Wisconsin. Circuit Court (Barron County): Judgment Dockets, 1914-1929

Contents List

Container Title
U.S. Mss 99AN/8.3
Box   1
Absorbing Junior
Action in Sports
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Alibi Mark
Alibi Time
Alice in Movieland
All American Bands, The
All Sealed Up
All Star Melody Masters
All Star Musical Revue
Alma Martyr, The
Box   1
Along Came Ruth
Along the Mediterranean
Alpine Echoes
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Alpine Grandeur
American Saddle Horses
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Are Animals Actors?
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Argentine Horses
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Around the Clock
Art Trouble
Artistic Temper
Box   1
At the Stroke of 12
Attic of Terror
The Audition
Baa, Baa Blacksheep
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Backyard Broadcast, The
Barber Shop Blues
Bedtime Vaudeville
Bees A'Buzzin
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Behind the Big Top
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Berlin Today
Box   1
Better Than Gold
Between the Lines
Beyond the Line of Duty
Black Network, The
Blonde Bomber, The
Blue Nose Schooner
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Bolted Door, The
Boy and His Dog, A
Bridal Night
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Box   1
Bring on the Girls
Broadway Ballyhoo
Broadway Buckaroo
Buzzin Around
By Request
Cabinet Meeting, A
Calgary Stampede
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
California Jr. Symphony, The
California Thoroughbreds
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Calling All Girls
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Box   1
Calling All Kids
Calling All Tars
Camera Hunting
Campus Mystery, The
Can It Be Done
Can You Imagine
Candid Kid, The
Can't Think of It
Captain Blue Blood
Carioca Serenaders
Box   2
Carnival Days
Castle of Dreams, The
Cavalcade of Archery
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Cavalcade of Dance
Central America
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Champions of the Future
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Changing of the Guard
Check Your Cash
Check Your Sombrero
Box   2
Cherchez La Femme
Childhood Days
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
China Today
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Choke's on You Palooka, The
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
City's Slicker, The
Cleaning Up
Close Friends
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
Close Relations
Clyde Murder Mystery, The
Cole Case, The
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
Box   2
College Dads
Colorado Trout
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Colorful Occupations
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Come to Dinner
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Corn on the Cop
Costumes of the World
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Cradle of Civilization
Crane Poison Case, The
Box   2
Crashing the Gate
Crossing the Sahara
Crossroads of the Orient
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Cuba Calling
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Cuba, Land of Adventure and Sport
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Cure It with Music
Curious Industries
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Cut Out For Love
Dancing Around the World
Danger High Voltage
Box   2
Dare Devil O'Dare
Dark Africa
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Darling Enemy
Daughter of Rosie O'Grady
Day At Santa Anita, A
Day's Journey, A
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Dear Old Dad
Dear Old London
Defying Death
Desi Arnaz and His Orchestra
Box   2
Diary of a Racing Pigeon
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Divide and Conquer
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Dizzy and Daffy
Doctor Cupid
Dog in the Orchard, The
Doggie Round Up
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Dogs You Seldom See
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Doorman's Opera, The
Double Crossing of Columbus, The
Double Crossky, The
Box   2
Double Exposure
Double Or Nothing
Dough Nuts
Dream Comes True, A
Dubarry Did Alright
Dublin in Brass
Box   3
Dude Ranch Buckaroos
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
East Indies
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Echo Mountain
Eggs Mark the Spot
Exploring the Pacific
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Facing Your Danger
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Famous Movie Dogs
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Fast and Pleasant
Fat Chance, A
Box   3
Fifty Dollar Bill
Fight, Fish, Fight
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Fighting Judge, The
Filipino Sports Parade
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Film Follies, The
Flame Song, The
Flowers From the Sky
Fly Fishing
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Foiled Again
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Box   3
For Sports Sake
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
For the Love of Pete
Forget Me Knots
Gateway to Africa
Gay Parisian, The
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Gem of the Ocean, The
Get Rich Quick
Ghost to Ghost Hookup
Gobs of Fun
Good Badminton
Box   3
Good Morning, Eve
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Good Old Corn
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Good Old Plumber Time
Got a Match
Gray, White and Blue
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Guess Stars
Gun Dog Life
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Gun to Gun
Gypsy Sweetheart
Harbor Lights
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Box   3
Hats and Dogs
Hatteras Honkers
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Haunted House
Hawaiian Memories
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Heart of Paris
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Here Comes Flossie
Here Comes the Circus
Here, Prince
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
Here's Howe
Box   3
Here's Your Hat
Hermit Kingdom, The
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Hey, Pop!
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
High Peril
High School Hoofer, The
High, Wide, and Hanson
His First Flame
Hit and Run
Hitler Lives?
Hold That Ball
Box   3
Hollanders, The
Home, Cheap, Home
Home Run on the Keys
Horses, Horses, Horses
Horse's Tale, A
Box   4
Hot Competition
Hot From Petrograd
Hotel a la Swing
How'd Ya Like That
How've You Bean?
