Sarah Peek Collection, 1910-1949


The Wisconsin State Normal School was built in Milwaukee in 1885. It operated under this name until 1927, when it became the Milwaukee State Teachers College. The name changed once more in 1951 to the Wisconsin State College, Milwaukee, before finally merging with the University of Wisconsin Extension division in 1956. This merger resulted in the formation of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Milwaukee-Downer College opened in 1895 as the result of a merger between Milwaukee College and Downer College, both institutions dedicated to the education of women. The Milwaukee-Downer Seminary was a part of this institution. Each college has a distinct history. Milwaukee College opened in 1850 as the Female Normal Institute, and Downer College opened in 1855 as the Wisconsin Female College. Milwaukee-Downer College merged with Lawrence college in 1964, and its buildings remain a part of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee campus.

Sandburg Hall is a student residence hall on the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's campus. It was constructed in two phases, the first phase establishing the North, South, and West towers in 1970. These three buildings were the first residence halls at the university. The second phase saw the construction of the East tower in 2000.