folder   1-3
Transcript of Proceedings, 1979
Box   22
Folder   1-4
Transcript of Proceedings, 1979
Box   22
Folder   5
Trustee’s Response to Report of Special Master, 1979
Box   23
Folder   1-3
Embargo Notices, 1978-1982
Box   23
Folder   4-5
Emergency Rail Services Act Application, 1978-1979
Box   23
Folder   6
Employee Furloughs, 1981
Escanaba and Lake Superior Railroad
Box   23
Folder   8
ELS 2 – Comments and Proposed Conditions, 1984
Box   23
Folder   9
ELS 3 – Petition Seeking to Rebut Presumption that Trackage Rights Constitute Major Market Extension, 1984
Box   23
Folder   10
ELS 4 – Application to Acquire Trackage Rights Over Certain Milwaukee Road Properties, 1984
Box   23
Folder   11
ELS 5 – Interrogatories and Request for Production of Documents, 1984
Box   23
Folder   12
ELS 6 – Verified Rebuttal Statement of John C. Larkin, 1984
Box   23
Folder   13
ELS 8 – Motion to Compel Responses to Interrogatories Directed to Chicago and North Western Transportation Co., 1984
Box   23
Folder   14
ELS 9 – Opening Brief, 1984
Box   23
Folder   15
ELS 10 – Reply Brief, 1984
Escanaba and Lake Superior Railroad vs. Interstate Commerce Commission
Box   23
Folder   7
Brief of ELS for Review of ICC Decision and Memorandum in Support of Motion for Declaratory Judgment, 1984
Box   23
Folder   16
Motions, 1984
Box   23
Folder   17
Petition for Review, 1984
Box   23
Folder   18
Reply Brief for Review of ICC Decision, 1984
Box   23
Folder   19
Response of ELS to Trustee’s Reply to Motion for Declaratory Judgment, 1984
Box   23
Folder   20
Federal Railroad Administration Public Meeting, 1978
Box   24
Folder   1
Federal Railroad Administration Public Meeting, 1978
Box   24
Folder   2
Federal Register, Milwaukee Road entries, 1979
Box   24
Folder   3-4
Financial Assistance Reports, 1979-1981
Grand Trunk Corporation – Proposed Acquisition of Milwaukee Road
Box   24
Folder   5-7
Appendix I-III to Amended Plan of Reorganization, 1983
Box   25
Folder   1-3
Appendix IV-VI to Amended Plan of Reorganization, 1983
Box   25
Folder   4
Background, circa 1980-1985
Box   25
Folder   5
Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad Co. Briefs, 1984
Box   25
Folder   6
Consolidated Rail Corporation Brief, 1984
Box   25
Folder   7
Environmental Assessment, 1984
Box   25
Folder   8
Errata to Chicago Milwaukee Corporation Verified Statements, 1984
Box   25
Folder   9
General Correspondence, 1981-1984
Box   26
Folder   1
GTC-43 – Opposition to Requests for Trackage Rights of Chicago and North Western Transportation Co., Green Bay and Western, and Consolidated Rail Corporation, 1983
Box   26
Folder   2-4
GTC-49 – Rebuttal Testimony of GTC and Trustee of Milwaukee Road, volumes 1-3, 1983
Box   26
Folder   5
GTC-53 – Initial Brief, 1983
Box   26
Folder   6
GTC-54 – Reply Brief of GTC, 1984
Box   26
Folder   7
GTC-55 – Opposition to Chicago and North Western Motion to Strike, 1984
Box   26
Folder   8
GTC-56 – Petition by GTC to Reopen Commission Decision Setting Supplementary Procedural Schedule, 1984
Box   27
Folder   1
GTC-57 and 58 – Application of GTC Pursuant to Section 5 (b) of Milwaukee Road Restructuring Act and Modification of Data Supporting Amended Plan of Reorganization, volumes 1-2, 1984
Box   27
Folder   2
GTC-59 – Comments and Proposed List of Conditions, 1984
