Distillery, Wine and Allied Workers' International Union Records, 1941-1996

Contents List

Container Title
DE 456-457
"Polka," 1957 December 18
Note: Fiedler Cook's Production
Adapted by Lee Pogostin
Cast: Shelley Winters, Glenda Farrell, James Gregory, Phyllis Love, Torin Thatcher

DE 444-445
"Angry Harvest," 1958 April 23
Note: From the novel by Hermann Field and Stanislaw Mierzenski
Director: Alex Segal
Producer: Robert Herridge
Cast: Theodore Bikel, Ina Balin, George Voskovec, Ludwig Donath, Elliott Sullivan, Margot Lassner, John Van Dreelen, Ted Gunther

DE 476-478
"The Outcasts of Poker Flat," 1958 May 7
Note: From the short story by Bret Harte
Adapted by Phil Reisman, Jr.
Producer: Robert Herridge
Director: Paul Stanley
Cast: George C. Scott, Ruth White, Janet Ward, Larry Hagman, Lane Bradley, Ford Rainey, Burton Mallory, Ramsey Williams, John Kellogg

DE 458-459
"All the King's Men" [Part I], 1958 May 14
Note: From the novel by Robert Penn Warren
Adapted by Don Mankiewicz
Producer: Robert Herridge
Director: Sidney Lumet
Cast: Neville Brand, William Prince, Frank Conroy, Robert Emhardt, Fred J. Scollay, Maureen Stapleton

DE 460-461
"All the King's Men" [Part II], 1958 May 21
Note: From the novel by Robert Penn Warren
Adapted by Don Mankiewicz
Producer: Robert Herridge
Director: Sidney Lumet
Cast: Neville Brand, William Prince, Frank Conroy, Robert Emhardt, Fred J. Scollay, Maureen Stapleton

DE 478-479
"Last of the Belles," 1958 June 4
Note: From the short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Adapted by James P. Cavanagh
Producer: Alex March
Director: Daniel Petrie
Cast: Jody McCrea, Ann Williams, Al Morgenstern, Nicholas Pryor, Joan Wetmore, Neil Vipond, Henry Sutton, Freeman Hammond, Mark Weston, Morris Rixon, Pat Patterson

DE 419-420; DE 646-647
"Killer's Choice," 1958 June 11
Note: From the novel by Evan Hunter
Adapted by Alvin Boretz
Producer: Alex March
Director: Paul Bogart
Cast: Michael Higgins, Staats Cotsworth, Joanne Linville, Martin Rudy, Joan Copeland
DE 419-420 is a user copy

DE 381-382
"Now, Will You Try for Murder," 1958 June 18
Note: Adapted from the novel by Harry Olesker
Director: Frank Pacelli
Producer: Alex March
Cast: Lois Nettleton, Al Morgenstern, Fred J. Scollay, Thomas Carlin, Carl Frank, David Bauer, Doreen Lang, Rebecca Sand, John Fiedler

DE 345-346; DE 377-378
"87th [Eighty Seventh] Precinct," 1958 June 25
Note: Writer: Larry Cohen
Based on the characters created by Evan Hunter
Director: Paul Bogart
Producer: Alex March
Cast: Robert Bray, Martin Rudy, Joseph Sullivan, Joan Copeland, Pat Henning
DE 377-378 is a user copy without commercials

DE 464-465
"Next Door to Death," 1958 July 2
Note: Writer: Michael Dyne
Based on the short story by Charlotte Armstrong
Producer: Alex March
Director: David Greene
Cast: Patrick Macnee, Abigail Kellogg, Leora Dana, David Hurst, Martin Kosleck, Rex O'Malley

DE 437-438; FF 987
"Cop Killer," 1958 July 9
Note: Adapted by Art Wallace from the novel by George Bagby
Producer: Alex March
Director: William A. Graham
Cast: Edward Binns, Fred J. Scollay, Martin Brooks, Paul Hartman, Rudy Bond, Richard Bright, Harold Gary, John McQuade, Anne Meara, Fred Kareman, Frank Downing, Gino Ardito, Peter Turgeon, Robert Sinclair
FF 987 is a user copy without commercials

