Holt Lumber Company Records, 1839-1969

Container Title
Volume   115-124
Series: Oconto Daily Exhibit Records, 1896-1915
Scope and Content Note

Ten volumes of Daily Exhibit Records begin at the point at which the Journals leave off, Aug. 1, 1896, and run to Feb. 26, 1915. Despite a six-year gap between Oct. 1, 1907 and April 1, 1913, these volumes are valuable for the bookkeeping data they contain. Their subject matter deals with cash received and paid out; with banking operations; with persons and companies to whom money was paid; with charges and credits on general accounts, and on accounts payable; with freight charges; with lumber discounts; with wages, and sundry other matters.

Clearly, the data contained in the Daily Exhibit Records represents in many respects a continuation of the data contained in earlier Ledgers and Journals. Like that data, it is useful primarily for details on the financial transactions of the company.