Abraxas Press records, 1966-1992

Biographical / Historical

Abraxas Press is a small, independent press located in Madison, Wisconsin, specializing in contemporary American poetry. ABRAXAS, an independent little magazine published by the press, was founded in 1968 by Warren Woessner and James Bertolino. It was one of Wisconsin's first little magazines. Woessner and Bertolino served as editors of the magazine for the five issues, until the departure of Bertolino. David Hilton then joined the press as an editor after Issue 10. The format of ABRAXAS became more review-based. Hilton left his role as editor in the 1980s, although he continued to have his work published in the magazine. In 1981, Ingrid Swanberg assumed the position of executive editor, with Woessner remaining as executive editor and continue in those roles today. Under Swanberg, the magazine returned to its original format, primarily containing poetry. Some of the poets whose work has been featured in ABRAXAS include Charles Bukowski, among others. The most recent issue of ABRAXAS was #49, published in 2015.

In addition to the little magazine, Abraxas Press has published a number of pamphlets, chapbooks, and books. Books published by Abraxas Press include Essays and Dissolutions by Darrel Gray, Clinches by Ray DiPalma, The Moving Journal by Jim Stephens, and The Part-Time Arsonist by F. Keith Wahle.

Abraxas Press website: http://www.abraxaspressinc.com/Abraxas.html