DE 470-471; DE 640-641
"The Man Who Didn't Fly," 1958 July 16
Note: Writer: Jerome Coopersmith
Based on a novel by Margot Bennet
Producer: Alex March
Director: Michael Dreyfuss
Cast: William Shatner, Patricia Bosworth, Walter Brooke, Jonathan Harris, Louis Hector, Patricia Wheel, Milton Seltzer, Charles Mendick, Paul Mazursky, Robert Fitzsimmons
DE 470-471 is a user copy

DE 450-451; DE 644-645
"Focus on Murder," 1958 July 23
Note: Writer: Mel Goldberg
Based on the novel by George Harmon Coxe
Producer: Alex March
Director: William Corrigan
Cast: Simon Oakland, Phyllis Hill, Olive Deering, Bill Zuckert, Roy Poole, Val Avery, Therese Hunter, Joey Walsh, James Bender, Ferdi Hoffman, Norman Shelly
DE 450-451 is a user copy

DE 466-467
"Death Wears Many Faces," 1958 July 30
Note: Writer: Doug Taylor
Producer: Alex March
Director: Paul Bogart
Cast: Mark Richman, Warren Berlinger, Robert Emhardt, Milton Selzer, Crahan Denton, Jane McArthur, Donald May, Martin Brooks, Clifton James, Paul Tremaine, Patty Duke

DE 468-469
"We Haven't Seen Her Lately," 1958 August 20
Note: Writer: Sumner Locke Elliott
Based on the novel by E. X. Ferrars
Producer: Alex March
Director: Paul Bogart
Cast: George C. Scott, Angela Thornton, Mary Finney, Myra Carter, Louis Edmonds, Patrick Horgan, Carolyn Brenner, Sasha Von Scherler, Stafford Dickens

DE 439-440
"Web of Guilt," 1958 August 27
Note: Writer: Mel Goldberg
Producer: Alex March
Director: William Corrigan
Cast: Simon Oakland, Fred J. Scollay, Michael Higgins, Lois Wheeler, Ann Hilany, Jane Rose, Frank Thomas, David Bauer, Jay Barney, Tony Mitchell, James Dukas

DE 411-412
"Back Track," 1958 September 3
Note: Writer: Sam Elkin
Producer: Alex March
Director: Murray Golden
Cast: John Baragrey, Victor Thorley, Phyllis Hill, Lawrence Weber, Ward Costello, Martin B. Rudy, Dan Morgan, Pat Henning

DE 386-387
"Trick or Treat," 1958 September 10
Note: Adapted for television by M.L. Davenport
Based on the novel by Doris Miles Disney
Producer: Alex March
Director: David Greene
Cast: Robert Pastene, Will Kuluva, Robert Mandan, Mary Finney, Perry Wilson, Ellen McRae [Burstyn], Ken Harvey, Joseph Campanella, Alfred Sandor, Effie Afton, Anne Draper

DE 347-348
"A Cup of Kindness," 1958 September 17
Note: Writer: Alvin Boretz
From a story by William Iverson
Producer: Alex March
Director: William A. Graham
Cast: Philip Bourneuf, Norman Crane, Leo Penn, John McQuade, Read Morgan, Jane Moultrie, W.W. Post, Freeman Hammond

DE 454-455
"Riddle of a Lady," 1958 September 24
Note: Writer: Jerome Coopersmith
Based on the novel by Anthony Gilbert
Producer: Alex March
Director: Jack Klugman
Cast: David White, David Hurst, Nancy Marchand, Clarice Blackburn, Lee Richardson, Joe Silver, Lisa Daniels, Myra Carter, Robert Eckles, Jeremiah Morris

DE 388-389
"Presumption of Innocence," 1958 October 1
Note: Writer: Harry Julian Fink
Producer: Alex March
Director: Michael Dreyfuss
Cast: Philip Abbott, Colleen Dewhurst, Martin B. Rudy, Michael Wager, Val Avery, Lois Nettleton