Playtex Commercials, circa 1950s?

Scope and Content Note

This collection consists of forty-one commercials for Playtex products from the 1950s. Playtex. International Latex—the parent company for Playtex—created these commercials for television exhibition. Products represented include women's undergarments, latex gloves, and medications. One commercial for an instant decongestant called Nasalaire features John Astin.

It is unclear how many commercials were produced in these series, but the production numbers on the individual reels suggest that they are a few examples of a larger series.

All the reels in this collection are 16 mm prints with sound, in color, and have a running time of approximately 30 to 60 seconds. In many cases, the collection includes both shorter and longer versions of the same advertisement. The visual quality of these prints is good overall although the quality differs between individual reels.

The commercials in this collection are stored on separate film cores, but several films are housed in each can, and arranged by product. Where available, the production numbers for individual commercials are included.