World War I Collection

Detailed Description/Box and Folder Listing
Container Title
Series: Causes and origins of the war; political forecasts.
Scope and Content Note: Comprised of 41 pamphlets and paperback books, the publications gathered under this call number are concerned with theorizing the causes of World War I. Many recount the history of events leading up to the war's outbreak. A variety of political and national stances are represented here, including both pro-German and anti-German opinions. English, German and French are the major languages present in these items, and the primary nationalities are English, French, German and American (with additional contributions from Scotland and Canada). Related subjects include the role of the papacy, the Austro-Serbian conflict and labor's relation to the war.
volume F0814 | 1
Russia and France on the Road towards the World War: From the Diplomatic Correspondence of a Russian Statesman.
volume F0814 | 2
Index to the Great War of Europe.
volume F0814 | 3
Steht ein Krieg gegen Deutchland in naher Aussicht und was sind seine Folgen für die Schweiz?
volume F0814 | 4
Treitschke Bernhardi and Some Theologians.
volume F0814 | 5
Papal Guilt of the World War.
volume F0814 | 6
Zur Vorgeschichte des Kriegs.
volume F0814 | 7
The Dawn of Armageddon, or "The Provocation by Serbia."
volume F0814 | 8
Damning Revelations of Germany's Turpitude.
volume F0814 | 9
The Vilest and Most Gigantic Lie of History.
volume F0814 | 10
The War Spirit of Germany.
volume F0814 | 11
The War and Its Causes and Its Message.
volume F0814 | 12
Les documents officiels sur les origines de la guerre.
volume F0814 | 13
Les Origines et le Sens de la Grande Guerre.
volume F0814 | 14
Disclosures of a German Staff Officer: the Letter of Paul Ehrhardt, Merchant, Soldier, and Spy.
volume F0814 | 15
Vom geschichtlichen Erlebnisgehalt der Versailler Schuldthese.
volume F0814 | 16
The Poison that Destroys.
volume F0814 | 17
The War Guilt: A Series of Illuminating Articles from the Columns of The Progressive.
volume F0814 | 18
Bilddokumente zur Kriegsschuldfrage.
volume F0814 | 19
Où sont les responsabilités morales de la Grande Guerre?
volume F0814 | 20
Why the German Nation has Gone to War: An American to Americans.
volume F0814 | 21
Questions on the Issues of the War. War Issues Course.
volume F0814 | 22
Why? The Real Issues and Causes of the War in Europe.
volume F0814 | 23
Pouquoi nous nous battons.
volume F0814 | 24
A Military Forecast: The German Campaign Against France.
volume F0814 | 25
Why Are We at War?
volume F0814 | 26
An English Ante-Bellum Criticism of the War.
volume F0814 | 27
The Events of July 1914.
volume F0814 | 28
Why the War Must Go On.
volume F0814 | 29
War and the Workers.
volume F0814 | 30 [Oversize]
The Great Fraud.
volume F0814 | 31
Why Must the War Go On?
volume F0814 | 32 [Oversize]
The Crime against Europe: Possible Outcome of the War of 1914.
volume F0814 | 33
Revelations by an Ex-Director of Krupp's. [from the Sellery files]
volume F0814 | 34
Prussianized Germany: Americans of Foreign Descent and America's Cause. [from the Sellery files]
volume F0814 | 35
Plain Words from America: A Letter to a German Professor.
volume F0814 | 36
Bernhardi Converted.
volume F0814 | 37
British and German Ideals: The Meaning of the War.Reprinted from The Round Table.
volume F0814 | 38
How the War Came to America.
volume F0814 | 39
The Causes of the European Conflict. [from the Sellery files]
volume F0814 | 40
How Britain Strove for Peace: A Record of Anglo-German Negotiations 1898-1914. [from the Sellery files]
volume F0814 | 41
Who wanted war? The origin of the war according to diplomatic documents. [from the Sellery files]
volume F0814 | 42
Great Britain and the Next War. [from the Sellery files]
volume F0814 | 43
War Book of the University of Wisconsin: Papers on the Causes and Issues of the War by Members of the Faculty. [from the Sellery files]
volume F0814 .D476 [Oversize]
Deutscher Frauenausschuss zur Bekämpfung der Schuldluge....
volume F0814 .D56 W
The War and the Way Out.
volume F0814 .D628
Schuldfrage und Bayerische Dokumente.
volume F0814 .EN8
England on the Witness Stand.
volume F0814 .G31 [Oversize]
Germany's Just Cause.
volume F0814 .K98
Who Caused the War: A Study of the Diplomatic Negotiations Leading to the War.
folder F0814 .L61 X
The Lichnowsky Memorandum.
volume 1
Germany's Confession: the Lichnowsky Memorandum.
volume 2
Prince Lichnowsky's "Memorandum."
volume F0814 .N834
Conquest and Kultur: Aims of the Germans in Their Own Words.