Steven S. Cullen Aldermanic Records, 1978-1992


Steven S. Cullen was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, spending his entire life in Milwaukee’s 5th Aldermanic District. He was a graduate of Washington High School and attended college at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. Cullen was first elected Alderman in 1980 and re-elected in 1984 and 1988. Cullen won the 1988 election by re-count over John Lehman 8,783 votes to 8,689. As an alderman, Steve Cullen was known for an aggressive and outspoken style of politics. He was a strong supporter of affirmative action and minority business enterprises. He was also a proponent of neighborhood block watch programs. Critics of Cullen often mentioned a lack of access to the Alderman in order to relay their concerns over how city government was working.

During his time in office Alderman Cullen served as the chairman of the Judiciary and Legislation Committee and vice chairman of the Finance and Personnel Committee. He also served as a member of the Utilities and Licensing Committee and the Public Safety Committee. He married local WTMJ television news reporter Gael Garbarino and they had two children together. Cullen died in 1995 at the age of 40 as the result of a sudden heart arrhythmia. The 8k, “Steve Cullen Healthy Heart Club Run/Walk” is run in the Milwaukee area every year in his honor to raise money for cardiovascular research at the Medical College of Wisconsin.