Box   27
Folder   3
GTC-60 – Requests for Cross Examination; GTC-61 – Revised List of Conditions by GTC; GTC-62 – Verified Statement of Paul Tatro, 1984
Box   27
Folder   4
GTC-64 – Responsive Trackage Rights Applications, 1984
Box   27
Folder   5
GTC-65 – Verified Statements in Opposition to Proposals by Chicago and North Western and Soo Line, 1984
Box   27
Folder   6-7
GTC-66, GTC-67 – Verified Statements of Shippers and other affected Parties in Opposition to Proposals by Chicago and North Western, 1984
Box   27
Folder   8
GTC-69 – Request for Cross-Examination of Opposition Submitted by GTC; GTC-70 – Errata to Verified Statement of Paul Tatro; GTC-71 – Response of GTC to Request for Conditions of Chicago and North Western and Soo Line; GTC-72 and 73 – Cross-Examination Requests, 1984
Box   27
Folder   9
GTC-74 – Rebuttal Testimony by GTC, 1984
Box   28
Folder   1
GTC-75 – Opening Brief of GTC, 1984
Box   28
Folder   2
GTC-76 – Motion to Dismiss Certain Proceedings Submitted by GTC; GTC-77 – Memorandum of Points in Support of Motion to Dismiss Certain Proceedings Submitted by GTC, 1984
Box   28
Folder   3
GTC-78 – Reply Brief of GTC, 1984
Box   28
Folder   4
GTC-80 – Requests for Cross-Examinations Submitted by GTC; GTC-81 – Brief of GTC on Remand to Interstate Commerce Commission, 1984
Box   28
Folder   5
Interstate Commerce Commission Decisions, 1983-1985
Box   28
Folder   6
Iowa Railroad Co. Comments, 1984
Box   28
Folder   7
Kansas City Terminal Railway Co. Brief, 1984
Box   28
Folder   8-9
LaSalle National Bank, 1984
Box   28
Folder   10
Newspaper Articles and Press Releases, 1981-1984
Box   29
Folder   1
Opening Brief of the Debtor and Chicago Milwaukee Corporation, 1984
Box   29
Folder   2
Railway Labor Executives, briefs and requests for cross-examinations, 1984
Box   29
Folder   3
Reply Brief of the Debtor and Chicago Milwaukee Corporation, 1984
Box   29
Folder   4-5
Reply Brief of Richard Ogilvie, Trustee of the Milwaukee Road, 1984
Box   29
Folder   6
Stock Acquisition Agreement, 1982
Box   29
Folder   7
Submission on Remand from the Bankruptcy Court, 1984
Box   29
Folder   8-9
Transcript Proceedings before the Interstate Commerce Commission, May-July 11, 1984
Box   30
Folder   1-3
Transcript Proceedings before the Interstate Commerce Commission, July 12-December 1984
Box   30
Folder   4
Trustee’s Amended Plan of Reorganization, 1983
Box   30
Folder   5
Trustee’s Comments, 1984
Box   30
Folder   6
Trustee’s Further Interrogatories and Document Requests to Soo Line, 1983
Box   30
Folder   7
U.S. Department of Justice, 1984
Box   30
Folder   8
Growmark, Inc., proposed acquisition of rail property in Prairie du Chien, 1981
Box   31
Folder   1-4
House of Representatives Subcommittee on Transportation and Commerce, hearing, 1977-1979
Box   31
Folder   5-7
Interim Awards of Compensation and Expenses, 1977-1982
Box   32
Folder   1
Interim Awards of Compensation and Expenses, 1977-1982
Box   32
Folder   2
Interstate Commerce Commission, staff study “The Prospect for Reorganizing the Milwaukee Road as a Viable Carrier”, 1980
Box   32
Folder   3
Iowa, newspaper articles, 1975-1982
Iowa State Association of Counties vs. Milwaukee Road
Box   32
Folder   4-5
Appendix Volumes II-III, 1982
Box   32
Folder   6
Movants’ Reply Brief, 1983
Box   32
Folder   7
Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Co. vs. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1984
Box   33
Folder   1
Joint Appeal of Milwaukee Road as Debtor and Chicago Milwaukee Corporation as Shareholder, 1980
Box   70
Folder   6
Liquidation Value Report of Milwaukee Road, 1978
Box   33
Folder   2
Loan Guarantees, 1979-1980
Box   33
Folder   3-5
McDonald vs. Chicago Milwaukee Corporation, 1977-1980
Box   33
Folder   6
Midwest Labor Protection Agreement, 1980
Box   33
Folder   7
Milwaukee II Operating Plan, 1979
Box   70
Folder   7
Milwaukee Land Co., sale of timberland and mineral rights, 1980
Box   33
Folder   8
Minneapolis Depot, 1982
Box   33
Folder   9
Newspaper Articles, 1977-1981
Box   33
Folder   10
Rail Plan, 1981-1982
Box   34
Folder   1-5
General Correspondence, 1978-1979
Box   34
Folder   6-8
Hearings Conducted by Senator Max Baucus, volumes 1-3, 1979
Box   34
Folder   9
Newspaper Articles, 1978
Box   35
Folder   1-12
Newspaper Articles, 1978-1979
Box   36
Folder   1
Name Change from Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Co. to CMC Real Estate Corporation, 1985
New Milwaukee Lines – Employee-Shipper Ownership Plan
Box   36
Folder   2
Assessments, 1979
Box   36
Folder   3
Background, 1979
Box   36
Folder   4
Comments by Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington and Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation, 1979
Box   36
Folder   5
Comments by Legislators, 1979
Box   36
Folder   6
Comments by United States Dept. of Transportation, 1979
Box   36
Folder   7
Initial Statement and Response to Commission Questions, 1979
Box   36
Folder   8
Proposal, 1979
Box   37
Folder   1-2
Statements of Opposition, 1979
Newspaper Articles - Miscellaneous
Box   37
Folder   3-11
Box   38
Folder   1-10
Box   39
Folder   1-12
Box   40
Folder   1-17
Box   41
Folder   1-17
Box   42
Folder   1-2
Box   70
Folder   8
Ogilvie, Richard, speeches, 1980-1983
Box   42
Folder   3
Progress Reports from Order No. 336, 1981-1983
Box   42
Folder   4
Pullman Leasing Co., 1984
Box   42
Folder   5
Railway Labor Executives’ Association, supplemental brief and short appendix on appeals from United States District Court, 1982
Box   42
Folder   6-7
Railway Labor Executives’ Association vs. Interstate Commerce Commission, 1980
Box   42
Folder   8
Railway Labor Executives’ Association vs. Richard Ogilvie, 1982
Box   42
Folder   9-10
Railway Labor Executives’ Association vs. William Gibbons, 1982
Box   72
Folder   2-3
Reorganization of the Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, 1976-1979
Reports of Special Master Milton H. Gray
Box   42
Folder   11
Petition of Certain Indenture Trustees to Modify Order No. 290-F, 1980
Box   43
Folder   1
Trustee’s Application for Abandonment of 18 Branch Lines, 1980
Box   43
Folder   2
Trustee’s Application for Abandonment of the Pacific Coast Extension, 1980
Box   43
Folder   3
Trustee’s Application for Authority to Abandon the Madison and Beloit Lines, 1982
Box   43
Folder   4
Trustee’s Application for Authority to Obtain Financial Assistance, 1979
Box   43
Folder   5
Trustee’s Application for Authority to Obtain Financial Assistance from the Federal Railroad Administration, 1979
Box   43
Folder   6
