Fine Arts Quartet Records, 1910-2016

Socialist Party Presidential / Vice Presidential Candidates

1900 Eugene Debs / Job Harriman
1904 Eugene Debs / Benjamin Hanford
1908 Eugene Debs / Benjamin Hanford
1912 Eugene Debs / Emil Seidel
1916 Allen Benson / George Kirkpatrick
1920 Eugene Debs / Seymour Stedman
1924 Robert M La Follette / Burton Wheeler
1928 Norm Thomas / James Maurer
1932 Norm Thomas / James Maurer
1936 Norm Thomas / George A. Nelson
1940 Norm Thomas / Maynard Krueger
1944 Norm Thomas / Darlington Hoopes
1948 Norm Thomas / Tucker Smith
1952 Darlington Hoopes / Samuel Friedman
1956 Darlington Hoopes / Samuel Friedman
1960 no nominee
1964 no nominee
1968 no nominee
1972 no nominee
1976 Frank Zeidler / J. Quinn Brisben
1980 David McReynolds / Diane Drufenbrock
1984 Sonia Johnson / Richard Walton
1988 Willa Kenoyer / Ron Ehrenreich
1992 J. Quinn Brisben / William Edwards*
1996 Mary Cal Hollis / Eric Chester
2000 David McReynolds / Mary Cal Hollis
2004 Walter Brown / Mary Alice Herbert
2008 Brian Moore / Stewart Alexander
2012 Stewart Alexander / Alejandro Mendoza
2016 Mimi Soltysik / Angela Nicole Walker
2020 Howie Hawkins / Angela Nicole Walker
* Edwards died during the campaign and was replaced by Barbara Garsen