Ross Family Home Movies, 1927-1936

Contents List

Container Title
Madeline Island and children, 1927
Note: Footage of children playing on dock, a black bear drinking from soda bottles, footage of shoreline and row boats, kids playing in front of homes.
VBB 425
Viewing copy
DE 129
Master copy
AE 390
Young America, 1927
Note: With intertitles. Children set up a lemonade stand, Summer, children playing on slide, running and biking on sidewalk, Mom reads paper on front porch, children playing with dog and her puppies in yard, Ted dancing on front porch, takes Mom's newspaper, Ted playing with toy truck on sidewalk, visitors getting out of car, kids on tricycle, Ted drinks Canada Dry ginger ale for first time, children on bikes, girls sitting on front porch, children in sandbox, girl carrying American flag, grandparents? getting off a train in a city, children playing in yard.
AE 391
La Jolla, California, 1927
Note: La Jolla, California, family on beach flying a kite, Dad in suit on beach with boys, toddler pulling a toy duck, girl feeding seagulls, Ross family on beach by beach house, waves crashing on shore, family all dressed up walking down a neighborhood street in California with Spanish style houses, digging and playing on beach.
AE 392
1927 October
Note: Beloit, children on bicycles, Dr. and Miss Fletcher, Meads, mother in old gown, Geneva Christmas and New Year's, Foxes and Collins, children playing in snow, sledding and shoveling, Pat Ma, 1928 neighborhood kids playing in tree.
Madeline Island and children, 1927-1929
Note: Footage of a church, Leo Capoer's cottage, Bayfield, Sunset, Island Golf tournament.
VBB 426
Viewing copy
CB 278
Master copy
CC 670
Note: Segment 1: D.D. roller skating, children bicycling, playing football in yard; Segment 2: D.D. riding a bicycle and tricycle, and playing with dog Spark, Spark playing with rabbits in pen; Segment 3: D.D. playing with steamroller on sidewalk, Spark playing with rabbit in play pen; Segment 4: Children having races in the yard, family puts on a fashion show; Segment 5: Ross and Collins Young, swimming, D.D. in pink at Marty Garden; Segment 6: Father and mother at Geneva, children playing in snow.
AE 393
Note: Spring or summer, Hull kids playing and goofing around in yard in front of Geneva house, adults dressed up in coats in front yard, women laughing, Winter 418 Geneva house exterior, 1929 women walking in snow with camera in front yard, horse with sleigh, children playing in snow, shoveling and sledding, Mrs. Ross waving to camera, smiling.
Madeline Island and children, 1928-1930
Note: Footage of children playing in backyard, Frank mending road, also contains footage of President Calvin Coolidge visiting Wisconsin in 1928.
VBB 427
Viewing copy
CB 279
Master copy
AE 394
Skiing, 1929
Note: January Campden skiing, adults and children skiing in woods, downhill skiing on small hill, wipeouts on bottom of hill, children tobogganing, more wipeouts downhill skiing, close-ups of adults and children smiling and talking to camera, children sledding and playing in snow, skiing off of a wooden ski jump.
AE 386
Pierre La Point Trading Post, 1929
Note: Segment 1: Dopps at Geneva 1929, having picnic in summer, families playing ball games; Segment 2: D.D. and other children and adults dressed up in Indian costumes for festival at “Pierre la Pointe” trading post, golf tournament at driving range; Segment 3: Children on the Hull Beach and dock in Fall; Segment 4: D.D. at Island in September, Thanksgiving in Geneva, men and children playing football in the yard, D.D. playing in snow.
AE 387
Note: Segment 1: D.D. playing in the snow in January; Segment 2: Ted's birthday, dogs playing with bowls in March; Segment 3: Brownies Troop gathering in June, rabbits playing in pen; Segment 4: Start of cruise, D.D. and children swimming.
AE 388
1930 Summer
Note: Segment 1: Long Isle, Gulls Hulls; Segment 2: Cynthia camping, Skeedadler swimming; Segment 3: Sally Poteat, D.D. at Geneva, July 4 at Island, J.R. Poteat, Edison General Electric; Segment 4: Sally Poteat, Brownies Troop gathering.
Madeline Island and children, 1930-1936
Note: Footage of camping, playing baseball, swimming, carnival, Labor Day.
VBB 428
Viewing copy
AC 771
Master copy
AE 389
Note: Segment 1: Campton 1931, Poteats and Collins, D.D. towed by Ted, Spark and rabbits; Segment 2: D.D. wheeling Spark in buggy, family and Cynthia Cooke playing with dogs in yard at Geneva, Ted as “bride,” family playing baseball with Collins at Campton; Segment 3: D.D. and children playing, Jerry and Spark swimming in July; Segment 4: Cooke's at Island, Man sawing wood outdoors, children playing on sidewalk in Geneva, children sledding in Winter, family on Island in 1932, Summer on the waterfront.