Trustee’s Application for Authority to Purchase the Line of the Rock Island Railroad Between Washington and Clinton, Iowa; and the Trustee’s Motion and Complaint for Authority to Borrow $9,000,000 to Consummate that Purchase, 1982
Box   43
Folder   7-8
Sale of Property, 1979-1981
Save Our Railroad Employment (SORE)
Box   43
Folder   9
Affidavit of Fred Simpson in Support of SORE, 1979
Box   43
Folder   10-11
General Correspondence, 1978-1979
Box   44
Folder   1-2
General Correspondence, 1979-1980
Box   44
Folder   3
Motion for Leave to Intervene, 1979
Box   44
Folder   4
Newspaper Articles, 1978-1981
Box   44
Folder   5
Reorganization Plan, 1979
Box   44
Folder   6
Reply Memorandum in Support of SORE’s Motion for Special Notice on Certain Matters, 1979
Box   44
Folder   7
Trustee’s Memorandum in Opposition to SORE’s Motion for Special Notice on Certain Matters, 1979
Securities and Exchange Commission
Box   44
Folder   8
Form 8-K Reports, 1975-1982
Box   44
Folder   9-11
Form 10-K Annual Reports, 1978-1984
Box   45
Folder   1-3
Form 10-Q Quarterly Reports, 1980-1984
Box   45
Folder   4
Newspaper Articles, 1976
Box   45
Folder   5-6
Senate Railroad Service Assistance Act (McGovern Bill), 1979
Box   45
Folder   7-8
Senate Subcommittee on Surface Transportation, hearing, 1979
Box   45
Folder   9
Separation Requests and Interim Employee Assistance, 1980-1981
Box   45
Folder   10
Service List of Court and Interstate Commerce Commission, 1983
Soo Line Railroad – Acquisition of Milwaukee Road
Box   46
Folder   1
Asset Purchase Agreement, 1984
Box   46
Folder   2
Background, circa 1980-1985
Box   70
Folder   9
Changes to Correction Deeds, 1988
Box   46
Folder   3
Consolidated Brief of Soo Line and Milwaukee Road, Inc., 1985
Box   46
Folder   4-7
General Correspondence and Newspaper Articles, 1977-1987
Box   46
Folder   8
Memorandum in Support of Purchase Application and Petition for Review of Interstate Commerce Commission’s Decision of Chicago and North Western Application, 1985
Box   47
Folder   1-2
Milwaukee Study, 1980
Box   47
Folder   3
Operating Plan, 1984
Operations Planning Group
Box   47
Folder   4-6
General Files, 1985
Box   47
Folder   7
Car Department Consolidation Report, 1985
Box   47
Folder   8-9
Locomotive Department Consolidation Report, 1985
Box   48
Folder   1
Mechanical Department Consolidation Report, 1985
Box   48
Folder   2
SOO-33 – Application for Authority to Acquire Trackage Over Lines of Chicago and North Western and Purchase Tracks of Milwaukee Road, 1983
Box   48
Folder   3
SOO-34 – Application for Authority to Acquire Trackage Over Lines of Chicago and North Western and Over Lines of Milwaukee Road, 1983
Box   48
Folder   4
SOO-35 – Application to Require Use of Terminal Facilities at St. Paul, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and between I 35-W and Shakopee, Minnesota, 1983
Box   48
Folder   5
SOO-36-37 – Verified Statements Submitted by Soo Line in Opposition to Chicago and North Western Application and in Support of Soo’s Required Conditions, volumes 1-2, 1983
Box   49
Folder   1
SOO-39 – Verified Statement of Thomas Beckley, 1984
Box   49
Folder   2
SOO-40 – Petition for an Exemption to Permit Acquisition of Control of Milwaukee Motor Transportation Co., 1984
Box   49
Folder   3
SOO-41 – Alternative Plan of Reorganization, 1984
Box   49
Folder   4