Human Bomb, The
Hunter's Paradise
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Hunting Dogs At Work
Hunting the Devil Cat
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Hunting the Hard Way
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Box   4
Husband's Holiday
I Won't Play
Ice Frolics
Idle Roomer, An
I'm Much Obliged
In the Dough
In the Family
In the Spotlight
In This Corner
Box   4
India's Millions
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Into the Clouds
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Inventor, The
Irons in the Fire
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Isles of Enchantment
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Italy, Old, New
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
It's All Over Now
It's Work
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Javanese Journeys
Jerusalem, the Holy City
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Box   4
Jolly Good Fellow
Juggling Fool
Jungle Thrills
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Katz Pajamas
Keystone Hotel
Kick Me Again
King for a Day
King of the Archers
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
King of the Islands
Kings of the Turf
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Box   4
Kissing Time
Knight Is Young, The
Lady in Black, The
Land of Romance
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Land of the Kangaroo
Land of the Magyar
Land of the Midnight Sun
Law of the Badlands
Lease Breakers, The
Let's Play Post Office
Box   4
Let's Sing a Song of the West
Lifers of the Party, The
Lions For Sale
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Listening In
Listen to the Bands
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
Little Jack Little
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Little Jack Little and Orchestra
Little Me
Little Miss Mischief
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Little Pioneer
Box   5
Littlest Diplomat
Lives in Peril
Logging Along
Lonesome Trailer
Long Bright Land
Louisiana Kings see: Swanee Cruise
Love Department-Claire, The
Love Nest, The
Love Thy Neighbor
Lucky Swede, The
Box   5
Lucky Thirteen
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
Maid for a Day
Mail and Female
Mail Bride
Main Street Follies
Man Killers, The
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Masks and Memories
Medium Well Done
Melody of Youth
Mexican Jumping Bean
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Box   5
Mexican Sea Sports
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Mexican Sportland
Mild West, The
Mills Blue Rhythm Band
Milt Britton and His World Famous Orchestra
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Minstrel Days
Minute From Death, A
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
Miracle Makers
Modern Methods
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Monsters of the Deep
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Box   5
Movie Mania
Movie Memories
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Moving Melodies
Municipal Band Wagon
Murder in the Pullman
Murder in Your Eyes
Murder with Reservations
Music of the Americas
Music to My Ears
Musical Memories
Box   5
Musical Mexico
Musical Movieland
Musical Mystery
Musical Novelties
Musical Operation, A
My Mummy's Arms
My Pop
Mysterious Ceylon
Mysterious Kiss, The
Name Is Familiar
Box   5
Nation Dances, A
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Nature-Artists, The
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Nature's Handiwork
Nature's Mimics
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Nautical, But Nice
Neckin' Party, A
Nervous Hands
New Horizons
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Newsboy's Nocturne
Nice Work
Box   5
Nick Lucas and His Troubadors
Night in Mexico City, A
Night Intruder
No Contest
'No' Man, The
Northern Lights
Nothing But the Tooth
Nothing Ever Happens
Notre Dame Glee Club
Box   6
Off the Beat
Off the Record
Officer's Mess, The
Oh, Evaline!
Oh, Sailor Behave
Okay For Sound
Okay Jose
Oklahoma Outlaws
Old Grey Manor, The
On Edge
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
Box   6
On the Wagon
One Day Stand
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
One For the Book
One on the House
Operator's Opera
Organ Novelty, An
Oriental Cocktail, An
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
Ounce of Invention
Out of Order
Out Where the Stars Begin
Box   6
Outdoor Living
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Over the Wall
Palm Beach Knights
Paree, Paree
Paris Glimpses
Paris in New York
Passing the Buck
Peach of a Pair, A
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
Pearl of the East
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Pearl of the Pacific
Box   6
Picture Palace
Picturesque Siam
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Pie a la Mode
Plane Crazy
Play Street, The
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Playing with Danger
Poets of the Organ
Points on Arrows
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Box   6
Policy Girl, The
Poor, But Dishonest
Poor Little Rich Boy
Postal Union
Pretty Polly
Pretty Pretender, The
Prisoner of Swing, The
Private Lessons
Prize Sap, The
Box   6
Projection Room
Public Jitterbug #1
Punch and Beauty
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
Radio Scout
Radio Silly
Rah, Rah, Radio
Rainbow's End
Rambling Round Radio Row #1
Ranch in White
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Rear Gunner, The
Box   6
Red Shadow, The
Reel Vaudeville
Regular Kids
Regular Trooper, A
Rhythm of the Rhumba
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Rhythm on Ice
Rhythm Roundup, The
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
Riding Into Society
Box   7
Right Timing, The
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Rimacs Rhumba Orchestra
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Rise and Sing
Rita Rio and Her Orchestra
Roaring Guns
Rocky Mt. Big Game
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Rollin' in Rhythm
Romance and Dance
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Romance in the Air
Romance of Louisiana
Box   7
Romance of Robert Burns, The
Romance of the West
Romance Road
Roof Tops of Manhattan
Ropin 'Em Alive
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Rovers Rangers
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
Rubinoff and His Orchestra
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Rubinoff and His Violin
Run Around, The
Rush Hour Rhapsody
Box   7
Saddle Up
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Sail Ho!
