Janet Wright papers

Contents List

Container Title
Box   1
  Folder   1
International Review, "Collection of Materials on the International Situtation", issue 1 1928
Box   1
  Folder   2
International Review, "Collection of Materials on the International Situtation", issue 2 1928
Box   1
  Folder   3
International Review, no. 2 December 13, 1926
Box   1
  Folder   4
International Review, no. 13 December 20, 1926
Box   1
  Folder   5
International Review, no. 21 February 23, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   6
International Review, no. 24 March 18, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   7
International Review, no. 25 March 25, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   8
International Review, no. 26 April 1, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   9
International Review, no. 27 April 8, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   10
International Review, no. 28 April 15, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   11
International Review, no. 30 April 30, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   12
International Review, no. 31 May 6, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   13
International Review, no. 32 May 13, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   14
International Review, no. 33 May 20, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   15
International Review, no. 34 May 27, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   16
International Review, no. 35 June 3, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   17
International Review, Special Number on the Chinese Revolution June 5, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   18
Special Number on the Chinese Problem, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   19
Bulletin of the China Research Institute of the Communist Workers' University of China, no. 1 January 1, 1929
Box   1
  Folder   20
Bulletin of the China Research Institute of the Communist Workers' University of China, no. 2 January 20, 1929
Box   1
  Folder   21
Bulletin of the China Research Institute of the Communist Workers' University of China, no. 4-5 February 19, 1929
Box   1
  Folder   22
Bulletin of the China Research Institute of the Communist Workers' University of China, no. 6 February 19, 1929
Box   1
  Folder   23
Bulletin of the China Research Institute of the Communist Workers' University of China, no. 38-39 December 25, 1928
Box   1
  Folder   24
Bulletin of the China Research Institute of the Communist Workers' University of China, no. 40 December 31, 1928
Box   1
  Folder   25
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 1, Notebook 1 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   26
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 1, Notebook 3 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   27
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 1, Notebook 4 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   28
KUTK, Materials for the 4th assignment on China for Course 1 1928
Box   1
  Folder   29
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 1, Notebook 5 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   30
KUTK, Assignment no. 5 on China for Course 1 1928
Box   1
  Folder   31
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 1, Notebook 6 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   32
KUTK, Assignment no. 6 on China for Course 1 1928
Box   1
  Folder   33
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 1, Notebook 7 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   34
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 1, Notebook 8 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   35
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 1, Notebook 9 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   36
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 1, Notebook 10 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   37
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 1, Notebook 11 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   38
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 2, no. 1 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   39
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 2, no. 2 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   40
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 2, no. 3 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   41
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 2, no. 4 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   42
KUTK, Additional Assignment for collection no. 4, Course 2 1928
Box   1
  Folder   43
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 2, no. 5 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   44
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 2, no. 6 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   45
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 2, no. 7 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   46
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 2, no. 8 [2 copies, in Russian and Chinese] 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   47
KUTK, Collection of Assignments for the 1928-29 Academic Year, Course 2, no. 9 1928-1929
Box   1
  Folder   48
Party Building, assignment no. 1 1927
Box   1
  Folder   49
Party Building, assignment no. 2-3 1927
Box   1
  Folder   50
Party Building, assignment no. 4 1928
Box   1
  Folder   51
Party Building, assignment no. 5 1928
Box   1
  Folder   52
Party Building, assignment no. 6 and the materials for it 1928
Box   1
  Folder   53
Party Building, assignment no. 8 1928
Box   1
  Folder   54
Materials on current issues of party building, issue 1 1928
Box   1
  Folder   55
Materials on current issues of party building, issue 2 1928
Box   1
  Folder   56
Material for assignment no. 2 on party building, Book 1 1928
Box   1
  Folder   57
Material for assignment no. 3 on party building, issue 2 1928
Box   1
  Folder   58
Material for assignment no. 3 on party building, issue 3 1928
Box   1
  Folder   59
Party building, materials for assignment no. 4, issue 1 1928
Box   1
  Folder   60
Party building, materials for assignment no. 4, issue 2 1928
Box   1
