Walter Hamady Collection, 1973-2016

Container Title
F086 .G3
Series: Germany - General works.
Scope and Content Note: Pamphlets and books concerning Germany's involvement in World War I are gathered under this call number. Some are bound together while some are bound individually. These items span the years 1914-1950, but the majority of them were published in Germany between 1917 and 1919. This being the case, these are primarily German language texts, although English and Danish are also present. Both pro- and anti-German opinions and propaganda are represented. Eight editions of The Protestant Weekly Letter by Dr. Adolf Deissmann are included in this group. These were sent from Berlin to German sympathizers in the United States between November 1915 and January 1917. In addition, a 1937 edition of Ernst Jünger's book, In Stahlgemittern: ein kriegstagebuch , is also housed here.
folder F086 .G3
Nine items.
volume 1
Farlig Optimism.
volume 2
The Germans and the Small Nations: an Interview with Lord French.
volume 3
Germany's Plans for World Domination.
volume 4
volume 5
Speech made by the Imperial Chancellor von Bethmann Hollweg in the Reichstag on December 2nd, 1914.
volume 6
"Grosse Schritte." Typescript poem, signed in pencil "Ernst Bruncker / Milw."
volume 7
Germany's Food Supply.
volume 8
A Searchlight on Germany: Germany's Blunders, Crimes and Punishment.
volume 9
Can Germany be Starved into Submission?
volume F086 .G3 | 10
The New German Empire: A Study of German War Aims from German Sources. [from the Sellery files]
volume F086 .G3 | 11
German Resources and the War. [from the Sellery files]
volume F086 .G3 | 12
The Session of the German Reichstag. [from the Sellery files]
volume F086 .G3 | 13
Germany's Fateful Hour. [from the Sellery files]
volume F086 .G3 | 14
Germans as Exponents of Culture. [from the Sellery files]
volume F086 .G3 | 15
The Awakening of the German People. [from the Sellery files]
volume F086 .G3 | 16
Does the German State Recognize the Moral Law? [from the Sellery files]
volume F086 .G3 | 17
Linguistic Oppression in the German Empire. [from the Sellery files]
volume F086 .G3 | 18
German Truth and a Matter of Fact. [from the Sellery files]
volume F086 .G3 | 19
General Von Bissing's Testament: A Study in German Ideals. [from the Sellery files]
volume F086 .G3 | 20
German White Book on Armed Merchantmen, with facsimiles of the Secret Orders of the British Admiralty. [from the Sellery files]
volume F086 .G3 | 21
Truth about Germany/Facts about the War. "Popular edition," published by . [from the Sellery files]
volume F086 .G3 | 22
Deutsche Weihnachten!
volume F086 .G3 .95G31 | 1
14 bound pamphlets.
volume 1
Sozialismus und Krieg.
volume 2
Kriegs- und Friedensprobleme der Arbeiterklasse.
volume 3
The Wilhelmshaven Revolt.
volume 4
Der Imperialismus und die Spaltung des Sozialismus.
volume 5
Der Opportunismus und der Zusammenbruch der II. Internationale.
volume 6
Kriegssozialismus in Theorie und Praxis.
volume 7
Meine Londoner Mission 1912-1914.
volume 8
Das Deutche Weisbuche.
volume 9
Der Idealismus als Träger des kriegsgedantens.Perthes' Schriften zum Weltkrieg, Vol. 3.
volume 10
Zimmerwald oder Sozialimperialistische Internationale. Kampfruf, Nr. 3.
volume 11
Der Springende Punkt.
volume 12
Der Irrtum von Zimmerwaldkiental.
volume 13
Krieg und Socialpolitif. Tat-Flugschriften 6.
volume 14
Revelations of Prince Lichnowsky.
volume F086 .G3 .95P19 | 1
5 bound pamphlets.
volume 1
Deutschland, sein eigener Richter!
volume 2
Warum verloren wir den krieg?
volume 3
Die diplomatischen Berhandlungen vor Ausbruch des Weltkrieges auf Grund der Farbbücher.
volume 4
Deutche Zeitungsausschnitte.
volume 5
volume F086 .G3 .B46
German War Aims.
volume F086 .G3 B46 P
The Pan-German Programme: The Petition of the Six Associations and the Manifesto of the Intellectuals. Introduction by
volume F086 .G3 C56
Zum deutschen kriegsziel: ein flugschrift.
volume F086 .G3 D36 | 13 [Oversize]
Protestant Weekly Letter. Feb. 26, 1915.
volume F086 .G3 D36 | 17 [Oversize]
Protestant Weekly Letter. March 26, 1915.
volume F086 .G3 D36 | 20 [Oversize]
Protestant Weekly Letter. April 16, 1915.
volume F086 .G3 D36 | 50
Protestant Weekly Letter. Nov. 13, 1915.
volume F086 .G3 D36 | 51
Protestant Weekly Letter. Nov. 20, 1915.
volume F086 .G3 D36 | 52
Protestant Weekly Letter. Nov. 27, 1915.
volume F086 .G3 D36 | 79
Protestant Weekly Letter. May 24, 1916.
volume F086 .G3 D36 | 111
Protestant Weekly Letter. Jan. 8, 1917.
volume F086 .G3 D47
Deutsche Ziel.
volume F086 .G3 D47 D
Das Deutsche Volk und der Friede.
volume F086 .G3 D47 YB38
Die Deutsche Vaterlandspartei.
volume F086 .G3 D93
Durch deutschen Sieg zum deutschen Frieden.
volume F086 .G3 ER6
Für deutschen Sieg und deutschen Frieden.
volume F086 .G3 .G78
Das Kriegssteilnehmer-Schutzgesetz.
volume F086 .G3 .J948
In Stahlgemittern: ein kriegstagebuch.
volume F086 .G3 .K28
Kriegszielpolitik und friedensschluss.
volume F086 .G3 .L
My Mission to London, 1912-1914.
volume F086 .G3 .N39
Gedanken und Wünsche zur Gestaltung des Friedens.