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Salt Water Daffy
Saturday Night Swing Club
Sax Appeal
Say It with Candy
Script Girl
Sea Legs
Seasoned Greetings
See, See, Senorita
Box   7
Seeing Eye, The
Seeing Red
Serves You Right
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
Service with a Smile
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Shake, Mr. Shakespeare
Shark Hunting
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Sheik to Sheik
Ship Is Born, A
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Shoestring Follies
Shopgirl's Evidence
Box   7
Show Kids
Side Show Mystery, The
Singing Silhouette, The
Six Hits and a Miss
Ski Flight
Ski Girl
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Ski Whiz
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Skull Murder Mystery, The
Sky Sailing
Slackers and Workers of the Jungle
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Box   7
Slapsie Maxie's
Slide, Nellie, Slide
Slum Fun
Smash Your Baggage
Smoked Hams
Sniffer Soldiers
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Snow Sports
So You Want An Apartment
So You Won't T-T-Talk
Soft Drinks and Sweet Music
Box   7
Some Class
Song Hits By Roy Turk
Song of Fame, The
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Songs of the Range
Songs That Live
Sons of Liberty
Sons of the Plains
Sophmore Swing
Sound Defects
South American Sports
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Box   7
South American Sway
Soviet Russia
Spanish America
Spanish Fiesta
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Speaking of Operations
Box   8
Spirit of West Point
Sporting Dogs
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Springtime in Holland
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Star in the Night
Stars on Horseback
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Steel and Stone
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Stolen Melody, The
Story Conference
Struggle For Life
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Box   8
Studio Murder Mystery, The
Study and Understudy
Subway Symphony
Sundae Serenade
Sunday Roundup, The
Swanee Cruise
Sweet Hearts and Flowers
Sweetheart Serenade
Swing For Sale
Swing Opera, A
Box   8
Swing Styles, The
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
Swingtime in the Movies
Sword Fishing
Symphony Murder Mystery, The
Syncopated City
Take the Air
Taking the Count
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
That Goes Double
That's Pictures
That's the Spirit
Box   8
Their Dizzy Day
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Then and Now
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Then Came the Yawn
There Ain't No Such Animal
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
There Goes the Bride
They're Off
Thirst Aid
Those Were the Days
Three Cheers For the Girls
Three Minute Fuse
Box   8
Throwing a Party
Throwing the Bull
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Tickets Please
Timber Giants
Tin Hat Harmony
Tip, Tap, Toe
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Toils of the Law
Toot Sweet
Toradja Land
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Box   8
Toreador, The
Toyland Casino
Trans-Atlantic Mystery, The
Transportations of the World
Trapped Underground
Treacherous Waters
Trial By Trigger
Trip Through a Hollywood Studio, A
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Trip to Sportland, A
Tropical Sportsland
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Box   8
Trouble in Toyland
Trouble Indemnity
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Tune Detective, The
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Two Shadows
Under the Wire
University of Southern California Band and Glee Club
Box   9
Up in Lights
Ups and Downs
U.S. Army Band
U.S. Coast Guard Band
U.S. Navy Band
Use Your Imagination
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Vacation Daze
Vaude Festival
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Vaudeville 4
Scope and Content Note: Title list only.
Box   9
Vaudeville Hits
Vaudeville Is Back
Verge of Disaster
Visit to South Seas, A
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Vitaphone Billboard
Vitaphone Broadwayites
Vitaphone Capers
Vitaphone Casino
Vitaphone Celebrities
Box   9
Vitaphone Diversions
Vitaphone Entertainer
Vitaphone Frolics
Vitaphone Funsters
Vitaphone Gambles
Vitaphone Gayeties
Vitaphone Headliners
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Vitaphone Highlights
Vitaphone Hippodrome
Vitaphone Internationals
Box   9
Vitaphone Spotlight
Vitaphone Stage Show
Vitaphone Topnotchers
Vitaphone Troupers
Vitaphone Varieties
Vodka Boatman, The
Voice That Thrilled the World
Wagon Wheels West
Waiting Around
Box   9
Wardrobe Girl
Wash Your Step
Water Sports
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Way of All Freshmen, The
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
We Do Our Part
We Eat to Live
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Wedding Yells
'Wee' Men
Weekend Mystery, The
West of the Rockies
Box   9
Whale! Ho!
What An Idea
What - No Men
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
What the World Makes
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
What This Country Needs
What's the Idea?
When Fish Fight
When in Rome
When You're Single
While the Cat's Away
Box   9
White Sails
Who Is That Girl?
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Why Pay Rent?
Wife of the Party, The
Wild Boar Hunt, The
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Wild Wings
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Winnah, The
Women in Sports
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
Wonder Sports of the World
Words and Music
Box   9
Workers of the World
Scope and Content Note: Dialogue only.
World's Champ
World's Fair Junior
Yeast Is Yeast
Young America Flies
You're Killing Me
You're Next to Closing
Yours Sincerely
Zero Girl