SOO-42 – Market Impact Analysis and Verified Statements of J.T. Harnett, Peter McNamee and Barry Harris, 1984
Box   49
Folder   5
SOO-43 – Proposed Agreements, Operating Plan, Density Charts and Verified Statement of Joe Darling, 1984
Box   49
Folder   6
SOO-44 – Environmental Data, Energy Data and Verified Statement of David Arndorfer, 1984
Box   50
Folder   1
SOO-46-48 – Verified Statements of Shippers in Support of Soo Line (3 volumes), 1984
Box   50
Folder   2
SOO-53 – Proposed Agreement, 1984
Box   50
Folder   3
SOO-62-64 – Requests for Cross-Examination of Witnesses, 1984
Box   50
Folder   4
SOO-65 – Application for Acquiring Trackage Rights between Clinton, Iowa and Muscatine, Iowa, 1984
Box   51
Folder   1
SOO-66-67 – Verified Statements Submitted Opposing Chicago and North Western Application, volumes 1-2, 1984
Box   51
Folder   2
SOO-71 – Verified Statement of Peter McNamee, 1984
Box   51
Folder   3
SOO-72 – Requests for Cross-Examination of Witnesses, 1984
Box   51
Folder   4
SOO-73 – Selected Tables from Verified Statement of Paul Banner, 1984
Box   51
Folder   5
SOO-74 – Statements of Barry Harris, Joe Darling and Ralph Von Dem Hagen, 1984
Box   51
Folder   6
SOO-75 – Rebuttal Verified Statements of Peter McNamee, James Hartnett and John Miller, 1984
Box   51
Folder   7
SOO-76 – Amendments to SOO-73; SOO-77 – Trackage Agreement to Asset Purchase Agreement, 1984
Box   52
Folder   1
SOO-79 – Initial Brief of Soo Line, 1984
Box   52
Folder   2
SOO-80 – Appendices to Initial Brief of Soo Line, 1984
Box   52
Folder   3
SOO-82 – Errata to Initial Brief, 1984
Box   52
Folder   4
SOO-83 – Canadian Pacific Limited Annual Report, 1983
Box   52
Folder   5
SOO-87 – Opposition to Grand Trunk Corporation’s Motion to Dismiss Certain Proceedings, 1984
Box   52
Folder   6
SOO-88 – Errata to Reply Brief, 1984
Box   52
Folder   7
SOO-92 – Brief in Opposition to Chicago and North Western Proposal, 1984
Soo Line Railroad – General Files
Box   52
Folder   8
Annual Reports, 1981-1986
Box   52
Folder   9
General Orders, 1986
Box   52
Folder   10
Newsletters, 1981-1986
Box   53
Folder   1
Telephone Directory, 1980-1987
Box   53
Folder   2
Timetable, 1986
South Dakota
Box   53
Folder   3
Congressional Joint Economic Committee Hearing, 1978
Box   53
Folder   4
Court Proceedings, 1979-1980
Box   53
Folder   5-6
General Correspondence, 1978-1982
Box   53
Folder   7-9
Newspaper Articles, 1978-1980
Box   54
Folder   1
Newspaper Articles, 1981-1982
Southern Pacific/St. Louis Southwestern Railroads – Purchase (Portion) of Rock Island Railroad
Box   54
Folder   2
SPR 2-6 – Analysis of the Impact of Cotton Belt Operations between Island Junction and East St. Louis, Illinois, 1979
Box   54
Folder   3-6
SPR 2-6 – Exhibits, volumes 6, 6A, 7, 8, 9, 1978
Box   54
Folder   7-8
SPR 2-7, SPR 2-8 – Verified Statements, 1979
Box   55
Folder   1
SPR 2-9 – Errata Sheets, 1979
Box   55
Folder   2-3
SPR 2-10 – Verified Statements, 1979
Box   55
Folder   4-8
SPR 2-11 – Verified Statements of Rebuttal Witnesses, 1979
Box   56
Folder   1
SPR 2-11 – Verified Statements of Rebuttal Witnesses, 1979
Box   56
Folder   2
SPR 3-1 – Transcripts Corrections, 1979-1980
Box   56
Folder   3-6
SPR 3-2, SPR 3-3, SPR 3-4, SPR 3-5 – Stenographers’ Minutes, 1979
SPR 5-1 – Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Co.
