Virginia Georgieff Papers, 1942-1951


Virginia Georgieff was born 29 March 1917 to Peter T. and Zaharia Georgieff; her parents were from Yugoslavia. Her father was a restaurant proprietor who immigrated to the US in 1907. Her mother came to the US in 1915. Both Virginia Georgieff and her sister, Violet, attended Bay View High School.

Virginia worked for several years as a legal secretary before serving in the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVE) of the US Navy from 1944 to 1946. She attended college on the GI Bill and worked intermittently for the Milwaukee Public Library while going to school. She began as a library aide, became a librarian in 1951 and then the manager of the Solomon Juneau and Llewellyn branch libraries. In 1966 she returned to Milwaukee Public Library's Central branch and remained there until she retired in 1982. Virginia Georgieff passed away 6 July 2013 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.