  Folder   61
Party building, materials for assignment no. 5, issue 1 [title page only] 1929
Box   1
  Folder   62
Party building, materials for assignment no. 5, issue 2 1929
Box   1
  Folder   63
Party building, materials for assignment no. 6 1929
Box   1
  Folder   64
Party building, materials for assignment no. 6, Subject: Communication 1929
Box   1
  Folder   65
Party building, materials for assignment no. 7 1929
Box   1
  Folder   66
Party building, materials for assignment no. 8 1929
Box   1
  Folder   67
Party building, Some aspects of the labor issue in Canton [Guangdong], Materials for the assignment on propaganda 1928
Box   1
  Folder   68
Resolutions of the plenum of the ECCI [copy 1], 1927
Box   1
  Folder   69
Resolutions of the plenum of the ECCI [copy 2], 1927
Box   1
  Folder   70
Resolutions of the 7th plenum of ECCI on the Chinese question [copy 1], 1927
Box   1
  Folder   71
Resolutions of the 7th plenum of ECCI on the Chinese question [copy 2], 1927
Box   1
  Folder   72
ECCI Resolution on the Current Moment of the Chinese Revolution, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   73
Resolutions of the 9th plenum of ECCI, book 2 1928
Box   1
  Folder   74
Materials of the 10th plenum of ECCI, 1929
Box   1
  Folder   75
Resolution of the November plenum of the Chinese Communist Party, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   76
Resolutions of the 5th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, 1927
Box   1
  Folder   77
Resolutions of the 6th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, 1929
Box   1
  Folder   78
Report and closing speech of the representative of ECCI at the 6th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, 1928
Box   1
  Folder   79
Institute of Chinese Studies, Materials for the Second Plenary session of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party 1929
Box   1
  Folder   80
Resolutions of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, 1927
Box   2
  Folder   1
Kuomintang [Chinese Nationalist Party] Resolutions against the right wing, 1927
Box   2
  Folder   2
Resolutions of the 4th All China Conference, KSM [Komsomol] 1927
Box   2
  Folder   3
"Tasks of the Chinese Revolution" advanced article published in "Pravda" on September 30, 1927 1927
Box   2
  Folder   4
"About the work of the Communist Party among Women" Proletarians of all countries and oppressed peoples of the whole world unite!, 1927
Box   2
  Folder   5
Issues of the Chinese Revolution (facts and figures), 1927
Box   2
  Folder   6
Reasons for the Defeat of the Revolution and Trotskyist Opposition to the Chinese Question (Theses for party circles on the Chinese question), 1927
Box   2
  Folder   7
Thesis: Party and Komsomol, 1927
Box   2
  Folder   8
Why the Chinese Communist Party leadership went bankrupt by Mandalyan, July 16, 1927
Box   2
  Folder   9
History of the Revolutionary Movement in China in the 19th and 20th centuries. Socio-political relations in the are of imperalism: Chapter 5, 1928
Box   2
  Folder   10
Material on the Chinese Question, 1928
Box   2
  Folder   11
Cantonese Uprising, a collection of articles dedicated to the anniversary of the Cantonese commune 1929
Box   2
  Folder   12
China by the end of 1928, issue 1 1929
Box   2
  Folder   13
Chinese Communist Party Charter, 1929
Box   2
  Folder   14
Comintern in the East: from the journal Communist International, 1929
Box   2
  Folder   15
Communist Magazine, issue 1 November 1929
Box   2
  Folder   16
Theoretical Problems of the Chinese Revolution, 1929
Box   2
  Folder   17
Essay on the history of the 1911 Revolution, Part 2-3 1929
Box   2
  Folder   18
"The China Party History Research Office is seeking memoirs" [questionnaire], 1930
Box   2
  Folder   19
Communist International Monthly, volume 1, issue 1 February 15, 1930
Box   2
  Folder   20
Chapters 1-3 of "The main stages of development of Comintern", 1930
Box   2
  Folder   21
Materials on the history of the Communist Party of China, speech of the delegate from CPC to a general meeting of KUTV students 1932
Box   2
  Folder   22
Table of Contents [and pages 1-7], 1928
Box   2
  Folder   23
Table of Contents [single page], Undated
Box   3
  Folder   1
[Original acquisition list of materials, with note to Dianna from CW] Undated
Box   3
  Folder   2
[Personal files, 6 pages of handwritten notes] Undated
Box   3
  Folder   3
Articles from Li-shih Yen-chui (LYSC) #1 [Historical Research journal, pages 3-40] 1977
Box   3
  Folder   4
Articles from Li-shih Yen-chui (LYSC) #5 [Historical Research journal, pages 17-36] 1977
Box   3
  Folder   5
Articles from Li-shih Yen-chui (LYSC) #7 [Historical Research journal, pages 3-14] 1979
Box   3
  Folder   6
Articles from Li-shih Yen-chui (LYSC) [Historical Research journal, pages 13-18] Undated
Box   3
  Folder   7
[Journal article] from Red Flag magazine (Hongqi) no. 11, 1979
Box   3
  Folder   8
[Journal article] Greatness comes from pratice by He Changgong from Red Flag magazine (Hongqi) no. 12, 1979
Box   3
  Folder   9
[no title page, published by Sun Yat-Sen University, Moscow, 159 pages] Undated
Box   3
  Folder   10
Marxist research reference materials, issue 20 December 25, 1979
Box   3
  Folder   11
Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences held a seminar on Mao Zedong's philosophical thought [include note to recipient at top of page], 1979
Box   3
  Folder   12
[Journal article, possibly from Szechuan Studies Journal] The party's struggle to crush Zhang Guotao's right leaning separatist line on the Long March 1979
Box   3
  Folder   13
[Journal article] The spread of anarchism in China and its bankruptcy by Kuang Shanji, Undated
Box   3
  Folder   14
[Journal article] A preliminary study on comrade Chen Yun's economic thoughts by Guan Mengjue from "Economics Research Journal", issue 4 1982
Box   3
  Folder   15
[pages 1-4] published by Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, issue 2 February 1983
Box   3
  Folder   16
[Journal article] About nationalism by Li Zehou from Ming Pao Monthly, February 1993
Box   3
  Folder   17
[Journal article] Mao Zedong and "Cultural Revolution" by Wang Ruoshui, March 1993
Box   3
  Folder   18
[Journal article] by Li Zehou from "Ming Pao Monthly", August 1993