Box   57
Folder   1
Comments, 1979
Box   57
Folder   2
Miscellaneous Documents, 1980
Box   57
Folder   3
Response to Interrogatories, 1979
Box   57
Folder   4
Traffic Diversion Study, 1979
Box   57
Folder   5-6
Verified Statements, 1979
Box   57
Folder   7
SPR 5-2 – Burlington Northern, 1979
Box   57
Folder   8-11
SPR 5-3 – Chicago and North Western Transportation Co., 1979
Box   58
Folder   1-4
SPR 5-3 – Chicago and North Western Transportation Co., 1979-1980
Box   58
Folder   5
SPR 5-4 – Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Co., 1979
Box   58
Folder   6
SPR 5-5 – St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co., 1979-1980
Box   58
Folder   7
SPR 5-6 – Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Co., 1979
Box   58
Folder   8
SPR 5-7 – Kansas City Terminal Railway Co., 1979
Box   58
Folder   9
SPR 5-8 – Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad Co., 1979
Box   59
Folder   1-2
SPR 5-8 – Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad Co., 1979-1980
Box   59
Folder   3-10
SPR 5-9 – Missouri Pacific Railroad Co., 1979-1980
Box   60
Folder   1
SPR 5-13 – Soo Line Railroad Co., 1979
Box   60
Folder   2
SPR 6-2 – Financial Organizations, 1979-1980
Box   60
Folder   3-5
SPR 6-3 – Labor, 1979
Box   60
Folder   6
SPR 6-4 – States, 1979-1980
Box   60
Folder   7-9
SPR 6-5 – U.S. Department of Transportation, 1979
Box   60
Folder   10-11
SPR 6-6 – U.S. Department of Justice, 1979
Box   61
Folder   1
SPR 6-6 – U.S. Department of Justice, 1979-1980
Box   61
Folder   2
SPR 6-7 – Shippers, 1979-1980
Box   61
Folder   3-5
SPR 7-1 – Milwaukee Road Conditions and Pleadings, 1979
Box   61
Folder   6-7
SPR 8-2 – General Correspondence, 1978-1980
Box   61
Folder   8-10
SPR 8-4 – Interrogatories and Responses, 1979
Box   62
Folder   1-4
SPR 8-4 – Interrogatories and Responses, 1979-1980
Box   62
Folder   5-7
SPR 8-6 – Interstate Commerce Commission Orders and Decisions, 1978-1980
Box   62
Folder   8
SPR 8-7 – Status Reports, 1979
Box   62
Folder   9-11
SPR 8-11 – Southern Pacific and Rock Island Pleadings, 1979
Box   63
Folder   1-5
SPR 8-11 – Southern Pacific and Rock Island Pleadings, 1979-1982
Box   63
Folder   6-7
Staff Meetings, 1981-1982
State Rail Plans
Box   63
Folder   8
Idaho, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan, 1980-1981
Box   63
Folder   9
Minnesota and Wisconsin, 1981
Box   63
Folder   10-11
Strategic Planning Study by Booz, Allen and Hamilton, 1979
Box   64
Folder   1
Study of Plans to Reorganize the Milwaukee Road, 1980
Box   64
Folder   2
Tender Offers, 1982
Box   64
Folder   3-4
Transcontinental Line, discontinuance, 1978
Box   64
Folder   5
Transcript Excerpts of Interstate Commerce Commission Special Milwaukee Road Hearing, 1978
Box   64
Folder   6-9
Transcript of Proceedings, 1979
Box   65
Folder   1
Transcript of Proceedings, 1985
Box   65
Folder   2-7
Trustee Fees, 1979-1984
Box   66
Folder   1-4
Trustee’s Deed with Burlington Northern, 1980
Box   66
Folder   5
Trustee’s Initial Statements, 1980
Box   66
Folder   6
Trustee’s Progress Report, Per Order No. 534, 1982
Box   66
Folder   7-10
Trustee’s Reorganization Plan, 1979-1985
Box   66
Folder   11-12
Trustee’s Reorganization Planning Group, 1980-1981
Box   67
Folder   1
Trustee’s Reorganization Planning Group, 1981-1982
Box   67
Folder   2
Trustee’s Reorganization Planning Group Manual, 1981
Box   67
Folder   3
Trustee’s Report, 1979
Box   67
Folder   4
Trustee’s Report and Recommendations for the Future of the Milwaukee Road, 1980
Box   67
Folder   5
Trustee’s Verified Recommendations, 1984
Union Pacific – Purchase of Western Milwaukee Road Lines
Box   67
Folder   6-8
General Correspondence, 1978
Box   68
Folder   1
Labor Issues, 1978
Box   68
Folder   2
Newspaper Articles, 1978-1981
Box   68
Folder   3
Wage Reduction Agreements, 1981
Box   68
Folder   4
Warranty Deed between Washington, Idaho and Montana Railway Co. and Burlington Northern, 1980
Western Lines
Box   68
Folder   5
Background Report: “Essential Milwaukee Road Service in the State of Washington”, 1979
Box   68
Folder   6
Ernst and Whinney Studies, 1979
Box   68
Folder   7-10
General Correspondence, 1978-1979
Box   68
Folder   11
Union Pacific, 1978
Box   68
Folder   12-13
Wisconsin, newspaper articles, 1976-1978
Box   69
Folder   1-2
Wisconsin, newspaper articles, 1979-1986