McDonald Davis & Associates Political Products, 1964-1983


McDonald Davis & Associates is a Milwaukee advertising firm best known for its political campaign management in behalf of various national and Wisconsin Republican political candidates. The firm has been known for its pioneering work in behalf of health care marketing and legal advertising.

The firm was founded in 1963 by Richard E. McDonald and Charles O. Davis and known as McDonald, Davis & Schmidt Inc. and later as McDonald Davis & Associates. The agency gained its first prominence when it was selected to coordinate the advertising and publicity for Warren P. Knowles' 1964 gubernatorial campaign. The strategy which the firm conceived and the success of their candidate in the face of nationwide Republican reverses earned the young firm a national reputation for political campaign management. In subsequent years, they were hired again by Knowles and also by a large number of Republican candidates for legislative and judicial offices in Wisconsin.

The services which McDonald Davis & Associates offered included design of the overall campaign strategy; fundraising; creation, production, and distribution of advertising and publicity; research and issue development; and coordination of volunteer campaigns.

In 1967 McDonald Davis was approached by Richard Nixon, not yet a declared candidate, to manage his presidential primary campaign. Because of the crucial importance of the Wisconsin primary in the overall Nixon strategy, McDonald Davis' efforts in behalf of the Nixon primary victory greatly aided in the restoration of Nixon's status as a national figure and further enhanced the firm's professional reputation. In 1972 McDonald Davis coordinated Nixon's Wisconsin campaign, the only local firm to be so employed. McDonald Davis worked in support of President Gerald Ford in 1976 in Wisconsin and Vice-President George Bush in the 1980 Wisconsin primary and general elections.

Following the 1980 election Charles Davis left the partnership to take up political consulting on a fulltime basis, although the firm continued to be known as McDonald Davis & Associates. During the 1980s the firm ceased working as political campaign managers and turned to the health care field where it rapidly developed a reputation for its pioneering efforts in marketing.