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Icelandic Online Dictionary and Readings

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með prep /adv

A. prep (acc)
1. (um flutning (fylgd)/of accompaniment)
koma ~ e-ð/e-n
take sth/sby along, bring sth/sby
vera ~ e-ð
have sth along with one
ertu ~ lyklana?
have you got the keys?
2. (í lýsingarskyni/used in descriptions)
maður ~ loðna kjálka
man with a hairy chin
hún er ~ fallegt hár
she has beautiful hair
3. phrases
fara vel ~ e-ð
treat sth well
vera ánægður ~ e-ð
be pleased with sth
B. prep (dat)
1. (um samfylgd/of accompaniment)
koma ~ e-m
accompany sby
drekka mjólk ~ matnum
drink milk with one's food
hún á tvö börn ~ manninum sínum
she has two children by her husband
2. (í lýsingarskyni/used in descriptions)
hús ~ burstum
house with gables
kjóll ~ nýtísku sniði
dress in the latest fashion
3. (um vinnuhátt/of means)
mola steina ~ hamri
break stones with a hammer
gera e-ð ~ annarri hendinni
do sth with one hand
~ þessu verður ýmislegt hægt
in this way all sorts of things will be possible
4. (meðal) among
hann var ~ þeim bestu
he was among the best
þetta tíðkast ~ Íslendingum
this is customary amongst Icelanders
5. (um stefnu/of direction)
sigla ~ landi
sail along the coast
6. (um tíma/of time)
það hlýnaði ~ morgninum
it got warmer in the course of the morning
þetta batnar ~ tímanum
it will get better in the course of time
~ því að
since, because
~ því að gera þetta
by/in doing this
C. adv
ertu ~ ?
1) are you coming along?
2) do you follow? do you understand?
þann dag og nóttina ~
all that day and the following night too

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